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Category: Reporting & Analytics

Discuss the best ways to report on performance and communicate results to stakeholders.

  • I'm analyzing inbound links for a site and I was wondering if there is a way to see how many of the links were created in a certain time period? Example how many inbound links were sent to this sub domain during the past 6 months? I would think there would be a fairly simple way to do this, but not sure. Any help is greatly appreciated.

    | seantgreen

  • For the past 3 weeks I have been getting several #1 rankings on Yahoo or Bing but then when I check it on the same day I get the reports from SEOmoz...I am not even ranked in the top 50 on most.  After the 1st week I thought it was just a quick drop in rankings but 3 weeks in a row...something is not right. Is there a problem with SEOmoz yahoo rankings? Boo

    | Boodreaux

  • Hi Mozzers, I have a filter that excludes all internal traffic from my sites. But this does not seem to work on site search > Search Terms See here:-!searchin/analytics/filter$20site$20search/analytics/pO18L31hEO4/tJ3lKVNT3YYJ Any ideas? Or is it a bug, etc Thanks S

    | Metropolis

  • Since the 6th June there has been a serious drop in organic search impressions and click throughs in my GA + webmaster accounts for my website. This leads me to believe my site has been punished for something? Where would be the best place to start diagnosing the issue causing the drop in search traffic? 2T9hz.jpg

    | Scurrypoint

  • I have an address of an rss feed (not from my website). Are there any tools that will tell me how many other websites pick up this feed?

    | StreetwiseReports

  • In Analytics, you can see all the referrers who linked to you over a particular time period. For example, I can go to my referrer list for May and see everyone who linked to me (traffic sources>sources>referrals). What I want to do is contact all the websites who went one month without linking to me. I know how to select the time frame and download the list. But what is the best way to compare the two lists then filter out those websites who need to be contacted? It's tough to express, but I am hoping I am clear enough for you guys to understand what I am trying to accomplish.

    | StreetwiseReports

  • I'm new to SEO and have just signed up to SEOMOZ to see what I can learn. I got the report back on my site and it indicates various errors, one of them being Duplicate Page Title - I have a blog on my site and a lot of pages identified as with duplicates are like this: Is it important I rectify this? Do I need to rectify it?

    | MartinSpence46

  • when I look at my SEOMOZ campaigns I see there are a lot of warnings in regards to missing Meta Tags Descriptions but they exist on a clien'ts wordpress site

    | Doug_Hay

  • Damn I just failed the Google analytics IQ test with a score of 65% 😞 You need 80% to pass... My natural instinct is to resit but after 30 mins of googling around Ive got no answer to the following question: "Can you resit the Google Analytics IQ test for free or do you have to pay again". Any insights welcome...

    | Nightwing

  • Hi Everyone, Our website url/brand is very close to another website url/brand. We are non-competing entities. It appears as though this other company has begun a marketing program which has resulted in our traffic skyrocketing. However, it seems to have also resulted in our Pages/Visit and Visit Duration to decrease and our Bounce Rate to increase. Can anyone suggest how to deal with this type of scenario? Thanks,

    | AC_Pro

  • Hi, Does anyone know if you can transfer an Google Analytics account. We are looking to take over a new clients existing website and the analytics account is registered to their current web designers. Is it possible to transfer it to the client so that their existing web company no longer has access and they keep all their historical data, or do we have to start from scratch. Thanks Fraser

    | fraserhannah

  • Hello all, First post here. Site: I'd done a ton of work to get my SEO where it needs to be, however, after looking at my traffic post April 15-22nd, it's gone completely downhill. I don't rank organically, which i'd like for one single term 'b*ston wedding photographer'. What am i missing? I'm assuming Penguin may be a part of this, but i haven't participated in any link schemes... am i being penalized and if so, is it evident why? Help is much appreciated! replace * with o.

    | symbolphoto

  • Hi, I noticed a substantial increase in 'Googlebot-Image' visits data under Technology>Browser & OS in Google analytics for a few clients. Is this a bug? Are there any known fixes apart from just adding a filter to exclude the data? Regards Niladri

    | neildomain

  • Hi Guys, do you know a tool that can check al list of websites (directorys) wich automatically checks if the website are indexed in Google. The list is very long and I would like to have a tool wich checks them all with only CnP them once. thankx a lot der.rabauke

    | Lincus

  • I'd really love if SEOMoz would let us add more than 10 brand rules. In GA, I've set up approximately 25 Advanced Segment Keyword Exclusions (using Regular Expressions) in order to filter out all the mispelled branded keywords sending us traffic. It's just a shame I can't do the same in SEOMoz, which essentially renders the branded/non-branded feature useless for me. Any suggestions?

