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Category: Reporting & Analytics

Discuss the best ways to report on performance and communicate results to stakeholders.

  • Hello, we have several pages with the same page title. Now out of all those pages I want to pick two. Let's call them "/page1" and "/page2". For those pages I want the following information (combined for both): Avg. time on page, Bounce rate, Navigation Summary Normally I get all the information under "Content" "Pages" and by choosing the "page title" as primary dimension and clicking on the respective page title. Let's call it "page | title". Choosing the filter for 1 page works fine (I just enter "/page1" in simple filter). But how can I filter for two pages ( entering " include page ends with /page1 and include page ends with /page2" in the advance filter will show 0 results). Thanks in advance

    | guitarslinger

  • I am looking for a tool that will crawl a website and create a spreadsheet listing out all key data such as title, meta description, etc. Anyone know of an available tool to do that?

    | jfeitlinger

  • Hi I added one google analytics account with a third party business as an admin, and I accidentally shared all the accounts of my clients. So this business have access to all my google analytics account. How do I remove them as an admin of all the GA accounts except the one they need? A step by step process is welcomed 🙂 Thank you,

    | Ideas-Money-Art

  • What is the best way of setting up Google Analytic for a website that has many sub folders? The main site is and it has 40 sub folder sites like etc etc Would it be advised to track a single domain in Google Analytic then create filters for the sub folder sites. Filters > Include traffic from > Sub directories Also with this method is it possible to view overall incoming website stats for everything? Previous experience would be great with this thanks 🙂

    | daracreative

  • Hello, We have a Google Webmaster Tools account under nlpca(dot)com but our preferred URL is www.nlpca(dot)com Do I need to delete the account and start over with the correct domain version, or is there a setting I can set somewhere? The code is in Joomla so I can't set a rel="canonical" in just the home page. Currently we have all home page version redirected to www.nlpca(dot)com Thanks!

    | BobGW

  • when i first add my url to seomoz then i had a general report of all the faults my website had  in SEO and suggestions where can i find  it now , i cant find it ?!

    | fireproductsuk

  • Hello, After listening to the advice of many of you on this forum, I have managed to move my site up in the SERPS, close enough to where I want/need to be. My traffic has increased heavily, yet I am still not seeing a large increase in orders being placed. I am positive that I have the lowest prices on these items, and the most information available about them, yet I still can't seem to convert a lot of this traffic into sales. Can you guys please take a look at my site and provide some guidance on what I can/should do to help convert these visitors to customers? my site is : Thanks

    | Prime85

  • For some reason every time I get an SEO report card, or even check for my site on Yahoo, im never there. An the Report card always tells me that I am not being indexed by Yahoo. I don't understand bc my site is indexed by Google and Bing beautifully. I feel like I am missing out on good potential traffic...Any suggestions?

    | Caseman

  • What is the best practice in Google Analytics? Tracking + under the same profile? Or creating separate profiles for each and Thanks!

    | gerardoH

  • How the subscription for seomoz will help to improve the traffic of my website ?

    | fullerenedr

  • One of the companies that I work for sells the latest smartphones. It ranks fairly well for key terms in an extremely competitive field. Recently the rankings of one particular handset have been extremely erratic and do not follow the pattern of other products, I am wondering if anyone can offer some insight as to why this is happening? When the handset was first announced, it ranked fairly well (20th). This is good when you bare in mind that it is an ecommerce site competing with top tech sites. Prior to release, the ranking gradually declined to 33rd. I believe this may be due to reviews being publsihed (as a result of review handsets being sent out prior to release) as Google has started to favour reviews and news updates. I have seen a similar pattern with other handsets, reviews and news are favoured by Google prior to release, but once the product is available, my rankings rise and remain on the first page provided that links are still coming in. However, the rankings of this handset dropped from 27th to below 50th upon launch. The next week the ranking rose from >50th to 7th, dropped to below 50th again the following week, rose back to 9th the week after and has now dropped again to below 50th. These are by far the biggest changes in rankings I have seen on a week to week basis. The page has a strong link profile in order to achieve such a high ranking in the first place. With this being the case I have no idea why ranking can drop off so much in the space of a week? Update: I forgot to mention initially that I have the variant listed twice, one for each colour variant. All content is the same apart from the colour being altered in the appropriate places. This has not been a problem in the past, but perhaps it is due to recent changes to Google algorithm?

