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Category: Local Listings

Examine the impact of maintaining consistent and accurate local listings on your local SEO strategy.

  • A client of mine is a local window tinting business in Coral Springs, FL. I came across this business directory ( and am on the fence as to whether or not to pursue it for my client from an SEO perspective. It is a paid directory, but only $50/yr. Any thoughts would be much appreciated!

    | RickyShockley

  • We are considering signing up for a multi-business showroom co-op concept in our area.  Basically this space (1 address) has 10+ businesses that have their products represented at the location.  There is one person working that passes along the leads to the individual companies when someone visits the showroom and shows interest in a product.  I know at least 5 of the  businesses are using this address for a Google My Business profile, and we would like to also.  I am looking for some advice on best practices and strategy to ensure were not violating any of Google's policies.  Here is a link to the showroom:

    | JohnWeb12

  • I am working for a client with multiple locations across U.S. and trying to add multiple locations under one Google business listing ? Is there a any way to add multiple locations in one listing, or every location needs to have its own business listing ?

    | singhk

  • Hi community. So I live in Dubai but have a lot of clients in the UK that want local SEO. Does anyone have any tips on performing search queries in Google that reflect a true search results page as though that search was being performed in a chosen UK city? say if I wanted to see the SERPs for "hairdressers" in the city of Bristol in the UK, at the moment I get a pretty vague UK SERP from With lots of Dubai based adverts et. Any tips would be great, thanks

    | SeoSheikh

  • Hello Moz Frdz, My website Is Ranking Very Well Overall, also in Google Map Listing too, it is also Verified Listing , But The problem is someone has added My website domain TO there Address with 3 different places Because of That My Customers Not getting Proper Direction to my correct place, They R misleading to other 3 Places Listed By someone else, I Have Also Marked That Places As Permanently close, But Google Has Not accepted, How should I Remove That wrong Locations which Used My website ? Please Please any Expert Help? Thnx in advacne

    | falguniiepl1

  • My client is opening a new location of their business in the Dallas area and has listed the location on their website under Dallas, but their technical address is Farmers Branch. They have not started any citation building efforts, so I will be creating all citations from scratch. Should I create citations using the vanity address containing Dallas or list Farmers Branch as the city?

    | CaddisInteractive

  • Hey there, My website Created in wix , & its Ranking in google, i have searched & get know That Websites By wix are nt getting indexed by google is this true?? If not then what are steps i can take To boost MY Site SEO I have Read article Of Wix Here . please check, Thnx in advace

    | falguniiepl1

  • Hello! As SEO’s we have always understood that it’s best practice to craft a number of unique descriptions when submitting to local directories, rather than using one generic description across all directories. However, if we look at this logically; An average business owner (even if Google didn't exist) wouldn't bother to vary descriptions. They would have a generic brand template and simply submit the same description to each directory. What do you think? Is having unique descriptions a MUST for Local Business Citations, or is it ok to use one generic one? I look forward to hearing your thoughts, Lee.

    | Webpresence

  • Hi, could someone explain me how long the trials last?, because I remember making the payments for search insights, but how long they last ? or how often I have to pay for it? Thanks a lot.

    | 230893

  • My organic search results have increased, but I noticed that my Google local search results have dropped drastically.  I haven't changed anything on the local side.  I consistently get reviews.  In my industry, I have more reviews (all 5 star) than anyone else.  It actually shows weird results, like competitors that have no reviews and don't even have all of their information filled out.  It is even showing competitors that are out of business.  I have a lot of citations with the same NAP.  I use Moz local for this purpose as well. So, I am wondering if the algorithm has changed and if I need to update my profile to match it. Thank you in advance!

    | CalicoKitty2000

  • Our client has an established driveways business, "A", that has been servicing higher end customers. This business has GMB and citations built. He has now started another driveways business, "B" that targets mid-class customers. This second business operates out of the same office with the same phone no. A Google rep has advised that the 2nd business will not be able to have a GMB of its own if it's operating out of the same address as the 1st business. How would you actually tackle citation building and creating a GMB for this second business?? Would appreciate any advice!!

