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Category: Reporting & Analytics

Discuss the best ways to report on performance and communicate results to stakeholders.

  • I monitor our web traffic in real time using Woopra.  I often make on-the-fly decisions about which AliveChat window to activate based on the backlink.  The FB backlinks are encoded with something like Is it possible to see which FB page that link originated? Best,

    | ChristopherGlaeser

  • what would make it jump up/down so suddenly like that? bouncerate.png

    | adriandg

  • In my last SEOmoz rankings update one of my keywords went from 1 to not in the top 50. This keyword is my brand name. It makes no sense that SEOmoz would say that it ranks not in the top 50 when I went to check it out on Google, we're still ranked number 1. I thought that this was very odd that the ranking would be so off. Has anyone else has this issue. uALPO uALPO.png

    | MonsterWeb28

  • Does anyone have any insight on exactly how on-site 301s are reported in Google Analytics?  My direct traffic seems to climb at the same rate as my organic with absolutely no off-line promotion.  I have a suspicion that the 301s that I have built to re-coupe traffic being sent to old pages are being reported as direct.  Any validity to this?

    | NextGenEDU

  • 2 weeks ago I had a massive spike in keyword rankings 99 keyword went up. It was a quite happy week. the week later all keywords that went up dropped down to the same positions before the spike. now I have the same situation. this is the happy week with a very high spike. Anybody got a clue what is going on ?

    | interelectronix

  • In webmaster tool I have many duplicate url tagged as google_shopping Obviously i'm tagging the url with the goog url builder Url: Duplicate url: How can I solve it? Thanks

    | yeppon

  • My traffic has nearly doubled over the past few days, and my conversion rate has doubled as well. It looks like our rankings haven't changed... We haven't done anything to the site recently, although we did submit a couple of press releases through the wire not too long ago (within the last few weeks). I do not think that this is a cyclical/seasonal jump in traffic because last year this did not occur. Any ideas?

    | deuce1s

  • I created a segment in analytics for non-branded terms. Problem is, that when I use that segment it shows all the search traffic even non-paid. Why is that? Or, how do I limit the non-branded segment to only non-paid search? The segment I created looks like this -- Dimension: Keyword Condition: Does not a match regular expression Value: Name of client (with pipes between possible words) Thanks.

    | 5225Marketing

  • Hi, I've been getting stuck into some SEO analysis for a company I work for and I am a little confused. I've tried a search to get an answer but this has ended up being more confusing. The company has been around for decades and their website since 1996. I read everywhere about 'backlinks'. My SEO toolbar shows ZERO backlinks in Google but 218 in Bing. Google Webmaster tools shows nearly 2,000 incoming links from other sites. Is a backlink the same as an incoming link? Why is this tool showing zero? I am even getting email from SEO spammers saying my backlink count is ZERO. But I can see links everywhere I look to the site. Also, on the link analysis tool with SEOMOZ a competitor is showing 3000 external showing links with 250,000 total links. My site is showing 50 and 470 respectively. I  have spent the best part of two years getting the site listed in industry related directories. We have paid for entries in Yahoo and some other high (PR) -ranking directories. Prior to me there was someone else adding the site to directories and getting incoming links from industry related sites. So this has been going on a while. Why are the backlings showing as zero but links from external sites showing over 1800? Thanks TT

    | TheTub

  • Hi everybody. One of our clients has recently moved from one ecommerce platform to another. During the move, a huge number of URLs have been tidied up to remove dynamic parameters. The old URLs have been redirected to the new, tidy ones. My question is whether it's worth telling Google in the WMT URL parameters section not to index the parameters of the old URLs. Will this affect the redirects in any way? Thanks!

    | neooptic

  • I need to launch 13 local websites and need to have two analytics codes on each site, one is unique for each site and the other is the same across all sites. any advice on how this is best done?

    | imsmlouis

  • I enter my details and it says I am connected to a google account but there is GA found, what gives?. PS. I do have a analytics acount I have been using for years, and have input the correct user and pass. I even get to the page in google to allow SEOmoz access to my acount and I confirm then nothing shows up in SEOmoz?

