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Category: Branding

Explore the topics of branding and brand awareness and why they’re important for any business.

  • Hey guys. so I currently run my own business here in Queens NY, for Web Design and online marketing, specifically SEO, SMM, SEM, and some inbound marketing that ties to SMM and SEO. When starting I was in a different business, and had kept my old business name. I plan on re-branding myself January 1st with a brand new name, the name i'm seriously considering is "Media Marketing USA". I was able to purchase I feel this name is good and bad at the same time, and here are some of the reasons. The pro: Easy to remember, sounds big, and describes my business well. The con: Sounds generic, and I worry it will be hard to brand. I used the mentioning tool provided by Moz and see that nearly everyday 500-1,000 people are naturally mentioning Media Marketing USA, one of my biggest questions is will this give me a competitive advantage in SEO, or will it hurt me in SEO as Google may not see this or understand its a brand name? Do you personally think this is a good name to re-brand myself and use as my main website? The Website itself will be used as a corporate website, a method of inbound and outbound marketing through content creation, Social Media, and of course SEO, targeting specific locations, and specialty services and industries in the NYC area. Please share your thoughts with me, THANKS!!!

    | tonyr7

  • So, I was looking at my backlink anchor text profile and easily over 90% of my links use some variation of my brand as the anchor text.  This includes my full brand name, a shorter more common name and the naked url.  My question is, is this bad for my ranking?  I know having too many money words as anchors is not good, but what about having too many brand anchors?

    | dsinger

  • Hi All, I work for an small e-commerce company that is looking to expand our customer base to include Canadian customers. At the moment, we do serve some Canadian customers, but haven't made a concerted effort to capture this market and are looking to lay the groundwork for this new venture. With this in mind I have a few questions I am hoping to get some help on. Please see below. 1. From the viewpoint of a potential Canadian customer, how is it best to them know that we sell and ship to Canada? If you have examples of companies that do this well, please share! 2. From an SEO standpoint, how is it best for a US company to target Canadian customers? In the past, our websites have relied heavily on organic search results to drive traffic and we would like to continue this trend as we venture into Canada. If you have any other feedback, tips or suggestions of questions we should be asking ourselves before starting this, please feel free to add them! Thank you for your help!

    | airnwater

  • Howdy! Let's say our French client's name is "Something Réseau". When we type in "Something" in Google, we're suggested "Something Réso" which sounds the same but is incorrect. In the past year, the correct name has sent +21,000 branded keywords visits, whereas the incorrect has sent shy of 800. The brand is not new. Anything we can do about it? Thanks!

    | AxialDev

  • Hello, We recently launched a new home page design on our company website, but we still have the same focus keyword in the title, H1, and in parts of the page copy. However, this focus keyword no longer represents our entire brand. We want to change the focus keyword and have done some research on the keyword difficulty and local searches in Google, but are still uncertain on the potential effects. Let me explain our situation more in depth. Instabill provides business owners with merchant accounts and other services. Our current focus keyword is offshore merchant accounts. However, over the past three months, we have been helping businesses establish US merchant accounts (retail, mobile, and online--but retail and mobile to US only while online to merchants everywhere) and intend to continue to increase our US merchant base. We are also still able to provide offshore merchant accounts. Our fear is that when a US merchant comes to our website (, they will see Offshore Merchant Accounts in big H1 letters and leave our site since they want a local US merchant account. However, we still want to make sure our international merchants know we can still work with them. Thus said, we would like to change our focus keyword to something more broad, but still descriptive of our brand: merchant services. To elaborate, we want our H1 heading to read Merchant Services for Retail and Online Businesses. Merchant services is more descriptive since we provide more than just merchant accounts. We also provide the payment gateway, free shopping cart modules, help registering businesses, help obtaining an SSL certificate, and a discounted PCI Certification Service through McAfee. We have more than one page on our website that ranks for the term online merchant accounts, but none that rank for merchant services. However, we are willing to put in the work to ensure we optimize our website properly and put in the effort to make the change successful. Merchant services is also a keyword we would like to optimize on our website, so making the change on the home page will only help the steps in the process. Statistics:
    Offshore Merchant Accounts has a 35% difficulty level and we consistently rank for SERPs #1 and #2. This term, according to the Google Keyword Tool, only receives 70 monthly searches in the US, 50 in the UK, 10 in Canada, and 10 in Australia. These are the four countries of most importance to our website. Merchant Services has a 57% difficulty level and we do not rank for it in Google at all since we have never tried to optimize for this term in the past. Also according to the Google Keyword Tool, this term receives 14,800 monthly searches in the US, 1,600 in the UK, 590 in Canada, and 260 in Australia. Clearly, merchant services could potentially get us much more traffic than offshore merchant accounts if transitioned correctly. I suppose my bottom line question is this: Would it be a bad idea to change my primary focus keyword on my home page? What type of results should I expect to see if searching Google for my company name? Thank you for all of your help. Meghan
    Senior Copywriter of Instabill

