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  • We should have the ability to see any and all conversions goals, as defined in analytics, in Moz. After all, the whole point of marketing, SEO, PPC, Social, etc. is to drive sales or leads that create sales right? So, why should we have a dashboard tool that doesn't show us the 1 thing that ultimately matters the most? I understand that Moz simply wasn't designed to do this, but I think that should change. After all, we are in this to make money I hope. My 2 Cents. Micha

    | Multiverse-Media-Group

  • Hey. I'm trying to get a PDF of the on page report so I can see a list of each issue. This works well if you're logged in and just navigate through the different tabs, but not so well if you export. All I get is an overview of the number of the priority issues, but not the URLs and the specific problems. I know you can export a CVS, but that's not a very good branded way to export this. What I'd like to do is export a report that is fairly gainular so I can provide "before and after" reports for work we completed. As is stands now, I have an overview PDF which sucks and can't provide any more details or a CVS which has all the details in the world, but is so in depth it's hard to navigate, especially for clients who don't know what they're looking at, not to mention it's not branded!!! There should be way more options for reporting here. Please let me know if you can do something about this or if I'm just missing something. Thanks. Micha

    | Multiverse-Media-Group

  • Hey. I posted a question about this on my other Moz account (one I use for moz local), but it appears to have been removed, so here goes again. Can someone from Moz please explain to me why that in your plans, as the price goes up and more campaigns are allowed, the amount of keywords tracked per campaign goes down? $149 plan - 5 campaigns - 450 keywords = 90 keywords per campaign. $249 plan - 25 campaigns - 1100 keywords = 44 keywords per campaign $599 plan - 100 campaigns - 3700 keywords = 37 keywords per campaign What confuses me here with your pricing plans is two fold Modern SEO requires a lot of quality content, interlinked together to rank well (in most cases). Your SEO guides even talk about this. Blogging is one of the most popular ways to do this. However, in any modest website these days, especially one that runs a blog, how does tracking only 37 keywords per campaign make sense? The fact is, that even your starter plan with only 90 per campaign doesn't make sense. My business website is tracking about 300 (that actually drive traffic). I provide my SEO clients with the same type of work I would do for my self, which again reinforces that 37 keywords is plainly pathetic. Every online pricing model I've ever seen follows one simple rule: When price goes up, you get more for your money, not less. At first glance you might think that is what you're getting when you step up a plan and get more campaigns, but then to have less keywords per campaign simply doesn't make sense at all. What does make sense is to have a more flexible pricing model. Instead of locking us into set tiers which don't really make sense, you should allow a more flexible pricing BEFORE we have to go up to enterprise. Why not have a per project price of 'x' price per month, then have a price per keyword or maybe per 100 keywords. This would allow all of us the flexibility to run campaign depths that make sense for us, not for your counterintuitive views of how we should be tracking them. Again, I'd really like a Moz staff person to respond to this as the last time I commented about this, it was removed.

    | Multiverse-Media-Group

  • We are planning a domain change -- same site, new domain --
    Similar to Google Analytics, can we make that change here in Moz so our stats continue to be tracked? If so... Will the new domain stats simply 'add' to our present stats? (preferred) Thanks.

    | jmueller0823

  • Hi Im trying to set up reporting for a new client and forcing the new dashboard on me rather than the preferred old one, how do i configure reports so has the older MA dashboard rather than the new MA dash ? Also i have only just got my clients used to the new reporting format and dashboard and now it looks like you are changing it again, pls confirm if this newish MA dash is going to be phased out for the brand new MA dash ? Also im trying to set up quarterly reports and no option given beyond monthly in the drop down ? Many Thanks

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Hi one of my projects has Rel=Canonical in insights and opportunites report showing as 'none' but 480 are being reported when you click thorugh to Crawl Diagnostics and dev have confirmed they are there so i take it 'insights and opprtunites' is reporting incorrectly ? all best dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Hi I need to submit my monthly reports to my clients this week but they have all come through devoid of most data ! I did submit a support request ticket to help@ yesterday but no reply yet, i appreciate you may well be very busy if this has happened for everyone Pls advise update asap so i know what to tell my clients ? Out of interest any other MOzzers out there having the same monthly reporting problem ? (i.e. no or little data) ? Many Thanks Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • I have been on every single page of this site and although the auto email response tells me I can cancel my membership via the website, I can't find any place to do so.  Can you please point me in the right direction?

    | Savage

  • We have had Moz a long time but recently have been having a horrible time loading the main analytics dashboard.  Our computers are new and connection is great.  This did all start happening occasionally after the new system rolled out.  But now its to the point where we can't use anything.  It just keeps spinning.  I talked to customer support but they are slow to respond sometimes.  We have tried loading in Firefox, Safari and Chrome.

    | SEO_Mechanic

  • At 50 Moz points the point system says one is awarded A hug from Roger. How does one redeem this hug?


