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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • My back links are not working. I am linking them all back to my domain but they are not appearing? any help? Is it because of my anchor text ?

    | BlueCreations112

  • We currently have footer content contained in a single php include file and is included in every page and contains the following: Most recent 3 tweets from our twitter feed Snippets of our 3 most recent blogs posts navigation links to our main pages (essentially the same as our main navigation in the header) Is this good/bad?

    | NeilD

  • I'm redoing a website, should i 404 the old pages, or 301 redirect to the main page? what is better? (around 100 pages)

    | mkmedia

  • Hi all Ok so we were smacked by Panda way back in June 2011, and are recovering from it, (though definitely still not back up to pre-Panda levels). Since then we have: 1. Taken down a load of thin content pages. 2. Increased content. 3. Tried to reduce page template complexity. However, one of the issues we have is that we make money from Adsense, so don't want to reduce the number of ads - however, we may still be falling foul of Panda because of it. So, please take a look at this sample page and tear it /us apart: Thank you. And if we can ever help the community back, please just ask.

    | dexm10

  • Hello, I have a question regarding the on page reports automatically generated by seomoz When I look at my on page reports I notice that each keyword appears a number of times, each with a different url and then a grade for the on page report and sometimes a rank. I'm not sure I understand this, firstly I thought the on page reports were only generated for keywords in the top 50, does that mean the global top 50, or my top 50? Also why are they appearing for so many urls, I find this confusing and am not sure which pages to focus on improving, it's not always my intended pages that are ranking the best. I believe that I read somewhere that I can choose which pages to have the on page reports rank for, perhaps this is the solution? Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks, Iain

    | jannkuzel

  • I've been taught during a SEO course that the whole site has to contain the chosen keywords with a fixed proportion of optimized pages, that should be like this: 50% of pages optimized on the most relevant keyword (just one keyword) 25% of pages optimized on secondary kewords (depending on the size of the site, could be a few pages for each secondary keywords) 25% of pages on long tail keywords. the teachers was a very respected SEO professional, but I've never seen this strategy anywhere in other articles or SEO guides. what do you think about it?
    It's true that it brings visibility for the top keyword?
    does it lead to cannibalization?
    what others strategy do you use?

    | DavideM

  • We have way too many links on our homepage. The PageRank Link Juice Calculator ( counts them to 300. But all of them are not unique, that is some links point to the same URL. So my question: does the "100 links/page recommendation" refer to all anchors on the page or only to unique link target URLs? I know "100" is just a standard recommendation.

    | TalkInThePark

  • Hey there, Hope you guys can help. We get the following error: Nested indexing. Another Sitemap index refers to the index of sitemaps. The thing is that we cant find the error they are talking about. Thanks!!!!

    | Comunicare

  • Dear Seomoz community This is my first post here. Until now I was only browsing the Q&A and learned a lot just by reading the existing topics. Since we launched our website with a new design last week I started to heavily use Seomoz to track down missing tags, descriptions and other on page issues. Just out of curiosity I checked the page outline of the Seomoz blog. I was really surprised! Seomoz uses only H1 tags on their blog main page. Each article is wrapped in an H1 plus the blog title. I am a total SEO beginner but until today I was thinking that using several H1 tags on one page is not optimal. We use one H1 tag on our site for the magazine category description (for example ) and then for the articles H2. So my question. Should I change my H2 to H1 for the magazine articles like Seomoz did? Would really appreciate your advise on this Regards, Menelik

    | menelik

  • We write our own product descriptions for merchandise we sell on our website.  However, we also work with drop-shippers, and some of them simply take our content and post it on their site (same photos, exact ad copy, etc...).  I'm concerned that we'll loose the value of our content because Google will consider it duplicated. We don't want the value of our content undermined... What's the best practice for avoiding any problems with Google? Thanks, Adam

    | Adam-Perlman

  • Hi,  I'm having this problem for one of my website, say Certain information in the site is long and thus required to be put into several pages. For example, let say there is a section for the "List of Business Schools in Canada", this is a huge list and thus divided into several pages. The main URL is like this  & after on its goes on like   Etc. Now as Google is considering these pages as canonical what should I do suppose do what with it? I've examine that rel="canonical" tag is used on every pages (canada1.html, canada2.html etc.) and the canonical URL is set to the main list-of-business-schools-in-canada.html page. So, why is that Google is picking this up as canonical? Have I made a mistake in placing the rel= canonical tag ? Please suggest.  Thanks in advance,

    | ITRIX

  • At an SEO conference I attended the speaker said that Google wants the anchor text of a link to be more natural. Specifically you mentioned that the anchor text should be the company brand, the domain name/URL or a call to action (ex. “Click here.”) I thought this was an interesting idea for offsite linkbuilding. BUT, my question is…Does the rule also apply for on-site crosslinking between my webpages? Is there potential harm or a benefit to adding keywords to the anchor text of the links within my site?