    | Instabill

  • Hello - I'm working with a client who has some transitioning brands - and they're hesitant to change the legacy branding in Google Local and on their website because they're afraid of losing traffic from the old brand. Is there a standard practice for keeping traffic on the old brand terms, while still adjusting to the new branding on Google/Yahoo/Bing? Thanks,

    | WebTalent

  • Hi all, Just a quick question. When creating social media profiles, should there be synergy between them in imagery. For example a fashion brand that has a lot of different styles. Would you have 2 completely different looks on say Twitter and Facebook? Or would you try to find a theme and stick with it? I have looked at other fashion brands and there is a mixed bag. Some have synergy, some don't. Is this a matter of opinion or is their a best practice? I don't think there is a right answer but I'd love some opinions / articles on it if poss! Thanks

    | Jon_bangonline

  • I'm trying to do youtube optimization for some videos right now. I wanted to know what the maximum length of a title should be, and what the maximum description should be as well. Are there any other best practices I should know about? Thanks,

    | OOMDODigital

  • Okay all you video SEO lovers, I had a thought today that I thought would make an interesting question. I have been using the tools at to transcribe our videos. The tools are great, and even better, free. We have about 80 videos on DotSub and all of these videos are also on our YouTube channel. Once I've completed the transcription, I've been exporting the .srt file and uploading them to YouTube to replace the God-awful machine transcriptions (sorry Google, but they are baaaadddd). Anyway, sometimes our DotSub video will outrank the same YouTube video, sometimes not. The 80 videos on DotSub have amassed about 10,000 views and a couple of translations...which is nice, I guess? Recently, we've begun experimenting with Wistia. Here is a search term for which our YouTube and DotSub video results pretty much flood page 1:  "studiolive webinar" All of the DotSub videos also exist as Wistia videos on our Website and blog. For obvious reasons, we would rather have our Wistia videos rank in those three positions which right now are dominated by the DotSub versions. Should I remove the content from DotSub in order to try to get the Wistia videos to rank instead? Or should I leave them all there? I should probably add that we do have Wistia videos that are outranking both Dotsub and Youtube versions of the exact same I know that's possible. I'm just wondering if by leaving all of these videos up at DotSub if we are cannibalizing our potential at ranking for videos that link back to our site? What do you think?

    | danatanseo

  • With the SEO community focusing a lot on "online PR" now, I was wondering if there were great sites around PR like MOZ or SearchEngine Land. Does anyone know any?

