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Category: Link Explorer

Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • HI. I use moz pro for 1.5 month and yet my site is not indexed and i do not see Competitive Link Metrics. Can you please include in index?

    | Mekounko

  • I'm trying to reduce the amount of spam flags our website has using the Open Site Explorer tool. Currently, we have 2/17 flags based on: Large Site with Few Links - We found very few sites linking to this site, considering its size No Contact Info - None of the pages crawled contain an email address or links to a social profile The "few links" can be ignored, we're working on this. We don't have a visible email address on the website and we don't particularly want one. We prefer customers to fill out our online form or to call us. Moz say "none of the pages crawled contain an email address OR links to a social profile" - we do have social buttons on every page of the website, but these are official Facebook and Twitter buttons that are rendered with Javascript, so don't actually appear in the page source on load. If we replace these with actual links to our pages using Facebook and Twitter icons, will this flag be removed since Moz are saying "or links to a social profile" - making it sound optional. Thanks!

    | LiamMcArthur

  • Hi For both subdomains and crawling is being prevented by a 804 error. I can't see any reason why this should be so as all content is served through https. Thanks

    | philmoorse

  • Hi community, I'm having trouble viewing data for all of our pages. Moz is only crawling two of our pages, and we have a lot more than that. Any suggestions? Thanks, Emily

    | SkuidEmily

  • Hello Moz Forum, Thanks in advance for any help. My website was recently featured in a bunch of high DA journals and magazines. I don't see the inbound links on the open site explorer, but I do see them in recently discovered. My website's Domain Authority hasn't changed a wink. How long does it take, typically to see the recently discovered links under the inbound links portion? Thanks! j1pqVRt

    | FutureSolutionsMedia

  • A crawl of my websites has indicated that there are some 5XX server errors on my website: Error Code 608: Page not Decodable as Specified Content Encoding
    Error Code 803: Incomplete HTTP Response Received
    Error Code 803: Incomplete HTTP Response Received
    Error Code 608: Page not Decodable as Specified Content Encoding
    Error Code 902: Network Errors Prevented Crawler from Contacting Server The five pages in question are all in fact perfectly working pages and are returning HTTP 200 codes. Is this a problem with the Moz crawler?

    | LiamMcArthur

  • In my dashboard I see a +875 in external links. Now they are 1,130. This sounds worrying rother than good news! I'd like to get an explaination but how can I see where these links come from? And when? How can be explained a steep increase in the link count from the last index? Also, a minor question, where can I find the increase percentage? I am able to see only the absolute count.

    | 2mlab

  • Dear all, We are getting duplicate content from items which have a canonical applied. 
    This error is coming in every report and we have no way to mark an error as revviwed what it takes double time for us to check it again. Is there any solution for this, are we doing something wrong???


  • Hi, I am confused, after so much years of waiting, some months ago I got listed in the DMOZñol/Tiempo_libre/Turismo/Blogs/ (My blog is Charcotrip) The problem is that when I check the incoming list in the MOZ report, the DMOZ link is totally absent, I don't get it. Does anyone knows why can this happening? (is not that my blog get recently listed, now it has been there for a while). Thanks!

    | Gaolga

  • Why am I receiving a "There was an error getting your data" in moz ose? Everything worked fine yesterday but now I'm having trouble getting link metrics for my site.

    | TitanDigital

  • I"m trying out MOZ, wanting to make an informed decision (for myself and my blogging students) whether this is a useful program to buy and use. I've had no luck so far with the Open Site Explorer. Each time I try, I get the same error message, "There was an error getting your data". I used the URL: I asked about the problem in the chat, but my question was posed over an hour ago and is still marked 'unread'... I"m keen to continue studying the program as I'm creating a video about MOZ. How can I make the Open Site Explorer work? I've tried the Analytics module but it seems to take some days to get results. Mary "There was an error getting your data"

    | MaryJaksch

  • Hi, I am new to Moz and I'm finding using Open Explorer a real pain and frustrating, not only is it really slow, but for the past couple of days I've been getting "error fetching your data" messages when trying to show links etc. Is this just generally what its like or is there another problem?

