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Category: Branding

Explore the topics of branding and brand awareness and why they’re important for any business.

  • We have a client's domain that has been live for 8 years. With the new changes to Google, no matter what we do, we cannot get the words Urantia Book to connect with the website and lift it's search engine returns to the first page where it was for the past 4 years.. It is clear, that no matter what Google may say, the most important factor is having the actual words urantiabook in the domain is imperative. We know it was that way before Google changes (they were always on the first page) but now the client cannot get back on the front page. The mission and theme of the site is Jesus in The Urantia Book. So it is not a stretch to acquire and forward it to The question is, "will they get any bang for the change? If they considered changing the actual main domain to or .org and forward to it, will they be hurt by that strategy? " Thanks, Jim

    | jimmyzig

  • Hi Mozzers, A client is thinking about changing their social media handles to shorten them to just their brand name as opposed to brand name plus the word 'apparel'. What is the implications of doing this and does the link change from facebook/brand-apparel or does the URL stay the same? Thanks Gareth

    | Bush_JSM

  • Let me know where should I start. I heard this is something you can do in your domain name or hosting service. Thanks in advance!

    | esiow2013

  • Hi Everyone 🙂 I was recently approached by the Vancouver Sun and the Province (our major newspapers in BC), and they said they had an "exclusive partnership" with Yahoo. I can't seem to find much information on it... what is the "Yahoo Newspaper Consortium" and is there any benefit for me going with what the newspapers offer rather than doing our own thing with Yahoo Ads? Any resources or info is appreciated 🙂

    | jhinchcliffe

  • Hi everyone, How does a retailer get listed as a reseller of books in Google SERPs? See this example for what I mean: Thanks in advanced! Paul

    | kevinliao

  • Our company was acquired and we are working toward an entire re-brand, including name change and new url. We plan to appropriately 301 redirect the old site to the correct pages on the news site, etc. The question is, if users continue to search the old company name on search engines, will it appear in SERPs for the new site? I'm guessing that our company name is associated to the old url and will that pass along the branded company name to the new url? My thoughts are to include the old company name in the sitemap.htm file and in the About Us section, particularly in the news release when the change occurs. Aside from that idea is to include social posts on G+, LinkedIn, our Blog, and Twitter as appropriate talking about the name change, all linking to the new website. Any input would be most appreciated!

    | Prospector-Plastics

  • I was wondering if submitting press release, such as to PR Web, if the links, on the press release linking back  to our site still have any value in today's SEO world? If so, what is the right way to take out the most value of a Press Release.?? Please advise, Morris

    | PrintEZ

  • This is probably a trivial question for most here, but I wanted to try a rich snippet with our logo.  I put in the code at I would appreciate it if anyone could give me feedback as to if it was done correctly.  I would think this is pretty common, but have not seen many articles out there about a business logo.  Most of what I have seen is to display a person or a product.  Thanks,

    | RobDalton

  • Hi, I just "earned" an authority figure as a follower on my company's twitter account (not a big account - 600 followers). The authority figure is the founder of a very relevant and big niche news site. Should I welcome her to my community? Is it correct putting her on the spot?
    Will it offend other followers who I don't welcome? (Needless to say that I would love the opportunity to blog with them etc. - to have a relationship) Thanks

    | BeytzNet

  • So my company is interested in creating a scholarship for medical students as a way to create more brand awareness and earn some quality links from universities and colleges. The problem is, we are a little stuck on where to place the scholarship within the structure of our site. First of all, our idea is to make the scholarship application process interactive and social. Candidates will create a short video where they answer one of the scholarship questions. Those videos will be displayed in a Reddit-style feed (sort of like allowing people to vote for the ones they like. Videos with more links will rise to the top. The popularity of the videos will factor into the decision of whom to award the scholarship, but it will not be the sole determining factor. To do this properly, the scholarship should be its own experience independent from our main site. There will be several pages (profile, application, about the scholarship, the Reddit-style feed, etc.) so it wouldn’t really fit within our existing site. BUT if we put the scholarship on a subdomain we miss out on the link juice. Could we keep the scholarship pages under the main domain (, but have it be its own experience with its own navigation? Will that look bad in the eyes of the search engines? We’d essentially have two sites on the same domain. Any help would be much appreciated.

