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Category: Link Explorer

Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • Does anyone know why Open Site Explorer shows so few Internal Equity Passing Links? When a page is part of the main navigation of a website and the website has over 3500 pages indexed in Google with high DA's why would the Open Site Explorer number be so low? I have run scans on other tools and see a much larger number than OSE reports. Thoughts? Has anyone else ever experienced that?

    | slangdon

  • Moz gave me a poor rating because I don't have the keyword in my title but I do, it just has a trademark symbol. Pelican 1500 Case is the keyword I'd like to rank for on this page: Moz says the keyword doesn't exist on the page. Should I ignore it, remove it or otherwise change it? I feel the trademark symbol would help with CTR in the title.

    | bREALmarketing

  • Is there a way to get a list of the pages within one of my sites, and rank it by page authority?

    | JDigitalIdentity

  • Hey, I'm using OSE to determine top pages for some domains. This works great for some sites, but I'm finding with a few sites only the home page comes up in the 'top pages' list - is this because the home page is the only one with a PA above one? Cheers

    | wearehappymedia

  • Hello, Moz is showing that one of the sites I manage has about ten 403 errors on main pages, including the home page. But when I go to Google Search Console, I'm not getting any 403 errors. I don't know too much about this site (I handle the SEO for a few sites as a contractor for a digital marketing agency), but I can see that it's a WordPress site (I'm not sure if that's relevant). Can I assume this a Moz issue only? Thanks, Susannah Noel

    | SusannahK.Noel

  • Hello,
    We use Moz for our website,Open site explorer marks many of the internal pages of the website as spam. Even pages such as careers, privacy policy etc. Please let us know why is this the case ? Also does these pages have impact on overall rankings of the website ?, If yes, What should we do about it ? Please clarify. Thanks.

    | Umesh-Chandra

  • Hello Fellow Mozzers, So, I have a client site that we moved from non https to https at the end of 2015.  We had decent moz numbers (Da/Pa etc) but now we are only showing a 1 for both of them. Does it usually take time for Moz to carry over the info to the https version or does that process entirely start over?  Not sure where to start looking. Cheers D

    | DarinPirkey

  • Hi There, I want to set up my Moz report to send directly to a client however there are currently 885 duplicate page content errors displaying on the report. These are mostly caused by an item listed in multiple 'categories' and each category is a new pages/URL. I guess my questions are: 1. Does Google see these as duplicate page content? Or does it understand the categories are there for navigation purposes. 2. How do I clear these off my Moz report so that the client doesn't panic that there are some major issues on the site Thanks for your advice.

    | skehoe

  • Hi guys! My name is Edgar. I've recently been adding a bunch of backlinks to the site i work for, and most of them have a very high DA (DA > 80. Wohoo!). Nevertheless i'm often feel a bit frustrated when i check my site with the OSE, because just a few part of these links are showed in the just-discovered section, although i created them few days ago. So, i would like to know why is this happening, how long it take for my links to get crawled, and when can i stop getting frustrated on this? Than you very much! Edgar.

    | PCBU

  • I bought a domain name directly from the registrar 1 year ago. This Domain name has a very good combination of words and .biz extension. I didn't really do anything, I have default wordpress and GA installation. Now I check this site with Moz Bar and OSE and see it has 9DA and 21PA. How come? Quick Facts: Since October last year it has 1000 hits. 9 external links - all links from random domain directories/listings Any ideas how brand new domain name with no original content can have DA9 not DA1?

    | lovemozforever

  • Hi There. I ran Open Site Explorer on a client's site and it's showing 0 for Internal Equity Passing Links and 0 Total Internal Links.  Has anyone seen this before?  If anyone knows what might be causing this I'd be very appreciative of the assistance. Thank you!

    | kwaterman

  • My site has been optimised for speed so I have minimised the code needed. Now if I put it through the OSE spam analysis it has a flag for "Site Mark-up is Abnormally Small". What ratio of visible text compared to mark-up code is being used to trigger this flag. Also as this is the only flag I have is ti worth the time fixing.

