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  • How does google view vertical bar pipe separation in content ? For example I want to create highlights. If i write something like that Sentence A | Sentence B | Sentence C | Sentence D | Is it considered the same paragraph or different paragraphs ? Thank you

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • Hi community, Our company name got attested with our industry keyword over the years; which also primary keyword of our homepage and all of our industry competitors. Best example is... Moz turns to Moz SEO for fraction of the audience or users. Again this is an example. Now if Google thinks "Moz" is only the company name, does it ignores the word "seo" completely? Or Google gives negative score for employing "seo" after "Moz" across all pages? Does the "seo" word will be considered or ignored in this case? How Google recognises the company name? Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | vtmoz

  • If I create a page about a "Normandy bike tour "and present the same things (pictures, hotels, dates, day by day itinerary, clients reviews, map)  as my competitors can I still rank ? Or do I need to add something totally that my competitors don't have on their webpages to rank and compete ? Thank you,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • How do you implement video meta data, closed captioning and transcripts to ensure both search engines and screen readers can crawl/read? For example, in a mostly text-based video with a simple audio track hosted one brightcove and embedded into our site, we want to make sure 1) google can crawl the text on the video and 2) a vision-impaired viewer would be able to use a screen reader to hear the text on the video.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | elmorse

  • Hi there! We have a client who has been generating back links from external sites over a period of two years with all the same anchor text which all link back to the home page. This anchor text is also their main search phrase they wish to score highly on. In total, they have roughly 300 domain names linking to their site. Over 50 of these domain names all have the same anchor text. These links have been generated through articles and blogs. So roughly 20% of the total number of links all have the same anchor text. Over the past 6 months the client has noticed a steady drop in their rankings for this term. From the back link analysis we have done, we believe it is this which is causing the problem. Does any one else agree? For the remedy, do we go in and see if we can change the anchor text or disavow them through Google webmaster tools? Suggestions? Thanks for your help! P 🙂

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | Globalgraphics

  • We have a WordPress site where we use the plugin Chatra for our chats. It works great...except, that you cannot track conversions from Google Ads. There is another plugin called Apex that allows tracking, but their people answer the phone instead of ours. So does anyone know a way or a plugin where we can have chat enable on our website that our people are solely responsible for responding to that allows you to track conversions from Google Ads? Thanks, Ruben

    Paid Search Marketing | | KempRugeLawGroup

  • Hi all! we are doing some back link analysis on a clients competitors site. The competitor has roughly 300,000 links generated from an estimated 1,500 domain names. Is there an easy way to determine how many of the 300,000 links come from which of the 1,500 domain names? Essentially we want to see which of these domain names are generating the majority links? Is there a tool we can use to determine this? Or is it good old fashioned leg work? Ideas...? Thanks in advance 🙂 Phil.

    Link Building | | Globalgraphics

  • Hello, We run two sites with the same product, product descriptions and url structure. Essentially, the two sites are the same except for domain name and minor differences on the home pages. We've run this way for quite a few years. Both sites have a domain authority of 48 and there are not a large number of duplicate incoming links. I understand the "book" to say we should combine the sites with 301's to the similar pages. I am concerned about doing this because "site 2" still does about 20% of our business. We have been losing organic traffic for a number of years. I think this mainly has to do with a more competitive environment. However, where google used to serve both our sites for a search term it now will only show one. How much organic benefit should we see if we combine. Will it be significant enough to merge the two sites. Understandably, I realize the future can't be predicted but I would like to know if anyone has had a similar experience or opinion Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ffctas

