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Category: Branding

Explore the topics of branding and brand awareness and why they’re important for any business.

  • There is one question that keep bugging us and for which we are looking for a logical answer – to put it short, in which context(s) is it preferable to publish original content on a company website vs on a dedicated external platform with its own URL? To give a little more details: we an education company that provides languages course abroad and that functions like a specialised travel agency. Each trip is very specific – it depends on people's language level, objectives, budget, etc. – so we provide tailor-made advice for each of our students. Our site is not an e-commerce site, and a typical call-to-action is a request for a 1-to-1 interview with one of our agents, or a quote request for a language trip project. The top conversion for us is an enrolment for a language course abroad. We have a corporate websites structure where we have 1 website per locale where we operate, which means 14 websites in 7 different languages. We produce smaller pieces of content for these websites in a dedicated section – the rest of the website being mostly a presentation of our products, services and destinations – but here we intend to create a very large Quiz which will be based on multiple audio files. The content will be translated into multiple languages (likely 10 different languages) and will require some rather heavy development. We intend to add sections for scoreboards, stats, a log-in section (probably Facebook), etc. This sounds to us like something we should host on a specific URL, but then how can we make the most of the SEO benefits that we will (hopefully) get with such content? We plan to have an about section where we explain a little bit who we are, where we will probably link back to our corporate websites, but of course we want our project to live for itself and to be as far from commercial as possible – while still making the most of the SEO benefits. How can we do this in the most subtle / logical way? Would it be better to host our Quiz on our corporate domains? Thanks in advance for your advice. Maëlle

    | ESL_Education

  • Hi there, I need some help on how to go about fixing the many 404 errors that i have on the site Many of the 404 errors are images that were on the CDN and now i have not joking 6k 404 errors and a good percentage are the cdn images that I deleted of 3 years work as I did not need them. Would you guys/gals be able to help me on best solution to fixing them? Thank you for your help in advance.

    | blinky51

  • We are considering taking a redirect off and have our 20 yr old website go to our new name/brand 1yr old website. ( to is there a checklist or template to follow when doing this? I need to get this completed with as little ramifications as possible. Help!? I did see the whiteboard friday concerning this and was hoping there was some more info or advice I could get to prepare everyone for what would happen and make sure I am getting it done right.

    | MarketPlanB

  • I'm trying to decide between three domains: What's the latest word on if there is an actual SEO impact to the stopword or whether it is just ignored entirely? Further, does anyone have any insight into whether any of these domains are seen as more credible (from a searcher's standpoint)? Thanks so much!

    | Andrew_Mac

  • Our business brand name has words in it which when we were using it as our domain name, was a) bad for our SEO and b) got our emails marked as spam in our client's inboxes. This was not a problem when we first got online, years ago. It eventually became problematic, but we didn't realize it for some time. When we realized the issue, we simply changed our domain name to something more SEO friendly, using exact match keywords. This was fine for a while, but eventually, algorithms changed again, and now with Google putting an emphasis on Brand Names and not looking as kindly on exact match keyword type domains, we are again at a place where we don't know what to do. We can't change our brand name. I don't want to post our real name or business here, but I will give an example. Brand Name: Living Free Travel The Issue: "Free Travel" gets blocked by spam filters, gets us useless traffic from people looking for free travel (which makes out bounce rates very high), gets our domain blacklisted. The Solution: is the website of Living Free Travel The New Issue: is not our brand, and probably doesn't look like one to Google, especially since on our site, is never really mentioned because it is only our domain, not our brand. "Living Free Travel" is generally the anchor text for wherever we are linked to. We assume this mismatch is problematic for us in ways we don't even know. Are we screwed? Need advice, please. THANK YOU.

    | benenjerry

  • Is there still benefit to having a listing in the Yahoo Directory for $299.00 per year? It has very high domain authority. Also does it benefit UK sites as much as USA sites?

    | niallfred

  • I would like to increase mentions to my site and brand. I thought the Q&A sites might be useful here (like Yahoo Answers). Can anyone give me some tips where to go and what to do? I would be very happy about that 🙂

    | MichaelJanik

  • Hi all I am looking at copy/pasting an article from another website which is very relevant to my business, is there a standard practise/best practise for SEO to do this and ensure Google doesn't think i am plagerizing content etc.. Link to source down the bottom? Using Quotations... making a page noindex or no follow etc?

