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Category: Link Explorer

Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • Is it possible to check when a link was first discovered in Moz?


  • Some are follow and some are no follow.  They show up in webmaster tools and not in site explorer.  In addition why do some other links show up in webmaster tools but not site explorer?

    | RafeTLouis

  • Dear All, May be this is a common question in forum, but wanted to ask specifically for 2015. Does automatic site generators will help in SEO. I added a new website and google started crawling it, without adding sitemap.xml, So does it really matter to have sitemap or updating the sitemap. Thanks, Om

    | omverma

  • I signed up for Moz to see the spam flags our site had triggered. As soon as I found out, we worked on it and have been trying to correct our mistakes but it's been more than a month and we've managed to neutralise zero flags. I would appreciate if someone can clarify how long the OSE data takes to refresh. Also, how do you combat the following three specific flags: Ratio of Followed to Nofollowed Subdomains Ratio of Followed to Nofollowed Domains Low Number of Pages Found Crawl only gets a valid response to a small number of pages. Thanks.

    | Oziti

  • Hey gang, As you may be aware, we were considerably late with our last index release. You have my sincere apologies for that and the apologies of the entire team. In the interest of transparency, I want to try to explain what's been going on. Since stepping down as CEO, I've been asked to take on a few roles in the company. One of those is product architect (basically the product owner) of our Big Data team, who produces the Mozscape link index. For several years, that team has been almost exclusively focused on getting us closer to a near real-time indexing system that does not have scalability issues. Mozscape is currently smaller than our major competitors, and we're also often slower. Our metrics (PA, DA, MozRank, MozTrust, Spam Score, Social Data, etc) have been the unique value we provide, but it's not enough. We need to be competitive on size and freshness. Building a raw link index (without processed metrics like PA/DA et al) is hard, but it's possible. Building a link index with those metrics is really tricky, and requires computer science knowledge and skills far beyond the scope of my understanding. That's what our team's been working on, and they've made some progress, but it's been slow, hampered by unknown unknowns, and materially hurt by a lack of experienced talent we can hire to help (we've had open job posts for years now). In the meantime, our historic Mozscape index structure keeps encountering challenges - this latest round is still somewhat unexplained (we believe there's hardware issues compounded by how the system is architected to handle large domains, but there may be other issues). The team's struggled to split time between keeping the old Mozscape running and hunkering down to finish the new system. I'm trying to help them balance things as best I can, and we're going to be putting effort toward making sure we get index releases out on time. However, to do that, we'll need to scale down size, and then rebuild back up. We think we can do this while also improving the prioritization of which links we crawl (e.g. deeper on important domains that link out, less so on deep pages that don't link anywhere) so the index overall improves. However, I don't want to minimize the risks - we may have some slow updates, some smaller indices, and some less-than-ideal data in the next one or two indices while we work to remedy this issue. I HOPE we don't, and that things actually get better immediately, but we can't promise that until the work gets finished. TL;DR - Mozscape V2 is in development and will let us as big and faster as any link index. In the meantime, current Mozscape's having issues & we're making smaller indices in an attempt to diagnose and repair. As always, thanks for your understanding, continued support, and if you have any questions, feel free to leave them below. I realize that this level of service/product quality is NOT OK, and I'm doing everything in my power to fix it.

    | randfish

  • My Moz analytics campaign says i have lost some links since the last crawl on one of my sites, Is there an easy way in moz to see which links these are i lost and where from? James

    | Antony_Towle

  • Dear All, Since last few days we are not getting updated results in moz tools. We get following warnings in the pages. "Hello! Weekly data for some campaigns is a bit behind schedule. Don't worry; it's processing now and will be available soon. Check out for the latest status on all of our tools. And thanks for your patience!" How much time it will take to show us the current results, so that we can properly work on it. Right now we are not able to measure any changes affected our site. Thanks, Om

