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Category: Link Explorer

Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • Hi my website is 3 months old and has been on DA 1 and PA1 ever since, even though the site is actively developed with quality content (a couple of posts already have 1k+ fb likes acquired editorially, while that doesnt necessarily improve SERP, it sure tells you that the post is engaging). In contrast another site of mine, which is hardly ever managed, not have more than 15 posts and just 1 backlink, has DA 14. Running an on page analysis on I observed that Moz has not identified any backlinks nor social signals (except G+). However, according to Webmasters, I have 57 links, 51 of them to the root. Even Majestic is able to report 32+ backlinks. So what am I missing? Certainly, at this stage my website doesn't deserve DA 1, or does it?

    | DealWithAutism

  • Hello Mozzers, May be a noobish question but I've learned to ask when I stuck. Can we calculate how many links we need to get for example a domain authority of 40. Like can we say, if we get 8 more 80+ DA links, our own DA rises to 40. I know DA/PA are just moz numbers and it takes a lot more to succeed, but I thought about it and now I want to know it;) Help is highly appreciated!

    | grobro

  • Hello, everybody. I've noticed this strange thing in Top Pages reporting of Open Site Explorer. If i do a report for any website which doesn't have security certificate installed, such as I get normal results, with title tag shown for every page, but, if i do a report for website with Security certificate, such as, report is coming back for non-secure URL version (http:...), so, it says "No Title" for any pages. I wonder, if it influence PA and DA scores. Although, if i run full crawl test, then i shows all meta and title tags for SSL version of a website's url. Thanks!

    | seomozinator

  • Dear Sirs and Contributors, I know this question is going to cause revolution, but I am paying for a subscription to moz every single month and I see that Open Site Explorer doesn't find baacklinks for some of my new clients when aHrefs can find more than 16 !! Why is this ? How can a free tool like ahrefs give me more information than OSE for which I pay for ? ;-(

    | Tintanus

  • Hello Mozzers, For what date is the next OSE update planned? Thanks!

    | grobro

  • Hi Guys, I have a question regarding moz campaign. I am a Moz Pro member, have taken Standard Plan. (Time being, am not in a position to upgrade to a higher plan) I have utilized only one campaign slot among total 5 slots. I have added website in one campaign, there I have added 350 keywords which is the maximum count we can add in a a single campaign. Still, I have plenty of keywords to track for same website I am not planning to use the remaining 4 campaign slots for time being for any other websites. May I know, if I can add same website in remaining campaign slots for tracking the remaining keywords for my website?

    | zco_seo

  • How often are the MOZ metrics of DA and PA refreshed, this is because i have noticed when i conduct an Inbound link analysis of my blog, i realize that MOZ is merely detecting around 100+ only links to what is being detected on Google Webmaster Tools, any advise?

    | ConnectMedia

  • When I make comments on blog posts (and there's a link in my comment or my name is the link to my site), the links are always no-follow (as they should be). But, when I check Open Site Explorer, the new links show up as equity-passing. Are they actually passing equity or is this a mistake?

    | infotrust2

  • When requesting a CSV for an internal 302 redirect report, the data isn't aligning with the UI. Does anyone have any suggestions?

    | Merkle-Impaqt

  • Hi guys, is it normal that when looking at my homepage with the mozbar i get the same DA and PA? It seems that it should provide the same results. Thankss

    | artdivision

  • In OSE how are page specific facebook likes calculated when the page does not have a Facebook like/share button on it? I have seen many pages with multiple Facebook likes counted against it in OSE but cannot see how people could be liking the page.

    | TheHutGroup

  • In open site explorer I have been trying to increase my Facebook Shares and likes. I recently posted my URL and got over 150 likes but none of that has been showing up in open site explorer. I noticed my profile was set to private so I went back and made sure it was public and the shared link was public but nothing. Can anybody explain to me what exactly the Facebook share is measuring? Because the explanation it gives me isn't working for some reason. Perhaps it takes a bit longer for Facebook measure than Twitter or Google Plus, but it has been a few days and I would expect it to have registered by now. Any help would be great. If it helps you can help check it out. My URL is Thanks!

