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Category: Image & Video Optimization

Explore how to optimize your website's images and videos for search.

  • Hello, One of my clients has about 20 different google places pages at locations that are not real. The previous SEO company thought that would help with local search. My problem is that several great reviews have been written on each page by real customers. I want to close the places pages for locations that don't exist, but I don't want to lose the reviews. Is anyone aware of a solution for this? I have searched Google's forums and have not found anything.

    | Bjolley

  • We are currently in the process of changing all of our image names and their alt-tags to be descriptive of their content. For instance, changing image names from image0001.jpg to blue-cell-phone-cover. We have hundreds of images on our site, would it be best to rename all of the images and update their tags in one sweeping change or trickle the changes, uploading changed images every other day or so?

    | Buildings

  • Today, I was checking my Google merchant center account. I come to know that, there are 145 inactive products are available from product feed. I have checked few products manually and found following error. "The URL specified in your data feed wasn't working correctly when we reviewed this item." You can view more by attached image. I have checked my URLs and it's working well. There is no issue in URL. So, How do I fix issue? 6327664099_0430ef187e_b.jpg

    | CommercePundit

  • Hi All. Just wanted to double check something with you folks. I've always been under the impression that you should complete the first category option in Places with a default category from Google's list of options, followed by 4 categories of your choice. However, does the 1st category need to be a default option or can it be any one of the 5? Also, do you think anything is gained in the rankings by adding a category of your own choice as the 1st category? There's nothing in the Quality guidelines that suggests the 1st category needs to be a default option, so I thought I'd throw this out there...

    | PerchDigital

  • Hi, All! If you're doing trying to get a foreign site (in English) to rank for local SEO in that country (in English),.do citations in the native language help?  Google does seem to know that the business name in English and the foreign language are the same (e.g. if you search in English, it will return some results in the foreign language with the business name in the foreign language bolded).  And addresses Google can also tell are the same, as evidenced by Google map searches in both languages pinpointing the same location. So - are citations in the foreign language relevant to help the page rank higher for a local query in English? Any thoughts? Thanks, Aviva

    | debi_zyx

  • Hi, All! Another local SEO question... For one of our clients, the title on their Place page is <official business="" name=""><city>.  Example: John's Sporting Goods Detroit.  Now, most citations will say "John's Sporting Goods."  Is having "Detroit" as part of the business name in Places problematic (NAP inconsistency) and we should remove it, or is it helpful for ranking for "sporting goods detroit" or is it neither?</city></official> Thanks! Aviva

    | debi_zyx

  • I'm 90% sure that local SEO doesn't have an affect on international rankings (it doesn't logically make sense that it would) but I wondered if someone could verify that assertion for me, either from experience or by pointing me in the direction of a resource/article that states it. Have searched high and low but can't find anything thanks j

    | jamesjackson

  • Can anyone recommend a good tutorial for tagging video content?  We need to optimize the video HTML code to improve search results. thanks.

    | BPIAnalytics

  • With regard to the proximity to the city centre if you google 'chartered accountants swansea' you will see that the 2nd google places listing 'drpaccountants' are located way out of the city centre and they have no photos, reviews etc Where as on my listing it has a 100% completed profile but am way down the results, when many of the top places results are very basic What else needs to be done apart from getting reviews?  I have added lots of local citations to the likes of Yelp, Qype, Hotfrog etc but none are showing under the listing on google places? Also is there a reason why the description field is not being populated in the google places account? As from some of the other top places listings it seems to be picking this up from their website? The other issue is under the dashboard it displays 0 impressions and 0 actions is this normal? What is my places listing missing or have I done everything I possibly can and just have to wait for Google to re-rank the places results? I

    | idv

  • We have a client in our area that offers a multitude of home services -- plumbing, HVAC repair, landscaping, etc. -- out of one physical location. It makes it difficult for them to rank highly for all of their services in local search since many of the competitors that rank highly only offer one of the services that they do. They have come to me asking if they could create a Google place page for each service by making imaginary suites for their main address. So, for example, plumbing would be located at 100 Main Street, Suite A; and HVAC repair would be located at 100 Main St., Suite B; etc.? Seems like this is either a great idea or could get you into some Google trouble. Has anyone experienced anything similar? Thanks

    | monkeeboy

  • My page speed results are here, showing a speed of 40 seconds. I get an F for compress text, compress images and cache static content.How do I resolve this? Also.. I've set up a CDN.  Is it a problem for SEO, that there is a copy of all my images and content at We get lots of search traffic through google images search.

