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Category: Reporting & Analytics

Discuss the best ways to report on performance and communicate results to stakeholders.

  • My clients GA reports 273 visits from  I go to the site, it doesn't exist. I googled it, there were some code with in it, but nothing I could understand. Anybody have an idea where this comes from?

    | endlessrange

  • I posted a screenshot of a client's Google Places profile reporting strange statistics for driving/direction requests to my website. The post is here: Full info is there but I have attached a screenshot here as well. I'm wondering if anyone has seen this error with another local business - especially a local business that shares its exact address with another business, since I think that is the cause. weird-google-places-statistics.png?d407e3 weird-google-places-statistics.png?d407e3

    | KaneJamison

  • Over the last month or so my Domain Authority, my MozRank and MozTrust have all dropped off considerably. I haven't been doing anything different. So I don't know where to turn or what to do to get it back to where it was. The effects are horrible on my SEO. Can anyone out there tell me what it is I can do to why they dropped? Or more importantly, how can I improve it?

    | Caseman

  • Hi Guys, As most of you probably know, Google is discontinuing Website Optimizer and introducing Experiments within Google Analytics. However, doesn't this mean that now, every site you want to run an experiment for has to be using Google Analytics? This is possibly one of the motivations for them making the change I guess? I also find it inconvenient that every 'experiment' now has to be based on improving a pre-defined goal in Google Analytics. This means that for a lot of situations we'll be creating goals just for the experiment and the clients actual goal conversions will appear quite inflated. I guess we'll just have to filter the new 'goals' out from the actual goals.

    | David_ODonnell

  • Hi, I'm working on building a new site. I also bought the domain .ca (the business will be in canada) .net .org and .info All the domains are redirect to the .com This site is about my wife new business, a Pilates Studio. We would like to advertise the site on our personal car, using vinyl letters to display the domain name. Is there a way tu use the (.ca) advertise on my car and track that advertising using Analytics? I know I can use a URL something like and track the hit, but using a shorter URL is the key. Can you help? Thank you, BigBlaze

    | BigBlaze205

  • New to company in SEO and they wanted a page to rank high for certain term : knowledge management on this page: Ran SEO Moz optimizer and did suggested changes. Moved score to A and ranking was on google first page but now it's dropped considerably last 2 months as the bounce rate has gone through the roof. I'm at my wits end and don't want the higher ups on me for the drop. I'm not sure what to try next.

    | inhouseninja

  • Hi, I'm unsure if I've been hit by penguin/panda. I've attached screenshots below. The first one is April 1st to today. The second is all of April and the 3rd is 1st June to today. The site was offline at the beginning of July which explains no traffic. My traffic took a dip though on April 6th which as I understand it wasn't a panda/penguin roll out? I then got hardly any traffic for May to mid June. Then the site was offline due to a server problem but when it came back on traffic was the highest it has ever been. Today however I am getting zero search engine traffic? I can't figure out what's going on. Can anyone shed any light on the issue? DTJXE DTJXE Dpj21 qHTpj

    | SamCUK

  • The number of inbound links to my site varies so much across tools (GA, Google Webmaster, Bing, SEOMoz, Majestic SEO, site: operators).  What's reality?

    | Aggie

  • Hi guys, I am creating profiles on some of the countries sites in my network, and have managed to establish the filter for tracking certain url patterns, for example: ^/japan-english-       is tracking all my urls in the Japan site that start by  japan-english     great!   however, it is not tracking the japanese instance of the urls. The pattern for the latter is : I could then modify the filter to track the jp subfolder like this: ^/jp/japan-english- but it will then only track the urls on the /jp/ subfolder does anyone know the regex command for tracking the two url patters as follows: /jp/japan-english- & /japan-english- thanks in advance david

    | BritishCouncil

  • Hi everyone, I've been doing optimization for our websites and tracking the results regularly but don't really know what the results actually mean. I heard that I need to check the traffic and organic results from Google analytics and Google webmaster tools. Everybody says something and not sure what to do? Is there anyone clarify the SEO process for me - when to do what and why in simplest way? Thanks in advance,

    | WTGEvents

  • We are about to relaunch a site that gets a lot of Google News traffic. We are not changing domain, but the site structure is changing greatly, with the URLs of both news index pages and articles being shaken up. Obviously, we've 301-ed every page to its closest equivalent on the new site. We've also got a news sitemap. As we are not changing domain, is there anything further we need to do to help protect our Google News traffic. On a related note, does anyone have a relaible way of measuring traffic from Google News listings in universal search?