    | ba_seomoz

  • This might be a stupid question but the homepage of SEOMoz doesn't have img alt tags on the three feature screenshots. I've hovered my mouse and looked at the code, the images just have the link to Everyone goes adding image tags is key, any reason why SEOMoz don't?

    | Bio-RadAbs

  • I routinely outsource nicely written content but never use my google authorship for those articles. Should I be adding my google authorship to those articles? Or would that be unethical and violate googles TOS?

    | TShak

  • As a webdesigner, I tend to place a link to my website in the footer of sites I build.
    I consider this a form of brand awareness and reputation building, with nice SEO benefits. What is the SEO best practice in this case ? Link to a page in your portfolio describing your work on the site ? Sending all the links to the homepage ? What about the link text ?

    | Crocodesign

  • Hey guys, I'm wondering whether you could point me in the right direction of a reputable PR site to use? I realise that many of these sites have been devalued over recent years but I wanted to produce something for a client after they struck-up a fairly notable connection with another company in their industry. Or should I just avoid PR sites altogether? Oh, and I'd prefer them to be free if possible 🙂

    | Webrevolve

  • Hi all, Is or .sg a better option?
    And also which can have a better advantage in terms of SEO ranking?

    | chanel27

  • I was wondering if anybody out there has any experience launching a website for a company that is a reseller of another product or service. I'm wondering what is the best strategy for handling the content for product and service descriptions? Pulling the content off of our partners site doesn't seem like it would be the best strategy.

    | bcglf

  • We just started doing some Press Releases and want to maximize the benefits of them to our full potential. Would it be beneficial for our PR to have an author? We know Google likes real people and was wondering if attaching the author to the PR will provide more strength to that particular author?

    | WebRiverGroup

  • I am looking to put a crib/cheat sheet together for clients about writing content, blogs and twitter and other social. I want this to be SHORT - SHARP and to the point. Any advise is appreciate. This is what I have so far.... Blogs - Tell the world what your company is doing, whats new, also link it to the news - BE INTERESTING - Educate don't just say "we offer this services its great" - make it relevant BUT do not be obvious - ask yourself would you read this blog find it interesting - read it again - what did you learn? Twitter - Treat like a micro blog with a personality - use it to great a company personality do not just link to your site when you do a blog post - comment on news events - BE INTERESTING - BE FUN - Make people want to engage with you - we recently tweeted this:- eg:- Something pointless for the weekend - See fun video link. Social - Again use it to create a company personality - be fun but do not just copy and paste the same content - judge your audience. Feel free to help.... watch?v=isZNJjPsaMI

    | JohnW-UK

  • We are resellers of 4 separate products. Currently we have numerous different websites promoting each product, not all of them use a URL which has any real link to our business - it's only when you land on the page that it contains brand images, etc. We are in the process of redesigning and rebranding, and want to know what would be the best course of action to take in terms of domain registration. This is what we have currently, for example: - - This site deals with the resale and support of a branded accounts package. - This site deals with the resale and support of a second branded accounts product. In terms of moving forward with new domains, which are going to contain our business name, our options are as follows: - OPTION 1 -,, www.our-business-name/product3/etc where all products are given separate sub-domains within our main business page. OPTION 2 -,, where each product we resell is given it's own separate domain entirely. Does anyone think one direction over another would give any benefits in terms of SEO, or would it not matter as long as each site was well optimised with a solid content and social strategy? My initial preference is for the first option, if only because of the continuity in terms of having one main company website with each product listed in sub-domains. Each landing page would obviously be optimised for each specific product/keyword, etc. so, from a user point of view, there shouldn't be any confusion between separate products. Also, would it be recommended to install 301 redirects from our existing, etc pages to the relevant new sites? Thanks, John

    | HBPGroup

  • Today, Matt Cutts published an article on his blog saying pretty much "Guest blogging is dead". Seemed a little harsh to me, but what happens now? Is GOOD guest blogging still allowed or will it be seen as spam too? I even picked up a chatter on Twitter about YouMoz:

