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Category: Product Support

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  • I've downloaded the CSV of the Crawl Diagnositcs report (which downloads as the "Crawl Issues" report) and the CSV from the Crawl Test Report, and pulled out the pages for a specific subdomain. The Crawl Test report gave me about 150 pages, where the Crawl Issues report gave 500 pages. Why would there be that difference in results? I've checked for duplicate URLs and there are none within the Crawl Issues report.

    | SBowen-Jive

  • Hi All, I keep receiving the following message "Our connection to your Google Analytics account was lost. Don't worry, you won't lose any data. Please reauthorize now." I have reauthorized numerous times with no luck. Thanks

    | CaxtonFX

  • Does Moz offer non profit rates for the Standard package?

    | masdigitalmedia

  • I have just begun setting up Moz Analytics for some of my clients. It lets me add 5 client's sites to a single account but I can't find anywhere to create an additional user/login for a specific account that way I can give access to each client only to their campaign. Is this not possible and if not something you plan on integrating in the near future?

    | Carlson

  • Diar sir. I want add additional users to my account. Can I?

    | tamainoboru

  • Hi there, We've decided to move to another platform for SEO reporting etc. (sorry! it's been fun!). How can we download or otherwise archive our historical data in Moz - in particular, the history of rank tracking? Thanks much,

    | Propecta

  • why moz do not show website competitive metrics? and why site has high spam score? I dont see any reason for that??? metrics website is NKpqhns

    | Mekounko

  • When looking at the "Add manage Keywords" is that my complete list? Will it infinitely scroll to the bottom of all tracked keywords or are there others hiding on another page that I cannot find? I'm looking to pair down my keywords because when I first started I wasn't using a strategy. I want to make sure all of those older keywords are retired. Thank you!

    | leannegoff

  • Hello! I am the Moz Analytics product manager here at Moz, and I want to let you know about a change that is coming. Brand and Mentions is being retired
    On August 20, 2015, we are retiring the Brand and Mentions feature in Moz Analytics in order to focus our efforts on features core to search marketing. Don't worry though, you can still use Fresh Web Explorer to access the same data instead (more below). Why?
    When we first launched Moz Analytics in 2013, one of the goals of the application was to allow you to track the visibility of your brand and how it relates to your branded organic traffic and direct traffic. However, since then, a couple of things have changed: (not provided) for Google, and now Bing, have meant that it has become almost impossible for us to accurately estimate the amount of traffic that has come from branded organic keywords. We had to adjust product direction based on this. We have learned our Moz Analytics customers are still more passionate about our core SEO features (rankings, links, traffic and crawl) than they are about Brand & Mentions. Unfortunately, it didn’t evolve as we intended
    While other tools and features have seen significant iteration and improvement over time, Brand and Mentions has not. We no longer feel it is the quality we owe our customers, and recognize that Fresh Web Explorer offers better functionality. A retirement benefit, if you will, is that we will be able to focus time on innovating our other core SEO tools. Fear not! Fresh Web Explorer gets you all the data you need!
    If you are a regular user of Brand and Mentions, don’t worry – You can still get all of the data in Fresh Web Explorer; a searchable database of millions of recently published pages and articles, which is updated every 4 hours. To learn more, visit the Brand and Mentions page for any Moz Analytics campaign. Now there is only one place you need to go to find mentions data. We have also increased the number of Fresh Web Alerts you can setup from 10 to 35. What Brand and Mentions users need to know A small number of customers will be impacted in the following ways: If you have a custom report setup with Brand and Mentions data, this data will disappear from reports published after the feature is retired. You don’t need to do anything, this will happen automatically. Fresh Web Explorer allows you to see historical data for up to 30 days, whereas Moz Analytics showed saved query history longer. To see trended data for longer than 30 days you will need to export it periodically. OK got it! What should I do now? If you were not using Brand and Mentions, then this change doesn’t affect you.  If you were a regular user, you’ll need to move your queries to Fresh Web Explorer before the shut-off date: Visit a campaign and use the link at the top of the Brand and Mentions Overview to learn how. More questions?
    Please feel free to post comments and feedback below. If you would like help migrating your data, use the Help button in the bottom right of your screen to chat to one of our Customer Success team members. Thanks! Jon

    | jon.white

  • Is there a limit to the number that I can track and monitor? Is that why some of these don't have names? optimization.jpg

    | leannegoff

  • I want to stop use MOZ PRO. How to stop billing to MOZ?

