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Category: Link Building

Chat through link building best practices and outreach techniques.

  • Hi everyone, I just read this article: and I can confirm this is true because one of my websites drastically lost its rank last week due to high percentage of targeted keyword within back links. Thus, what I'm worrying about is the anchor text within back links. I'm about to launch a new web site soon that will be publishing lots of landing pages for a travel niche. What I initially thought is to optimize landing page by page, so when the current page ranks well to move on to next one and so on. I thought that, by ranking a single landing page well, will have some positive impact to the rest of landing pages. But, after a lot of time spent on studying link building strategies, I decided to spread back links among landing pages equally. I will try to get as much as possible back links from the relevant content and high quality sites (press releases, guest posting, link exchange, social networks promotion). Please correct me on this one if you disagree. According to the above article, the recent google panda update calculates a percentage of keywords among anchor text and it would be the best to keep those at less than 30%, including "link", "here", "" etc. For instance, lets say that my website counts 500 landing pages and every single one targets a different low competition exact keyword. So, if I start building back links equally for each of the landing pages and I want to cover each one with a back link from a relevant content, what should I use for the anchor text? Initially I thought the keyword should be the anchor text, but after I read the article I'm not so sure any more. I guess search engines would say something like: "Ok, there are 500 landing pages and 500 different anchor texts pointing to different pages that belongs to", perhaps this should increase TLD's authority but what will happen to the landing pages? Would search engines (primarily google) see them as a 100% single anchor text and harm the rank? I really appreciate your help. Thank you!

    | vlddlv

  • We have 14 affiliate sites that have a sitewide banner linked to one of our pages. The banner link is "follow" and contains an alt text that includes a brand name and a keyword. Are these links harming us, or creating value? We were hit by Panda 2.0 - do you think it might be the reason?

    | imoney

  • Hello, I'm trying to get external links from different websites. is one of them. Now what I am wondering is that 95% of the links on that page arent paid links. The paid links are in bold. To get a link for free on that website you need to place a link on your page to that page. This is not alloud by google, and if you do so you will get a penalty. How do all those websites manage to do it? They obviously know it is not alloud, but still they managed somehow to do this without getting penalized. Can someone clarify this for me? Best regards,

    | Onlinedesignmeubel

  • Regarding this article on forum signature links, is this good advice? Doesn't Google suggest a nofollow on these types of forum links? On a related matter, is it a good practice to add a Google Plus link in forum signatures? Best,

    | ChristopherGlaeser

  • Hello Looking into links to my one of my sites (over 10 years old) I've found that along with some bad spammy links, around 80% of my inbound links are from directories that are exact copies of ODP. Should I be concerned about / asking for removal / disavowing these links? Normally I would be trying to get rid of low quality links like this, but since they are ODP clones I'm not sure it's worth the effort. The sites openly state that their data is from ODP (Open Directory Project), but does this mean Google ignores them? I could spend my whole life swatting these links. Thoughts? Edit: I'm hoping for suggestions that specifically reference the ODP clone site situation. I did not create these links, I guess I should have made that more clear.

    | droo

  • Looking at the list of linking domains in Webmaster Tools I have come across 36 from domains similar to ** or .net, where ** is a number.  They are all duplicates and get their data from DMOZ. I'm cleaning up the link profile and my question is should I be concerned to get these cleaned up especially as I have some more serious links to clean out and possibly need to use disavow? Actually if I need them removed and the sites state I have to go through DMOZ to do so is that good enough for Google to understand that I can't really manually remove these links and I can proceed to disavow them?

    | MickEdwards

  • I have heard a great variety of views concerning the anchor text used for link building post Penguin 2.0 but have yet to hear some consensus. Some say the anchor text for external links should be different than internal. Some say brand should be used on external and keywords on internal. Some say brand and a variety of keywords on external. Any thoughts on a strategy consistent with google expectations and guidelines?