    | Gavo

  • Can a single business list multiple locations that are home-based? Will Google find this acceptable? More details. The business is a service based business that operates in two states. The owner has one approved Google My Business listing for her main location - her home in DE. She also has employees and stores supplies at her in-law's home in PA. Separate phone numbers are used for each business location. We have tried to create a Google My Business listing for the PA location and it has been rejected for quality reasons. We've asked clarification and received none. Is this worth pursing further or does it violate Google guidelines?

    | DonnaDuncan

  • Quick Q for your (local) SEO gurus. I have a client who has bought a number of local companies. (advertising, printing, graphic design, vehicle wraps) to compliment his screen printing, embroidery, etc business. ALL of these companies run out of the SAME address. What makes it even harder is he wants to continue operating them as separate companies. Fortunately, he is OK with using different phone numbers for each business but on the website (we are building for him) ALL the companies are represented like it is all one big happy company. How the H@#$ do I build citations for this business! 🙂 ??? THANK YOU FOR ANY SUGGESTIONS!! If I use the one 'parent' company building citations is a challenge bcs they do so MANY things in one location. If I try and build citations for 5 companies w the same address - that can't be a good idea either. If the plan is to eventually fold all these companies into the one parent company *(waiting to hear back on that) I would think the BEST advice would be to use the ONE phone number and address and just shoot for a general 'marketing' category. Thanks for any thoughts!! Matthew Saw Web Marketing Quick Q for your (local) SEO gurus smarter than myself. I have a client who has bought a number of local companies. (advertising, printing, graphic design, vehicle wraps) to compliment his screen printing, embroidery, etc business. ALL of these companies run out of the SAME address. What makes it even harder is he wants to continue operating them as separate companies. Fortunately, he is OK with using different phone numbers for each business but on the website (we are building for him) ALL the companies are represented like it is all one big happy company. How the H@#$ do I build citations for this business! 🙂 ??? THANK YOU FOR ANY SUGGESTIONS!! If I use the one 'parent' company building citations is a challenge bcs they do so MANY things in one location. If I try and build citations for 5 companies w the same address - that can't be a good idea either.

    | Mrupp44

  • I have tried numerous tools, my team of freelancers, (fiver I admit) and a couple people from Upwork and still not getting a GOOD response to - How much search volume is there for "home builders" JUST in WIchita, KS (for example) I get local results like that are challenging because a lot of them show no search volume. Am I missing something? Can  recommend a resource? I would be really grateful! 🙂 I am trying to figure out a nice long (ideally) list of keywords for 'plumbers, wichita ks', 'dentist, wichita ks' - Local service businesses and everything I try shows next to nothing. Thanks for ANY advice! 🙂 Matthew

    | Mrupp44

  • Im marketing for an industrial supply company. Under our parent company, we have four separate brands. We'd like to have a google business location for each brand, but they're all made in one facility, with one address. Good idea to do this? or should I just make a brand page for each one and forget about local listings...advice is greatly appreciated!

    | ryanjones32

  • Having some success in Google Places but would like to rank across the range of phrases that we work with. To give you an example where LOCATIOn is the city we are based in: office partitions LOCATION
    Position 1 Local Results office refurbishment LOCATION
    Position 29 Local Results office fit out LOCATION
    Not present office partitioning LOCATION
    Position 3 Local Results suspended ceilings LOCATION
    NA What can I do to achieve results across the range of phrases? Am I missing something fundamental like not including something in Google Places? Justin How to Rank in Places Across Range Keywords LOCATION

    | GrouchyKids

  • Hey Guys and Gals, What's the best format for service urls for local seo? or

    | hde

  • We have a business where we have a number of doctor's offices, and at each office there are a few individual doctors. Customers often search for either the overarching brand or the specific doctors.  Our hope is to optimize our listings so that we can rank in local SEO for both the brand name and doctor names. We have set up our local listings in Google My Business for all of the offices (common brand name, unique address, unique phone, unique landing page), but would like to explore adding individual doctor names in the listings too. The challenge is that each doctor within an office shares the address and phone number.  They do have unique names (obviously) and landing pages, although the doctor landing pages don't have any specific contact information on them. My understanding is that we should have unique phone numbers for each listing. Unfortunately, this is a management and IT maintenance challenge. My question is - if we didn't use a unique phone number and instead used both the same address and phone number across multiple listings (office and doctors practicing there), are we violating Google's guidelines / damaging our overall rankings for all the listings? Does anyone have a sense of how bad this might be, so we can understand the risk/benefit? And secondly, would we make things worse by adding the non-unique address/phone to the individual doctor pages? Would this just reinforce inconsistent NAP, right on our site? Thanks!