    | Dennis-52961

  • Hello, This is a strange one for me. We have 301 redirected our .com domain to the domain. The strange thing is that if you gogole the .com domain ( there is a result with the website description. If you click on the result you are redirected tot he website homepage. One other thing: I've discovered this 301 issue because Google Analytics started to show me a few days ago referrals from the .com domain. I don't know if these things are connected. Cornel

    | Cornel_Ilea

  • Hell guys, What i want to achieve is to generate a list of specific keywords showing traffic for a certain periode of time. I also want so be able to compare this time period with historical data. I want a list as shown in: Traffic sources -> sources -> search -> organic. This shows a list of keywords generating traffic out of the organic search results. When you use a filter you can only use one word so it seems. I just want to create that list but with the specific keywords i choose to display. I tried advanced reports and advanced segments but that doesn't really give me what i want. The idea behind this whole thing is that i want to give my client an overview of the traffic received on the words we are optimizing for. this traffic has to be compared to the previous month so they can see clearly if there were changes. Thx !

    | 5MMedia

  • Hi, This is puzzling me. I've been in the second/third position for a week or so for my best keyword. That is for Google US unpersonalized, which is the one that brings more traffic, as far as I understand. It can't get MUCH better. Well, I can be first, but second and third position is really awesome in my case (highly competitive keyword according to SEOMOZ PRO). Then, why on earth my traffic for that keyword was 8 times better a year ago?? I mean, a year ago I received an average of 800 visits per day and now I can barely reach 90 visits per day being in the second / third place. Visits can't increase from 90 to 800 just for increasing one spot. I've never seen in my stats such drop in my rankings. I thought that due to google updates my site was sent below the 20th position or something. But my I was shocked today when I saw that I still have the second/third position Am I crazy or this looks wrong? The page title and description that shows in google hasn't changed, so people looking for that keyword are seeing the same as one year ago. It is not a seasonal or time sensitive keyword. My best guess is that people are now always logged in and results are personalized. Don't know much about personalized results but I don't think you can optimize much for those. If that's the case, then how on earth can we optimize a page if everybody is using personalized results? Is there a way to improve your rankings in those cases? Thanks, Enrique

    | enriquef

  • Hi, I get a lot of traffic lately from This is was Google Analytics shows me. But I can not see more details concerning what causes of the traffic. Since it´s more than 500 Users per Day I need to see more details. Does somebody has an idea on how to do a more detailed analysis of this traffic? Thanks!

    | RTG

  • Hi folks, Just wondering if anyone has any ideas as to why im getting different results in Google analytics. I'm using the Content Efficiency Analysis Report from which is absolutely awesome. When I search via my title tag I get 920 Unique Visitors over the month but when I search via the landing page URL with the same title tag I get 28. Any ideas to why their should be such a difference. I've also noticed that on that page i'm also getting a Rel Cononical TRUE using a site crawl. Any ideas are much appreciated

    | acs111

  • Hi - When reports here show numbers of keywords appearing "on first page", there must be some implicit assumption made about the number of results listed per page. 1. Can anyone tell me what that assumption is?  Is it 10? 20? 2. What about universal results Local links?  If the answer to number one is, for instance, 20 results per page, then are there any assumptions made about the number of universal results Local links included? I'm just trying to understand what the reports mean. Thanks, Tim

