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Category: Link Building

Chat through link building best practices and outreach techniques.

  • After I have removed a link, how long does it take for it to be reflected in Google WMT?

    | raph3988

  • SEOMoz, I would like to know if you are considering to update your crawler so that it discounts links which don't have a relevancy rating with Google. I'm doing competitive analysis, and I still see a large amount of links that are meaningless in 2012/13 best practices. Wondering if you are tackling this issue? Thanks

    | dt1807

  • Hi Just wondering if anyone here has used the services of  a company called Bulrbpoint? I am considering using their directory submission service for a new site, as they offer placing sites in the Yahoo Directory, which is £150 alone. If anyone ha any feedback on their services, that would be great. Cheers Mik

    | increation

  • Our off-page SEO efforts include the following minimum on a monthly basis. Can anyone help with the relative merits of these, which are useful, which aren't and whether for instance you would substitute more of one for less of another? On a per month basis 7 social bookmarks 30 Website directory submissions 4 guest blog posts 3 press releases 8 blog posts (on 2 dedicated wordpress blogs) 4 articles published in high ranking article directories 3 social profile with links/blog comments on .edu/.gov with links/classified ad links 1 slideshare presentation with links Many thanks in advance.

    | TheKewlShop

  • Hi, I am trying to fix this with a reg expression but I dont know how. Here is the example: I would like to have my link like this: I have a mod_rewrite rule with this: RewriteRule ^/noticias/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)-(pagina)-([0-9]+)$ /myphp.php?&id=$1&ipag=$4 [L,NC] It doesnt work. I think that the problem resides here ([a-zA-Z0-9-]+) because the title is split with "-" and the rule doenst know when the title finish. Now, if I have a rule like this it works: RewriteRule ^/noticias/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)_(pagina)-([0-9]+)$ /myphp.php?&id=$1&ipag=$4 [L,NC] How can I fix this to have a "-pagina" instead of "_pagina" Thanks

    | informatica810

  • Hi, I was wondering which is the better strategy? People say the keyword dig is the basis for any SEO strategy, which i totally agree with, however, traditionally the strategy for these keywords has been to write fresh content based on sometimes very similar keywords / terms to attract specific keywords traffic... With google getting smarter and smarter, would you say it is safer (if you know you have a very tight and stable backlinking strategy) to backlink a page that has a number of your similar keywords present, with the relevant anchor text on the inbound sites? So in essence the site ranks for multiple keywords..? I hope this makes sense, it's a very difficult one to get out onto paper! 🙂 Many thanks in advance!

    | turnips

  • Hi .
    This is my site  . It published about 3 weeks ago . I have some problem with google index : When my site published about 3 days , submit site map on google by google webmaster tool . Google index all link summited .But i found dublicate content with link and i edited all structure links and sumited again.
    Now when google search on you see 2 link old and new . But link of old site map has broken .How to solve this problem .

    | tuananh0688

  • I have been adding our website to online directories which quite often allow me to add a brief description of the organization and add a list of Key words. With regards to the keywords should I list keywords from the organisiantion description that I have entered on the site or should I use the key words that we are trying to rank for, that don’t necessarily feature in the description on the site

    | Hardley

  • Hi I was wondering if any one knows of an automatic updating service that notifies you when a back link to a site becomes live? Could this be achieved in google alerts perhaps?

    | Hardley

  • Is there any way in SEOMOZ I wan track whether my SEO efforts have moved me up the google rankings? I'm not sure how to benchmark to establish whether my efforts have made an improvement or not

    | Hardley

  • I am just wondering. I don't know much about it. One of our competitor is ranking well and is the only one in our niche regitered with Dmoz. It has a clean back link profile, with all natural links, no exact anchor problems, but not that many links. Website is quite thin (ecommerce) but seems to be liked by google since the recent updates. Do we know if dmoz i one of the reason they rank well? If I needed to merge their site with mine, should I take it into consideration? Or is outdated and does not matter that much anymore? Both page rank is 2, my link profile is not as good.

    | cecileapp

  • Wondering what you all would recommend for SEO on this site: Most of their content is behind a login. Basically there are 5 pages open to Google and to anyone without that login, and they are not open to doing it differently at this time. Once in, there will be a lot of sharing with Facebook friends that will include invitations to join them in their causes. Love to hear all your recommendations. Kathy

    | katandmouse

  • Hi I started white hat linkbuilding for this site - since 2-3 months, but I havent got any ranks for my keywords. Whereas I started few other new sites along with this on same niche and they are growing both in terms of traffic and ranks. Not sure, why I am not getting ranks for this website. Any help wud be appreciated. Thanks Mark

    | seoss5

  • Hi - About a month ago we dropped out of all out top position ranking and now can be found around page 600 on Google for all those keywords. I feel this is because our SEO company over used or money keywords as anchor text - Could this be correct?

