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Category: Reporting & Analytics

Discuss the best ways to report on performance and communicate results to stakeholders.

  • I've seen our SEO drop to more or less the bottom of the barrel, and I don't have any answers yet as to why. SEOMoz is running it's crawl currently, and I have a few errors about duplicate titles and content, so I know I have some work cut out for me.   But, why the sudden drop? The only change I made at the time was a change to our URL structure, but all links were 301'd to their new location.  Does this still hurt SEO that terribly? Also, our robots.txt file is getting indexed and showing up as the first result at times.  Very embarrassing.  It's doing better than our other pages.  😞  I don't get what's happening here. Yrzu3,fkbYu

    | stagl

  • Hi guys After a lot of effort and late nights our website has gone online. In google Analytics am I able to see what pages individuals clicked on before they went to the cart? Ive had a look at GA 'Flow Visualsiton' but it seems a little confusing. Thanks for your help Pete

    | dawsonski

  • Hi All! So yes, I know that you can see/filter the language that the computer or browser was set to (en-us, ru, fr, etc.), but if you look at the keywords used by visitors falling under "fr", some are in English. Is there any way to get, say, just the keywords in Russian - regardless of what the visitor's browser language was set to? Thanks! Aviva

    | debi_zyx

  • In the old Google Analytics, I would simply add &limit=30000 in the URL. Does anyone know how to export all keywords from the new Google Analytics?

    | TommySwanson52

  • Hi, What analytics package can i use to track ecommerce transaction besides gogole analytics that is free of charge? Thanks Arthur

    | VivaArturo

  • This may be a realy daft question this is all new to me, when I look at my keyword traffic the top one under keyword says not provided can someone explain this to me please?

    | seoactivejames

  • Long story short, two weeks of analytics data are stored on a different profile from the rest of the year's data. Is there a way to export all data from a date range, and then import it to another account? Thanks for your help.

    | AmericanOutlets

  • Hi Guys, We're the folk behind and have just been hit by a massive fall in google referrals, see attached 😕 There's no reason in webmaster tools for this, were not engaging in any spammy or dodgy practices and are a massively established and well staffed news *& tutorial site for WordPress (one of the biggest, in fact!) We've upgraded WP, and requested a referral, but without actually knowing what's going on it's extremely hard to figure out what to do 😕 Maybe we're a wrong hit regarding this: ? At the moment pretty much the only thing I can think of is one of our authors being dodgy, but I don't think they would be, and I don't know how to go about finding out. Anyway, if you guys could take a look and let us know anything you think might be up, and share any advice that'd be super super appreciated! Cheers, James Screen-Shot-2012-04-27-at-8.39.32-AM.png


  • I am currently employing an SEO consultant who has been carrying out link building for the past 8 months. having signed up to SEOmoz i noticed that i only have 65 external links when my competitors have 13,000+. My consultant gave me a list of over 300 links he has putting into place but SEOmoz only shows 65. What I am concerned about is why I have only so few and where the others have gone? And how do i catch up to my competitors and put a proper (better) strategy in place.

    | teddybaker

  • Is it just me or is the new Google Account Creation button not working. After i set it up, it just simply doesn't save.

    | TheGrid

  • Hi all, Our queries in GA have bombed, strangely since Penguin. We've gone from 12,000 impressions to none. Traffic is ok, we've not seen a decline. IS this a GA glitch or should we panic? Thanks

    | brightonseorob

  • I am getting "No Data" reads for some of my sites - I personally think it has to do with the site's construction - especially the landing page... I inherited this site to do SEO - it was not created with on site SEO in mind - please help if you can sites are: Should I get webmaster to remove the big map graphic and add text and pics instead... Sure appreciate brilliant thoughts - even about yetis and beer

