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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • There has been a lot of talk lately about making a website seem like it is not SEO'd to avoid over optimization penalties with the recent Google Algorithmic updates. Has anyone come across the practice of not using Headings (H1's, H2's etc..) properly to simulate that the current webpage isn't over optimized? I've come across a site that used to use multiple keywords within their headings & now they are using none. In fact they are marking their company name & logo as an H1 and non keyworded H2's such as our work or Contact. Is anyone holding back on their old SEO tactics to not seem over optimized to Google? Thanks!

    | DCochrane

  • For one of our most important key phrases we have 5  listings on page 2 but none on page 1. We are an ecommerce company, the key phrase we're trying for is a Top Level Category name for us, so the 5  links we have on googles second page for the key phrase (in order) are the appropriate top level category page, the sites home page and than three sub categories of that top level category. So while that all makes sense, can't we convince google to concentrate all that link power/juice into just the top level category page? Hopefully bumping it to first page rank? The 5 ranks are 11-15

    | absoauto

  • Hi There Quite a beginner question. I have changed url structure last week and is already avaliable on google.What i find strange is that the PA reported by SEOMOZ is 1 and there's no google cache. If the page has to crawled yet, why it's avaliable on google index already? Dario

    | Mrlocicero

  • I have many pages showing up as multiple content. Most of the them belong to product pages for my store, login pages that show up everywhere on the site, etc. I know that I need to use the rel=canonical link in the header but after searching the forum I'm still unsure of what pages need it. Is it the pages that I don't want searched/crawled by Google or the other way around? Thanks! Crystal

    | COfashionista

  • I just hired a content writer to blog on my site, but I want to make sure I have the right blog set up properly before doing so. I currently have my blog on my own domain.   It's a pretty crappy blog, to be quite frank.  (The link to the blog is in the footer).  It doesn't allow me to change category titles so it's throwing duplicate content - not good. I am seriously considering getting a self hosted Wordpress blog and linking that to my site instead at 3dcart- so it will be blog.domainname.comMy CONCERN.... I always heard that it's best to have the blog right right on the eCommerce site (just as I have it now) because it keeps feeding the domain fresh content.  If I have a self hosted Wordpress blog and have it linked to my site, will it still feed my site fresh content?

    | tutugirl

  • Hi, still new to SEO MOZ. So some of my keywords are showing my site went up the search engines and others went down.  So what next?  Theres no suggestions, so not quite sure why some pages went up, others down, or where to go from here. Thanks! lee

    | nexgraphics

  • Hiya guys I've noticed since changing my Title of my forum from: Talk Nightlife | Nightlife and Clubbing forum for the UK to Talk Nightlife | Nightlife Forum and Clubbing Guide for the UK (current) ... That its jumped from 22nd to 10th in google for term "nightlife forum" Am wondering, because of the on site optimisation tool telling me I should put the keyword to the front to something like eg: Nightlife Forum | Talk Nightlife Clubbing Guide for the UK Will changing the Keyword and putting it to front of the Title make a big difference? Your thoughts please guys Cheers Luke

    | Lukescotty

  • Hi mozzers I have a question that I need some feedback on please, I run 2 websites both e commerce retail sites and both doing well with SEO however, Our strongest site and parent site so to speak links to our sister site. Here is the  outline. Site1 parent site is hosted on a unique URL and on a VPS. I have 384 links coming into this site from the other sister site. from various pages Site 2 the sister site, has 68,864 links coming in from site 1 as we have a link in the footer on site 1 to the home page of site 2. So far we have had no adverse affects from the Google zoo releases, however I am concerned that this many links will soon get penalized. Thoughts from anyone please? I am considering removing the footer link, thus removing 68,000 + incoming links. Looking for any advice here please. thanks Ryan

    | RyanC1

  • My website is currently have over 1000 000 links indexed by Google , i'm going to rewrite all of these links, is this crazy ? Can someone give me a checklist to avoid going wrong way ? My website: My current url format:[forum_id]/[thread-title-thread_id/ Ex: Old URL: New URL:

    | firstjames

  • hiya guys Just going through the Seomoz Pro on page thing One of the flagged items is keyword stuffing, I have 22 keywords (stuffed) but they want it down to 15, the thing is, my website is a forum. and the keyword stuffing is from the title name of each categories eg its a nightlife forum so Birmingham nightlife forum Brighton nightlife forum Leeds nightlife forum Manchester nightlife forum u get the picture To avoid this keyword stuffing, should I change some of the forum names to eg leeds nightlife forum > leeds nightlife forums? just by adding the 's that will half the keywords, but its not solving the problem in the long run, if i was to add more cities and areas with the XXXX nightlife foru. What you reckon guys? Cheers guys Luke

    | Lukescotty

  • Hello, I have been checking seomoz sourcecode and architecture these days in order to learn and to apply it in my site but I havent managed to find "tags" at all. Just the "Posts by Categories" on the right sidebar. Is this the only way you are categorising content? In this case, the only way spiders have to find your content is via these category archive pages and the general sitemap? Thanks!

    | antorome

  • We have a product on the site that is used by two different groups of people, who refer to it with different terms. One group refers to it as "Lace yarn" plus around another 15 similar terms and the other group refers to it as "Crewel wool" with also 15 similar terms. I am having difficultly deciding how to approach this. At the moment it is on one page ( would it be a good idea to split this into two pages?

    | SimonLuijk

  • We've removed a ton of errors, duplication and other stuff since signing up to SEOmoz Pro, but we're getting to the point where what we have left isn't that easy to fix. On one of our (ecommerce) sites we have several sections where people buy products that are applicable to the area of the home. In one or two instances, a particular list of products is the same for two or more different areas - for instance the "Bedroom and Landings" and "Hallway and Stairs" sections may list  the same 10 products. This is obviously flagging up as duplication in our reports. What is the best way to handle this situation? Make the one with the highest authority canonical? Point both to another canonical page? Or, try and convince the product department that we should have a more generically name section that both link to? Thanks for any advice!

    | Safelincs

  • Hi Guys, Obviously in an ideal world all product descriptions would be high quality and unique. But do you ever have a client who you know they'll be totally impractical for? For example, one of my clients is a niche book store with 10,000s of products. There are only two members of staff. They currently C+P the blurb. I would love to recommend that they write unique copy for all their books, but considering the books have a low retail value and a fairly short shelf life, I doubt that unique descriptions would be worth the ROI. My initial thoughts are: Identify the high priority books/best sellers and write new product descriptions for them Encourage more customers to leave on-page product reviews Can anyone recommend any better solutions?

    | gcdtechnologies

  • Hello, I have two pages showing dulicate content. They are: Not sure how to resolve this issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.

    | Ronb1023

  • Hello everyone, I'm curious here, what is the minimum length a Title Tag should be so it doesn't receive the "Title Element Too Short" error here on SEOMoz? Thank you.

    | Michael-Goode

  • I want to remove this category and all the pages in that category (e.g. ) from Google's index. I used the following string in the "Reomval URS" section in Google Webmaster Tools:* is that correct or I better use ? Thanks in advance.

    | VinceWicks

  • Hello, We run a site, which lists local businesses and tag them by their nature of business (similar to Yelp). Our problem is, that our category and sub-category(i.e.: or pages are extremely weak, and get almost no traffic, but most of the traffic (95+ percent) goes for the actual business pages. While this might be a completely normal thing, I still would like to strengthen our category (listing) pages as well, as these should be the ones targeted by some of general keywords, like ‘restaurant’ or ‘restaurant+budapest’. One of the issues I have identified as a possible problem, that we do not have a clear hierarchy within the site, so while the main category pages are linked from the homepage (and the sub-categories from here), there is no bottom-up linking from the business pages back to the category pages, as the business page URLs look like this: I think, that the good site- and url structure for the above would be like this: My only issue is, perhaps not with the restaurants but with others, that some of the businesses have multiple tags, so they can be tagged i.e. as car saloon, auto repair and spare parts at the same time. Sometimes, they even have 5+ tags on them. My idea is, that I will try to identify a primary tag for all the businesses (we maintain 99 percent of them right now), and the rest of their tags would be secondary ones. I would then use canonicalization and mark the page with the primary tag in the url as the preferred one for that specific content. With this scenario, I might have several URLs with the same content (complete duplicates), but they would point to one page only as the preferred one, while our visitors could still reach the businesses in any preferred ways, so either by looking for car saloons, auto-repair or spare parts. This way, we could also have breadcrumbs on all the pages, which now we miss completely. Can this be a feasible scenario? Might it have a side-effect? Any hints on how to do it a better way? Many thanks, Andras

    | Dilbak

  • Hi, I have a paragraph of text contained within a Div container ( )..  Is this readable by a search engine spider.  Or is it better to enclose it within ? Thanks for any feedback.