    | devdg

  • Is there a free/cheap self hosting video site? Can't afford wistia, but want to do it for the seo benefits

    | anchorwave

  • Hello Everyone, What is the best strategy when it comes to optimizing a website that services more than one city. So, say I'm in computer fixing business and I have offices in New York, San Francisco, Seattle, Denver, Miami & Dallas. (took me a while to come up with some US cities) - how should I structure my website so that I look relevant for every city? Is it possible to display specific information for users coming from specific cities, say someone browsing from San Francisco will see my main page optimized for San Francisco (containing a real address, phone number all the necessary stuff). I'd really appreciate your thoughts on this. Thank you in advance, Alex

    | pwpaneuro

  • I use both UBL (universal business listing) and LocalEZE to submit local listing information. UBL submits to the big database companies but LocalEZE has direct relationships with many of the local listing sites. UBL says they submit to LocalEZE but my LocalEZE agent just told me that they don't publish data from UBL so I basically have been lied to by UBL for a year saying they use LocalEZE to publish as well. I feel companies have a responsibility to make ethical business decisions and I don't know how comfortable I am using UBL. Does anyone have any recommendaitons for providers other than UBL for mass local listing data submission?

    | qlkasdjfw

  • A manufacturing client has distributors around the world. Can I add these distributors to my client's Google Places account through the bulk upload feature? Is there a better way to ensure that people searching in the company's various territories see a Google Places entry for the appropriate distributor?

    | joshfialkoff-77863

  • At the minute 12 out of my 16 clients are Local SEO clients.  I'm new to SEO Moz and still only at the low level subscription which gives me 5 campaigns.  It seems to me (and I may be wrong) that SEO Moz is more suited for my clients that want to rank nationally.  SEO Moz seems like it might be a little overkill for using up a campaign for local seo.  I'm going to stay with SEO Moz as it is great for the few clients I have that want to rank nationally.  So my question is does anyone know of a similar company to SEO Moz that focuses soley on local seo? Does anyone have experience with Bright Local?  How about shedding some light on what reporting software is good for LOCAL SEO? Thanks

    | fun52dig

  • My first thought is no. But I am definitely looking for some loopholes. If there is any way to make this work, please share your thoughts.

    | itrogers

  • We often use images from a dynamic image server, to cater for image asset management, multiple sizes etc.  Similar to Adobe's Scene7, although that came out after we chose our product. So may have all its images with a URL like;width=100;height=100;angle=90,  instead of A potential client wants to capitalise on traffic from Google image search. We could build an image sitemap, listing the images on each page. What should we place in the image:loc field? The code:;width=100;height=100;angle=90 Apparently we have to verify the hosting site in Webmaster Tools, but I can't see where. I have a single Webmaster Tools account, where most of our sites are defined. Would I have to verify it for each site using the dynamic imaging program? Love to hear from anyone with solutions for getting images indexed when they are hosted at third-party dynamic imaging programs.

    | ozgeekmum

  • Hi I have followed the examples set by David Mihm and fully completed a Google Places listing - with the geographical area covering the area that it serves along with lots of local citations but when searching on google for 'accountants swansea' it is way down on page 4 of the places results. Does it take time for Google to recognise these changes to Places listings or is my listing incorrect to attract a high listing for the search phrase.  Looking at the competition many of them have not optimised or done anything with their listings pages so I am at a loss to explain why the listing is doing so badly. The places listing is at,Swansea,+Neath+Port+Talbot&cid=9815784575213492240&ei=UN6WTt7UJ8rasga-ocTrAw&sa=X&oi=local_result&ct=placepage-link&resnum=7&ved=0CFcQ4gkwBjge

    | idv

  • In your Google Places listing on the website link option should this point to a specific location based page for your business? For example my company have several locations in different towns and cities, at present they all point back to the homepage, but should they point back to a specific location based page on the website as I am sure Google looks at the website link for location based text and it its pointing at the homepage which has generic title and h1 tags etc and does not cover location based text then the Google Places listing ranks lower as it displays the meta title in the places result? This is the only thing I can think of because the listings that appears top 2 have no additional info, no photos, no reviews etc while my listing has a description, images, video etc and the centroid location is nearer to the centre of the city than many of the others so I am at a loss again to work out why Google is ranking this so poorly in Local Search?