    | ALLee

  • A while back google started changing our title tags to have our name in it, which was great and reasonable for the most part.  We recently ran into a problem with it as we have some properties on our site that fall under a dba.  Here is the example. Title tag: Kolea- Waikoloa Vacation Rentals
    Kolea is a vacation rental community is a resort called Waikoloa.  Waikoloa Vacation Rentals is our company name and is our company site. Here is the problem:
    Title tag: Hualalai Resort- Waikoloa Vacation Rentals
    Hualalai is a completely different place than Waikoloa and we do business in there as Hualalai Vacation Rentals, but keep our properties on our site rather than microsites. How can you let google know that what they are doing is incorrect for specific pages?  Thanks,

    | RobDalton

  • Hi, We took on a new client in March. Over the last few months I have noticed that their Branded Organic Traffic has dropped off considerably, around 20%. On further investigation I discovered that the drop off occurred between Jan & Feb this year (prior to us taking over). In Jan they launched a new site, the drop off seems to coincide with the launch of their new website. I also found out that their Page Rank had disappeared before the launch of the new website, and is still a PR/na. My first thought was that they have been penalised. How likely is this on a very well known site which gets roughly 170K visits per month? Could the drop in Branded Traffic be due to a decrease in advertising budget elsewhere (to compensate for the cost of the new website, leading to less brand exposure)? Could it be that there are just fewer people searching for their Brand? I guess the questions I am trying to find out are: 1. What are the reasons for massive drops in Branded organic traffic? 2. As an seo I am tasked mainly for optimising for non-branded organic traffic, is there anything I can suggest to the client to help get this traffic back? 3. If it is an algorithmic penalty (Panda, Penguin), how do I know which one? I have started with their links and disavowed known toxic links, fixed crawl errors, optimised their top pages etc etc. If it was a penalty and I mange to fix it, will their branded traffic return? Any help with the above would be greatly appreciated. Jon

    | JonRaubenheimer

  • We are seeing a spammer start ranking #4 for our branded search result on google. This could potentially be hurting our brand. Any suggestions that have worked for you recently? For more context we already have: Create Social profiles (Linkedin, G+, FB etc) which are engaged and frequently updated Analyzed Domain Authority, Links and recency of the spammy article. The domain and the page authority seems weak, and the spammy article is dated Dec of last year Looked at various posts on Thanks in advance!

    | SEMEnthusiast

  • Is anyone aware of a tool or service that's available that will report on SERPs no matter what the URL is? Meaning, if I ask it to give me the top 50 results for a certain keyword, I would like it to give me a report on each URL that is ranking for that keyword.

    | GrandOptimizations

  • Hello everyone! I manage 3 large eCommerce sites that sell textbooks, digital learning solutions, electronic teaching resources, etc., to three different markets in the education space (K-12, College, and Post-College/Career Search). Currently, the 3 sites live on three different sub domains of the companies main domain.  Is this best practice?  I assume we want all three under the same domain to consolidate domain authority. But... What if I told you that we have dozens of sub domains of the companies main domain?  Some are for marketing sites, some are for digital products, some are customer-specific sites, etc.  We probably have close to 100 sub domains that are used regularly. Then what if I told you that the company doesn't hardly even use the root domain (other than a handful of old pages)?  Even the root domain redirects to a sub domain. Just looking for some insight on this, as I will be doing an SEO/marketing/conversion overhaul going forward. On a side note, we use Magento as an eCommerce platform, and it's rampant with duplicate content, duplicate page titles, pages with too many links, and so on and so forth.  That's another problem for another day...

    | brad.s.knutson

  • Hi, We are moving to a new domain because our rankings drastically dropped and we want to "start over". For example - If my company is called Joes Computers and the domain was and the new domain which will hold our e-commerce website will be completely different for example - - which do I brand? Which do I put as suffix in all titles?
    COOL TITLE FOR PRODUCTS | Best Computers
    COOL TITLE FOR PRODUCTS | Joes Computers Which name do I take for social profiles? Company or Domain?
    (We currently have for the company since it was the same). Please note that our company name is already a little bit known... and therefore inside the website it will be labeled in Logos etc. We would also state "Best Computers by Joes Computers" (as if it is a sub brand or daughter company). Thanks,

    | BeytzNet

  • I just noticed that my images on Webmaster Tools are not my sites, they are some shopping site. If I refresh, it goes back to mine, refresh again, back to shopping. It is a known issue in the Webmaster Tools forum but has anyone seen this type of thing before?