    | IBMEMM

  • We have a client who wants to rank locally, nationally and internationally for their products. I wrote a line that goes, "We can ship our products to you whether you’re here in Illinois, nationwide, or international." I added that line after a paragraph or two of unique product description on each of their 30-odd product pages.  Will this damage their ranking? I tried researching this but only found full page duplicate content topics.  Any advice would be great.

    | optimalwebinc

  • I am working with a yahoo store. Somehow all of the meta description fields were filled in with random content from throughout the store. For example, a black cabinet knob product page might have in its description field the specifications for a drawer slide. I don't know how this happened. We have had a programmer auto populate certain fields to get them ready for product feeds, etc. It's possible they screwed something up during that, this was a long time ago. My question. Regardless of how it happened. Is it better for me to have them wipe these fields entirely clean? Or, is it better for me to have them populate the fields with a duplicate of our text from the body. The site has about 6,500 pages so I have and will make custom descriptions for the more important pages after this process, but the workload to do them all is too much. So, nothing or duplicate content for the pages that likely won't receive personal attention?

    | dellcos

  • Dear Sirs. According to your on page SEO card my page gets an A grade. But in google adwords the quality score is 3. Why is that? What's the difference? Thanks for your reply. Gela

    | gelakiev

  • Has anyone successfully added the code to an ecommerce site? Was it of any benefit to seo?

    | pretige12

  • Hi, Whats the best way to tackle e-commerce category pages? If you have, say, a category showing 30 pairs of socks, and each of the sock products in the lists has a 'view more' link, a link from the product name and a link from the thumbnail.  Naturally each of those links should be the product name - sprinkled with a slight variation, a preceding 'View more on [product name]' or superseded with the shop name, so you dont end up with complete duplicate link titles, you get the idea. But you suddenly end up with 90 instances of links with title tags containing 'socks', which ultimately lead to keyword stuffing/cannibalization - especially as you then move to another category with, say, sports socks showing 40 products and therefore 120 link titles also with the word 'socks' Thought on a postcard please? Thanks Tom