    | stevem98

  • I have couple blogs willing to publish an article with a backlink to my site. I want to compare them. What SEO metric is the best to use for comparison: Domain Authority or Domain Domain Mozrank or DomainTrust? I want to choose a blog that will give me the most linkjuice

    | Alexey_mindvalley

  • Good afternoon! We have a large real estate site with over 400,000 urls. We do pretty well with long-tailed search terms (like addresses--- 123 Main Street, Atlanta GA) so we get a decent amount of traffic (3,500-4,000 uniques a day). 2 months ago we opened up in a new market (Nashville) and hoped to see similar traffic for that market after a few of months, but so far we haven't. In fact, we only get about 200 visits a day. I can't seem to figure out why it's taking so long for us to generate similar traffic in Nashville that we see in Atlanta. All of the Nashville properties are in our sitemap and are being indexed by Google. Any ideas why we aren't seeing similar effects?Thanks in advance for any help you can provide! David

    | clickscape

  • We redirect our banner ads and our customers GA's don't register. What is a solution to help our customers see our traffic to them?

    | KenPiech

  • Hi We have a top banner ad on an external renown site only to attrack traffic. It does show up in google analytics, but i have seen some increase in  (direct) / (none) traffic. Is there anyway i can track it when banner is showed from 2 separate URLs and Thanks Dan Lærum

    | danlae

  • Dear All, I would really like help with this. Due to some unknown reason (another thread is open for this reason), my google webmaster is showing 7000 not found URL's. Now, when i try to find out the day these broken URLs were detected, webmaster is showing dates between November 2011 to December 2nd, 2011. I havent found a single not found error showing after 2nd December 2011. So does that mean that the mistake has been solved? Because daily webmaster is adding 200-300 not found URLs. Along with this, my traffic has dropped drastically since 12th December and has still not recovered. Are these not found URLs the reason for this sudden traffic drop? If so, then i m ready to find someone for paid seo to remove this error. I would love to have some concrete answers for these questions. Thanksss

    | hith234

  • Hello, I recently discovered that half of the pages on my site, about 3,500 were not being indexed or were indexing very very slow and with a heavy weight on them. I discovered the problem in the "HTML Suggestions" within Google's Webmaster Tools. An example of my main issue. All 3 of these URL were showing 200 Status OK in Google. I added some code to the .htaccess in order to remove the trailing slashes across the board. I also properly set up my 404 redirects, which were not properly set up by my developer (when the site "relaunched" 6 months ago 😞 ) I then added the Canonical link rel tags on the site posts/entries. I'm hoping I followed all the correct steps in fixing the issue and now, I guess, I just have to wait until the penalty gets lifted? I'm also not %100 certain that I have been penalized. I'm just assuming based on the SERP ceiling I feel and the super slow or lack of indexing my content. Any insight, help or comments would be super helpful. Thank you. Jesse

    | getrightmusic

  • Hi all, Thanks and really appreciate for your time helping me out here, and i am very new to SEO. Just a brief introduction, our team have been developing a gaming review website (specifically targeting MMO game, facebook game, and browser-based game) since September 2011, and the website show significant improvement for the 1st month, and we got daily UV spiking up to  2k in November. The issue here is that the visitors start to become very stagnant, and even dropping now. Even though we try hard to publish more game reviews and there is NO IMPROVEMENT AT ALL for past 2 months in terms of number of visitors, and we have no idea how should we further proceed to attract more visitors...We have about 7 k site pages (however not all are with content). For the past 2 months it seems like there is nothing going on that proportionate to the effort we put in. Pretty discouraging, so we decided to sign up SEOMOZ to get SEO help from the community here. Some general questions we have: 1. Is it because of the the quality of the content we write ? (not enough keyword density, review too short, etc). 2. Is it because of the website designed not user friendly and not optimized? 3. Is it because of the general gaming trend, or other competitors? 4. Are we penalized by google by any chance? Are we spamming or anything wrong that deter our improvement? 5. Our main revenue source is on advertising, and currently we are using adsense. Would the ads placement affect anything? 6. Based on your knowledge and expertise, any advice would you give us? Would appreciate if you can take a kind look at the website to understand the scenario better:,  with 3 subdomain of: wiki.gameonline2; gameplay.gameonline2; cheats.gameonline2. For your reference, example our competitors are:;; I would be happy to share with you any further information including google analytics if needed. I have report generated from SEOMOZ but i would appreciate the pros to help me take a look to give me a more complete ideas of how can i further improve to gain at least 10k visitors per day. Thanks again for your kind help and time. Andrew