    | idv

  • Hi- I was recently forced to migrate my Google account. After going through the process my Google Places profiles associated with this email was suspended. I've read the quality guidelines and I'm pretty certain that my account was suspended because: --
    Account Email Address: Use a shared business email account, if multiple users will be updating your business listing. If possible, use an email account under your business domain. For example, if your business website is, a matching email address would be There seems to be no way to change the email address associated with a Places account. I've pretty much resolved to obtaining emails at the business domain and setting the profiles up again from scratch. Before I do this does anyone have any other ideas? I've posted the question at Google webmaster forums and have only found other similar unanswered questions. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you! LHC

    | lhc67

  • I have uploaded 6718 products to The Find merchant center. There is no error in data feed as per dashboard. I got only 13 visits from The Find in October 2011. [1st October to 13th October] Is there any specific method to improve performance over The Find Merchant Center? OR any success story or experiment which help me more to understand about this issue.

    | CommercePundit

  • HI, My Problem:  Multiple businesses in one location, under one Google Places account, one being reviewed. My Question:   see very bottom of this post Background:  I am trying to help a client get both of his businesses ranking in Google Places.  The problem is the office building has multiple doctors/practices in the same building and gave no business suite numbers to doctors that rent office space.  Here is the list of the other businesses in the office:  The problem escalates because the doctor I am trying to help has a chiropractic business & a spinal decompression business, both legal entities, both different registered company names, different phone numbers, and websites, but both located in this office building.  He rents two offices (they should be suites) in the building.  The problem escalates even more because the doctor has registered both locations (see below) in his Google Places account: Westchester Spinal Decompression Center
    1241 Mamaroneck Avenue, White Plains, NY 10605 (914) 421-1502 ‎ Joint Effort Chiropractic
    1241 Mamaroneck Ave., White Plains, NY 10605 (914) 368-7668 ‎ The first (spinal decompression) was registered a long time ago and ranks #1 for "spinal decompression white plains NY."  The second he just confirmed the Google Post card a few weeks ago and has been under review since. More research so you can help me better: The "The Shop for Holistic Health / The Shop at Full Circle", a businesses location in the same office building has verified their account and ranks #1 for "women's health care white plains NY" and "midwife white plains NY."  Another business,in the same office building "Keras-Donaghy Melissa S", has not claimed their listing and ranks #1 for "Women’s Health physical Therapist white plains NY"  Another business, "Kuhl Josephine MD,"  has not claimed their listing ranks in the top 10  for "Adolescent Psychiatrist white plains NY." My Question:   What do I do, wait it out and see if Google will remove the "under review" under his current Google Places account or do I add a suite number now and see if Google will send another post card?  Or do I create a new account, add the business, add a suite number this time, and see if they will confirm it.  I don't want to do this because the doctor already has 12 reviews on this Google Places account.  If I do do this, what do I do with the Google Places account under review?

    | WebBizIdeas

  • Hi fellow mozzers! We are currently relaunching our website and are in the process of ensuring all our local citations are up to date and consistent. In doing so, I've noticed that there are still countless listings under our old address, which probably isn't doing our local rankings a whole world of good! I have been hunting these down by searching "company name" "old address" to bring up any references, but I wondered if there was a tool to find these quicker, in the same way Whitespark finds citation sources to begin with? Similarly, is there a tool that flags up listings that have the correct NAP info, but that has maybe been formatted differently enough so as to cause consistency probs? Thanks all!

    | themegroup

  • Hello, one of my clients has a site that ranks well in but is a Canadian company and therefore has a canadian address. They have not yet done any local optimization so if I was to add them to local directories, would that hurt their ranks in the states or anywhere else?

    | matmox

  • Hello All, It will be helpful if anyone can list the benefits of linking the company logo (on every page of the website) to the home page, and how important it is in terms of internal linking / SEO factors. Thank you.

