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Category: Link Explorer

Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • Hi There, During an SEO Audit, I found that OSE categorizes Feedburner URL of root domains under link-equity passing and followed. For example, the following link has been categorized under link-equity passing and followed: I have heard that a lot of SEOs saying feedburner links don't carry any link juice. If that's true, then why does OSE categorize feedburner URL of root domains under link-equity passing and followed? I would appreciate if someone from the Moz staff could take some to answer this. Thanks.

    | TopLeagueTechnologies

  • I am creating private blog network. I am buying expired domain. How much domain authority score required to popular my domain. I mean some of the domain i seen have 10+ DA score and age is also 10+ years. Kindly advice.

    | pnb567

  • My sites internal links are not showing as inbound links while my competitor site’s internal links are showing as their inbound links (In OSE). Is my site’s inter-linking weak?  Or there could be other reasons.

    | vivekrathore

  • Hi, We have been attempting to increase our rankings for our key term for a number of months now, and we are seeing an unusual discrepancy between OSE and Webmaster Tools that we believe may be causing us harm. OSE shows our homepage,, as having only 27 internal links (only three of these aren't 301's too), whereas Webmaster Tools is showing just over 1,500 internal links to the homepage. The three pages that OSE are displaying as linking back to the homepage are the homepage, our blog and our accessibility page. These pages are all ran off the same template and have the same header and footer (with three home links spread across header and footer). You can see our confusion! Is this a case of OSE's stats being incorrect (the website has been live for ~6 months) or is there an issue with our in-linking structure that we are missing? Thanks!

    | unionroom

  • Any way around this? Would like to find out the top social pages for a site. thx

    | IsHot

  • I was running some backlink reports in OSE and exporting  them on different domains (external only, root domain), the first exported fine, but the last 3 have been blank ( one was a redo incase it was just a one off error).

    | PaddyDisplays

  • Hello, As I have used site explorer on competition sites, I am curious what I need to do to have my facebook, twitter, and pinterest links to shop up as a backlink? I see some other sites have it, even if its a nofollow, but curious if I am doing something wrong? I have had accounts since last year. Just curious if I am doing something wrong, Thank you Chris

    | Berner

  • How often does the domain authority checker update? I added a lot of backlinks over the last month or so, but I don't see any of them through the checker.

    | studio35design

  • Is something wrong with Open Site Explorer as I am not getting any social and other data?  Is this a problem that will be fixed in the next couple of hours?  Is this a bigger issue?
    Thanks, Scott

    | produceresults

  • Hi, for some reason Open Site Explorer only shows 2 internal links linking to our homepage (and other pages). When looking at a competitors site, they have thousands of internal links to their homepage! Are there any reasons why OSE is only showing 2 for our site, when in fact there are hundreds and thousands? Thanks.

    | Jaybeamer

  • I am wondering if i can find out when OpenSiteExplorer crawled our entire website for the last time.
    A few months ago we added some internal textlinks to all of our productpages. Those are links to the brandpage of that particular product. Some of our brands do have up to 1500 products, so there should be at least 1500 internal links pointing to that brandpage. But OSE still gives me a wrong count. It says there is only 1 internal link pointing to that brandpage.
    Is it because OSE never crawled our site again? Or am i missing something here?(maybe too many internal links to one specific brandpage is not okay?) I'll hope you guys can help me out with this one.

    | wilcoXXL

  • Hi all, Using Open Site Explorer and Moz, we're getting only 50 internal links and like to know why. Our site is an online store with a quite good DA (26, see attached files) comparing with competitors, and all pages are in sitemap since several months, and crawled by google. Assuming that we have more than 2000 products in our site, and more of 10000 crawled pages with a link to the home page, we can't understand how "Total internal links" returns only 50. How can we increase internal links? Perhaps we misunderstood the meaning of "Total internal links" in page metrics. What does this value exactly mean? Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance. wuud3Lu RRvn31p

    | citricamente

  • Several years ago I changed my site structure to go from a flash based site to a blog based wordpress site. After doing so I went from page 1 to page 30 for my relevant search terms. I have employed people to help me track down the problem and I believe that they have narroed it to the existance of 404's being created from some unknown internal source. I have been for years getting links like this... <colgroup><col width="792"></colgroup>
    | | ......regularly showing in webmaster tools, (this is from a top pages report from MOZ where there are hundreds also shown). When I do a moz crawl of the site, none of these links show up. Therefore I have no way of finding the source of these links (they also do not show me the source in WMT as they should). We have completely cleared the site and rebuilt it and although it is still only a couple of weeks in it still does not appear to have stopped them. Does anyone have any way of helping me find the source of these mysterious 404's?