  • Hi there, So about 3.5 weeks ago I noticed my website ( had gone from ranking in second place for our main key phrase "web design dorset" to totally dropping off the SERP's for that particular search phrase - it's literally no where to be seen. It seems that other pages of my website still rank, but the homepage. I then noticed that I had an unread alert in my Google Search Console account to say that a staging site we were hosting on a subdomain (the subdomain was had hacked content - it was a couple of PDF files with weird file names. The strange thing is we'd taken this staging site down a few weeks earlier, BUT one of my staff had left an A record set up in our Cloudflare account pointing to that staging server - they'd forgotten to remove it when removing the staging site. I then removed the A record, myself and submitted a reconsideration request on Google Search Console (which I still haven't received confirmation of) in the hope of everything sorting itself out. Since then I've also grabbed a Moz Pro account to try and dig a little deeper, but without any success. We have a few warnings for old 404's, some missing meta descs on some pages, and some backlinks that have accumulated over time that have hghish spam rating, but nothing major - nothing that would warrant a penalty as far as I can tell. From what I can make out, we've been issued a penalty on our homepage only, but I don't understand why we would get penalised for hacked content if that site no longer existed (would it just be due to that erroneous A record we forgot to remove?). I contacted a few freelance SEO experts and one came back to me saying I'd done everything correctly and that I should see our site appearing again in a few days after submitting the reconsideration request. Its been 3 weeks and nothing. I'm at a huge loss as to how my site can recover from this. What would you recommend? I even tried getting our homepage to rank for a variation of "web design dorset", but it seems our homepage has been penalised for anything with "dorset" in the keyphrase. Any pointers would be HUGELY appreciated. Thanks in advance! Will

    Technical SEO | | wsmith727

  • What is the difference between Keywords Lists and Keywords Labels - Aren't they both just ways to create logical keyword groups? Also, what does the Tracked label imply - If a keyword is added to a "keyword list" does it also automatically get tracked?

    Moz Bar | | hppcseo

  • A recent update resulted in duplication of urls on our site due to inconsistent url structure: Example: /category2.html and /category2 both active on the site as the same page Will this hurt and should we create redirects using only one version of the url? /category2.html redirect to /category2

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Karri_Parks

  • Its been a lot of time since I have launched my website but I am not getting any ranking keywords can you please help me about the following factor or provide some solutions my website is about selling third-party antivirus and technical service:

    On-Page Optimization | | Mehakayna

  • Hey everybody, I have been testing the Inurl: feature of Google to try and gauge how long ago Google indexed our page. SO, this brings my question. If we run inurl: all of our domains show up. If we run inurl: the domain shows up as being indexed If I use the "&as_qdr=y15" string to the URL, does not show up. Does anybody have any experience with this? Also on the same note when I look at how many pages Google has indexed it is about half of the pages we see on our backend/sitemap. Any thoughts would be appreciated. TY!

    On-Page Optimization | | HashtagHustler

  • What are some of the best resources with learning and teaching other GTM and conversion tracking?

    Industry News | | WebMarkets

  • I am currently perplexed over a client's search results. They are an established company and well known in their field. (Unfortunately, I am not comfortable providing a link or their name.) The company is a consulting firm and let's assume it is an accounting firm, which it is not. When you search on BSC Accounting the results give them the first result but the next 18 results are around education - BSc Accounting. Consider the DA on the site is 34 and the PA for homepage is 39. Is there a chance that when someone is searching on accounting firms that having the BSC in the name skews what they are able to rank for? Forget about searches for their exact name, I am more interested in thoughts as to how the BSC effects general searches for their specialties.

    Branding | | RobertFisher

  • this my link can help me marble Egypt

    Technical SEO | | saharali15

  • We primarily produce two different types of content: concise fact sheets on topics and video briefings + transcripts of topics. Often these two content types cover the same topic area and since we're currently siloing by content type, these pages end up competing against each other for rankings. Advice on a site structure that'd avoid these issues?

    On-Page Optimization | | jay_elsie

  • Hi all, I read the article from 2014 on MOZ regarding ipv6. Our technical department is about to change our server from ipv4 to ipv6.
    Are there any things we have to consider regarding SEO / rankings / duplicate content etc.. with this transition? I hope you have a little spare time to answer this question. Regards,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | AdenaSEO

  • Client had a website that was hacked about a year ago. Hackers went in and added a bunch of spam landing pages for various products. This was before the site had installed an SSL certificate. After the hack, the site was purged of the hacked pages and and SLL certificate was implemented. Part of that process involved setting up a rewrite that redirects http pages to the https versions. The trouble is that the spam pages are still being indexed by Google, even months later. If I do a site: search I still see all of those spam pages come up before most of the key "real" landing pages. The thing is, the listing on the SERP are to the http versions, so they're redirecting to the https version before serving a 404. Is there any way I can fix this without removing the rewrite rule?

