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  • We have a directory with thousands of pages and we are migrating the entire site to another root URL. These folder paths will not change on the new site, but we don't want to use a wildcard to redirect EVERYTHING to the same folder path on the new site. Setting up manual 301 redirects on this particular directory would be crazy. Is there a way to isolate something like a wildcard redirect to apply only to a specific folder? Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | MJTrevens

  • We have a store with thousands of active items and thousands of sold items. Each product is unique so only one of each. All products are pinned and pushed online ... and then they sell and we have a product page for a sold item. All products are keyword researched and often can rank well for longtail keywords Would you :- 1. delete the page and let it 404 (we will get thousands) 2. See if the page has a decent PA, incoming links and traffic and if so redirect to a RELEVANT category page ? ~(again there will be thousands) 3. Re use the page for another product - for example a sold ruby ring gets replaces with ta new ruby ring and we use that same page /url for the new item. Gemma

    Technical SEO | | acsilver

  • Hi, As everyone knows, lots of generic terms we use everyday (depends from one country to another obviously) are trademark terms and technically protected.
    Some examples here  and there. So my question is ... are we free to rank (or try to at least!) for some of these keywords?
    Some of these keywords vastly outranked their original generic terms and there is little to no value trying to get traffic from the latter. More specifically what about the keywords such as spin, spinning etc.? Thanks!

    Keyword Research | | GhillC

  • Hi I have inherited a website  Domain sore 17 The website promotes Rippinvale so I want to register a domain and direct the old domain to the new one. Is this the best way to do this to maximise the link authority?

    Link Building | | VelocityWebsites

  • What I mean by unique is : Let's imagine I want to rank one "seo ranking factors." In order to compete do I need to have (in terms of design) that is totally different than everything out there or can I rank with a page that is presented in a very similar way than everything out there but with different content. Thank you,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • I am just wondering if I create a page that present different e-bike kits and my title tag tag is "the best e-bike kits in 2019", will I rank on "e-bike kits" and "best e-bike kits" or on just "best e-bike kits" ? It seems that user intent can be tricky and sometimes a title tag can make all the difference. How about if I write "Explore Burgundy on a bike tour "to rank on "Burgundy bike tour", will I rank or is the user intent different when I write explore (meaning I am looking for something self guided instead of guided) Thank you,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • Does the coverage issues on google search console ( Google Webmaster) has an impact on SEO ( CTR or impressions). How much of a difference or impact will fixing these have on Search results and average

    Algorithm Updates | | Rishardg

  • Hi SEO expertises! I am currently working with a client that initially have an English website targeting UK users but want to expand their market into four new regions (Europe, America, APAC and EMEI) keeping English as a main language. I would like to request your help here as I told the client ISO location and hreflang it will be just possible per language and they must need to localise each English region with local keywords, however I would like to double check if it will be any way (Sitemap, Hreflang) we can tell Google we are targeting per region and not per country? Thanks a lot!

    International SEO | | Atalig2

  • Hello, I am planning on doing a blog on travel bike basic. I noticed that the google keyword tool gives me things like How to plan a bike route Can I bike during pregnancy etc... In order to compete on that keyword do I need to answer those questions or can I answer different ones and still rank such as : The tool kit that are recommend. Whether you should take an insurance or not, if so which one. Thank you,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • Hi all, I wonder that duplicate content is the strong reason beside our ranking drop. We have multiple pages of same "topic" (not exactly same content; not even 30% similar) spread across different pages like website pages (product info), blog-posts and helpguides. This happens with many websites and I wonder is there any specific way we need to differentiate the content? Does Google find the difference across  website pages and blog-pots of same topic? Any good reference about this? Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | vtmoz