    | Brighton-Soundsystem

  • Hello, Mozzers!  My client has a rather messy situation, with redirects for HTTP vs. HTTPS, and two different home pages, both in subdirectories.  I could explain the whole setup, but I don't think it's relevant for my question, which is this: OSE is showing three links to the page in question, but doesn't tell me WHAT those links are.  Am I just missing the information somewhere?  Please see screenshot for details.  Thanks so much! ~ Scott view?usp=sharing

    | measurableROI

  • When looking at my web campaign, I have inbound links pointing from every page located on my menu from https://  I do not have an https. website in any way. The weird part is that when I click on the link, it is a replica of my homepage, although in text only format. I have attached a picture for reference. Why and how could my top links be coming from this? I do not have any inbound links non https:// from my website Thank you! BNHHc5u

    | Morg5685

  • Hello, I'm trying to analyze the spam score of my site which is 9/17 Actually I have few backlinks and all of them have a low spam score (max 4/17, just one). I think there's some kind of issue with the crawler since I get strange spam factors: Large Site with Few Links (likely true, I recently deleted a lot of tags used once) Low Number of Pages Found (wasn't it a "Large Site"??) Low Number of Internal Links (I got a considerable number) No Contact Info (I have a link to my facebook in the menu and a "contacts" page) Thin Content (It's just a blog with min 300 words per post, why thin?) Site Link Diversity is Low (likely true) Ratio of Followed to Nofollowed Subdomains (likely true) Low MozTrust or MozRank Score (true) Ratio of Followed to Nofollowed Domains (likely true) Can you please help me to understand it, is it a crawling problem or similar? If needed I will post the url of the website. Thank you so much Marco

    | MarcoBP

  • In OSE, I have two spam flags, Ratio of Followed to Nofollowed Domains and Ratio of Followed to Nofollowed Subdomains. I currently have a ratio of about 3:2 followed to nofollowed. Is this spammy? Also, what is the difference between subdomains and domains in this regard?

    | AHC_SEO

  • I came across a law firm site with hundreds of horrible spam links to it. Of the 3330 links, all but 231 links have anchor text that has to do with "jordan 11s for sale". I'm trying to see how useful the moz spam score is, but clearly it's not reliable if this site has a score of zero. Many of the obviously spammy sites linking to it also have low to zero spam scores, although there are plenty in the 5-10 range. (see attached image). I also noticed that many sites were legit sites, but if you look at the source code, there's tons of hidden spam links in the code (e.g., Why would this site have a zero spam score? If you're curious, put it into open site explorer and have a look. It's a law firm based in Pennsylvania, most anchor text has to do with jordan sneakers and most links are foreign: Is the spam score too lenient? Is the moz tool unable to find spam links coming from legitimate sites with hidden spam links? DrokMbP

    | usDragons

  • My website URL - I have backlinks from pinterest, flickr, yahoo, etc. but open site explorer does not show any in backlinks. my pinterest PA is 47.??? any suggestions why it does not show in backlinks?

    | ross254sidney

  • Hi Guys Has anyone also noticed that the MOZ competitor analysis tool does not always pick up on all back-links? If I put two competitors into MOZ and Ahrefs I get so many more back-link info from Ahrefs. Has anyone else experienced the same issue? Thanks Jon

    | NaughtyChilli

  • Cross-referenced on Google Webmaster Tools and it looks like MOZ isn't pulling all my links. Any reason why? Thanks in advance!

    | Dental-Care-Allilance

  • Hello, A while ago I had a problem with open site explorer saying that I had a problems with redirects on my home page. There was 302 redirect and it was giving me information from my www domain rather then from non www domain. With your awesome help, this issue is sorted now and when I type in my non www domain, it doesn't give me that weird message anymore. I have a different issue now. For some reason when I enter non www domain it doesn't show links from www version. I presume that this is affecting my site authority for non www version. Does it mean that link juice was not passed on to non www version from www version? Authority dropped by two points, but I'm not sure why. I'm more interested to know why it doesn't show my links from www version on non www version. And is that affecting my sites rankings. Thank you, Regards, Armands

    | A_Fotografy

  • Have been trying to use Open Site Explorer this morning and just returning an error message "There was an error getting your data" or the cog whirring round for ages and not doing anything. Is it a general problem or is it just my PC?