    | tcolling

  • Hi, I have this large dataset, about 1 million search queries with visits, bounce rate and a few other metrics. I'm trying to explore this data to find keyword "buckets" (such as include product name, location name, transactional objective, informational, etc.), as well as explore the density of certain keywords (keywords as in instances of a single word amongst all queries) My idea was to use Excel and a macro to split all queries in separate words (also clearing punctuation and uppercase/lowercase), then storing this word in a new worksheet, adding to another column the visit counts from the row where the word was extracted (as to give a sense of weight). Before adding the word to the new worksheet, the script will look if the word already existed, if so it would just add the current value of visits to the existing visit counts etc. In the end it will create sort of a "dictionary" of all the keywords in all search queries ranked by weight (= visits from search query including this keyword) This would help me get started I believe, because I can't segment and analyze 1M raw search queries... My issue is: this VBA has been running on my (fast) PC for the last 24hr and it doesn't seem to get to an end. Obviously excel+VBA is not the best way to do text mining and manipulation in such a large dataset (although it's just a 30mb file) What would you do if you had this dataset and would like to mine the text/semantic as I am doing? Any idea of tools? process? I'm considering dumping this data into a MySQL db and doing the processing through PHP (the only backend language I'm versed in), and getting the "summified" data stored into another table, which I'll then be able to export to a Excel for analysis. But I'm afraid that I'll be facing memory limit issues and such... In the meantime, I'm definitely interested into knowing what you guys would do if you had this data and wanted to simply start exploring its constituencies Thanks!

    | briacg

  • Hi, i have been talking to my hosting company about my site. I am having major problems with the speed of the site. My site is Ever since i had to redesign my site after a major mistake was made by the hosting company, my site has been running slow and i have tried everything to sort this out including moving to a dedicated server. The trouble is nothing is working and now my hosting companny have told me that i need a new dedicated server which will make it faster. My site is in joomla and the hosting company have told me that the dedicated server below will make the site run faster, but shall i trust them or find another hosting company. Intel i3 540 3.06 Ghz HT 4MB S-Cache $219/mo $289/month500GBStorage6GBRAM10TBBandwidthI am using the following to test the speed of my site!/r0spOGObd/     and trouble i have is, when you try loading the home page it is slow and when you try moving around the site it is slow.Can anyone please give me some advice.

    | ClaireH-184886

  • Good morning from 17 degrees C about to rain again wetherby UK... On this page there are a number of links that pop open new windows despite being internal links 😞 My question is please... "If an internal link to a site is set to _blank and pops open a new window are there any detrimental affects to google analytics tracking e.g. increased exits etc" Any insights welcome 🙂

    | Nightwing

  • I am looking to hire an IC to help with analytics. I need to know how I can verify if they are GA certified. They gave me a link to a profile. Is that legit?

    | inhouseseo

  • I, I have a new domain, and a new account is now created in webmatser tools. Is there anythings I should know about using or setting up webmaster tools? For example, the geographic target, I'm in Canada our web site, a local Pilates studio, is a commercial web site to provides informations about our services. Should I select Canada? One thing about this, I have another domain, and in the setiing, I have select geographic target to: Canada. When using result are better then when using! I think must Canadian user are using Does this ''Geographic Target'' setting has anythings to do with search results in versus Thank you for your help, BigBlaze

    | BigBlaze205

  • Does it matter how your is structured ;)?

    | Devise

  • I have been looking at 2 key words for my site & three other sites, I am refreshing daily to understand it movements and the movements have been really erratic - droping 8 places in one day, then back 7 places the next. There have not been any changes made to the site in question during this period other than I me starting to track them with SEOmoz - Can anyone explain what would be behind this? thanks, S

    | girlie

  • Problem I queried back a year for the portal and we can see below that the SEO juice is split between the upper and lowercase. You can see the issue in the attached images. Solutions: 1)      Quick: Change the link on the pages above to be lowercase 2)      Use canonical link tag The tag is part of the HTML header on a web page, the same section you'd find the Title attribute and Meta Description tag. In fact, this tag isn't new, but like nofollow, simply uses a new rel parameter. For example:" /> ''This would tell Yahoo!, Live & Google that the page in question should be treated as though it were a copy of the URL and that all of the link & content metrics the engines apply should technically flow back to that URL.'' 3)      See if there is any Google Analytics filters at the site level I can apply.   I will check into this and get back to you. What do you all think?????? OXnPp voJdp.png OXnPp.png