    | FedeEinhorn

  • With all the SEO focus now on creating and sharing unique and high quality content I ensure that is exactly what we do, however... All we seem to do is add this content to our blog with some good quality images to break up the text. Our articles are at least 800 words in length and they are always informative... Once added to our blog we share the content across the 'big 3' social platforms (Facebook, Twitter & Google+) I also do a little bit of 'internal linking' from the blog post to a relevant page on the main website - the blog is actually part of the website! So, my question is... in light of the recent 'guest post' scaremongering and the fact that every blog owner I seem to 'reach out' wants payment should I look at Web2.0 platforms such as; Squidoo Hubpages Quora Triberr ...and the many other similar sites that exist to add some of our content to? Also what about Article Directories? Ezinearticles GoArticles I know this seems like a 'throwback' to 2-3 years ago but I just wondered whether the above still have any credence? Obviously I would be very selective with regard to 'back linking' and would ensure that I vary the anchor text - to be honest, as much as a link would be useful, it's more about brand exposure ... Any advice \ recommendations would be greatly appreciated! Andy

    | TomKing

  • So I have a question. I'm working on an auto dealer's website and we're trying to gear their service center toward the general public (rather than just one brand - IE Honda, GMC, Buick). We have created a subdomain for the service page, and I was wondering if we could create a unique Google Plus page for it, in an effort to help its rank. Since the auto service center is on site at the dealership, I did not know if this would hurt us. Does anyone have experience dealing with this issue? Thank you!

    | OOMDODigital

  • Hi Moz, I understand that using a PR for SEO benefit is old-school, black hat, and largely outlawed by Google. We are simply trying to get our name pushed further into the local market, i.e., using a press release for it's natural intention. Our company offers free quotes through our site and the scheduling of jobs with new clients is largely done online. I think it seems silly NOT to have a link to our URL in the press release, but rather than poke Google, we're fine omitting it. However, would linking our Yelp near the end be a big deal? Yelp no-follows their URLs back to the company site so there isn't a risk with pumping up a support link through PR and we can provide SOME clickable link to our information. Thoughts?

    | kirmeliux

  • When we do a search in Google for our brand name like this "google+ whiteboard creations" we see 2 different G+ pages: 1) and 2) #2 is our real one which we are trying to promote, grow, etc, etc. However, I'm not sure where the other one came from. Did Google create it? We have the option to "Delete Page" in the settings, but unsure if it will delete the real page we actively manage. Has anyone else had this issue with multiple pages? Any advice as get into G+ more and more? Thanks in advance everyone! - Patrick

    | WhiteboardCreations

  • Hi, As all that manage their social channels, I often track some of the posts and how people interacted with them. My question is quite simple: As a business page - Should I thank someone for sharing my post?
    I assume it would make them feel worthy and will probably cause them to share again... However, will my page's followers see that I thanked someone (and will doing so annoys them if I now thank 10 different people)...? Who sees a comment my page puts on another person's share? Thanks

    | BeytzNet

  • Hi All, In doing a search for our brand from our corporate HQ (Learning Tree), I came across a large embedded "ad" so to speak on the right hand side front and center of one of our locations (see attached photo). Clearly this is from Google's Knowledge Graph. We aren't pleased with the photo of a computer screen pulling randomly from our website...we are OK with the map listing though. Anyway to change this? As a note, when you search for "Learning Tree International" (our more official name as the entity as a whole - we have many locations around the world, and also one near our corporate HQ, which is the one that's displaying when you search "Learning Tree" alone), much better imagery of our logo is displayed. That's coming from our corporate G+ page. Any suggestions? Thank you. s0C5ZpT&hXaLhE7 s0C5ZpT&hXaLhE7#1

    | CSawatzky

  • My client, Pareto Law, have set themselves up with a Google Local Business listing:, and when searching for the Pareto Law brand this page appears a bit like a site-link under the main search result. I've noticed that other companies, such as, have their G+ page ranking seperately on page 1 of the SERPs. This is especially important for my client, as we're trying to push down other sites rankings for our brand. In an ideal world I'd want only their twitter, G+, linkedin, & facebook pages ranking amongst wikipedia entries and the like, as opposed to forums discussing my client. The question is, are Pareto Law able to set themselves up with a G+ business page as well as the G+ local listing page they presently have. Is that an acceptable setup, or are you supposed to have just one or the other? I'm struggling to differentiate between the 2.

