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Category: Link Building

Chat through link building best practices and outreach techniques.

  • My company has been using an SEO company for a while and have built up our pagerank to a 6. However, we have noticed that they're involved in link pharming - they're buildng extra websites and linking to our site on them. We are not happy with this as we know it will only be a matter of time before Penguin hits us. The contract with the SEO company is coming up for renewal soon and we're thinking of cancelling it. However, we are not sure if the company will delete all our backlinks, which will probably decrease our PageRank too. Has anyone here ever had a similar experience? What did the SEO company do when you cancelled the contract? Does anyone here work for an SEO company and what do you do when someone cancels your service?

    | AAttias

  • Hello, I have some competitors that purchase targeted keywords, host a single page, and do a re-direct on to their inventory page.  The problem Im having is getting above them, along with other competitors that have a high DA. They have little or no content on the page but rank very well. Is there anyway around sites like this? Thank You

    | TP_Marketing

  • I am seeing some very strange results for competitive keywords. If I search on for "website design" which I feel is a pretty tough keyword.  I see a site called If you go to the site its a laptop review site with no mention of website design on the site. They seem to be an Amazon Affiliate They have 23,597 links saying website design but mostly from adult websites. I have seen this on a few result related to SEO but dont want to mention any names in case we upset anyone on the forum. How can they rank for such a competitive keyword without onpage?  Surely Panda should have hit this site? Why have they not been hit by Penguin so many adult links? Sorry if this is anyones site on here I am not looking to get you banned or hit just stumps me why this site ranks.

    | tempowebdesign

  • Hi, I am now working on a website with some rubbish links in their profile, which were created by the previous SEO Company. They are footer links from unrelated business websites. All authority from these links have been removed by Google during the latest updates and our SEOMOz DA went from 37 to 35 after the past Penguin update. My question is: Should I get these links removed or rather will we see any advantage to getting the links removed? Or should I just focus my efforts on getting a better link profile together using content? What I don't want to happen is to remove these not great links and then see a decrease even further of the authority. Thanks

    | brightonseorob

  • We used to rank well but not now I am looking at our reports and notice we have no internal links how important is this

    | Casefun

  • In the setting of a news site, with articles that often link to one or more outside sources, is it a good idea to rel="nofollow" all external links?  Would this hurt link-building prospects? Of course, internal links would keep on passing link juice back and forth, but is there real harm in following external links? These would be links our writers and editors created themselves to reputable sources, blogs, etc.

    | VoxxiVoxxi

  • I tried 2 types of breadcrumbs plugins. Last - Yoast
    Breadcrumbs. But result is the same - they don't show up in the footer. I
    followed direction and made settings - result is the same. Any ideas? Thank you!

    | NadiaFL

  • I am a Realtor. I am also a web developer. I want to make a site about real estate and web development. Primarily how I use my unique skills with web to sell homes. A real estate website caps it's Page Rank very low. There are not a lot of good backlinks to get when compared to the web development industry. There are millions of blogs I participate in about web development/seo. There are a lot of blogs I participate in about real estate too; however, the real estate websites all have low page ranks. This is obviously because the seo/web development industries know how to build page rank, which makes it easier to accumulate it. It's difficult finding good outlets to get link power from in real estate. How confused would google be? Is there an acceptable strategy to making this a reality? Please point out all of the variables I am not seeing. Pros and Cons. I'm not an SEO pro. I would be going for the keyword Pensacola Real Estate. I would accumulate backlinks from the real estate industry and the web design industry. Help 🙂

    | JML1179

  • some inbound links which i have removed long ago, still showing in GA and in Open Site Explore, how do i remove them from their?