    | Dave_B

  • Hello, When i run my platform through i see a lot of nasty adult domains that link to my platform. These give a very negative (spam)score to my platform. I already disavowed quite a few via Webmastertools, but they keep coming. When i check the names in the Whois, they don't even seem to exist! (anymore) What could cause this and how can i end it?? Thanks for your help! Sander

    | benhond

  • Hello, when I put my website docbeans dot com in openstieexplorer tool it gives me different social shares and when i put www dot docbeans dot com it shows different social results.  it shows different results. is there some tool issue or my website issue.

    | docbeans

  • Hi, It's been 6 months and my site is still showing no PA/DA or backlinks according to moz opensite explorer. I know that it has backlinks as I created them myself, and I know its crawlable and the links is there as GWT tells me so. Also you can check for yourself on Is Moz indexed pages that much smaller then the other crawlers? The site in question is Thanks.

    | Marvellous

  • Hi there, Moz reports 70k+ external links pointing to my site but when I use the Open Site Explorer to export all links, I only see 9,000+ I have tried combining different combinations of fields ('this root domain', 'this subdomain', 'all links' etc) but can never see more than 9,000 links. My website does redirect to www. and have a couple of subdomains, the report for non www. only shows around 120 external links. We also use Ahrefs and the crawl reports here display 40k+ links (on the dashboard and when exported) which makes me believe the problem is not with my website but rather OSE. Any help is much appreciated, Thanks, Jason

    | Xtend-Life

  • I am new to backlinking and I am learning as part of my role. My question is do .orgs not appear on the open site explorer? This is one for a local website. Thanks, Roger Castillo

    | LowrySolutions

  • Moz has today run monthly reports for 2 of my clients' sites. For both of these, the Domain Authority reported on the Moz dashboard is several points lower than that shown by OSE today for the same sites. Why would that be?

    | mfrgolfgti

  • I have noticed on both OSE and also on the Crawl Test that our site is showing only 1 internal link.  I tried looking around as what might cause this but haven't been able to figure it out.

    | Kristine-ASNET

  • Every two months or so, I like to download the OSE list of all the backlinks passing equity to my site. I do this so I can see which spammy links I need to try and remove. However, I see that OSE is still showing me links that I already removed...Either A) the page that is being linked to is 404-ed B) the spammy website that was linking doesn't exist anymore or C) the spammy site still exists, but the link is GONE. Why is OSE still spidering these sites and links? Does that mean Google is still spidering these links? Should I disavow them to be safe? Thank you! P.S We are not experiencing any drastic drops in traffic or penalties at the moment.


  • In my Moz top pages report, why is there "no data" in the  HTTP Status column? Is this an indication of something missing or an error?

    | jessential

  • MOZ will not recognize links to my webpage.  I recently remodeled one of my pages, I understand that it is a new page and I currently don't have external links pointing to that page, but I do have internal links (i e. the category page before it) pointing to this page. Any thoughts?

    | SS99

  • I wan to ask about this spam score status: 
    External Links in Navigation
    There's a large number of external links within sidebars and footers. But my external link on sidebar or footer only social media link. Is this count for external link in this status? my site is: this link Please anyone can answer this. Sorry for my bad English. Thank you

    | abinajfa79

  • I was curious if Domain Authority considers social signals. "We calculate this metric by combining all of our other link metrics—linking root domains, number of total links, MozRank,MozTrust, etc.—into a single score." Is Social included in the etc? I know you have some social data displayed in the results.

    | eyeflow

  • I am trying to manage my backlinks by removing ones with high spam links, but I am having trouble drawling the line between helpful/harmful links.  One link, for instance, has a span ranking of 7 indicating a 30% chance of penalization from Google crawlers.  This same link, however, also boasts a domain authority of 67 which indicates it is also potentially helpful to my own Google crawler success. My question is, which of these scores (spam rank and domain authority) trumps the other?  Should I try to get the site owner to remove it?  Am I even thinking about this issue correctly?  If so, how would you suggest I draw the line in the future? Ben