    | BDP1978

  • Hi all, I am using Moz Crawl to analyze some sites I am having to optimize.
    I keep seeing many of my pages detected as duplicate content when they have the rel=canonical applied. Example:
    I have seen that in other sites. Of course I understand that Moz is not perfect but, is there a known issue or am I doing something wrong with the canonicals? Regards,


  • I am trying to determine if any of our PR services or inbound links are hurting our SEO. To do this I am using the Open Site Explorer tool and checking some of the URL's that link to us. While doing this I found a page that has a Page authority of 1/100 most other links have a decent authority...does this score mean this page has been penalized by Google? If not what else could a 1/100 mean?

    | Bertrand13

  • Hey, one of my sites has had all it's pages drop to a page authority of 1 in Moz and the campaign doesnt appear to be indexing any pages from this directory.  We launched a new site in this directory on the 12th and havent been getting any moz love since.  The pages are indexable and followable, and are being indexed by google and others.   The site on the root domain has been unaffected. Please help me get my moz campaign back on track. Thanks!

    | aatethys

  • It's really hard to judge if the DA of our site according to MOZ is 1) up to date and 2) accurate when for example there are SO many inbound links still not recorded, that were published months ago.

    | TVape

  • I have a new website I put up in the last 90 days. I have been watching the DA, PA and Keyword rankings. Once I set up the campaign I got a report back a week later and some data showing some keyword rankings and some DA & PA scores and links showing from 2 domains. Since this time OSE has Just Discovered 16 more backlinking domains - however the DA and PA scores have not changed ? How long after the new Just Discovered backlinks before they affect the scores I am seeing for my DA & PA ? Thank you in advance for any insight on this matter, Happy Holidays - Joe

    | jlane9

  • I having difficulties using Firefox on the Mac. Crawl Diagnostics results never show up. I see the numbers of errors but can't see what the errors are. Appreciate any help. I'm a newbie.

    | pompanoartist

  • Links on the following page at UCAS south bank university&ret=providers do not appear to be listed as external links in Open Site Explorer reports. For example there is a link on the UCAS page to . But when I check the Open Site Explorer report for no link from UCAS is recorded.

    | southbankuni

  • I have a Moz subscription and I see dead links on my website that link externally. Is there a Moz crawl report which will show me these 404 errors and which pages on my site those 404 links are on?

    | Marbanasin

  • MOZ has not published competitive link metrics sinceOctober 28th. Does any one know when we can expect to see them published? Thanks, 

    | Kingalan1

  • I am wanting to do analysis of a whole bunch of URLs at once - i know ahrefs already has a very good tool for this - but I don't really want to have to pay the $79 a month if moz has something similar? I know it has the OSE. Can I do batch analysis in this? Thanks

    | SWD.Advertising

  • Hi I'm getting some really odd 202 errors, I can't think that someone would link to me like this  " " There are 95 of them to deal with, I've checked my site and I can click though all the links on my site with out coming across 1 404. Any ideas? All the best Ben hiZnv0Y

    | SussexChef83

  • I've blocked a large number of pages which Moz were showing as duplicate or giving 404's in our robots.txt using /?key and /?p etc. However Moz crawler is still showing as being an issue. I assumed Roger picked up the robots.txt file, or is that not the case?

    | ahyde

  • Hi, we created a new website which we also gave a new url.
    We made a permanent 301 for the complete domain. -> Google checked that and we rank minimum as good as with the old domain.
    But in MOZ Tools the Domain Authority is very bad now.
    So i think the 301 influences Google but not the Moz Tools?
    The Domain Authority will not be inherited in Moz Tools? thxChris


  • I was wondering if moz allows you to upload your disavow file and if it has a consideration in the data supplied? Otherwise how can we accurately use moz to understand the true analytics of our site?