    | IsaCleanse

  • We are looking to rebrand our domain name. Our existing domain is We own and were hoping to use this domain. The company name is Metro Manhattan Office Space, Inc. Is the fact that the new domain contains "Manhattan" a negative? I know that the fact that it has a hyphen is weak. Manhattan is part of such keywords as "Manhattan office space". Regarding the company name, is the fact that it contains the target phrase "Manhattan office space" bad? Our company name may sound like exact match anchor text and I am not sure what to do about this if anything. I would really prefer to keep our name but it is necessary to change it to improve SEO we will do so. Would it be better to change to a new name like "Integrity Real Estate" which does not contain target phrases or keywords ("real estate" is not a major target phrase as it is to generic) ? Or how something like for the domain and leave the company name alone? How would I go about finding a  company that would assist is in creating an SEO friendly domain name and perhaps a new corporate name if necessary? Thanks, Alan

    | Kingalan1

  • Mozzers, Google has recently begun to include some of our blog content within its knowledge graph, Not our company data for the branded searches, but within the results for general FAQ style questions and queries common to our industry. In a couple of cases using our content over Wikipedia which was really pleasing 🙂 My thinking is that this is not just general luck but that google likes our technical blog content and even as far as to promote it themselves and sees us as authoritative in this industry/field ? I see this as an opportunity to continue publishing if anything increase the frequency for this style of content to build up authority in this sector in the hope that google will look at our brand and maybe even our search positioning favorably. (Similar to the idea behind author rank possibly?) Just wanted some general opinions from some knowledgeable Mozzers on this or if maybe i am thinking too far into it? Maybe there is something i should be looking at to further improve how favorably google looks at our content for inclusion in its knowledge graph? Thanks James

    | Antony_Towle

  • Our current domain ( is spammy, using 2 hyphens and several keywords. So we are planning on migrating to a new domain. Our company is Metro Manhattan Office Space, Inc.. We are Manhattan commercial real estate brokers specializing in office and commercial leasing. For 5 years we have owned an alternative domain but never migrated the site to it. The alternative domain is But I am not sure it is a good choice since it contains one hyphen. Any suggestions for creating a strong URL for rebranding? It appears the really good names are already taken. Thanks, Alan

    | Kingalan1

  • Hi Everyone I have 3 top level domains - and its showing up my meta tag description in USA and Australia search for my NEW ZEALAND meta tag description.  Not sure whats going on, but now that im ranking for all top level domains in those countries it looks weird having a NZ in the Search when its a USA and AUSTRALIA domain name.  See the attachments Cheers new

    | edward-may

  • _Hi Folks, __simple question - We are creating a highly shareable video __to gain links/shares/traffic/google love for our site _and want to know if its worth hosting it on youtube i__n any circumstances.? We have the bandwidth to host it for sure. Cheers, Tom

    | tomnivore

  • When I search any term for my organization, we are getting good results BUT the company name, next to the results URL is of an orgnization we acquired many years back and not the name of our company.  The  URL is correct page JUST the company name next to this URL is incorrect on the Google search results page. How do I go about changing so the company name next to the URL ?

    | DigitalNTT

  • Good Morning Everyone, So by now i'm sure you've all heard about the search engines like Google and Bing displaying Emoji's in the Page titles of the SERPS. Does anyone know how to input the emojis into your page title?  I have a magento site and have no idea where to find the emoji's and how to place them in the title. Any help/guidance/advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

    | Prime85

  • I'm curious to hear whether it's better to have your company name before the Search String, or after it?When I search for Church Management Software in Google, some results place the company before the string.
    **In attached image
    (Pink Squares : Company Name)
    (Blue Squares : Search String) Please indicate in your response if there is any study, experiment, or evidence to back your answer. Thanks for your help! NameOrStringNameOrString cmsSerp.jpg

    | ChurchCommunityBuilder

  • Hello, I am wondering if there is best practices or ideas when doing SEO work for someone's personal name and that name has two variations. So for instance, if someone's formal first name is "James" but they go by "Jim" or "Richard" and "Rick." I thought it might be easy as choosing one and going for it, but this person has a lot of info about them indexed and google and for the most part it is two completely different set of SERP's depending on which variation of the named is searched.