  • I used the organic spam backlink removal tactic of emailing owners of sites of spam rank 7 or higher on my page.  It has been weeks since many of the harmful links were removed, yet they remain listed on my Open site Explorer page.  My fear is that somehow simply getting these links removed doesn't exempt me from the potential to be penalized by Google crawlers.  Does it take longer than a few weeks for these links to disappear from the Open Site Explorer, or is there something else I need to be doing? Any and all advice appreciated. Ben


  • Using the Mozbar I am analyzing my links and my competitors links.  I am noticing other web developer sites are getting credit/index links from all their client's websites with the "designed by...." link in the footer.  However, for me I only see one "inbound link" in the link analysis report.  Sometimes I notice a company getting several inbound links on one site they built. I have built many other sites and have my company link below on all the footers.  Why are the other sites not showing up as "inbound links" on the link analysis report? Thanks for your help! Nikki

    | NikkiPatt

  • We moved our site over a couple of weeks ago from to  - its a magento site. We followed instructions to wait 2 weeks and upload a coming soon page etc to help google realise it was not just a parked domain. We moved everything over and then set a hta record up to redirect the "bi-mi" base domain to "bimi" , we then logged teh site move within web master tools also and I set the preferred url etc. However its been about a week and half now and the DA is still showing as 1 and bi-mi (the old site that is redirecting) is showing as 18 Is it just patience needed here or have any of you also come across this issue?

    | Kelly3330

  • It seems that the more links I get the lower my DA is. My DA has been dropping for some time now as I gain more backlinks. It also does not seem to pick up anywhere close to the number of domains that is linking to my site. My url is GWT says I have over 600 domains linking in. The majority of the links are from news or articles that we cover which other sites pick up and link to us as the source. We also have a ton of scholarship links from .edu and education sites from a giveaway that we do every year for students. Why does OSE seem to lower my DA the more I get off-page factors to the site?

    | Atomicx

  • My competitor has a certain amount of Shares/Likes averaging roughly 6,700/24,000. The thing that bothers me is that according to OSE inside Top Pages 7/13 results all populate the same metrics. I would understand better if these were correlated with their home page where they have roughly 14k but that is not so. I would like to think they're culminating all their Likes/Shares together. I guess my question is how are they doing this? What long-term effects will they suffer? And, is this Black-Hat or not? Any feedback would be great.  Thanks!

    | LendioMarketing

  • I checked this site on my OSE and it shows only 7 inbound links a DA of 14 and no social activity whatsoever yet when I check it on Majestic it shows ExternalBacklinks 71   ReferringDomains 20 Referring IPs 19  Referring Subnets 19 .  And.. the page is #1 on google search for hypnotherapy michigan. How can it rate so poorly on MOZ, show so much more on majestic and rank so high on google? I thought MOZ data was supposed to be among the best and that top rated pages on google should also rate high on MOZ. here is the site Additionally, when i look at the site, i notice that most of the backlinks are exchanged links and this site's link exchange page isn't even linked from the home page. Now I thought that kind of link exchange game was now discounted by Google. I don't get it. No social pages at all... low page rank... no new content.. so by MOZ standards there is no justification for this page to be anywhere near page one let alone at position #1.  Can someone help me make sense of all this?

    | HypnoPro

  • Why would the "https://" version of my home page have a PA of 39, while the "https://www" version has a PA of 43? Is Google seeing this page as two different pages? I'm seeing different linking domains to each. What can I do to unify the two? There is already a 301 redirect in place.