    | TeachersMutualBank

  • Hello, I've noticed that our sites domain authority has dropped enormously this past week according to Open Site Explorer.  It also shows us as having lost about half of our backlinks. Google webmaster tools doesn't show a corresponding drop in links and we haven't done anything to our domain recently.  Anyone have any ideas what might have happened? Our site is at: Thanks!

    | JFritton

  • Hi, is ambiguous at best, it is geo targeted for the UK, however, by default all results incorporate "The Web" meaning outside the UK. If a user wishes to filter to "Pages From UK" then they have to click that specifically. Now my clients regularly ask me whether the traffic they are getting is from (The Web) or (Pages from UK) In analytics it combines these two as single source = without any further breakdown, is there a way to figure this out. If I can split the figures then I can run necessary additional comparisons etc. Regards Ausaf

    | conversiontactics

  • Hi, Does anyone know if the Axis plugin by Yahoo will generate the infamous "not provided" results in reporting? Or is it dependent on what browser the plugin is used on? Thank you Bonnie

    | DeluxeCorp

  • I recently read this awesome article by Ian Lurie on the Portent blog: However, I keep getting stumped by what he means under the "Grade Yourself" section by "keyword diversity." Of course, I've tried to ask him, but he hasn't yet responded. Besides, I like to get the opinion of the SEOMoz crowd anyway. So what is "keyword diversity"? Is it the total number different link texts out there linking to my site? The total number of keywords I'm actively tracking and optimizing for? The total number of phrases for which I rank in a Google search engine (if it's even possible to know that)? Thanks, Benjamin

    | 1000Bulbs

  • Our web site is we have seen a spike then a drop off in direct traffic and dont know how to figure out why in analyitics. Ithe drop off is all on our index page.


  • I have read many articles on how to track google local places through google analytics. Each article I have read show a different way of setting up google analytics and using tags in google local places. Wondering if anyone as up to date information on this and what would be the best practice to track data from google local lisitngs in google analytics Thanks Arthur

    | VivaArturo

  • Hi there! It's important to me that the reports from GA arrives in an specific hour of the day. Does anyone know how to make the reports to come at 6am, for example? Thanks.

    | ivan.precisodisso

  • This page on my site has a high bounce rate (around 90%)  despite being right on point for the search queries that lead visitors to it (i.e. keyword data shows visitors are searching for this information exactly). Also, Google keeps giving the page good placement and it receives a good bit of traffic. Anyone have thoughts as to why the bounce rate is so high? Feel free to offer candid criticism.

    | JSOC

  • Since the launch of our newly designed website about 6 months ago, we are experiencing a high number of 500 server errors (>2000). Attempts to resolve these errors have been unsuccessful to date. We have just started to notice a consistent and sustained drop in rankings despite our hard sought efforts to correct. Two questions... can very high levels of 500 errors adversely effect our google rankings? And, if this is the case,  what type of specialist (what are they called) has expertise to investigate and fix this issue. I should also mention that the sitemap also goes down on a regular basis, which some have stated is due to the size of the site (>500 pages). Don't know if they're part of the same problem? Thanks.

    | ahw

  • We've had G+ buttons on the site for many months now (Can't remember exactly when they were added.) Yet in Google Webmaster Tools, they still give me this message: "Get more recommendations in Google Search and grow your audience on Google+. Add the Google+ badge to your site." Is this happening to everyone, or is it just me? Do they think the buttons aren't there? Also, they say this: "Your site doesn't have enough +1's yet to show characteristics." According to the stats, 551 unique people have +1'd our pages. How many does it take, to get stats? Anyone willing to give stats?

    | loopyal

  • Our Google Analytics social pages report isn't showing several of our links. And several links are from high quality sources, such as Does anyone know why this may be?

    | nicole.healthline

  • Hi All, I have just started mobile sub-domain for my desktop site. But I don't to know how to configure analytics for mobile sub-domain. I want to track result between desktop and mobile site. Can any one help me to sort out this problem? Waiting for reply

    | Hexpress

  • I have been running various reports using the Keyword Difficulty tool.  The columns are color coded - are there one set of signals that are more important than others?  I am trying to analylze why we are ranking where we are and where our competitors are weak enough to overcome in a short term.  I cannot seem to find a formula for the top indicatators for moving up in ranking. One of my sites in ranking number 5 but is neck and neck with the number one site for results.  The other site is number 6 for the same term but has virtually no strength in the data like links, mozrank, trust, Social, etc...The sites 7-10 are much stronger on data.  Maybe since they are from the same C block that helps? Any advice or experience would be helpful.