  • Hey Mozzers, I have a question regarding the Open Site Explorer Recently Discovered Links. I know that I have receive follow link from a few sites that have more DA than my site. I am wondering why it is taking so long for OSE to discover these links? I double checked the sites to make sure that they don't have NOFOLLOW (sorry for the double negative), and the sites have linked to my site for over a month now. Any ideas? I'm not concerned about it because Search Engines have discovered those links. I am just curious why this is, or if it is normal. Cheers!

    | evan89

  • Hi there, I have received email notification that my new inbound links CSV report is ready to export and download. I follow the OSE link but I am redirected straight back to the main page of OSE not the download. Is there a problem? Are the access problems due to the and Research Tools Outage. reported on Moz Health? David

    | David-E-Carey

  • Hi Guys, I've been asked to pull up the DA for a site from the last couple of months and for the life of me I can't seem to work out how to pull a history of DA for a site.  it's only the previous three months but how can I do it? Thanks in advanced.

    | GPainter

  • Hi, How come open site explore(come with SEOmoz tool) not showing new backlinks created by me a month ago? I faced same issue while using other tools for the same. All of them show up old backlinks but not the new ones created recently. However, the Google Webmaster Tool updates me with this recent development. Any reason?

    | acelerar

  • I redirected a few pages that had funky URL issues (capitals and underscores and useless words) to the same page renamed with proper URLs. The sitemaps were changed also, and re-submitted. Like this:  >>> Google seems to have found them and changed the search engine results listing in about 8 days. But it's been about a month now and Moz and OSE still have not transferred all the strength and link data from the old URLs to the new ones. Question 1: How long does it usually take Google to transfer all the link and strength data for a 301? Question 2: How long does it take Moz and OSE to do the same? Is there something I need to do to tell them about the changes?

    | GregB123

  • IF you click on the "fiter" button on the "just discovered" tab in OSE, page returns message "no links found." This is weird because that message displays even when you didn't actually filter for anything, but just clicked on the button.

    | ALLee

  • I want to do a Keyword Difficulty and SERP Analysis for a core keyword and compare the top 10 ranking pages againt my page. How can I do that? Running a full report? Thanks!

    | estebancitus

  • 'Content that is identical (or nearly identical) to content on other pages of your site forces your pages to unnecessarily compete with each other for rankings.' Can anyone tell me why this is the case? I know for a fact that their are no other duplicates of my home page, however moz disagrees. Cheers for any help. **Taylor **

    | Taylor123

  • I looked up a a keyword phrase, and ran the SERP report. In the top 10, one of the companies had a 100 DA, but then on the bottom of the report (and when I checked OSE) it had 29. Why the discrepancy? I included screen shots to illustrate what I mean. Thanks, Ruben VzD5d1a cZXsISs

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • In Open Site Explorer, my Google+ shares are showing up but any shares on Twitter and Facebook are not.  I am wondering if anyone has any ideas as to why this might be happening?  My site is Thanks

    | bpurdue

  • Our site had over 2,000 root domains linking to it as reported in MOZ Open Site Explorer (and Google Webmaster Tools). We then changed the domain and made sure that 301 redirects were set up for all pages across the site. That was about 1 month ago. Open Site Explorer is now reporting less than 300 linking root domains. For the links that it is reporting the majority of these are being 301 redirected to the new URLs (some of them we changed the links directly). However the majority of the links that are being 301 redirected are not being reported. It is reporting most of the links coming from the old to the new domain. Google Webmaster Tools is reporting over 1,000 linking root domains to the new domain (it has a max of 1,000). We did notice that MOZ took some time to update the domain authority of the new domain. It was 1 for along time and it has now jumped up to 46 ( it was previously at 74). Maybe this is a time delay thing and eventually Open Site Explorer will report all of the 301 redirected links? It is a bit frustrating at the moment as we can't fully analyse the links to the site to try to focus on the high domain linking sites to get them to change the link directly. Also, If all links are being 301 redirected to the new domain should the authority not be close to where it was previously after one month? Our search traffic has dropped considerably since the launch of the new site and hasn't returned yet, so just wondering if the 301 redirected links pass on as much value as thre original direct links. Thanks, Damien

    | james.harris

  • How can I get a list of all the links going out from my website and from which pages of my site. can I get this list using Moz, I also have account, can I use that if yes how or do I need to use some other tools. Thank you

    | SinaKashani

  • In the backlink profile for my site on OSE, I'm seeing a lot of links that are paid advetorials and I know go through DoubleClick. I was informed that links going through Doubleclick automatically become NoFollow links. If the above is true, should I ignore these links? If they are NoFollow, they don't really contribute to my backlink profile? THANKS!