    | casper434

  • For a large part of our SEO we have been focusing on inbound links (mainly from guest posts and blogger reviews). But our rankings have dropped (though I understand there is a natural fluctuation in rankings quite often) this week and it occurred to me that we should be focusing more on internal link building as well. We, of course, link often to our home page and have related products on every page but we lack a lot of direct key word links in in our description. Would it behoove us to be on a specific product page--take for example owls and friends wall decals--and somewhere in the description add something like "our nursery wall decals are safe for....and have "nursery wall decals" be the direct link since that is a key term for us? I just wanted to make sure that we are headed in the right direction before I spend a massive amount of time updating all these product pages. Any input would be really helpful. Thanks so much, Elizabeth

    | WNL

  • If we think to buy expired or otherwise dropped domains, what tools or techniques you would recommend to check if there has bad SEO history? We could of course, check with Google itself if the site is indexed and ranks, but I am asking if there is a particular tool out there that would provide more information if a website had been shady. Thanks so much, guys! Lily

    | wspwsp

  • Hi, We collecting links from some directory and forums etc but i am not quite sure if they are effected from Penguin update. Would you please guide me how i could check this? Thank you

    | Rubix

  • We're doing some content marketing. I've heard that it is a good idea to target even PR1 and PR2 sites (small DA sites). I'm concerned about these sites disappearing after a few months, as we've found that losing a backlink can sting a bit and be worse than never having it. Though this isn't as big a deal any more. Anyways, can somebody say when a PR1/PR2 backlink would be appropriate to go after? Some of them would be easy and if it's appropriate I'd like to include them. So far they would only pass our standards if they are Above PR0 Look like a white hat, quality site from the outside Have a clean backlink profile Look like they're going to stick around Successful Social Media Accounts a plus What are you guys' criteria for including these sites? Do you gain value from them?

    | BobGW

  • Has anyone here had experience doing SEO for an Adult DVD website?  A company has approached me and they obviously only want White Hat practices.  I have used open site explorer to do research on some competitors. The top competitors of this company seem to have only a few high PR links from High Authority industry sites and almost all have a link from the Yahoo Directory. Does anyone know where or how to create high authority content links from this niche?  It seems that most of the competitor links are on sub par pages and are single links in the side nav of other sites. I am not sure if I can post a link to the company here but any suggestions on link building for adult sites would be great.  Please remember they are a retailer and don't have pop up advertising or any illegal content. Thanks,

    | macs22

  • Hello everyone! Just a quick question about inbound links! I managed to be listed as a guest writer on a blog and I am allowed to publish two articles (maybe more if I had more time to write) on it with one link for each article. The blog has a very good PR compared to my PR2 site. My website is an e-commerce site and I was thinking to build few links pointing to different pages of the site, but because links come from the same domain will it benefit? By the way there is not link exchange or anything, I get a link for the articles I publish. Cheers Oscar

    | PremioOscar

  • I am aware that Google's Penguin 2.0 update is looking to tackle the increasing numbers of links from poor quality websites & blogs. The advice since Penguin 1.0 has been to create a natural backlink profile, ensuring that there is a balance between keywords-rich anchor text and brand terms. I tend to link using Branded anchor text to the homepage of my website and use keyword anchor text sparingly to link to subpages/categories elsewhere on my website. My question is what exactly is too much in terms of anchor text? If for example I have 5 or 6 keyword-rich links inbound to a sub/category page, do I need to also get some brand anchor text into these sub/category pages too?

    | DHS_SH

  • I am trying to find PR websites for UK , I have only a few. When i search on Google, mainly agencies offer Press Release services comes up. I was wondering if you guys can guide where i could find more PR websites? Thanks

    | Rubix

  • Hey Folks, First post! I have a 4 year old site with reasonable authority (49) and lots of content. Easy first question. I plan to create lots more unique, useful and relevant content however I'm in a quandary as to whether to: A. Post the content on our sites blog or B. Submit the article to an article directory like ezine-articlesand backlink to my site. Is one better than the other? Thanks, Richard

    | Rich-O

  • Hi, I have noticed that I have got some unwanted spammy back-links. I want to get rid of them. From what I read on Internet, there are two ways to doing it. Using disavow tool in GWM. Contacting individual webmaster and asking them to remove the mentions or links. I have already added the links in the disavow tool and Google has accepted the request. Is it necessary to ask those webmasters to remove the link as well?