  • Hi, As you can probably see from the title, a massive rant is coming up. I must admit I no longer understand SEO and I just wanted to see if you have any ideas what might be wrong. So, I read this blog post on MOZ - where the chap is improving ranking of content that is already ranking reasonably well. I've got two bits of news for you. The good news is - yes, you can change your articles' ranking in an afternoon. Bad news - your articles drop out of Top 100. I'll give you a bit more details hoping you can spot what's wrong. Disclaimer - I'm not calling out BS, I'm sure the blogger is a genuine person and he's probably has had success implementing this. The site is in a narrow but popular ecommerce niche where the Top 20 results are taken by various retailers who have simply copy/pasted product descriptions from the manufacturer's websites. The link profile strength is varied and I'm not making this up. The Top 20 sites range from DA:4 to DA:56. When I saw this I said to myself, it should be fairly easy to rank because surely the backlinks ranking factor weight is not as heavy in this niche as it is in other niches. My site is DA:18 which is much better than DA:4. So, even if I make my pages tiny tiny bit better than this DA:4 site, I should outrank it, right? Well, I managed to outrank it with really crap content. So, I got to rank two high-traffic keywords in #8 or #9 with very little effort. And I wish I stayed there because what followed just completely ruined my rankings. I won't repeat what was written in the blog. If you're interested, go and read it, but I used it as a blueprint and bingo, indeed Google changed my ranking in just a couple of hours. Wait, I lost more than 90 positions!!!! I'm now outside Top100. Now even irrelevant sites in Chinese and Russian are in front of me. They don't even sell the products. No, they're even in different niches altogether but they still outrank me. I now know exactly what Alice in Wonderland felt like. I want out please!!!!

    Algorithm Updates | | GiantsCauseway

  • When I check a page, moz report that there are missing header tags om that page. But the page has headings in the html-code. Are there something worng with the moz-tool? Html: class="searchTitle ">Finn din neste jobb

    Moz Bar | | andre_wold

  • A year ago I moved my marketplace website from http to https. I implemented some design changes at the same time, and saw a huge drop in traffic that we have not recovered from. I've been searching for reasons for the organic traffic decline and have noticed that the redirects from http to https URLs are 303 redirects. There's little information available about 303 redirects but most articles say they don't pass link juice. Is it worth changing them to 301 redirects now? Are there risks in making such a change a year later, and is it likely to have any benefits for rankings?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | MAdeit

  • Hello, Is the not provided now available in google search console ? It seems that it is or is it a totally different thing in the search console ? Thank you,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • Like how we can "suggest an edit" in Google Business Listings, is there any way to report Google about the webmaster guidelines violation?

    Local Website Optimization | | Alagurajeshwaran

  • We have a https site and have been checking our 301 re-directs from the old http pages. All seem fine except one...and it is ONLY weird in Firefox (it works OK on Chrome and IE). The http version of that one URL is redirecting to the correct https URL, but with ?ref=wookmark being appended to the end. Why? On the Firefox browser only... 301 redirects to From the research I did Wookmark seems to be a JQuery feature, but we do not use it (as far as I know). And even if we do, it probably should not pop up when doing a 301 redirect. I did try clearing my cache a few times, with no change in the problem. Any help is appreciated 🙂

    Technical SEO | | GregB123

  • Hi all. Just wondering what peoples stance is on using multiple variations of keywords on a webpage - those keywords that have the same meaning and search intent, but are just spelt differently. i.e. 'woodscrews' and 'wood screws' (the latter has a significantly higher search volume) You could approach the webpage in 4 different ways; 1. Use ONLY 'wood screws' on-page, and in the page <title><br />2. Use ONLY 'woodscrews' on-page, and in the page <title><br />3. Use BOTH 'wood screws' and 'woodscrews' on-page, and BOTH in the page <title><br />4. Use BOTH 'wood screws' and 'woodscrews' on-page, but ONLY one variation in the page <title></p> <p>We've run some tests in the past but there were never any clear takeaways, a mixed bag of results really.</p> <p>Also, If they are considered the same keyword by Google why are the ranking positions always different for each variation?</p> <p>I'm not sure there' a specific answer to this, just interested to hear peoples thoughts really.</p> <p>Many thanks in advance!</p> <p>Lee.</p></title>

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Webpresence

  • My company was recently acquired by a much larger one with much stronger domain authority. Can we both use cross domain rel canonical for different keywords and on different pages than each other to help each other rank for non-competing keywords?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Cassie_Ransom

  • Hi,I was testing out the medium pro features but was not aware that I had passed the 30day trial period and there was no notification or email sent to me informing me that. It was shocking to have been billed such a huge amount. Is it possible to get a refund? You can check my activity log which will be inactive.