    | whis

  • Hi Moz, As I have been your member & using pro tool for more than an year, it's been amazing experience working and using your each tool's function tool, wehther to check on-page grader, rank tracking, on-page crawling issue, keyword difficulty and the one my best for link analysis is Open Site Explorer etc. I came here to ask about something which I didn't find here than other providers is most popular Bad Link Detection Tool. As **SEOprofiler Link Disinfection **offers their customers to use this to get all of their bad or spammy links harming them to rank high or getting away from ranking goal. Let me know, are you planning anything similar to this to bring soon in your tools and provide your members to take benefits of such type function as well OR should i go to SEOprofiler for this? Best,
    Teginder Ravi

    | Futura

  • Um, could someone please let me know why OpenSiteExplorer is treating me like I don't pay $200 for a Moz Pro Membership? See screenshot attached VdCrxzY

    | RickyShockley

  • Hi guys, in OpenSiteExplorer -> Top Pages, there are no page titles displayed in a raport for certain domain, and "HTTP Status" column shows: "Blocked by robots.txt". I tried to find out what the ID of Moz crawling bot is, and on this page: someone says it's: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; rogerBot/1.0; However, my robots.txt doesn't have such entry. Take a look: Automatically banned scanners and crawlers section User-agent: 008 Disallow: / user-agent: AhrefsBot Disallow: / User-agent: MJ12bot Disallow: / User-agent: metajobbot Disallow: / User-agent: Exabot Disallow: / User-agent: Ezooms Disallow: / User-agent: fyberspider Disallow: / User-agent: dotbot Disallow: / User-agent: MojeekBot Disallow: / Section end What could be the problem here, then? Why does the Moz bot think I'm blocking it?

    | superseopl

  • What is the difference between a "Just Discovered" link and an "Established" link in OSE? How long does it generally take for a just discovered link to migrate in to the established link section?  Are there other parameters that need to be met before a link can be referred to as established? Sorry for all the questions in one post, but I've had the same "just discovered" links in OSE for quite some time and have yet to see them migrate over to the "established" link section.  I was hoping that when these links become established that it would help improve my site DA.  Can  anyone shed any light on this issue or have any other comments? Thanks MOZ!

    | GalcoIndustrial

  • OSE so slow, Majestic and Ahrefs are kicking Moz's ass. Any plans to make it faster and BIGGER?

    | sophia123

  • Hi there, Root domain metrics I do not understand the "Total links" metric. I was checking this domain: The total links value (11k) is huge compared to the sum of external and internal links (429 + 221). Why? Is that because 221 is the number of internal links to the single page and not to the root domain? If so, it would mean this domain has 10k internal links. Thank you. Willy

    | WillyBin

  • We just got our report from OSE and a week ago we had over 80 LRD's with DA34/PA44 and now we see only 27 LRD's DA32/PA34? Why such a significant drop in our LRD's which I'm sure has affected everything else in the software. We checked Google Webmasters and don't see a drop in our linking URLs. We see it fluctuate all the time, but nothing like this. I'm not so much concerned with DA/PA at the moment as I know that dropped from lack of data the system can read, but why did over 60% of our LRDs disappear overnight? Anyone else seeing this happen to them? Our URL is

    | WhiteboardCreations

  • Last Mozscape index was on 30 Jan, then it said next update 26 Feb,  then 6 March, now 13 March, with no explanation of why!!.