    | tradestreet

  • Hi everyone! I was wondering if anyone of you know if the Yahoo Directory accepts Spanish websites. My website has its 100% market in Mexico, so i havent seen the need to put an english version of the site. I dont know if i can accomodate my site under regional or something in order to avoid translating the ecommerce site. Or i must put an english version of the site. I would deeply thank your comments. Thanks,

    | JesusD

  • We understand that links are still required to your site in order for it to rank well, but what is the best method of now obtaining those?

    | benjaminrhys

  • Would it be worth submitting to a couple dozen article directories (like EzineArticles) just one time? Each with a unique article? Or have these links just become toxic all together? I know that people have abused article directories, but what about in moderation as part of a larger, overall SEO plan?

    | JABacchetta

  • A blogger told me that " does not allow blogs to show advertisements or use links to sites that sell merchandise of any kind" is this true? Am i wasting my outreach time trying to get links from wordpress operated blogs?

    | odegi

  • We have a few informational blog posts that are valuable to some readers. We have posted them in our blog but were contemplating posting them on 3rd party blogging websites such as Blogger, Squidoo, etc.. Ideally we would continue to maintain these accounts with multiple blog posts, but would all be reposts of the original blog. These are not half english blog posts just hoping to gain a better Google rank. They will provide value to the readers who might not be finding their way to our website directly. Is posting these blog posts on the 3rd party websites, linking back to the original article and maybe some products that are related to the specific document going to negatively affect our rankings due to the duplication of the content?

    | wishmedia

  • I am working hard to get backlinks from other blogs by submitting deal tips. I am a deal blog so I am wondering - is it better to get a backlink to a specific post that will expire because it is a time sensitive deal or sale? Or is it better to get a backlink to my homepage? I focus on the best blog with PR of 7 and DA of 72 as well as others that are high up there. In case I am not being clear, which backlink is better? A. B. Sometimes I won't have a choice but just wondering what I should focus on or if it even matters. Thanks!

    | dealblogger

  • Hello! I know this may sound a bit weird, but has anyone experienced any search engine rankings drop after Penguin on Bing and Yahoo as well? I am trying to locate the issue with one website I am doing optimization on and it has ranked lower on some keywords on all three search engines, directing me to suspect there's an issue with the site itself. Thanks!

    | Njave_MCP

  • Is it? 🙂 Here is what it looks like, its on everypage I have, should I only list it on my most popular pages? Tell me if it looks good, bad or ugly

    | cbielich

  • I would like to ask i have found on blog:  "Forum posting is an important effective SEO Link Building Method to getting quality traffic and quality back links to your website. Learn here about forum posting basics, advices and guidelines." Is it true? Forum posting with backlink to my website can help me to rank better? I mean posting on the related  forum website?

    | joekoo1

  • Hello, my site keep losing the serp with the keyword "love messages" for the site From May first week, the rank dropped from 3rd to 5th, then 5th to 9th and so on. Now the rank is 25th !!!! Mainly after penguin 2.0 update. Can any SEO expert give me a audit and advice on why thats happening to my site and how i can recover the serp again?

    | rimon_dxnx

  • Hi - I'm working on a site that has somewhere between 1200 and 1500 backlinks.  Somewhere around 800 or 1000 of the links have one of four or five exact keyword phrases that this company paid a former seo to create links for. They ranked well for those phrases until last fall and then almost overnight they fell completely out of the first 50 SERP results.   They did NOT receive a manual penalty.  This leads me to two questions: 1.  This sounds like they were hit by Penguin, rather than Panda.  Do I have that right? 2.  Is there any value in disavowing the 800 or so spammy links?  Is there any danger in doing so? Thanks!

    | tcolling

  • Hi, I've noticed that some our competitors are publishing unique content for each PR websites. Is that how it should be? Thanks

    | Rubix

  • Hi I have been undertaking back linking for our website and have submitted our site to a range of online directories and quite a few of them are currently live. However when I download the Open site explorer report I'm not seeing these links included in the back link list. Can anyone tell me when they are likely to appear please?

