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Category: Reporting & Analytics

Discuss the best ways to report on performance and communicate results to stakeholders.

  • Hi Mozzers I am tracking a web property and we are launching a Should the subdomain tracked on GA by creating a new profile or should it be on its own with a new GA property ID? Thanks for explaining how to do that setup 🙂 Ty

    | Ideas-Money-Art

  • For the past 2 days Google Webmaster has recorded 0 search queries to my site, but traffic seems stable. Any ideas about why this is happening and what I should do about it? Or is it a Google glitch I should not be concerned about (hoping for this option)

    | theLotter

  • I really need help on this, I can't figure it out. I need to track a few subdomains and and couple of seperate domains in one profile in Google Analytics. So I have: So the code I have placed on all of these domains is as following: I have then set up seperate profiles which filter out the data by domain. E.g. for, I have user the fitler: Custom filter > Include > Filter Field = Hostname > Filter Pattern = For the, I have used the same filter. Now this all seems to be tracking visits and unique visitors okay, but I always have a very low pageview count, less than visits and sometimes zero. Could anyone shed any light on what I am doing wrong? Thanks in advance mozzers.

    | MirandaP

  • Hey Mozzers, Quick question for you- I have analytics set-up for a personal site I run and I know, verifiably it's receiving traffic, however, whenever I access my Google Analytics dashboard, it says I've had zero visits. Interestingly, today I had a colleague check the site from a foreign country and I could see the page views (within 15 minutes), however, I could not get any information about the site viewer. I have verified that the Analytics profile is 'receiving data' (which it is) and my Google Webmaster Tools is not reporting any issues? Finally, I went ahead and updated my profile so that it is pulling from '' instead of '', I don't know if that'll make any difference, but likewise, I didn't want to go and create the 'little kid in the elevator' analogy, where I'm just pressing a bunch of buttons just because they're there. So the only changes I've made thus far were deactivating Yoast's SEO plug-in and manually placing the GA code in the header and updating the 'Website's URL' in the profile settings tab of GA from '' to ''. With that, I am stumped and praying another one of the esteemed Mozzers out there may be able to help me resolve this. Any thoughts?

    | NiallSmith

  • I need the help of a smart Mozzer. In Google Analytics: Traffic Sources>Sources>Campaigns  all the results shown are from RSS. Can anyone help me with why RSS results would be displayed in Campaigns?

    | waynekolenchuk

  • I'd like to be able to do some keyword research as follows: Let's say I have two (or maybe more) separate keyword phrases I want to rank, is there a way to find out what combination and/or additional keyword phrases/descriptors are searched for the most? For example, let's say I want to rank well for the following terms. "Green widgets" and "boxes" Is there a tool I can use that will give me ideas/suggestions on how to use those two keywords the best way? Especially showing me long tell keyword suggestions I may not even know about. The tool may show me things people search for like "best boxes for your green widgets" gets more serach results than "best boxes for my green widgets."  (Helping me figure out which combo of words in a long tail phrase is better. Or it may tell me a suggestion I didn't think about like "how to build boxes for your green widgets," or "how to put your green widgets into boxes," or "where to find boxes for your green widgets" or other combinations of things people search for using those two phrases? This may be possable using google keyword tools, but if it is, I'm not sure how to do it. Looking forward for any feedback. Thanks!

    | NoahsDad

  • Hi All, I have a site that gets around 500,000 visits every month from the UK and US, but funny enough the number number of visits under (not provided) traffic is only 179 per month. For most websites I usually get 10% or 15% of the traffic under not provided, what could the reasons be for such a low percentage of (not provided)? Thanks, Carlos

    | Carlos-R

  • I'm working on a website that includes dedicated pages for ~40 local businesses, and I need to be able to generate and export some basic reports I can send to each business. The data I need for each report is split between general sitewide data: total number of visitors to the site for month. number of visitors to each main category page what country they are from (main countries) - top 5 traffic source / keywords avg time on site As well as specific data for each individual page: how many people viewed specific total pages Time spent on individual page. Would this be possible with custom reports in analytics? I can see the number of different reports being difficult to maintain, especially as site grows. Anyone had expereince on a similar site of ideas on the best way to do this? Thanks

    | zeald

  • Last 10 weeks have seen steady growth in visitors and pages viewed, yet this week it has dropped a bit from last week (virtually stagnant). Is our user base simply hitting a plateau, or is there another reason?

    | wlefevre

  • I'm just now getting my feet wet with the goals in GA. I'm trying to figure out how many visitors to a certain page, click on a certain link (which takes them no a certain page on my site.) What's the best way to go about this? Thanks.