    | kevgrand

  • Hi ALL, Just wondering if it is worth setting up a stumble upon account and sharing our articles or blog posts? I noticed a few companies in my industry who write alot of blog posts who share their articles to stumble upon.  Anyone have any insight into the benefits of doing this for SEO? Cheers

    | edward-may

  • Does anybody have any advice for migrating Youtube Channels.  In other words there is one account with a handful of videos and another account with a handful of videos  and we will want to migrate them to just one account.  Is it really just re-uploading them and deleting the older account or is there more to this than that? Thanks,
    Chris Birkholm

    | DRSearchEngOpt

  • Today it looks as if Google has assembled some information about my client keynote speaker Garrison Wynn and made an info box for him on the right of the results. The information is outdated and incorrect as I see it is for several people I looked up. I have a Google + Profile for him that is linked to his site. But Google seems to be ignoring that information and selecting information from various sources that are outdated. (Garrison has not been an ACTOR for over 13 years and the internet is full of relevant sources that give his title as a keynote speaker.  How do I show Google the correct information to use. Do I need to create a BUSINESS Google + for him? The search term I used is Garrison Wynn. They have our buddy and fellow PRO MOZ user, social media expert Brian Carter listed as a football player..LOL. c0oUi0F.png eWWX1tg.png

    | gingerwynn

  • Hi Mozzers, I have been putting a lot of work into ranking for a certain search term. We have managed to get our homepage to #3 for that search term. #1 is a comparison site, so I am not overly fussed with beating them - we probably won't. But we do want to hit #2 and in all fairness, we have better content and have put more into our SEO efforts than the current #2. I think they are ranking so strongly because their brand name is exactly that search term with the word "go" in front of it. Google even spits out their extra links under the result as if it was a branded result. I know EMD's don't hold much weight any more so I'm guessing this is all to do with their clever brand name choice. My question is, can you outrank a competitor like that? If you're selling wooden rocking horses and your company is called for example, but your competitor is called GoWoodenRockingHorses and their domain is, can ever outrank them for the search term "wooden rocking horses"? Hope this makes sense, please private mail me for more info if you need it! Cheers, Jamie

    | SanjidaKazi

  • I have multiple websites within the health niche. All 3 sites are about different topics: protein powder, superfoods, and sustainable products. I am thinking about migrating those 3 sites into 1 big site, to establish more authority and for branding purposes. But since those domains are exact match domains, and those exact keywords are pretty high volume, I'm not sure if it's a good idea. Will this be a good idea from a traffic/conversion/seo standpoint? Or should I make a header on top where people can 'switch' between those 3 sites? Or just leave them seperate?