    | NortonSupportSEO

  • Hi We are taught that Ratings on Google Places are becoming more and more significant for SEO purposes and with GoogleAds. Does it penalize you to send your link for GooglePlaces to a client in an email and blatantly ask for a rating if you know they are pleased with you? If it does, is there any way to increase your ratings.  After all most of your clients are unaware of just how powerful this can be. Thanks

    | PH292

  • Has anyone created a top (Insert # Here) list of local business listing sites we should manually submit to?  I have around 20 or so but I was wondering if someone could give me a list to cross reference.  I have quite a few local business that I work with and I want to make sure I'm hitting all of the main local listings.  I also spend time searching for niche listing sites too for each client, so if you have any suggestions on easier ways to find these as well, I'm game. If you have created a list and its out in the wild somewhere I will be happy to link to it from my site.   I'm always open to giving some LL to helpful people. Who's up for building a tool that will search through X number of local directories and report back to you if you are listed or not.  (Not  You can select a checklist of sites that you want to check.  (; Thanks Aaron

    | Shipyard_Agency

  • I have putting to use some great advice I have gotten on here for my Google Places page. I just noticed, however, that my page isn't showing almost all of the information that I have submitted directly in Google Places.,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1416&bih=744&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=pet+medical+center+of+las+vegas&fb=1&gl=us&hq=pet+medical+center+of&hnear=0x80beb782a4f57dd1:0x3accd5e6d5b379a3,Las+Vegas,+NV&cid=13431404354265657899&ei=uykmTpDtPIfGsAPD75jmCA&sa=X&oi=local_result&ct=placepage-link&resnum=1&ved=0CB4Q4gkwAA Description not showing Reviews from 3rd party sites not updating Details are only from Dex Knows - NONE I have written within Google Places are showing up More About This Place section has not been updated since I took over the page 3 months ago (still showing old URL for our website as a citation and not our new one) What is going on? Any ideas? -Brant

    | PMC-312087

  • Hello Seomoz! I have strange behaviour at google places with one company. I have submitted company Air Condition SPB to goole places and it was on the 13th page at google places (keyword "продажа кондиционеров Санкт-Петербург"), and after some days it disappeared from google places at all for that keyword and many others. After that I did changes in company name at google places and that company appeared at google places again. And I was watching this strange behaviour at google places for that company many times. Could you tell me what can cause that strange behaviour? Thank You, Dmitri

    | zhuk

  • Hi, Our company is in 2 locations. It's doing really well in San Francisco, California But we've opened a 2nd location in Salt Lake City, Utah The problem is that our site is all about San Francisco, California. Utah is just as important as San Francisco to us and we need to start tailoring to both. People from Utah say they are confused because our site is so tailored to California. Even our domain name is the keyword "NLP" combined with the state initial "CA" for California. A new domain is not an option. One thing we are thinking of doing is changing our header to say "The NLP and Coaching Institute and the NLP Institute of California". It would say both of our company names and hopefully the first would catch the Utah people. But I don't think it's just our banner. Can you take a look at our site and tell us how to tailor to both locations and keep our current working optimization for San Francisco, California? Thanks!

    | BobGW

  • Frist time question, so excited! 🙂 We are hosting videos on Wistia for a new series we're calling Tatango University  - Very similar to Whiteboard Fridays as you can tell - thanks Rand for the idea. My question, should we also be uploading the videos to YouTube or will this somehow we looked at as duplicate content or video spamming? Also, if we host them on YouTube will they always come up before our videos on our own site, therefore driving all the traffic to YouTube? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

    | Tatango

  • Hello We're going to upload a bulklisting to Google Places for multiple locations. However, there are existing Google places listings for these locations. The bulklisting is being used to undertake a refresh of all the existing data. How do we go about updating the existing data i.e. do we have to delete the existing information prior to submitting the bulkload, or does a new submission over write the existing data. In addition, how does Google Places verify a bulkload submission i.e. do they make contact with the designated business owner. How long does such a process actually take (roughly!). I know some of this is touched on in the Goolge Places help section, but it is not clear and I don't want to get this wrong for obvious reasons. Thanks in advance for your assistance. Rgds Neil

    | mccormackmorrison

  • I am thinking about hiring this company to do SEO work for 3 months (minimum contract). Anything I should be aware of? Questions I should ask? (calling them back today) There are so many people out there claiming to be the best that it is overwhelming - especially with the overall cost involved. The company was started by Peter R********? Supposedly the "SEO Godfather." Any help is greatly appreciated!

    | PMC-312087

  • Wondering what the pro's thoughts are on using Xrumer or drip feed blast on building links to Web 2.0 properties to rank in the SERP's? I know it could be dangerous to spam your site with these but do you see any harm in using them on web 2.0 properties like YouTube to get video's or other content to rank high?

    | afranklin

  • Does uploading our video to youtube, with link pointing back to our site, is counted as backlink to our site ?