    Technical SEO | | SearchPros

  • If we have one page in English, and another that is translated into Spanish, does google consider that duplicate content? I don't know if having something in a different language makes it different or if it will get flagged. Thanks, Ruben

    International SEO | | KempRugeLawGroup

  • Hi guys, I recently upgraded from woocommerce 2 to v3 and rankings have been plummeting. I have double checked all of the schema, markup, technical, speed, etc and it all seems to be the same. The on thing that I did find is that while there used to be about 400 images (products) there are now over 1500 images in the index as all of the thumbnails are not in the sitemap. Would / could this cause the issue? Can i remove all the thumbs from the sitemap? if so any suggestions on how (google returns very little to nothing regarding this). Should i alt text every thumbnail..... Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | plahpoy

  • Hello, I was watching this video about pillar pages and tried to apply it to my self but find it impossible to do (but maybe I am looking at it the wrong way). Let's say I want to rank on "Normandy bike tou"r. I created a pillar page about "Normandy bike tour" what would be the topics of the subpages boosting that pillar page. I know that it should be questions people have but in the tourism industry they don't have any, they just want us to make them dream !! I though about doing more general blog pages about things such as : Places to rent a bike in Normandy or in XYZ city ? ( related to biking) Or the landing sites in Normandy ? (not related to biking) Is it the way to do it, what do you recommend ? Thank you,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • Hi I am trying to get schema set up for a number of articles we are putting on our site (eg: the mark up I think I should use is : Google structured data testing tool keeps insisting I have "publisher" and then "logo" but doesn't seem to want accept anything for the "logo" entry no matter how I seem to code it. Any assistance would be much appreciated as after three hours on this I am pulling what little hair I have left out! Bob

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BobBawden1

  • Hi all, Let's say few pages on the website dropped in the rankings due to poor optimisation of the pages or hit by algo updates. Does Google limits the ranking drop only to these pages or the entire website will have any impact? I mean will this cause ranking drop to the homepage for primary keyword? Will Google pose the penalty to other pages in the website if few pages drop in the rankings. Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | vtmoz

  • Hi there! I am looking for some industry expert weigh-in on best practices to how to best approach the business scenario described below to bring in some outside confirmation of our approach for a client. Tim runs a business, Tim's business has between 15 and 30 individual locations in large cities across the United States. Unfortunately, the approach to each individual location's digital marketing has been inconsistent. Some have a unique URL for their location ( Some have a subdomain ( Some have a separate domain altogether ( Which of these three approaches would best build the best foundation for the business in local and national rankings from an SEO standpoint and why?

    Local Website Optimization | | searchcityusa

  • Assuming we have retained a an award winning journalist to write articles/blog posts about our business. Assuming the content is useful and engaging. Where would be the best place to publish it to create high quality backlinks? 1. Our website blog
    2. Social media sites like our LinkedIn or Facebook pages. 
    3. Sending completed articles to websites that might potentially have an interest in publishing them.
    4. Publishing the articles on our website and then promoting them with Adwords and Facebook to demographics that would find them interesting and link to them. 
    5. Combination of publishing an article on our website and posting a related article on social media and linking it back to the original article on our website. 
    6. Place a custom written article of extremely high quality on affiliate website run by the HOTH or a competitor. But before publishing check the affiliate website on AHREFS and Link Research Tools to ensure that the metrics are not at all spammy (decent domain rating). Which of the above options (or combination of) would most likely result in backlinks of good quality? Assume the quality of the writing is excellent. If pitching the content to other websites (#3) would work, how would we identify these websites? Thanks,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Kingalan1