    | creativeguy

  • I have Google Analytics installed on my website and have a blog going live shortly which I also want to track. The blog sits on a subdomain. It is built on Wordpress vs a custom CMS that the website is on but the idea is to have a seamless transformation helping traffic from blog to product pages on our website. Should I install the same Analytics from our website onto the blog and then set up a few new filters or should i create a separate analytics property for the blog (or even a new profile)? (sorry I should also add that the look and feel of both is very similar sharing main navigation links like SEOmoz - don't know if this makes a difference)

    | design_man

  • Site im working on has zero crawl errors according to SEOMoz (it did previously have lots since ironed out) but now looking at GWebmaster Tools saying 5000 errors. Date of those are not that recent but Webmaster Tools line graph of errors still showing aprox 5000 up to yesterday There is an option to bulk action/tick them all as fixed so thinking/hoping GWT just keeping a historical record that can now be deleted since no longer applicable. However i'm not confident this is the case since still showing on the line graph. Any ideas re this anomalous info (can i delete and forget in GWT) ? Also side question I take it its not possible to link a GA property with a GWT account if created with different logins/accounts ? Many Thanks Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • There are many articles out there, some outdated, and I am confused as to how to determine the value/worth (in terms of estimated revenue and traffic percentage) when you achieve a #1 ranking in google. I am also looking for a way to estimate the value, say, if a lower ranked keyword jumped to a better position--what that increase might be. Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.

    | JCorp

  • Site im working on has zero crawl errors according to SEOMoz (it did previously have lots since ironed out) but now looking at GWebmaster Tools saying 5000 errors. Date of those are not that recent but Webmaster Tools line graph of errors still showing aprox 5000 up to yesterday There is an option to bulk action/tick them all as fixed so thinking/hoping GWT just keeping a historical record that can now be deleted since no longer applicable. However i'm not confident this is the case since still showing on the line graph. Any ideas re this anomalous info (can i delete and forget in GWT) ? Also side question I take it its not possible to link a GA property with a GWT account if created with different logins/accounts ? Many Thanks Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • I write for a blog that Google probably "likes" at this point because we update so frequently and get a decent amount of traffic. Sometimes this happens and it has always been puzzling to me: Let's use an example. Say I write a blog called "How to eat spaghetti." For the next few days, we will get a ton of traffic for people who type "spaghetti." But when I check us on rank trackers we are nowhere to be found for that term. What is happening here? Sometimes the traffic will all be international and located in some random city in Africa or something. Any thoughts? Super confused by this. We have gotten lots of traffic for extremely competitive words because of this, but it only lasts a couple days.

    | LilyRay

  • Hi everyone, I own several affiliate websites and i have a really high bounce percentage(61%) and a high exit rate(78,45%). But i don't know the exact meaning of both words: At the homepage of my website people have the possibility to directly click on several banners, so they then going to another website via the affiliate-link, lots of people click these links. So i was wondering is this the reason why my exit rate en high bounce percentage is that high, or could it have another reason? Thank you,

    | iwebdevnl

  • Could anyone help out with a bounce rate query please. A website of mine, an affiliate website offering product reviews, has a bounce rate of 82%. I am puzzled a little as to how this is calculated. Is it only a bounce if the user goes from the search engine to my site and then back to the search engine? Or would search engine to my sites to the affiliates site via the link on my sites also count as a bounce? With a site of this nature the goal would be to get as many people visiting the merchant as possible and so a high level of bounce from me to them would be ideal Thanks, Carl

    | Grumpy_Carl

  • I have a travel booking website which reserves flights, cars, hotels, vacation packages and Cruises. I encounter a huge number of Duplicate Page Title and Content error. This is expected because of the nature of my website. Say if you look for flights between Washington DC and London Heathrow you will at least get 60 different options with same content and title tags. How can I go about reducing the harm if any of duplicate content and meta tags on my website? Knowing that invariably I will have multiple pages with same content and tags? Would appreciate your advice? S.H

    | sherohass

  • I see in the matrix the term branded keywords. What what is a branded keyword?