  • Hi It says when you get over 200 moz points that you "Removal of "nofollow" from first custom URL on profile", this isn't the reason I have become more active on the network, but I was wondering do I need to do anything or does it happen automatically. Thanks Andy

    | Andy-Halliday

  • Looking to export our active campaigns from our account to another. Is this possible?

    | Mediademon

  • Two major issues with Moz Analytics - we've reached out to the help team on this multiple times and I've seen no clear answers from their team. Anyone hear anything on this or find a solution? Weekly Automatic Reporting: This has been sending between four and six "weekly" reports to my clients. This has impacted over 30 clients. Many of them contain blank or incomplete data. Sometimes, it'll take over 24 hours before a completed report gets sent after the first incomplete one. Addition of Keywords: The "Add & Manage Keywords" feature has been down for at least 24 hours at this time. Any campaign that I attempt to add keywords to refreshes the page without adding keywords. It appears that the href is set to "" and whatever code that is required to execute the addition of the keywords into the database is not being fired.

    | RangeMarketing

  • Hi there, I'm having issues with my Google Analytics / Facebook etc accounts constantly losing connection. How can I resolve this?

    | Eteach_Marketing

  • I am trying to send the full report on my site, for them to examine it but apparently I forwarded the email but it was not useful it was just the first page or something. Thanks Vic

    | oakvillePainters

  • Hi, We find the SEO Moz PRO app a great tool for us. What is the reason that it is not re-crawling the websites included in our campaigns anymore?

    | solution.advisor

  • Hi All, For 2 days I cannot access my moz analytics. I can log in, but when I click the Moz Analytics button, which redirects me to: I receive message that chrome could not connect. Screenchot attached. Rgds! Screen-shot-2014-05-24-at-11.40.51-AM.png

    | mefendulov

  • I am only interested in this service.  Also, I am in a demo period and although I've linked my Moz account to Followerwonk, the features are still unavailable to me to test them out.  Thanks!

    | dgadoury

  • Hi, We have been using Moz now for a few weeks now and we are trying to run reports based on various time frames and can't seem to do so? For example on the if we needed a report from say 17/04/2014- 30/04/2014 how would we achieve this? Or if we wanted to schedule reports based on a calendar month- how do we achieve this? I tried running reports on the 1/05/2014 and  received reports for Apr 25 - May 2, 2014. Also on the DASHBAORD- the timeframe only appears to display  'WEEKLY' and the last week of the month- 23th April- 30- Apr. Or will this change once we have more historical data compiled? Thanks,

    | Faxem

  • I recently redesigned my 2 websites.  Both are large 80+ page sites with unique text on every page, no keyword stuffing and generally using all the proper SEO techniques ( I hired a professional w/ 10 years experience).  My pages rank for the targeted terms, but MOZ reports say "Not in the Top 50".  I had friends run "Clean Searches" from the west coast and we were ranking.  Prior to the redesign, I used MOZ and the reports were very accurate.  Should I reset my MOZ account or what?

    | KevnJr

  • Hey guys - just so you know I got this today from a ghost on Moz. Hello,
    I like your profile in this community network and I think you are a nice person. Can we get in contact? I'm sorry if i am embarrassing you, I got curious to know you better after viewing your profile i think that i have something important to exchanged with you i shall explain more about myself including my pictures, please E-mail me to  not in this site because i am a new in this community and i don't visit this site often, I'd like to get to know you if you don't mind
    Please i will Tell you more about my self
    thanks & regardsFigured I would share and keep you up to date.Your pal,Chenzo

    | Chenzo

  • I've had my MOZ account for a while and have just dealt with this issue for a while now but it is really getting annyoing. My Google Analytics account will not stay connected. Eveery time I refresh a page or click to a different page, I get a notification that reads "Our connection to your Google Analytics account was lost. Don't worry, you won't lose any data. Please reauthorize now." I click the link to reauthorize and it says it was successful, But then as soon as I refresh the page or click to a new page withing Moz Pro, the message appears again. I've tried the fixes listed in all the other questions about this issue Follow this link This page displays the current OAuth tokens you are using. Once you reach the page, simply press the revoke button (illustrated on this screenshot: for services that you are not using right now, as well as your current Moz token. Once you are done with that, simply go back to your campaign settings, disconnect your GA profile and reconnect (I recommend you use a fresh incognito window). And they do not work. Please help me solve this very annyoing issue!

    | mr_w

  • I am trying to get a refund and cancel my subscription.

    | nuclearfusion

  • I need to send a report to my developers including the url's which have duplicate page content. Unfortunately the Moz download report only includes the pages that are affected by duplicate page content.

    | simmo235

  • I have read that moz have now added the feature to select monthly timeframes when running reports. In my Account, I can only choose Weekly (the previous week) How do i go about selecting Monthly Timeframes? Thanks Adam

    | AMG100

  • My question is regarding the "Track up to 50 keywords over time." and the "x of 100 full SERP Analysis Reports run this month" Is it possible to increase these fixed numbers? or do I have to use a secondary account? It would be nice to have history for more keywords then 50. and the same goes for the SERP analysis report.

    | Justian

  • I would like to cancel a campaign of a client I am no longer working with. How do I cancel it?

    | FreshCatch

  • Is anyone else missing March 2014 monthly reports? Also, I didn't find a "contact us" email in footer or header nav of site. Is there a simple support email I can just send this question to? Thanks anyone in advance.

