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Category: Product Support

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  • Hi. I signed up for your free trial and forgot to cancel. However, as you can see, I haven't used your service in any way within the trial. I love SEOMoz and would love using it once my site's set up but not today. I want to cancel my subscription and ask for a refund ($149).

    | sgtheosia

  • Why is it such a hassle to access Moz campaigns from the frontpage of Moz? How can MOZ be so awesome and at the same time be so annoying? Does Moz have UX designer working with them?

    | guidetoiceland

  • Hi guys, Will I still have access to my account and the stats after my free trial ends and I decide not to purchase? My boss is leaving town for a month and I want to be able to give him a tour, show him numbers, etc. Aside from building new campaigns and having data updated, will I still have access to the account? Thanks in advance,

    | amitbivas

  • I want to purchase Moz but my company wants to see how it goes before diving into an annual subscription. Is this possible?

    | Olivia954

  • I was filling out our profile on Best of Web, and their site states there is a promo code for Moz Pro members...but I can't find it on the Perks' page. Feel free to respond via email or PM if you all don't want the info to be public. Email is Thanks, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • It seems like my profile (especially points) is not been updated since the start of this week. any possible reason?

    | Mustansar

  • Hi I got charged on my card without my approval and nay knowledge of exact amount before. can you please cancel my subscription and refund the amount immediately as i forgot to cancel free trial and have not used free trial account... also the cost is not approved in my organisation and i cannot bear cost of MOZ on organisation behalf

    | prashantk18

  • I have added alot keywords and i am trying to find the positions of keywords that relate to different pages on my website.  I want to go through this one page at a time so i want to just see the keywords together for that page for example -  Sell overseas property page i want to just see keywords that i added for that page and not all the keywords.  How do you organise this in the rankings section?

    | Feily

  • Hello, I try to help Moz community and hope to get 200 mozpoints a day 🙂 When I analyze a profile from a member with more than 200 mozpoints, I see two links to custom URL link : one is added nofollow on a blank image, and one follow with anchor text. But it appears that the tests show that in this case the second link is not taken into account... Why not remove the first link so ? Here is the code: xxx:

    | Bigb06

  • Has anyone else had issues with Roger crawling your site in the last few weeks? It shows only 2 pages crawled. I was able to crawl the site using Screaming Frog with no problem and we are not specifically blocking Roger via robots.txt or any other method. Has anyone encountered this issue? Any suggestions?

    | cckapow

  • I just noticed that Moz Prfile is not getting update since couple of days. Is it Just me or you also having the same issue?

    | Mustansar

  • _Can someone help explain this error and the best fix for it. The host says the script maybe looking for an SSL but that made low/no sense. Your input it greatly appreciated. 4XX status codes (i.e., a 404 Not Found error) are shown when the client requests a page that cannot be accessed. This is usually the result of a bad or broken link. These issues should be kept to a minimum if possible. Make sure no internal links on your site are broken. For external links to your site, try contacting the linking site's owner and asking them to fix or update the link. _

    | janee

  • I want to Moz refund my money. My trial just expired and i had forgotten to cancel

    | moz1122

  • I want to download the keyword ranking reports so I can look at them in excel. I do see the PDF option which shows me the list of 100 keywords and what number I am currently ranking for. I want to see that but in an excel form. When I click the "new rankings csv" it downloads a sheet with over 1200 rows in it. Basically I want to see the keyword report that the PDF shows (the 100 keywords and the current rank) in an excel format. Am I missing that?

    | trumpfinc

  • It's a lot of disappointment.
    First, the cancel button stops working.
    Second, after complaining he returns to work. 4 days before.
    third, we cancel.
    Fourth, today you STEAL me $ 99. That's assault!
    Please return my money!

    | mateusresende

  • We are experiencing issues with two client locations for Hillcrest. Hillcrest Home Care and Hillcrest Hospice Care. The Hospice Care location is displaying as Home Care, and one of the duplicate Home Cares is saying it is paused. This might be due to the fact that Google flagged Hospice Care as a duplicate of Home Care, because they are at the same address but have different suite numbers. Please help ASAP. Thanks.

    | LM360_Digital

  • Hi Is there any issues with the campaign section? I keep getting a 404 error page. Thanks Andy

    | Andy-Halliday

  • I've moved jobs and that meant changing emails and handing over my Moz account to the company. Afterall, it was the company that paid for the Moz account. I was wondering if I could transfer my points/profile to a new one? Or is it a case of starting from scratch again?