    | omverma

  • Hello everyone, I’d like to ask you a question regarding how to use Moz for competition analysis: I am assessing what the competition is doing and, at this stage, I was looking at how they built their internal link structure. However, the data I get from Moz at times are not consistent with what I see on the actual sites. For example, I was analyzing one specific page looking at its internal links, and the report was showing a much smaller number of linking pages than there actually are and this is because the index might not have picked up the changes yet, which makes sense. The thing is: how can I make a reliable analysis when the data I get may be outdated and a couple of months old? Thanks 🙂

    | Lara76

  • Hi guys, I run Opensiteexplorer on the website (in italian...). ( It only shows ca 240 internal links where I know there are plenty more also shown in Google Webmaster Tools. I cannot figure out why it can crawl so few links - Google shows 79.000 links found and internal links are pretty well established. Any suggestions from your experience on this difference? Cheers, Rob

    | r.bonsanti

  • It's been more than 6 months since my site has been up. I have submitted the site to several online directories. However, I still cant attain a PA and DA. The link count is also not showing. Can someone please help to explain. The site URL is

    | kookabara

  • I am a MOZ Pro subscriber and I am not sure why the data on the reports is stale, meaning it hasn't been updated since my purchase date.  Hard to know if I am making any progress. How often does the data update?

    | mcorcelli

  • Moz seems to keep pushing back the Index update date, it was the 24th until the 24th, then it got changed to the 30th, now it is may 5th.... What is the reason for this?

    | mgladman

  • I am quite surprise with this, normally site explorer show more and valid database for back links but this time its opposite.  the site url is webmaster shows me about 2000 where as site explorer is null. is there any particular reason for that?

    | Mustansar

  • Hello there, We have come across what looks like a high quality blog in our niche (interior design). The blog has been established for a while and is well designed. The content is of a good quality The blog URL: The blog has a good following across its social media accounts. However, Open Site Explorer is showing DA1 and PA1 Does anyone know why that is?

    | roberthseo

  • While using the Open Site Explorer tool, I don't get any resultfor Inbound Links, while with other services and the Webmaster Tools I can see which websites are linking to mine. What I can do to see these results here on the MOZ analytics software? The website is Thanks for the support. Luca

    | lucab5

  • Hey there, It clearly stands that OSE will be updated, well yesterday... on 21th April. In my experience, they usually update the date if they have technical issues or something... ...but now they haven't yet made any changes.

    | Kokolo

  • There are about 43 404 issues showing up in Moz analytics on a site I've been asked to review, all of which include yelp in the URL (see below link to one example). I'm not quite sure why this is happening. This is a site that sells vodka..could it be because of the verification required to enter the site (you must be older than 21)? Thanks for any insights

    | lulu71

  • I'm just trying to download our Links CSV from OSE and I keep getting "Failed - Server Problem" and I got a bad gateway page when I clicked the download link in the email. Is there a problem atm?

    | SanjidaKazi

  • Getting errors all the time.

    | max.favilli

  • Hi! I've been checking a few pages in OSE. For example: This, according to the tool, has only 6 internal links. However, a Screaming Frog crawl picks up 700+, which is about right seeing as there is a link in the footer. What do you think could be behind the discrepancy?

    | Blink-SEO

  • Hi! The spam score for my sites is "--" with no graph. The sites are large ecommerce sites with a ton of branded search and DAs of 50+. Simple question - are these clean spam scores, or has Moz not calculated the scores yet?