    | Darden

  • In the process of trying to figure out where all of the “Bad” backlinks are coming from I used the SEOmoz Site Explorer. I can see the links that may be questionable but am not sure how to determine if these are the issue causing the loss of rank or could it be something else. On Google webmasters they list as the one with the most links. The count is now at 13,005. (see attached WMT report)
    I first noticed this a month ago, 6,742 links and have tried contacting them with no reply, no results, I have even posted on the site asking to be removed from their listing and not response. Website: I do not understand why this site is not showing up in the Site Explorer link analysis report (See attached)? Could this be some sort of hack or hidden links that Site Explorer does not see? How do I determine if this is real or not, if it is the reason that Google is demoting us? Google says that we are not being manually penalized? 5zAQq Iz9ct

    | rdominey

  • We implemented this script in source, where would I find the outbound link tracking; in Events?

    | KnutDSvendsen

  • Randomly today google web master tools all of a sudden wants me to re-verify my site and is giving me the error: Verification failed for ** **using the Meta tag method (less than a minute ago). We couldn't find the verification meta tag. but if you view the page source it is clearly listed..... this happened only today while  no changes were made to the site. Does anyone have a solution?

    | shiftins

  • Hi all, So I'm a bit stuck right now, I am trying to figure out why WebTrends is having such a high number of exit rates while GA has a significantly lower exit rate. For example May I have 4,000 in WebTrends while Analytics I have 1,500. TIM!

    | William.Lau

  • Im having problem measuring click on ads by using events in GA or Jetpack. For example when I checked out yesterday this is what I read: 1. In GA events it says 12 clicks 2. In Jetpack it says 9 clicks But when I look at Referrals to the actual site directly it says 18 clicks Which one is the rights one? I need this because I use this to invoice clients end of month! and it cant be any "maybe".something. cheers, R

    | rrrobertsson

  • I have Google Analytics and can't figure out how to generate stats for a single page on my site. I would like to know what websites are referring this page, time on site, unique views, etc.

    | StreetwiseReports

  • Good afternoon from torential rain and thunder Wetherby UK 😞 Ive been delving into the world of custom filters in Google analytics and Ive hit a problem. Apart from Googles advice being out of date (wont get into that one) I wanted to set up clone a profile of an existing site and set up a filter that would exclde USA traffic. But a country can be called many things e.g. United Sates USA America so how do you know what is the correct name to put in the filter pattern box? Here is a screen shot of my efforts : (I chaned it to United States) So my question is where is there a list of the correct syntax for the filter pattern box? Taker for example you wnated to set up a custom filter to include just Palm OS traffic apprently from reading this the correct filter patter is Palm OS, i only know that from this Whilst Google has lots of documentation about filed patterns as documented here Where in the name of flying spacial jockstraps is there documentation for the correct filter pattern syntax. Help my head hurts 😞

    | Nightwing

  • I'm confused about the difference between entrance pages and landing pages on Google Analytics. If I compare our search traffic to entrance pages with search traffic to landing pages it seems very similar -- but not identical. But this is probably because all of our GA analytics is sampled (we're a huge site). Can anyone help?

    | CecilyP

  • Hi there! Since on of our websites is hit by the Penguin update I'm trying to find spammy and low quality external links from our domain. I'm using Xenu to get all the external links. Now I want to know about the quality of the external websites our domain links to. Is there a way to calculate domain authority and domain trust on a large scale in Excel or Google spreadsheet? Kind regards, Mark

    | StephWeigert

  • First, we would love to use the new Google Experiements intergrated into analytics but its not rolled out to us.  We tried to get it expideted roll out to us but no luck... So we are stuck with a soon to be discontinued Website optimzer.  I can't get past the first step however, I get the follow error: "The original page and the conversion page URLs must share the same domain.", see attached. The convertoin page is on a subdomain.  There is quite a bit of help online about this.  You need to tweak the script code.  There is nothing about how to get past this page though.  It simply says its a on a different domain (which its not) and won't let me go any further... Thanks! Website%20Optimizer.jpg