    | Diamond.Dog

  • Hi guys, We received the following error from our Moz report, our hosting companies says it's isn't an issue but I wanted to get your feedback as it seems a bit odd. We recently moved to a VPS and setup an EV SSL. We moved another site to the same VPS and added EV SSL and it isn't reporting any issue. Hosting companies feedback below error message | Crawl Error Error Code 804: HTTPS (SSL) Error Encountered Your page requires an SSL security certificate to load (using HTTPS), but the Moz Crawler encountered an error when trying to load the certificate. Our crawler is pretty standard, so it's likely that other browsers and crawlers may also encounter this error. If you have this error on your homepage, it prevents the Moz crawler (and some search engines) from crawling the rest of your site. | | I am just running some tests on the SSL cert installation now, but so far all appears to be fine. I've checked your .htaccess file and there is nothing that should be blocking them, and the logs show nothing unexpected or any SSL failures. SSL Labs test returns an A rating with no errors. One possibility (though, it's a long shot) is that we never increased the HSTS time beyond 3600, so it's possible that the crawler is failing because of this perceived insecurity. However, if there is some other issue going on, increasing the HSTS time would be a bad idea, so I suggest some further monitoring and testing. You may need to contact Moz about the issue and see if they can help. Is there any other evidence of SSL failing to load? Have you experienced any other issues, or is it only the Moz report that is indicating any problem? |

    | ModowestNZ

  • I created an account for some research for my uni work and forgot to cancel my account. I am now £100 down and I dont want to use Moz any more. Could you please refund my account as I am a student and cannot afford this service. My Account is ** and my email is **

    | amberjmorrison

  • Hello, Moz community. I have a big problem, today by accident i suppose i was charged 149$ for the Moz Pro subscription plan, but i have already earlier today canceled my subscription plan. 
    Now Moz is a great seo based application, but i was only testing the field and do not need those kind of services and plus living in a third world country 149$ would literally mess my whole month. Is there anyway the payment to be reversed, the transfer is still in the waiting and the payment has not been completed. Waiting for response, 10x

    | Gigito

  • I was just billed $99 USD by Moz and I didn't wish the continue the subscription. Is it possible to cancel it and get a refund?

    | Stephaneham

  • as Q explains, my card expired, tried to renew subscription and get a message saying declined, duplicate transaction?

    | paulazoid

  • Hi, I want know how to unsubscribe from Moz, there is no options in "Billing and Subscription" ? Thank you in advance.

    | pharmacieDefrance

  • Since the page optimization tab has updated all my previous page scores and rankings are no longer there. But if I am looking at the pages on the dashboard tab, they show up. When in the page optimization tab and try to click on a page to see the ranking, score, and tips to improve, it doesn't show any data. The page is almost blank. What happened and how do I fix it?

    | leannegoff

  • So, I've been away from the SEO world for a few years but now I'm back in full swing and I noticed I have enough points for "A special MozPoints t-shirt and a Roger vinyl figurine" but had never gotten those because I assume it must have become an added swag during my hiatus... but I'd absolutely love to get hold of that as my boss is a big Roger fanboy and it would be hilarious to have that on my desk as a friendly mocking. If I can't, I can't. But I figured it couldn't hurt to ask.

    | MikeRoberts

  • Hi, Like the new look of Moz. I got an automated email the other day saying someone had responded to a question we asked on Moz. However, when opening the email, it really held Outlook 2010 up. So slow that it crashed Outlook a couple of times. When trying to forward the email to a colleague, I got the 'Contacting \\img_users' dialogue box, which just stood there for ages, and eventually I had to give up and force Outlook to quit. Please see attached screenshot. Looking at the URL Outlook was trying to reach indicates it's trying to load up the avatar of the person who responded. Which would look nice I admit, but don't really need it in the email if it's going to cause Outlook to crash. There is an 'image not found' icon next to the post, so that's why I assume Outlook is searching for that image. It's almost as if the image is incorrectly referencing a local source (network drive) which it can never find. Perhaps there is a missing http:// prefix before the image in the tag? Anyway, was curious to know if anyone else has this problem, or if anyone at Moz can check this out (update template?) Regards, Rich M6AY0GQ

    | STL

  • I need to remove a user or seat from our Moz account but I don't seem to have the ability to do that. Is there anyway for me to remove a user?

    | Brando16

  • Hey, I have noticed that for the last 3 weeks or so the emails from Moz have been displaying incorrect information. The results it shows in the email seem to be from previous crawls. For example The previous week a sitemap that didn't update that caused 400+ pages to appear as 404's. This wasn't reported in the email and it stated there were only 2 errors on the site. (Of which we knew about anyway and choose to ignore). Thankfully i checked the crawl report anyway out of habit and saw the onsite report to show 400+ crawl errors. I went on to fix these errors. This week, the crawl report showed 400+ crawl errors, I immediately logged on to the website to check the campaign to find there are only the 2 expected crawl errors. It is almost as if the info from the campaign is being pulled and emailed to me seconds before it is updated from the crawl info. I am finding this to be the case in both the keyword and crawl errors email reports.

