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Category: Branding

Explore the topics of branding and brand awareness and why they’re important for any business.

  • I've been using for my press releases over the past year but it appears that they're no longer in business, as my last order was not processed, and emails are not being answered, despite them taking my money. Anyway, what I liked about their service was that they used both PR Newswire AND Marketwire. Are there any other companies out there that do the same? Offering distribution through multiple partners? I've been looking into eReleases. And although they only distribute through PR Newswire, they also have their own list of journalists. Anyone have any experience with them?

    | JABacchetta

  • Hey all Just a quick question, what are your thoughts on the .pro TLD? We are thinking of offering a live advice service online, and our guys are pretty hot on the subject matter. We can't seem to get the domain we want in terms of .com or and are looking at .pro as it looks great next to our name and with our regional rep it screams professional, trusted advice. We have read that .biz, .cc etc are normally associated with spam sites, so will .pro have a detrimental effect on our project idea? Love to hear your thoughts! J

    | EveronSEO

  • I'm looking for some second opinions on this one.  In talking with another SEO, he is of the opinion that if my company name is two words like Crazy Man, I should write some news release that have my brand combined as Crazyman because it is a variant of the brand name.  He claims that Google does not look at my brand as Crazy Man, but as one word and in Google's mind Crazyman as one word is my brand. What do you all think?

    | kadesmith

  • Please share your experiences/suggestions in redirecting a set of pages (10,000 or more pages/URLs) from an existing domain to new URLs under a new domain. Thanks in advance!

    | esiow2013

  • One of my clients is a law firm with a Business name like the following:
    Rosenberg & Dalgren, LLP They get A TON of organic search traffic on their brand name above, but most people (95%) search "Rosenberg and Dalgren" instead of "Rosenberg & Dalgren". **Notice use of ampersand being used and alternatively, the word "and" being used. ** Currently, their local citations across the Internet (G+, YP, Yelp, etc) use the business name, "Rosenberg & Dalgren, LLP" (with ampersand). Here is the dilemma we are in... When someone searches "Rosenberg and Dalgren" in Google (which the majority of our search traffic does), Google does NOT show our local one-box on the right hand side of the SERPs (see example of a one-box I am referring to here But when someone searches "Rosenberg & Dalgren" in Google, it does trigger our local one-box with photos, review ratings, links to our Google+ Local page, etc. WHICH IS GREAT! They have AWESOME reviews that command powerful social proof. We want that local one-box to show up! So my question is, what can I do to trigger that local one-box for both brand name searches for "Rosenberg & Dalgren" as well as "Rosenberg and Dalgren"? I am considering changing our NAP citations to have the business name be "Rosenberg and Dalgren" since that is what 95% of people search in Google to find them. I am guessing Google doesn't quite understand that "Rosenberg and Dalgren" is linked to "Rosenberg & Dalgren" via what it sees in the knowledge graph of the Internet (citations, website, etc). So how best should I handle this and get that local one-box triggering for the majority of our branded search traffic? Lastly, what is the best advice for including company/corporate designations in the NAP citations? (ie. LLP, LLC, Inc, etc) Thank you for any help and guidance! We appreciate it!

    | gbkevin

  • Hi Moz Community! I've run into a marketing dilemma for one of our customers that we provide SEO and internet marketing services to. Therefore, I need the help of you clever people! The company is a high-tech innovative biotechnology company, so instead of using their product as an example which might be confusing, I will represent the problem with "DVDs" and a new technology similar to Netflix. Customer wants to buy 500 Days of Summer DVD online and isn't aware of the new technology called 'Netflix' where we can stream it online instead of ordering it online. Netflix marketing team wants their website to show up alongside search results so when people search for 'buy 500 Days of Summer DVD', you will see Amazon, blah blah and at some point also see 'Netflix: Stream Instantly Online!' What is the best way to approach this? Micro (macro) site? Can I target 'DVD' and make the microsite use a direct match? Do I have to create a page for every single popular DVD in order for it to effectively rank? Any other clever solutions to this problem? Thanks everyone! Sheldon