    | andrewsoh07

  • Ok, I need help with a simple (although, for some reason, I'm having trouble with it) advanced segment. Dilemma**:** All of our techs have a backend cookie that they use to log into our website. I want a way toexclude all visites where the landing page contained this in the url:/backend/cookie.php?username= Advanced Segment: We have a lot of techs and each one of them has a different "username=example". So how can I set up an advanced segment where it will exclude any visit where the visitor came in one a landing page containing /backend/cookie.php?username=

    | NerdsOnCall

  • In July 2011 we started a news section that has it's own 'subfolder' /news/  (, etc.) The whole news section is dropping in&out of Google SERP's since late October, as show in attached graph. All news texts are real deal, written by our own staff, linked from homepage. Any idea why this happens and how to prevent it? cmqky.png

    | imventurer

  • I've been playing with google advanced segments, but can't work out how to do this: Show all the keywords and traffic that send between x and x number of keyword searches per month. I'd like to have 3 different segments to show short, long and midtail keywords. Can anyone help?

    | PeterM22

  • Hi I've created a campaign for my own website and added 3 competitor sites.  Under the campaign it says that 53 pages have been crawled but my site has less than 10 pages.  Are the other pages from my competitor sites? Thanks James

    | avecsys

  • Recently after some optimization activities - I do not see much movement in search rankings - my client is seeing the results on page 1 position 3 and I see page 2 for the same keyword.  How does Google change ranking based on past searches and how can I get an accurate picture of what the actual rank is?

    | devonkrusich

  • Hi everybody! I've been looking at my Webmaster Tools stats, and it looks like not all the URLs in the sitemap tree have been indexed, according to WMT at least. Is this reliable, and if so, is it worth investigating further? | Sitemap | Status | Type | Downloaded | URLs submitted | URLs in web index |
    | | /ISitemap1.xml | | Sitemap | Dec 15, 2011 | 2,000 | 1,309 |
    | | /isitemap.xml | | Index | Dec 15, 2011 | 8,695 | 4,127 |
    | | /isitemap2.xml | | Sitemap | Dec 15, 2011 | 2,000 | 998 |
    | | /isitemap3.xml | | Sitemap | Dec 15, 2011 | 2,000 | 819 |
    | | /isitemap4.xml | | Sitemap | Dec 15, 2011 | 2,000 | 719 |
    | | /isitemap5.xml | | Sitemap | Dec 15, 2011 | 695 | 282 | Thanks!

    | neooptic

  • OK I have a question for the community here. All links below are just used as examples and no relationship or real campaigns are being used with any websites named below. Lets say that my domain is but for Google Analytics tracking purposes I gave another website a tracking link for a banner that is as follows Since the original URL to my site is and Google will then spider the other site picking up my tracking link within the banner which also contains my original URL, can it cause issues with duplicate content and if so what is the best way to use rel="canonical in this case or would you handle this issue in a different way? Thanks in advance for all your help.

