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Category: Reporting & Analytics

Discuss the best ways to report on performance and communicate results to stakeholders.

  • Hello Mozzers, Our agency's website, - ranked for a long time at #1 for "ann arbor seo" and similar keywords. For the past several (4-5) months we've been sitting around #5. My guess was that this was Google playing around with the results but I'm not sure why we have been at this position for such a long time. I have a vpn that I use for checking rankings overseas and if I connect to a server in Chicago, LA, Ontario, etc we show up as #1 - only when you search for "ann arbr seo" in our area do we get a lower ranking. All rank checking programs including seomoz show us at the #1 position because of this. What this means for us is that all of the traffic we target with this keyword sees the poor result, while the rest of the world sees the great result (should they search for it). How can we ensure that our target market finds us at #1 like the rest of the world does? Thank you in advance. weabi.png

    | kentaro-256929

  • One of the effective tools used in analytics tagging is the use of analytics parameters that starts with '?' or '#'. Example on site tagging: Main link: All three links link to the same landing page, with an extra parameter. Using email or campaign tagging: With that we create many tagged links based on the campaign internal strategy.  How do these effect indexing, and link juice? How do thy effect SEO in general?

    | RAPPLA

  • Hi, I'm getting hits to this page, it's screwing up my Google Analytics stats. I know it's related with Google Website Optimizer, cuz it correlates with the tests I ran at the same dates. I'm just wondering if you've seen this before and what I should do to clean my stats? And is this affecting my SEO? Because it's still registering hits to these pages but I already stopped the tests a while go. Should I disallow this in my robots.txt file? Thanks! ga_bug3.jpg

    | rhenster99

  • Bonjour from 9 degrees C Wetherby UK In google anlytics I want to export a monthly report to a client. Whilst I can do this in the old version where in the name of flying spacial jockstraps is it in the new version? Any insights welcome 🙂

    | Nightwing

  • Hello, Lets say I have a website with the HOMEpage being There are various subpages e.g.,, . Now when I use Google Analytics it gives me all kind of statistics for the subpages shown as /page1 /page2 /page3 ... (relative path). According to this pattern the HOMEpage should be just "/". Unfortunately I can't find "/" in any statistics. Is this normal? Thanks in advance

    | guitarslinger

  • I realize this is probably a very basic question but if I want to find backlinks to a sub-domain of my site, how would I do that?  Also, if I wanted to see what search terms were bringing traffic to one specific page of my site, how would I do that?

    | aarnswife

  • Hello! I am trying to track different types of interaction on the YouTube for videos which are embedded on a website to measure the interaction on these video from my organic traffic.  Is there a good way to go about this with the code since these are coming from an iFrame on YouTube?  Would appreciate any feedback or help on implementing the event tracking with YouTube videos. Many thanks!

    | CabbageTree

  • Hello, I am in Google Analytics and I am looking at my visitors report which is segmented into new, returning, and other. How could someone possibly be other - they are either new or returning right? Please help!

    | digitalops

  • Hi. My adwords campaigns and analaytics reports shows me slightly different results. Even for paused or disapproved ads in adwords, the analytics shows me some clicks?! I have automatic tracking enabled. Is it some kind of fault in configuration or its normal? Thank you for answer/link with answer.

    | asystematic

  • Hi there, One of my top landing pages has an 81% bounce rate.,-tv-and-advertising.aspx My first thoughts are purely bad IA and usability, but i know there must be loads of other things people might identify. Thanks in advance, Ben

    | SnowFX

  • Hi all I cant seem to find a way to get Entrance keywords for a specific landing page in version 5 of Google Analytics. Any quick tips? Thanks a million Fredrik

    | Resultify

  • The company owner here has our (company) website as his home page.  I excluded our static IP’s on Google Analytics, but is that good enough to keep Google from using his search traffic as an indicator of anything negative. Does Google still take into account his activity, but simply block it from my reporting?  Finally, does one person actually have that kind of influence as far as time on site, bounce rates, etc.  Should I convince him to find a new home page?