    | mrdjdevil

  • Hello to the Moz Community, Let me start by saying, we are not an SEO company.  We are the in-house agency for our parent corp, and the 7 companies in their portfolio.  We manage their PPC and other digital items.  None of the companies use an SEO company.  Their "SEO strategy" is to not have one.  They internally post on their own Social Media account, their own Blog, and send out their own Press Releases (which we help write the copy sometimes). One of the accounts encountered a very bizarre, and serious ranking problem around Dec 25th-30th. In the past when you Googled the company's brand name you would get 5-6 pages of internal content show up at the very Top of the results.  Pages like Home Page, Blog Home, Contact Us, About Us, Client Reviews Page, etc. (core pages). There were then several other non core pages that would show up in the Top 20 results (my recollection is they controlled about 12-14 of the Top 20 results for the brand name). Unfortunately, around Dec. 25th this all cratered.  And the only internal page that would display when you Googled the brand name was the Home Page (totally gone; even checking 100 rankings deep).  So the question we have spend weeks trying to figure out is, what in the heck happened? We got together with the company to find out any and all possible changes or things could of happened since the first of December, which could have contributed to this cratering.  Here is what we found: #1  The company made an acquisition of a smaller competitor in 2014.  Around Dec. 10th they sent out a great press release announcing the acquisition.  Since the press release was involving someone in the TV/radio advertising agency industry it was very popular (the best release they ever put out). The release was picked up by over 100 high page rank local TV stations, all across the U.S. (along with the normal companies that pick up online releases). The headline of the release was "Brand Name Reviews Assets of TV Ad Agency Competitor."  Most of the stations that picked it up placed "Do not follow" links, but it was still an amazingly successful release. #2  Around Dec. 15th this 8 year old company received their first negative "client review."  The review was not from a real client though, it was posted on Rip-Off report by a fake client, the Internet Mafia (reputation management co.) or a former employee/contractor.  The posting was deliberately optimized.  The URL and the Title Tag contained all sort of words like "Reviews" "Complaints" the "Domain Name," and the Company Brand Name (whoever did it, knew what they were doing). #3  Towards the end of December and into January the company received 6-8 bizarre root domain links.  The links show to of come from domains that were just registered in November/December.  Yet the domain name was already voluntarily forfeited by the beginning of January.  Google Webmaster Tools is still showing the links, but when you go to the domain "all it shows is "cannot be found."  WHOIS has screenshots of all of them though.  Here is one:  The domains themselves had nothing to do with the type of business this client account operates in, but the information after the / contained partial pieces of the company brand name.  Here is an example:  I personally don't think 6-8 new root domains could crater a website with 290 root domains (and 1500 links), but maybe those domains/sites are somehow "cloaked;" and they are actually showing bad information to the bots/spiders, but us humans can't see it?  I honestly am not educated enough on the subject to know... #4  In mid January, three of the brand name pages returned:  Home Page, About Us, Blog Home.  However, the other pages are nowhere to be found.  The companies Contact Us page, Client Reviews page (which used to rank 2nd), and all of the other Top 20 pages are totally gone.  They are still indexed if you do a "" search, but they won't show up when you Google the brand name. #5  Search results are almost identical with Bing and Google. So, here is the million dollar question:  was our client's Brand Name deliberately attacked via an N-SEO Black Hat attack, in an effort to get it their internal pages to drop out of the rankings?  Or did Google and Bing incorrectly issue some sort of partial penalty on certain pages due to the amazing success (and them believing it was some sort of link buying scheme) of the Press Release that was sent out at the beginning of December? If you read to the bottom of this, I am grateful for you doing so.  Thanks in advance for anyone who tries to help us and our in-house client. Jake

    | SBIM-Jake

  • I recently completed a new site for a law firm. This new site will be hosted under a new domain name.My question is, can I simply update all of the citations and replace the domain name. Or do I need to create new citations or can I add the new site to the citations showing two website in my profile? Thanks

    | mrobby1

  • I've recently been making changes and updates to my company's verified local Google + page--my question is when and/or how do I configure it to appear in the search results? When I type my business into Google (Exchange Capital Management), it's not even within the results displayed. The page isn't accessible unless someone were to Google "Exchange Capital Management Google Plus." As mentioned, the page has been verified, updated, and has about 8,000+ views.  Any advice or feedback is appreciated! All best, Lauren McLaughlin

    | LMcLaughlin

  • Hi All, Just wondering... since the demise of Linkedins' Signal tool, is there a way to actually see who and where my content is being shared on Linkedin? Blog posts being published at the minute are getting inshares almost as soon as they're live and I want to know who's doing it. Any advice would be appreciated.

    | SanjidaKazi

  • Hi there, Our company publishes press releases on the company blog and have found we were hit by an algorithm update. We have identified the press releases as being the culprit and would like to move all press releases to a company press page on the main site and title it "press room" or "press." We have a lot of media sites that visit our blog to grab the most recent releases, so they are important to the business. My question is, how should we handle the page SEO wise? Should we do a "no index" or a "no follow" on all the links? I'm curious what advice the community has on how to handle a company's press page. Thanks!!

