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Category: Image & Video Optimization

Explore how to optimize your website's images and videos for search.

  • Hi, i have a question. I have a website of my company with Page and Domain Authority 55. PA:58 and DA:55 And now, i like to rank a video for my brand name on SERP. What to do? should i place the video on my main page, and to upload the video on the folder and than to optimize the video like images for SERP. I read articles online, about video sitemap, optimization etc.. but can you tell me the exactly steps to rank an video. What kind of video embed should i use? to upload at any vimeo,youtube, or should i upload on my hosting, what kind of coding etc.. if you have experience on video ranking, tell me the steps please. Thanks.

    | leadsprofi

  • For an online commercial site, would a booking engine/reservation system best fitted in a subdomain structure or a folder? We have always preferred folder for blog, any other content. A reservation system with lots of search results, lots of variables, we are leaning towards a subdomain in a WP site. Pro's and Con's are highly appreciated!

    | Discountvc

  • This site citations have dissapeared from the 'more about this place' and looks to have effected the maps ranking by dropping the listing a few places: The citations that have been removed are: (all of these are listed on other competitors citations currently) (also the places page is using the reviews on listing above which is strange) Do you know why these citations listings have been removed, however these have not been removed on competitors places pages by Google? thanks

    | nickydunin

  • Working with a new company. In the Google places listing they have two listings...obvious duplications created under the same account. Both show as "Under Review" and have been for months. SHould I try and delete one listing (tried...has not worked so far), delete both and start over? This is one of several franchises in the same area with similar names and similar issues, as well as older companies that bought the franchise and still show in Google Places with old phone number and address. Any help appreciated.

    | AgileInt

  • I'm trying to build links from more local blogs at the moment and considering a huge list of blogs that are in my city, of which many do accept guest posts. I'm trying to discover a metric to thin this list down further.  Is there any way of finding out if google considers a specific blog to be local to a certain area?  What signals does google consider when it is making this analysis?  Is it the content? or is it the "about the blog author" section? Thanks, Storwell

    | adriandg

  • Hi, A client of ours has a Google Places Listing but over the last few days we noticed that two duplicate listings have appeared with exactly the same information as the original listing. Only difference is the domain names. I did some investigation and my client says that a company cold called them recently and sold them two domain names and it seems these two are redirecting to the main site which sits on My question is can this cause that the redirected listing now appear instead of the original google places listing? Any help will be appreciated

    | InTouchMarketing56

  • WIth the visual update to Google Places over the past 2 days do you think that Google reviews will become a higher ranking factor as compared to 3rd party reviews. The research I have done shows that 3rd party reviews seem to correlate better with higher rankings..Any thoughts on what might be coming down the road?

    | NiftyMarketing

  • How much does a link from a YouTube video to a site affect its pagerank?

    | JLAW

  • I'd assume that if many websites reference the same image on a server that this image would rank higher in image results than a similar image that is only used on 1 website.I have yet to do any testing with this to be certain, but how important does this factor seem to be in regards to image SEO?

    | art-boy

  • I am having a hard time understanding why we are ranking so poorly for the keyword search "self storage toronto" on We have claimed our places page, and we have 38 citations and 9 reviews.  Yet for some reason we are burried 7 pages into the places pages results way below other places pages that have far lower page authority, domain authority, and less citations and reviews on their places page. I just can't understand what we are doing wrong / overlooking. Any ideas? Here's the places page i am referring too: We do happen to land very high in the organic results for the same keyword, infact we are on the first page but why is google not giving us any love in places?

    | adriandg

  • I know they recently started rolling out their update of their Places pages but a lot of people, including myself are having problems such as missing descriptions, hours, categories (not updated), etc. Anyone have any insight into when we might expect these issues to be corrected? As far as I can tell Google has not really addressed the problem whatsoever. Their forum is packed with people complaining but so far so they have remained quiet. Thanks!

    | PMC-312087

  • Hi. Our agency office is located in a "bad" zip code relevant to active businesses who would need our agency services.  In a nutshell, we get really bad inquiries who can never afford our services...and it's coming directly from the Google geolocation function. We plan to relocate our offices within 1 year.  Would it help us in Google Places if we created a "new" physical office location to cover up the "bad" one we are currently in?  We could use a paid location like a UPS Mail Center physical address that is located within a more desiring zip code. Thanks for any input. Jay

    | theideapeople

  • I noticed that some sites have a specific section on Youtube, under the structure, which contains backlinks to the site. For example, this Twilight blog: I've had trouble finding out information about this. Is this auto-generated by Youtube, or can someone set this up?