    | OneMedical

  • Hello, My client has successfully grown one of their event venues locally (lets call it venue A) and on the back of that bought two more venues (B & C). Then created an umbrella company to manage all three. He now wants to market the umbrella company and so redirected the original successful venue domain (A) to the new umbrella company domain. The umbrella company is located at the same address as the original venue A. So it shares the same address, phone number, website as venue A but a different name. All this done before me. He has a Google local page for the original venue - venue A- and changed the domain on it to the new one. He also has Google local pages for the other two venue locations. But doesn't have a Google local page for the umbrella company. Now he finds rankings are down. Looking around I can see that his citations are all based on the original successful venue name A - but he has changed the website URL on many of the citations to the new domain.So a bit of a mess as we have a mixture of addresses, same phone number for all 4 , different business names for all 4, same website for all 4. If all the venues plus the umbrella company are in the same city, but have different names and addresses but the same phone number (for bookings) and web address, are they allowed a Google local page each? I suggest just having a Google local page for the umbrella company and remove the others as they are not actually separate businesses although they do have different addresses. But unsure if this is correct or necessary. Not sure how to progress with this one and any help appreciated?

    | AL123al

  • Hey To All My Local Pals, Here 🙂 Recently, I watched a totally fascinating LocalU video in which Mike Blumenthal introduced a hypothesis that there may be a way to analyze what, specifically, is triggering a specific local pack. Now, Mike is stating that correlation is not causation in explaining this, but basically what he starts talking about at around 4:40 in the video is that what you are seeing rank well in the local packs may be demonstrably caused by what you see ranking organically beneath the pack, or may be caused by totally different signals. Mike says, _"If you're seeing the top 10 results are all IYP industry sites, and there's a pack showing, and the highest local site is 24 or something in organic, it's unlikely that that's what's triggering the pack. And so then you want to look at third-party triggers and see if that's what's actually triggering the pack." _ Obviously, all of us who do Local are familiar with the idea that a tremendous variety of elements contribute to pack rankings, but I am particularly intrigued by the idea of looking at the organic result beneath a pack and determining that there is little or no correlation between them, and this then driving one to look elsewhere for contributing factors. In a recent response to another thread here on Q&A, I discussed some common local pack ranking failure causes when organic rank is high. What I'd love to see is whether, if you look at some of your clients' desired packs, can you tell if organic signals are driving them, or can you see that it's not organic signals driving the pack, as Mike suggests. What, in those cases, does appear to be driving the packs? I'd be so interested in a discussion on this. What do you see? What do you think of Mike's suggestions?

    | MiriamEllis

  • Hello Moz, I have a couple of questions about the wonderful world of I understand basically how everything works, but I have a client that has multiple locations and operates as a bowling alley/restaurant/entertainment venue. My questions are as follows: 1. What is the difference between the Place, LocalBusiness, and Restaurant Schema Codes? Can I geo-target these codes to come up in the areas of the different locations? 2. With the Restaurant Schema Code, will the menu populate in google the way other restaurants do? Do I just need this code on pages that relate to their menu/restaurant? 3. Is there some sort of cheat sheet somewhere where I can see examples of codes and how to use them? Thanks!