    | AndrewAkesson

  • Honest, genuine & unedited customer reviews are something that I'm going to focus on for multiple companies that I work for in 2014.  My question is where is the best place to push my customers to leave reviews for the company?  On the company's website?  Google+?  Google Local?  Bing?  Yahoo?  Yelp?  Facebook? Obviously the answer is all of the above, but if you had to rank the top 3 places to get reviews that would help the company's SEO rankings & online visibility, what would your top 3 be?

    | ajwyse

  • I'm preparing to begin a rebranding project for a client who is changing their brand name, logo and primary domain name. They have dozens of locations (some that accept walk-in customers, and some that don't). What's the best place to get started? Once their rebranded website is published, should third-party sources like Acxiom & Localeze be addressed first, then move to Google+ Local, Bing Places, Yahoo Local, etc.? Is using schema for local business and the new company logo on their website a must-do action item? Just trying to be proactive & figure out the best process in order to maximize cost and time efficiency. Thank you.

    | BT211

  • One of my free tools for creating web pages automatically inserts a back-link to my home page as a footer, or 'badge' from the free web pages it creates. Hence there are tens of thousands of low quality sites out there linking back to my home page. While this was great ten years ago, Google looks on things differently these days. So the question is, will Google penalize me for this? Does the negative outweigh the positive - should I remove the insertion of back-link badges from the product? Thanks, Peter

    | virtualmechanics

  • Last month I have posted a question about choosing the right domain name for a website which is currently popular in india, which also needs to be popular in USA. Here's the link to that question ( As you can see the question got 3 helpful responses from experts. But if you scroll down and see.. there is a 4th response which I myself posted throwing some extra doubts, (This was left unanswered.) Could someone please check that thread and clarify my doubt ( the 4 response)

    | PaulineRose

  • Hi Everyone, I am wondering how to claim authorship for doctors while still using their title "MD." Adding MD to Google Plus profiles goes against Google name policy, but in order to comply with the FTC we need to include "MD" to our doctor's name in our article by-lines. I have sent in many appeals with evidence that they have a degree. I also considered creating a "Google Page," but had the impression that you cannot claim authorship with rel=author tags with a "Google Page," only rel=publish. Can anyone help me figure out how to claim authorship for a doctor using (first name last name), MD ?

    | dirigodev

  • Should I create separate pages for each location or should I create one account and add all my locations to that account?

    | steve215

  • I would like to learn more about Google+ optimization to help the brand and rankings, etc of the company I work for but I do not know where to begin.  Anyone with advice?  Or links to this type of information? The website is Thank you, Gina

    | gina_m

  • Could anyone give a reason as to why a facebook page wouldn't be appearing in search results? - I've setup numerous facebook Pages for businesses and they usually get indexed and start appearing in the SERPs for their respective name/brand name relatively quickly, but have a Page for a business (which has even been quite active recently) and it's nowhere to be seen in Google's results (not even on a search for the complete URL). Any thoughts appreciated, thanks. Greg

    | GregDixson

  • Hello. We're out looking for high quality, relevant links for our site that are relevant to our industry... We've noticed some of our competitors and suppliers are listed on this directory: What are your thoughts on this directory?  Is it high quality enough to request a listing there or do you think it's too risky?  I'm not trying to do anything that could be perceived as risky or spammy. Please let me know your thoughts. Thanks!

    | Prime85

  • These two businesses are owned by the same company (industry is event planning).  The parent company has been in business 20+ years and caters to a corporate crowd and the more recent company started by the parent caters to consumers (weddings).   Would this have any negative seo implications if they share social media accounts? or is this perhaps just more of a strategic issue i gather. And i would gather that its best for each to have their own blog. Would greatly appreciate some insight!Thanks, Christian

    | Sundance_Kidd

  • I have a client that has a decent following on Google+ on his personal account but his business profile doesn't have many people going to it.  The law firm he owns has roughly 14 attorneys and all of them write for their blog.  Since they are all new to Google+ except for him, I'm wondering what everyone things that the best practice is to get the information shared.  When we post the information on his personal personal profile, he generally gets between 50 - 75 +1s and a dozen or so shares.  If we put it on the business profile we don't get more than 10.  The issue is when one of the attorney's that is new to G+ posts on their timeline and then we share it via the business, we then have to share it via the owners timeline to get any traction. We need to build followers for each of the attorneys new to G+, that's obvious, but what do we do in the mean time?  Since the owner is also the brand, what is your suggestion of the best strategy?