    | pugh

  • When I check the link metrics for my product pages in OSE, it shows a message saying that the page redirects to our custom error page. This page was recently created to display when there is an error with the website. Do I need to be concerned that OSE is seeing all product pages as redirecting to this error page? Will it affect page authority etc,? I have attached a screen shot of the message that OSE displays for reference. YWbpM.jpg

    | pugh

  • Does anyone have any recommendations for call tracking services that service Canada? If so, have you used them personally? Was set up difficult?

    | Stevej24

  • I have an element from ringcentral that is tracked by google analytics, yet for the life of me I cannot figure out to how to view the entrance keywords to that element. I can view the search metric and see which keywords and how many visits from each keyword onto the site in general, but how do I see which keywords were actually responsible for this 'click to call' code which has GA? I can see the total number of clicks into that code, but not which keywords led to it.

    | ilyaelbert

  • We have an e-commerce site, and we use Google Analytics. We have created a "sales" goal + the funnel. Our funnel has the following structure: shopping cart - register - login - address - shipping - payment method - confirmation - sales This helps us track "goal abandonment". But we're also interested in tracking "shopping cart abandonment". For example we can see that 100 visitors enter the shopping cart, and 80 of them proceed to register or other steps in the funnel. This means that 20% left the car (shown by a red arrow in Google Analytics). Is there other way to see how many people left the shopping cart without proceeding to any of the other steps in the funnel, for example, people that closed their browsers or went to a page in the site not included in the funnel? I know I'm missing something here... Thanks!

    | gerardoH

  • Does anybody know if Google's new privacy policy allows it to use data gathered by Analytics to be used as a ranking factor in the SERPs?

    | Jolora

  • Hi I'm having trouble understanding why I'm getting the results I am for my organic traffic data. I've been focussing on a few keywords throughout my website and the most recent results show that there is a big increase in the Organic Search Visits and the Non-Paid Keywords Sending Search Visits for both Branded Keywords and Non-branded Keywords, but the results for URLs Receiving Entrances Via Search are the complete opposite. Down by a few percent. I don't understand why this would happen and was hoping that someone could maybe explain and give a few reasons for why this is happening and maybe give some tips on how to stop it from happening in the future if possible. Thanks.

    | Bonx

  • Hello, I am looking for some advice. I am working with a real estate client. They have a main website, and then several separate agent websites. The agent sites share some content with the main site, as well as having some unique content. My question is what is the best way to track visitors? Should I have separate Google Analytics accounts for each site, or should I use one account and separate profiles?

    | ukao

  • I've just launched a mobile version of my site at I could do with a bit of help just checking I've inserted my Google Analytics code correctly though. I've chosen the sub domain option from settings and pasted the code into both the mobile and the non-mobile version of my sites. However, am I right in thinking that the setDomain attribute should point to two different domains for example: _gaq.push(['_setDomainName', '']); (for the mobile site) and: _gaq.push(['_setDomainName', '']); (for the standard site) Thanks very much for your help!

    | theshortstack

  • Hi chaps, Quick question for you. I'm drilling down in GA to one of our eCommerce pages which has a pretty high bounce rate. I'm looking at referring keywords and they don't seem to make much sense. The page I'm looking at is a pretty deep page but the top referring keywords are all branded terms. The page isn't included in our site links. To explain a little further, this is the scenario I think is happening: User searches using "Brand term". They then click through to our homepage and eventually land on the deep shopping page (on a different subdomain) In GA Content > Site Content > Pages > Primary dimension set to keyword - "Brand term" shows as the referring keyword. Does this sound right? We have a custom GA script set up to track multiple subdomains.