    | ColeBField

  • Hi I am looking to rank highly in local search for the city we are based in and I will be creating some citations so that we can rank for a city but have a problem. Our website lists us as being located in the Wirral which is a borough but Google + requires you to add a county for this line so could add either Merseyside or Cheshire. Should I leave this part of the citation out - i.e. Wirral or Merseyside. We are ranking well for the term Wirral and do not want to effect this. Could anyone advise me here so that we can start to rank better for the city Birkenhead? The Wirral is a peninsular as can be seen on Wilipedia -

    | SEM_at_Lees

  • I am looking to rank highly in local search for Birkenhead but have not currently filled in the county on Google + so Moz local is not picking the county up. I am wondering whether I should continue and keep the county off there as there is a potential problem: on our website we are listed as being based in the Wirral and we are also based in a county called Merseyside so have two different possible citations. We are ranking well for the term Wirral and do not want to effect this. I am thinking of building citations without Wirral or Merseyside and was wondering if anyone can advise? The address that I have in the citation would be - business name, building number, Birkenhead then Wirral or Merseyside and post code. I am currently using business name, building number, Birkenhead and post code and we want to rank highly for Birkenhead. Could anyone advise me here? The Wirral is a peninsular as can be seen on Wilipedia -

    | SEM_at_Lees

  • Hi guys 1st of all pls bear with me as i am new to this, google created a page for our business im not sure how probably its automatic and since it was created by google its unclaimed. My friend have been telling us that everytime he search for our business which is a furniture business located in the philippines he just type in our exact business name "evergreen diamond school supplies" then map or location appear on the right side of the google search engine.  After finding out about google business from a friend i tried to claim our business page, we hire a web developer to build a website for us and since our business name is too long "evergreen diamond school supplies"  the dev team suggested a shorter name which is "" since "" is not available then after 2 weeks site was done and we launched it. We claimed the unclaimed business page of our business and it took us 3 weeks to receive the post card and now it was verified. We are very happy and when we type our business name "evergreen diamond school supplies" map appears and contact #'s are there and all the necessary info users need but after 2 days whenever i type "evergreen diamond school supplies" location doesnt appear anymore i have to type in "evergreen diamond school supplies taguig" where taguig is our city where our business is located, so what happened? i hope someone here can guide me. If "eevergreen diamond school supplies" doesnt work anymore i am fairly new to local SEO so i'd like to know what happened or what could i have done wrong. thanks in advance

    | xpertmedia

  • Hi, I am currently looking at the domain authority of the site that i have linked to Moz local and was wondering if you can be penalised by automating directory submissions and if so how one would recover? Thanks Nick

    | SEM_at_Lees

  • Hello Moz World, I wanted to get some perspective on this. How many directories are too many directories to list a website. And what is a good Page Rank for submission. Thanks ahead of time for all of the awesome responses. B/R Will H.

    | MarketingChimp10

  • Hi Local SEO experts, A while back we created Google My Business listings for a few of our company locations. A couple of months ago we removed them, because we realized that G might not consider them company locations as they weren't constantly staffed. Only problem is that they started showing up again. Truthfully I don't mind, but I just want to make sure the business won't get penalized for it. They say "claim this business" on the local listing because it's not claimed by us anymore. Is this okay or can we get in trouble for it? If it's not okay, how do I go about removing them if I don't have access to it? Thanks for your time, Rachel

    | Rachel_J

  • I am helping out with a couple of community sites and am seeing the same problem on both. They are small non-commercial local websites. One has 5 or 6 relevant links to the home page, and the title tag and content have been optimised for the name of the group and the location (and in any case the phrase is completely non-competitive). The other one has few links and isn't optimised. Both sites are fairly new. Both sites have the same problem in that when you search for the name of the group, it is not the home page that comes up but another page. My experience is mainly in the more competitive commercial arena, so I thought that these community sites would be simple! Can anyone point me in the right direction as to why this might be? No spammy links on either. These are community sites that are not particularly well maintained, but the phrases I am searching for are non-competitive. I have checked that the home pages are not no-indexed. Any tips much appreciated!