    | NoahsDad

  • Is there a way in GA to setup tracking of the clicking internal URL that 301's to an affiliate ID? Peter

    | PeterM22

  • I’ve got a website with 20 different forms; and I’d like to track all 20 form completions with one Goal in Google Analytics.  The completion-page URLs follow the pattern below (the website uses Drupal CMS) Form One: Form Two: /node/2991/done?sid=785 Form Three: /node/2992/done?sid=1021 Form Four: /node/2993/done?sid=459 I believe that there is a way I can use regex so Google Analytics will track if any of these completion URLs appears.  Looking for guidance how to format the regex statement.

    | TopFloor

  • When you measure conversion rates, is the equation: conversion rate = visits/conversions or conversion rate = unique visits/conversions I ask because it can actually make a pretty big difference in the conversion rate.  For example, if you visit my ecommerce website 100 times before buying something (and assuming you're my only visitor), then my conversion rate is 100% _if I'm determining conversion rates by unique visits/conversions.  _However, it's only 1% _if I'm determining conversion rates by visits/conversions.  _Wow! Now this is clearly an extreme example, but it should serve to illustrate the point that in more reasonable cases, the way the data is measured can have a potentially significant impact on the conversion rate. Is there an industry standard for this? Am I missing something really basic? Also, here's a little bit of context for the question: I run an ecommerce website powered by the Magento CMS and I'm trying to measure my conversion rate in Google Analytics for individual products.  Google Analytics shows me my site wide conversion rate, but apparently I have to do some customization in order to measure conversion rates on the product level.  That's fine, but I want to make sure I'm measuring my product conversions in a standard way. Thanks for any and all help! Adam

    | Adam-Perlman

  • Hi, Would really appreciate some help with this. I have been experimenting with RegEx to achieve this but as I’ve never used it before am currently failing miserably. We have conversion pages i need to set goals for that are formatted as below: I need to remove the (s(xxx)) section from the URL as rather than one pages i currently have thousands of unique URL's. What’s catching me out is that as it’s not a URL parameter I can’t discount and as half way through can’t just do head matches etc to /entercarddetails Help would be much appreciated. Thanks.

    | Sarbs

  • 2 days ago GA stopped receiving data. It only stopped for one account of all my projects. At this moment there are 5 persons navigating the site and these days there where numerous visitors as they contacted the support team thru the site. GA says that it's receiving the code, hw, I checked it twice. The tracking code is located below the footer, in the body. It was there for few years.... I also checked if there is some js conflict, negative. Is there something that could make the tracking to stop? Does anybody experienced similar problems¿? Should I be worried...¿? (and with SEOmoz server with issues not sure when will see new results.......) EDIT: In Web Master Tools I see results for indexing, with yesterday date, so I assume that the site crawling is ok and must be GA issue.

    | MilosMilcom

  • Hi, How much do you use the search queries report in webmaster tools to research current rankings/movements? It does look like a great tool but the data doesn't seem to be spot on. For example a keyword over a week might have flux in position so lets say 6.0 then 9.2 for 3 days then back to 6.0. But I check the serp's for this keyword everyday and didn't see any movement?!?! Is this a good tool for you?

    | activitysuper

  • After being added as an administrator of a G-WMT profile, there are no messages from Google in the profile, however the first administrator has a number of messages. Is it possilble to request Google resends these emails so that I get them as well? I have looked around, and assume its not possible, but was wondering if someone had experienced this before and knew of a workaround. Greg

    | AndreVanKets

  • So I was thrilled when Webmaster tools released the little graph telling you how many pages are indexed.  However, I noticed with one of my sites, that it was actually going down over the past year.  I've only been doing the SEO on the site for a few months, so it wasn't anything I did. The chart is attached to this post. Now here's the funny part.  I haven't really noticed anything out of the ordinary for keyword ranking dropping off.   I also tested my most recent page that I put up.  3 days after I posted it, I could find it in a Google search.  Shouldn't this mean that's it's indexed?  I can also find any other page I've posted in the last few months. Another oddity is that I submitted a sitemap a while ago when the site was only 22 pages.  The sitemap index count says 20 of those pages are indexed. The chart only says that there are 3 indexed pages right now.  However, I can clearly find dozens of pages in Google searches.  Is there something I'm missing?  Is my chart for this website broken?  Should I report this to Google?  Has anyone had a similar issue? decreaseIndex.png

    | mytouchoftech

  • I want to block my IP address so that I get to know the traffic coming to my website