    | devonkrusich

  • Hi everyone, I am new to Seomoz, I loved this amazing SEO school 🙂 My questions is about webmaster tool. Webmaster tool shows that my site's avg. positions is 34 and its getting better every week. I even see some new queries, new avg. positions for that queries. That's great ! But when I search the avg position it is between 54 -60  and I don't see any new queries . Shouldnt we rely on what webmaster tells us about avg. positions? Thanks a lot

    | EzgiGunyel-InfinPixels

  • Hi there, I'm trying to use the SEOmoz API in Excel, to get the Domain Authority and MozRank for a bunch of URLs. I've tried multiple techniques, but I can't get it to work. The code I currently got is from SEOGadgets post, and I'm using the SEOTools for Excel plugin. Here is what I got: =JsonPathOnUrl(""&A3&"?Cols=68719476736";"$..pda";"<httpdownloader cache="false" pause="1" authenticateuser="REDACTED" authenticatepassword="REDACTED" requestmethod="GET"></httpdownloader>") The problem is, it always returns 1 for every URL. Can anyone explain what I'm doing wrong? Or show me an easier way to do this? I have double checked the API keys and tested on multiple URLs.

    | Qon

  • Looking back over a 9 month period tracking analytics with getclicky my site showed a 29% bounce rate, with only about 1/4 of visitors spending 1 minute or less on my site. I've recently implemented GA (removed old clicky code) and although traffic is strong, my site now shows a bounce rate of about 82%. Engagement stats also show that 82% of visitors spend between 0-10 seconds on my site. My site is built on Wordpress and the GA tracking code wasn't placed directly in the footer, my developer built a field in the admin area to insert the UA number which automatically adds the code to all pages. I've checked the code and the tracking seems to appear on all pages. I took a look at AW Stats. It corroborates GA and says that 80% of visitors are spending 0-30 seconds on the site. Potential issues/clues: browser tests show small loading problems in Internet Explorer 7,8,9 (the phone number at the top of the header loads on the wrong side of the page) and major issues in Internet Explorer 6 (site doesn't load at all in IE 6). The thing is no one who uses IE 6 is coming to the site. Second, the site gets a grade of C in YSlow, it's not lightning fast at the moment. GA is showing average page load of 2.4 seconds, but don't think either of these issues should cause an 82% 0-10 seconds engagement number. My site is content rich/focused with very minimal advertising. Content is accessible well above the fold. My question: Does the fact that AW Stats and GA agree mean that those numbers are accurate, or is there a bug I should be looking for? How to explain the clicky numbers?

    | JSOC

  • I have a total of three campaigns running right now, and two of them are only crawling one page.  I set the campaigns up the same, what is the problem?

    | SiteVamp

  • I'm still very new to link building and SEO, (only one month in!) I have a reasonable starting point as our web site is fairly well designed but I have a long way to go to catch up in what is a very competitive market! (Music Retail). My question is regarding Open Site explorer and its ability to accurately reflect back links. Looking at total quantity of unique back link domains Open Site currently has me at 36 domains, Google webmaster tools has me at 187!! The one site that all my 'watched'  competitors has is DMOZ, this gives them a great boost on the SEOmoz and open site rankings. I have 3 links on DMOZ and they all show up on my Webmaster tools yet don't show on either SEOmoz or open site. I've left it for a couple of months to see if it caught up but no real change. My worry is that there seems little value in the SEOmoz tools if their not at least as complete as Google webmaster is to allow me a fair comparison! Is there anything wrong with my setup on SEOmoz??

    | rattleanddrum

  • Our traffic has taken a severe hit, over the past 3 weeks - down about 60%, which I had assumed was caused by the Penguin update. However on closer inspection of our analytics, our traffic is is down by between 30 and 50% for nearly all our referrers - including Bing and other search engines, referring sites, and even direct traffic! Google provides the vast majority of our traffic, so in terms of the absolute visitor count, the drop in Google traffic has the biggest effect - by some distance. But the fact that traffic is down by similar percentages suggest that Penguin isn't the cause of our troubles at all. We sell garden products in the UK, and it's just coming into peak season. Last year, May was one of our top months, External conditions - such as the very wet weather over the past month, economic gloom and doom - don't begin to explain this sudden and dramatic drop in traffic. We are very perplexed. If anyone has any bright ideas, I'd be interested to hear them. Ben

    | atticus7

  • Is there a tool to check if the Google Analytics code is present on every page of a website? Thanks for your help!