    | Hardley

  • I recently received a unnatural link notice from Google.  The thing is, I haven't done any link building in the last two years. So, I looked at my latest links report within Google Webmaster Tools and see where one of our dealer's website has been updated recently and now includes a site-wide link to us. Site note: My brand name as the anchor text ... no keywords nearby. I think this is what may be causing the problem because nothing else within the report really jumps out at me.  Also, it lines up with the timeline.  It looks like they changed their site to include the link at the beginning of April.  Google was noticing the links throughout April and to the present.  I got the notice May 19th. Now, I have a good relationship with this dealer and can have him change anything I want at the drop of a hat. The question is, by having him change it am I admitting to Google wrongdoing and thus hurting myself by inviting further scrutiny.  Should I leave it as is since it truly is a legitimate link? Google having false positives like this really muddies the water. Thanks guys!

    | tatermarketing

  • Hi there! My client has a web about kitesurfing (he offers a bilingual kitesurf camp) and after thinking about linkbuilding actions I've come into conclusion that the only effective way of generating backlinks is make the sharing NATURAL via high quality CONTENT creation and distributing it through different digital channels as some of you told me before. The problem is that the website is much 1.0 (static) rather than 2.0 (there's no blog and there's neither time nor resources to mantain it). Therefore I feel I bit limited in the process. Does anyone share my statament? Any advice? Thanks in advance

    | juanmiguelcr

  • Well, here's one for the linkbuilding experts. I'm having a discussion with a client regarding a linkbuilding campaign utilizing a blog. Which is better: A. Setting up a blog on a subdomain ( and anchortextlinking to main domain ( or B. Setting up a blog on an external domain ( and anchortextlinking to client domain ( I've had success earlier with a blog on a subdomain (solution A), but everyone in the internets-sphere says external links is better.... Well, which is it?

    | Bolius

  • Hi, If a blog has 100's of quality blog posts all with PR 1-3 but has no internal linking going on, what kind of affect would it have if someone was to go through all the pages using mixed anchor text (where it fits) back to money pages. Would generating 100's of internal links from a blog in a matter of days cause problems / flag up to SE's. I'm guessing it would be best to stagger it over a long period of time. Cheers

    | Bondara

  • Hi All I have a finance calculator that our IT team have built and I would like to get it distributed to sites will find it useful, I am contacting sites that I think will directly benefit from the calculator, but are there sites that I can share it on (like you would use youtube for video)? Thanks Sean

    | MotoringSEO

  • I'm working with a site owner who recently hired an SEO to work on just one particular type of keyword.  It seems like the more work the SEO did, the lower the keyword gradually dropped.  Granted, the "work" is pretty low quality - anchor texted bookmarks, comments and low quality articles.  We're doing an experiment where we are going to disavow those links and see if the previous rankings return. Another site that I am consulting with has a lot of good natural links and then some anchor texted links, but from decent sources - some guest posts (on good sites - not a spammy site that exists only for guest posts) and some places where decent websites have agreed to link to the site.  The anchor texted links do not make up very much of the overall anchor text.  There is good diversity and lots of brand and url anchored links.  It seems like the more the SEO does for this site, the more the rankings drop.  And it's not all about anchor text.  The SEO placed a link in a relevant directory, using the url as anchor...rankings dropped a little.  They obtained an expired domain with relevant and very natural links and 301'd it to the new domain...rankings dropped several places.  And so on.  Occasionally the rankings will pop up a little, but overall it's a downward spiral. Check out this post by Gary Taylor.  He did an experiment where he took an established site that was ranking well and threw some spammy links at it.  To quote the article, 'every day goes by my ranking for the term “domains” is getting harder to maintain.'  He recently tweeted that he has been removing and disavowing links and the rankings are returning. I was looking at searches for real estate related terms in different cities.  In some cities, the top sites are ones that have ZERO obvious SEO done to them.  There are sites ranking on page 3 that have been SEO'd, and not all of them have poor SEO.  Many are what I would consider really well done.  Some of the sites ranking on page 1 have under 10 links.  There was one with 2 followed links and they were not from super authoritative sites! To complicate matters though, if you look at searches like "Toronto Real Estate Agents" some of the top sites have lots of keyword anchor texted links. Perhaps this should be a blog post rather than a Q&A, but I would love to hear some of your thoughts.  My personal thought is that Google's main goal with Penguin and the unnatural links warnings is to make it so that not only is it not profitable to try to manipulate the SERPS, but that every time you try to do so, you potentially do your rankings harm. I used to say that Penguin could only affect a site on the date of a Penguin refresh, but I am thinking now that Google has managed to roll Penguin into the algorithm to some extent  so that it can demote the majority of any work that smells of SEO. Thoughts?