    | donationtown

  • In the case of trying to hit a wide taxonomy, is it better to keep your title and URL in agreement, or to vary them slightly for exact search matching. For instance this blog post which has the following url: has the title "Make a Stand Up Desk - Better Working, Longer Living" The ideas is that build and make are similar words and "stand up" and "standing" are also similar. So what is the better way to go?

    | CPollock

  • I have a page that is very well indexed and has a 1st position ranking in google.  It is the best landing page in my site. That being said, it's several years old and I honestly think it could be better.  The images could be enlarged, the the images could have fancy box enlargements instead of just linking out to flickr, there could be more content about follow up projects that people have done. I'm noteably nervous about changing such a clutch piece of content on my site. I do want to improve the content for users, not just make it more SEO friendly (it's already SEO'd), but I'm afraid that any change could cause a set back in ranking. Am I being afraid of nothing, should I just go for it and improve my content, or should I be extra cautious when editing well indexed content like this? Thanks for the advice

    | CPollock

  • I have 8 errors and 44 warnings last week.  Over the week, I corrected broken links, duplicate titles, meta tags, and duplicate page content.  Now after it was run again, I'm getting an N/A. Does N/A mean there are NO errors at all on the site?  I didn't fix all of the errors and warnings but most I did.  My website is also up and running.  Please let me know if I'm missing something or if I did that good of a job for my client's on-page SEO stuff, which I doubt despite moving the needle forward. Thanks

    | JQC

  • Hi Folks, I'm pretty new to SEO, I just updated our home page ( to have some actual content (used to be just product images basically). Anyway, I'm trying to optimize for the term natural skin care products (and some variations on it), as well as goat milk soap a little (actually going to optimize a category page for goat milk soap, but since it's our flagship product I'm putting it on the homepage as well. Any feedback, opinions, advice, criticism, etc would be greatly appreciated. Let me know what you think. Thanks! Hal

    | AlabuSkinCare

  • i have a ecomerce site , i am just wondering if any one could help me answer this the more info page can be access will google consider it as duplicate and if it does then how to best use the canonical tag also in zencart when link product it create duplicate page content how to tackle it? many thanks

    | conversiontactics

  • Hi
    I have a little question:
    we have change some thing in a html page for arrive to have A in on page record.
    i attach a image that explain better
    while the seomoz bar can see the change, on page card see always the old page. Details on page card: <dt>Page title</dt> <dd>"Apartments in Rome"</dd> <dt>Explanation</dt> the url is the same How is possible this? Tnks Maurizio sNs2w sNs2w sNs2w sNs2w

    | malecce

  • Quick question about for products. What are the properties you like to list on product-pages for an E-Commerce? Thanks.

    | AdrienOLeary

  • Hi, I'm wondering if having a footer menu with keyword links is considered spam? It makes sense to me to have your keywords and links to relevant pages on each page. Thanks 🙂

    | Memoz

  • I'm about to launch a new website and was just wondering if anyone had tried this before; On product pages i thought it may be a good idea to include prices, with a message to save more when the customer buys more. Something along the lines of this; [Product name] at/from [Brand name] - Only [Price] [Buy # to save] Etc. Does anyone have any experience with using this in title tags (along with some variation of offering a saving when bulk buying) etc? Any comments would be hugely appreciated! Thanks! [EDIT] Should also just note that we are very competitive on pricing - Looked at more than 70 competitors and we're offering better quality products (than the ones from [supposedly top] competitors we've sampled) for lower prices.

    | tea

  • Does anyone know how SEOMOZ look up the keyword frequency in one page report body part.. There are discrepancies between the keyword frequency in body text of SEOMOZ and other free check website.

    | RiseSEO

  • I understand on site seo fine, as I have tweeked up my own website a fair bit. But I am thinking about doing Onsite and Offsite SEO for clients, as I have had a few request now. So my question is what is the best way to get access to clients websites. So I can make the required adjustments. I have one client, who had a company create a website for him, but they have since closed down.

    | aussieseoguy

  • Hello, We have one website which URL is & we have many product pages which having duplicate page content issue in SEOMOZ which are below. We haven't any content on these pages, still getting duplicate page content errors for all pages in SEOMOZ. Please help me how can i fix this issue. Thanks,

    | CommercePundit

  • Good Morning, I have 3 E-Commerce sites that all sell the same products, but have unique content on them (unique text, unique urls, same products).... Up until now, I have not put any links from one to any of the others... I just started to wonder about that since these are all related to the same industry, and are owned by 1 company, what would be the downside to linking them... Does anyone have any advice on if I should link to each site from the other 2 sites? Also, if you think I should be linking them, please advise how you would do it (on which pages, how many links, anchor texts, etc...) Thanks a lot!