    | Confetti_Wedding

  • Hi Mozzers, I'm carrying out some analysis on our eCommerce site and the bounce rate from Google Shopping is well above the site average at 60%. Our shopping feed is submitted to Google every morning so we know that images and prices are up-to-date which would obviously cause a high bounce rate. Any ideas on what might cause this? Is it normal for Google Shopping to produce a high bounce rate? Cheers guys!

    | Confetti_Wedding

  • I'm looking in WMT at the crawl errors and I noticed that our website has gotten a lot of Not Found crawl errors that seem strange. A lot of these not found pages are Display URLs that I use in PPC advertising, but not actual redirects (i.e. When I looked at how these links were being found, the inbound links were coming from and, two sites that our company has never had a relationship with. We're an educational travel company, so we'd have no reason to. When I followed the links, it looks like it's coming from their "Sponsored Links," but these aren't Google or Bing Ads. We don't even advertise on the content network. Example link: (the ads do rotate so my site might not appear when you check it out). Anyone ever had experience with this type of issue?

    | Explorica

  • I am looking a tool/site to check ranking history of specifc keyword . Is this possible ? Thanks

    | bfletc4

  • When I delete a labels how do I prevent crawlers form tagging these as not found?  Tried a word press 301 redirect, didn't!  I've got 1,000's of these errors from removing excess tags and labels from my blog.

    | AmazingUniverse56

  • Hi, So I have a segment of my website-let’s call it /examplea, I am trying to figure out how many visits I have to /examplea from all other areas of my website i.e. /exampleb, /examplec etc to /examplea so almost internal site refers to a particular segment of my website, Any thoughts on how to do this within Google analytics ? Marc

    | NRMA

  • I have changed one of my company pages. Now I saw that the Google position is different using IE of Firefox. In IE we are at position 1, in Firefox we are at position 4. Does anybody know, why this is? And how I could change this for different browsers? At the end the results are from Google.

    | vliegticketsnl

  • Hello World(pun intended) I am seeing a phenomenal keyword phrase ranking at an avg. 9.9 on google webmaster tools but not actually seeing the ranking in reality. If i did I would be rich. Does this mean I will soon see this ranking?

    | TheGrid

  • Hi Could anyone explain what these visits are in Google Analytics?  Under traffic sources and organic I am seeing lots of entries with data like below.  Any ideas what kind of traffic this is?  Is it a bot and if so what is their purpose of it and is it recommended that you block it? Pages/Visit 1.00 Avg. Time on Site 00:00:00 % New Visits : 100% Bounce Rate: 100.00% Many Thanks

    | ocelot

  • when viewing campaign it indicates there is a problem linking to our GA account but the details entered are correct. Any ideas what the problem might be - nothing on the campaign settings page gives me a clue. There is a highlighted box saying disconnect from GA but nothing else. The only thing i can think of is that the GA account was set up by a third party and we have access to view it - could it be a permissions problem?

    | GreatGifts4Kids

  • Hi, I am very new to SEOMoz and just getting to know the terms in the thrown up in the results. Can you tell me what domain authority actually is and how can I increase it? thank you louandel15

    | louandel15

  • Does anyone know if Google Analytics reports visits to your website differently from individual search apps like Google and Bing? Or do they just treat them the same as any other keyword visit from Google or Bing search engine? I suppose the end result is probably the same as in the Google app you're using Google so it would just be a different access point versus a new tool. I'm just curious if there is a way to see how many Mobile visits are coming from the apps vs the browser. For me personally I have the Google and Bing iOS apps installed but rarely use them, opting for the Safari search bar 99% of the time.