    Product Support | | Aquasips

  • Hey Moz, I am working with a dating review website and we have noticed one of our competitors is basically making duplicated of their site with .com, .de,, etc. My first thought is this is basically a way to game the system but I could be wrong. They are tapping into googles geo results by including major cities in each state, i.e. "dating in texas" "dating in atlanta" however the content itself doesn't really change. I can't figure out exactly why they are ranking so much higher. For example using some other SEO tools they have a traffic estimate of $500,000 monthly, where as we are sitting around $2000. So, either the traffic estimates are grossly misrepresenting traffic volume, OR they really are crushing it. TLDR: Is geo locating/translating sites a valid way to create backlinks? It's seems a lot like a PBN.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | HashtagHustler

  • Due to Poor unsightly look of breadcrumbs and the space it takes up above the fold we only employ breadcrumbs on our desktop version. Breadcrumbs are hidden from view on mobile version. However as mobile first indexing is now in play what technical SEO impacts will this have?    one thing that comes to mind is crawling deeper pages where breadcrumbs made them accessible in less than 3 link clicks?  But i am unsure now of the impacts of not having breadcrumbs visible for mobile version of our site.

    Technical SEO | | oceanstorm

  • Hi, I have a question relation to Canonical pages That i need clearing up. I am not sure that my bigcommere website is correctly configured and just wanted clarification from someone in the know. Take this page for example Canonical link is The Rel="next" link is and this page has a canonical tag as  rel='canonical' href='' /> Is this correct as above and working as it should  or should the canonical tag for the second (pagination page)     in our source code be saying  rel='canonical' href='' />

    Technical SEO | | oceanstorm

  • I kind of know the answer, but just wanted to get some feedback from others. For the sake of argument, assume there are no other issues with the linking blog, such as: too many ads, thin content, etc. Question: If you make a payment for a blog post with a dofollow link, and in the blog post there is something to the effect of: "this post has been sponsored by..." Will Google crawlers detect that and flag that as an unnatural link?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | kekepeche

  • I'm doing on-page optimizations for an apartment management company, and they have about seven apartments listed on their site. Rather than include everything on the same page - /apartments/apartment-name/ - they have the following setup: /apartments/apartment-name/contact /apartments/apartment-name/features /apartments/apartment-name/availability /apartments/apartment-name/gallery /apartments/apartment-name/neighborhood With very few exceptions, none of these pages appear to rank for anything, and those that do either rank very poorly for seemingly random keywords or for keywords like the apartment complex name (alongside the main landing page for the complex). I'm of the mind to recommend combining the pages into a single one that contains all the info, eliminates the chances for duplicate content (all of the neighborhood pages contain the same content verbatim), and prevents keyword cannibalization. Thoughts? Thanks.

    On-Page Optimization | | Alces

  • Hi everyone, I have a global client with lots of duplicate page issues, mainly because they have duplicate pages for US, UK and AUS... they do this because they don't offer all services in all markets, and of course, want to show local contact details for each version. What is the best way to handle this for SEO as clearly I want to rank the local pages for each country. Cheers

    Technical SEO | | Algorhythm_jT

  • I'm new to backlink auditing and I'm certain that the website in question is a link directory anyway. It's spam score isn't high, so in theory it looks okay but in actual fact the webhosting has expired. How badly do these types of broken inbound links affect my site?

    Link Building | | Omar_aw

  • Hi, For one of our ecommerce clients, we have brand banners on each brand page that links to their most popular product lines. Some of the banners just have a column of links, and some are paragraphs with copy and anchor text. Example below: Brand Line 1 Brand Line 2 Example 2: For the utmost in quality, performance and comfort, purchase Brand Line 1 . Brand Line 2 offers the perfect ease of use for beginners while not compromising on quality. Obviously these are just examples, and there are several links (more than 2) per brand, but I was wondering if this harms SEO in any way because of keyword stuffing? It makes sense to have the brand name in the link, otherwise the name of the lines might not make much sense (an example of this is one of the lines is called 849.. so without the brand name that doesn't mean much and looks weird) Do you think it would be better to have the links in just columns in the first example, or in paragraph format?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | AliMac26

  • HI I know there is a flagged issue with page titles on the Visual Composer - but it is telling me there is no test on one page completely even though there is?? And it works on the others?