    | jj3434

  • Clearly this site is buying links.  They have the most exact match link profile I have ever seen.  It appears their strategy has been to buy links for their domain as a way to mask all the other exact match purchases they are making.  I have also been sent copies of the emails where they are attempting to purchase links.  Thoughts?

    | bradwayland

  • There is an expired blog which scores well for a search term I'm interested in. I'd like to know if people think it's a good idea to buy it to get a link essentially? Also, if I buy the domain and the content is wiped, does anyone have any tips on what I should do in regards to content to maintain the domains value? I don't generally look to buy domains for links but on this occasion it could be worth the effort and expense.

    | benners

  • I've already done the on-site SEO things, URL's are all SEO-friendly, etc AND I've already done a few rounds of link building to some of the interior pages on my site, and I still can't get my site to rank. What other strategies can I employ to get my site to rank? I don't believe my keywords are that competitive (fleece blankets, baby blankets, etc.)

    | locallyrank

  • Hi, I have always been very careful when building links, making sure that I use lots of variations relevant to my site in the anchor text, so keep the ratio diluted. However, in recent weeks I have stumbled on some SEO's focussing wholly around branded anchor terms for future link building, I feel that a branded focussed link profile looks more natural. I'm interested to know what the rest of Moz community think about this? Thanks

    | dt1807

  • I am trying to work up a list of Domains to disavow from old SEO black hat (long time ago) and I think some recent bad SEO against the site.  I found a few good articles here and started the process.  Very daunting even on a site that never had a lot of link work done on it.  One particular issue has my attention and need advice on what to do with it. I find 100s of backlinks that all resolve to the same IP .  Has anyone else seen this one.  These are sites such as or .  I am using NetPeak Checker to grab stats on the backlinks after gathering backlinks for 5 different sites.  These site all seem to come from Majesticseo and sure enough if I ping any of them they return on at first and then go not found.  They return a 200 in NetPeak .  I was hoping not open thousands of backlinks to see if they existing before I create my Disavow list. Couple of questions. 1. Any harm in putting these on the disavow if in fact they really don't exist anymore?  Do the disavow police not like your list being longer than it needs to be ?  I am leaning to just leaving all of them off my list.  Seems I read something that says dont ask google to disavow something that no longer exists because they are not penalizing you for it. 2. If I start with the most egregious Bad  and ex-black hat domains and submit them, wait 3 weeks and the Penguin hit rankings do not recover at all then how to add to the list.  Do I leave all the original disavows on the list, add to it and resubmit ? 3. My first thought was to simple send a list of all domain that have no Google indexed pages regardless of return status code.  Basicly saying please clean the slate of this crap.....thoughts on this? Thanks jw

    | freestone

  • Do you guys think that adding good quality blogs to and then getting a link from those blogs will help ?

    | Personnel_Concept

  • Hi there, I was wondering if the following setup might be harmful for SEO of is frowned upon by Google: I manage a couple of websites that belong to a specific company within a holding company. What is allowed regarding reciprocal linking? The current setup is like this: Site A: one-page general website about the holding, links to sites B, C, D on the homepage (follow link) Site B: website for a specific company branch, links to SITE A in the footer of each page (follow link) Site 😄 website for a specific company branch, links to SITE A in the footer of each page (follow link) Site 😧 website for a specific company branch, links to SITE A in the footer of each page (follow link) Sites B,C,D don't link to each other, which is a good thing I guess, but should I change the links to nofollow, or is this not so harmful?

    | RBenedict

  • Hello... I am just looking for some feedback in regards to the blog on my website. I am using the blog to create unique and fresh content, hoping that it will in turn help my site attract visitors and better rankings... My question is, does each post have to be at least 500 words or is a 300 word post fine? I do put hyperlinks back to the correlating pages on the site inside each of these posts, just wanted some feedback on if everything i write needs to be roughly 500 words..... Here is my blog if you want to take a look at what I've been doing and provide any feedback..... thanks!