    | gerardoH

  • I noticed that one of my sites has a significant amount of traffic being referred by  I have no idea what this site is and it seems a little fishy.  Does anyone else have the same problem or know exactly what is?  Thanks in advance!

    | Ericc22

  • I don't use drupal very often, so I'm looking for some help.  We manage two sites in drupal, and the way they are set up, it creates a new thank you page every time someone fills out a contact form.  The thank you page displays the information that was entered, so I assume it is necessary to create a page to do this (this was set up before I came on board). What I'm trying to do is track conversions in analytics by thank you page, but because a different node is created for every page, it makes things really difficult. My guess is that there's some kind of module or shortcut that could make this easier.  Do any of you know of something, or preferably, is there something you're using that you'd endorse? Thanks for your help. -Adam

    | DeliaAssociates

  • Would appreciate if anyone could clarify for me the correlation between 'clicks' in Google Adwords and visits for paid search in Google Analytics. Currently i see several thousand clicks a day in Adwords, yet our analytics account will only report a few hundred visits so i do not know which data set to use as the most reliable source for analysis. e.g 16th May. Analytics > TrafficSources > Sources > Search > Paid = 208 visits Adwords > All Campaigns, Total Clicks = 1153 i have found a few other questions asking the same thing here and here but dont feel they answer my question. We know our Adwords account is linked to our Analytics account as we got in touch with our PPC account manager originally about this and on reiew they found an error in our setup. Since then we know this is working as search terms and source are showing up and we have auto tagging enabled. Thanks, Tom.

    | Sarbs

  • On or about the 24th of April I noticed an abrupt decrease in traffic to my website: Sorry this might be long but I’m trying to be as thorough as possible. I thought that I had been hacked, a virus, maybe penalized by Google I don’t know what ? I submitted a reconsideration request to Google and they responded with the following: Reconsideration request for No manual spam actions found
    May 10, 2012
    Dear site owner or webmaster of,
    We received a request from a site owner to reconsider for compliance with Google's Webmaster Guidelines. - - - - - -
    We reviewed your site and found no manual actions by the webspam team that might affect your site's ranking in Google. There's no need to file a reconsideration request for your site, because any ranking issues you may be experiencing are not related to a manual action taken by the webspam team.
    Google Search Quality Team I have ran all kinds of web crawl tests, Google webmaster, talked with SEO “Experts” and still can not figure out what is happening. I decided to use a couple of SEOmoz tools to try to help me explain what is happening. I figured that if I could take a very specific and unique KeyPhrase and run it on a specific page that I might be able to better explain what is happening. Basically, We appear to be no longer searchable by key words or phrases on google?
    Here is an example:
    Key Phrase:  Free Services to Help Improve Your Photos on Canvas
    Attached are some screen shots of the actual search results on Bing, Yahoo and Google along with the ranking tool results from SEOmoz and the on page grade for the key phrase.
    Anybody got any Ideas? I am hurting; the internet and Google search is about 40% of by business. [" target="_blank">iframe>](<iframe class=) Bing-Free-Services.jpg Yahoo-Free-Services.jpg Google-Free-Services.jpg SEOmoz-Ranking.jpg SEOmoz-Report-Card.jpg

    | rdominey

  • Hi guys, I was to hasty last time marking the given question as answered. So i would like to ask another question on the subject. My original question was how to get a pdf report of 10 specific keywords with information about visits,pages per view. avg, visit time, new visitors and bounce rate. The answer was to create an advanced segment with "or operators" and adding all keywords on an exact match basis. I did this but it still gives me a list of more then 500 keywords in traffic sources organic view. Next to that i get different visitor numbers for some keywords where it says 40 at the normal segments (all visits) but gives me 0 when i turn on the advanced segment. I've been clicking and changing things for a long time until i got almost dizzy. Could someone plz help?

    | 5MMedia

  • I would like to add a new directory named “products” for all of the product detail pages on my site. Instead of having the URL for a product be “” we would like to change it to “” I want to do this to enable us to add product pages to our traffic funnel analysis by filtering visits to the "product" directory - right now we can't track visits to product pages in the funnel because they are just one-off the main site. I know this change will require redirects for every single product. Is there anything else that needs to be done? My main question is, will this change negatively impact the SEO value of the product pages? We have several product pages ranking in the SERPs, and I don't know if pushing them one directory further will change that. Thanks for your input!