    | pretige12

  • I have a large news site - over 1 million pages (have already deleted 1.5 million) Google buries many of our pages, I'm ready to try subdomaining There are two types of content - news from our contributors, and press releases. We have had contracts with the big press release companies going back to 2004/5. They push releases to us by FTP or we pull from their server. These are then processed and published. It has taken me almost 18 months, but I have found and deleted or fixed all the duplicates I can find. There are now two duplicate checking systems in place. One runs at the time the release comes in and handles most of them. The other one runs every night after midnight and finds a few, which are then handled manually. This helps fine-tune the real-time checker. Businesses often link to their release on the site because they like us. Sometimes google likes this, sometimes not. The news we process is reviews by 1,2 or 3 editors before publishing. Some of the stories are 100% unique to us. Some are from contributors who also contribute to other news sites. Our search traffic is down by 80%. This has almost destroyed us, but I don't give up easily. As I said, I've done a lot of projects to try to fix this. Not one of them has done any good, so there is something google doesn't like and I haven't yet worked it out. A lot of people have looked and given me their ideas, and I've tried them - zero effect. Here is an interesting and possibly important piece of information: Most of our pages are "buried" by google. If I dear, even for a headline, even if it is unique to us, quite often the page containing that will not appear in the SERP. The front page may show up, an index page may show up, another strong page pay show up, if that headline is in the top 10 stories for the day, but the page itself may not show up at all - UNTIL I go to the end of the results and redo the search with the "duplicates" included. Then it will usually show up, on the front page, often in position #2 or #3 According to google, there are no manual actions against us. There are also no notices in WMT that say there is a problem that we haven't fixed. You may tell me just delete all of the PRs - but those are there for business readers, as they always have been. Google supposedly wants us to build websites for readers, which we have always done, What they really mean is - build it the way we want you to do it, because we know best. What really peeves me is that there are other sites, that they consistently rank above us, that have all the same content as us, and seem to be 100% aggregators, with ads, with nothing really redeeming them as being different, so this is (I think) inconsistent, confusing and it doesn't help me work out what to do next. Another thing we have is about 7,000+ US military stories, all the way back to 2005. We were one of the few news sites supporting the troops when it wasn't fashionable to do so. They were emailing the stories to us directly, most with photos. We published every one of them, and we still do. I'm not going to throw them under the bus, no matter what happens. There were some duplicates, some due to screwups because we had multiple editors who didn't see that a story was already published. Also at one time, a system code race condition - entirely my fault, I am the programmer as well as the editor-in-chief. I believe I have fixed them all with redirects. I haven't sent in a reconsideration for 14 months, since they said "No manual spam actions found" - I don't see any point, unless you know something I don't. So, having exhausted all of the things I can think of, I'm down to my last two ideas. 1. Split all of the PRs off into subdomains (I'm ready to pull the trigger later this week) 2. Do what the other sites do, that I believe create little value, which is show only a headline and snippet and some related info and link back to the original page on the PR provider website. (I really don't want to do this) 3. Give up on the PRs and delete them all and lose another 50% of the income, which means releasing our remaining staff and upsetting all of the companies and people who linked to us. (Or find them all and rewrite them as stories - tens of thousands of them) and also throw all our alliances under the bus (I really don't want to do this) There is no guarantee this is the problem, but google won't tell me, the google forums are crap, and nobody else has given me an idea that has helped. My thought is that splitting them off into subdomains will have a number of effects. 1. Take most of the syndicated content onto subdomains, so its not on the main domain. 2. Shake up the Domain Authority 3. Create a million 301 redirects. 4. Make it obvious to the crawlers what is our news and what is PRs 5. make it easier for Google News to understand Here is what I plan to do 1. redirect all PRs to their own subdomain. for PRNewswire releases for Businesswire releases etc 2. Fix all references so they use the new subdomain Here are my questions - and I hope you may see something I haven't considered. 1. Do you have any experience of doing this? 2. What was the result 3. Any tips? 4. Should I put PR index pages on the subdomains too? I was originally planning to keep them on the main domain, with the individual page links pointing to the actual release on the subdomain. Obviously, I want them only in one place, but there are two types of these index pages. a) all of the releases for a particular PR company - these certainly could be on the subdomain and not on the main domain b) Various category index pages - agriculture, supermarkets, mining etc These would have to stay on the main domain because they are a mixture of different PR providers. 5. Is this a bad idea? I'm almost out of ideas. Should I add a condensed list of everything I've done already? If you are still reading, thanks for hanging in.

    | loopyal

  • Howdy Guys, We currently have around 19 landing pages that are near enough identical for each make of car. The content on each page isn't identical but you can tell its a template. Do you think we should change this and just target models instead of makes. Thanks, Scott

    | ScottBaxterWW

  • I am about to do a complete site change. I am going to WordPress. I am ranked #2 on SERPS. Will I lose rank for changing everything on my site? I have 500 pages indexed but I am about to have 30k indexed. It is a real estate site that is switching from a "framed" solution, to a listing indexed solution. If I make good use of my keywords etc (on site optimization) will I be at risk of losing risk just for changing my site?

    | JML1179

  • I have site wide 25 categories on my blog but I dont know whether I should keep few categories only like 6-8 or having 25 categories is ok? Plz help

    | ksbnok

  • We are in the middle of a redesign and the VP wants to get more aggressive with Pinterest. We currently use Slideshow Pro for our photo albums. I have a feeling that we are going to have trouble pulling the images from this self-hosted script. Before we get further in our design process, I was wondering what photo services/scripts others use that seem to pull into Pinterest without problems or are you doing a custom album generator? Thanks!