    | EricPacifico

  • Hi all, I am new to SEO, and just getting up and running optimising our company's website. We have a lot of images of our products on the website, and I would like to optimise the alt-text. Is there a recommended maximum length for alt-text, as there is for title tags etc? Thanks in advance, Gareth

    | gdavies09031977

  • So now that Google are going to remove 3rd party citations from listings, will they still carry the same weight for local rankings or will this be reduced? If so, how much and when?

    | SteveOllington

  • Hi everyone. Hope someone can help me hook up with a video content provider. Need one to produce optimized video content and market it, too. Did a Google search and found some. But I trust a crowd-sourced answer so I try here at SEOMoz. Anybody?

    | macmallseo

  • Howdy, Looking for any data we can get on the % of click through the shopping results are getting in Google SERPs.  There are tons of variables: how many products & which position the shopping feeds and images are shown in but any hard data would be helpful. The background is that we have a client who ranks #1 in Google for a shopping related term and their organic traffic is down in 2011 for this main keyword which has ranked #1 all year since the shopping feeds are continually showing above or below the 1st Google position vs sporadic or no display in years prior. I.e. They aren't happy the traffic is down & we are looking for some data we can provide them with beyond, "Google shopping is now eating part of your organic traffic for that term". Many thanks in advance!!

    | WebpageFX

  • Recently i noticed one of our competitors is getting a citation out of a directory called Refer Links.  I contacted them to find out their pricing, and to be listed in that directory it is $365/year. I noticed that all the links to the websites are cloaked with php redirects and rel=nofollows' so i doubt it would do much for our page rank, so strictly from a citation standpoint, is this worth it? Here is our competitors listing:

    | adriandg

  • I'm fairly new to SEO and I'm wondering the best way to utilize SEOmoz's multiple campaigns feature. I've set up a "general" campaign with our top key words and competitors to analyze against our domain and I wondered which verticals would make the best second and third SEOmoz campaign.

    | Rickshaw

  • Hi everyone, Google Places is going to be the death of me. I have asked a few questions on this topic before but nothing seems to work. Here are some of my problems/concerns: It keeps deleting my description!? Have you seen this before? The "more about this place" section has not been updated since I claimed the listing over 3 months ago. The website it lists at the top of that section is our old website address which no longer works. The site was through a site builder and the company will not forward the domain to the new site. Are there any companies or services that can help build a great profile and help increase my rankings? I am starting to think this is over my head. Do I delete the page and start over? Any advice? Please! Company Website: Google Places:,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1523&bih=863&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=pet+medical+center+of+las+vegas&fb=1&gl=us&hq=pet+medical+center+of&hnear=0x80beb782a4f57dd1:0x3accd5e6d5b379a3,Las+Vegas,+NV&cid=13431404354265657899&ei=EQolTpqREdSlsQKMlPXXCw&sa=X&oi=local_result&ct=placepage-link&resnum=1&ved=0CCMQ4gkwAA FYI: I have added a lot of links between when I signed up for SEOmoz and the linkscape has not be updated in over a month an a half. I really appreciate your help! -Brant

    | PMC-312087

  • Hello, We have been working on the SEO of our site for almost a year now, and we are still not really seeing the success we would like to see.  I notice often we get outranked by other sites that have lower PA/DA/citations/reviews etc than us, and the only explaination i can find is that they are getting a boost for a Partial Keyword Match in the domain name. Right now our domain name is: And we are considering switching to and of course 301 redirecting all the individual pages from the old domain to the new domain's pages. How much would we risk loosing out in this transition?  Can we safely transfer domains, or do we risk loosing the majority of our PA & DA because the backlinks will point at redirects instead of the actual location? Has anyone successfully managed to transfer domains and keep their DA & PA?

    | adriandg

  • We have produced a number of video guest testimonials. Any SEO considerations or other hosting it on our website (what software to use?) vs. YouTube (and just embedding it on the webpage)? Are there certain situation or circumstances when YouTube is not the best choice for placing video on a website? Thanks.