    | nancys

  • Hi All -- Does anyone know if it is possible to generate a report (or is there a setting) to have the OSE inbound links report sorted by OSE linking domain?  Ideally, the report would create a second column in the "Inbound Links" report with "Linking Domain" and then you could create a nice report that cross-tabbed the links. While you could do some excel text manipulation to do this, does anyone know if it's possible to do through the report generator? Thanks, Matt

    | Resolution_Rentals

  • Hi Everyone! My site ( has 3,115 total links according to OSE, I need to export them all but advanced reports export will only give me 660. Please advise! Thanks, James

    | JamesPursey

  • Using OSE we've been tracking our stats and our competitors stats on a weekly basis to see how we're doing. We've noticed that since Jan 24,2014 the numbers for us and our competitors have been the EXACTLY same. What's going on with OSE? Company_01.png

    | EricksonCoaching

  • Hi, Where in the MOZ toolbox can I see the links my competitor has on a time graph? I tried googling it for the last hour, but I must be using the wrong keywords. I am searching for something similar the the functionality of Majestic: Thanks, Robin

    | soralsokal

  • What if all the top URL's report by Moz in my website do not exist on my website?  They only existed on an older website?  The only exception in the homepage

    | FCB

  • We recently transitioned away from a third party website using a different domain. A lot of our blog posts still link to this domain. Is there a tool offered by Moz that crawls your website and provides a report of all websites that your website is linking to?

    | farmiloe

  • I've read and understand that all back link tools results will vary from one another but Open Site Explorer and some others find 0 linking to my site. Webmaster tools show 46 back links. Is this because they are all "no follow"? I'm trying to get a grip on SEO but am very confused from the get go. Thanks, Todd

    | Grateful_Monk

  • Hi, I am a little confused how open site explorer updates (not sure its working as aspected). It shows the recent discovered links but these then disappear and do not show in the main list (Inbound links) after a few days. Plus the links in the inbound links tab has not changed for nearly 10 weeks, my other tools are showing the new links..... Does it update on a certain data, if so where can i check the status? Thanks

    | 720digital

  • I started downloading an OSE advanced report yesterday. It has been over 20 hours and the message below is shown on my report list page. Processing Getting data from the LSAPI. 27,450 out of 100k results found It takes a very long time than usual so I would like to know if there is currently any technical issue on Moz part, or that I should change any setting and try downloading it from the start. Thank you very much.

    | iREP

  • Hi, Hope someone might be able to help here. I have been using OSE to check backlinks to sites without an issue. However, I do seem to have problems checking links to videos. For examplpe, I took a video url and checked backlinks and OSE reports 33 million just discovered, majestic SEO reports none and Ahrefs seems about right with 17. I was wondering if there is something I need to do to ensure OSE returns correct results for individual youtube videos. FYI, I am using the url that appears in the Google search. Thanks Mark

    | mitonmark

  • I have a multi-part question with regard to the moz link index and some presentation suggestions. Firstly I would be interested to know how the link index treats site-wide links with regard to metrics such as DA, and PA. We all know that it is highly likely that SE's are unlikely to pass full link value across from sitewide links, and therefore it would make sense for Moz values to account for this as well - if they do not already. One annoying thing that also relates to sitewides is that they tend to clutter the much of the information presentation in a few of the tools (you can't see wood for trees as it were). This is most prominent in the "Just Discovered" page - if you have a sitewides on a large site, you can often find that this screen is just totally filled with these links as they are found. It would be very useful to be able to filter these out, as they are of little interest - currently I can't see a way of filtering them out. A further value where they create to much noise is the 'Total Links' value. Where sitewides are included in this value, the value actually becomes pretty meaningless as you can find that the majority of that value is sitewides. It would therefore be useful if there was another value for 'Total Links - Excluding Sitewides' where maybe value of 1 was just added to the count for a site wide

    | James77

  • Hi, I was wondering if the 'Just Discovered' links get added to the main link crawl index? It would seem to make sense for them to do so, as this would enable the enable the link index to be more up to date than it would otherwise be. Observing the link index it would seem that at the moment it does not do this and they are totally separate indexes (based on personal observation). Thanks

    | James77

  • Hi, I have the email notifying me that my report is ready to download but the link simply opens a blank webpage. If I go to 'Recent CSV Reports' I can see my report listed but if I click the download button nothing happens. Can anyone suggest a solution? Thanks Hugh

    | HLConsulting

  • Hi -- Is there a way to determine what search terms are used to drive visitors to a particular website? From what I can see, Moz does not offer this functionality. Am I wrong?  Thanks

    | tortoise2014

  • Where can I find the outbound link report?

    | WebRiverGroup

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