    | Wagada

  • I have a local competitor that is boggling me with his local pack rankings. For certain keyword phrases, he is ranking in multiple local 3 pack spots. The thing is, he only has one business location. So basically he has two different Google maps listings for the same business location ranking in the local pack. The NAP information is different for both listings except for the physical address. I can't understand for the life of me how this is actually helping him instead of hurting him.... My client has way more citations. A decent blog with solid content. An SEO optimized mobile website (compeititor website is not mobile ready). Etc..... Don't get me wrong, my client is doing really well and is ranking top 3 in his area for nearly 30 industry related keyword phrases. I guess that is part of the reason I'm so boggled. Can anyone provide any insight? Can I bring this up to Google and have them remove the duplicate listing somehow? I'm literally sitting #4 in the local pack for some valuable keywords, and the only reason I'm not #3 or higher is because the same physical business location is taking up two of the spots. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

    | GO2Tech

  • We've got a client that has a number of real estate agents that operate out of the same location. There are clear guidelines for how to approach this with Google My Business ( but I'm having no luck finding resources as it relates to Bing Places and individual practitioners. Does anyone have experience with this within Bing? Essentially the client wants to maintain the office itself as a location, and there are agents that want to create/claim pages that would utilize the same address. Thanks

    | TopFloor

  • In Missouri real estate once a home hits our MLS it sydicates out all over the world. The question is this: How do I help each listing rank high organically over trulia, zillow, realtor and nationally owned companies such as Remax or Bershire Hathaway. We are a local firm who dominates our market and our website is the highest ranked in the area. The listings are not. Thoughts?

    | Charity2841

  • We have several clients whose practices have phone trees enabled for their primary number, which means we aren't able to send automated verification calls for Google, Yelp, ExpressUpdate (Infogroup), YellowPages, etc. Sometimes our clients are able to temporarily disable their phone trees, and sometimes said site's support teams manually verify for us once we have proven our association with the businesses. We just wanted to reach out to see if anyone had alternative solutions or workarounds, since phone trees usually cause a significant hangup. Thanks!

    | copyjack

  • Hello We've recently started a campaign for a local business, and now the domain authority and the number of links to the site are equal if not more to all local major competitors (bar one) and organic rankings for relevant terms are increasing well... However we still do not appear in the google local listings, despite having a verified location business account - fully set up and active and linked to the website. Does anyone have any advice for increasing local rankings? Thanks in advance kind mozzers

    | wearehappymedia

  • Our team is working with a small law firm and we haven’t had as much luck increasing their local visibility for those key terms that they would like to rank for: Santa Barbara accident attorney/lawyer injury attorney Santa Barbara wrongful death injury lawyers serious injury attorney Santa Barbara We’ve currently got an 87% on Moz Local, 12 5 star reviews on Google+ and are working to raise the bar, however the client is unhappy not being on the top 3 - there are also instances where firms with 0 reviews, non verified G+ pages who rank higher than them. They lost a lot of links when they moved from a large marketing firm specializing in working with attorneys to our firm, which could be a factor. Although we’re gaining ground, they are considering going back as they only want the results - and I don’t blame them. Would appreciate any tips, thoughts, or advice so we can help this client.

    | DougHoltOnline

  • Hi,
    I have some problems with .com domain on English in my country. For some device they are always better than my site is. I did all things what I need to do for: Unique content on my language (not English), Unique titles, descriptions, external links, target in GSC. Do you have some advice, how can I be better than they are?

    | Tormar

  • I am trying to to boost my clients online presence through Local Business Listings but am running into a few issues that I would like to get some feedback on. First, I will provide some background information and then provide my questions that I am seeking feedback on!  Your help is greatly appreciated. **BACKGROUND INFO: ** Client has little online visibility and is looking to optimize his Local Business Listings to boost his online presence. Client is a Chiropractor that just registered his own business, has a unique local phone number, his own website. The facility that the Chiropractor works out of is a shared office space, known as a "Wellness Center" This facility has other chiropractors, doctors, & massage therapists who fit the same criteria as my client. I understand that in order to qualify for a local business listings your business must meet **CRITERIA.  **This is the only one he does not meet, but the way the businesses are ran, it seems like to me that he should be eligible for local business listings. Have a dedicated physical street address (not a shared address, PO box, or virtual office) I don't understand why a shared address isn't allowed.  This seems pretty legit to me.  And is similar to a Doctors Office with multi-practitioners but slightly different because they each have their own business not all working for one business owner. All working for themselves. Everyone recently moved and joined this wellness center. Everyone generates their own leads and clientele. One thing to note is that no other business in the wellness center currently has optimized their online presence using this address.  But address is present on other business owners websites. If my client uses this address and builds his local listings, is there a chance he can get penalized if the other business owners build their business listings on sites like, yelp, yellowpages, google maps, citysearch, etc. What are the chances of him getting penalized/the entire shared office being penalized due to this shared office space. Your feedback is greatly appreciated! Thank You