    | optimalwebinc

  • So i've identified some blogs which have a fairly high ranking and lots of traffic. They also allow anchor text in the name field. Does it make sense for me to comment on these blogs, or does google treat these with less authority that true page links? Any advice is greatly appreciated! TIA

    | symbolphoto

  • Hi, I have a wordpress blog at  I am looking through open site explorer and and showing only 9 internal links on my report.  I have hundreds of internal links on the site so I am wondering why they are not showing up? Any assistance would be appreciated. Thanks Dave

    | fxtrader1979

  • I'm sure everyone is sick of the (Not Provided) keywords because I know I am, and Google reckons that you should only see 10% or less (I'm currently around 13% and growing). I am seeking alternatives or hacks that will help display the keywords? If you have a hack to actually display the keywords, please share it your ideas and thoughts? I recently implemented a hack that will show the landing page of the keywords which is better than nothing. But as an eCommerce site, I have about 10% of my transactions which not provided, knowing the keywords would really help. Would love to hear your thoughts?

    | upick-162391

  • Hi seomoz community! My question is this: Which is more effective in a) generating traffic and b) increasing authority in the long and short term? Press releases or back-linking through blogs and forums? Some more detail: You have $6000 to spend over a 6 month period on which ever technique you choose. $6000 can buy you 20 press releases, each distributed to over 250 online news outlets (yahoo finance, td waterhouse, ABC, etc), emailed to editors of publications in your industry niche, and tweeted by 10 to-15 influential tweeters. Every release is published by the same news organization plus 5-10 new sources per release. The news organizations all have relatively high domain authorities (60-90) and generate 2500-3000 unique pageviews in total for each article. They also all link back to my site through the articles. $6000 can buy you 6 months of back-link building - outsourced overseas in India. Based on keywords that our target audience are using to find our competitors (long-tail included), we post links through blog/forum comments that appear in results when those search terms are queried. The blog/forums have varying domain authorities in our industry but none higher than 60. Again the question: Which technique is more effective in a) generating traffic and b) increasing authority in the long and short term? Press releases or back-linking through blogs and forums? My current website has a domain authority of 66. Please share your opinions or thoughts. Thanks 🙂

    | fourthdimensioninc

  • Hi we used a web company who put our analytics under their company name we have left them and set up a new tracking code not associated with them, but we still have access to the data and it is all contained under the same login, is it possible to merge the two tracking codes?  so that we have seemless history. Also does anyone know if you can change the primary e-mail address (gmail account) to a corporate email account? Any help would be appreciated as we have researched both and from what we have found we can't merge the data and also we are stuck with the primary email address.

    | loopylu03

  • I've been using the super-awesome Google doc described here for all kinds of reporting and I've customized it quite a bit. But I can't figure out how to feed text-based fields from GA into this doc. For example, can I make it so this doc spits out top 10 keywords? Thanks!

    | Oxfam_America

  • I am currently tracking site performance on our website with Google Analytics. Recently, we've brought a Wordpress blog into our site as a subdomain Though we did this a few months ago, we do not have Analytics data for these pages within the wordpress platform. I've found where to paste the code, in the Footer block of the Wordpress template, just before the close body tag (is this the best recommended way?) and just have one question about WHICH code to paste. Can I add the original code, same as the rest of the site? Or does Analytics have a different code for tracking subdomains? If so, do I need to replace existing code for the rest of the site? I hope I worded this okay. Please help. I'd appreciate it! Derek M.

    | DerekM88

  • In Webmaster Tools and the Linked Data in GA, we got huge bumps for some of our keywords this last week and subsequently were dropped from the face of the earth for other words were were tracking but not SEOing for.  Basically for anything higher than 3rd page SERP, 30+ we were removed from Google search and we're no longer showing rankings for any of these words. Is this a new change as part of Penguin?  I wonder b/c a lot of those words that were in the 60-100 in SERP were, as I mentioned, not focus SEO words but the backlinks were probably specific keywords, as we only have say 6 links and 4 are the same anchor text, this would put those words in the 60% over optimization penalty.

