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Category: Link Building

Chat through link building best practices and outreach techniques.

  • I have an assistant who is able to do 4 hrs of SEO work for me every day. I don't have much onsite SEO work for him to do, and he's not skilled for social media management, so I'm thinking the best thing to have him do is manual link building. So far I've had him create a spreadsheet of more than 1,000 blogs and directories that relate to the subject matter of our websites, and had him include the domain authority of each and if they use the "nofollow" attribute on their links. Next I will have him start adding comments/submissions that include links back to our sites, starting with the highest DA sties and ones without the "nofollow" attributes. Do you agree this is the best way to have him spend his time? Are there other tasks you would highly recommend? Ryan

    | GreenHatWeb

  • Hello... I just installed a blog on my Magento site. My question is whether or not i should be linking within posts on the blog back to the product or category pages that i am talking about...from an SEO perspective. If in my post i am talking about flashlights being important when preparing for a storm, should i link the word flashlights to the flashlight category on my site? I know I can do this, the question is should i, from google's perspective. A) should i link the word (flashlights) to that category on my page B) should i put a line at the bottom of every post that says something like "if you are interested in purchasing flashlights, visit this link" and hyperlink that whole sentence... THANKS!

    | Prime85

  • Do Press Releases sites still worth to engage in terms of link building and domain authority building? I heard they don't deliver link authority anymore? If they they still do,  Which top 10 free and paid site would you recommend? What is the up-to-date link building method would you recommend? Thank you very much!

    | DigitalJungle

  • my question is what are the best practices Post Penguin and Panda for anchor texts? I have heard info about using brand names, and not having duplicate anchor texts. But i'm confused; if its best to have brand names then likely it will end up being duplicate. Also is having no anchor bad? I have also heard that it is best just to use the website URL. It would be great if someone could clear this up for me thanks.

    | ilyaelbert

  • What would be the first links you get for a new site? Yahoo and BOTW directory links? What are your favorites?

    | Mozzin

  • Has anyone ever seen in the section in GWT "Who links the most" actually update. I have sites listed in there that had me on a blogroll so I had 93,000 links to me and they removed those links months ago but GWT still shows that number of links. Does anyone else actually see those numbers go down as links are removed?

    | cbielich

  • Hi there, if you set up a public bulletin board in the context of a SEO project, what product can you recommend? phpBB? A great plugin for Wordpress? ...? My requirements are complete configuration options of the relevant onsite elements, editing/moderation capability of all posts, authentication. Thanks!

    | kqkq

  • I have a real estate website. I would like to start blogging on blogs not related to real estate. I like reading web design, html, css, php, word press etc... blogs. I want to start talking to the bloggers using my real name (not keyword anchor text) on their blog. I'd like to have authentic conversations; however, will this confuse google about my site? If I am using my name as anchor text on sites about webdesign and linking back to a real estate website, what will that do to the SEO? It's also important to consider one other detail. I have determined through link building in real estate related fields that it's really hard to find good domains/page rank when compared to the fields above. I could get a dozen great links in 10 minutes on the above subjets AND be legitimately engaging in conversation with my name, not keywords... Does the invention of "author rank" make this more viable?

    | JML1179

  • My site has more than  1,341,796 total links but only 500 external links after months of SEO. Please help me ,not sure what went wrong.

    | rsethia123

  • Hi All, I hope you can help. Link Analysis shows no external sites linking to me? but I know for a fact there are. Why is this? I have submitted my site to a few local directories and can see my site is on their site but when I run a Link Analysis it shows that I have no links. Does anyone know why this is? Many thanks, Aidan My site is

    | aidanlawlor

  • Does anyone know if has a policy on providing back links to websites.  A client of mine has had a product reviewed on as well as being included in a "how to" article, but no back link was provided.  I checked out the page and noticed "paid for advertisement" back links over random words but no back links on any of the pages I randomly searched that were related to the topic being discussed.

    | jusdavi

  • Hi all! My name is Tung, i from Vietnam. I new join SEOMoz PRO. Today i have question: My domain: Query: (keyword: cau vong media) This domain i buy only 5-6 days ago but have sitelinks with this keyword And my question: Does Google have done allows sitelinks with new website?