    | InternetRep

  • Hey Everybody! If you've been doing Local for some years, chances are, you remember those dark days in the past when there was zero Google local support. You could post something in their forum, but that was pretty much your only hope. It was an absolutely amazing day when they finally rolled out phone support, and I'm still very grateful that this exists, but just this week, I learned about another way to contact support. Joy Hawkins has surfaced a Twitter account you can tweet when in need of assistance and she says its not only really fast, but that the help is US-based (which would be great for US users). I'd never heard of this before and wondered if any of you have tried it, and what response times and overall satisfaction you experienced with it. If you've not tried it yet and are experiencing a local client conundrum, maybe give it a try and let our community here know how it went?

    | MiriamEllis

  • Hi, We work on quite a few local campaigns for clients and saw a fair bit of movement in the UK in late January/early February. Did anybody else notice this? Some of ours have improved, some have lost out, but the results generally seem to have shifted against usual guidelines for listing optimisation (reviews, local phone numbers, consistency with website etc.). Any thoughts? Thanks

    | jasarrow

  • We are currently using an aggregator for a client, but we will be manually updating 5 different local directories that are not included in the distribution for over 500 locations. I am wondering if there are any local experts that have a set of best practices/processes for this type of scenario?

    | PureVisibility

  • Right now, Google is connecting our company google query to a Knowledge Graph that contains Wikipedia information, and a map to the location of our place but with the name of the company spelled wrong. It also says 'Claim this business'. I would like to override this. We have a G+ page for our company , and as well i have added a Schema to display the information correctly in the Knowledge graph. But these changes have not seemed to help to change the knowledge graph. Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

    | uthealthsa

  • I have a bit of a tricky situation with a client where there is some history with old domains.  But this is the current situation which I need to stick to: Business name (all made up) is Acme Print 2 live websites - acme-niche(dot)com  and productsandservices(dot)com Third website acmeprint(dot)com is live and owned by an old partner, different NAP. acme-niche(dot)com  and productsandservices(dot)com share the same NAP.  Not much traffic and a bit of a poor domain profile for acme-niche(dot)com, so suggest just using productsandservices(dot)com.  Also acme-niche(dot)com would be a bit misleading for use for the whole business in any case. However, all content for productsandservices(dot)com refers to Acme Print.  Because of all the confusion should we keep the productsandservices(dot)com referring to Acme Print throughout, or update with new productsandservices(dot)com logo, mention that it is a trading name of Acme Print and refer to the trading domain name throughout the content. I want to know the best option for listings and citations - the trading name which is a domain name or Acme Print?  I've not worked with a local site where domain name and business name and a separate business with domain are mixed up.

    | MickEdwards

  • Hello, I work for a furniture retailer and I'm doing an audit of our digital presence and need a hand with our G+ pages. Thanks for reading! We are one company but with two shops, located about 10 miles apart. One shop has been established over 10 years, the other is roughly a year old. The shops are called: 'Our Company' and 'Our Company, Second Location' Each shop has its own website (which is confusing and we'll hopefully shortly revert back to just one) We currently have three Google+ profiles: the first G+ was set up a number of years ago and was set up as a personal page, not a business and it links to both shop's websites. The other two G+ pages appear to have been created when we created a Google Local listing for each shop. My questions are: What is the best tool to handle all this info across the web? Bright Local looks good. Should I junk the original G+ profile? If I do, how will I know I won't remove any important stuff from Google? Should I keep 2 G+ profiles, one for each store or have 1 G+ profile and put both store's details in there. Or should I have 3 G+ profiles: 1 for our company name, and 1 for each of our 2 locations? When I search for 'Our Company', I only ever get our original company to show in the Google Local listing on the right hand side of search results. Our second shop is shown in 'People also search for'. Is this the best I can hope for? Is there any way to control this? Both of the G+ profiles that are linked to our Google Local listings have the original G+ URL. Should I customise this and if so, are there any naming conventions I should follow? What should we do with the (2?) G+ profiles for each shop? Both have currently got no content on them. Thanks in advance for any tips and advice.

