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Category: Link Explorer

Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • Why is it that when I run a link analysis for my local business sites I don't see any links from Yelp, Google+, Facebook, any local citations? Regardless of them being follow or no follow isn't the hyperlink to a website from a Yelp profile considered a link? Same with any other local business directory? I know the company is listed on a few dozen because I can see it manually but it's not showing up in Moz? Why is it that all local directories and citations with website are omitted? And since it is not there, where is a good place to go to discover these things? I have tried whitespark. It was okay but honestly I wasn't terribly impressed. The data was good, the UI was just okay, but with smaller clients it was an initial check and then very occasional checks that needed to happen. We would go months without using it.

    | bricegump

  • Our web site IYBI is reporting only one internal equity passing link. I've somehow never noticed this and now that we are doing a lot more competitor analysis, I'm a little concerned given the numbers some of the other sites in the space are getting. I'm not sure I understand it completely and how it's possible we only have one. Any help would be appreciated.

    | wearehappymedia

  • My facebook stats are not showing up in open site explorer when I enter my website ( I have over 15k likes on my facebook page but the open site explorer shows zero. If someone could please help me with this I would greatly appreciate it.

    | vrluis9k00

  • Hi,  I run the website ,and for some reasons opensite explorer is only showing 10 internal links, and a 200 and something external links. How can I fix this as I am sure it is hurting my DA authority, and overall site score. Thanks! Stephen

    | backpackerstephen

  • We have experienced very drastic changes in our root domain numbers and as a result, have seen an odd impact on our DA. The data does not seem at all reliable at all. We went one month with over 50 recorded root domains and the next month that dropped over 75%. It doesn't make sense to be paying for a monthly pro account when the data is so clearly unreliable. What is going on? Looking for a good answer before closing our account!

    | TVape

  • Hello Mozers.  It has been a while 🙂 OK - I run an open site explorer report, toggle over to 'Linking Domains' because I am more interested in the number of actual websites that link to my client rather than the number of links my client has (and of course what websites are linking) and although I have been doing this for years there is one little thing I am a bit confused about. The report shows (from left to right) the 'Linking Root Domain", the "Domain Authority" for the linking domain and then the 'Number of Linking Root Domains" for each 'Linking Root Domain"  My question is (rather stupid, I am sure) is the number of linking root domains for each linking root domain the number of websites linking to them OR the number of websites to which they link?

    | Vizergy

  • I have entered my site (  a few different times into the OSE and it never seems to find it, MOZ has found it because it has done the crawl test for me a few times, found some issues and I have been working on those.  But I assume that if it is able crawl my site it should find it to run the OSE. It has come back with "**It looks like we haven't discovered established link data for this URL yet." everytime.  ** Thanks, Julie

    | patioenjoyment

  • Hi; is there a way i can access competitor backlinks through moz pro account, as i get very limited data when through open site explorer as compared to backlinkwatch when i try to see where the competitors have submitted their links (to domains)? please advice thanks

    | SiriusEnt

  • Hi A few months ago I setup daily mentions from Fresh Web Explorer so I get alerts to when my site or my competitors site gets a new back link, and I did get an email in the first few weeks, but I haven't gotten once since.  Today I check 1-2 of my competitors fresh links and they have gotten some in the last month, but I got no alerts. I have it setup like this But now i'm thinking because technically "www" is a subdomain is that why I'm not getting any alerts, do I need to set it up with www and non www for each domain? ( if so that's going to eat to my limit pretty quickly, which would suck),  or is there something else I'm missing? Thanks

    | PaddyDisplays

  • I understand smaller, spammy sites woudn't get indexed, but some of the websites linking to mine have high domain authorities. The website is a parked subdomain.

    | myers368

  • Opensiteexplorer returns 52.473 total external links and 715 followed linking root domains while my campaign in Moz analytics return 35.899 total external links and 1092 followed linking root domains. Does anyone knows how this is possible?

    | ConversionMobstars

  • I started this website about 2 months ago, I know it still needs a lot of work, but I can't find any information on it on the site explorer tool.

    | billyguyette

  • Hi, I'm trying to crawl our domain via my Moz account and it only ever returns results for one page when it should be crawling more than 3,000 pages. In talking to support, they have said that because of the redirect we have in place it is creating a 302 loop and therefore not delivering results.  Usually in this case I would obtain Moz's IP addresses and add them to the redirect settings as an exception, but Moz have said they use cloud-based services for crawling so the IPs change all the time. Does anyone have any idea how to solve this issue?  At this point I've paid for a year's subscription to a product I can't use. Thanks, Mel

    | SalvationArmy

  • I want to know open site explorer is show all link root domain or not? As my point of view missing some linking root domain of my website on opensiteexplorer,so, Why Its not showing all link root domain?