    | buithanhtung1641992

  • Does anyone know how people get into the "Top Links on This Topic" section of the Huffington Post? I can see that the "Around the Web" section is curated by someone, in this case "Jeff Muskus" but there is no indication how the Top Links on This Topic appear on a page. The only thing I noticed is that the original article appearing in HP is almost a year older than any of the referenced links. Image: Original link:

    | cgman

  • Hi I have recently included rel canonical to point at new seo friendly urls. the new urls are not externally linked as new, however the old versions (with the rel can) are. The question is Do i need to make those linked to the new urls in order to transfer link value to those urls, or the fact that the old urls contain the canonical tags automatically also transfer the external link value too? thanks

    | Mrlocicero

  • Hi! If I have ANY issues at all with my site will Google send me any type of warning? Or will I just begin to lose position? I seem to read alot of people hit with the "unnatural link" warning, I was just wondering if there was any other warning they may notify us with if need be. Thanks!

    | TP_Marketing

  • I have been looking at the Directory's recommended on the SEOMOZ site. All of those that I have looked into do not appear to have a page rank for the actual page that my link would be appearing on. They all appear to offer N/A as the reply.Is this a problem? Thanks in advance for any replies!

    | Babyshoe

  • Ok maybe this is a dumb question.  I really need some better, more quality backlinks pointing to my site. There is a site that has domain authority of 72, page rank 5 that is offering me a sponsored blog post. Do sponsored posts count as a good editorial link?  Also what if they are no-follow (and how would I find out ahead of time), does that still give me link juice?

    | tutugirl

  • Hi, At my company we have alot of URLs (around 500), which are purchased for different reasons, some for defensive reasons, some because we think we potentiallly could use them in the future. Now we want to "clean up" this list, in order to minimize costs, butt im unsure about some of the URLs, and have some questions that in some way all are SEO-related. How used are the .xxx domains, we have alot of them of defensive reasons, but im not sure that we have anything to fear, whats your take on that? - and arent .xxx domains excluded by the search engines? We have alot of URLs which we redirect to our main domain, some of them have been their own domains before, and some of them are just redirects. When i remove these, i get two challenges: 1. If someone links to that domain, i wont be able to redirect them anymore. 2. If the domain have a good Page Authority in itself, i loose that link juice. How do i proceed in order to get knowledge about the above two factors, that are crucial in order to decided wheter to keep or delete domains?

    | Petersen11

  • Hai guys Still this guys backlink r powerful or not?? Its worth to use it or not? Thanks

    | Brayvez

  • My client's small biz is going after a highly competitive keyword phrase for a medium sized city. Question. Currently has 3 biz addresses. The oldest is farthest away from Geographic location we are now targeting. 1)Would I be best served to change all listings to newest address Or 2nd most common address and 2nd closest to geo-area Go with farthest but most established address which has been address listed on website for the past year. Domain name has been owned for a couple of years. When I look in oldest and farthest address most established has 55% completed, 2nd farthest is 23% and of course newest and latest but in-town is 0%. Thanks for ideas!

    | greenhornet77

  • Hello, 
    my website is not appearing in the first positions in Google, it appears in the 1st position only if you type it address, but for example if you type a keyword that can lead to it, It will NOT appears, what can I do ?

    | Hamza9

  • Hi Mozez! I signed up for Social Monkee a while back and used it in bits and pieces to promote blog content.  About 1 year ago I use to get great results with this tool. Just wondering what your thoughts are on a program like this to gain social bookmarking links, in the current state of search. Thanks in advanced. Regards, Michael

    | ecentricmarketing

  • The best is to do both. However with those with limited resources, would building more links with branded and naked URL anchor links be a better solution than painstakingly asking every webmaster to remove links.