    | Bee159

  • So I work for a college and we have multiple locations. My tactic has been always to keep the name the same for all of them (no city name), and then change the address and phone number for each. But there is 1000s of college listings websites out there that aggregate college and school data from the same source: the US government. Now the way that they have most, if not all, multi-location colleges listed is: "college name-city name". I can see the value in that, but I guess I'm just wondering what to do since it obviously can't be changed. Should I revert all of our listings as "college name-city name" to match the 1000s of listings that have it that way? I've been under the impression that I should leave the city/town name out of the name, but I'm just wondering what you think best practices would be? Thanks

    | TomBinga1125

  • Hi guys, We have a client that we are having some issues with.  We have done extensive directory work for them, website enhancements, etc. so this is unusual.  Hermantown is an extremely small city in MN so companies there normally target Duluth. Our client is hardly ranking locally in Google maps or organically yet their competitors are showing up who have horrible websites, no SEO, and located in the same city—Hermantown yet showing up locally for Duluth searches. We just can’t seem to move up the ladder no matter how hard we try.  Here is the company: We are completely at a loss for next steps on how to help this client improve. We’re wondering if there may be a penalty against them for some reason but we always have had very ethical practices. Thanks in advance for your insights!

    | JohnWeb12

  • Hi Community, a quick question and just some reassurance for me - We have been building a new website for a large company in the UK. Their previous website was badly made and they had franchisee websites all leading off from the main .com website all under separate sub domains on Wordpress multi site. and so on... My question is this - A few of their franchisee microsites on sub domains are currently ranking very well for their chosen search terms. The new website has a dedicated page for each franchisee city/areas and i'm concerned that there may be a loss in rankings if the subdomain of their old 'microsites' gets pointed to their new page (which has better quality content). ie; to be pointed to Can anyone see any potential hazards in this? Thanks for any help 🙂

    | SeoSheikh

  • My Google Places listing is not showing as of Friday.  The business name is Emerald Coast Carpet Cleaning in Shalimar, Florida.  The area that I'am trying to show for is the Fort Walton/ Destin area.  All my competitors are still showing in Places but mine is not.  I am still seeing it on the map though.  I didn't change anything in the profile in the past 14 days.  Is there something that I can do to get my listing back in Places?

    | ReviveMedia

  • I run an agency called Web3 Marketing Inc. in beautiful Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. We have been very busy over the past few years, but now, with the lower price of oil, there is less work in our province. We are still busy, but are looking for new opportunities in the U.S. We currently use the domain The domain performs very well in Edmonton and has exceptional reviews (about 22 with a 5 star rating). Unfortunately, I am aware that a .ca will not rank well on for U.S. viewers. This leaves us with two options: Re-brand completely (eg. and 301 redirect the .ca to a .com domain. This should give us a head start in the states.. last time I checked, this should redirect 90% of the authority to the new domain. However, theoretically, we would be risking our organic position for "Edmonton web design." We start with a brand new domain. Considering how competitive the market for "web design," is in cities like Portland, San Fransisco and San Diago, this seems like a fairly daunting task. We will likely have to do a LOT of citation development and supplement it with paid advertising for a couple of years. Outside of local address and phone number, do you guys have any comments about my options / strategy?

    | Web3Marketing87

  • Looking to update my business address where possible because I have moved offices. I know that Google uses citations from multiple parties to impact on the Google Places results. Trouble is when address details are updated on hese third party sites I notice that Google doesn't often recache the page and get the new address. What method(s) can I use to resolve this issue? Justin

    | GrouchyKids

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