    | ATP

  • Hi there. A week or so ago I thought I saw a message saying I could get 30 days more of the trial period if I filled out the profile.  I filled it out today and have 34 moz points but still getting a message that my account is about to expire (in 3 days).  Did I miss the offer because I stalled on filling out the profile?  Is there anything else I could do to extend the trial?  Thanks!

    | limited7

  • Hey guys Im sure this question has been asked before but I could not find it. I promised I looked hard. I hooked up my account three days ago. For some reason Google Analytics is showing that I am indeed getting some good traffic to my site. But Moz is reporting zero zero zero across the board for anything and showing I have zero back links which is not correct. I thought it would eventually start working but its not. Any suggestions?

    | Answer2cancer

  • We are in the process of a website redesign and have initiated an SEO campaign on the current site to set benchmarks. Does it make sense for us to run a separate SEO campaign on the testing site as well? Michelle

    | Michelle-Meyer

  • I'm newer to Moz...Is there a way for me to look at older reports? For example, I want to compare January numbers with December numbers but I did not save my December reports. I'm hoping this is just something small, but please let me know if this is possible!

    | Monitronics2015

  • Hi A number of our campaigns have been disconnected from GA and every  time we connect them it says it has, but when you go back, it is disconnects again. I found this thread on this forum: Is this still relevant? Thanks. Regards

    | Nikki959

  • Using moz quite some time, but I don't have any crawl data anymore. What happened? (

    | KBC

  • Can I Use Moz for RTL languages?

    | ciznerguy

  • Hello, We would like to cancel our account and get a refund for the remaining months. What are the steps we need to take? Best Regards D

    | dasmedia

  • On the insights portion of one of my campaigns, I continually see this message: " You will see rankings for the 100 keywords we found for you very soon. In the meantime, add more keywords for [XXXXX].It has said "very soon" for quite some time. How do I get this section to work?

    | seo-nicole

  • I can haz question?

    | JordanRailsback

  • Alas !! almost 150 dollar has been deducted by moz. about a month ago i tried moz pro and didn't have any idea that they will take subscription fees automatically after the month end. Oh nooo ! I want my money back. I don't need your tools right now. please help me out. email: username: abcblogging24

    | abcblogging24

  • I'm wary of giving more information as it's probably best that little to no one be able to access Moz staging for one reason or another. I should also mention that this was done very unintentionally on my part. That said, from the 404 from Moz Pro home, I tried to access "My QA", and that's when I realized that everything I did thereafter was within (and posted a question similar to this one). Does Moz permit access to their staging site, or did I stumble upon a mistake - or Moz-stake, if you will?

    | Lumina

  • How can I improve our sites domain authority?

    | tonycord10

  • My trial just expired and I had forgotten to cancel. I just got 99$ debited from my account and i don't want to continue this moz tool , so please refund my money. I am just a student I can't afford this software, please refund my money. And please make it fast. My Account email ID:   Thanks in advance

    | SamBagai

  • Hi guys, I use Moz at work and I love the software. I also have  a small company (a webshop) that I just started that I manage on my free time. I'd love to use Moz but it's to expensive and I don't need 5 campaigns. Is there anyway to just get a one campaign plan?

    | Anders_Alknes

  • on Oct 1st I set up a report to be sent to my client MONTLY... however it says the next report will be sent out Dec 1st. Same on other this monthly or every 2 months

    | Master-Charles

  • Our team is growing and we are running into each others' research on the tool!  Will our users ever be able to use their own instance of Moz? Also, how about a historical archiving function for research? Would be nice to record past research as similar requests come to us in the future. Wish list stuff - thx.

    | Jen_Floyd

  • I have a campaign running for my client with the last company I've worked with in the past. Can they move that campaign to my account?

    | Genshaft

  • Hi I had to reset my Twitter account in campaigns yesterday and theres now no data in them, i take it then that we must allow few days for data to propagate into our campaigns when we reset, or is there possibly and error ? (has been about 24 hours since i reset) All Best Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Hi I received an email late last night (GMT) saying one of my campaigns had updated yet looking at the campaign online says last updated on the 13th ? Normally my campaigns have fully updated for the week by Wednesday latest. Other Notifications & Misc Queries: A Key Words on-page score has increased from 36 to 96 (these used to be letters, has grading changed ?) yet no on-page work has been carried out on this particular page for many months so how can it change so radically, is it just that Moz crawler has only just taken note of it ? When is the on-page opportunities section going to be complete/fixed (as in include a KW) i asked about this soon after it was launched but still lacks the all important kw to give it meaning/a useful tool. Am i right in thinking that until it includes the kw its totally meaningless ? When clicking Question Category (below) i cant change slection after clicking a radio button it cant be un-clicked, is this prob my side or yours ? All Best Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Hello, When granting access via multiseat, can this be done to a single campaign rather than a full account? Thanks.

    | hexdigital

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