    | Prime85

  • Hello, I've got a dozen good articles in my article section, but nobody is landing on them. Should we write articles about our products? Won't that compete with our product pages?

    | BobGW

  • Hi!
    First of all i have a Wordpress portuguese languagem website (**http://** For a while, for security pourposes, i had a SSL certificate installed on my website but i didn't renew it, for a few months now. I didn't have any special https page. All pages responded using http or https. My problem is that it seems that Google still indexes some o my webpages with https and not http, so when people click on it they get a bad cached page. No good for SEO, i think. What can i do about this? I only want Google, and other serach engines, to index my clean http pages (about 70 pages). Thanks,

    | ovieira

  • For legal reasons I am required to include a 266 word disclaimer in the footer of every page of my credit card comparison site My question is in 2 parts: is this indexable content likely to be hurting my SEO? if so, what is the best way to include the text in the footer but prevent search engines from indexing it? Thanks.

    | OMGPyrmont

  • Hi, I'm trying to view the text-only of a webpage to run a SEO audit, however Google does not give me this option. When i click the two arrows that appear to the right of a search result, the only option I get is Cached. Is there a reason this might be happening? I've tried clearing my cookies, signing out of Google, and anything else I could find on my troll of the internet. I also tried text, only please! however whether this works or not is debatable considering it shows me actual pictures on the site. Any ideas, or maybe another add-on that will work?

    | JuiceBoxOM

  • We have a website that we created a little over a year ago and have included our core products we have always focused on such as mobility scooters and power wheelchairs. We have been going through and updating product descriptions, adding product reviews that our customers have provided etc in order to improve on our SEO rankings and not be penalized by the Panda update. We were approached by a manufacturer last year about their products and they had close to 10k products that we were able to upload easily into our system. Obviously these all have standard manufacturers descriptions many sites are also using. It will take us forever to go through and change all of these and many products are similar to each other anyway they just vary in size, color etc. Will it help our rankings for our core products to simply go through and delete all of these additional products and categories and just add them one by one with unique descriptions and more detailed information when we have time? We aren't really selling many of them anyway so it won't hurt our sales. I'm clearly new to SEO and any help at all would be greatly appreciated. My main website is www.bestmedicalsuppliesonsale dot com A sample core category that we have changed descriptions for is A sample of a category and products we simply uploaded would be at I'm open to all suggestions I would just like to see my traffic and obviously sales increase. If there are any other glaring problems please let me know. I need help!

    | BestMedical

  • Good evening everybody. I am new on SeoMoz that I find very helpful in my work. I am not a web developer so please excuse me if my technical language is poor.I have an issue that maybe you can help me to solve. I work for a company who has a website, which is old and very well positioned on google for the most important keywords for the field of the company I work for (dentistry). It is a website made some years ago and it's made of static html pages.I would like to add a section in my website where I can post articles, like a blog (I think of a wordpress-style website) with daily posts (so with a dynamic page).  Is there a way to do this without modifying the structure of the website and without losing pages, urls and ranking? We're on the first google page for many keywords of interests in our city and it would be a great damage for us to lose those positions.Thank you very much!

    | adec

  • I am having lot of Temporary Redirect on my reports, and all the links points to my ads server (openX). like this: Here in this page there is an example.- How can I fix this? Thanks

    | informatica810

  • Can anyone guide me as to how to add the REL CANONICAL feature to every page on my website (Magento shopping cart) Thanks


  • Should I have the conical link state: 1. 2. 3. Also do you need a conical link on each page if you have more than one page on your site?

    | Greenpeak

  • Hi. I'm monitoringssystem a magento webshop. It has more 12.000 temp 302 redirects. Is it also a problem if the redirects are for a nonimportant subpage, such as an enable-cookies page?

    | Budskab

  • Hi, I have launched a website ( )and would like Google to reflect the latest title tag changes in its results. How long does it typically take to happen? I believe this might be one reason why the site may not be generating any search traffic yet, even though I haven't yet begun any link building yet. A couple of notes: When I enter in the search box, the pages show up, but with the old/default title and meta descriptions. I am using the Yoast for SEO plugin I have resubmitted the XML map - Yoast created 2... /page-sitemap.xml and /post-sitemap.xml The changes were made about 1 week ago. WMT says that there are zero errors. Is there something I may have missed? Or do I just need to give it more time? Thanks in advance for your help. Erin

    | HiddenPeak

  • My images suddenly are appearing in my crawl reports as duplicate content, without meta tags, this happened over night and cant figure out why.