    | MoneySite

  • how to check total backlink in moz

    | Poojath

  • Hi all Excuse the rookie question, but do the website links in Moz profile give positive SEO benefits? If so how long should it take to start seeing improvements or have the linking domain in Open explorer and is there a way to speed things up? Thanks in advance

    | IsaCleanse

  • my linked on company profile ios not showing up in the on page grader tool, it return un accessible uRL? but we give me metrics in domain checker? its a new profile i set up about 8 hours ago,

    | maxmxmax

  • For a Dutch e-commerce website, we're having some issuse being found & ranked on important keywords. I have done a detailed view into the content & technical part (html) of our website and a competitor's site. Our site is  (hond is the Dutcn noun dog, the best domain we could get)
    Competitor: (no meaning at all) For searches for instance by dogfood (Dutch: "hondenvoer") we rank really bad while our competitor ranks really well. I've gone trouch the moz-tools intensively but can't figure out why. We got more content, more self-written texts, more incoming root-domain links etc. Any ideas were we could get a solution? Seems that our Splash pages are doing "ok" but especially Category pages are listing badly.

    | Canome79

  • Hi guys, I've been checking a few domains for SEO purposes and it appears that OSE is indexing a lot of links which no longer exist, this has been the case for over 6 months - does OSE cleanse expired links? As I'm sure they will be contributing to authority in the eyes of Moz?

    | lotterybase

  • Is there a way to utilize MOZ to view all links pointing to a website? Any other ways to fine tune the link analyses process when it comes to quality SEO?

    | WebMarkets

  • For my campaign "itelligence Applications" which is for site - MOZ seems to be giving me different stats on links, depending on which tab I look it in the Link Analysis section. Then when I look at OSE, the numbers are totally different again, not just a little bit different. Example: In MOZ Link Analysis, on the "inbound links" tab, it says there are 129 Root Domains and 6832 Total External Inbound Links. If I then look at the Competitive Metrics screen, it says there are 46,284 external followed links and 240 total linking root domains. If I then go to OSE for the same site, it says there are 14 Root Domains and 686 total links. I have no idea why these numbers vary so much or how to even report them to my client. Am I missing something here? Any help would be gratefully received! Maureen

    | mfrgolfgti

  • What is the meaning of this in Excell results of crawling a website: <colgroup><col width="165"> <col width="149"> <col width="139"></colgroup>
    |   |   |   |
    | Blocking Google | Blocking Yahoo | Blocking Bing |
    |   |   |   |
    | 312 | 14 | 187 |
    |   |   |   |
    | 66 | 1 | 0 |
    |   |   |   |
    | 46 | 2 | 1 |
    |   |   |   |

    | FernandoH.Silva

  • Hello Mozzers, I have logged onto MOZ this morning to see that my domain authority has slipped (seemingly overnight) from 61 to 52! The competitors i track have also slipped but not as dramatically as me and my domain. Is this an expected change in the algorithm? Have all industries been affected? Any help / explanation would be very much appreciated. Ben

    | Bendall

  • For the site, I'm getting a DA of 1 and a Error Code 612: Error response for robots.txt However, when I check webmaster tools, it's showing no errors and allowing robots.txt for the domain. Is there anything I can do to fix the issue on the Moz side so I can get better data? If you can respond in layman's terms even better. 🙂 Not an SEO. Lisa

    | LisaGerber

  • Hello everyone! Just looking to get more information in regards to Linking C Blocks in layman's terms? We have dropped from 10 to 2 since the latest Moz Open Explorer update and are concerned about this score. Our highest competitor has doubled what they had on the last update. Anyone who can provide more information about this, we would greatly appreciate it. Thanks ahead of time!

    | Essential-Pest

  • Hi guys, Im using the site explorer to compare all the seo metrics of our site to other sites.
    I wanted to know how often the data is updating ? I heard that its 3 month old, is that make sense ? Thanks

    | WayneRooney

  • When I compare the number of backlinks in Open Site Explorer today compared to the same day last year, why do I have 3,000 less?