    | Ticket_King

  • Hi all , I do not have the skill and time to look into Google Analytics to derive actionable conclusion and inferences. I would like to outsource this activity , just like I outsource link building. But not sure how... Any guidance ?

    | iamnew

  • Hi, As per Google's Keyword Tool , the exact search volume for a particular keyword is 22000. As per Google's Webmaster Tool , my SER for the same keyword is 5.8 BUT , I see only 500 impressions for this keyword in webmaster ! Can someone help decipher this behavior ?

    | iamnew

  • Hey folks, In the in-page analytics section of GA I am wanting to get the % of clicks on a particular link over a large selection of dates. Does anyone know how to pull the data without having to do it day by day? Ideally I want to pull it all at once. There might of course be other ways to do this, if so please let me know. Thanks for your help. Cheers,

    | CraigAddyman

  • Is there a way to find out how traffic is spread by the hour i.e 1am-2am 2am-3am etc.. with GA?

    | PeterM22

  • I have a page on my site that consistently gets traffic, every month. Googlers seems to love it. But I don't like it at all. Webmaster tools shows that google allows us a certain number of search impressions each day. - it flatlines, they are limiting the impressions we get. We also getthe same number of clickthroughs each day. So my question is for anyone who has this same experience, who may have experimented by deleting a page you don't care about. Did you just lose that number of clicks each day or did other pages on your site get displayed and clicked through instead?

    | loopyal

  • We have a seasonal business.  It is of no use to compare this month to last month or even this week to last week. The only real benchmark is to compare the same time period a year ago. I'd like to know how well I'm doing for a certain keyword.  If I compare this month's performance to the same month's performance a year ago, I get corrupt results as much is now hidden in (Not Provided). Any solutions?

    | tatermarketing

  • Hi How do I remove the  "/?__utma=...." at the end of my URLs?We have a site, if you click on one of the menu navigation links i.e. "fashion". A long "/?__utma=...." url appears. I understand this is for tracking as we have separate domains for each page but is there a way to remove this dynamic url and keep it hidden from users?Thanks in advance

    | NeilPursey

  • Hi, I work on a site that allows users to download whitepapers after filling out a form. Once they do this they are redirected to a URL which is the PDF. We use Wordpress and these documents were uploaded to the media center. I've tried researching how to track these downloads in GA, since the code is not present on these pages, but have read a few different answers. Anyone have firsthand experience? Thanks!

    | tinarose

  • Hi guys, In SEOMoz Search Ranking Factors, one of the the top ranking factors is number of unique root domains linking to the page: My question is: do these unique root domains need to be unique root domains liking to my domain also? E.g. already got a link from If has another link pointing to will this link be counted? If yes will the value be diluted as has already linked to Many thanks. David

    | sssrpm

  • About 7,050 results (0.24 seconds) when we do list by domain we get : About 10,400,000 results (0.29 seconds) is it ok? would google smart enough to count IP address not as duplicate content?


  • If I have 4 top-level domain websites all for the same corporate company but with different focuses (ie/ engineering, technology etc.) and I want to add Facebook insights, should I add the same meta tag to all websites or should I create separate meta tags? If I create seperate ones, the issue is that we have one main facebook page that has multiple admins that I would like to give access to but it looks like you can only associate one website to one facebook page. So from what I can tell, if I were to create separate ones, I would have to setup fake facebook pages or fake profiles in order to get different facebook insights meta tags? I'm hoping there is a better way... or maybe I should just put the same meta tag code on all 4 websites? Thanks for your help!

    | randstadsocial

  • Hello, Whats the diference between Linking domains and Inbound links in Open Site Explorer? And also with is most important to analyze? Tks in advance! Pedro Pereira

    | PedroM

  • Hi all, I'm looking for a bit of help with Analytics. I want to track the number of clicks that my main CTA generates over the course of the month. I've got all my goals set up correctly, but is there some sort of code that I can add to that specific link which will count the goal conversions which it generates? Do I need to set up something specific in GA? Thanks a lot for your help,

    | theshortstack

  • Yes I know, sorry guys but I also have a problem with duplicate pages. It shows that almost every page of my site has a duplicate content issue and looking at my folders in the server, I don't see all these pages... This is a static Website with no shopping cart or anything fancy. The first on the list is my [index] page and this is giving me a hint about some sort of bad settings on my end with the SEOMOZ crawler??? Please advice and thank you! index-variations.jpg

    | cssyes

  • Is there a way to easily find out which URLs on a store-type site are NOT being indexed in Google?  For example, if my sitemap information in Google Webmaster tools shows I have 7342 URLs in my sitemap and 5699 of those indexed, how do I find out what the 1643 non-indexed URLS are? Thanks for any help!