    | sansonj

  • We started using SEO MOZ campaigns and crawl diagnostics  for our site in November 2011. At that time, our bounce rate was 57.58%.  From there, it has consistently dropped. Dec. 57% Jan. 24.86% Feb. 14.61% March 17.48 % April 12.35% We started out with 1,000's of errors showing up in the crawl diagnostics, down to under 50.  could this be associated with the bounce rate drop?

    | Stevej24

  • I'd like to get a weekly report of all of the brand new referral links that have come in to my site over the last week. Is this something that can be done in google analytics?  Is there a better tool for this out there? Thanks in advance

    | seo-hunter

  • Hi Guys, I've recently implemented a new site design with a new url architecture etc.. I set up Google Webmaster tools in early March and went live with the new site on 2nd April. Since the 6th April (4 days after going live) I've notice a drop in impressions from 15,000 - 28,000 per day to 3,500 - 5,500 per day. Now I'm kind of new to this, so after I cleaned up after my initial panic, I checked impressions vs. clicks. Impression are down 44% and clicks 31%. Not bad I thought but then again what if I dropped so far off the radar I never made an impression. 1. So first question: Are the number of impressions of a keyword independant of ranking. So if I rank #3,445,234th will I still see impressions listed but avg. position reflect #3,445,234? So while I was thinking of asking these questions I checked Google Analytics for which I have just over 3 years of metrics. Compared to the past; overall traffic and organic traffic are the same if not 10-20% better. 2. So second: Am I missing something? Its a resort website so easter just ended and you would expect the traffic to match and drop, but such a sudden and dramitic drop in Webmaster Tools impressions does not match Google Analytics. Infact Organic traffic climbed slightly. Can anyone offer any insight? Thanks, Adam

    | NaescentAdam

  • Hi there, I like the new Google Analytics layout don't get me wrong but I really miss the old possibility to have a quick overview of all your accounts. Does anyone know an alternative for this? Please share your experiences and recommendations.

    | Robbern

  • account. Please go to your Settings page to update your connection." I set up a GA account for our website ( prior to creating the SEO campaign. When I set up the campaign it told me there was a problem. I tried to fix the connection using the Settings page and it created a second account - however, it still cannot connect to it. In the GA account, it shows that I have granted access to I did not setup a 2-step verification with GA; don't think that's the issue. Should I blow both GA accounts away and try again? I don't think it's working correctly, and I would really like to be able to see the analytics for our site. I did see that in the GA account I had checked [v] Share my Google Analytics data... [v ] with other Google products only. - What should  be the proper setting? (BTW I'm a bit lost with the new GA, I still go to the old interface (though ugly, it shows more links and info)) Thank you, Ingrid

    | IngridWood

  • Does anyone have a way to quantify the value of link building efforts?  I am trying to devote resources to improve our link building initiatives but is there any way to correlate it to page rank etc?   I know you can't tie it down directly but any rough gauge or studies in the past that people may be aware of?  Any thoughts on how you would tackle this question? I need to demonstrate the value it provides in a slightly more scientific manner than saying "it just helps". Thanks,

    | NicB1

  • The past few weeks I've been wracking my brain to figure out why on earth my branded searches could be dropping off at 30-40%. Well today, I realize I've had a dramatic increase in referrals from my own site (the non www verison). I'm talking 150 in March of last year to 5k in March of this year drastic. My 301 redirects haven't changed as far as I know -- I've had them set to redirect from the non www. to the www. for at least a year or two. I'm assuming visitors from search engines are somehow getting the non www version and the redirect is attributing the traffic to referrals instead of search. The drop in search traffic and the increase in referral traffic fall on the same day. Does that sound right/possible?  If so, how do I fix this? My traffic stats for two clients are all screwy because of this. I want to make sure whatever solution I implement won't hurt my search traffic numbers any more 🙂 Has anyone else seen this happen recently? I could imagine an anomaly with one site but I find it odd that it could be two client sites. I still have some others to check. Thanks in advance! Leslie

    | LeslieVS

  • Hi, I am setting up Google Analytics for and Is this as simple as just adding GA tracking code 'track Multiple top-level domains'? With this method how can I distinguish between each site's incoming traffic? Do filters needed to be created? Thanks in advance 🙂

    | daracreative

  • Does anyone know how to track keywords for your images in Google, Yahoo, Bing (/imgres)?