  • Hi hopefully someone can help - pulling my hair out - can't seem to find where this redirect is coming from. Curently there is a redirect from http://bimi to https://bimi then to our real domain https://www.bimi But I can't find it - I have checked through hta access file, through YOAST redirects - any suggestions from anyone who has has this before in wordpress? | | 23 | 0 | 3 | |
    |   |   | Associated Pages |   |
    |   |   | | 23 | 1 |   |   |
    |   |   | Office Furniture Online | The UK's major Office Furniture Retailer | BiMi.co | HTA access says the following - I have googled to see whether its causing it but none the wiser! BEGIN LSCACHE LITESPEED WP CACHE PLUGIN - Do not edit the contents of this block! <ifmodule litespeed="">RewriteEngine on
    CacheLookup on
    RewriteRule .* - [E=Cache-Control:no-autoflush]
    RewriteRule ^min/\w+.(css|js) - [E=cache-control:no-vary] marker CACHE RESOURCE start RewriteRule wp-content/./[^/](responsive|css|js|dynamic|loader|fonts).php - [E=cache-control:max-age=3600] marker CACHE RESOURCE end marker FAVICON start RewriteRule favicon.ico$ - [E=cache-control:max-age=86400] marker FAVICON end ###</ifmodule> LITESPEED WP CACHE PLUGIN - Do not edit the contents of this block! END LSCACHE BEGIN NON_LSCACHE LITESPEED WP CACHE PLUGIN - Do not edit the contents of this block! marker MINIFY start <ifmodule mod_rewrite.c="">RewriteEngine on
    RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}%{REQUEST_URI} ^(.*)/min/(\w+).(css|js)$
    RewriteCond %1/wp-content/cache/$2/$1.$2 -f
    RewriteRule min/(\w+).(css|js) wp-content/cache/$2/$1.$2 [L]</ifmodule> marker MINIFY end LITESPEED WP CACHE PLUGIN - Do not edit the contents of this block! END NON_LSCACHE BEGIN WordPress <ifmodule mod_rewrite.c="">RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^index.php$ - [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]</ifmodule> END WordPress

    Technical SEO | | KellyDSD86

  • A client has been acquired by a larger company who will eventually absorb client's website but this could take some time (a year or more). We have posted notice of the acquisition on their current site now, but it's time to make the rebrand of current site a priority. Since this site could be functional for some time and still operates as a lead generator for the company, we don't want to negatively affect their web traffic. Curious if anyone has experienced similar or if there are best practices we should be following for this transition? Domain will stay the same for now.

    On-Page Optimization | | KMofOutlier

  • I just purchased MOZ local for a client on a brand new location. I had already submitted the NAP to the big four google, yahoo, bing, yelp. I purchased the 99/year basic plan and now I am a bit confused. Will MOZ submit to the local directories in the network or out of the network that does not have a listing in place (Business New Address) so no listings exist besides the ones I mentioned.  Also, it says it will send it to all four aggregators, is this true and how can I verify?  Can someone explain what I should expect?  YIKES, I hope this is not a dumb question for those MOZer gurus :). If it doesn't what did I just buy? A way to monitor Google? Please assist. I need to get NAP data out there for local directories for a customer.  Should I have done this a different way? Thanks in advance,

    Moz Local | | MyBambooSEO

  • Hello, I'm the owner of a rubbish removal company based in London - Frank Rubbish Removal and trying to optimize the website of the company for search engines. Until now, I have hired a couple marketing companies but without success. What I want to achieve is to rank for local keywords in the rubbish removal niche, for example, Rubbish Removal Chelsea, waste clearance Hackney, waste removal Harrow...and similar local keywords. I have spent a lot of money on marketing companies and the website still can't go on 1st page of search engines in the UK. Can you tell me what I can do or who can hire to bring my website on 1st page for the local keywords?

    Local Website Optimization | | korado11

  • Does someone have any ideas as to how Moz is treating capitalized keywords differently from the lower case?