    | Linda-Vassily

  • When looking at the carousel for restaurants Houston, or colorado springs restaurants, etc. I am not getting a price, ratings filter. I am using Chrome, have extensions off, etc. Not in a non-personalized search, logged into Google as one of my accounts. Someone else on different machine next to me (they are both MacBook Pros though) is getting the ratings filter. Anyone else seen this? Thanks

    | RobertFisher

  • Yelp and Google, what would be the right path customers have to follow in order for their reviews to be posted and more importantly, to stay there?

    | echo1

  • One of my new businesses is letting holiday cottages and on a few occasions expert web designers have suggested that I should have a redesign because my Dreamweaver website is looking dated and maybe not the best navigation system. The website started off a couple of years ago with one cottage owned by me and I designed the website and I’m certainly not the professional by any means. The only reason I have not invested in a redesign ( although I’m thinking of it once again seriously at the moment ) is because the website has developed into a small letting agency now with eight properties and it’s doing okay with reasonably good search engine listings achieving good occupancy rates on most of the properties.  The feedback from people booking cottages is often complimentary regarding how they visualise the properties.  I  get the feeling this could be because the subject of this website is old world cottages in at old characterful fishing port and possibly the people booking holidays like the personal unpolished website approach, rather than the larger faceless but professionally designed agencies websites,  if you get my meaning. In the future of the company grows I can see how will have no choice but have professional template and navigation structure that maybe at this stage it’s just not worth doing? I’ve attached a snapshot of my analytics which shows that when social media like Facebook traffic look at the website there is slightly more people are using mobiles and desktop computers but they seem to stay a similar period of time a look at a similar number of pages so there must be finding site navigation reasonable. What do you think would you go for a redesign at this stage and if so what would be the major advantages? analytics.JPG

    | whitbycottages

  • Any one have good strategies to get product reviews from customers? Whether general or specific to G+, Yelp, On Page, local review sites, etc? Thanks

    | IOSC

  • Hi all, Excuse the rant - but I'd be interested to hear others thoughts on this... I am completely disheartened by the Google Algorithm updates of the last 18 months. They seem to be completely geared up to making life much much harder for E-commerce companies to rank organically, and much easier for informational sites to rank organically, with the only exception being national or global brands that have millions of pounds to invest in off-line marketing like TV advertising. Is it not all a devious strategy by Google to ensure e-commerce companies have to pay for their traffic? It seems like if you genuinely want to compete organically as an e-tailer, without investing millions in off-line advertising, you basically have to become a publishing house as well as shop. My company sells building supplies. There are plenty of magazines and info-sites out there offering tips, advice, interactive tools etc. for how to build your own home, home improvement advice etc. But if I want to start getting 'natural' links, I have to become an online magazine and information resource as well and start competing with these other reputable info-resources - where is the sense in that? If house-builders want advice and information on building regulations, planning permission etc. they'll visit government information sites and other reputable online resources to get that information, if they want to buy materials they'll go to a shop. It just seems like Google is trying to make every site an information resource - how else are you supposed to get natural links without publishing 'sharable' information - no-one shares links to products really, well not building materials anyway - maybe sexy products like ferrari cars and super-duper laptops or sound systems, but no one is going to go "oh that's a really nice piece of timber, I'll share that with all my friends before I buy it". Just feels like it's getting harder and harder and more and more expensive to trade online. What's everyone else think? Luke

    | LukeyB30

  • My client's own several hotels in Los Angeles. I thought it would be a good idea to ask writers and bloggers to visit the hotel, free of charge, in exchange for a review or write up. Of course, we want to be above board and up front with everything, including encouraging any review to be the truth and forthright, however I just not sure how best to ask them.  Sometimes I ramble on and have trouble getting to the point and I know its really important here. Does anyone have any advice here? Many thanks!