    | seoman10

  • Hi all, I tried to find answer in help section. Few people have asked this before but in none of the answers it tells how they fix it. Sorry I will need to ask here again. In Open Site Explorer i get this message. You entered the URL which redirects to Because it's likely to have more accurate metrics, we're showing data for the redirected URL instead. Click here to analyze instead? My current site is not sure why it is redirecting to my old domain. Weird. My web developer couldn't explain this issue. Saying that I also go my first analytics report and in priority issues I have   302 redirect and not sure where it is redirecting to. If someone could shed some light of how to figure out how to find exactly what is redirecting to what and where is the problem. Thank you guys, Regards, Armands

    | A_Fotografy

  • Hello Everyone, I need help understanding how does Moz linking root domains work. My website shows 73 domain pointing backlinks to my domain in google webmaster where on Moz Linking domain it only shows 18 domian. Any help on how this works. Thanks in advance. Sagar

    | wolfeyes

  • Hi, I ran a search of more than 10 of my competitors in Open Site Explorer to have insights on their social activity. In every case I found "NA" marked against Twitter data. Does it mean there is no activity being performed by the urls against which i am running the query? Or it is something else? Wondering since there is much activity and data of course against Facebook and Google+ (same urls yeh!) Anybody could find time to share her/his knowledge please. Regards Tanveer

    | Sequelmed

  • I'm seeing a very large discrepancy between the domain authority for a site I'm tracking and the PageRank. According to PageRank Checker the PageRank is "0". According to Moz, the domain authority is 57 and page authority for the domain below is in the 32. The domain is Open Site Explorer shows 2 linking domains -- both have D.A. scores of 13. Please explain the discrepancy. Thanks in advance.

    | alankoen123

  • Hello All, When I plug in my site's URL ( Not my actual URL of-course) into the OpenSiteExplorer tool I get the following message: "You entered the URL which redirects to
    Because it's likely to have more accurate metrics, we're showing data for the redirected URL instead.
    Click here to analyze instead?" Not sure why I am getting this message. On my hosting server, I have defined my preferred domain to be the non-www. version. I have also used a Canonical Tag on file ( ). In addition, on Google Search Console ( Webmaster Tools ) , I have added both the www. and non-www. properties, where on both property settings, I have defined the non-www. version as my preferred one. Also, on my server, I have not implemented any 301 redirects at all. So my questions are: Why am I receiving this message when plugging in my non-www. URL version of my website into OpenSiteExplorer? Is my DA or PA possibly being split up between the two versions as a result? Should I be concerned? How can I fix this? Thanks in advance.

    | jjimen03

  • Given that going with a www or non-www TLD is a coin-toss in Google's eyes, I'm curious as to how this relates to Moz's spam score (if at all)? Specifically, we've got a client who has several sites across a number of industry verticals, and for some of them, the www and the non-www versions of their websites are both in play (sigh). Obviously we'll sort that out shortly, but my question is why, when we put both TLDs into Open Site Explorer does the www and the non-www version of the sites get different spam scores? With some of their sites (www v non-www) the difference in the spam score might be a 2 for the www v a 3 for the non-www. But in others it might be 0 for the www v 8 for the non-www! And it's unclear which one is the 'real' spam score, as there seems no rhyme or reason to the results. Anyway, any thoughts from the room would be appreciated.

    | SEO-NS

  • Hi, I'd been looking forward to seeing the latest index update for a Moz campaign set up in September, but it doesn't seem to be coming through. I'm still seeing that the next update is due on 14th Dec.. All of my other campaigns were updated on time, so I was wondering if it's normal to see different behaviour for relatively new sites/campaigns, or if it suggests that there's a problem somewhere (other than my impatience)? Many thanks,

    | Tinhat

  • In Open Site Explorer, the "Link Opportunities" feature does not seem to have a way to filter for external follow links that pass equity.  This would be very useful. Is this a feature in the pipeline or is there already a way to do this?