    | GregWalt

  • Why is the page title sometimes missing in the API results? It exists on the page and in the "keyword difficulty tool", but missing in the API. It is never returned when upa= 1For example:stdClass Object(
        [fmrp] => 7.05087881216
        [fmrr] => 5.05983022077E-6
        [pda] => 91.758307504
        [ueid] => 0
        [ufq] =>
        [uid] => 0
        [umrp] => 0
        [umrr] => 0
        [upa] => 1
        [upl] =>
        [us] => 0
        [ut] =>
        [uu] =>
    ) {"fmrp":5.679443875178763,"fmrr":2.052551993215746e-07,"pda":70.05750830306422,"ueid":0,"ufq":"","uid":0,"umrp":0,"umrr":0,"upa":1,"upl":"","us":0,"ut":"","uu":""}How to get the titles for these pages?

    | kirza

  • Does anybody know of a XML site map creator that is free for websites over 1000 pages?

    | AppleCapitalGroup

  • How can I manually add the correct Google Analytics data in to my account?  The two options I see on the drop-down are not the ones I want to select and I don't see a way to do it manually.  Help!

    | Uniqueson

  • Hey Mozzers, I have a question regarding Google Analytics. The problem: I have created advanced segments for Social Media: Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc. They all work fine... Now I am trying to create something similar for Google+ (since soon we are launching a campaign for it and I want to be able to check the evolution fast and effective). My advanced segments look like: Include -> Source -> Matching RegExp -> (Facebook|Youtube|Twitter) How should the Google+ be inserted into the group? I know this question might be easy for some advanced Analytics users but I am stuck at this point. Any help appreciated! Thanks in advance! Istvan

    | Keszi

  • Hello there! I'm in need of some historical data on some keywords as they relate to my site. Basically, I'd like to track which events have had the most impact on moving me through the rankings, but I wasn't using Moz at the time I had made some changes to my website... Is there any way to see how I ranked for a particular keyword at a given point in time? Thanks! Gene

    | BGroup

  • Hey mozzers, A little help if you will. I am in traffic sources > sources > search > organic I am view keywords and comparing 1 month with another. Now I see what  1 keyword sends 1st month, 2nd month and % Change. I want to export this data to an .xls file. When I do, I end up with a file that shows what  1 keyword sends 1st month and 2nd month, but no % Change! I really need to include this in exported document.... Summary: Analytics hates me. 🙂

    | MirandaP

  • I want to see how much money a page is making. So how many people convert from that page. Do I need to create a funnel for all the category pages? That would be many many funnels. Thanks!

    | tylerfraser

  • The question and the attached image say it all... how is this possible? 2v1uo8w.jpg

    | glennfriesen

  • I have tried more than 200 keywords to optimize Akshaya Patra website, but i am finding it difficult to analyzie the lead /convesrion keywords to rank our website at the top of search results. How many keywords do you suggest for conversion , how do you utilize the keywords to ensure we are ahead of the competitors We are a nonprofit organisation, HQ is in India, our main focus is to feed underprivieled children in India website URL

    | AkshayaPatra

  • Hi guys, As we know, GA shows google as traffic source in two ways: google / organic for organic searches and google.TLD / referral for everything else: google groups,, static pages, google reader, google image search, google search appliance/mini. What we noticed is that around Oct 20th there's a huge drop of google.TLD / referral traffic to our site. Do you experience something similar? I couldn't find anything Google-related that happened around this specific date. We use GSA for our site search and I'm wondering if this could be the reason - maybe someone from our development team made changes to GSA settings that affected this traffic source. Looking forward to hearing from you! Thanks.