    | jmorganarnold

  • Hi - new to all this! A link on a competitor site is showing as 404 when I check it with OSE but nothing on the page seems to be broken. It's got loads of links to it, so I'm trying to work out what's going on. I just filtered the results by '40?'. Thanks

    | razor2010

  • Hello, my page authority 30, I see other page with an authority of 21 for example linking to us. Is this good or bad, does this affect our ranking? A lot of these don't have anchor text, I'm guessing we should reach out to these webmaster to include anchor text with the keywords we want to drive traffic to this page or make as descriptive as possible? Thanks! Laura

    | lauramrobinson32

  • The quantity and (more importantly) quality of backlinks to your website make up your link profile; one of the most important elements in SEO and an incredibly important factor in search engine rankings. In today's Daily SEO Fix, How to Use Link Intersect to Build Your Link Profile, Tori shows you how to use Moz's Link Intersect tool to analyze the competitions' backlinks plus, find opportunities to build links and strengthen your own link profile. This video is one of our last videos in The Moz Daily SEO Fix tutorial series--Moz tool tips and tricks in under 2 minutes. To watch all of our videos so far, make sure to visit the Daily SEO Fix channel on YouTube. And, if you have suggestions for future tutorials, please let us know via the comments below. Thanks!

    | kellyjcoop

  • I use Open Site Explorer to track my site's rankings weekly, and during the first week of June, we found that our domain authority had dropped 5 points after several months of being higher than that score. The only thing that was significantly different, in our business and in Moz, from the week before was the introduction of the new Spam Analysis tool. Am I right to possibly attribute the drop in domain authority to an update on Moz's end? And anyone has troubleshooting advice otherwise, I'd be all ears. Thanks!

    | MattCommonBond

  • The Just-Discovered Links report in Open Site Explorer helps you discover recently created links--within an hour of them being published. It's pretty nifty. In today's Daily SEO Fix, Nick shows you how to use the report to view who is linking to you, how they're doing it, and what they are saying so you can capitalize on link opportunities while they're still fresh plus, monitor and participate in the conversations happening about your brand. Watch our tutorial Using Open Site Explorer to Find Fresh Links and Manage Your Brand Online and get ready to dive in! This video is part of The Moz Daily SEO Fix tutorial series--Moz tool tips and tricks in under 2 minutes. To watch all of our videos so far, and to subscribe to future ones, make sure to visit the Daily SEO Fix channel on YouTube.

    | kellyjcoop

  • Hello, Our agency owns a URL,, specifically for url shortening. There is no content on this url. When we post client's content to social media channels, we use the shortener which 301s to the normal URL. Now, when I use Moz Open Site Explorer to view a client's webpage ( or, I see with a spam score of 9. I'm looking for clarification if this is a real problem in regards to my clients website health? If so, is there any way to keep the shortner without the negative effects? Thank you, P.S. Does this mean Moz's Spam tool also recognizes and other similar services as spam?

    | Overthet0p

  • Recently my domain has receded from 22 to 19 DA. I would like to know the reason.  Thanks!  Javier Ramos

    | jaraca

  • With the Top Pages report, you can see the pages on your site (and your competitors’) that are top performers. The pages are sorted by Page Authority - a prediction of how well a specific page will rank in search engines - and also metrics for linking root domains, inbound links, HTTP status and social shares. Be sure to watch today's Daily SEO Fix video tutorial to learn how to use Open Site Explorer's Top Pages report to analyze the competitions' content marketing efforts and to inform your own. This video is part of The Moz Daily SEO Fix tutorial series--Moz tool tips and tricks in under 2 minutes. To watch all of our videos so far, and to subscribe to future ones, make sure to visit the Daily SEO Fix channel on YouTube.

    | kellyjcoop

  • Hi everyone, I would like to show up you a majestic mistake of ranking. I've checked some of my competitors and  encountered that site has no DmT(Domain Trust Rank) but its mT(Moz Trust) is 3.83.Its good! but its not good! which one is true? is it possible that a domain isn't trust but a home page is trust!? zv99ZJV zv99ZJV

    | abolfazli

  • 49 out of the top 50 pages of the domain shows [No Title]. I find this to be a major concern. Pages have long been established, title tags haven't changed recently. Am seeing a fair amount of 301 and 404s showing up, but actual OK 200 pages still showing [No Title]. Also seeing some decreases in organic search traffic at Google. Might there be a correlation?