    | simpleviewinc

  • I'm checking out this new Link Opportunities feature for one of our sites and what I'm seeing right now is pretty disappointing. For Reclaim Links, everything listed is an internal link on our site. It's got tons of URLs from our old Iciniti structure (replatformed to Magento mid-March). It's crawling tons of stuff that's blocked in robots. There are no links from external domains in the first 5 pages. For Unlinked Mentions, it's showing tons of mentions - 33,566 to be exact, a ridiculous number - mostly from news sites like Forbes, WSJ, Guardian, CNN, etc. These sites are not mentioning us. It's set up to look only for our brand name or domain name, so I don't know how it's thinking there are all these nonexistent mentions. What's going on with Link Opportunities?

    | Kingof5

  • Hi, I've been trying to use Open Site Explorer to track link to my own website but it always comes up with no data and shows me this message: It looks like we haven't discovered link data for this site or URL. However, this site has been up and running for more than 9 months and google webmaster can track all the links to my website. I've also followed MOZ's support instruction to tweet a links with my website but still no luck at all. My website is Has anyone seen the same problem before? Any help would be much appreaciated. Thanks Will

    | willwai

  • Check out Rand's blog post about it for all the details: We'd love for you to check it out and leave us your feedback! Thanks,

    | jennita

  • One of my sites ( )  shows 19 root domains and 155 links on Open Site Explorer. This doesn't pass the sniff test with me and when I look at Google Webmasters they show 120 domains with 1,870 links. I am assuming that Google use it's own data for ranking purposes which makes me question the validity of Open Site Explorer? Am I missing something ?  I have been using OSE as my primary tool and now I feel that it has little value. I would appreciate any feedback. George.

    | sirgeorge

  • Why root domain go down of my website even i am making unique root domain on daily bases but still root domain should be increase instead go down. What is going wrong with this process ? Please guide me and give me solution for increase root domain.

    | renukishor

  • We recently discovered a problem with our MOZ account which led to checking our host's settings. Turns out that WP Engine (who we love to death) automatically BLOCK Rogerbot and Dotbot from crawling sites they host. What? Yeah exactly expect I was cursing a little too. So we went through the steps of getting that sorted one bot at a time but a week on and we're still getting 403 returns via OSE. This is more of a discussion than a question expect what I would like to see is a force crawl button so that we can test that we're no longer serving a 403 error from our host MOZ. I thought WP Engine were huge and I'm surprised this has not come up before but there's no info on it anywhere. Is there a way to force a mozbots crawl??

    | wearehappymedia

  • We are encountering an issue where the crawler is finding a ton of pages from our wordpress login url that has this dynamic tag in it to kinds of different blog entries.  It's madness.  I can't figure out what is causing these URLs to generate to be crawled in the first place!  Does this sound familiar to anyone out there, any constructive suggestions?  Robots text or maybe meta robots tags that would resolve this crawl issue?

    | RegistrarCorp

  • Yesterday, there was an error message on the Advanced Reports tab in OSE: "Oops! It looks like our system is temporarily down. Please check back soon." That cleared up after a couple of hours.  After that, I ran an Advanced Report that I run on occasion, and it only returned 3500 links, whereas it normally returns around 23K.  Since then, I've run the same report 9 times in total over the course of about 1 day, and each time the number of links keeps increasing.  3500, 10150, 21550, 25400, 28650, 35450, 37400, 38200, 50375. I'm wondering what is happening?  I want to do some evaluating of my backlinks, however I'd prefer to work on a "complete" list of links and the number of links keeps going up, when generating reports using the same criteria.  When can I expect Advanced Reports to be "stable" where it's producing roughly the same number of links? Also, I opened up a support ticket on this with over 24 hours ago, and haven't received any response.  I've updated the ticket 2 times now, but no response.  Disappointing they are not responding to support tickets. Thanks.

    | azonetwork

  • The PA and DA shows as one. The message is "It looks like we haven't discovered established link data for this URL yet." But its shows me that there are facebook shares. Therefore, it can't be the reasons stated below.

    | Dineshr84

  • Hello Moz World, Does anyone know how long it takes Moz's OpenSite Explorer to recognise / index back links? I have generated a number of back links for pages in the last 7 days (not "no-follow") and they are not yet showing up? Any advise would be much appreciated. Kind regards Ben

    | Bendall

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