    | reprisemedia1

  • When I was checking my back links in Open Sight Explorer I was surprised to see that because I have asked three questions recently here on the forum about my business website and they are now listed near the position 3 to 5 Of course I was not putting my business website link on their with the motivation of gaining some SEO benefits but when you get these no follow links do they have any usefulness in that direction? I read that say no follow links have no link juice so is any beneficial aspects? I It wouldn't be the ideal situation to encourage that kind of activity, but if they have no value at all why does Open Site Explorer list them? seo.JPG

    | whitbycottages

  • If I have x number of posts with sidebar having popular posts. Will each post acts as a link to popular posts? or will be penalized for site wide links? Thanks, Venkee

    | Venkee

  • A client of mine has decided to work all Link Building through an India team that she's used for a few years. The problem that I'm having with this situation is that the link building list below contains quite a few 0/10 PR websites, spam websites, and websites that have no direct relation to the client's industry. Am I wrong in thinking that link building should be done to high PR, authoritative sites that are related the the client's industry? The link below will take you to the Google Doc that contains all links built for this client. I would love it if someone could take a look at that list and tell me what they think. Is this  recipe for disaster or great link building? Thank you so much!!!

    | Linwright

  • Webmaster tools is telling me the links to my site has dropped by 100,000 links in one month. Can someone please tell me what may have happened?

    | Professor

  • Our company is paying for a service to create hundreds of videos/month for us with links back to our primary domain. If I go to YouTube I see the videos with the links, but YouTube does not show in my link reports.  Why not?

    | jtroia

  • Hi, i am wondering if link exchanges are a bad idea. I have seen a company called link market where you join and exchange links with other companies and i am just wondering if this is now a bad idea. The last thing i do not want to happen is for google to get angry if i done link exchanges

    | ClaireH-184886

  • If you have a website on designs is it worth getting a link from an .edu site

    | ksbnok

  • (sorry for the long question - I thought it would be useful to give the background!) I am really struggling a Google's reconsideration request for my site, and although we thought we had removed almost all the 'bad' backlinks I am still getting no-where... We are really wanting to focus on building our brand, and establishing our site as an authority but this penalty is really holding us back. The latest response from Google: There are still many inorganic links pointing to your site. At this point, we believe we’ve evaluated these links appropriately, and no further action from us is required. In order for your site to have a successful reconsideration request, we will need to see a substantial, good-faith effort to remove the links, and this effort should result in a significant decrease in the number of bad links that we see. We do not recommend that you submit another reconsideration request until you have been able to make a good amount of progress. Once you’ve been able to get the links removed, please reply to this email with the details of your clean-up effort. My Website: History: This is a new domain - approx 6 months old Old domain received a Google links warning We decided to start a new website, launch a new brand and start from the beginning We 301 re-directed the old domain so we didnt lose customers We then got a Google links warning for the new site We assumed this was related to links from the old site and so removed the 301 redirect on the 20th August Our old sites links still show in Google webmaster tools Reconsideration History 1st re-consideration request: Explained the 301 redirect had been removed, assured we would now be focussing on high quality content/brand building and after 2 weeks received a standard message to say that still had inorganic links 2nd Request: Went through the new sites links (using open site explorer, AHREFs, SEO Majestic and GWM) and removed those we identified as low quality (mostly directories built by an SEO company we had started working with). We complied a spreadsheet with all the links in it (including 301 redirect links) and explained which had been removed, webmaster contact details etc. We also uploaded our template email and screenshots showing contact with webmasters. 3rd, 4th and 5th Request: We went through the new site links and were able to remove a few more links which were thin or could be seen as inorganic, and the end result is that apart from 6 links we have removed all those we have identified as inorganic. Links The old site had some pretty poor links We have done no paid linking, no blog networks, no spammy web 2.0 sites on this site. We've added good quality content to our blog, focussed on social media, published an infographic, and are committed to long-term brand building The links mostly come from guest blog posting. An SEO company (who told us they were 100% content based) built some directory links - but 99% of these have been removed There are some links from Scraper/related news sites (ones that have related blog posts or scrape images etc) Press releases which were picked up and re-published (some of these include anchor text) My Question/s: Do you think Google is still seeing the links from the previous 301 redirect in Google webmasters and including these still? Are these scraper/related post sites causing the issue? (organic links - but some dubious sites) Are sites re-publishing our press releases causing the issue? (organic links - but includes some anchor text I really appreciate your time on this one, I have tried really hard to identify and remove links, but am now struggling! Many Thanks

    | twhite

  • I just wanted to see what the general opinion was on paying for directory entries. How high should the PR be to justify paying for it? Or how much is justifiable for entry into a directory with a lower PR? I have recently submitted my site to Yahoo Directory but I have only seen my rankings increase in the Yahoo search engine. Are there any directories that Google like?