    | vikram1979

  • I have a fairly new business and I have been citation building over the past year. I noticed that when I perform a search for my keyword and city that and Yelp show up high on Google SERPS. I have a listing on both of these directories but my listing is unfortunately buried. I have optimized my listings on these sites to the best of my ability. I have not upgraded to paid advertising on either. It's expensive and I here mixed reviews on the ROI. I will list both profiles: | | Can anyone offer any advice on optimizing or boosting these listings so I turn up in the first 3-5 instead of 20 or lower? Thank you Robert Herbst

    | TheAcupuncturist

  • Hello, I have a website ,  and some keywords that im targeting i want to create separate pages for, so i can have good quality content on there, but at the same time i dont really want to have those pages in my header menu, its just for the Search Engines to see the quality page, with a keywords im targeting. So can i just have those pages in my footer menu? whats your opinion on this ? Thanks

    | vlad_mezoz

  • I'm working with a publisher who has a young blog that is 6 mos old and is considering folding it and moving it's archive of content into a relavent, more mature website. This blog already has numerous links directing readers to this more mature website. My question is would it make more sense to leave the blog in place and continue to publish new posts and benefit from the link relationship with the mature website? Considering the blog is relatively new, would it matter much if we folded and moved it's archive?

    | accessintel

  • Have a client who has a bunch of links from spammy sites that aren't even indexed by Google. Will Google penalize (i.e. Penguin) for backlinks from spammy sites that aren't indexed? I'm guessing "Yes, Google still crawls non-indexed sites and may penalize the sites linked to from the banned site." Anyone have any data or experience with this? Anyone have a non-indexed or banned site? Does Google still crawl it?

    | AdamThompson

  • Is it a bad idea to spend resources to get a second link from a site that already links to you? It seems like the marginal value of each additional link is much smaller than the first link.

    | ProjectLabs

  • I am looking for a good pinging service that indexes my backlinks fast. After doing some research I found linklicious, backlinksindexer and pingfarm among others. My quesiton: do those services still work and if yes, which one is the best one out there at the moment. Thanks for the help.

    | Romaine

  • I'm thinking about checking the amount of deep backlinks on my site because I have a hunch that I don't have enough of them. Now, the problem is that I have no idea what tool (on-line or offline) I need to use. I did some Google research but it did not give me any results.

    | VinceWicks

  • I just started to create backlinks to my target site but many SEO expert say to me "don't go too far!". So, where is the limit after that i could be penalized?

    | SergioGandrus

  • We have started to show a lot on incoming links in google webmaster from this site, and others using the same template - can these harm our seo? can we block them?

    | jj3434

  • Hi all I have a meeting with our seo company tomorrow.... Our sites have dropped considerably for our main keywords. My opinion is that the links that have been built for us have focused on too few anchor text and many "money making" keywords. Also to deep pages rather than the home page. They are saying it's poor content (I guess they would). We copyscape check all content before putting live. Has anyone any evidence I could present to them to back up my argument?

    | jj3434

  • If I was going to submit to 5 directories where would you recommend?

    | theLotter

  • Hi, I have written a few articles and uploaded to squidoo/hubpage last month and they have been accepted and I can see the links in the articles. But they dont appear in the latest link report from Google Webmaster Tools. Is it because it's delay or Google simply wont treat them as valid links? Thanks

    | LauraHT

  • I am trying to create a valid list of backlink domain to disavow after a 50% traffic cut by Penguin......problem is I have now pulled lists from 4 tool and the lists are all different.  I find a toxic domain from the tool run on LinkResearchTools and look on Google and Site Explorer and the toxic link does not even show.  I look at the page and sure enough the link from year ago on a link farm is there. Is there really a rue definitive tool that will give me a list of all links?  Better yet is there a tool that will help me evaluate which domain to disavow ?  I want to follow Dr. Pete's advice and go slow but I am also anxious to cut ties with SEO work done by someone else in the hay day of link farm SEO and frankly looking at resent links some Bad SEO by competitors.