    Link Explorer | | Roman-Delcarmen

  • In my Google Search Console today, I saw a link from Creative Market. In Moz last week I saw a link from Instructables. In Moz, they have high numbers. DO you think these type of profiles have a big impact? (Moz-50, ahrefs-14) (Moz-36, Ahrefs-12) (Moz-42, Ahrefs-13) (Moz-50, Ahrefs-25) (Moz-25, Ahrefs-11) They all look to be do follow links

    Link Building | | julie-getonthemap

  • Hello there! I was wondering if you guys have experience with big retailers sites fetching data via API (PDP content etc.) from another domain which is also sharing the same data with other multiple sites. If each retailer has thousands on products, optimizing PDP content (even in batches) is quite of a cumbersome task and rel="canonical" pointing to original domain will dilute the value. How would you approach this type of scenario? Looking forward to read  your suggestions/experiences Thanks a lot! Best Sara

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SaraCoppola

  • Hello, Has anyone got experience on how rankings behave to climb all the way to the top once your do a redirect and change the design and content of your page entirely ?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • Hello Friends, I am planning to develop my website for other languages. which one is best for SEO? (The main English website is well ranked in google) 1. (subdomain may obtain rank faster as it is part of the main website?)
    2. (this is a completely new one; so not easy to get rank?) thank you

    Web Design | | Bold

  • I want to know, Is there any detailed report or study done by someone on the Domain authority calculations between Google & Moz. Mainly, I would like to know 1. How Google calculates Domain Authority and How Moz does ? 2. Is there any correlation in majority of the cases or both differs vastly ?

    Link Explorer | | sssnee2

  • Let's say I have great content. I have a great website design (easy to navigate for user) that answers their questions but I have no links. Can I still rank on on a keyword that has a difficulty score of 24. I imagine that I can that google can't penalise me for not having links. Does it mean that without links it will take longer to rank than with links but that google with rank me at some point ? Thank you,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • My client with has a brother that owns hundreds of relevant websites that has great content on there, however, if we have him do some back linkings from those pages from the same server, would it hurt the rankings or make a difference?

    Technical SEO | | SeobyKP

  • Some developers always implement the hreflang for German (which should be "de") as "de-de", so language German and country Germany. There is usually no other German version targeting the other German-speaking countries (mostly ch, at). So obviously the recommendation is to make it "de" and that's the end. But I kept wondering and not finding anything: IF there is a more specialised hreflang, will google take that if there is no default? Example: Search in: de-at (or de-ch) Search result has the following hreflang versions: de-de; x-default (==en), en => Will Google give the result for x-default or de-de?

    Technical SEO | | netzkern_AG

  • Hi I have several small review sites in multiple categories and want to consolidate them into a single review site(aged domain I just bought) I'd redirect the old sites to the new one. If I just copied all the old articles onto the new website with solid DA, would this work or would Google think Im trying to start a PBN? Thanks! Eddie

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | calentador2019

  • Hi, I have created a keyword list with 500 phrases and your software has been set as "Gathering Data" for hours now. I have closed, re-opened, refreshed multiple times and still nothing. Does it really take that long or is there some sort of issue?

    Getting Started | | Crowleymjc

  • can you please tell me what should I do with this site I trying a lot to solve its issues. the link is here  

    Moz Pro | | saharali15

  • Hi everyone Recently we performed a massive, hybrid site migration (CMS, URL, site structure change) without losing any traffic (yay!). Today I am finding out that our developers+copy writers decided to change Some URLs (pages are the same) without notifying anyone (I'm not going into details why). Anyhow, some URLs in site map changed, so old URLs don't exist anymore. Here is the example: OLD (in sitemap, indexed): NEW: Also, you should know that there is a number of redirects that happened in the past (whole site) Example : Last couple years redirections: HTTP to HTTPS non-www to www trailing slash to no trailing slash Most recent (a month ago ) Site Migration Redirects (URLs / site structure change) So I could add new URLs to the sitemap and resubmit in GSC. My dilemma is what to do with old URL? So we already have a ton of redirects and adding another one is not something I'm in favor of because of redirect loops and issues that can affect our SEO efforts. I would suggest to change the original, most recent 301 redirects and point to the new URL ( pre-migration 301 redirect to newly created URL). The goal is not to send mixed signals to SEs and not to lose visibility. Any advice? Please let me know if you need more clarification. Thank you

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | bgvsiteadmin

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