    | AAttias

  • Hi there guys, I have a website ( that I built quickly using the 1and1 service in the UK. I have been an SEOmozzer since about the beginning of June/July time and still not seeing any link info. It also seems to be struggling in terms of SEO. 1and1 have their own built in tools such as modifying certain SEO parts of a website but it really doesn't seem to do much. Our main site ( has gone from strength to strength since using SEOmoz so im at a bit of a loss. Any help / advice anybody can throw my way would be great! Tim

    | timborrill

  • Currently my Domain Authority is at 32. What would be a reasonable DA level to set out to reach in the next 12 month period and what would be recommended as a sensible way to plan to achieve this?

    | SimmoSimmo

  • I am just a beginner in SEO. But has any of the changes recently implemented by google affected out bound links? Meaning if a website now has a good number of outbound links to strong websites and pages could that Translate to better rankings?

    | sherohass

  • Hello Moz Community, We are currently in the process of launching new ccTLDs.  We need to know how to handle this from a press release perspective. Scenario: If we have a global press release, should we release a version for each one of our TLD's within the wires?  Or how should this be handled. Thank you, Valerie MacDonald

    | Adventures

  • There is a SEO company that is creating a page on each of their clients' sites called 'pages of interest' or 'links'  they then list all their other clients websites - using a variety of their keyword phrases as anchor text as well as a brief description.  But then in the footer of these sites the SEO Company are also putting a link back to their own website using a variety of keywords such as SEO, search engine optimisation,link building etc and linking to their home page.  At the moment the SEO company are ranking really well for their search terms.  I thought that this was really quite 'dodgy' as the only two things that link all the clients are -(1) that they are all clients of this one firm and (2) all the websites come from the same country - no theme, or related industry at all. The clients that I have spoken to were not even aware that the company had put the link back to their site in the footer which in itself is pretty sneaky

    | AllieMc

  • I think my site is being spammed by someone using to direct crappy links to my site. Does anyone have experience with them and how to find out who could possibly be harming my site through them?

    | theLotter

  • Rand makes a really great point in this 2009 post about the shape of crawl paths: "#4. Craft navigation / category pages that are worthy of links.  If you can make these pages worthy of links and attention, you drive PageRank and crawl priority further down your site's architecture into the content (and signal the engine that ALL your pages are important." Which makes sense, intuitively, because you'd like link juice to flow directly and undiluted to your money pages.  "Here's all my Green Widgets, Roger: they're all right here. While you're at it, here's a related blog post—'5 Ridiculously Awesome Things Every Green Widget Buyer Should Know'—and, oh look!  Would you like to see my Blue Widgets as well?" In practice, though, the Home » Widgets » Green Widgets doesn't sound all that alluring.  Useful, absolutely, for UX, but not for getting links.  Anyone have some favorite examples of Category / Subcategory hierarchies that do well as link-bait? Client is a marketing agency dealing in the technical arcana of databases and ad serving, so their money pages won't be as specific as a Green Widget or a Miami Hotel.  Their site isn't huge, and the pages will be extensively interlinked, so the emphasis has more to do with link juice / page authority than indexation.  But I'm wondering if it could it be smart to replace a generic "Services" category with a KW-rich drop-down menu of "Marketing Solutions"  (i.e. 'Increase Customer Retention') and link each landing page to a relevant charcuterie of services, white papers, webinars, case studies, etc., rather than keeping these pages in their respective silos—even as they link horizontally to related services?