    | ahw

  • Hi, I am starting a travel blog and thought of the idea of hosting all the content images over at Flickr and just calling them into my blog content when needed. Benefits: push traffic over to my Flickr account pull traffic from Flickr to my blog However, I was just wondering about any SEO implications of having 3-4 links per post pointing to Flickr. Is this spammy? Will I lose my juice? Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks.

    | DigitalLeaf

  • does really nobody care for the most important search result for shops beside organic result? google shoping results mostly pop up in organic results on 3rd place. Vertical SEO Video, Image, Local etc. etc. is not really Shopping Results!

    | kynop

  • Hello Folks I'm a very new at SEO... and need your help please 🙂 Currently using the Goggle webmaster tool and SEO moz to monitor back links to a site... my questions are; Why do both tools show way less back links than I think I should have? Does the fact that these tools not show a link I've built mean it was a bad link? Finally what is some good techniques to know if a link is worth paying for? Is commenting on relavent blogs actually still worth anything? Thank you all

    | PHDAustralia68

  • How often does Google update the "more about this place" section on a Google Places page? I have updated the company NAP on all the directories, added company information to multiple sites (using Google Discussions as a starting point), added backlinks, etc. Still, the "more about this place" section remains the same (over 2 months without updates). That section still cites our old website which is, even though our new website has been live for 3 months. Would it be better to wait for these updates or delete the page and completely start over? Thanks for your help!! Brant

    | PMC-312087

  • None of my images are being indexed by google. Here is a link to one of my site gallery pages :

    | munoz0451

  • Let me explain what I want to know: Somebody searches e.g. for a hotel on his mobile phone. Do the search engines rank websites with special mobile pages better than others? I am not considering the local factor here (let's say there are hotels nearby with or without mobile websites). If not, is there a trend for that? Does anyone have some datas / examples / experience about that?

    | petrakraft

  • We have a client that is a solar energy installation & leasing company in Austin, TX that wants to target the Houston and Dallas markets.  We can do a Place Page for their physical offices in Austin and San Antonio to drive traffic for those cities.  But we’re not sure the best way to help them rank for Houston and Dallas, where they don't have a physical address.  We’re considering a separate landing page for each city, optimized for the geo-term.  Will that help them to rank in the 7Pack in Houston and Dallas, if there’s no Place Page?   Will it help them rank in the organic listings for that region?  Can you offer any other suggestions for how to help them rank in 2 cities where they don’t have physical offices?

    | DenisL

  • Hey everyone, Google Places is incredibly frustrating for me. One day we are listed, the next we are gone. If I am logged in to my Gmail we rank differently altogether. I have a few questions...,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1421&bih=726&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=pet+medical+center+of+las+vegas&fb=1&gl=us&hq=pet+medical+center+of&hnear=0x80beb782a4f57dd1:0x3accd5e6d5b379a3,Las+Vegas,+NV&cid=13431404354265657899&ei=wbQITujpFpSLsALbuenkDQ&sa=X&oi=local_result&ct=placepage-link&resnum=1&ved=0CCoQ4gkwAA First off, does the page look to be optimized for the best results? Trying to rank for vet las vegas (ideally. Any tips or thoughts? Are there any sites that will track your rankings in Google Places for different listings? Is my places description ok? How often does Google Places update their listings - find new reviews, update their "find our more about this place" section, etc.? Anything else? Thanks for your help! Brant

    | PMC-312087

  • A website that is very image heavy and would like to enhance the user experience with a photo gallery. How will this affect the indexing of these photos? Can I still add alt. tags and title tags to these images?

    | Unidev

  • I have noticed that sometimes search results appear above the local pack, and sometimes the local pack is right at the top.  What causes this? is there a way to induce it?

    | adriandg

  • Couple local SEO questions... Do you feel it’s better to submit a listing with the full type of street rather than an abbreviation? Google Places sometimes disassociates data because of small differences like this. Below is an example: Full Name: 123 Broadway Street
    Abbreviation: 123 Broadway St. Also, I’m wondering if you feel it’s better to submit a local number versus an 800 number. I've modified many local listings for clients manually with an 800 number, but then there are other data sources for these same businesses that are displaying the local number. I am starting to use UBL/LocalEZE and are wondering what people have seen working best... local number or 800 number. Thanks!