    | AMHC

  • Hi, i am after a report where i can type in a URL nd get SPECIFIC details on how to exactly optimise a SPECIFIC page (not just the home page) for better organic results. A complete overview to everything in relation to tags, images tags, headers etc etc. I am yet to find the ability to get such a report with your service. COudl you please advise how i can do so. Thanks

    | andrewlos

  • I've created a new website 50 days old with a vision of sharing high-quality content. I created some pages which are useful and helpful, what make other people link to my site. Early days, two weeks ago I've started checking my backlinks starting with Ahref and majestic. three days ago I decided to join Moz too and use Moz explorer. But, I discovered that Moz tool is too slow compared with other tools. Why? Starting with Ahref. They discovered more than 100 links and updating their data for my site as a new website every 6 hours as I know. Also majestic for the first time discovered six links then every two days they updating their data. Even Google discovered some of my backlinks. Specially links from high-quality sites such as Wikipedia with high-quality pages. Moz tool discovered zero of my backlinks even after subscribing. I don't think Moz need to discover websites like Wikipedia which already indexed by Moz. So, I wonder Why Moz tools are very very very slow like that? Update: (This is a question, not a discussion. So, please don't edit it) Can any Moz support answer please? Thanks.

    | Eslam-yosef

  • Client's website has been connected to their website, along with Google+ page. Why do we not see this listed in Open Site Explorer?

    | BCMiller

  • Google Webmaster showing my external links 41 
    Majestic showing my external links 28 
    Ahrefs showing my external links 13 

    Moz is showing my external links 0... Will anyone please explain Why moz is not showing My Website External Backlinks?

    | djsamrock

  • I am using Opensite explorer on my site which uses Sucuri and it shows 0 for everything. Does Sucuri stop MOZ from reading the link? I also suspect that using Sucuri has made my SEO suffer because the first page is always saying "redirecting" . Anyone with experience to this? Thanks

    | seoprojecter

  • Hello, SEO brainiacs. Here is the problem I can't figure out:We have a lot of clients and all of them have local listings, such as Insider Pages, Yahoo local, Bing locals, Yelp, Yellow Pages etc etc etc.
    And all of those local listing have company's website link. But none of those links are considered (found) in reports, such as opensite explorer or in Link Analysis Section of Moz PRO. I do know that MOZ crawl considers only high DA websites, but all of local listing domains have above 80-90 DA score, so they can't be NOT crawled. I will say that some local listings do appear on very few reports, but far not all of them. So, what can be the problem?

    | seomozinator

  • Hey, I own a website, called I noticed that the site explorer doesnt recognise the domain extension. When they will be added too? I dont know if the other extensions work , but this one definitely doesnt work. ps: also don't recognise the extension.

    | nyanainc

  • We're trying to download a larger OSE report of inbound links and the report only has headers and no actual data. I'm logged in, so is there a bug here?

    | Highland

  • Hi everyone! Refering to my last question, the last update was on March 10 and I'm still searching my dofollow link from my Moz user profile after have 200 MozPoints, Opensiteexplorer only found the nofollow link from the icon, but nothing from the anchor text of my URL. Is possible that only take the first link to my blog and ignore the rest if it have the same href? 😞 Thanks! fTdwaO6.png

    | rubenalonsoes

  • Hey, when i check my links in Link Analysis in Moz Analytics is see 45 Linking Root Domains. The manual states: " If you want to look at these pages in more depth, just click the export button. This will take you to Open Site Explorer so you can dig deeper into your link profile and export the data for review later." But when i go there, the open site explorer states i only have 31 Linking Domains. What could explain the difference?

    | RoderickG

  • Hello Guys, I hope I am posting this in the right section... I was wondering something... I use the www version for my website, So I set the cannonicalisation and the 301 Redirect of non-www to www version. But I checked my website on MOZ (Open Site Explorer) and when I type in I get 19 DA and 1 PA. When I typed in www, I get 19 DA and 32 PA. So i would like to have some clarifications about how their domain authority and page authority system work. My PA of the www version is higher than my DA because almost all my link point to the www version and I do the 301 redirect. ? But how can I increase my DA if I focus on building backlink to the www version of my website ? Should I build link to the non-www version of my website to increase my DA even if I use the www version for my website ? If I build backlink to the non-www version, will it increase the PA of the www version since it's has a 301 redirect ? If I build backlink to the www version of my website will it increase the DA of my website ? Im really confused here so any help and clarification from you guys will be really appreciated. Thank You.