    | sweetfancymoses

  • Hi everyone, We are a small company manufacturing a niche product (indoor playground equipment), our new English website ( has just been launched 2 months ago, before that we didn't even have a website in English. As the international sales manager of such a small company, I have to do all the international marketing jobs including SEO, but before this I'm almost a noob on SEO. I've just started the linking building work for our website, after a research on the links of our highest ranked competitors, I have found out that almost ALL of the external links of them come from directories and purchased links, many links are very dubious, please see the open explorer results below: The search keywords is: indoor playground equipment. According to the latest SEO theory and numerous posts I've read here, links from these directories carry very low value, and solely relying on these links may even cause penalty to the website, but the reality is, all these competitors rank on the top as a result of these "spammy" links. For example this website that has the highest PA of 64 and rank on the first page on the search result of indoor playground equipment, has tons of spammy links. That is the situation we are facing now, then my questions is: As a small business in such a niche market, what is our best strategy to rank well in a reasonable time, say 3 months to 6 months? I do not think our competitors are very strong and hard to beat, I believe we will beat them in content creation for sure, but what should we do in link building? should we start to get directory links now, as it obviously works for them? Or should we first create more attractive content, then use these content to get natural links BEFORE we submit for directory, as recommended by most link experts here? If so should we just sit back doing nothing before the link worthy content is created and natural links starts to come in? I highly appreciate any comments! DSG_clan

    | DSG_clan

  • I'm interested in starting a link wheel strategy. However, when it comes to setting up the web 2.0 sites I'm unsure as to whether to set them up in my own name or in my business name. My initial thoughts were that it would appear more natural in my own name but if I have many sites linking to the same page, isn't that bad for SEO? Does anyone have any advice?

    | AAttias

  • Hey everyone, I just finished pitching a client for some SEO work. He said he does not want to write any type of content. He also said his industry is so unique that he does not want anyone else writing content for him either. His site has about 25 pages of total content now. I am going to get all of his onpage seo good to go but what would you do? Just build links? I really prefer to have some sort of content strategy in place but find it can be challenging with clients.

    | BigStereo

  • Hi Everyone, We are a small online marketing firm in the UK and we are starting to hit a bit of a bottleneck in terms of the resources that we have that can be devoted to link building. As a result, we need to outsource the link building for some of our clients (around 10). Obviously, we only want ethical, white hat link building to take place and it really is a focus on quality rather than quantity. As you can imagine, being a fairly small firm, we also have a very limited budget! We would ideally like to work with UK link builders but would definitely look at overseas partnerships if it worked out more cost effective and the standard of the link building meets our standards. Just so that I'm not wasting anyone's time, we have a budget of around £200-300 for this (I know, its a very limited budget!). I understand that with this budget comes limitations so we would be more than willing at looking at some stripped down packages (for example, we already have in-house bloggers, so we wouldn't need that). Let me know if you are interested or if you would be able to recommend anyone to me. It would be a great help. Matt
    Wow Internet

    | MatthewBarby

  • I've read that following the Penguin update, too many sitewide links can be a risk. What percentage of your linking domains are sitewide? What is a good percentage to aim for?

    | ProjectLabs

  • My security jobs website was doing very well in Search engines until the penguin got hold of me.  I don't profess to be at pro at SEO however seem to have a knack of getting sites to rank well.  I think I made some basic mistakes with the original security jobs website, to many links to soon, so I have started again and will build up slowly the backlinks quality rather than quantity this time.  My questions is what are the top 20 or so sites that are good to backlink from?

    | SecJobs

  • When you build links do you keep track of every single link that you put out there? Or do you start and what to see what shows up in OSE? Some of these links take time so you would have to go back and check to see if it stuck.  Im just trying to put together a procedure to follow. Also spread they out correctly, org, .net ,. com blogs, blog posts. etc Just curious how everyone else does it, so its easier to manage & track. Thanks !!

    | TP_Marketing

  • Open Site Explorer has a link profile for my web page twice. and I don't know if I am getting the link juice from the weaker of the two ( If I am not, I desperately need it. I am ranked 3rd on my SERP which I have always ranked 1st. I need to go back to one asap. Please help me guys 🙂       I need as much of an explanation to accomplish my goal as you can muster! Get this solved and I will be a subscriber after my free period (lol).

    | JML1179

  • Hello! Ive noticed that on some terms I am ranking above my competitors who are much larger, older, and have many more links. How is this possible? Thx!

    | TP_Marketing

  • My Competitor has a ton of different wordpress, blogger blogs. On the side bar they have link leading back to their site, how can they do this without any issues from google? Are they hiding their Ip's? Thanks!

    | TP_Marketing

  • Hello, Is this  a common practice?  Using the  Open Site Explorer I can see all of my sites strongest pages.  Would  it be ok for me to build other pages but putting links on these stong pages? Thank YOu!

    | TP_Marketing

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