    | freestone

  • Lets say you have an legitimate EMD for a domain that is a ecommerce site with reasonable content.  The site traffic was cut in half by Penguin.  You think one of the main reasons that you were hit is old SEO black hat link building with Anchor that is exact match.....The catch 22 an exact match achor is the EMD.  I want to disavow some of these old black hat backlinks and obviously I will nuke the ones from the spammy sites first and see what happens. What about the backlinks that have achor of (the company name and as it so happens a valid EMD) or just EMD.  If the hit is coming from every single link becuase they are all exact match becuase that is the proper legit match and not some attempt to game the system......What the heck do you do? I get the War on spammy EMDs but I hope the legit ones are not hit even more.  For one thing google should just have this ironic creteria for excluding EMDs....if they are running AdWords....they are 95% spam sites.....I love the irony of that one.  I am betting lots of these mange to still get listed.

    | freestone

  • Anyone heard of this?

    | PLP

  • I have service that operates in western Massachusetts, and I'm targeting keywords that are "KEYWORD - CITY", i have over 20 cities, whats the best way to optimize my website for these keywords, should i create a one page and mention all the cities that we operate in? Thanks

    | vlad_mezoz

  • Hi, How many directory links do you tend to build in 1 month? And what do you look for in a directories before you submit? I could build 2 links a day from directories but the thought of 60 links being built a month from directories shouts bad news to me. I've had a look and come across a few directories with high DA/PA but at the end of the day they are just link directories, no content, lots of thin pages with lots of links pointing out. A couple of examples of good directories would help. Cheers

    | activitysuper

  • I'm submitting some disavow reports for clients.  As most of you likely know you can either disavow a URL or a domain.  So, to disavow a url, you would enter into the text file: and to disavow the entire domain you would enter: I find that in most cases you would want to disavow the domain.  For example, if there is a backlink on, by the time Google goes to disavow that link it may be on page 25. However, it is super time consuming to take my list of urls from a spreadsheet and type, "domain:" in front and also remove the http://www. Is there a way this can be done programatically?

    | MarieHaynes

  • We received a "unnatural" email from Google approx 6 months ago and have tried removing all links but it is proving to be near impossible - has anyone undergone a domain change and moved their sites to get rid of the penalty?

    | jj3434

  • As I am continually sizing up my competition in the SERPS I have scanned their sites with a fine tooth and comb. I have found that these sites practice in the very things that I have practiced in the past and have removed thinking that may be some of the reasons I was hit with Penguin. Some of these factors are: Link Scheme with sites they own (C Blocks) Content for Search Engines (Keyword rich text) Exact anchor text in back linking profile Yet even though my competition practices in these methods (One site even places exact anchor text in the footer and header of every page for one of their other forum site) they seem to have not even been touched with any of the recent updates. In fact it seems their ranking have increased. In scanning these sites the only major difference that I have been able to see between them and I is that their SERPS are higher than mine and they have way more social signals than me. One site has about 73k facebook likes where I only have about 300. My question is Can Google ignore penalties for sites that have higher SERPS and /or social signals that would effect another site that had lower ones? My other question is related to back links My main site has links from another site I built a long time ago (Pre SEO and not knowing what I was doing) somewhere in the 73k range. Obviously a HUGE signal to Google that this might be spam and I am aware. I have removed the links from that site but unfortunately the average crawl rate per day is very low so it is taking a very long time for Google to find those pages and re-crawl them to find the links gone. Since that site I have than has those links pointing to my main site has very low traffic I am totally willing to kill that entire site with a 404. Can this help speed up the removal of those links from that site? I figure since the site no longer exists all links from that site will be removed almost immediately from my main site. Any thoughts?