    | qlkasdjfw

  • I'm running several community sites with forums (for example http:// All of those sites have a forum section like http:// So far Google didn't recognize the forum. When I search for the site and click the Discussions filter on the left, no forum topics from my site show up. What should I do to change that? Thank you. 20110616-gu1beph7p673x1jkgahy1q63r.jpg

    | asmirasro

  • Hi, I'm trying to figure out the best way to host my own videos on my website in addition to uploading them to YouTube. My site is Wordpress-based, and I use Pages for the main landing pages, Posts to create the different products I offer.  Is there a good way to upload my videos of each product into those Posts for SEO purposes? Maybe there's a specific plugin that I should be using? Thanks in advance, Shawn

    | darkgreenguy

  • We have been working on local SEO quite a lot for our small business, trying to understand why we are consistantly outranked by our competators.  I understand there are many factors at play here. I realize that DA & PA, Places page optimization, and on page optimization also play a role, but for the purpose of this question i would like to focus on just one factor: citations. From your experiance with local SEO do you find that a citation that is located closer to the top of the page holds more weight than a citation buried further down a page? Here is an example: in this case the people paying for the priority positions on that page are right at the top of the page, rather than buried 5 pages into the results.  in fact they are right at the top of each page of the results, so over and over again they are above the free listings. I have heard that google considers the value of a link based on its position on the page.  So would it be safe to assume that google also considers the value of a citation based on its position on the page? Thank you for your time,

    | adriandg

  • I have a competator that has literally hundreds of sites like this: that don't have a huge amount of page authority, but he is getting citations out of all of them.  The site is obviously useless, and just a place for some SEO company to keep adding more links to their various clients, and creating google citations for them at the same time. Once you have filled out your information on every single local database and obtained all the legit citations you can, your competitors are still beating you by having more citations, from various sites like the one above. Is there any way to stay whitehat and actually succeed? or should i just follow suit, and make 100 crappy websites full of crap and put links in them.  seems silly, but it seems like the only way to compete these days.

    | adriandg

  • I'm aware that local search is mostly based on citations, and how well your Google places page is optimized, and the landing pages are optimized.  But I was wondering if anyone could tell me if backlinks have any relevance in the local search results?  And if they do, how much would you say the impact the local search results? could you estimate a % of total value? Also if they do, does it help to have backlinks that point at your places page urls? or should the backlinks just point at your places page landing pages?

    | adriandg

  • My client's veterinary clinic uses a service called which is a division of This service updates listings and sponsors them across various directories. Since this is a referral service (they get paid for new clients) they use a custom phone number and custom website address for these listings. Question: Is this hurting the SEO potential of the Google Places listing since the N.A.P. are not the same? Thoughts?

    | PMC-312087

  • I claimed the Google Places listing a few months ago - added a description and all the necessary information. Finally got the page to show up in the places category on the 5th page for the search "vet las vegas". Then on some computers it likes to show up on the 8th page and on others the 5th page - weird!?. I need some help on the following: How can I get Google to put my website as an link in the "More About This Place"/citation section? The old website which was at a different domain is present but not the new one (the new one has been live for 2 months). -Am I missing any key information to help with my ranking? The 8th page is a pretty poor ranking and holds no value whatsoever. The description I typed out on Google Places does not display in the search results. - I am assuming adding citations is essentially just about adding backlinks that Google can pull to add to the "More About This Place" section - any surefire ways to get more citations there? WEBSITE: PLACES PAGE:,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1187&bih=649&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=vet+las+vegas&fb=1&gl=us&hq=vet&hnear=0x80beb782a4f57dd1:0x3accd5e6d5b379a3,Las+Vegas,+NV&cid=13431404354265657899&ei=5Bf1TdvWLIey0AGe-M3sDA&sa=X&oi=local_result&ct=placepage-link&resnum=4&ved=0CEIQ4gkwAzhG Any other feedback or ideas would be really appreciated. Thank you to all the SEOMOZ members would have helped me over the last month - you guys are awesome! Thanks again, Brant

    | PMC-312087

  • I'm trying to clarify something about search results which contain local listings. Here is the search string for Google that will give you the same results that I am seeing - agents glasgow&pws=0 Of the results that are returned, some of them have data which seems to be related to their Google Place page but the "title" links directly to their website. What I wanted to know is, "Is it their actual website that has given them those rankings" or "Are they listed where they are because of a well optimized and ranked Places page?