    | Ecom-Team-Access

  • My company has recently launched a new and improved website within the last couple months. Unfortunately, the web developers that we'd hired to build and create the site work very little with SEO, thus leaving me in the dark on where to direct any questions regarding the optimization of our web content. Along with the new website design, we've also rolled out a WordPress blog related to our firm. We do have the blog embedded onto a page of our website, and clicking on any title will redirect the viewer to our WordPress blog, hosted separately from our website. My question is this--how do you suggest I drive viewers from our blog to our website, rather than vice versa? Are there any applications, widgets, etc that you could recommend that would help me better associate the blog with our company? Any advice would help. Thanks!

    | LMcLaughlin

  • Note: not real names, services, locations used: So we are a single health clinic in Vancouver. Our natural name is GSF Health Clinic. As the most important search term is Health Vancouver by far, we decided to kind of change our brand name to 'GSF Health Vancouver' years ago. Our main competitors name is Health in Vancouver and had had a hard time getting above them in local SERP. But actually, since the change in name, we haven't really improved. As there are also searches for Health Clinic Vancouver, some of our citations are actually GSF Health Clinic Vancouver just to get that keyword in. This variation even happens on our site. Now, looking back, we should have just kept our natural sounding brand name and more importantly, kept the same exact one everywhere. However I'd like advice going forward. So the decision is whether we need city in the brand name - does it make much difference? The options are: GSF Health Clinic Vancouver ("Health Vancouver" is not together, but we still have city name. Current citation on G+ and a few other places. A bit of a mouthful) GSF Health Clinic (Sounds nice, but poor SEO and also no exact citation matches currently so this is a major name change) GSF Health Vancouver (very targeted SEO, sounds okay but not amazing when in a sentence) BTW our domain name is

    | Cooper1

  • Hi What would be the best practice for ranking a new site .. lets say a business site that does not have a blog to produce regular content in it. Building backlinks are not just the options when these days  people are all focused in content marketing. And specially, when you are competing against big competitors. Big competitors are of course getting their contents published on bigger sites since they are already established. No one will talk about you when you are new in the market. And you still need to bring up your site to people and SEO is the only option for that. What would you suggest ? Thanks

    | MindlessWizard

  • Hi All, I just wanted to see if others are having the same problem. Our Facebook posts used to reach a fair amount of people organically and that in itself generated enough clicks for what we wanted. The problem is over the last month the reach has dropped considerably and it just doesn't increase at all after a few hours. Obviously boosting the post makes it reach thousands but organic is terrible! Should I be troubleshooting our social update strategy or are others experiencing the same sort of "choking" with their Facebook posts? Twitter is fine, it reaches thousands organically so no issues there. Jamie

    | SanjidaKazi

  • Hello, I'm looking for a list of the best, most trusted, SEO friendly directories to list my company on. Can you guys please provide some directories that you have seen help increase your rankings and also drive targeted traffic? No Black Hat directories, only high quality ones. Thanks!

    | Prime85

  • The .com owner of the desired domain refuses to sell the domain (even though it is essentially a parked site and has been for the past 5+ years). Currently, our site resides on .net. I hear that many associate .net domains with dated and too techy. What is better? A .net or a .co?

    | trl711

  • For e-commerce sites, how do you generate an increase of site/ product optimization using keywords and without paying for advertising? Any creative ideas?

    | Malibu_Surfboards90265

  • Hi Moz community, we are looking for some advice on our blog/SEO strategy.  I hope to find some people who faced similar challenges in the past. Wishlist currently has one blog (, which has two main focus points. One main focus is to portray and encourage a lifestyle that is conducive with our product offering.  The main driver behind the content we post is for SEO optimization for our B2C clients. The other focus for our blog is to target current and potential clients on the B2B side of things. That content is much more driven by a target audience and different topics. It is hard to address two audience in one blog and we are working with the idea of separating the blog into two different host domains. Along with the blogs we will also move the landing pages for B2C and B2B into different domains and link these as appropriate. The challenge we face is understanding if it would benefit us to host these two blogs on different domains. We are also wondering if it would help our hurt our SEO to take the content related to our corporate blog and move it to the new domain? Advice appreciated! Thanks Andreas

    | AndreasD

  • Have you had success with any particular methodologies that you'd recommend?