    | GlennFerrell

  • Hello I have a campaign in Moz that shows a new site as having no domain authority and no links. The site does have links to it, but they don't show up on OSE. Does Moz count links in the comments section of blogs (or is this counted as social, when the commenting system is one that requires facebook login?) I know blog comments are not great for SEO, I just use them when the post/link is 100% genuinely relevant. The site does have actual links on websites not just comment links, so it isn't showing any type of link. What is the best way to see the links the site has? Thanks!

    | wearehappymedia

  • Hallo, Spam analysis is suggesting that my website may have a spam problem (score is 5). When I analyse the single spam links, I am puzzled. the links to my site are actually links in disqus comments I wrote myself on the linking site, in order to aswer REAL question of real people giving them honest and useful answers (and linking my site :-), like the link pointed out in the attached image, also pasted herebelow: Most links have this same nature. Has this behaviour (which I consider natural, in good faith) been regarded as spammy? Should avoid linking my site in the comments I write on external sites? the links from  (towards the end of the list) are from a free press release website: you send them the press release, they publish it. Should I avoid using this free press release site? Should I avoid using any free press release site at all (since they are regarded as spammy)? is there a rule to learn (since apparently I have not been very good so far at using my good faith to separate good links from spammy links) whether a link can be spammy and therefore try and avoid it? thank you for you help.

    | micvitale

  • I just upgraded our website to a new one.   This is the first crawl of the new website.  It is telling me I have 24 Critical issues, all of which are duplicate content errors. Thing is, the urls are not duplicates and the content on the page is not duplicated either.   Example, here is one error where it says there are two duplicates: <colgroup><col width="595"></colgroup>
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    | | There are photos in our portfolio, and none of them are the same. I'm a bit of a noob, but what am I missing here?

    | damon1212

  • In my journey of learning which links are good or bad for my website I found the series pointed out in the attached image and pasted below: where I posted a forum comment just like this one on the wordpress forum asking for advice. Apparently this links is mildly spammy (spam score of 1). What should I do with such links? Remove them? emZXKI

    | micvitale

  • UPDATE 12/01/15: This issue is now resolved and Just Discovered Link data is back. Sadly, I've got bad news. Due to an error we made (literally a typo on a curl command), Just Discovered Links in Open Site Explorer will be unavailable for 2-3 days. The data was actually lost, but we're re-indexing all those links now and they should be back in working order by Monday. NOTE: this only affects link counts and links listed in the "Just Discovered" sections of OSE. No links in the main index nor any metrics (PA/DA/etc) are affected. Our sincere apologies - we're going to build mechanisms to prevent this for the future.

    | randfish

  • Can anyone refer me to a document that explains the measures that go into the calculation of Moz Page Authority? I'm chiefly interested in what counts and what doesn't  -- follow links, no-follow links, internal and external, what (if any) on-site factors, etc.

    | GlennFerrell

  • I am running a Top Pages Report using Open Site Explorer and it's returning that the top pages for are Important to note that was a dormant domain for a few years.  We recently purchased it and are in the process of reviving it. Has anyone experienced this before?  Would this suggest that canonical link elements were put in place prior to it going dormant and that the top pages for this site are now assumed to be on

    | seoaustin

  • Hi! I am getting this message Error Code 612: Error response for robots.txt, so the crawler do not check any page of the site. The status code for the robots.txt is 200 and it does not seem Googlebot has any problem crawling the site, so I don't know what the matter is. The site is Thanks so much in advance for any help!

    | Musicopolix

  • Hello users MOZ:
    I have a question about page and domain authority. It is OK that sometimes PA is greater than the DA? I think that's not right, but it happens in some domains, for example in the attached image. uB7HZhr.png

    | NachoRetta

  • I went and corrected some issues related to the spam flags. it looks like my sites results are cached and I"d like to refresh them.