    | majesticlub

  • Hi everyone! I'm was searching my "new" dofollow link from my Moz user profile now I have more than 200 MozPoints, but in OpenSiteExplorer is only showing my "nofollow" link of the icon (the "M" icon in the left of the URL in the profile). Why not appears the dofollow link? Thanks!

    | rubenalonsoes

  • When is the Mozbar tool getting updated. I mean last tool bar updation visible is 27th January 2015.

    | jaintechnosoft

  • I have made many links for my website, I checked in majestic it showed me about 40. But MOZ is showing Zero. The last i remember  I checked: Add noodp meta robots tag sitewide in SEO YOAST. It said it prevents search engines from using the DMOZ description for pages from this site in the search results. Also I have a NoIndex (canonical ) on category, archive, author, tag to avoid Duplicate Data. But when i see the source of my website, it shows <rel link="canonical">on every single page and post of website. Can this be the reason why MOZ is not showing any backlinks? </rel>

    | himanshu2263

  • Run an OSE report on OSE redirects to Why? And if you go to in your browser, it redirects to Why is OSE redirecting? It appears the links that come up are a combination of links for the seo company and for

    | katandmouse

  • Moz toolbar showing Root links 2111 but when searched on OSE it shows only 71. How can I get full backlinks report? Kindly review attached screenshot. K03BaiU.jpg

    | bondhoward

  • Hello!
    My problem started when I became aware that when I checked my backlinks for the past two years, it states that no backlinks have been found.   When I ran a site analysis on SEMrush - No backlinks are found on the URL, or Domain.  There are 7 Backlinks on the Root Domain and those were configured in 2012.  I made a second domain www.columbusweddingphotographersreviews.comwhere I linked to my domain at so I could test that google had crawled both websites and after, still no backlink was found.  I have also been published on a dozen or so wedding websites that has linked to my website where they are follow links and still nothing.  ( **Website Background-  **
    In 2012 I had two separate websites - One for Seniors that was an HTML website I build in Dreamweaver at www.morganlindsayphotography/seniors   and another for Wedding Clients found at  - (wordpress)  I had a Splash page wish was found  Two years ago when I became aware splash pages were frowned upon in Google, I combined the two websites and stayed with the Wordpress which was 
    Because I did not want users to have to go to to view my url, Godaddy moved my wordpress site from  directory When I ran the Open Site Explorer with Moz I found after the TOP pages on this domain according to Page Authority  are old HTML files from my senior website, as well as old Posts from when my wordpress site was found 
    No current pots or pages are showing up  I do run a cache management system to speed up my system and recently cleaned out my .htcacess folder and still had no luck.  This is difficulty something **Last night I made a 301 Redirect in my htaccess for all the old links pointing to the new links as best as I could.  My htacess folder looks like this.. BEGIN WordPress <ifmodule mod_rewrite.c="">RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^index.php$ - [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]</ifmodule> END WordPress Permanent URL redirect - generated by Redirect 301 /Wedding Permanent URL redirect - generated by Redirect 301 /Wedding/ Permanent URL redirect - generated by Redirect 301 /about.html Permanent URL redirect - generated by Redirect 301 /app.html Permanent URL redirect - generated by Redirect 301 /experience.html Permanent URL redirect - generated by Redirect 301 /index.html Permanent URL redirect - generated by Redirect 301 /senior.html Permanent URL redirect - generated by Redirect 301 /seniorsconstruction.html Permanent URL redirect - generated by Redirect 301 /Wedding/2012/06/22/brittany-reis-jason-mcclaflin-tiffin-ohio-wedding/ After I ran the open site moz explorer and the www.morganlindsayphotography/Wedding was still there..

    | morganlindsaycole

  • Hi Around October, November (and ongoing since then) we had some links appear in the "just discovered" index of OSE, and yet they've never made it into the main list of domains linking to the website. We have amassed quite a few links from various domains that seem to get picked up in "Just Discovered", but not by the standard list of links to our site Is there any reason for this?