    | pejman50

  • There are lots of articles around but I would prefer to see what everyone here has to say about it. Are they ranking metrics ( directly or In-directly )? If they are then how to get it right? Can i depend on  Google  In-page analytic? What is  an acceptable Bounce rate for a home page ? What is an average click through rate for your landing page ? thanks

    | conversiontactics

  • Hey guys, I have an and a has reputation and through a 301 redirect it's handling it over to I want to know how many people still visit and track this with Google Analyitcs. I read the best solution for this would be a Google Campaign URL. My question: Does a URL like " /?utm_source=&utm_medium=redirect&utm_campaign=" hurt the effectiveness of the 301 redirect?

    | optimiert-es

  • Hi folks A quick question in regards to setting up Google Analytics for a website with multiple languages on multiple domains. The domains that needs to be tracked are: -> English -> Swedish -> Danish To my best knowledge this can be acheived in Google Analytids using 3 different setups: Different accounts Different properties Profiles What would you guys consider the best approach?
    Pros and cons? Have a great day Fredrik

    | Resultify

  • With it being a factor in Panda, I would like to know what the number is and whether it's high / low compared to other sites etc. I kind of doubt a lot of people would have blocked us, but I'd like to at least be aware of whether that's a problem for us.

    | rango

  • hi i have fix some error refering the error list how to re-run crawl diagnostics immediate again to check the error ? thanks

    | AlfredLim

  • Recently when doing my usual research that I do weekly I noticed a drastic drop in my domain authority. How or why does this happen and how can I fix it? Thanks

    | SammyT

  • I, I ask a few time about how to track using Google Analytics, my domain, bought at GoDaddy and redirect from the GoDaddy control panel to my domain, I don't know anything about coding or webdesign, I did this web site from a theme on wordpress for my wife opening this Pilates Studio in our neighbourhood soon. is advertise on our car.(it will be nice to see if that advertising is worth it!) is redirect from GoGDaddy control panel to the site: I had a few answers on this forum, but I'm not sure how to do this. My knowledges are very limited in html and all technical side. Thank to WordPress, and Theme Forest. Those are the tools I took to built this basic web site. Can any body help me track this .ca? I will need a step by step guide to achieve my goal. Google Analytics is instal on the site. Any help will be really appreciated. Thank you, BigBlaze

    | BigBlaze205

  • Greetings from high weed pollen count Wetherby UK 🙂 Ok ive been having extreme custom reporting filter frustration with Google analytics. My objective was to set up a "custom" google analytics report that detailed: 1. Referral traffic from external sights in one reporting tab
    2. Visitor generic traffic report including direct, search & referral traffic e.g: But Ive hit the provebial buffers 😞 Initailly i added an advanced  filter as shown here: but the advanced filters do not stick / save. As soon as you exit the custom report the advanced filter is cleared as shown here: I then added a filter under a specific custom tab but the filter cascades into all the reporting tabs see below: So my question is please... "How do can you set up filters that effect the data in one reporting tab and does not cascade into the others" Any insights welcome 🙂

    | Nightwing

  • Hi MozFans, I would like to check the backlink profile of https deeplinks on a site.
    In open site explorer this isn't working: Link Is there a other way to check the backlinks of a https website? cheers,

    | MaartenvandenBos

  • I keep getting this condition in Google Webmaster Tools HTML improvements under Duplicate meta descriptions <a id="zip_6-anchor" class="zippedsection_title">Hawaii Vacation Blog has all the information you'll need to plan your Hawaii vacation. We have tips</a> /blog/page/4//blog/page/4/?level=album&id=0&sortby=caption&sortdir=ASC/blog/page/4/?level=album&id=14&sortby=caption&sortdir=desc/blog/page/4/?level=picture&id=143/blog/page/4/?level=picture&id=147/blog/page/4/?level=picture&id=166/blog/page/4/?level=picture&id=171/blog/page/4/?level=picture&id=213/blog/page/4/?level=picture&id=52/blog/page/4/?level=picture&id=87 The problem is that this cannot be duplicate meta descriptions because all of this is one page. Anyone have this situation before or can explain why Google see a single page with duplicate meta descriptions?