    | Papathrust

  • Hi all, I've noticed recently a dramatic drop in the number of external links showing in moz across all campaigns (including tracked competitors) Is this to do with the new indexing? Thanks

    | wearehappymedia

  • Hello there, I have a problem with a domain. The Domain Authority is not changing, i think is it a BUG from Moz or something, that is because was wrong indexing the domain too, cause of a server problem that I solved before. I am 100% is a technical problem, cannot be 1 for 6 month. How we can check if DA is wrong? Domain is : With respect,

    | Shanaki

  • Hi all, I am working with a developer who believes OSE (Open Site Explorer) is flawed. His reasoning is that OSE shows completely different link equity and domain authority for these two URLs [company name is purposely withheld]: and NOTE: has been properly 301-redirecting to for years. The developer's argument is that the URL that is being 301-redirected shouldn't have any link equity at all, therefore OSE is flawed. Here is the response I would like to give him. Please feel free to poke holes, provide feedback or flat out correct me if I am wrong: Dear inquisitive developer, Any URL that is being linked to by another site that has link equity will get link equity passed to it. This is true even if the URL is a page that doesn't exist. What it can't do (if it doesn't exist) is then pass that link equity on to another page. Moz's OSE is showing separate link equity for the two versions of this URL because other sites have linked to both versions. The fact that one 301-redirects to the other is good and ensures that link equity from one is passing to the preferred URL. The 301-redirect does not, however, remove link equity from the first URL, but rather passes the existing link equity from one to the other. Consequently, Moz's OSE is not flawed, but rather is displaying the link equity of one URL that is benefiting the other via a 301-redirect. Sincerely, Dana

    | danatanseo

  • My domain uses a redirect of all traffic to https. The site is I've been working on it this year and know there are several good, topical links coming in. But OSE shows nothing. Any idea why this would be the case? How can I see all of my links and the data on them?

    | DanDeceuster

  • For my main URL in Open Site Explorer its showing a (301 Redirect) [No Title] for with a spam score of 9.  Why spam?  should I fix it? what's up? Thanks DJ

    | bjan1313

  • Hi, As we know Moz has updated its index on october 15, 2015. One of my websites, for which Moz marked 28 new links as "Just-Discovered" few days before index update, still have same DA/PA after index was updated. Since the site does not have a lot of links detected by Moz, these 28 new links have significant influence in the total number of links. Most of those backlinks come from websites with high DA/PA and some of those websites are really huge in the industry. Majority of backlinks are from content, dofollow, these backlinks should have influence in DA/PA of my website. I do not understand why the DA / PA remained the same? Some technical issue on Moz side..or....? Thanks...

    | MilanB.

  • Hi, Moz OSE does not recognize this site as linking to  our site, but I feel like it has to be. Here is the code and the link to the site: [](<a class=)" target="_blank"> So are they linking to us? If so, how come OSE cant find it? It lists it for our competitors. Thanks, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • Our current website was launched end of 2014. Since then we have been very ethical with our content marketing & link building approach. The website content is very original including all categories and product pages. Sine the launch we have added quite a lot of useful content to the website in terms of buying guides and knowledge centre. The website has acquired links from very ethical bloggers sharing our content and linking back to our content pages(knowledge centre) instead of the category or product pages. We're currently working with quality content writers/bloggers to produce inspirational and useful content targeted to our audience. The website is still not ranking to its potential as compared to some of its competitors who are not doing anything at all. I'm struggling to see if there is an issue with my strategy and whether the approach needs changing. Also, opensiteexplorer is not showing the correct data for backlinks since its launch. There are however much more links acquired than shown by moz. To be accurate moz is only showing 10% of the links we have acquired till now. The links are from highly reputed bloggers, magazines and industry portals. Any thoughts would be much appreciated.

    | EhsanR

  • I have some good number number of backlinks in my webmaster tools. But, open site explorer is showing very few backlinks. How to force moz to crawl all the backlinks? Or is there any way to submit backlinks to moz?

    | sankar789

  • When I type my domain into OSE I get a list of linking domains. Most of them I have seen before and I know were active last year. However, when I click through, many of these links have been removed (which is what I wanted/requested) and some of the pages return 404. Google (via doesn't show these links as active either. My question is why does OSE show them? Thanks

    | neilmac

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