    Moz Bar | | KellyDSD86

  • According to some SEO specialists, the optimal format is: Primary Keyword - Secondary Keyword  | BrandName The problem is, for example, if I have a marketplace like, which connects hotels and travelers. How should a listing page title tag look like? Bonifacio Boutique - Hotel Rooms (keyword 1 - keyword 2) Hotel rooms - Bonifacio Boutique (keyword 2 - keyword 1) Keyword 1 = 400 monthly searches
    Keyword 2 = 70 monthly searches Our primary activity = Hotel rooms. Is there any difference from the performance point of view? Best regards, Alex

    On-Page Optimization | | magheralecsss

  • Hi. I have a client who is about to deploy ads on their site. To avoid bots clicking on those ads and skewing data, the company would like to prevent any bots from seeing any ads and, of course, that includes Googlebot. This seems like it could be cloaking and I'd rather not have a different version of the sites for bots. However, knowing that this will likely happen, I'm wondering how big of a problem it could be if they do this. This change isn't done to manipulate Googlebot's understanding of the page (ads don't affect rankings, etc.) and it will only be a very minimal impact on the page overall. So, if they go down this road and hide ads from bots, I'm trying to determine how big of a risk this could be. I found some old articles discussing this with some suggesting it was a problem and others saying it might be okay in some cases (links below). But I couldn't find any recent articles about this. Wondering if anybody has seen anything new or has a new perspective to share on this issue? Is it a problem if all bots (including Googlebot) are unable to see ads?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | Matthew_Edgar

  • According to Moz crawl report, there are hundreds of duplicate pages in our Shopify store The main duplicate pages are:
    (the canonical page should be
    (the canonical page should be Also, I want to exclude indexing of pages URLs with "filter parameters" like Shopify advised we can't access our robots.txt file. How can we exclude SE crawling of the page URLs with filter names?
    How can we access the robots.txt file?
    How can we add canonical code to the preferred collection pages? Which templates and what codes to add? Thanks for your advice in advance!

    On-Page Optimization | | ycnetpro101

  • I manage a custom apparel and promotional product distributor website. It provides products and services entirely online, and does not serve at any physical location. I am aware that setting up virtual offices to rank locally in cities is against Google guidelines. Other than ranking organically as a normal search result, are there any alternatives to virtual offices which may be more efficient and risk free?

    Local Listings | | PrimeSource1

  • Hello, Currently, we have a .com English website serving an international clientele. As is the case we do not currently target any countries in Google Search Console. However, the UK is an important market for us and we are seeing very low traffic (almost entirely US). We would like to increase visibility in the UK, but currently for English speakers only. My question is this - would geo-targeting a subfolder have a positive impact on visibility/rankings or would it create a duplicate content issue if both pieces of content are in English? My plan was: 1. Create a geo-targeted subfolder ( that copies our website (we currently cannot create new unique content) 2. Go into GSC and geo-target the folder to the UK 3. Add the following  to the /uk/ page to try to negate duplicate issues. Additionally, I can add a rel=canonical tag if suggested, I just worry as an already international site this will create competition between pages However, as we are currently only targeting a location and not the language at this very specific point, would adding a ccTLD be advised instead? The threat of duplicate content worries me less here as this is a topic Matt Cutts has addressed and said is not an issue. I prefer the subfolder method as to ccTLD's, because it allows for more scalability, as in the future I would like to target other countries and languages. Ultimately right now, the goal is to increase UK traffic. Outside of UK backlinks, would any of the above URL geo-targeting help drive traffic? Thanks

    Technical SEO | | Tom3_15

  • I'm getting the following error on Instant Articles despite my site having substantial traffic and hundreds of articles. The provided URL is not being accepted because the site has minimal readership, which violates the Instant Article Policies ( Please provide a different URL. Here's the blog:

    Social Media | |

  • Hi Mozers, At the beginning of a web page, is it better to have a linked Table of Contents of sorts to begin the page (bulleted list of topics that the page addresses that are made up of jump links to different parts of the page) or just start the page with sentences of content? Is one approach better for SEO? Thanks, Yael

    Keyword Research | | yaelslater

  • hello i do after 301 redirect from old domain to new since 3 month ago my qa : should i replace the backlinks links to new doamin Or the he backlinks in the old link will works