    | renukishor

  • Is the Mozscape API update delayed? The next update was saying Aug 28, but it's changed to Sep 30. See here:


  • Basically, whenever i type in my URL,, I am presented with the following message: "It looks like we haven't discovered established link data for this URL yet." I have gone through all of the reasons why this could be, and none of them apply to my current situation.  Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you!

    | Meier

  • Hi Moz Community! We have been working hard to improve our Moz metrics, measuring against a high ranking competitor to help us set our goals. Our Majestic and Webmaster Tools find tens of thousands of external backlinks pointing to our domain.  That's all well and good.  Moz's Open Site Explorer, however, only finds 900 total links - including internal links! This being the case, we have worked diligently to build a variety of great external backlinks, creating Bitly links and encouraging clicks on those through social promotion.  Yet, our competitor has over 7,000 external backlinks in Moz's index, while ours is not growing relative to their number of backlinks. Can anyone share with us what they do to tell Moz about their backlinks?  We already know we have many more backlinks than our competitor, from trusted domains with good authority, yet it seems Moz is not discovering them.  We just want to understand how to use these Moz metrics to create meaningful calls-to-action.  Otherwise, it seems like a gargantuan waste of time, and our team has difficulty getting buy-in from our company to put time and assets toward tasks based on our Moz numbers!

    | RegistrarCorp

  • Hi, I'm trying to figure out how my competitor is marketing their products that are being sold on Amazon. Here's the link to the competitor I checked for backlinks with OSE but only 1 link was discovered. It discovered 328 shares on FB but the shares are not shown so does anyone know of a tool or Google search to find out those posts on FB? Thanks

    | donovanfox

  • When I use Site Explorer to test the following URL,, it renders a domain authority of 47. (Clients site on real estate host) There are no page social metrics: no Facebook share no Facebook likes no Twitter tweets no Google+ plus 1's no "just discovered" in 60 days no one has made a post in 3 weeks much or most of the content is duplicate content across all affiliate sites inbound links -  only one link - a 301 redirect Images - 18 (Alt tags missing: 18) Created - 1998-10-15 Registered Org - REMAX RESULTS is associated with ~416 other domains Whois SEO Score 68% AND YET IT HAS A ROOT DOMAIN OF "47" and page authority of 33 More confusing, its page authority of 33 is at that top on blue background and then page 30 just listed below. When I use Site Explorer to test the following URL,, it renders a domain authority of 26. (Site personally owned and continually update with highly optimized fresh, relevant, quality content with grade "A" moz ranked pages and blog posts) 92 Facebook share 68 Facebook likes 13 Twitter tweets 420 Google+ plus 1's 2 "just discovered" in 60 days Images  25 (Alt tags missing: 0) inbound links -  on 48 Root Domains Created - 2002-08-15 9 new indexed blog post so far in August / 19 new indexed blog post in July Whois SEO Score 100% AND YET IT HAS A ROOT DOMAIN OF "26" and page authority of 36 While I am sure there are many other factors as well; it still is hard to see where a "smaller guy" could ever be given an even opportunity to play in the same SEO arena. Could you help me understand better? I like to build a stronger marketing and optimization strategy as we are just beginning AdWord campaigns. | SEO Score | 100% |

    | jessential

  • I see there is as announcement that OSE updated today however my sites DA nor have any of the sites new backlinks been indexed? Can anyone give me some insight into why I am not seeing any changes? The only thing I can think of is that the Mozscape index hasn't fully rolled out its latest update which is scheduled for today July 24.

    | weitzluxenberg

  • Hi Community, I'm looking to get all my internal urls listed by PA. Where do I get this report? Thanks, Flo

    | filolilo

  • Good morning everyone. I have recently discovered that someone has targeted me with a negative SEO campaign and I have been inundated with 13,000 anchor text links from spam sites pointing to my domain. I have run Open Site Explorer and gotten all of my backlinks on my desktop but what I need to do is add them to the back links .csv file from Google Webmaster Tools so that I can upload the file to my CognitiveSEO campaign. What I would like to know is, does anyone know how to transfer all backlinks from the open site explorer.csv file over to the webmaster tools .csv file in a bulk action without having to copy each link individually? I don't really have any working knowledge of excell in this capacity for SEO so, If anyone could explain how this would be done I would be eternally grateful because adding one link at a time is very painful and very time consuming. Thank you. Cam