    | swzhai

  • HI sir.......I have some query about rich snippet.According to snippet...... there should rating or review option for particular entity. But my website helps tutors to get to the students and parents. Tutor/teacher profile don't have rating/review option. but i have separate review page where it shows reviews and ratings to respective tutor profile If i am going to add rich snippet for profile... only new reviews will get consideredpreviews reviews will become useless.So is there any solution to connect previous reviews and new rich snippet?  or should i directly add rich snippet to review page?waiting for your response

    | wmsindia

  • What does it take to get your own google+ url? I keep getting turned down saying I need more followers. Is does anyone know of a threshold I have to cross to get one? On my personal 534 people have me in their circles and on my company i have 474 +1's.

    | LesleyPaone

  • When doing the following search on Google "Ticket King Milwaukee hours" we see the wrong hours displayed at the top of the page. Just to the left of our places page, you will see "Tuesday hours 8:30-1:00 pm." That 1 pm closing comes up for every weekday, even though we are open until 6 pm weekdays, and 3 pm on Saturdays. I have checked the hours listed on our G+ page, our "Places for Business" page, our "about us" page on our website, and can't find where they are getting this incorrect data. I even went out and checked most of the "List your business" sites that I have registered with.
    I have submitted this to Google, but have not heard back. Does anyone have any ideas as to how I can fix this, or at least find out where this bad data is coming from? I did find a company blog post from 2010 that listed our ours in a somewhat confusing way, but it was still correct. (I have since fixed that old post.)

    | Ticket_King

  • Hello everyone, One of my clients is undergoing a major rebrand, which will require some substantial changes to their domain / URL structure. Primarily, we're going to: Move from a high-ish DA site to a low DA site Change the subdomain URL structure (more on that below) Update the content (copy, design, structure) on www. site to match the new brand The content on the subdomains should remain the same 301 redirect all pages from old site to new site where applicable The current site architecture makes great use of subdomains, which are also going to be changing in terms of name. So, we're moving from to (and not to The content / structure of these pages is going to change minimally. We understand that we're going to take an SEO hit overall, but are there things we can do to minimize this hit? Anyway we can 'estimate' the hit? Anyway we can educate our client to as to what to expect beyond (it is going to be bad…). Please let me know. Thanks!

    | 10SL

  • Hi Have any UK members have experience of the various shopping review sites. I have an ecommerce site I would like to build trust in. I am aware of shopzilla, trustpilot, pricegrabber,   Are there any more? Is any one recommended over oters?  I checked out Trustpilot and it looks like it costs about £1600 per year basic which I thought was a bit pricey.  Curious what experience promotors think and would recommend Thanks Steve

    | StephenCallaghan

  • I recently been given the option to choose between my brand and my most important keyword for my Google+ business page. the site is a touristic site for a popular location. The keyword is the name of that location. Which one is better for Seo purposes? Thanks.

    | ceci2710

  • Any suggestions on how to solve this without the need to be ranked for something not related?

    | GardenPet

  • Hello All I have a serious confusion in terms of the Negative Keywords & Positive Keywords vs Negative URLS and Positive URLS for ORM (Online Reputation Management). Can any one please advise and explain why and what should I consider?
    When we talk about ORM what exactly is more important? Negative Keywords or Negative URLS? Among these two which is more important ?? Negative URLs or Negative Keywords.? Do we need to classify keywords as negative or positive? in the report? Do we need to classify URLs as negative or positive? in the report? According to me and my fellow members either of them is actually most important but we all are stuck upon at one question "which one?" Any help would be appreciated....

    | barnesdorf

  • Hi, We are about to rebrand. This means we need to move all of our content on to a new domain. I want to make sure this process is as smooth as possible and we don't lose too much by way of rankings. I have read this page: and plan on following the instructions to the letter, but was wondering if anyone had any additional tips? Also, the article linked above is OLD. From 2008, is there anything'new' that I should know? Thank you (in advance) for any help you can offer, it is much appreciated! Best wishes, Amelia EDIT: I forgot quite a big element when first posting this question! We are merging two existing websites into the new URL. The two sites are for two different products we offer, but we'll now be offering both products under the same URL.