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | cristophare79

  • 301 redirection problem - Major lose of ranking in Google Search results
    (site was almost completely removed from google search results) Hello,
    I had a website ('DayUse' style) with the following url: Couple of days ago, I've made a 301 redirection to: The redirection was made on 2 levels:
    1. Server side- on htaccess file.
    2. Google Search Console - Change of address page. Bare in mind the following things: The site's structure (url addresses) & the code hasn't changed (for sure). Both redirections are 100% valid (for sure). All the website pages were indexed (for sure). There isn't a penalty on any of the above domains (for sure). The website was almost completely removed from Google search results. For example: Before the redirection the website was ranked 10 in my main keyword "Rooms by hour" (translation from Hebrew), now the website removed. Also, the website removed from almost all the search terms it was ranked before. My question is, off course, WHY???
    By the details on the following page, a proper 301 redirection shouldn't cause to such page ranking loss (As I mentioned- It almost completely disappeared)... search-console-change-of-address.png

    International SEO | | AviramAdar

  • Hi Guys, In organic SERPS Google pulling incorrect product image, instead of product image its showing image from relevant products, Checked the structured data, og:image everything is set to the product image, not sure why google showing images from relevant product sidebar, any help, please?

    Technical SEO | | SpartMoz

  • All, Working on an SEO work up for a Spotify site.  Looks like they are using a sitemap that links to additional pages. A problem, none of the links are actually linked within the sitemap.   This feels like a strong error. Thoughts?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | dmaher

  • Hi, It might be a stupid question but I prefer to clear things out if it's not a problem: Today I've seen a website where visitors are prompted no less than 5 times per page to "call [their] consultants".
    This appears twice on the header, once on the side bar (mouse over pop up), once in the body of most of the pages and once in the footer. So obviously, besides the body of the pages, it appears at least 4 times on every single pages as it's part of the website template. In the past, I never really wondered re the menu, the footer etc as it's usually not hammering the same stuff repeatedly everywhere. Anyway, I then had a look at their blog and, given the average length of their articles, the keyword density around these prompts is about 0.5% to 0.8% for each page. This is huge! So basically my question is as follow: is Google's algorithm smart enough to understand what this is and make abstraction of this "content" to focus on the body of the pages (probably simply focusing on the tags)? Or does it send wrong signals and confuse search engine more than anything else? Reading stuff such as this, I wonder how does it work when this is not navigational or links elements. Thanks,
    G Note: I’m purposely not speaking about the UX which is obviously impacted by such a hammering process.

    On-Page Optimization | | GhillC

  • hello, I am getting backlink from a website sidebar. That website owner add my website link as favourite link on his sidebar widget area. Thus, i am getting backlink from his every page, every post even every tags.(Almost 100 backlink from 1 website) That website has Similar category ِand Similar language my quastion : is it good or bad, is there any risk

    Link Building | | cristophare79

  • i want to know how to use the feature for the learn Arabic online and Quran Online.

    Reporting & Analytics | | saharali15

  • Our real estate website has 400 listings. We have added a button that allows the visitor to print listing pages in the for.m of a PDF. The PDF exists as a URL ending in ?print=17076. This print URL is set to noindex and follow. So our site has 400 additional URLs. Is this a negative for SEO? Or neutral? I have read it using CSS it is possible to set up printing without creating all these extra URLs. Is this method better from an SEO perspective? Thanks, Alan

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Kingalan1

  • Hi there! I'd appreciate your help with the following case: a) Current 10-year-old website (community) on root domain "" (250,000 incoming quality-backlinks) will move to the new subdomain "" (301 redirects to the new subdomain for all current subfolders) b) A new website (shop) will launch on the root domain "" Question: Will the new website on "" get SEO power from the old website on ""? SEO power = linkjuice/authority/trust/history/etc. from the 250,000 backlinks. What I'm trying to achieve: Maintain the built-up SEO power for the root domain "" Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this! P.S. Plenty has been written about subdomains inheriting from their root domains (so please don't share input on the subdomain vs. subfolder debate). But I can't find satisfactory info about the other way around (root domains inheriting from their subdomains), e.g. if gets SEO power from its subdomains,, etc.)

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ebebeb

  • my site in 2 page  how can i rank with this keywords in dubai legal translation in Dubai

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | saharali15

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