    | Prime85

  • When I create internal links on my website should I use the keyword or at least a related keyword ( synonym ) every time... I am asking because on my website it is hard to create links from one sub section to another subsection linking with a anchor text that relates to the other category. For example in the travel industry it is hard to have a page that talks about Florida and on the page find a way to link the keywords, California , NY and Missouri ( other than listing those next to each other ... ) as they do not belong to my content about Florida but are all different states listed in my " states category " If I link the words next to each other in the page Florida, such as "you should also check California, NY, Missouri etc... " does it carry any value doing that or does it need to be surrounded by text that is related  ? Or is it better to list it in a menu on the right or left side on my page ? ( which one caries more value ) Or if I have the word beach in my Florida page and link it to California is it better even though the user doesn't know what he or she is going to find by clicking on beach ? Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • Is there any good blog submission site which does not have long waiting period before article is published and which allows followed link from blog? I have a list of such blog submission sites but they all either need weeks delay till it gets approved or never gets approved. So I would really appreciate If you can tell me some of such sites that you are aware of..

    | Personnel_Concept

  • I am new user seomoz.. my site have a lot of error. so how to make total error fixed. Please help me step by step.

    | PerfectPoint

  • We dramatically dropped serps after Oct 5th, but did not receive a warning about bad links on google webmasters. Is it a good idea to find and collect the worst links and disavow them? As there was no warning we can only guess links were the problem, but it seems likely. However we do not want to send any requests to google if no warning was sent. Can disavow be used in this way, or should we do more manually? (We are hoping remove links + increase very solid links + optimize for key words will help revive serps) Many thanks. James

    | Quime

  • Hi,
       I was wondering if anybody had some advice on what to do for deep link anchor text in the post penguin world? For the homepage, I am going with almost exclusively branded text with only small variations once in a while.  For the deep links I was thinking of doing a mix of branded text with some additional text such as: "My Brand Name" + Red or "My Brand Name" + Blue Does anybody know if this is the best way to go, or is there any other advice?  Thanks in advance.

    | rayvensoft

  • Hi, is it possible that having too many reciprocal links on my website may cause damage to my SEO campaign? One of my main competitors has a page dedicated to links to other pretty relevant companies (probably around 20 in total) but is doing extremely well. Lots of other relevant websites are allowing me to link to them, in exchange for a link back. How many is too many if so? Thanks! Helen

    | heleni

  • How do I increase my Domain Authority and Page Authority? How do I increase my external links numbers? Regards, Nilesh

    | vedantcreations

  • Hey Mozers, My first post here, I look forward to contributing what I learn and collecting knowledge branches (github joke) from you all. How valuable is a text link in the footer template to your home page (root)? My guess would be that it sends the on page link juice back to the home page. I don't believe this link should use keywords though (post penguin world). I realize we should have a pyramid architecture ( but should every page link back to the homage page? What variables does this effect?

    | phdosf

  • Just curious if paying for a link is still relevant at all. I cancelled my yahoo paid directory listing after researching on here.  Can put the $300 to better use elsewhere. Just curious if is now not the best use of money either. Thanks! Aaron

    | astahl11

  • I am new to Internet Marketing world and want to become a great SEO. My biggest challenge is How To of Back linking. Not the reason and theory behind back linking. But more the actual hands on Back linking strategy. I feel that a lot of the back linking information out there is so mixed.Rand did a White board Friday lesson on the new link building strategies. When searching  for back linking strategies it is filled with all the old link building tactics. What I wanted to ask is all the experienced back link people is, Have you changed your back linking strategy. Or just parts of your strategies. It all seems very confusing for a newbie when it seems the industry it self is still uncertain. Any advice on where a newbie should be starting their new back linking strategy. And any good resources on  learning to do the actual hands-on of the back linking. Thanks in advanced

    | CurtCarroll

  • Can anyone give some feedback as to the best way to I should go  about recording and documenting my back linking initiatives? I was going to set up an excel sheet but I am not sure what information to include. Can any give me feedback as to the best way to go about doing this or are there any templates/online resources available?