    | AaronDavis

  • Hi guys, I have two websites that are almost the same, I am working to merge them. One domain have authority 44 and other 24... After I merge I will have authority 68? Should I keep the older domain or the newer? The newer has my keyword in the URL but the older have 10 years. Thank you

    | Felip3

  • I need to know what is the best Press Release company out there and if its still safe to use them. Thanks in Advance

    | Angelos_Savvaidis

  • My domain registrar was having a sale for 1$ per year .com domain names (just for the first year). So I went all out and bought 16 domain names. They pretty much all are two or more keywords that i'd like to rank high on put together. We do dedicated server monitoring, so for instance I bought and Can anyone tell me what the best way would be to put these to good use technically? Options: Each domain just 301's to a specific landing page on my main company website Each domain is a site on a drupal multisite with just one page that has links to just my company website Other ideas? Thanks in advance! Walter

    | walterheck

  • We've a new intern who spent a good few hours writing this article - quite a good we one feel. Our main competitor has taken almost the entire thing word for word and put in up on their blog While this is a foolish move on their part, we're still quite offended over the incident as this was the intern's forst article and she'll be looking to add it to her portfolio. I was wondering what the best practice is in this situation? Is simply writing to them enough if they've demonstrated they're underhanded? Should we call them out on it? I'm simply unsure as I want to protect no only the business but the intern also. thanks!

    | LeahHutcheon

  • I am looking for a tool that will find people on twitter/facebook or forums and blogs who have a question about seo/link building. I have seen tools like Buzzbundle but can anyone make some good reccomendations? Problem with Buzzbundle is a lot of the results are from people who sell seo/link building

    | GrowFuse

  • Hi, I was rather hoping for a little advice on how to best get my content out there. I made a simple, and pretty poor quality (though funny I hope), guide on making homemade slippers for Father's Day - you can find it here I guess my question would be, where would you put it up? Being fairly new to this kind of content creation (and this was only something I did in my spare time), I'm still trying to get my head around some of it. thanks!

    | LeahHutcheon

  • Has anyone use the City Grid software/ network to boost your local online presence? If so, what are your thoughts on it ? Did you get good enough results that would justify the investments? All comments and opinions are welcome. We are trying to weigh our options...

    | AubbiefromAubenRealty

  • I am a new business and I have one physical location but we serve 7 counties in CA how should I plan to list it?

    | avimoz

  • Hi All, I know (or think I know) that one of the easiest ways to gain followers for my brand on G plus is to add people to our company's circles. Naturally, they often add you back. However, what does it mean to people who watch my brand (my G Plus page), the fact that I'm following thousands of people? Should I do it? How does it reflect on us?
    Is there a better way to gain followers (specifically for G Plus)? P.S
    We obviously have the badge on site but we hardly gain followers that way. Thanks

    | BeytzNet

  • Hi everyone, Just a quick straw poll to see what people think? When running a FB competition is there more value in sharing the competition url on the website (a sub sub page) or sharing the homepage url with very obvious directions for the user to find the competition page? Thoughts & comments?

    | MarkLoud

  • There was some debate at MozCon 2012 about this issue. I have my personal Google+ page which I didn't want attached to the brand of one of the sites I manage. I saw no other way to create a new Google+ page for this brand except to create a new profile under a different gmail account. The problem is, I had to put in my personal name to create the profile (you can't put in a business name, Google won't accept it), so now I have two "Dana Tan" author pages in Google+, the second one is where I built the page for this separate business "Celebrate Communion." Unfortunately, this has muddied the waters because people are following me in both places (it's fragmented my circles). I would like to add customers who are already on Google+ to my business pages circles, but the business page won't do it. Is it possible to build a Google+ business page without all of this brand confusion? If so, can you send me directions? I have found nothing online that says you don't need a profile to do a brand page. Also, once the page is built, what is the best way for me to reach out to customers with google accounts? I don't see a good way to do that on businesses pages either. On my profile page I can load all the emails into my contacts list, but then those contacts can only be added to my profile page and not the brand page. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Dana

    | danatanseo

  • Hi, What would do before you starting a new online business in the financial field for preventing reputation issues and start to branding your new company name? Which services / tools would you choose to use? Thanks in advance.