    | MarieHaynes

  • I used Keyword A for Page A, and Keyword B for Page B.  Now Page B ranks on the first page in Keyword A.   When I create backlinkS with Keyword A, should I link to Page A or Page B?

    | joony2008

  • I wonder if Google would consider those three links to be the same? page.html page.html

    | lucek

  • In the home improvement industry (windows, doors and conservatories) what is the best approach with regard to PR in order to build quality links. It's a lot easier if  you are selling a computer, mirror, widget etc as you have an actual product that you can send magazines,bloggers, journalists to review/feature for inclusion in their publications. It's a lot more difficult if you are a builder, double glazing installer etc to get this PR coverage as you have nothing to send them to review, feature etc. What approach do the experts on the forum think that would work best in the double glazing industry to secure coverage across publications both online and offline?

    | ocelot

  • Dear community, How do you deal with website that ask for return links? Regards, Martin

    | Onlinedesignmeubel

  • We got a link for a client this week from a 93DA website .. how long will it take to actually show up in DA or will it affect it at all? We have a problem with a site, ranking above our client with a very spammy link profile - so I'm hoping this could help to bump them back up to #1 Thanks, Laura

    | lauratagdigital

  • Good Morning... I was wondering if anyone has any thoughts or advice on an internal linking strategy for an e commerce website. I was thinking about adding a link to all of the subcategory pages that says: "View All : main keyword" and having my main keyword hyperlinked back to the home page. This would provide users who have gotten to a subcategory page that may not be exactly what they are looking for simply click that link and go back to the home page to select a different category.... Would having an internal link with the same anchor text on roughly 30 pages hurt my rankings?  Wouldn't that help users navigate through my site? As always, any thoughts/advice or strategy tips are appreciated. Thanks

    | Prime85

  • So I have removed all errors to the site, have the keywords where they go in the title, and yet I dropped a spot.  For those experts out there, are linking domains just everything these days?

    | jonnyholt

  • I need free high page rank directories list. I know about this list  need more sources. Thanks

    | GM007

  • I need USA based local directories list any one can help ??? I know about this list Also i need list of Local directories based on Denver Colorado separately and Charlotte NC separately. Thanks in advance for any help or guidance.

    | GM007

  • I want to know best practices of Google Local Optimization 2013and need sources. Thanks

    | GM007

  • Hi I would like to publish article with backlink to gambling related website in PR directories - page rank 3 and more. Each articles wil be unique -no duplicate. Is it googe for seo? Thanks.

    | centrum

  • Hi My website is focused on slovakian customers, I instaled google translate tool on my website (english spoken visitors can translate content) - If Im going to get some backlinks from foreign language websites related to  my website is it ok for SEO? Of course Im talking about website significant Page rank. Thanks for answer.

    | centrum

  • many of my blogpost are not ranking with same title , no where in google , both sites have same problem my other sites are performing well but these do have serious problem i have made no back link/ spam comments etc please advise me what should i do.

    | Ghazanfar78

  • I am not an SEO by any means and would appreciate any advice I can get as I try to understand this field just a tiny bit better. I own an Etsy shop and have a blog that promotes my products (party supplies) and feature birthday parties that have been thrown by moms/party planner, etc. I've been fortunate to meet a group of great blogging friends in my niche along the way. Every Friday,  we have been sharing one post from each other's blog in a round up post to try and drive a bit of traffic to each other. Is this something that would be penalized by Google? Thanks so much for your time.

    | spaceshipsandlaserbeams

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