    | CommT

  • Have any of you used this? What is your opinion of it?

    | SSFCU

  • Hi, Our official company's facebook page doesn't appear at all, in all serp. I'll elaborate all in details here below. We have an official Arabic Company  Facebook page with more than 1.9k likes, the page itself is very active and constantly being updated by a person in charge of the Facebook page. We also have an official English Company Facebook page - runs and operated in the same method mentioned above. when I search for my company's BRANDNAME in - both official facebook pages (arabic + english) don't appear in the serp. I've went through all the way to end of the results pages - I couldn't find both pages anywhere. On the other hand, when I search for the brand name + facebook, like this: BRANDNAME Facebook I can find both Arabic and English facebook pages in the 1st page one right after the other. Anyone can help me out here? I'm desperate for solution. Thanks 😉

    | JonsonSwartz

  • Hey guys, I have a client who got a nice little mention recently in her local news online, but the news site (like many I notice) does not link any content in their articles. Anyone have a creative idea for leveraging this type of mention? She is an attorney and the article mentioned her as the defense attorney on the case. Any ideas would be much appreciated!

    | RickyShockley

  • Hi all, Question about 'local SEO' or 'Google Places' or whatever it is now called! 🙂 My day to day work is in house for a UK national travel agency and I pretty much know what is expected and what I need to do with regard to SEO. However, I have a friend who owns an 'upmarket' hair salon in my city of Sheffield (UK) and after a rebrand and a complete new website he has asked for my help with regard to 'local SEO' This is my dilemma, because the salon only wants to target the local area of Sheffield (5th largest city in UK with approximately 500k inhabitants) should I focus solely on 'Google Places' and if so, can anyone recommend any guides, books, or training that will give me an overview of what is required? I have previously 'touched' on citations and claiming the 'Google Place' but I could seriously do with a refresh! Many thanks Andy

    | TomKing

  • Recently one of my clients has become involved with a group of A-List celebrities, and we expect to have some very good photos and meetings happening. I know this might be more of traditional PR concern, but I am wondering (aside from the obvious "post it to FB/Twitter/Tumbler") how to best leverage this for online marketing. If we have photos or videos, we can make writeups, etc. Can someone give me some suggestions?

    | storemachine

  • my client is a financial services company with  some ccTLDs for brand name but does not own the .com eg:, etc we need to launch a brand UK site plus a global site.  should we go for another name on the .com: brandname_financial.com_, and: brandname_financial.ch_, brandname_financial.ro_ etc or could we go for instead and i'm worried the owner of will build a site and out rank us.....however the alternative is a longer url but owning the .com hope that makes sense and any advice would be gladly received! Many thanks

    | bisibee1

  • Hi, we have a client who have multiple business websites,,, .com which all have unique content intending to rank in each country. These sites are on a CMS that has a blog function capability. Should we set up the blog on one of these country sites then link to other sites when appropriate? OR Is it best to set up a new blog on something like Wordpress (or what?) that takes all blog posts from all countries and then links out to the relevant sites when appropriate. So the new blog becomes the content hub and creates its own Google power to then pass when appropriate to the various country sites? Any suggestions welcome especially from people who are currently doing either of these methods, and have experienced the results both positive and negative of the different approaches. NB: there will be about 20 staff creating a blog post on a topic relevant to them per month each once blog is live.

    | OnlineAssetPartners

  • Currently we have a Wordpress blog on a domain subdirectory ie We are possibly going to change it to in order to move it off the server for security reasons. I know it benefits the sites SEO as a whole to host the blog on a subdirectory instead of a subdomain, but I am wondering if there is a best way to make this move if we have to? Any thoughts are welcome.

    | ntsupply

  • Hey guys! My company is sitting on a number of branded domains to ensure we have control over the URL in case we ever want to do anything with them and/or to protect brand integrity. However, we are sitting on a total of 24 domains, which seems somewhat excessive. What are you thoughts about .info and .net domains? Or keeping branded domains in general? Is there a good rule of thumb to follow? We have a few up for renewal soon, so it'd be terrific to get your thoughts! Thanks much, Clarissa

    | okatieo

  • I have been doing some research into the heading structures of some of the top selling online stores in the UK. One thing that has come to my attention is that many of them do not have H1 elements on their homepage. I am presuming that because they are targeting their own brand on the homepage that they feel no need to have a H1?? Examples are: Some of them even use the logo as a H1 such as Does anyone think that using the logo as a H1 would have any negative effect from a search engine perspective? Look forward to hearing your thoughts!