    | JonsonSwartz

  • so many people are interested these days in changing domains either for branding purposes like you did or some people believe that having an exact match domain will save the day. I believe posting any knowledge you have gained through your fantastic looking analytics system could shed light on a subject so many people seem to be asking about. Some things I would love to know regarding the amount of people that you have either gained or lost through organic search along with your ranking for the term "seo" And other things you guys must be learning along the way as well. I would also like to know your opinion of having a meter of some sort tell us just how many new people type in Moz vs seomoz I tink it would be a great topic for people to learn about branding from as well as a way to show off your new analytics. Fellow Mozers to you agree or not? ( I now see all the little tricks you guys have been putting in our head by never using seo in branding for a long time aside from of course your name) Great job on the transition. Sincerely, Thomas PS. Did Roger get a new coat of paint or did you just take him to the car wash?

    | BlueprintMarketing

  • We have recently sent out a press release to targeted publications and have been lucky enough to be featured on a hand full of quality news websites which all feature links to our main URL. A minor draw back is some of the sites have just used the press release with minimal changes so we are a tiny bit worried about duplicate content issues but the sites are all high quality with a Domain Authority of 65+. Anyway I am wondering how best to capitalise on these. A few ideas I have:- 1. Go to our Company Google Plus page and +1 them. 2. Go to our Twitter profile and favourite the "tweets" that have been sent out mentioning each article. 3. Go to our Facebook page and "Like" the articles on each of the sites. 4. Setup a Squidoo page called "My Company featured around the internet" and link to the news pages. 5. Setup a Tumblr page called " MY Company featured around the internet" and link to the news pages. We are not sure if featured the links/urls on our "Press" section will undermine any benefit of link juice - we were thinking of doing a PDF of the pages and hosting the PDF on our site.

    | JohnW-UK

  • I've searched and found a lot of discussion regarding the benefits of using Exact Match Domains, however I'm still unsure of what is a "too long" domain to make it not user friendly. I'm working on a new web application that help users design their own <product>. </product> Let's say that the product would be canvas paintings as an example. Would you choose the domain if it was available? Or would you rather create a "brand" like that is shorter and has a more "brand" feeling to it.

    | marcuslind

  • Hi Experts, We are selecting a brand name and domain for a new ecommerce website. The major keyword in this industry is lets assume xyz. It is by far the most searched keyword in this industry, but it just sounds horrible for branding purposes. For SEO purposes how important is it to keep that keyword in the domain / brand name? can we make up for the lack of that keyword in the domain / brand name if we decide to pick a brand name that does not have xyz in it? Thanks for the help 🙂

    | TVape

  • I know this might sound as a newbie question or maybe not, here it goes. I've had a client for the past 2 years, and we have accomplish many good things for his local website (venezuela). It's been so good that he is opening a branch in Dominican republic The content, strategy and even the services are exactly the same, but the owner  wants to have different site for each country. Of course he only wants to pay for one domain. I do want to share our success ont the with the other domains and he actually owns the "global" domain .com with his brand name. So, what should I reccomend... Develop a second site and start from scratch? Migrate my blog from the site to the .com site and give each country a separate folder? /ve /do?. What it's the best scenario for me to have all the traffic we have earned transfer to the global brand and to have separate info for each country... Thank you so much for your answer that I kno would be great. Dan