    | ChristianMKG

  • Almost every site has a few bad links pointing to it but risky links can have a negative impact on your search engine rankings. Watch The Moz Daily SEO Fix: How to Use Spam Score to Identify High Risk Links to learn how to spot those spammy links and what to do with them. And, if you have more questions about Spam Score, check out Rand’s blog post: "Spam Score: Moz’s New Metric to Measure Penalization Risk." This video is part of The Moz Daily SEO Fix tutorial series--Moz tool tips and tricks in under 2 minutes. To watch all of our videos so far, and to subscribe to future ones, make sure to visit the Daily SEO Fix channel on YouTube.

    | kellyjcoop

  • I can't find my 4 month old site in Open Site Explorer.    But as the site has had all of its posts tweeted  I checked the Just Discovered Links reports to see if it was mentioned there. My domain is but the problem is that if I target "this root domain" - I get a bunch of links that are nothing to do with my site. For example the root domain report includes sites linking to and more, as sites linking to my root domain.  In which universe?  The Just Discovered algorithm looks like it isn't coping with the .training TLD.   It is treating my domain as if it were so now is in my root domain.

    | diywm

  • When I run a report on my website in OSE (SelectAccount" metrics tells me we have 7 "established" root domains and 9 total links. But the detailed report below has many dozens of links. What is metrics telling me?

    | SelectAccount

  • In today's Daily SEO Fix, Jacki walks through using Open Site Explorer's anchor text report to find keywords your competitors may be targeting, and how to use the Keyword Difficulty Tool to tease out what's helping them rank. Watch "Keyword Research with OSE and the Keyword Difficulty Tool" now! The Daily SEO Fix is an ongoing series of Moz tool tips and tricks in under 2 minutes. To watch all of our videos so far, and to subscribe to future ones, make sure to visit the Daily SEO Fix channel on YouTube. If you'd like a more in-depth guide to using the Keyword Difficulty Tool and its Full SERP Analysis Report for competitive insights, check out Cyrus Shepard's excellent Moz Academy video on the subject.

    | MattRoney

  • In today's Daily SEO Fix, Tori dives into using Open Site Explorer to find opportunities—particularly potential keyword ranking opportunities—in your links' anchor text. Watch "How to Use Open Site Explorer to Check Your Anchor Text" to get started! The Daily SEO Fix is an ongoing series of Moz tool tips and tricks in under 2 minutes. To watch all of our videos so far, and to subscribe to future ones, make sure to check out the Daily SEO Fix channel on YouTube!

    | MattRoney

  • Hi there! We're excited to announce a new collection of video tutorials focused on tips and tricks with Moz tools--each in two minutes or less. We're calling this how-to series The Moz Daily SEO Fix, and over the next 30 days we will publish a new video every weekday. Our goal is to help you get the absolute most out of your Moz Pro subscription and learn new ways to accomplish your SEO objectives. In today's Daily SEO Fix, David explains how to use Open Site Explorer's top pages tab, as well as the filter for 4xx and 5xx errors to find the pages on your site with the most potential link equity that are broken and can be redirected. 301'ing these URLs to relevant pages on your site can give your rankings a serious boost. Watch The Moz Daily SEO Fix: How to Reclaim Links Using Open Site Explorer to learn how. To view more Daily SEO Fix videos, be sure to check out The Moz Daily SEO Fix playlist on YouTube.

    | kellyjcoop

  • What is the difference between - This page v this subdomain v this root domain in OSE, while checking website backlinks See inbound links to the page, subdomain, or root domain you've entered and analyze the linking pages.

    | Green.landon

  • Hi Mozzers, A month ago I got the nofollow tag removed from the first custom link on my Moz profile but I can't see this in our links on OSE? SEO Spyglass shows it just fine. Is this related to the delays in the back end of Moz or have I set up my profile wrong? Cheers! Jamie

    | SanjidaKazi

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