    | PIXUS

  • We have a Google plus profile for our brand/ organisation which has become quite powerful. We are conscious that we don't want to miss out on local search queries so want a local page but we don't want to get rid of the company page that we have built. We are a nationwide website with one physical shop. Will having a local business Google plus page and a company Google plus page be seen as duplicate or in any way negative- especially if you are posting similar/ the same links and content on both pages. We also want to encourage reviews- is it possible to leave reviews on company pages or is it only though local G+ pages? There is a reviews tab but it does not seem possible to leave reviews. On the main Nike G+ page  is it possible to leave reviews or would those companies have to set up local pages for people to review?

    | VUK-SEO

  • Hi! My company is looking to purchase a domain that is more relevant to our business. The company that we are looking to purchase the domain from was actually bought out a few years back and no longer brands itself by that particular domain. Does anyone have any experience buying domains or working with domain brokers? My preference is for a broker but I am open to hearing any suggestions. In the past we had approached this company to purchase the domain and it just didn't work out. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

    | IFSNA

  • A former associate (law firm) has gotten into hot water since leaving the firm. The problem is that he has numerous profiles across the web that are still associated with the firm's address and website. A search for his name in Google often leads directly to the law firm or their profiles. Is there anything that can be done to dis-associate the firm from this person? Thanks

    | ericbarbier

  • Greetings Mozzers, I'm working on some Google+ profiles currently and have one interesting case where I'd like some advice.  The name of one of my clients' web addresses, company name, and Google+/Google Local verified local business names all reflect the same thing. [Name] Surgical Associates However, on Google+ it looks like it has a limited number of characters so it reads: [Name] Surgical Ass... How important is it to keep the name identical to everything else on the web? Could I get away with just changing the name on Google+ to [Name] Surgical I appreciate in advice on this matter and what would occur if I changed it here. Thanks.

    | MonsterWeb28

  • I'm psyched - a client has just approved a complete redesign of their site! Feel like a have a little bag of gold in my hand, and want to spend it wisely. My question to you, fellow Mozzers, is what elements would you make sure to include a site to make it as optimized as possible? A few details about the site: 1. It is an informational site, designed to generate leads for a medical product. No products for sale, no e-commerce functionality needed. 2. The site has approximately 250 pages. Last site update was in 2009. 3. Videos are an important part of their marketing strategy. In addition to shortening their URL structure (some URLs have 6-7 folders, ugh), I plan to utilize schemas and incorporate mobile responsive design. What other areas would you prioritize for optimization? Thanks, Allie

    | Allie_Williams

  • I am thinking about changing the name of my site. The new name is available with .re domain (that spells the name) or a .com. I have registered the .re and the .com is parked and for sale so my question has 2 parts. Is it worth buying the .com or do I really not need it? How much does it matter in terms of losing traffic and other factors? If I do buy it which should I use as the primary domain? Thanks!

    | yojimbo23

  • We wish to create a minimalist Lightbox (without flashy transitions) for our home page that displays a matrix of 4 x 4 images - sixteen in all. Each image (approximately 240 wide x 360 high) needs to have its own descriptive text and a hyperlink to the appropriate page on our web site. We are trying to identify a simple yet effective SEO friendly add-on that will allow us to quickly change the Lightbox on a daily basis. Suggestions from the Moz community would be very welcome. Thanks

    | JustInsulation

  • Hi, I have a client who has a website with its brand name in its URL and this is not very keyword friendly as it is just numbers  -- the website has been up for a few months and is starting to see it traffic increase (mainly due to PPC).  The client has told me that they also have another URL which is directly relevant to the industry they are in and they have asked me for advice on the best way to use the second domain. Would it be best to create a second website that has several links to the main site (although new content, not duplicated content) or would a blog be the best option for the new site? The existing site does have a blog that generates some good traffic so they'd have to be writing two blogs I assume? The client doesn't want to stop using the first site and I want to give them the best advice to make the best use of this second domain. Thanks!