    | DarinPirkey

  • If so, what could the reasons for this be? Maybe because of Google auto-filling URLs? Thanks for reading!

    | DA2013

  • Situation: Recently I encountered a Meta Title issue for my company websites.
    This Dutch company has four websites on one server. Three closely related EMD(Exact Match Domain) websites and one overarching website. (Holiday homes rental websites) (overarching) (EMD in EN: (EMD in EN: (EMD in EN: Question:
    What would be a preferable Meta Title for the EMD websites (homepage/subpages)? Keep in mind that the domains are EMD. The homepage will target the most important keywords and should not compete with subpages. Options for the homepage (translated from Dutch to English):
    1. Holiday Rentals France | All holiday home rentals in France in a row!
    2. Holiday Rentals France | powered by
    3. Suggestions? Options for the subpages:
    1. Holiday Rentals Normandy | Holidayrentals France
    2. Holiday Rentals Normandy |
    3. Suggestions? And concerning the keywords in the beginning; is it wise to use both plural and singular terms in the meta title? For Example:
    Hotel New York. Best hotels in New York | Company Name

    | TT_Vakantiehuizen

  • Hi, Is there any tools in the market that can mass unfollow twitter's unfollower? Thanks!

    | chanel27

  • For the past year, I've worked on a website that offered one product (Product 1). The homepage targeted both branded terms and the highest volume keywords for the one product. We've built a lot of strong links to the homepage using the natural variations of the targeted Keywords & the homepage ranks very well for these terms. The brand is now expanding its offerings to two products (Product 1 & 2). Thus necessitating the creation of two product subpages. I'm not concerned about ranking of Product 2's page, only Product 1. From a branding perspective, the homepage URL works wonderfully for the expanded offerings. And from an SEO perspective, offering two products allows me to target a very high volume group of keywords on the homepage that now makes more sense given the offerings. This new group of keywords will make even more sense if brand is able to roll out a 3rd product. The profitability of Product 1 & 2 are about the same. The profitability of potential product 3 is far greater 1+2 combined. Product 3 also has the most natural correlation with the group of KWs I plan to target on the homepage, i.e., I care more about the ranking of the homepage once Product 3 has launched. Product 3 will have its own interior product page as there is plenty of search volume for KWs specific to this product. I'm worried about hurting the rankings of the old product and URL confusion between the homepage & the to-be-created Product 1 page.  I don't see myself having a lot of options. Options 301 - It does not make sense to 301 redirect the homepage to the Product 1 interior page. The homepage URL has strong branding and will be used in future marketing. I do not believe that I value the maintaining the rankings of Product 1 enough to push for making the new homepage or similar to allow for the 301 redirect. Canonical - The content of the homepage will be changing, thus a rel=canonical to the Product 1 page does not make sense, nor does it make sense from a ranking perspective as I also want the homepage to rank for the new set of KWs I will be targeting The only real option I see is attempting to reach out to strong back links with Product 1 anchor text (or context) & asking them the switch the URL to the Product 1 interior page. Combine this with proper site-wide internal linking to the new Product 1 interior page & an anchor text link on the homepage to the new Product 1 interior page. Am I missing something? Am I dismissing either one of the above options too easily. Am I over-thinking this (yes probably)? Would love another set of eyes on this.

    | 2uinc

  • I notice that that on YouTube, the related links that show up at the end of our videos are a smorgasbord of our competitors and other videos similar in theme (which makes sense, as those are truly related videos). What I'm curious about -- and have had difficult finding, is tips and case studies for improving and maintaining appearance in the related video sections, and perhaps some insight into how those videos are rated for for related videos.  Correlation on YouTube seems to be spotty at best, I know keywords and user metrics are key, but any more specific advice or clarification on the issue would be appreciated.

    | Oren.