    | Lexica

  • Hey greetings  I have one query as If i want to know what type of keywords are my competitors are using then how can i analysed them and make sure that the keywords are targeted properly.Kindly reply asap

    | vikiran

  • When in Open Site Explorer there seems to be an error getting the data for or I have used this with other websites and have never had a problem. Thanks.

    | Johnny_AppleSeed

  • Hi all! After using the "Compare Links Metrics" in the research tools, a few questions popped up. Particularly, in regards to what key metrics to look for when determining if a websites outbound links are trustworthy and may pass Link-juice. Basically, "if my link is put on that website, will search engines trust it"? I've copied an example below and typed a few comments next to particular metrics.  Please share some insight them: Page Authority: 48 Page MozRank: 4.94 -Is 4.94 considered OK? Page MozTrust: 4.96 -Is 4.96 considered OK? Internal Equity-Passing Links: 2,819 External Equity-Passing Links: 2,326 -Lower = better? Total Equity-Passing Links: 5,145 Total Internal Links: 2,844 Total External Links: 2,383 - Lower = better? Total Links: 5,227 Followed Linking Root Domains: 88 Total Linking Root Domains: 129 Linking C Blocks: 30 Equity-Passing Links vs
    Non-Equity-Passing Links:** I am assuming that the higher the Non-equity passing links VS the Equity passing links is typically better? What would be an idea ratio?** Internal Links vs
    External Links: Lower external = better?

    | 90miLLA

  • Hi there! I have a slight problem.
    I have a site with Joomla 3.3 that we recently migrated from 2.5. Joomla, for some reason that I don´t really get, creates hundreds of weird urls for the site like -> joomla creates en/home/149-xxx-xxx/xxxxxx-xxxxxx that links to the first one.
    The new version 3.3 knows this bug and applies a rel=canonical to the ones created "artificially", so they should not be identified as duplicated. Sample piece of code:  en/home/149-all-en/xxxxxxx-xxxxxx" rel="canonical" / MOZ crawler identifies this as duplicated and like this I have thousands of pages duplicated all with titles, content etc... all the ones created by joomla. Still my site has good SEO results and I can not see any penalties but I am a bit concerned they may come in the future.... Can anyone explain me what is happening? Thank you in advance for your time,


  • Link Acquisition Assistant redirect to Open Site Explorer?????? How can i use Link Acquisition Assistant?

    | bondhoward

  • Hi All: I'm dealing with a company that has 299 Facebook likes, but Open Site Explorer only shows three. I checked the NAP on Facebook and it's correct. Anyone know why this might be happening? I'm worried if Open Site Explorer is not seeing the likes, Google might not as well, for whatever reason. Thanks! Wes

    | wrconard

  • PageA.html has a lot of links and has a Page Authority score. It is 301 redirected to PageB.html and eventually in OSE this also accumulates a Page Authority score. Is there a reason why PageA.html many months/years after continues to have a Page Authority when it is expected that its Authority signals have migrated (with any dampening effect etc) across to PageB.html.

    | Infotex_UK

  • So I have not been on Moz for a while but I have always liked the ability to compare multiple domains in Open site explorer. Has Moz removed this feature. if so... why?

    | BryanCasson

  • Hello all, We launched a website builder with a ".website" domain and our Domain & Page authority is currently 1/100 . I would like to know if we'r making a mistake by using a  ".website"  gTLD ? Our site is Thanks for your help !

    | LylConcepts

  • When Moz shows pages that are 404's you are able to remove them after the issue is fixed. Is there a way to do this for missing Meta Descriptions? It shows that numerous pages are missing them, but when I go look, it's already been corrected and it is still showing months later.

    | seomozinator

  • My site, attained more links and got better alexa ranking. However, my DA and PA dropped. How can I explain this? Siz5lkp.png

    | Dineshr84

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