    | cbielich

  • Hi I know link cataloques are not the only way to linkbuild, but we wanna use it to start off. I'm building links for a webshop on a .dk domain. Would be my an advantage or disadvantage to add the webshop to linkcatalog on a .com or any other international domain? Thanks in advance

    | Budskab

  • Hi everyone, just wanted to clarify some things, i've heard about a million different things on this; I just wanted to ask if duplicate content is a myth or its not thanks. Peter

    | PeterRota

  • Need help/opinions from the SEO's out there. I am working with a site that in the past hired an SEO company out of India. Over the course of their time together, this company submitted the clients url to tens of thousands of link exchanges and directories. Around the time of Penguin, the owners told me their inquiries dried up. Literally that same week they had a new website launched (designed by a local competitor) that really butchered the site. They were convinced the reduction in traffic/inquiries was due to the new site but I am convinced otherwise (suspect Penguin). Not only does the site need to be re-structured but their link portfolio needs to be diversified. Now on the plus side, the company caters and sponsors a number of events that earns them organic, relevant links. These are overshadowed by the tons of poor, irrelevant ones though. I read a few posts recently on the Google Link Disavow tool and to proceed slowly due to the unknown nature surrounding it. I have a good idea of what links are problematic and which ones are well served. However, the number of problematic links in my estimation is quite high (thousands). I am very hesitant to dive into Google Disavow and submit such a large number of requests. What are your thoughts? How would you proceed?

    | mattylac

  • A car-dealer client advertises through DexKnows, and the entry includes a link to the client's website. That link is not listed as a linking domain through OpenSite Explorer for the client's site. A competing car dealer also advertises through DexKnows, but that link is counted as a linking domain for the competitor. Why the difference? (I'm new and still learning -- linkbuilding appears to be my weakness.) Thank you!

    | TheOptimizer69

  • Hi How do I tell which links are spammy to get them removed. Is there a piece of software which I can upload our incoming links to and it will identify which ones are spam???

    | jj3434

  • We heard at a recent SEO conference that having multiple links with the exact same anchor text on a page is not beneficial in any way. Is this true? For example, if the link is in the navigation and it is in the footer does it only get counted once by Google for SEO purposes? Is there no SEO benefit to it?

    | donationtown

  • Hello all, I am a big fan of this site & of SEO. I am a photographer & I do my own SEO (horribly, I must admit), my questions is how to I go about attracting natural links when so much of my content image of weddings & family portraits? How I do get good websites or blogs interested in about my website?

    | KristopherWho

  • I ask, as I've just used opensite explorer to look at external links a competitor has, and I've found the high value ones at the top of the list go to a page that no longer exists on their site. Are these stiill of value in the SERP's, or have they messed up by not putting a 301 redirect on them?

    | xposurecreative

  • Hey SeoMozzers, I'm wondering if it is recommendable to use the meta-tag "noindex" for the landingpage of a linkbait, or not. Do you have any considerations, experiences, opinions regarding that question? Thank you and best regards!

    | steffen_

  • I own a gaming news and walkthrough site and I am interested in setting up  scholarship thing. Now I run this on the side and do not have a ton of money to give out, but I was thinking of a total of 500. I am just curious on if there is any good setup to go with for seo reasons. I was planning on making a page like Then having all of the details and on the sidebar linking to several of my important pages. After that contacting high schools and colleges. Does anybody have advice for this part? Best way to do so? Any seo advice for the page?

    | webfeatseo

  • Hi, I've been building links to my client's website for the past 3 weeks. I know that there are several sites that link to my client's website now but SEOMOZ's link analyses says there aren't any sites linking to my client's website. Anybody know what's up with that? Sincerely, Rex

    | Rex

  • Hi Everyone, I've been lurking for some time and really appreciate the combined expertise of everyone here. Forgive me for beng a noob but, despite having searched the forum for relevant questions, I still can't seem to find the exact advice I'm looking for. Here's the deal: We are a small, aftermarket automotive tint and accessories store and are completely online. We have been in business since 2003 but primarily on eBay and Amazon. Our site was always tertiary but we have really begun to ramp it up in the last 12 to 15 months. I have only really been tracking our PR numbers and backlinks using Alexa, Site Explorer and Majestic SEO for the past 3 months but the numbers don't seem promising. I read as much as I can and have posted a number of articles, press releases, commented on blogs, started a ring of blogs and participate in related forums but am having trouble adding backlinks. How to do so when you don't have a big budget for it? Any tips or blind spots that I'm just not aware of? Thanks in advance! Best, Mike

    | Rvinyl

  • I'm relatively new to link building and although this may be an obvious question I can't seem to find an answer anywhere even after searching Google.