    | AlohaBruce

  • Hello, I have taken on a new client who has Google Analytics installed. The tracking code is set to 'single domain'. Recently they added a mobile site using a sub-domain ( which means that Google Analytics is not picking up this traffic. I want to revise the account so that I have a master account (raw data) and then profiles for the mobile site, main domain ( and one other for a  sub-domain that they are using. I am aware that there is mobile specific tracking code however I thought it would be easier (re conversions/goals/eCommerce tracking) to not use this and by changing the account to 'multiple domains' we could also get data for another sub-domain that they are using . My questions are: Am I right to want to use individual profiles over web properties. If not please explain why. When installing the tracking code (where the profile number is changing) I believe that I need to add that code with the changing profile number to the sub-domain sections. So my question is a) is that correct, and b) if I use a profile number on a sub-domain section will the master account still gather the data for the main URL as well as all sub-domains. If I change the master account from using 'single domain' tracking code to 'multiple domain' tracking code will this affect historical data? Will I lose the data? When changing from 'single domain' tracking to 'multiple domain' tracking does this affect eCommerce tracking? Or do we only need to be adding the additional lines of tracking code that allow sub-domains to be tracked? The web developers are using asynchronous code however half is in the and the other half is at the bottom of the source code. Given that traffic is being reported in the Google Analytics account should I have any concerns that the code is split? I have done a lot of reading but seem to be going around in circles, so your help is much appreciated! Thanks,

    | Unity

  • I have checked and double checked this. GA is showing over the last couple of weeks as a landing page for organic traffic, where it shouldn't. Main facts: The entire /ppc/ folder is blocked from the googlebot, and doesn't appear on any internal site maps. As far as I can tell, these pages have never been cached for the main index. I cannot recreate any of the organic searches myself (i.e. typing in keywords that triggered the traffic, even the almost unique long-tail ones). We just don't appear in the organic listings with these pages. The analytics and adwords accounts are linked. We are not paying for this mystery traffic through our PPC - these keywords are not appearing in our AdWords account (though other keywords / traffic are). The traffic is real - we have received phone calls from these pages, tracked to the visits recorded as organic These pages should only receive PPC traffic. They are receiving organic traffic also, but I can't recreate it. Can anyone suggest what's going on? I'm concerned about duplicate content issues and also skewing the analysis of the PPC campaign. Thanks

    | RobPell

  • Today I was plugging the SEOMoz Google change log into my analytics and noticed that our site took an impression jump (30%) on the day Panda 3.8 was released but also, if I'm reading the chart right, a drop in keyword avg. ranking. Does this make any sense or am I misunderstanding the chart? googleseomozq.jpg

    | IanTheScot

  • Is there any way to track the call button from the local listings within the mobile SERPs??

    | cybercom

  • I am looking for a good tool to measure page speed.  Any tools out there that you recommend?

    | rmontanez

  • I have been looking through our analytics, and nealy all our conversions are from (not provided) keywords. I am trying to find the keywords that are performing best and also to determine the return I am getting from SEO efforts. I have been told the "not provided" keywords are due to people being logged into Google when they browse. However, this doesn't make sense to me. How is it that only the keywords that convert are "not provided"? Can anyone help with this?

    | inhouseseo

  • so we have been doing a lot of reconstruction our website the past couple days with our navigation and moving stuff around. Now bare with me because i am a noob to SEO and i am still learning. But we went from a steady 800-1000 impressions everyday to a 0 since the first. you can check out our site here: Not sure if its because we are moving stuff around or what. But we can notice that our conversion rate has dropped and we have had traffic but no conversions and no orders. Is what we are doing bad or is this normal?

    | Dante13

  • We pushed some new changes to the site and Google Analytics is no longer updating the Organic Search queries listing, even though traffic is consistent and and we're still landing results in all our typical keyword searches. Any ideas?

    | unclekaos

  • Odd one this, but what's the easiest way to remove a website from the Google local listings? Would removing all the Google map listings do the job? A client of ours is suffering massively since the Google update in the middle of last month. Previously they would appear no1 or no2 in the local results and normally 1 or 2 in the organic results. However, since the middle of last month any time they rank on the first page for a local result, their organic result has dropped massively to at least page 4. If I set my location as something different in google, say 100 miles away, they then rank well for the organic listings (obviously not appearing for local searches). When I change it back to my current location the organic listing is gone and they are back to ranking for the local. Since the middle of July the traffic from search engines has dropped about 65%. All the organic rankings remain as strong as ever just not in the areas where they want to get customers from!! The idea is to remove the local listing and get the organics reranking as the ctr on those is much much higher. On a side note, anyone else notice very poor ctr on google local listings? Maybe users feel they are adverts thanks

    | ccgale

  • Hi Guys, I'm looking for an enterprise solution for my companies website that currently gets 100+ Million visits a month? We use the free version of Google Analytic but the sampling levels we get are just too small. We have the budget to get something substantial -- the question is what solution should we go with? Thanks, Nicolas

    | Nicolas_Seattle

  • Our A/B test is actually delivering at about a 70/30 page view rate. 70% in favor of the original version and only 30% of the new. We are sending 100% of our traffic to this homepage test. Has anyone else experienced this? There seems to be a lot of folks experiencing this.....anyone know why?