    | RBYoung

  • To block or not to block with robots.txt?

    | MyAllenMedia

  • Do you have a favorite tool for generating video sitemaps? Best,

    | ChristopherGlaeser

  • Hello, Would it be wise to change title tags on a page that is optimized and ranked already in google? These are sports pages, and the teams we are targeting are now in the playoffs so we wanted to insert that into our Title? Thanks!!

    | TP_Marketing

  • Hi In light of Google changing display of title tag from character limit to pixel limit does it make sense to swap some uses of pipes and hyphens with colons and commas ? For example: Category: Keyword, Keyword, Keyword | Brand Instead of: Category - Keyword - Keyword - Keyword | Brand I seem to remember hearing bad things about colons in title tags but think that was just in regard to when used multiple times.  Surely ok to use once if in logical format ? Cheers Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • My site has dropped since the EMD/Panda 20 roll out and I am looking for reasons why. I am looking at Keyword Stuffing as one potential problem. My web site is on the topic of WordPress Security with that being the main keyword I want to target. Now I can limit the number of occurrences of 'wordpress security' to below the recommended 15, but it is impossible to do this for 'wordpress' without severely compromising the user experience. I've got other content on topics such as WordPress Backup and WordPress Security Plugins etc, so obviously the word 'wordpress' is bound to appear frequently. Is there a risk that Google will penalize me for Keyword Stuffing on 'wordpress' and thus pull down the site or page for other keywords? Or would it simply mean I won't be able to rank for 'wordpress' (which I am quite happy about)? Thanks!

    | andersvin

  • I've noticed that the SEOmoz On Page analysis tool sets a limit of 15 occurrences for a keyword on a page. It seems this is not dependent on the page length? Is that not relevant? Thanks!

    | andersvin

  • I have created a site  The index page is SEO for the key term auto insurance fremont ca.  I want to add more content on another page of this site.  Should I have that page also SEO'd for the same keyword or should I pick another keyword to focus on?

    | Greenpeak

  • Hi, in my web code I have link to my images that are resize online and the link is very long. like this src="" alt="Paro parcial de Sunca" border="0"/> I have a lot of warning in my reports with this and I would like to omit this warnings How can I do that? noindex? nofollow? Thanks The original page that contain that code is this Thanks

    | informatica810

  • Our homepage currently speaks to a specific product and we're re-doing our homepage to be more about the brand which links to the product. The current home page has PA of 62 with thousands of links to the page. Question is are there any best practices around this or any risks? So current page is: which we will be refreshing then moving the existing content to so all the subdirectories gets shifted over 1 Thank in advance for the help!

    | JoeLin

  • Hello folks, I'm a total SEO newbe but totally enjoying
    using SEOmoz to learn more. We have ecommerce sites and the 1st crawl flags – as appears typical too many on-page links. We display up to 20 products (each with three links!)
    and I’m trying to push to have fewer but meeting resistance from colleagues.
    We have links duplicated all over the site believing it eases navigation. My question is just how critical is the number of products displayed
    and the resulting volume of links to SEO results? Also we currently have collections of products displayed
    across several pages which of course have the same page title and this is flagged
    as a duplication error. I wonder if product auto-scrolling help as this means only a certain number of products are displayed at one time on one page thus reducing links and the need for duplicate page titles? My superiors are resisting change (perhaps nervous of spoiling
    what already works) and I need to know where to direct my persuasive powers! Many thanks in anticipation, Spence

    | CSC

  • evening all, On a recent project for a company selling throughout the UK I created a page for each county in the uk loaded with long tail key words made from "product types + county".  These are working really well, so Im now thinking about making a page for every town in the uk using a similar theory - but this will mean over 1000 similar pages, and a headache of how to link them together without link bloating. Are these kind of pages ok?  it feels a little spammy as it's so formulaic, but it is genuine. Thoughts?

    | pretige12

  • Hi, I have some questions. I have 2 Joomla web sites who needs seo optimization, but there are allready indexed in Google: 1/ Will rel=canonical fix the problem for duplicated content for allready indexed pages? I have read different solutions but I haven't tested them all. I puted rel=canonical on the first web site that I started to optimize, but Google WMT shows me very small or not at all decreasing of duplicated content. Would it need more time? 2/How can I show search engines to craw and change the cache for a page that is allready indexed faster than 1-2 months? 3/ What is your opinion and experience? With done changes for one website for a low competition keyword /the web site  was not optimized for search engines before/   how much time will it take usually for Google to see the changes made and change the ranking for some keyword?

    | vladokan

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