    | lgrozeva

  • Hi Fellow Mozzers I am setting my analytics and need to set some filters and need some help. I have a number of Local Sites i need to include and can't find how to do it. some of the the paths are each of the local URL's are /name/ any help would be great

    | imsmlouis

  • I have set the wrong account/password details for one of my campaigns. How do I 'step back' and choose the correct settings please? Thanks Ian

    | driansmith

  • How effective is OSE in crawling press release links? We have released a few press releases recently (over the last couple of months) and OSE doesn't seem to have found them.

    | deuce1s

  • Morning all, I'm looking to integrate GA with Webmasters tools but to do so I need to have the new asynchronous GA code implemented into my website. Now, I'm happy to just copy and paste the new code into my site footer, but will that any effect on the data that I've already tracked? Is there any reason why this is really not a good idea? Thanks for your help,

    | theshortstack

  • Hi, I've got 2 websites and I like one of them to make some links to the other one. These two sites are on the same Google Analytics account. They have been set up 3 month ago and they have some articles on them. I've heard that Google can see that those websites are related in my Analytics and use this information to give less power to the link I could make between them. What do think about it and what do you recommend me ? Shoud I closed the Analytics account ? Or down one of the website and rebuilt it whith a different domain / host / analytics ? The thing is if I delete one of the website i'll be force to republish the articles, because there are links on it, and they're part of a deal I've already made. Thank you

    | Spleen

  • Hi all, I added some links to my website, but because I want to track traffic and other things, all links were created with Google URL Builder and slightly customized. So the end result looks like this: All links are containing keyword as anchor text. And the question is if Google is smart enough to figure out that the anchor text is for and not for the whole /example_home.asp............ I'm afraid that it will see it as entirely different page and don't pass link value.

    | VasilTasev

  • The top keyword on our real time GA is showing as a blank. There's a topic of a sexual nature in our talk threads trending on Twitter right now which is driving a lot of traffic and I'm wondering whether Google have censored the keyword. The next few keywords are our name and variants of. Could there be some other reason why this word isn't showing up? Has anyone else experienced this?

    | CecilyP

  • If someone has set: the default url in Google Analytics to a non-www address ( then placed the UA tracking script from that GA account within the CMS framework of the website... ... and then set the permanent 301 redirect in the htaccess file to redirect to the www address ( How less accurrate will my GA analytics measurements be considering the default url within GA is non-www and the permanent 301 redirect in htacess is to the www-address? Anyone know how reliable GA reports are until the default url in GA analytics is changed to match what is the redirected url in htaccess file? _Cindy

    | CeCeBar

  • I am trying to compare SERP impressions in Google Analtyics between two different time periods. I want to compare the last two months, with the previous two months. Now this works fine when I go to Traffic Sources > SEO > Queries. Our analytics has been set up since early last year, so I cannot understand why, for a couple of weeks at the start of the previous two months, it is showing that I have less than 10 impressions per day, then in one day, it jumps to 22,000 impressions, and starts to show 'real' information after that... Very frustrating when I am trying to show how effective my work has been. Can anyone shed any light on this?

    | MirandaP

  • Particularly, the updates that have been made in the last few months with the new interface. Any suggestions? Book and course are of interest.

    | DavidWolf58

  • A site of mine is showing as instead of in Bing and Yahoo. I know where to set the preferred domain  to www in Google Webmaster Tools, but I can't seem to find that function in Bing Webmaster Tools. Can someone please point me in the right direction?

    | DentalPlanSEO

  • Lets say I have a site and I rederect that site to If is still ranking for keyword X and orgnically someone searches for X and they click on the listing - In the XYZ site analytics (which is the target site) does it show as organic or referall, direct? Thanks

    | M_8

  • Hi, I would like to know if anyone knows of a function where I can implement my facebooks insights of my fanpage to my google Analytics account. I want to be able to manage all my tracking through one software (GA) so that it is easier for me to see the correlations. Thanks a bunch,

    | wellbo

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