    | randfish

  • I was wondering if anybody knew of a good display network group for beauty products/anti-aging/wellness Adwords is doing okay but we would like to expand to other networks.

    | Atomicx

  • My company like many other in the 2000's created a stand alone site for a product to better rank. It did well for a long time and still does for that niche market. However the CMS is old and beginning to break so I am trying to convince my bosses that we do not need a stand alone site for a niche product and that it can be merged back into the main branded website. I do not think we need to manage an entire separate website that receives <5,000 visitors a year when we could still have that niche rank well on a site that receives that many visitors a month Is their some sources for me to site that can support my argument? Or am I wrong and we can should leave up a stand alone niche product site.

    | KJ-Rodgers

  • I'm facing the following situation: We have a website ( with multiple languages. Each language has each own url. For instance English is and Spanish is If I'm right there seems to be a relation between the number of +1's and ranking in Google. Therefore we created a Google+ business page ( and we linked it to the english page of our web-site. The number of +1's on our business page is in sync with our English landing page. Now we want also to gather many +1's in the other languages. But it seems that you can only connect one Google+ business page to one web page. My question is. Whould it be smart to make a separate Google+ business page for each language? I wonder how other multilingual web-sites are dealing with Google+.

    | jereprieto

  • Our website recently suffered from a penguin update courtesy of some black hat techniques used by an SEO company we hired a few years ago.  We are working on cleaning up and disavowing the old spammy links, but at the same time this penalty has hit us while we were working on making some major changes to our website. As a law firm we have 2 separate practice websites we are planning to merge under 1 domain to help boost our local results.  Our problem is that the domain names for each practice are specific to the type of law they practice, so we will have to move both practices to a branded name domain that works for both practices. I thought since traffic was already affected because of the penguin update this might be an opportune time to change the domain name, but since I am far from an expert at SEO I'm wondering if there are variables I am unaware of that might make this decision a very bad one. Also we currently have exact match domains for our two different sites -- the way I understand it EMDs don't carry the same SEO weight they once did, but the firm is worried that losing the EMDs is going to cause a dramatic drop in traffic.  If we keep the EMDs but permanently redirect them to the new site, will it maintain their SEO value?  Would google consider that black hat and possibly penalize us for it in the future? Thanks for any advice or insight!!

    | MyOwnSEO

  • We want to host multiple videos across our website and are considering which CDN provider to use, with an average of 18.8GB per month for visitors, we are considering the following companies, some offer a free trial. Does anyone have any other recommendations regarding CDNs for video streaming or have experience in this area as any advice would be much appreciated.

    | Muhammad-Isap

  • A writer recently recommended my company, Swiftype, in a blog post.  However, he called us Swift Type, which adds an additional t, splits our name into two words, and uses an additional capitalization.  Would it be out of line to email him and gently correct him? I appreciate the recommendation, and will absolutely focus on thanking him for that, complimenting his content (which is fairly good), and just add the correction at the end of the email.  While it isn't a huge deal, a search Swift Type brings up the Swift programming language and SwiftKey as first page results, while Swiftype only displays our content (he also didn't link to us, so a user would have to search to find us - reaching out could also be a chance to spur him to link to us).

    | alecfwilson

  • This has been much discussed before, but I would like to bring it up again in a specific content. I was wondering what people think about choosing between the two (subdomain vs subdirectory), when adding new 'channels' to a digital media platform. The two examples that I have are both very smart companies, that very recently went different route for the same challenge. I'd like to hear some pro's/con''s and any input you might have! The exapmles are: Vice: the main site is, and they have begun to add a ton of new 'channals' or topically specific content (e.g.,, etc). Mic: the main site is and they have been adding new channels in sub-directories:,, Thanks!!

    | stacksnew

  • Should I be concerned about youtube transcripts with our brand name being used to populate junk blogs?  I just noticed this with freshweb this morning:  There are about 4 pages of results like this... mostly Korean websites.