    | bendyman

  • Hi All, As I was surfing the net, I recently encountered a beautiful and well known site - An e-commerce site that sells custom made suits and shirts.
    They do not have a brick and mortar store, just the site and built an amazing reputation in about two years (maybe less). The question is....
    HOW do they rank high in competitive niches like suits with practically no texts in the website? 
    Is it "ONLY" because of the amazing UI and Links?
    (I thought texts is the king...)
    There is no blog or any other visible content area besides for the product pages and a couple of explanatory sections which are also with not that much texts... Thanks!

    | BeytzNet

  • I have two types of landing pages for our site. I want your opinion as a general user "which one would you prefer?" (basically, where would you feel comfortable to leave your details) and why? 1. 2.

    | Syedr1

  • I'm trying to brainstorm some ideas for obtaining positive reviews for a my client who's a local business on Yelp and Google+. I think it's best to capture a customer in the "happy moment" after a successful transaction with that business.   I'm thinking integrating the option for customers to leave a review on Yelp or Google+ during the transaction process would be best. Do you have any suggestions or experiences on the best way to integrate this into a transaction process where a customer physically walks into their business to make the transaction?  (it's an Auto Body Shop BTW) Also any other strategies for getting customers to give reviews? Much appreciated!

    | reidsteven75

  • Hi fellow Mozers, I manage 5 brands at the national level, each with their own Google+ profile and then under each brand, there are several hundred physical locations, each with their own Google+ Local page.  My question is, should we be encouraging visitors of each location's Google+ Local profile page to +1 the page?  Does it have an influence on local rankings and overall SERP results? Our goal is to ultimately get our local websites to rank better than our less targeted brand sites and have our Google+ Local pages show in search results as much as possible.  Our local businesses convert to leads, where our brand sites are one step out from that and are used to feed into a "find a location" result that takes the visitor to the local site.

    | dsinger

  • Hey all, I've been thinking about the pros and cons of case study formats (On-page vs. PDF), and was curious to see what you all think. An on-page case study is crawled by search engines and has fewer barriers in terms of visibility. The only pros I can think of for a downloadable case study (with no opt-in) is that it's less likely to be plagiarised (generally a low priority) and can have a custom design that may not fit with your website's look and feel without clashing. Also, I suppose it makes it easier for visitors to save the PDF for future reference. Have I missed anything? Do you have a preference? Keen to hear which you prefer, and why. Let's brainstorm! Cheers,

    | carlod

  • Hello mozzers , We manage a website for a client This is the website: . [editor's note: site for escorts in Scotland, may not be safe for some workplaces]They recently got penalized but they don't have links so is not a penguin update.The client said that they noticed the drops in rank after they had their Google + account suspended.So the question is, if you have your google + account conected to the website by the rel="publisher" tag,And your google + account gets suspended, will you be getting your site penalized as well ?

    | asmedia

  • Hello! Here is a good one. My YouTube channel is connected to a Google+ page a created by accident. Since I named this accidental page as a business, when I go into advanced setting to disconnect it from YouTube, it says "This feature is not available for this account." Does anyone know a way around this? I don't want to have to rebuild my Google+ page on the new, accidental page. I have put quite a bit of time onto my current page and would like to get it hooked up to YouTube. Please help! Thank you!

    | sarita345

  • While personal blogging & branding is pretty typical for those in a service/b2b industry, when it comes to CEOs/owners of retail businesses - not so much. We have a company blog right now that is heavy on company news and updates - and will be working towards being more informational/educational. But, in the meantime, it's difficult getting the ok to contribute to contributor based article/resource sites - such as, since the business blog, by nature, is promotional. (our clients are both business & consumer) Assuming, we can generate enough content, my suggestion is to have the owner create a personal blog which will be purely information and educational, and use that blog to account for the owner's expertise and use those articles as means to get accepted as a contributor at highly prized sites. At the same time, we would still have a business blog that combines educations & company news/promotional. Does this seem like a sound strategy? or is it better to just build up the company blog as an educational resource. Will reputable sites be ok with an educational company blog?