    | colejolley

  • Hi I have my master logins for Moz but just wandering if i can grant a degree of access to employees via their own logins (just 1 person at this stage) since i dont want to share mine (since use for other stuff too) and ideally dont want them to have full admin permission (such as being able to delete campaigns) ? Cheers Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • It used to be that I received just one weekly report per campaign when using MozPro. Over the last couple of weeks/month (since creating MozAnalytics reports) I've started to receive 2 reports for the same campaign...with no different whatsoever, apart from the time that they have been sent. I've been back into the old MozPro campaigns and deleted any automated reports that were being generated there, and so now I should have just one weekly MozAnalytics report from each campaign. Has anyone had this problem before and do they know how to fix it? Getting really annoying, especially with 13 campaigns resulting in 26 emails! Thanks

    | bricktech

  • The Account code hasn't  changed in either Moz or on site? Also I added 53 new keywords to my campaign and they haven't all been ranked, it's like Moz has done half a job?! S.O.S.

    | danwebman

  • How do I cancel my MOZ account?

    | IlzeBritton

  • I want to have my website audited by an external SEO expert and I was wondering if there is a way to give access to my moz account without my billing information and subscription management features. Thanks!

    | briodf

  • We are looking to give access to a different user in our org, but when they try to log in on a different device, it's not working. The only device that can log in is mine. Please advise...

    | linkupSEO

  • I have a new url, and I'm trying to create a new campaign for it. But in first step when i enter the domain, an error message pops up saying the url is invalid. could you help?

    | ALLee

  • Hi, Can someone from Moz Team help me out. I just checked my campaigns and they are stuck to Dec 2-8 data. It's already February LOL.

    | en-gageinc

  • Yesterday morning I had emails about updated crawl, ranking and on page reports being available however nothing in my dashboard is newer than 2/21. I waited through yesterday to see if things changed, logged in and out etc but nothing new has shown up. Any ideas on why that is the case?

    | sea2dca

  • Hey Moz - I just had a question regarding the Moz Pro Account. Sometimes I find myself torn between using my personal Moz account, and the Moz Pro Account associated with my company (and my team). Is there a way to link a personal account WITH a company pro account, so I could post as myself, build my own cred, but still enjoy the benefits of Pro on my company's dime? Thanks!

    | Blenny

  • "Oops! Try refreshing the page, if that doesn't work, please click here to contact our help team." Yu0PY7g

    | matthewjharris

  • Before signing up and having a followerwonk account I was able to track the most active hours of my Twitter followers. However since I have signed up I have not been able to view these statistics. My 30 day trial is coming to an end in a week, but I wouldn't have thought that would effect why I can't see something. I thought it would be under the drop down menu of analyse followers, however it is not. So I just need to know why I can't find the option to track when my followers are most active?

    | BexW

  • Hi guys my whole moz account went awol - lost all my previous campaign data in terms of search listings - got a bit fed up so started from scratch, the first week was ok but now I login to see where I am on the search engines and all I get is '-' can anyone help - I am paying top dollar for this service but it seems so unstable, I thought I was using this to save me time keying in hundreds of search phrases and manually checking them and as I am sure many of you will appreciate checking daily can drive you crackers so I signed up with the belief that once a week I would get an in depth report and as such I could take a sigh of relief and get away from the obsessive compulsion to check my listings daily - this does not seem to be the case - pretty frustrated to be honest. kind regards Gareth

    | GarethParkin

  • I can only pull by week at the moment.  When will it be possible to pull custom date ranges?

    | webbmason

  • Hi, I would like to edit my profile and also add my new website but I always get this error message: "There was a problem saving your custom URLs" Please help!

    | ParvatiSingh

  • Hi, I'm trying to add as a campaign in my Moz account but I keep being told the URL is invalid. The site is active on the Internet and I have Webmaster Tools and Google Analytics access so I'm confused why Moz is struggling to connect. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

    | Web-Incite

  • If I want to cancel after six months, do I have to pay for the rest of the year or can I cancel per month?

    | Sophie-Kool

  • My dashboard or keyword rankings haven't updated in 2 months, is this a bug or am I doing something wrong? The account page indicates the campaigns are active. Derp.....

    | linhha

  • Hi i got a coupon code from a hosting company for Moz seo 4 month free trial however after registering and entering my information i was charged 99$ even though it said todays charge = $ 0 i would like a refund as it doens't seem to a be a free trial

    | zemosdesign

  • I got the email that Moz crawled my site for the week of February 8. I expected to log in and find some shinny new data, but new stats are not showing in my dashboard yet. Is there a delay? Is there something wrong?

    | ChadC

  • On a number of my campaigns, Moz is continually asking me to reauthorise analytics. I reconnect and then if I refresh the page, back comes the reauthorisation warning - this is a fairly new occurrence, it used to work perfectly. Thanks for your help.

    | RichTWood

  • Hi everyone, I'm a new user of this amazing tool MOZ analytics and I have a question about the crawl diagnostics. How can I indentify the part of my pages considered as duplicate content (pages with high priority issues) ? Witch text is duplicated ? Thank you very much for your help. 5aTAMR4

    | jvottero

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