    | VistageSEO

  • I would like to find a way to best segment out my tablet traffic to measure performance; however I'm finding that there are road blocks. It doesn't seem that device operating systems or screen resolutions have clear cut differences in the tablet/mobile versions. Has anyone here found a good way to create a "tablet" segment in Google Analytics? Right now I'm having to lean on solely the ipad traffic to get indicators of tablet performance. Thanks!

    | lvstrickland

  • Happy Monday all! Just a quick question about the Multi-Channel Funnels in Google Analytics. I'm looking at the Assisted Conversions report over a set data range. I'm shown Assisted Conversion Value and Last Interaction Conversion Value for a PPC campaign. Would I be correct in thinking that the total value attributed to a campaign would the total of these values? For example, let's say I spend £100 on a PPC campaign and the Assisted Conversion Value is £50 and the Last Interaction Conversion Value is £100. Is the total value of this campaign £150? I guess this would make the campaign a success as the ROI from the campaign would be positive. Look forward to hearing all your thoughts! Cheers,

    | Confetti_Wedding

  • I bought all .ca, .net, .org, .info and at GoDaddy. I'm using .com and all others are redirect to the .com from the GoDaddy control panel. Is it easy to track any of thems on Analytics? I just installed the tracking code and I selected  in the ''What are you tracking'' option from the ''Advance'' tab, '' Multiple top-level domains
    Examples: If someone enter will it be track? I don't know anything about coding, I hope you can help because I would like to use the .ca doamine to track advertising on my car... Thank you, BigBlaze

    | BigBlaze205

  • I know this question has been asked before, but I'm hoping someone can address my specific issue. We recently did a complete redesign of our site and moved it over to a new server. The site was even "down" for about a week, where we had a static splash page. However since relaunching (it's not been over two weeks) we've seen a significant drop in search engine traffic. We are using Yoast for Wordpress. The site is The Tech Block. Could anyone see if there is something we're doing wrong? Thanks

    | ttb

  • Our client has four domains all redirecting to one domain.,, and are all set up to redirect to I would like to make sure that we are getting the most link juice and that they are set up correctly in Google Webmaster Tools. Any help would be great. Thanks!

    | PolarisWebSEO

  • Hello In Google analytics you can obtain the number of visits as a result of non-paid search. You can also set up custom reports to find the number of organic searches. The numbers are different, so what is the obvious difference between these two metrics that I'm missing. Thanks in advance for any assistance. Neil

    | mccormackmorrison

  • I have Google Analytics implemented on my site and have goals/funnels set up to track the conversion process. I have just started an AdWords campaign but can't see/track conversions from it. Do I need to implement both Google Analytics AND AdWords scripits on the page?

    | mj775

  • Hey guys, So I have been on Google analytics and I looked at Traffic Sources > Search Engine Optimization > Queries & Landing Pages From Tuesday until today I am showing 0 impressions for top queries when we usually average around 9000 impressions daily, I am seeing the same for landing pages. When I go into google webmaster tools I am seeing 0 data from tues-today. It doesnt say that I have 0 impressions, it is just not showing me those dates, almost like I am unable to see data that is so close to today. The weird thing is that traffic to the sites in question is higher or normal to what it has been the whole month which makes me think that this is some sort of glitch. If we are being penalized and indeed have 0 impressions via search then our traffic would drop tremendously. When I sign out of google and search for our search terms, I am seeing our site pop up right where they should be. When I use the Page Rank tool I am also seeing us in the SERPS where we should be. Wed morning when I came into work after SEOmoz had an updated keyword rank report, I saw some great gains for a lot of our keywords. I am super confused  and hoping that I was not part of the 1% affected. There is no reason for our sites to be penalized, they have great authority, healthy traffic, and go by SEO best practices. We have great content! Has anybody ever ran into this problem? Could use some guidance!

    | PatBausemer

  • Only one page is being crawled, how do I increase the number to include most of our site?

    | NorthCoast

  • When a panda refresh hits and you have a pandalized site, If the site were to de-pandalized, would you see traffic back to pre-panda levels right away? Or any type of movement right away?

    | jessefriedman

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