    | ppatgbh

  • Hello all, hoping someone can help - couldn't find anything on this subject in the Q&A already... I'd like to associate some existing Moz analytics campaigns with a different Moz Pro account, is this possible? I know I could just start a new analytics campaign in the different pro account, but I don't want to lose all of the data Roger has already collected on the site; I feel it would be a tragedy after all his hard work, and it wouldn't be convenient for me. Hoping someone can help!

    | sbridle

  • I want to provide an employee access to moz. Sharing my personal login and password is always risky. is there another way?


  • Hi, 507 Temporary Redirect We made changes for 302 redirects which are listed in crawl diagnostics report. Now "Compare" and "Wishlist" links are already removed from our source code. All required changes are made but still your report listed Compare and wishlist links. We made changes on Friday (14/8/2015) and waiting for new updated report. Link: Please let us know what is the exact issue. So that we can fix it.

    | torbett

  • Where can I contact customer support? I've sent several emails and no answer back. Is this company a scam? My trial just expired and I had forgotten to cancel. This is terrible. No phone numbers and no support ticket. How can I subscribe to a ghost company? Ulymar.

    | uly4

  • Hi, I was trying to add a custom link to my profile but I got an error message: "There was a problem saving your custom URLs" Can somebody look into it for me? Kind Regards

    | Laurensvda

  • Hi Everyone! I have moved my website from HTTP to HTTPS. I believe that I've done everything correctly. Now that I've done that, do I need to update my Moz campaign (and how to do that)? Or, will Moz handle it itself? Or, do I need to create a new campaign with the HTTPS url? Thanks so much!

    | journeybeyondtravel

  • Fixed long ago "title too long" and some 404 errors, but still keep on showing on error statistics

    | sws1

  • Hi I don't want to continue my pro account and want to cancel the subscription.
    I do not see a direct link for it.
    Please help for the same before my first payment is made on 26th July 2015. Thanks

    | alicedeans

  • Hi, I keep on getting this error on my moz campaigns "Our connection to your Google Analytics account was lost. Don't worry, you won't lose any data. Please reauthorize now." Everyday i click the reauthorize now and make sure everything is sync properly, but I keep on getting the same error everyday, is there something wrong with GA connection with Moz? I really need urgent help with this problem as I have more than 15 campaigns on moz and this tool is very important for my reporting. Thanks

    | Josh.B

  • When I go in to re-activate an account, it doesn't do anything. I've got three active right now, but when I push the Activate button, the loading gif shows, disappeared, but doesn't do anything.

    | benmarshall

  • My question is about duplicate content identified on my site by Moz The pages identified as duplicates come from different areas of the site, different categories etc.
    I realise the pages dont have much difference between them but would these pages be considered close enough to be duplicates

    | cavendish

  • I clicked the +connect another facebook account, went through all the steps, and when I was redirected back to my moz setup the facebook account wasn't there to "track this profile" I tried clicking the "another facebook" button a hundred times and it won't let me re-do the process, it doesn't do anything. It also won't let me click the "Next" button eventhough I got it to register my google+ stuff. Where do I go from here??

    | robertsteck

  • I want to get a history of the keywords that have been tracked in an active campaign.  This will allow us to see improvements over time.

    | liftedlogic

  • I wanted to add this site as new campaign:  But it won't accept it. Why?

    | KBC

  • Earlier I had a forum as sub-domain and was mentioned in my main domain. However i have now discontinued the forum and have removed all the links and mention of the forum from my main domain. But the crawler still shows error for the sub-domain. How to make the crawler issues clean or delete the irrelevant crawl issues. I dont have the forum now and no links at the main site, bu still shows crawl errors for the forum which doesnt exist.

    | potterharry

  • The one domain, is broken up into 4 campaigns on Moz. I'd like to put all 4 campaigns into one campaign if that is possible.