    | SSRMarketing

  • Hi, We welcome your thoughts on the current problem we are experiencing: When searching for our client's brand name, their previous sponsors name is shown within the Site Links to a very important page. We are keen to change this reference within the Site Link but keep the link itself. We have untaken the following without any change to the words used within this particular Site Link: 1) Removal of previous-sponsors name sitewide: Title tags Alt attribute Anchors Page names Image names 2) Removal of sponsors name from 200+ sister sites: Title tags Alt attribute Anchors Page names Image names 3) Modification of [previous-sponsor + client] within Wikipedia:
    There were 250+ mentions of the sponsor + client within Wikipedia. References have either been deleted or changed to past tense. (Google has been extremely slow at indexing these changes.) 4) Removal of off-site mentions:
    After using Advanced Filters within OSE, we extracted all links that included the previous-sponsors name. We filtered these by DA and approached these sites and requested they update their links/on-site content to include the up-to-date name. This included large news organisations and reference sources. We also used Google operators (inurl, inanchor, intitle) to search for references mentions of [previous-sponsor + client]. We used Buzzstream to collate this data and contacted hundreds of sites sorted by DA. 5) We have twice requested demotion of the Site Link via GWT without success. Google clearly see's the Site Link as too important to remove it. The following is useful background information:
    The [client + previous-sponsor] worked together for 5+ years. Our client is known by it's own brand, but it was also called in certain arenas as [client + previous-sponsor].
    Fresh mentions of [client + previous-sponsor] are frequent. Examples of this are from collectors merchandise and videos that are posted frequently. The page being shown within the Site Links is essential. It cannot be moved. With a PA of mid-70's.
    We have changed the Title of the page multiple times, without any change to the Site Link. Thanks

    | PhilYarrow

  • I'm working with a client that's a franchise owner. His website is strictly controlled by the parent company, so no room to add unique content or optimize it for the area. I'm getting stumped for link building options. Anybody ran into this before? If so, any suggestions?

    | mtwelves

  • Hello We're currently looking to promote some small in house apps. But we don't know so much about mobile advertising. Do you recommend any good agency to promote Mobile Apps ?

    | JoomGeek

  • Dear All, We have several brands which operate a several languages and currently have a set up like this: www.[BRAND].com/ = English global www.[BRAND].com/de = German www.[BRAND].com/fr = French … Each subdirectory is a completely different site so I was wondering would it be better to use TLD’s for each country site in order to hold more equity in the search engine if we used: www.[BRAND].com/ = English global www.[BRAND].de = German www.[BRAND].fr = French Are country top level domains the way to go? If we wanted to change language within a country site should we use the following? www.[BRAND].be = Belgium English www.[BRAND].be/nl-NL/ = Belgium Dutch If you could let me know what to do I would be most grateful. Thanks guy's Ian Leggett UI Developer

    | SThreeMarketing

  • So I was told that I have video that should be the next "viral video" in a particular vertical market. (It is an animal) Anyway I have 4 offers from different companies now that want to market it for me.  Junkin Media,, Newsflare and  Storyful.  Junkin wants ownership in perpetuity the other groups want for 1 year to market to news agencies. They are offering 60/40 revenue split with me getting 60. plus an extra $1 per thousand hits on the video.  Supposedly they will market it to for me to news agencies etc. Anyway I was wondering if it would work best for me to market it myself and embed my business website link in the video for link juice on my home page.  Then I can post the video in various places and the link strength might help my domain or page authority.  Any suggestions about viral video use? Boo

    | Boodreaux

  • I was trying to find some helpful resources online on this topic and haven't really found anything substantial. What do people recommend to do with old, outdated videos on sites like YouTube and Vimeo. They show up in search, but some mention outdated products. However, is it best practice to remove everything older and outdated from Youtube, etc. or is it better to have these in your library (quantity over quality). If you add new ones and they get more views, in the long run people will focus on the newer content and probably not watch something 6 years old, but should we be removing them, too? I''m under pressure to remove them and I wanted to do some research before committing. We also started Google Plus after Youtube, so we now have two YouTubes (one empty one attached to our new G+ and one that's been established with a lot of videos - new and old). Would this be a good time to consolidate to one Youtube, migrating only the new stuff to the new YouTube and then slowly start removing the old YouTube channel? Thanks!

    | QAD_ERP

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