    | nsauser

  • My client has clean links in edit from The links do not have nofollow tags. Google Webmaster stopped including links from in the external linking domains report and we don't know why since the URL is still live. The URL includes this tag in the source code: Are links on pages with NOARCHIVE still counted in Google Webmaster linking domains reports?

    | ebenthurston

  • Hello everyone, I was studying Analytics, and checked that the time on page is calculated by the diference of the time you entered the page and when you click to go to another one. But how the time is calculated when I open several links using new tabs in different moments? Does Google counts the last tab? Just a guess... Thanks!

    | seomasterbrasil

  • Does anyone know how to find this out. When I use Google Analytics to monitor a website, I am receiving referrals from Facebook, but it does not tell me the source on Facebook. Only that it is coming from Facebook somewhere.

    | esn

  • My client has 2 WP folders (one is the main site, and one was for an added blog, don't ask me why they did it that way). They sent me the login for Google Analytics, and the first thing I see is 2 profiles, one for the main site, and one for the blog. Doesn't the code in the head of the main page cover ALL the subdirectories too? I could see this if it were a subdomain, but not in a subdirectory. Thanks in advance.

    | kbloemendaal

  • I updates all my google analytics accounts after the update and now i went to each campaign and it appears there is a problem and now if I reset it i loose history. Is this a glitch or a problem

    | JAGlasvegas

  • I am on the trial until Mar 5, 2012. I seldom get the info I want. Is it because my sites are too narrow a niche? I don't seem to be getting the data I'd like from your service. I'm trying to like it, but when I keep getting messages like this, it makes it hard to justify: "No Link Data Available for this URL appears often" Sample sites that I am unable to get data. I especially would like to know how many backlinks exist for each site. I paid someone to help me with them and I'd like to verify their work.: Any suggestions? Thanx Kurt Gross

    | kurtray

  • Hi, I'm attempting to create a campaign, but the website I want to analyse won't allow SEOmoz to crawl the site stating that the site does not allow 'web requests' - can anything be done about this? Thanks, Adam

    | adamgthorndike

  • Hi, I wanted to figure out the most optimal way to track the number of visitors that comes to a specific page on my blog via search engine only. I know Google Analytics has a "top landing page" filter, but that includes all visitors that comes in directly or other channels. Is there a way to figure out how many visitors a certain page received that was generated through only search engine? Does SEOmoz have this capability?

    | kevinyu1029

  • Hi everyone, I've never asked a question here before, so go easy on me 🙂 I've noticed recently that my site is not showing up for my own brand searches anymore, and that my organic google results are way down. For example, it used to be if you would search for "grouvee kings quest 6" you would either see or show up first in google. Now they're nowhere to be found. Here's another example. If you would search for "grouvee mass effect 3" you'd either see or show up first in google. Once again, nowhere to be found. I could go on with several other examples, but I don't really know what I've done. I 301 redirected 2 pages a few weeks ago because I added a /reviews/ structure to my site and needed to move a couple of pages that used to be under /news/ over to the new section, but those shouldn't have had anything to do with the pages I referenced above. I haven't done any link building really. I submit some of my articles occasionally to places like reddit or n4g, but that's about it. Anyone have any tips or things I should be looking at?

    | petecorsaro

  • I am using free link API to get total number of internal links,
    external links, follow links and no follow links by using ** url. I have given following attributes along with the url as, SourceCols=4 TargetCols=4 Scope=page_to_page Sort=page_authority Limit=1000 Filter=nofollow By implementing this, I am getting array for each filter and by counting
    array size, I can get the count of total links. This is a long procedure and seomoz link API is taking a long response time. Is there any way by which I can get the total number of link for each
    filter directly ? Or is there any other alternative ?

    | Ravi_Pathak

  • I have a ton of duplicate content warnings for my site, but I can't see where there are duplicate URLs. I cannot find any function where I could check the original URL vs a list of other URLs where the duplicate content is?