    | daniel.alvarez

  • Hello SEOOOOOOOOO moz people ! I was wondering if you know how can I add Google + button to my page I tried to set it up in google page But i would like to link the button to my google + fan page and not the url of the page. As our website is indeed 12 websites if you go to you don't have the same +1 than or Any idea of how to do it ? It would be amazing 😛

    | AymanH

  • Hi everyone Our brand has an active G+ page (updated daily).
    Our G+ is also linked to our site, verified, and we were lucky enough to get a vanity URL of our choice after our Google overlords confirmed it for us. When searching a specific brand term within Google UK, Knowledge Graph appeared with a link to our G+ page, logo and links to our last two G+ posts.
    Much like if you search 'seomoz' This has now mysteriously vanished.
    It could be a coincidence but it vanished roughly around the same time as we got our vanity G+ URL. I asked about on Google product forums but to no avail. Anyone else experienced this? Or even know how to get Knowledge Graph back to how it was? Thanks!

    | bfrl

  • 'The Guardian' Is Moving to a New Domain according to this article on Mashable - Interested to see all the thoughts from SEOs to see how you would suggest they could implement this correctly, without dropping traffic / rankings etc...

    | Webrevolve

  • A couple of years ago my company put all effort into one brand name, closing multiple sites with good names. All traffic going to ie is now redirected to Here our customers are being told about the fusion/merge and we are linking to the key-products of OldBrandName, on our new age. We have 4 of these pages for 4 different brandnames. These pages still get a lot of traffic. Now to my question: how do I get as much juice as possible out of these OldBrandNames? They have high page authority and many inbound links. But I would like to pass the juice and the links to our frontpage or other relevant pages. What is optimal? Should I just redirect all the traffic to The redirects was made approximately 2 years ago. We are in the travel & leisure business, so customers often visits numerous times a year, closing deals 1-2 times a year. All 4 OldBrandNames have their own specialities (family, low budget, off-the-beaten-track, wellness). Any recommendations on how to approach this?

    | alsvik

  • A large online retailer in Europe used to sell a product that we sell in the US.  They have not sold the product for more than a year but have not removed the item from their product listings.  The price is marked down and the description says the product has been discontinued.  They sell a very large number of items and have a high DA and this product listing ranks high in Google SERP. As you can imagine, this causes significant problems for us.  Potential customers are given the wrong price and are also being told that the product has been discontinued. I have sent numerous requests to the retailer asking them to delete the product from their database with no success.  Is it possible to send a notice to Google requesting that this product page be de-indexed?  Any other suggestions? Best,

    | ChristopherGlaeser

  • Is it worth trying to target non-brand keywords with qualifiers like: best, top, good? Naturally review or comparison sites are built to target these keywords/searches, but can big brands compete in this landscape? Does anyone have any good examples?

    | GSI

  • Hey guys, I have a client whom has an existing site and we have created a new site with a new domain name They do not wish for it to be redirected. They wish for two sites to have the exact same content just with different logos. So for example if you search for current domain the search results present to you as the number 1 search listing and the same if you searched for their new domain. I'm trying to understand how google might index the two sites if side wide canonical tag were implemented on either of the sites to get over the duplicate content issue. How would google index the brand name of each site if one site canocilised? I don't want to encourage this client with this idea as it appears to be nonsensical but I thought I should first understand fully what the SEO implications might be. Thanks Rob

    | daracreative

  • From an SEO agency perspective.  What would be the estimated man hours and hard cost to rebrand a large site (1000+pages)?  And all that would go into it, like 301 redirects and etc.? I have a pretty good idea, of what it would take and how perilous it could be from an SEO perspective. Because of anchor text / 301 redirects / organic potential traffic loss and etc. I just don't know the man hours and hard cost would be.

    | SMG-Texas

  • a client of mine receives loads and loads of review on their website but few on 3rd party review type sites.  i want to be able to push reviews left on client site out to these other sites.  is this possible?

    | Christoffa

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