    | S.S.N

  • The company I work for recently purchased another company. We are currently re-branding their product into our solution offering and are working on coming up with a new product name, while keeping SEO in mind. The product names that we are thinking of also includes a non-branded keyword that we actively look to rank for. We currently rank relatively high for this keyword. Is there any negative to having a product name that has a non-branded keyword in it. My first thought is that it is great because that non-branded keyword will be used repeatedly on our site when we mention the product. Things that I don't know though are: will it appear we are keyword stuffing does Google recognize that its a branded keyword and doesn't rank us for the non-branded aspect Any feedback or ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Vince

    | IFSNA

  • Hey Mozers! Surely you have noticed Google has been randomly restructuring our Page Titles to emphasize branding by placing the company/brand first, as opposed to after the "|" - a convention we had been accustomed to. I am wondering if the aforementioned warrants restructuring our client's (where branding is important) Page Titles as per Google's lead, or simply staying on the sidelines for now and letting Google do it? Anyone care to share their take on this? Thanks! Dino

    | SCW

  • Hello experts! Please help me with this weirdness! -  I lost all rankings in June, it was a new site in May- went up and now has vanished off the face of the earth! One thing odd- using OSE it shows 818 inbound links, where ahrefs and GWT only show 42. It's a suburb of Houston, TX in Sugar Land, TX. Research shows very little searches in that area but aside from the Drs. Name ( which is his brand) I can't get even the basic listing IE: "sugar land tx dentist" "dentist sugar land".... I use NO black hat ( previous employer Mr. Bruce Clay would be ashamed of me if I did!) also, I do look better in white hats. Google Local is still awaiting verification from the client. But, I see nothing glaring that I am missing. Opinions, criticisms welcome. I really have pulled out my hair over this client ( not even just the grey ones, some of the pretty blonde ones too!). Thanks again so much, I look forward to your responses.

    | TammyWood

  • Hi, I have researched few sites on this topic and I could see that the competitor keyword should match with the add text relevance, landing page relevance and CTR. Any other factors more to be included to improve the quality score? Reference:

    | zco_seo

  • We have had our Google Places pages up and running now for a bit, and we are looking to start our Google + Brand page.  What is the best way to handle a Brand page with multiple locations?  Create a page for each location so we can connect them to their Places equivalent?  Create one overall brand page and not connect it to the Google Places?  A lot of the information I am seeing is around a year out of date with Google saying "something is coming" but no updates since then, so how have others in similar situations handled it?

    | BeOnAir

  • We've never sent out a press release before using one of the services, and thought it might finally be time. Then I saw that Google seems to be calling services like PR Newswire out. "Links with optimized anchor text in articles or press releases distributed on other sites." So, is it worth it to spend a few hundred bucks to distribute a press release, or am I better off just publishing it on my blog for my blog writing service and promoting it all the regular ways?

    | scodtt

  • We have a client who is adamant that during the rebranding of their company and website, a holding page is put in place from August 5<sup>th</sup> till go-live date on August 21<sup>st</sup>. They don’t look like budging on the matter, therefore we are looking to set up a 503 HTTP code on the holding page to tell Google the site is down for maintenance and redirect all pages back to the holding page. The general consensus is that implementing this for such a long period of time will see Google de-index all pages and the site will lose masses of traffic as a result for a substantial time afterwards. It would be great to get some insight on best practice for this situation, how Google will determine the situation and the consequences of such actions. If you have any case studies of similar situations or have firm knowledge of how this scenario would affect the site, I would be delighted to hear from you!

    | AndrewAkesson

  • How can I increase my Ecommerces Domain and Homepage Authority? My competition have 60-70 page Authority and it's time I try to compete.

    | InkCartridgesFast

  • Hey guys what do you all use for listing your sites? Current I use UBL, Yext, and Localeze. Would it benefit me to use more? Also what other companies or services are like these three?

    | qlkasdjfw

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