    | CatfishTPA

  • Hi there, If you had 2 Google Analytics Accounts one to the main site and another to the blog, could this affect the page position in Google? We've suddenly noticed a drop in our KWs and it was shortly after we added another Google Analytics Account. The blog has 68% Bounce rate and the main site has always been about 48%. Any help would be much appreciated. Many thanks Paul

    | webdesigncwd

  • Hi, I'm looking into building a tool which would incorporate SEOMOZ ranking metrics and I have a few questions with regard to the ranking data which will help me develop it correctly. I have done a few searches, for the information but haven't found an answer to these questions on seomoz - if they exist somewhere then I would be grateful if you could point me in the right direction. 1/. When looking at the values of metrics such as MozRank and DA, is there any information on how this values are distributed amongst the ranked website - EG The mean / median values of DA and MozRank etc of all websites monitored is X & Y . If there were any distribution graphs for these values then even better. 2/. Along the lines of the above - are there any online resources showing similar information for google PR? 3/. What is the calcuation used in the scale of MozRank and DA  - ie We have a scale of 1-10 for these values - be we also know the scale in not linear but logrithmic - ie Double the Links of a DA 5 website and you would not end up with a DA 10 website - so what is the calculation which defines the scale. A WBF about google PR by Rand indicated that a value of between 8-9 is used in Google PR - but what about the values used for DA and MozRank etc? Many thanks for your help

    | James77

  • Hi, I recently read Tom Anthony's post on "Monitor Which Social Networks Your Visitors are Logged Into With Google Analytics".  I have looked and re-looked at the code implemented and after two days I am still not getting any results tracking. Could somebody please take a look at my site and tell me if they see any conflicts or errors I may have made when installing the code. Thanks for any help!

    | BryanCasson

  • hi We were looking at the Google Analytics for one  of our sites and noticed that there were NO pageviews from device=iphone and resolution=640x960 in the report. Given that iphone4 is supposed to be 640x960, and would be the most popular device (at least in our offices and everyone I know), it seems wierd. I sorted the Mobile Devices report by device and resolution to see what was available. The first 160 results were all device=not set. Finally got to device=iPhone and there were three entries: resolution 0x0 had 11 views resolution 320x396 had 45 views resolution 320x480 had 3,944 views. Hopefully all iphone4 users havent been classified as not set. Or is it possible that iphone4s claim to be 320x480 in browsers, as per Even worse, if I look at the Samsung Galaxy S II (myown phone), there are over 30 screen resolution combinations. Does anyone have anything to shed on this? I asked about it on the google analytics twitter account last week but havent had a response. Are there other analytics solutions that would distinguish between the iphones? Warning - this is a link to a large image, with the not set stats at the top. 6Sjji

    | ozgeekmum

  • Can anyone tell me how to do a regular expression in the new version of GA? I want to remove specific keywords from organic reports. In the previous version of GA I used the following (phrase1|phrase2|phrase3) but that doesn't work anymore.

    | SoulSurfer8

  • Afternoon all - I hope someome might be able to help me getting some data out of Google Analytics. I want to try pull a report which will show me both what the last page before a goal completion was and the country that generated the click. Is that possible at all? When I go to look at goals, I can only pull data for the last page before the goal click ... and when I look at my goals in the Pages>Content menu, I can only view country. So is there any way of pulling the two set of data together at all? Any thoughts would be really appreciated. Thanks very much, Simon

    | theshortstack

  • I know this may be an easy question, but I keep seeing mediums titled SEM and (not set) in my GA. I can't seem to find the Google definition. Does anyone know what this means?

    | KJ-Rodgers

  • Hi, I have a paranoid suspicion that putting all my websites on one Webmaster / Analytic account will mean any links between my sites won't carry any weight, and Google might consider similar content much more readily if 2 of my sites are in the same market. So I have about 4 different accounts with my main sites split across them. Am I being over paranoid? Do any of you have any problem with all your sites being on the same account?

    | SpecialCase

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