    | Melia

  • I once saw a tool (from Distilled, I think?) where you would input your blog post or page URL, and it would give you a table showing how many Facebook likes, Tweets, etc that page has gotten. Does anyone have the URL for this or a similar tool?

    | AdamThompson

  • A while ago I talked to somebody who used to work for MSN a couple of years ago within their engineering department. We talked about a recent dip we had with one of our sites.We argued this could be caused by the large amount of duplicate content we have on this particular website (+80% of our site). Then he said, quoted: "Google seems only to be able to determine every couple of months instead of every day if the content is actually duplicate content". I clearly don't doubt that duplicate content is a ranking factor. But I would like to know you guys opinions about Google being only able to determine this every couple of X months instead of everyday. Have you seen or heard something similar?

    | Martijn_Scheijbeler

  • Just checked my Google Analytics traffic sources under organic search and it dosen't display the first keyword, it says "not provided" is there another way of determining the #1 organic searched keyword that my site was found under?

    | Randog

  • Hi, I have worked with websites for years but have no clue when it comes to Wordpress. We have our main website and then a Wordpress blog running in a subfolder that is only about a year old. The blog has only 7 posts so you can see how small it is vs main website with 200 pages. Usually our main index page of the site is at the top of the stats with the most views and this page /blog/wp-cron.php is about 30% lower. Now suddenly over the last month this page has jumped to the top and accessed almost as much as the home page of the site. We took a big hit with the latest Google Update so we are tyring to determine if there is anything technical in our site that has caused an issue. Thanks in advance Force7

    | Force7

  • I hope there's some hardcore Analytics shark out there, with a quick reply 🙂 I am setting up a store with multiple languages for a client and need to be able to track multiple sub-domains as a multiple languages in analytics. Example: -> Danish language -> English language -> Norweigen language
    .. and so on Now what the client would like is to have one single entity with multiple profiles in analytics, like this:
    ex.. So if the client want's to see stats for the English language then he just vlivks the www profile and in case of danish he clicks the dk profile and so on.
     problem here is I can't find an analytics help that addresses this specific issue. I have found this but that doesn't seem to cover it:. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated. 🙂

    | ReneReinholdt

  • Hello, We are a UK based company. Our Google Analytics account is showing a rise in Avg Visit Duration for 'Direct traffic' since we started using SEOMoz. Are any other users experiencing this issue? We tracked it down to City Seattle, and when doing an Advanced filter by removing Seattle, the results are normal again. What does SEOMoz or other users recommend we do besides continuously using advanced filters? We have enquired about excluding Roger's IP address, but have been told that Roger uses the Amazon cloud, so the IP is not static. See attachment for screenshot of our Google Analytics account of Avg Visit Duration since we began with SEOMoz. Rich Talbot 718g3.gif

    | STL

  • We recently received a lot of traffic to one page from referral. When I look in analytics it reports that the traffic is
    coming from /url that’s not real helpful. Is there a way to get more specific
    information as to what the referring url was?

    | underthesun808

  • Does anyone know if it's possible to set up Google Analytics data by product category?  We sell roughly twenty product categories on our ecommerce site.  We can look at our analytics performance for the site overall and drill down to specific pages, but what we really want to see is our performance by product category.  Our product categories can include up to 5000 products.  Any pointers on how to do this?

    | ironpac

  • Hi there! In our website, we have a few text boxes that users need to use to complete the goal. The boxes aren't search boxes, but it's still important to us to track what people type on it. I'm looking for a way to track the data through the "event" feature in Google Analytics, but it seems that this tracker can only calculate clicks, or video views etc. Does anyone knows how to track do it?