    | XSMedia

  • Need input on a Google Places change to avoid duplicate listing/phone number issue for a name change. Here is a summary: Company A has a Places listing and ranks week for key local terms. Company A has become a franchise and has a completely new name but same address. A New Franchise listing was created. It has same location but a different telephone (tracking) number. Both listings generally appear in Google Places but Company A (older listing) come up first. For branding purposes I would ideally like to eliminate (or edit)  Company A listing and optimize new Franchise listing. We will need to eliminate the tracking phone number and add the old “Company A” phone number to the new Franchise listing. What is the best procedure to delete the Company A listing? I have access to both listings. Do I: -Strip Company A listing of most info…wait and then delete? Do I delete from my account or delete in total? -Just change the name of the “old” Company name to the new franchise name and delete the new franchise listing? An if so, in what order? -or do I just delete the old  listing right away and edit the new franchise listing right away? -When do I add the old (and real phone number) to the new franchise listing? This same scenario has played out in other locations with disastrous results. Appears that Google looks at them as duplicate listings if the old Company name is still active and demotes both listings. Trying to avoid that problem that has been created by other companies. -Would adding Google Boost to the surviving listing help? Any input appreciated.

    | AgileInt

  • Hi, All! We were trying to advise a client about local SEO, and we ran into the issue of - their Google Places pages (yes, they have several, that's a separate issue) are "unclaimable."  Meaning - up at the top of the page there is neither a "Edit this page - Business Owner?" heading or a "Edit this listing - Owner-verified listing" heading.  When you try to claim it independently using the phone number (all pages have the same phone number, but different addresses), Google gives you "No address found for this phone number" and the option to now add a new page, which is not quite what we're looking for.  This is an Israeli location, and this appears to be an issue with a few other random Israeli pages I checked (I saw pages with neither heading option).  But a number of the Israeli pages have "Owner-verified listing."  How did they get it? Any help would be much appreciated.  Thanks! Regards, Aviva

    | debi_zyx

  • In the middle of a nightmare in Google Places. Dealing with a number of Chiropractic franchises. They all had previous practices (and Places listings). In many cases, a duplicate listing was created. Some locations are "under review", others have lost their ranking and a few are ranking for both location in the 7 pack.(usually because they had a different phone number used so I assume Google  sees it as a separate company despite the same location) I am trying to fix all these duplicate or near duplicate listings that were created previously. In one case I edited the existing listing and tried to verify by phone. I got the 5 digit code but Google then said code is not valid. Has anyone been through a similar situation? Should I delete/deactivate old listing and Then optimize the remaining or vice versa? A complete mess. In some cases they may have four listings...old company, new franchise and new name, Doctors names. Any insight appreciated.

    | AgileInt

  • If you have video on your YouTube channel that someone else downloads and then reuploads to their channel, is it duplicate content (even though right now video cannot be crawled)?

    | DragonSearch

  • Hey everyone, Trying to improve my Google Places page for the Pet Medical Center of Las Vegas but am having trouble knowing where to start. There doesn't seem to be a whole lot that can be customized. Maybe I am missing something.,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1370&bih=718&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=pet+medical+center+of+las+vegas&fb=1&gl=us&hq=pet+medical+center+of&hnear=0x80beb782a4f57dd1:0x3accd5e6d5b379a3,Las+Vegas,+NV&cid=13431404354265657899 Does the small description act like the SERP in Google searches? Trying to rank for Vet Las Vegas. Any ideas?

    | PMC-312087

  • I have been experimenting with SVG images for SEO in the last 7 months. I can definitely get pages indexed using embedded links within SVG images but have not had much success measuring link juice. Have you tried anything along similar lines? How much link juice does an SVG image pass?

    | rmteamseo

  • I had heard that Google frowns upon duplicate content so if I were to post the same videos to both YouTube, Vimeo and others, could that have some kind of negative impact, such as the video showing up lower in the SERPs?

    | kgpaul

  • How does google decide if a listing from one city shows up in another? When I do a search for a lawyer in my city my competition from another town shows up - but I don't show up when I search their town.  Only 3 listings show up for both searches - so it's not necessarily a rank thing. Any ideas on improving the distance your listings show up for? Thanks!

    | musillawfirm

  • Hi, Is there anything I need to do in Google Analytics to setup tracking for traffic coming to a site via it's Google Places page? I can see some traffic from in the Traffic Sources > Referring Sites report, but it does not appear to marry up to the data reported in the Google Places dashboard. Thanks

    | WCR

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