    | HotCoffeyDesign

  • credit card payments (99 dollars), please cancel. I want to return the $ 99. (SEOMOZ 855-894-7355 WAUS)

    | Serkan-Guclu14

  • Hello! I need help, I can't afford this right now and I didn't cancel by mistake, not on purpose. It happened that the mails -don't know why- arrived to de spam folder and I didn't know that I was being charged directly. I tried Moz for a presentation to a prospect two months ago. But I didn't get the client, so I still can't afford, it and I didn't use it. I'm sorry for the mistake, I only noticed this today when I checked my Spam folder casually. Please I need a refound! I will get a pro a account in the future, as soon as I can, because I love Moz! But now it's impossible to me to afford it, I'm in a big trouble. I hope you can understand my situation. Thanks a lot!

    | Viole55

  • Okay, so I've brought this up a couple times to your team and have always been met with resistance and confusion, but I really feel like the fundamental design of your on page grader (the auto one) needs some changes in order to be really useful. Let's start with the basics. An on page grader is supposed to be a tool where you can enter your keyword or keywords and have it scan the URL to see how well the keyword has been implemented on the page. It checks for heading use, anchor text, alt tags, frequency of use, etc. We all should get this if we are here. Now, your manual page grader does just that and does a great job of it. I find it very useful for checking newly created pages, landing pages, competitor pages and the like. However, your auto version found in the Search > On-Page Optimizations is the culprit here. So, according to several staff at Moz, this tool scans your site every week when the rest of your site scan is done. It then takes the rankings of pages for ranked and tracked keywords and assigns a grade for that page. Here's the major problem.... in almost all of my accounts, it very rarely gets the association with keyword and URL correct. Thus, it returns a low page grade even though the grade of the URL would be an A or B for the correct keyword. What seems to be happening is I'm tracking multiple keywords, sometime close variations. This grade tool in a lot of cases is grading a page more than once for several keywords it's ranking for. All the variants it gets a low grade for because the exact keywords isn't in the title, headings, etc. The second thing that seems to be happening is some pages are not being graded using the primary keyword, but instead a variation. In this case it only shows low grades for the page. On one occurrence of trying to discuss this issue with you, I got scoffed at for saying the tool was "guessing at which keyword to use for the grade". Your staff was very adamant in saying "it's not a guess!" My counter point was, call it what you want, it's in accurate to the intended keyword to be optimized for. Now, when one first gets to this tool, all of the above doesn't seem like that big of a deal because there's an "add & manage page grade" section. This section allows you to add and manage page grades. So, one would think that you could go to this tool, add an page grades for keywords that the tool didn't automatically associate and delete ones that it added with an incorrect association and that would be the end of it. However, that's NOT quite the end of it. At your own admission, the tool doesn't function like that. Each week when a new scan is completed, these pages grades essentially reset. So any page grade that you deleted will simply show right back up again. Now, before I go any further, let me explain why this is such an issue for me. First, on page optimization is something my company does and sells as a service and we are pretty good at it. Not saying we're the best, but we're better than most. That said, one of my reasons for choosing Moz was because according to the verbiage on the pages, one can create branded reports to include on page optimization. However, when the tool doesn't get the right keyword to landing page AND there's no way to manually override it, then basically all of my reports make it look like my pages grades suck, when in face they don't. Now, if in my campaigns I only added the exact keyword for each page and didn't do any variations of, then this tools becomes much more accurate. However, I want to track multiple variations. Bottom line is this: I need a page grading and reporting tool I can count on and actually use. Thus far, you solution is riddled with problems and every time I bring it up, you fight me on it saying it's working as it's supposed to. What I'm saying here is "as it's supposed to" is fundamentally wrong. I'd like to discuss this with someone at this point, and preferably someone a bit higher up than a first tier support person because frankly, I'm not getting anywhere. Overall I love your service, but it's things like this that have me questioning wether or not Moz is right. I'm giving you opportunity after opportunity to prove to me that it is. Help me work this out so we can continue that trend. Thanks, Micha

    | Multiverse-Media-Group

  • I want to give permission to one of our new consultant. Please tell me how i can share read-only access

    | Mtbcmarketing

  • For some reason my Campaign hasn't run this week.  It was supposed to run on Sunday, and it is now Tuesday. Just wondering if someone from support can take a look. Thanks.