    | CamMcArthur

  • I've been monitoring root domain total links for a website over the past couple of months and recently noticed a significant drop at the beginning of July.Specifically, I have been tracking the total links for the root domain using open site explorer. Since April the total number or links has been fluctuating among 860,000 - 865,000. However at the beginning of July, they dropped to 93,127 and now sit only at 110,831.This is a very significant and troubling decrease and I am wondering what the cause could be? Did Moz change the way they report/determine the total link metrics? It is especially baffling since neither total internal nor total external links have seen significant decreases.

    | sixspokemedia

  • Is there a way to see specifically which links were added in my campaign? I noticed that this week we have 133 new links that were added to out website, yet we lost 1 link on the root level. So I am a little confused where that is coming from. I wanted to see if I could see where. When I look at the recent inbound links in the OpenWeb explorer there isn't anything listed. Thanks!

    | HashtagHustler

  • Which is more valuable when looking at Open Site Explorer, domain authority or page authority?

    | vkpolar

  • How often are the backlink profiles updated? I'm researching competitor backlinks to add to our own link profile but it doesn't seem like not all the links are current. So how am I supposed to know which links are current and which have been erased? Can anyone please guide me though using the advanced filters CSV reports? I requested a report and got a blank excel spreadsheet. Please give me an example of what kind of things I should be searching for.

    | TurtleGirl

  • If I am analyzing a competitor website, how can I see which websites are the most powerful to get links from? I am using Opensite Explorer.

    | vkpolar

  • Hello , Today when i checked my keywords ranking i found it Not in Top 50  although some of my keywords are in the first page in google , when i searched  in internet i found the reason is new google update called (Pigeon).
    the important question now , how i can get my first keywords ranking ..
    please help me

    | yassermokhtar

  • Hello dear. I have a website for a year. I made 10K links in one year(from 45 Root Domains).the has show full list of link root domains and pages. the ahrefs rank is 49. but MOZ said my Established Links are 5! So I have some questions, please help me: 1- what is difference between MOZ rank and ahrefs rank? 2-When Just-Discovered Link Calculate for my site? 3-why my moz trust is 0.00!?How to improve it? URL:

    | allyunit

  • I'm a new member of Moz, and am trying to understand why I am seeing my sites URL's in my Inbound Link results in Open Site Explorer. There are quite a few, and they are all product category URL's that are generated by my stores database. This is not happening with .html URL's. Any thoughts?

    | Artfx

  • In Open Site Explorer, when looking at backlinked anchor text, I see a significant amount of links with the "[no anchor text]" defined as the anchor text. Is this indicative of image links with no ALT text, or links in which the URL is the anchor text, or is there another explanation? Thanks for your help, Dave

    | DaveHaberMTL

  • I have a campaign in moz pro to my personal webpage for testing purposes and also a bit of learning. But i have a question: On link -> Link analysis i can see this: 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404Obviously all these address doesn't exist. There are links on the page project/index.php linking to, for example, /chat/index.php.How can i resolve this problem on the stats? There's something bad really on the page? As i can see all links on the page are working properly.

    | Er_Maqui

  • Hello everyone, I was wondering if someone could help me.  I keep reviewing my linking domains as I'm expecting a link back from an awards website that I recently sponsored / partnered.  However its just not showing. I can see the link on their site and I can see that the other partners links are being tracked when I look at them in Open Site Explorer.  I've got a couple of occurrences of this I'm and confused as to why? Thanks for your help!

    | Naomi_AE

  • Hey everyone, I've been doing some research into keyword competition, and i've come across a few instances where the data that Mozbar provides differs pretty greatly from what open site explorer is telling me. An example: For this site: When I have it returned in the serps, Mozbar is telling me there are 21,306 links & 218 linking root domains. But, when I check the backlink profile via OSE, it's only showing 3,020 links & 88 root domains. Can anyone shed some insight into this? Thanks!

    | RCDesign74

  • Can anyone explain why we're seeing different DA/PA for our website when viewing in OSE for 'www' and 'non-www'? This is for our site Our 'www' is resolving at DA 37 | PA 47
    Our 'non-www' is resolving at DA 37 | PA 44 Thanks! - Patrick

    | WhiteboardCreations

  • Hi, Two months ago we changed our site to Everthing is redirected properly but the page authority remains 1. How long does is take rogerbot to index the site without www? Google rankings are also dropping so there might be a bigger issue. Thanx

    | AlkaVitae

  • Hi I am looking at number of link to on open site explorer shows as total links 24 but on WMT it says 937 ? Why are these two numbers so different ? Thanks

    | VIVOWeb

  • Is the June 18th Open Site Explorer update not happening?