    | Touchmark

  • Accessible to Engines Easy fix <dl> <dt>Crawl status</dt> <dd>Status Code: 200
    meta-robots: None
    meta-refresh: 0;url=
    X-Robots: None</dd> <dt>Explanation</dt> <dd>Pages that can't be crawled or indexed have no opportunity to rank in the results. Before tweaking keyword targeting or leveraging other optimization techniques, it's essential to make sure this page is accessible.</dd> <dt>Recommendation</dt> <dd>Ensure the URL returns the HTTP code 200 and is not blocked with robots.txt, meta robots or x-robots protocol (and does not meta refresh to another URL)</dd> </dl>

    | Devinder

  • Let me begin by saying that I have a Wordpress site with a customized theme. When I view my webpage's crawl diagnostics, it keeps showing a lot of Warnings. There are 89 pages with Too Many On-Page Links and 90 Pages with a missing meta-description tag. The problem is that the pages are listed as follows for both errors: Blog Page 10 Blog Page 11 Blog Page 12 Etc. There are no other pages, just the blog pages (which include about 7 posts/page). How do I eliminate the too many links without deleting them from individual blog posts, and how do I add meta-description tags to blog pages without duplicating the tag for /blog? Thanks! |   |   |   |   |
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    | DuBois

    The same type of error (returning a page structure with no content and no CSS) can be replicated by adding a trailing slash to any valid URL.
    This leads me to believe that there is a problem on the server. It should be serving the custom 404 page instead of junk. I have fixed the "ezine" directory problem by doing a wildcard 301 on that directory, so you can ignore that issue. We are experiencing issues on one of our sites that we cannot resolve. It is an issue that many sites seem to have, according to discussions within the Google Webmaster Tools forum. We have tried several of the suggestions made in that forum, without success. We need somebody to help us resolve this: who has experience with this issue who knows exactly what is causing it who knows how to fix it Definition of Problem Location:
    Google Webmaster Tools | Optimization | HTML Improvements | Duplicate meta descriptions (similar issues also appear in the same area under Duplicate title tags) By drilling down into a listed error, we see two versions of the problem: Multiple instances of the page are displayed, and appended to the URL is another URL of a page that has no relationship to the first. The screenshot also shows a directory (/ezine) that was deleted and renamed. See attached pic
    duplicatemetadescriptions1.jpg Also by drilling down in the same way, some of the instances show unique URLs, but the ones listed (other than the correct one), do not exist. See attached pic
    duplicatemetadescriptions2.jpg Please offer only KNOWN solution(s). Thank you. 79cNe

    | PatioLifeStyle

  • I am getting myself quite confused. My home page and target for one of my main sets of keywords is actually located at: BUT I have loads of external links resolving to: I had assumed that the best practice for getting the best ranking for the keyword would be to Canoniclise the page Is that a good assumption ? Or will it only work if I can change all the inbound, external links as well ? Thanks -Mark

    | blinkybill

  • My site have a lot issues duplicate titles,contents so on. From where i can start making these correct .From the top "Duplicate Page Title" or from down "Too many in page links" Looking for Expert help .

    | innofidelity

  • Hi all, It is widely known fact that you will be a bit in trouble if you will need to do SEO for luxury brand that is not willing to sacrifice design, layout etc. for SEO purposes. So basically - there is no content to optimize and there is almost no keywords to rank! 😉 Just wondering - how would be the best to approach such kind of terrible situation? Regards, Jungle

    | Jungles

  • I don't want to over optimize by doing 1 keyword per 1 page, but then if I do more, seomoz on-page tool report doesn't give an A grade for each keyword I optimize. I usually optimize for max 3 keywords that are very closely related, meaning they use the same words.  Ex. dentist los angeles, los angeles dentist, dentist in los angeles Am I on the right track or what's your recommendation? Should I create different landing pages for each keyword?

    | sub9090

  • I notice advertisement hyperlinks on my site such as hyperlinks on my test gift, fill out etc.  I never put hose links but somehow it shows up on firefox.  Does anyone experience this? It's showing up this url

    | BistosAmerica

  • Hi guys, I'd like add code to my header file to specify www. as opposed to just http:// for the canonical links across my entire site. How can I do this? I'd like it to be site wide code that I can just add to my header.php file which is included across the site.