    | pbhatt

  • Hi, I have look after mutliple sub domains on a website and want to implement GA sub domain tracking across them. I do not have however have access to the primary domain as thats controlled by a larger organisation. I'm wondering how to set this up so it tracks correctly? Do I set the domain name in my property to the primary domain, or the main subdomain? For example I have (which is basically a homepage),, and which are various sections. As stated, I don't control the root so Do I use setdomainname in the tracking code or setdomainname Apply filters etc and then setup profiles for each subdomain? Hope this makes sense. Thanks.

    | breaktheseal

  • I have a Wordpress blog on our subdomain and we use relative paths on our domain.  It appears as though Google bot is crawling from the subdomain categories back to the domain relative paths.  This of course results in hundreds of 404 pages. Any suggestions as to how to resolve this issue without changing the relative path structure of our domain?  I can provide more information if need be.  While I realize these issues are not that pressing, I'd obviously like to remove as many errors as possible.  If anyone has encountered this problem, especially in Wordpress I'd really like to hear your solution or lack there of.  Thank you in advance.

    | BethA

  • We're considering moving from 100% https to http to improve performance.  What, if any, SEO implications are there?  Do search engines need redirects when changing from https to http pages?

    | BlueAcorn

  • Hi Guys, Hope this is an easy one for a GA ninja. In the new GA interface, how can I view the number of conversions by source, instead of the default conversion rate by source. For example, if I want to view the number of conversion from Adwords. I'm looking at Goals > Source / Medium > Google CPC and looking at Goal Set 1. However all data is expressed in percentages. Thanks in advance!

    | David_ODonnell

  • What is the most accurate/achievable way of tracking data about subscribers to your RSS feed through Google Analytics? With standard WordPress sites, we place the RSS  link to Feedburner so we could track statistics. However it wouldn't track the way that I use it. I use Pulse on an Android Tablet to read my feeds offline on the bus each morning. At home, Pulse automatically downloads the latest feeds wirelessly overnight. So then I can read them without a connection. The obvious downside for my reading experience is that I only get what is contained in the feeds. If the company only includes an excerpt, it's too annoying to read the teaser and be unable to connect and follow a link.  So I only subscribe to feeds that contain the full post. Yeah to seomoz, aimclear, SEL, adwordsblog. I  dont subscribe to bruceclays blog, much as i'd like to, because it doesn't contain the full feed. That's probably deliberate on their part, because I have to consciously visit their blog on my desktop at work, to see the whole post. The other problem with say Pulse, is how it locates the feed. I typed in the URL, and Pulse subscribed me. I assume that Pulse simply looked for the URL and added that, rather than look for I looked at Feedburner stats and they didn't go up for 2 days, so basically it didn't track me. Would it be as simple as using the Google URL builder to add parameters to each post in the RSS feed?   Eg utm_source=feedreader, utm_medium=rss, utm_campaign=tracking. But that still wouldn't track offline users. I assume that most people are also not going to paste the Feedburner URL into their FeedReader, but would let the platform auto-detect the feed. Any suggestions?

    | ozgeekmum

  • Hi from sunny Manchester! I'm looking for recommendations for alternatives to GA. I'm specifically looking for something which won't sample data and will give us accurate numbers. Our site is pretty big, it receives 6 million+ visits and 50 million+ pageviews/year. Any recommendations would be greatly received together with any good/bad experiences you've had with them. Thanks in advance, Brendan.

    | Confetti_Wedding

  • How does Google handle punctuation of keywords within its search? If I have three keywords together, but on the site there is a question mark between them, does Google ignore the question mark? Or should I think of a new way of writing the content so Google likes it more? And would this apply with articles (a, the, etc) and prepositions such as (in, of, etc.)? Thanks a lot.

    | Rocket.Fuel

  • Hey Mozzers, Is there a simple way to compare the "% Change" in traffic when comparing two separate time periods in a single Google Analytics report? When comparing data from two separate time periods, an exported CSV doesn't include the % Change (booo!), and there's no option to sort by % Change within the GA report, essentially forcing you to scroll through all the results to pinpoint the major movers and shakers. I'm not averse to using spreadsheets to sort this data, but I'm thinking that I'd likely need a macro to make this work, something like this. However, none of the macros on that page are working (possibly because they were designed for a previous version of Analytics). All suggestions are appreciated. Thanks!

    | dangaul

  • Good Morning from 6 degrees c mostly cloudy wetherby UK 🙂 A redirect has been set up with the effect that when you key in it forwards to My question is please...within Google analytics will referall traffic from show up in referral traffic or because its a redirect will it be counted as direct traffic. Thanks in advance, David

    | Nightwing

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