    | DRTBA

  • This friday I noticed that I'd lost pretty much all my product pages in the SERP and also their rankings for the product names. These are products I both have introduced to the market (sweden) and also some that I've been the only one selling. I've analyzed a couple of different ranking-faults. Examples: **"super mario väggdekaler" should rank  ** as #1 and has done for several years. Instead this search in my internal search engine ranks #10-#15 with no relevance. "jedi morgonrock" should rank as #1 or #2 but instead this url ranks as #12 "Charlie sheen bobblehead" (in the swedish serp this should be the most simple term to rank on. previously #1) my internal search engine ranks for #8 with this url  <cite></cite>J So I've drawn these conclusions and actions Products that don't rank well longer but still ranks with their alternative non-rewritten url has gotten deep links from affilliates (i track affilliate ids and stuff via this link) and have replaced the original url which is rewritten. Action: Canonical urls for these non-rewritten products to the rewritten version. For example on this product page I've placed a canonical for this url With the products not ranking at all or when searches in my search engine shows up I suspect some kind of dup content punishment where Google thinks the search result is more important than the product page. Action: All search-pages are now noindex,follow I also increased product name density in terms of keywords on the product page. But I'm still owned and losing tons of money during the holidays (buying adwords at obscene amounts instead hehe). So just wanted to hear with you guys. Are my conclusions and actions correct? What have I missed, what more could I do to reverse this? Thanks Dan

    | nuttinalle

  • I have a client that has acquired a link from an influential partner but the partner has set the link up to have clicks tracked within their analytics. Do links like this pass PageRank: Anchor Text

    | SearchEngineRescue

  • Hi There! I'm new to SEOMoz, but not completely new to SEO.  A bit of background: 9 year old content site, medium traffic (low 7 figures unique visitors yearly) with about 85% coming from SE traffic.  (It was 75% but Panda seems to have bumped that up.) I've created this with zero keyword research. I just built a site that I would have liked to have found online. It's a weight loss/fitness website with tools, calculators and articles. I'm going to be working harder on getting traffic from other sources, but I signed up here because I want to make sure I'm taking full advantage of my site when it comes to SEO. Having said that, I'm at a loss as to what to do with a campaign.   My site is huge, with thousands of pages and keywords.  I started a campaign, threw in a few keywords and some competitors just to get started, but this seems so...directionless. How do I figure out what I want to analyze? Thanks! Suzanne

    | Suzany

  • Due to a walled garden situation, I need to input all the servers we should have access to via IP Address. We need to track the way our users are browsing within the garden, so I require all the IP addresses that Google Analytics would use. I tried googling it, but was not able to find any definitive answers. Thank you in advance, Heather

    | hmckenna

  • Hi! I entered a web page into the Term Extractor Tool, and it's been running for about 3 minutes now.  How long does it usually take? Thanks 🙂 Kelley

    | kinsana

  • Hi I want to know how can i download all my keywords within the kw report of the google analytics new version. It seems to me that the "limit=50000" parameter doesn't work on this new version. If that is true how can i do to export all my keywords let say on CSV format? Thanks a lot

    | FranckNlemba

  • I am trying to set up conversion tracking on a new website. The traffic will be landing on, but the final step of the transaction takes place on This is the first time I have ever done something like this and Google's documentation does not have a lot of details about how to do this in GA. Does the tracking code need to be installed on and when setting up the goal page does it need to be /landing-page/thank-you or is this well documented in google's help finals and i am just calling it the wrong thing?

    | Simple_Machines

  • Hello, The domain has been out there for one year, it has about half million indexed pages. We made a lot of changes that could affect SEO and I don't know if Google likes it but the one thing it's sure is that in one whole year the organic visits from Google never got pass 150 visits per day. We've got about 2000 PPC visits but organic don't go up. I'd like to know what our main errors would be so we can focus more on fixing them. Thank you, Alexandru.

    | elwebmaster

  • Hi, Im having a bit of an issue with Google Analytics internal site search, I am able to currently track the search terms through my website internal search but when I click onto destination pages I just get the search result page. When clicking destination pages I would expect to get the pages on which the user ended up after the results page, instead I just get the results page which is pretty much useless ?submitsearchXXXXXX hope you can help, look forward to your response. Thanks,

    | Tug-Agency

  • When using Google Analytics, what is the difference between total goal conversions and total goal completions? We have many goals set up in a lead generation environment. Therefore, the only element of conversion is submitted a lead and arriving on the "Thank You" page. THose thank you pages are tagged accordingly. When we run reports though, the number of "Total Goal Conversions" and "Total Goal Completions" never match up.