  • One of our main methods of advertising for my startup business is by sending samples to bloggers for review. I've read a lot of good things about this method and many of my competitors use it very well - I've even seen it suggested on the Moz blog several times in the past. The one thing I do worry about is that Google may see this as a form of 'link purchasing', as I'm offering something in exchange for a link and some of the blog posts may reference that fact (or at least most likely use the word "Review" - Which could be some kind of footprint?).
    We don't intend to ask for anchor texts, so at the very least that should look natural. What are your opinions? Could this be seen as paid linkbuilding or is it regarded as a natural marketing method? [EDIT]:
    One idea we had was to potentially offer bloggers the chance to earn a portion of their purchase back by writing a review on their blog. They'd buy from us and let us know they have a blog, then we'd reimburse them some credit towards their next order for every blog post they write about us. Does this sound like a good idea or is this potentially more dangerous than simply offering free samples?

    | azu25

  • Hey Guys, I need to do press releases for two brand new stores I'm doing work for. What are the best five press release services that one can pay for in your opinion? Thanks!

    | OOMDODigital

  • Hi, I'm having a strange problem with a certain comapny. When you Google their brand name the first 8 results or so are related - their site, Google+ page, Twitter etc. The rest of the results are completely unrelated to the site and much of it is in another language and looks really spammy. According to the site owner until recently the first 50-60 results were related - mostly local results, press releases, and franchise companies listing his business. They don't have a great link profile but that shouldn't have them dropping out of the results, especially since they're still ranking in the top 1-8 positions. Here's the strangest part: the company name is Libertana. All the spammy results are not so much spammy, they're related to the syllable "na". Examples: Ivanyukite-Na Mineral Data įt$koka!na's sounds on SoundCloud - Hear the world's sounds Bosiniya na Herizegovina - Wikipedia What on earth is going on? Why would they rank for the last syllable of their name?

    | storemachine

  • My client has a website ( The website is popular in India (we show up 1st in SERP for our brand name as the search query in Google India) but results are different in Google US, Actually we are not even in the top 10 results in the US version of Google SERP. The Domain name (brandname**.com**) is already taken by another person and he isn't using the domain but expects around $100000 for selling the domain. So we are only left with the option of buying another domain name. My client provides business intelligence consulting services/solutions. What I would like to know is can I recommend buying ( Would this be treated as keyword stuffing? Is there a possibility that my website be penalized by EDM algorithm updates for my primary keyword(bi analytics)?  Please advise.

    | PaulineRose

  • I noticed something this morning, when performing a search on Google UK for "Intensive driving courses southend" the first position is awarded to a driving school that is using exact match keywords instead of brand name on their G+ page to rank for local terms. See this for yourself here: Until then, my site had held position 1 for this term for well over a year. Every gut instinct I have tells me that this will not work forever and its not something I should implement, however I'm interested to hear if anyone else is using this tactic, and how its working for them? How can I compete with this "grey hat" tactic?

    | Silkstream

  • Afternoon Mozzers, Noticed something today on that we have never seen / noticed before on PPC adverts. This exampe is a Google UK search for Wonga payday. Within the Ad copy there is a link to a BBC news article about the company. Has anyone else seen these on any PPC Ads? I am assuming this is not an intentional feature from Wonga to link to an external site from within their own PPC advert? i assume they would not get charged for these clicks. If anyone has any further info or insights on this feature it would be appreciated. PqsOoUy.png

    | Sarbs

  • My client's site in question has a TON of outstanding, constantly updated, highly detailed articles.  The site owner also has a branded collection of nearly all of them on Scribd.  I guess I can live with that because dupe content isn't an issue and the pdfs there link back to the site and another domain of ours. Plus it gets a lot of eyeballs on our newish brand and content, and we can run reports on users. BUT, we have Scribd social share buttons on each article on our site that (among other things) allows a user to grab a direct link to the content on Scribd or an embed link for their blog or whatever. So, two questions really - Foremost, shouldn't we get rid of that embed option on our page?  I mean, isn't is stealing from our backlink potential?  I can't imagine juice would somehow pass back to us through a Scribd-located doc or embed but I haven't found info affirming or contradicting that. And secondly, isn't a Scribd collection a bit analogous to posting videos on YouTube and hoping your page will ultimately benefit from it via clickthroughs, etc?  At this year's MozCon I heard a strong argument against that. Thanks -

    | Jen_Floyd

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