    | ivan.precisodisso

  • Let say I have my main site and my secondary site that is optimized for a slightly different set of keywords (nonetheless still relevant to my main site). I have several links from a secondary site to my main site. Secondary site is on a different C-block. Do you ladies and gentlemen think that if I put both websites under the same google analytics account, Google is going to penalize me or remove some of the juice that is flowing from secondary site to the main site because it would detect through GA that both sites belong to the same entity?

    | SirMax

  • Other than simply doing a search in each case, is there any way I can tell (in Webmaster Tools, for example) if the 500-1000 new pages of content I have added have been indexed and are now appearing in search results? My traffic hasn't risen much, but I know at least a few of them are in there... How can I tell when they're all in?

    | corp0803

  • One of my clients' website is a pr7 domain hosted in the UK on a .org extension and aimed at a UK reader. Checking over the web stats this morning I see the following visits for the past week UK 28k USA 7k Other 12k All is fine there with regards to traffic, however Google analytics then tells me the following reading languages en-us 76% en-gb 14% en 6% Anyone have any ideas as to why it would say that 3/4 our hits are from the UK but then tell me that almost the same % of people browsed in US English. Is it anything I/my client should be concerned about? I'm guessing not but still worth a second opinion. The domain in question is Many thanks Carl

    | Grumpy_Carl

  • Hi, I am trying to understand in a simple way how much content (words per url) are included in all urls under a subdomain. Is there a way to get this information from any of the tools ? thanks!

    | picolo

  • Hello, We are working with a particular service that uses our Google product feed to pull information. We wanted to add product info such as dimensions and hex colors for each product to better service the third party we are using, but we not sure if this is something Google supports in their feed. Would it cause any problems if we added that info in? Thanks for any help! Also, my knowledge regarding a Google product feed is lacking so if the question is confusing or I didn't give enough info on our situation just let me know and I'll do what I can to better explain.

    | ClaytonKendall

  • How Google Analytics determine that some particular web site referred traffic if there is no back link on that site?

    | DiamondJewelryEmpire

  • Hello Everyone, I'm having a strange issue: I DO NOT have in my Google Analytics the "Social" tab under the Traffic Sources category. Look at the first image of this post: How do you "get" that to show? Hope somebody has this issue and can help, Thanks a lot, Alex

    | pwpaneuro

  • Our content is occasionally featured in Google News. We recently have had two episodes where this happened, but (a) nearly all the referring URLs were blank, and (b) our backend logs show 3-4x more requests for the article in question than Omniture does. In other words, hundreds of thousands of visitors requested a URL from our site (as proven by the traffic logs), but don't seem to have come from Google News (because HTTP_REFERER was blank), and didn't execute the onpage javascript tag to notify Omniture of the pageview. Perhaps this has nothing to do with Google News, but it is too strong a coincidence that the two times we were on there recently, the same thing happened: big backend traffic spike that is not seen by Omniture. It is as if Google News causes browsers to pre-fetch our article without executing the javascript on the page. And without sending a referring URL. Has anyone else seen anything like this before? Stats from the recent episode:
     - 835,000 HTTP requests for the article URL (logged by our servers) - these requests came from 280,000 distinct IP addresses (70% US) - the #1 referring URL is blank. This accounts for 99.4% of requests. Which, in itself, is hard to believe. These people had to come from somewhere. I believe browsers don't pass HTTP_REFERER when you click from an SSL page to a non-SSL page, but I think Google News doesn't bounce users to SSL by default.That said, we do see other content pages with 70-90% blank referring URLs. Rarely 99+% though.

    | mcglynn

  • I've embed elements on my page (vídeos, presentations) and i was wondering if when someone uses them it counts for the bounce rate. Thanks!

    | lnjaine

  • Hello! 🙂 I've just created my first campaign, and the crawling proccess have detected posts with long URL (more than 70 characters). If I change it, i.e., alter the URL's, can some problem happens to my blog? Or do I have to disconsider this problem and just "work correctly" from now on? Thanks in advance for your help!

    | Andarilho

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