    | eMagineSEO

  • This is one of those things I have done for a long time and all of a sudden asked myself was it necessary: For our local clients, we add the city name (Houston, KC, Birmingham) after each keyword. An example would be A Title Tag might be Big Tester Houston | Test Site, etc. Where appropriate we do the same with H1 or H2's and occasionally in the content we will use the city name. The thought being that since the site is only for a given city, it will be deemed more relevant than a site from outside.( I understand there are other factors in SEO; this is a specific question around adding the city). Yes, we also optimize with local directories/citation sites. Is this overkill, is it even worthwhile? Is there any evidence one way or another? I would love some strong opinions backed up with something other than anecdotal evidence where possible.

    | RobertFisher

  • Hello I'd appreciate views of the various metrics I'm struggling with in GA: I've run 2 different reports that provide 2 different outputs. 1. In Standard Reporting you can report in Traffic Sources on Organic Search by Keyword, which returns the number of Visits. 2. In Custom Reporting you can define the Keyword dimension and the Organic Searches metric, which returns the number of Organic Searches. This returns 2 different numbers. For example, over the last month for a given term report 1 returns 77,306 visits whilst report 2 returns 52,589 organic searches. I have found some definitions: "Visits represent the number of individual sessions initiated by all the visitors to your site." "Organic Searches: number of organic searches that happened within a session. This metric is search engine agnostic." My understanding of these definitions is that report 2 should return a larger value than report 1 rather than what is happening (i.e. report 1 returns a greater value than report 2). Does anyone have a greater understanding of what these mean and relate to? Does anyone have any views on which metric is more useful? Thanks Neil

    | mccormackmorrison

  • As I was reviewing my Google Webmaster tools, I notices a major drop in the number of back links.  It used to show over 4,500 links to my site yet the other day it dropped down to 41.  None of the directories I've submitted to are showing, nor any blog comments I've posted.  Since then, my SEO traffic has started to drop for some keywords.  Anyone know why?

    | MikeAndres

  • Hello Forum, My team and I have completely redone an eCommerce website, which offers new SEO-friendly URLs. We have also taken care to optimize our product and category pages for specific keywords, so as to keep our regular traffic and increase the long-tail. In the old un-optimized website, many of its Google search results simply took users to the homepage, thus the homepage has a lot of external link juice. Our new site is optimized so that users are taken to the page most relevant to their query. For example (we are a yoga site), with the old site a search for "yoga bolsters" would take visitors to the homepage. Now the search results take the users to the yoga bolster page. These new pages don't have the amount of external links as the new site and I've noticed a decrease in our site's average rank in Google Webmaster Tools 1.Given our new site with its new URLs, should this increase be expected? (we have implemented 301 redirects from the old site to the new) 2. What steps would you take to ensure you keep your rankings with the new site? Are they any special tools you recommend? 3. What the best way to increase the ones that have dropped? Page optimization? Link building? Both?

    | pano

  • Hi, I'm just starting to look into this tool as a result of the need to analyse some work that is being carried out on my site by an external SEO company that is charging absolute top dollar. I'm sure it's a simple answer, but looking at the attached image you will see that the total links is shown as 219 which is described as links from all sources. However the report that is on the page shows only 44 links which would appear to be a report based on the same criteria. What is the difference in the numbers please? Simon siteExplorer.jpg

    | simonphumphries

  • Hello Forum, My team and I just got through completely redoing an eCommerce website for a yoga company and I noticed that in Google Webmaster Tools our site's average daily position changed from ~25 to ~40 in the last 5-6 days (during this time period we submitted our sitemap). I exported the Webmaster Tools results and found a high number of new keywords (which weren't there pre-launch) related to yoga. However, these keywords are not related to the products we sell. Several of these keywords have positions of 240 or higher and are skewing our avg page rank. These terms include words like "cricket logo," "animal yoga," "dog pose," "cat yoga," We did move our blog into our domain name now and there are some articles related to animal poses. Any thoughts as to what may be going on? Thanks!