    | seoug_2005

  • Hi I want to add the same video (that is hosted on YouTube) onto a website on more than one page. Is it ok to use the same same video link in each instance? Are there any benefits in doing this? Are there any detrimental effects from an SEO perspective? Thank you

    | PH292

  • I am considering using Wistia as a video platform to host video content I don't want listed on YouTube.  One of the features they have (I bet they all do) is to allow other webmasters to embed the video on their site as well. If a webmaster embed's one of my Wistia videos on their site, do I get link juice?  ...or is this only helpful to help spread branding?

    | TheDude

  • Apart from using a parameter in my url, how can i segment the traffic that comes from my google places listing from the google serp (not google maps).  It'd be nice if you can specify a display url and destination url in places profiles like you can with adwords. cheers! marc

    | lexnex

  • Looking for someone to take over our local seo - to maximize our visibility in Google Places. Currently I am looking at the company Local-One. Has anyone heard of them or have any feedback on their website/services offered? There are so many different people out there claiming to be the best that it is overwhelming. Thanks for the help!

    | PMC-312087

  • I have decided to give my website a boost by outsourcing some of my SEO. Especially looking for building quality backlinks and help with Google Places. Any good recommendations?

    | PMC-312087

  • Hi All, One of my clients recently requested my team at our agency to do a bulk up load of business locations. We did the bulk upload and it came to around 652 or so locations in the form. I have done some serious bulk uploads in the past  around 500 locations but never this high. My question is to SEO moz what is the largest bulk upload or single upload you have done on Google Places?

    | JamesNorquay

  • Hi all, My company sells a direct-to-consumer product nationwide. We have competitors that sell  through local distributors. Therefore, many customers think that this is a product that must be bought locally. Because so many people search for this product locally, we want to be able to rank for local searches. But, because we sell nationwide, we don't have localized content. We have a competitor that created a page for each state which lists every zip code and city name in the state, but that seems pretty labor intensive (and not all that effective). Any ideas on how to address this problem would be much appreciated. Thanks!

    | responselink

  • Hello, Hope this hasn't been answered but no combination of searches could turn it up. What is the impact for those using a co working space such as in regards to Google Places and local searches? Assumedly there will be multiple 'businesses' using the same address including suite number. Does this cause issue with Google understanding that these are truly legit 'offices' and work address for honest to goodness businesses? Suppose part of the challenge may be those using this address for just mail and answering... Guess my point is, will 20-40 people using the same address for their places profile be a problem? What alternatives exist for these folks? Thanks y'all!

    | kyegrace

  • Hey all, We recently ran a video content contest on a micro site and we generated some links for the URL. In December we are planning on doing a redirect of the domain to our YouTube channel where all of the videos hosted.  My question is how much SEO benefit will there be by redirecting to our YouTube channel vs redirecting to a single video from the contest. Does the strength of the channel as whole affect the videos in that channels ability to rank on YouTube and in SERPs? The other option is to just redirect the URL to our product page on our main website, but to me that doesn't seem like it would provide the best user experience 🙂 If anyone has experience with this kind of an issue I'd appreciate your feedback. Thanks!

    | Tektronix

  • What is the optimal image naming strategy for the following?  Should it be A or B or something else? a) disease name-topic name-treatment-studies by age b) diseasename-topicname-treatment-studiesbyage Thank you.

    | Mont

  • Hi, I have a client with 3 different physical locations but only 1 phone number for his business. Does anyone know if Google Places will penalize me for duplicate listings due to having the same phone number or will I be ok if I have a different physical addresses per listing? Thanks, -Carlos

    | caneja

  • According to a searchengineland post, Google has replaced "7 pack" results. But they are still appearing for local queries. Like for  query "pizza restaurant new delhi"  ( in ), i can still see 7 pack results. Has local and general search algorithms merged ?

    | seoug_2005

  • Is it true that Google place  listing can provide increase  in search engine ranking ?

    | seoug_2005

  • I have a website that has videos hosted from embedded onto it. I created and uploaded the videos to youtube and want them on my website. My question is which would be a better option, hosting the video on my website or embed them from youtube? I currently have them embedded onto youtube but when I do a Google video search I cannot find my company's website anywhere. My videos are shown on the results but they are linked to youtube and not my website. Is there a way to get the search results to show listing of the videos posted on my website?

    | Shawn124

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