    | JoshED

  • Hi, I'm sorry to ask yet another question but the advice I get here is always so accurate and friendly that it's almost addictive. After Penguin I'm constantly thinking about what looks natural to Google. With regards to link building I can't really envisage any situations where natural anchor text would be anything other than either the name of our company or 'click here'. The only exception to this I would have thought would be if a customer was referring to a particular product on our site.  Even in this situation I would have thought they'd have said 'I bought my cheap cartridges at Refresh Cartridges' with the company name still being used as the anchor rather than 'cheap cartridges'.  I think if we're stripping it down to what works best from a human rather than search engine perspective then using 'cheap cartridges' rather than the company name would be just a little odd. Therefore my question is whether, when link building, I should just use my company name for all anchor text rather than trying to artificially mix it up to make it look ‘natural’.  While I could vary the anchor text by saying 'cheap this', 'high quality that' and playing around with the text, almost certainly when used in context with whatever I am writing this would look unnatural no matter how many combinations I used. Is this correct or would my overuse of the company name make what should be a natural looking linking strategy look unnatural and harm results by not conveying the potential content of the page by using targeted anchor text. Thanks for your help. Chris

    | ChrisHolgate

  • How many backlinks would you say is too many on a start up site. Assume about 300 visitors driven to the site via adwords.

    | JML1179

  • Hi I got a domain and my main keyword is childrens beds. Use to be on first page for the last six years now drop to page 2, I am struggling to find the cause. Would appreciate if anyone could look into the website and provide some information. Many Thanks

    | conversiontactics

  • Just thought I would share this.

    | activitysuper

  • Hello... I am wondering if RSS feeds are good for SEO purposes... If i have a blog on my e-commerce site that links back into my site, should i then submit my feed to a bunch of RSS feed sites? Please  tell me if i should be submitting my feed to all the RSS Feed Blog directories i can find or if that will appear as though i'm trying to gain links in the wrong way, from Google's perspective. For example:  .... just to name a few of the directories i've found Thanks

    | Prime85

  • Hi, I write the blog for an e-commerce site that sells swimwear The blog is currently a blogger blog that lives off the domain. I have always thought that having a blogger blog for the site looked unprofessional yet might be good for SEO since google owns blogger. However recently we are making SEO improvements and want to create more internal links to keep up with our competitors. I am thinking an on-site blog might be good for SEO. What do you recommend for the best SEO results for our site? -keeping on blog hosted on blogger -creating a new blog on our e-commerce platform -hosting the blogger blog on a subdomain of our ecommerce site Thanks!

    | allwetbeachwear

  • Im working with a gutter installation company and they serve 2 states, so i want to optimize the website for these 2 states, what would be best thing to do in this case? create 2 separate tabs for each state and mention them in the content, and build links to each of them? or should i just create one page mentioning these keywords Thanks

    | vlad_mezoz

  • We've got content marketing and other great tactics for getting links to content pages, but what are your favorite tactics for getting links to your money pages (i.e. product pages, landing pages, devices pages, sales letters, etc.) For example: For certain sites (especially some ecommerce sites), one can get a few backlinks by doing giveaways, contests, or events Some sites can give their product to bloggers to review If you're selling an exciting product and/or a product that appeals to a passionate user base, such tactics can work great. There are some sites that such tactics won't work very well for, though. For example, if you sell a boring or highly specialized product that bloggers won't want to review or giveaway as a contest prize - such as valves used in a specific commercial application, or an expensive B2B product that you can't really giveaway. Creativity is of course important, but sometimes it can only take you so far. What are your favorite strategies for getting quality backlinks to your "money pages" especially for sites that don't fit into the "ecommerce site selling cool stuff" category?

    | AdamThompson

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