    | pano

  • Hi everyone, I was trying to find an answer for this question for long time, and finally since I've got a Pro in SEOmoz i can ask the community. I have two domains: www.versaillesdentalclinic.COM - i have it from 2008, currently its my main domain www.versaillesdentalclinic.AE  (Regional domain for Google.AE) - bought recently So my question is how I can use the regional domain, in order help me get higher rankings in Shall I do 301 redirect from .com to .ae. Tell Google in webmaster panel that i moved from .com to .ae  and try to concentrate my SEO campaign on .ae. Or all this are useless and doesn't worth it? I've heard that Google give a priority do regional domains, but how big is this priority? Thx in advance, Russel

    | smokin_ace

  • Hello, We have a problem that means we are unable to track our AdWords and organic work at all. Looking at "/All Traffic Sources" and clicking on "Ecommerce Tab" in Analytics we can see that (made up ratio :)):
    £2 is attributed to Google/ CPC
    £1 is attributed to Google / Organic
    But £100 to Payment Provider/ referral and also various referrals from banking transaction pages. All of the revenue/conversions are being credited to the payment provider or the bank security checks the payment goes through. After having done some research we have found that the problem may be that Google Analytics attributes the purchase to the most recent click (on the payment provider button) rather than the initial click on the cpc campaign/organic or direct etc. Some people have suggested using the "&utm_nooverride=1"  
    tag which we wanted to run past you guys and confirm whether adding  
    this tag to the payment provider 'buy now' button on our website will  
    presumably fix this referral problem? Alternatively does the tag need  
    to be entered into our CPC campaigns as well? Or can you please guide  
    us in another way? We have also heard that "cross-domain" tracking could be the solution. So we are really confused what to do and where hoping someone had maybe been through something similar and could advice before we fully launch into a solution. In addition, it should be noted that our 'Goals Funnel Visualisation'  
    of 'checkout' breaks up at the penultimate stage of the checkout. All  
    customers exit through the /checkout_process (penultimate) but are recognised returning to the successful checkout page but there is a missing link in between these  
    two stages as 0% pass through is shown even though they do return? Thank you so much in advance for all your help.

    | jannkuzel

  • Hey Moz Community, I am looking to get opinions on the best practice for analytics/traffic analysis. From experience I know that AW Stats reads high and Google Analytics reads low for traffic for reason in this article It drives me a little nuts how far off both are for some pages.  I have one article that shows 100 views (GA) and AW stats shows 5 times that number of views. Any suggestions or systems you recommend? Thanks

    | johnshearer

  • I am working on multiple online retail stores as follow. Right now, I have tracking facility with multiple account. Attached image can give you more idea about it. I don't want to track my statistics with multiple account. Because, it may take too much time behind Goal set up as well as analysis. Can I track all data under one account for all online retail stores? 6464019053_bda32e9fe0_b.jpg

    | CommercePundit

  • RE: Regarding gmail access for Google Analytics Does providing access to my gmail account which is give you access to or allow you to see my email messages or private emails?

    | Amelia123

  • It has been 12 months, and it is time for some serious SEO reality check up. I think we have done some really nice things (social integration, on page optimization etc) but we honestly could do a million time better on some other elements (anchor, text, link building etc...). Would love to hear from the community what would be the top 10 criteria you would use to judge the quality of the SEO work done for a new site during is first 12 months. PS: we are a very content rich over 1,500 new articles/post in our niche with 12 months -  our site is Thanks

    | OlivierChateau

  • Hi there, I am in a bit of a dilemma, we are going to be doing some TV advertising and using the URL I want this to take the user to the product that we are advertising For best practice should have a 301 redirect on /tv going to /product? We are also doing magazine, newspaper advertising also, so the same question applies. Kind Regards

    | Paul78

  • When reviewing Organic search traffic on my site, there no (not provided) visits.  Not one.  I searched for the term while viewing all keyword visits and still nothing!  I find that hard to believe that is possible with 6,000 monthly visits. Is something wrong? Help?!

    | SignifyMarketing

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