    | studio35design

  • What is the main reason PA and DA is low of my website compare to other competitors websites? How can improve PA and DA of our website?

    | surabhi6

  • Is OSE still a worthy analyzer of the factors breaking down Google rank of a page or website? More so over the past six months, I've seems to noticed how the page comparison in OSE seems to have less and less correspondence to Google rank.  For instance, I'm analyzing sites where the top result has a Page Authority rank of 11, Subdomain MozRank of 3.53, outranking a page coming in in spot #14 with Page Authority of 36, Subdomain MozRank of 3.94.  I see this frequently, that by the factors measured in OSE, a certain page with favorable scores is being outranked by a page with poor OSE scores. Of course, I realize how sophisticated Google's algorithm is and the OSE can't reverse engineer the whole thing.  Also, there are lots of other factors, such as personalized search results, banklink velocity, and who's in my G+ circles, that isn't taken into account in OSE.  Yet, I see this more-and-more, where websites kicking ass in OSE measurements rank poor, and poor websites ranked in OSE come out near the top in Google. So, given this, where OSE is apparently a less effective tool to help analyze the factors building Google rank as Google evolves and values brand, what should a chap do?  I already know the predictable answers of do RCS, build your community, and so on.  But, I want to know what's driving the juice behind these top ranking websites, and OSE doesn't seem to be cutting it anymore... Your thoughts?

    | ExploreConsulting

  • I tried to submit a help ticket, but the help tickets also are not working! OSE for at least the last 12 hours has been returning Unavailable.  Also, Rank Tracker never updates and just endlessly spins. Can someone shed some light on the issue and when the solution will be implemented? Thank you

    | DJ123

  • I, for years now, have been seeing lots of links from showing up very high in backlink profiles. Why is this? And if these links are not passing link juice why are they being reported on in OSE? Seems like there should be some sort of filter for these, or that OSE bot should follow robots.txt directives as googlebot does.

    | MiguelSalcido

  • Hi folks Recently (about a month ago) we launched a new website. However, when I use Open Site Explorer and look at the "Top pages" tab, old URL's which no longer exist, appears in the list. Is there some way to get around this? Thanks.

    | jyskvin

  • Hi, I think I read somewhere that domain authority and page authority are updated twice a month - is this true?  The reason I ask is because I had a very successful content piece released last month (around 20th May) that received some great links (mainly to a landing page, but also many links to my home page) from highly respected sources such as,,, However, my domain authority hasn't changed at all, and the page authority for the page is only 47, which I was hoping would be higher for a page that received millions of visitors, 100k+ Facebook likes, and a wealth of sites linking in. Also, in OpenSiteExplorer, when checking against my home page, it says there are no Just-Discovered links for the last 60 days - again, I'm puzzled, as my home page has been referenced by many leading news sites. Many thanks

    | mjk26

  • Hello; I need a complete competitive analysis for my website Please let me know how to do it.  My competitor is

    | jovanky

  • I get always this message since 2 days

    | sasamoz

  • Hi Not sure if it is just me, but I am seeing no data for Just discovered. I know there should be data in there. Is anyone else having any issues this morning. Thanks

    | Andy-Halliday

  • My client's site is Google Webmaster Tools reports I have over 120 different domains linking to the site. Why does OSE report only 7? Thanks, Ken

    | kdubya

  • Hi, Just wondering if anyone knows why a website that has definitely had some links acquired over the last year would now show less links and from fewer referring domains than they had this time last year? How is that possible - assume it is down to the way OSE / Moz crawl the web and collect data but need a definitive explanation for a client that has noticed the drop in link metrics and as a result authority. Many thanks,

    | lollowe

  • Hi!! I'm comparing OSE metrics for a site named like and have the following results: Subdomain MozTrust 5.65 (that is subdomain) Root domain MozTrust 0.82 (that is domain) On the other hand one of my competitor have: Subdomain MozTrust 3.68 (that is subdomain) Root domain MozTrust 3.67 (that is domain) Both websites' root domains point to the www subdomain. So how come in my domain theres is such a huge difference between these metrics and on the competitor's site both values are very similar? I'd greatly appreciate any comment on this. Cheers, David

    | dballari

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