    | Dweber

  • We recently experienced a large drop in direct traffic.  Search and referral traffic remained steady but direct traffic dropped by over half. I'm having trouble pinpointing what would have caused this drop.  Any ideas or suggestions for investigating the cause in a drop of direct traffic?

    | AxlsCloset

  • I had a strange thought waking up this morning, and was curious to hear other people's opinions on it. In Google Analytics, under Content > In-Page Analytics, Google shows what links on your site pages get clicked and how many times plus other metrics.  Do you think they use that data for ranking back links so-to-speak? What I mean is, say I had a back link to my site on, and had google analytics installed.  Google can see through google analytics whether my link has been clicked on.  Say that my link gets no clicks, do you think that Google would use that metric against my site deeming it "not popular" or "not a good resource", even if was a very popular site? And it could work the other way.  Say my link got thousands of clicks on, do you think that Google might use that to promote my site? I couldn't find any other discussion on this anywhere, so am not sure if people have already thought about this.

    | THB

  • Hi, I've been looking at the crawl diagnostics for my site and trying to fix the errors that are showing up but Seomoz is producing some strange results. It's saying pages are duplicated upto 16 times but those pages dont exist. It's adding "page=3", "page=4" to the end of the product URL but I don't see how it's finding those pages, nothing on the site(as far as I can tell) is linking to them. There is no "page=3", just the one product page. Again on the duplicate content it's saying under the "other URLs" there's URLs like "http:///product-a" but again I don't see where it's finding these URLs and obviously those URL's dont work. Those three slashes aren't a typo either. So far I've reduced the amount of errors from 2,005 to 543 but the rest of them I can't make sense of. Also, what does one do when you have two products, eg: "product-a-white" and "product-a-black" to prevent Seomoz from seeing duplicates? Canonical links wont work because there's no parent item, just those two. Google Webmaster tools doesn't seem to have a problem though. Using Opencart 1.5, if it helps. Cheers,

    | AsOneDesign

  • Google says that they are blocked from crawling my site. I have tried to get my web masters to look into this and they say the site apears fine. However, my SERP results have been falling and the errors are increasing. I have sent an e mail into Google asking for help and I have been looking into every possible channel to find a solution for this problem. The site does have a 301 re direct pointing in from my old site http:/// into my new site However, I am not sure if that is the problem or if something else happend to make me see such a huge drop in SERP results.

    | Brandon_Patton

  • Good morning from Wet & Windy 12 degrees C wetherby UK... Using Google analytics I've noticed in the traffic sources refferer subsection some traffic is categorized as originating from Google. Whats puzzling me is.... I know a huge amount of traddic stems from Google but as the below screenshot illustrates only 21 visitors come from Google: And when i drill down some are coming from Google mobile 😞 Is traffic categorised as Google referrer down to Google hiding searches via ssl as explained here: Any insights welcome 🙂

    | Nightwing

  • I'm working on a site with tons of great, useful content....the owners of the site implemented a new site layout and design (complete overhaul) and they were lacking basics such as meta descriptions, 301 redirects, and, shockingly, they had the same Title tag for every single page on a site with thousands of unique how-to articles. Unsurprisingly their traffic dropped by about 300%. They generate most of their traffic from people learning how to build stairs, how to install crown molding, and other related matters. Beginning last Thursday I've been performing basic on-site SEO, things like having unique titles for each page and similar tasks. The week from Thursday when I began until yesterday (Wednesday), Google traffic dropped  -29.73% -  17,715 vs 25,210 I believe this is a normal part of the "Google Shuffle" -- does anyone have a Matt Cutts link or similar proof that this is a normal part of the process?

    | wattssw

  • I updated my site to remove duplicate titles and also include the rel=
    "next" etc tags. When can I expect to see these reflected in Google andSEOMoz? I also found out I should update my sitemap every month, when will Google pick up the new sitemap? Sorry if these are basic questions, new to the whole world of SEO. Thanks M

    | MartinSpence46

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