  • Is it okay to pay for a link if the site is a very highly reputed (PR4) one in the same domain as your site? Thanks

    | EricMoore

  • Just wondering how many good links (PR 3-5) it generally takes to improve the site in a competitive space. That is assuming the links will be procured (earned) from the sites in the same domain.

    | EricMoore

  • I recently requested a link back from a site that is ranking 2nd for a term that i'm working on and they said they would gladly give me the link and remove my competitors but would also like me to have an ad on the same page for an annual fee that i could link to a landing page. I know that paying for links is no good and google can penalize you. so do i pay them and do a no follow to the landing page from the ad and call it a day? and how does google differentiate an ad from a link?

    | CHiP_RuN

  • When targeting multiple cities for specific keyword phrases, do local links like Merchant Circle, & Yelp need to be present for each town?

    | KristopherWho

  • I've got 2 questions regarding backlinking. 1 - I recently watched a webinar saying I should never get backlinks from any sites lower than a PR 3. However, I have found some relevant websites to our niche that are lower than that. We have recently set-up a new website that currently has a PR 0. Bearing that in mind do you think it was still be good for SEO to try and get links from the lower PR sites to build up our own PR? 2 - Has anyone found out what Google thinks of gaining links from domains hosted in other countries? For example, our websites are hosted in the UK, does it look suspicious to search engines if we have links from USA or other countries? Thanks

    | AAttias

  • I’ve got some errors while checking my website on W3C, one of those is: Error Line 8, Column 46: Duplicate attribute class. <code class="input">…lass="schanger" rel="stylesheet" class**=**"changer" href="http://www.simon-hot-do… Please anybody could tell me how to fix it, thanks Lunita</code>

    | lalita123

  • I'm working on a local search campaign. Generally, the first thing I do is add the site to all of the local directories that I know of. I'm curious, with penguin updates, whether or not this is still an effective strategy for local search.

    | GuyFromHouston

  • Mozzes, We're running a real estate portal in which we have a pretty good news/blog section running on wordpress. It's placed into our LAMP site on a dash from our root URL: To attract traffic via our landing pages we publish article snippets from the blog, linked to the complete articles. What would be the optimal SEO here to lead the spiders to the orignal content? Follow, Noindex? Best Johan

    | PropertyPortal

  • Have not hear much good about DMOZ lately. Is this listing worth anything?

    | casper434

  • Would linking to a site in the US from the UK do harm or good if the site being linked to is industry related? i.e. a UK web design company linking to a US web design career site.

    | Tone_Agency

  • I am currently working on a few campaigns and initiatives which would be really good for blogger outreach.. Anyone used any of these services? What's your thoughts?

    | EwanFisher

  • Is article spinning and article marketing has its place in video marketing after Google Updates? which is the best Keyword research tool to buy? Is services like traffic kaboom is worth buying? Is buying youtube views is effective? Sorry for asking too many questions, but i can't resist.

    | Sajiali

  • I am thinking about launching a website connected to Christmas - which gives me less then 2 months to develop and begin ranking for the site. Is this too short a timeframe and I should put off this plan until next year or can I actually begin ranking for low competitive keywords within my timeframe.

    | theLotter

  • Suppose you publish a guest post on a relevant and quality blog and then you have that site also write a guest post for you. Is this considered natural? What do you think of this tactic? Is there risk of a penalty for exchanging links?

    | ProjectLabs

  • Three months ago I made the "foolish" decision to launch an insurance quote website (didn't think of looking into how competitive insurance websites were before investing my time, money and energy). Due to budget costs, I have been forced to learn about SEO. At this point I would say I am at the Peon level. lol. Today I signed up for SEOmoz and have found that my competitors have TENS OF THOUSANDS of backlinks. To logical people, this would be enough to throw in the towel. Not me. I'm stupid. I have spent many many hours over the last few months creating backlinks (at least I thought I was). However, I want to start targeting the sites that my competitors are using because they are getting anchor texts. How do I do this? How do websites create so many back links? Some of my competitors have 50,000 backlinks! I know this won't be done overnight. I appreciate all the help the SEOmoz community can offer a Peon like myself. One day I promise to pay it forward.

    | rivercityransom

  • I asked this question before and got mixed feedback. Companies vs. Freelancers. Well I have a couple questions here. At a certain point it is definitely worth going in house, but what about the knowledge that we could gain from working with a big agency? Does that really add any value? Can I hire a freelancer and trust him as much as a big agency? or vice versa? Can I hire an agency and trust them as much as a freelancer? I have also been advised to make sure they offer competitive / site analysis as a first step, AND inform you of exactly how many links they plan to build per month, how much time they will dedicate to you and your account, expect turn around times, and light strategy details that they would likely use. Thanks for any help! TA

    | TylerAbernethy

  • My goal is to build links that comply with Google's Quality Guidelines.  I am wondering what is the best way to approach webmasters or bloggers about submitting guest posts or writing content.  I have done a competitive analysis, and have a list of potential link sources, but I am not sure what approach to take next.  Any advice or strategy would be appreciated.

    | djlittman

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