    | absoauto

  • My company is planning "white label" subsites with unique URLs. Should these sites be unique IPs in order to use them for link building?

    | theLotter

  • If you follow my questions here on SEOMoz, you know that we have quite a few issues with a particular site. Our bounce rate was over 85% for quite some time. We changed the site template and the Bounce Rate has dropped to around 5%, but the Time on Site has dropped dramatically. We were just over two minutes, now we're averaging 1:34. But here's the thing, time spent on the Home Page is averaging 24 seconds! What would you take away from this? Thanks so much!

    | Linwright

  • I'm not talking about content copied from another site but content unique to a site being used on several pages. I have a delivery tab that has precisely the same content as another product page. This content is on four product pages and the dedicated delivery page. Thanks

    | Brocberry

  • I have so many Duplicate Page Title issue on my website. Though I had to use NAME + Area + Photographer on every title page so ended up something like this San Antonio Sports Photographer | Soobumim Photography : San Antonio Wedding Photographers | Soobumim Photography What's the best way to fix this problem? Should I delete them?  Redirect? - to be honest, I don't know how. I am using Yoast plugin

    | BistosAmerica

  • I am getting duplicate content for this article. I need 'home' tab  on two menus.

    | rajendraksh

  • Hi guys. Our web developers have put a read more bar that contains the on page SEO text for our webpage.  By default, the read more bar is not expanded and you cannot see the text within.  If you click 'Read More', the box expands and the text is shown on the page. I was wondering if googlebot is seeing this text at all - it's really important that it does because it contains all the on-page SEO text.  I also wondered if this type of approach is still considered 'white hat'?  If it's not, could google be penalising us for it? Thanks,

    | CarlDarby

  • Most of the clients that I pick up are either new to SEO best practices, or have worked with sketchy SEO providers in the past, who did little more than build spammy links. Most of them have deployed little if any on-site SEO best practices, and early on I spend a lot of time fixing canonical and duplicate content issues alla 301 redirects. Using SEOMOZ, however, I see a lot of duplicate content issues with blogs that live on the sites I work on. With every new blog article we publish, more duplicate content builds up. I feel like duplicate content on blogs grows exponentially, because every time you write a blog article, it exists provisionally on the blog homepage, the article link, a category page, maybe a tag page, and an author page. I have a two-part question: Is duplicate content like this a problem for a blog -- and for the website that the blog lives on? Are search engines able to parse out that this isn't really duplicate content? If it is a problem, how would you go about solving it? Thanks in advance!

    | RCNOnlineMarketing

  • I have a client who provides three distinct, although related, services. Some of his competitors only provide one of those services, and thus their sites are more saturated with that particular service. Would it be best to develop three different sites optimized for each particular service, or could I achieve the same effect by optimizing different sections of one site for each service?

    | kscotbarr

  • I have over 5.000 duplicate page content because my urls contains ?district=1&sort=&how=ASC¤cy=EUR. How can I fix this?

    | bruki

  • Hey guys, I've started working with a new client recently called Resource Investing News. I'm more a Social Media person, though I do have SEO experience. RIN has about 40 URLs all of which have original news content published on them. One SEO-related issue that I can see here though is that the primary domain re-publishes all of the original content that the other URLs do. In other words: will have an article on it that is also published on with the same date stamp and a link out to the original article. E.g. Does anyone have an idea if this is something that should be reviewed and/or whether the content is being negatively affected in search? Many thanks!

    | blahblahblah2015

  • Obviously Google likes descriptive anchor text. At least the first version on the page. But suppose you had a list of scrap yard depots on a hover site menu, would you go for the person friendly nested list, so Scrap Yard Depots Newcastle Chester Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch Or the presumably more Google friendly; Scrap Yard Depots Newcastle Scrap Yard Chester Scrap Yard Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch Scrap Yard

    | JamesFx

  • Hello, I am working on a site with 1000s of inventory pages. i am slowly building links and writing custom content for pages that will bring best ROI.   Will i have issues on templated pages with minor changes.currently traffic is pretty good. thank you

    | TP_Marketing

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