    | TheWebMastercom

  • I want to be able to change the publish date of automatic reports in my campaigns. One such campaign, which is a client campaign, it's set to run on the 8th after I selected "monthly". However, this doesn't work for me as this client want's to meet each month on between the 2nd and 5th of each month and I have to have this report data. So, I need to run this report on the first. Not the 2nd, not every 4 weeks... on the first. It seems like you guys have a fundamental flaw in the design of this tool, as great as it is. You've set the projects to auto run each month from the date it was added (at least from what I can tell). Provided that's true, then this would explain why the monthly reports won't work on my schedule because their on a weekly schedule instead. We, as clients, should be given the option to schedule when our scanning runs, when our reports get generated, etc. Every company runs their SEO and marketing differently, but the away you've set this up with the lack of options for us, forces us to work around your tools scheduling and not the other way around. Also, out of all of the SEO tools I've tried (quite a few), none have had this limitation. This should be addressed immediately. Thanks, Micha

    | Multiverse-Media-Group

  • I am a new Moz customer and specifically chose the $149 plan to get "branded reports" My Logo shows on the pdf report but when that report is emailed to the client there is a big black banner at the top of the email that says MOZ! I chose branded reports so that the customer would see my branding not MOZ. This is very frustrating and there does not seem to be a solution from MOZ, I know that you can send the email with my return email address but why do you have to put the MOZ branding in the email.

    | GEWEB

  • I'm at a loss here as I've just discovered (after running my new account for about a month) that the white label of reporting is incomplete and you didn't even warn me. I just saw an email delivered from the custom report section. I went through and set it up including custom logo so everything would be white labeled and even checked everywhere else in the preview to ensure that nothing about Moz showed up. This I was greeted this morning with a bunch of reports for multiple campaigns going to multiple clients and in all cases the email was branded as Moz. It's from a Moz email, has a Moz header and footer, and even has links for managing moz email preferences as well as Moz's privacy policy. I'd love to know who thought this was white label? Seriously, this is absurdly ridiculous. Is there a fix? Micha

    | Multiverse-Media-Group

  • We're testing out another system and would like to export all of the data we've accumulated in Moz for our clients for as far back as possible. Is there a way to do this and if so can you describe how, thanks much!

    | seequs

  • I have a client that I no longer work with. I'd like to remove the campaign and I cannot figure out how. Can anyone please assist me? Edit: Nevermind, I found it under Analytics > Active Campaigns > Permanently Remove. Thanks anyway!

    | project.rockhopper

  • I started a FREE 30 day trial and it expires in 3 days. I like the product and want to go ahead and start paying for it. I want the $149 per month level but when I hit the upgrade button it says that I have to pay $267.09! How does a $149 program come out to $267.09????

    | GEWEB

  • The missing campaign is Solaris ( It was the first campaign created in my Moz account. For some reason, it's not appearing in my campaign list. I really don't want that campaign to simply be gone.

    | Theron

  • Hi, I've tried searching in past threads about this, but couldn't find any updated and recent answers. I'm looking for a way to see historic ranking and search data within Moz further than from a single month for organic visits, and further than 3 months for the keyword rankings. Is this possible? Thanks

    | xvpn902

  • My trial just expired and I had forgotten to cancel.

    | a1softwaregroup

  • Hi, I currently have a Moz Pro account, if I was to downgrade to a free account am I still able to ask and answer questions on the Q&A area? Also, would I lose my points accrued?

    | KarlBantleman

  • Hi! I'm wondering when monthly keyword ranking data for February will be available. Is there a set day for monthly data each month or does it change? Thanks! Ricky

    | SUCCESSagency

  • I'd like to pull a quarterly social media report for 3 months - is that possible?

    | BGcreativesolutions

  • We're debating whether to archive some campaigns or delete them entirely. One factor in consideration is if Archived campaigns count towards total keywords allowed in our Moz subscription. Thank you for your insights!

    | Bonfire

  • where do I find my invoices on Moz panel?

    | mazzmediasrl

  • My trial just expired and I had forgotten to cancel. I just got 99$ debited from my account and i don't want to continue this moz tool , so please refund my money. I am just a student I can't afford this software, please refund my money. And please make it fast.My account user Id: kunda.kmrAccount email ID: kundan@diwaliholi.comThanks in advance

    | kundan.kmr

  • Moz Crawl Diagnostics is flagging some pages on the Doorfit website as duplicate, yet the page content is completely different and not identical. Example. Page: Duplicate: Does anybody have any suggestions as to why this might be the case? Thanks

    | A_Q

  • I don't want a client to be able to see all of our other campaigns, just theirs. Is there a way to set this up?

    | darylgochnauer

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