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Category: Link Explorer

Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • I'm currently developing a Keyword Matrix for my site, and i'm just wondering how many keywords I should be putting into each individual cell? From what I learned in MOZ academy, each cell of the matrix will be turned into a keyword list. This means that if I only have one keyword per cell, I'd only have one keyword list that corresponds to each cell in the Matrix. Would it be wrong to include multiple keywords for each cell and thus, multiple keyword lists corresponding to each individual cell? Thanks!

    | jessica.extension

  • My DA dropped 4 points in a week. I check the discovered and lost linking domains in the same time range, and i have more discovered than lost, and the DAs of those lost/linking are all comparable. How could this be?

    | RyanMeighan

  • Hi, The spam score of the site is very high: Guru99 Per Link Explorer: But Moz is taking into account many spammy links that are already 404 or expired domains. If such domains are exluded the Spam score will be very less Why is this?

    | Shreyaguru99

  • Hi, I have observed that even if number of linking domains increased but DA value can still decreased. Can anyone Please let me know how to improve DA score. Focusing on gaining quality backlinks is already in process and number of linking domains also increased over the last 2 months but DA score got down. Website - Awaiting responses!
    Thanks. pt3y1n pt3ycl

    | insidewebanalytics

  • hey my name is john and  i started blog on January 2019 i want to increase DA of my blog

    | kwedbew

  • Hello How Can avoid Spammy links

    | LokeshMoz

  • Hi everyone. I moved the domain my blog was on about 18 months ago, and it's ranking in Google never recovered. I've noticed in the 'Inbound Links' tool that my old domain ( shows a page authority of 26, while my new domain ( shows a page authority of 15. Any idea why that would be? 301 redirects have been in place for the whole 18 months, so I'd have thought the authority would have been 'passed on' by now? Many thanks James

    | james.crowley

  • I used Rank Tracker to evaluate a specific site for "geofencing software" - the result was "not in the top 50." However, if I go to Keyword SERP analysis and put in the same keyword "geofencing software," it shows the specific site within the first page results in SERP. I verified the ranking with a google search of my own and the site does show in the first page results. Why is Rank Tracker not matching Keyword SERP results?

    | Bluedot_IO

  • So it does not appear that moz let's you upload your disavow file.  So when moz calculates your DA how do spammy links factor in? After digging through our GA it appears our site was hit with the 2016 penguin update and never recovered.  Our weekly visitors were 2k, then dropped to 500 and have stayed close to that level for a while. We've used the disavow tool, without success over the past 3 years.  During that time we have done link out reach and built around 10 legit good quality DA links since.  But we have not recovered.  At this point i'm thinking I should just remove the disavow file. Moz says our spam score for our domain is 5%.

    | jessicapremier

  • Hi in last few days I checked my website in moz link explorer and ahrefs and it showed lots of my backlink as removed! But when I checked this on the browser its OK is there any problem with these tools? Anyone has this problem? Thanks

    | namibiagonzo

  • For business reasons, I migrated my domain with a DA score of 85 to a new domain.  After some time, the DA score on the new domain is only 45.  My migration plan and redirects went smooth and all redirected with best practices in mind.  I am still ranking well for almost all of the keywords where I've 301 redirected old URL to new. Any feedback welcome!

    | KenSchaefer

  • Hi!  I have updated my meta description a few sites on my website and for some reason when I check it on MOZ, the old meta description keeps showing up.  We use a platform called Metropublisher and it is showing the updated meta description on their end, but through MOZ and Sreaming Frog, the old meta description still appears.  Any ideas why this is?  Thanks in advance!

    | SociaClick_

  • Is been a long time since the Domain Authority improved when Moz has last updated in March Month.  After that, there is no DA activity happeing.

    | DiveshSeo

  • When accessing the notification center to fetch reports ( you get the screen that is missing the file list but your header and footer are present. This is the second time in less than 3 weeks. Thankfully the PDF's can be downloaded the old way and only the csv's are stuck behind this feature.  I am sure there is someone who likes the Notification Center so can we have a setting so the Notification Center can be optional? Thanks, Dave

    | 7thPowerInc

  • I'm trying to check the ranking keywords for a specific article with the Link Explorer, but when I hover over Ranking Keywords on the Overview it tells me that it's looking on Google US. We're a UK based company and the keywords we're trying to rank for are UK based - is there a way of changing this to match?

    | Kestra

  • Greetings, I have a couple of questions about domain authority. 1 - The backlinks that come from different subdomains count several times or only once coming from the same domain? 2 - The nofollow backlinks are used to calculate the domain authority? Thank you.

    | Rosa_M

  • Hi Team I build my website domain authority from 15 to 26 points in the last 2 months. We getting links from high DA traffic websites all across the globe through guest posting. We grow from 34 linking domains to 155 in this duration(45days) and still, we are working on getting quality links through authority websites. My DA stops on 26 which is not growing for last 2 weeks. Please share your views on it. Thanks in advance

    | AtulSharan

  • Hello, In my weekly rank tracker report, I have a non owned URL showing up with GA UTM params in  there. How is this possible and how is it possibly ranking under a different domain?

    | dlarusso.teguar

  • Hi, 
    Our domain's DA ( has dropped drastically from 52 to 17 on Mar 2019. And has only gone up to 21 now. Is there a reason why this happened. On the other hand, our competitor's score has increased. Is there a valid reason for this? How can I find out what is hurting our DA and how can I fix this?

    | JudyLam

  • Hello Moz, I recently activated my trial version, when I go into link explorer section. The linking domain option on Moz bar showing a different number. when i check the site into ahref, it's showing 14 linking domains, and when i check in Moz it's only showing me 4 linking domains. what is the problem? Which tool showing the accurate result. I am confused. please help.

    | NewDisplayAsi

  • I exported from Link Explorer. In the URL column, there is no protocol for each URL. Isn't the protocol part of what makes a url? I'm crawling each with http:// and https:// but it feels like this info could just be in the report. Am I missing a step?

    | Hyper-Dog

  • Hello guys, I am experiencing crawling errors in Moz because the URLs read by spiders contain accents and special characters, which I know isn't best but yet my client needs to keep it. I know that  Moz "uses percent encoding to parse the HTML in the source code, so any line breaks and spaces in your HTML links or sitemap links are converted to %0A and %20, causing a 404 error". Is there any way to avoid these errors happening in the dashboard? Or am I supposed to simply ignore it?

    | fran875

  • I'm not sure what all of the different link terms mean: -External, followed links -Internal, nofollowed links -External, nofollowed links -Internal, no followed links -Total linking domains -Followed linking domains What are the differences? Which metric will indicate the total # of other sites that are linking to my site? Thank you!

    | sgarrels

  • My company has about 70 live, published pages on our website, which is managed through HubSpot. When Moz crawled the URL, it found 6K+. I noticed several were URLs with a campaign tag. Is this normal? It seems excessive to me. If there's a problem, how do I fix it?

    | ActionableResearch

  • Hello, I'm trying to make an SEO on-pages audit of my website. When using the SEO crawl, i see only one page while i have much more pages in this website (200+). Is it an issue with the sitemap ? The robot.txt ? How can i check and correct this. My website is

    | MK-Discoolver

  • Hey Moz Team, This is Devesh Srivastava, you can call me Dev.
    Recently there was an update from your side and that was pretty good. I have analyzed model factors regarding Moz 2.0. Though my DA score has been down to 36 from 52, I would still say that an update was really necessary. I have some questions which require some clarification or you can say a proper solution.
    As of now, I have removed all the Spam links which were coming to my website ( and I have submitted the disavow list to GSC but I would like to know how should I begin my link building strategy keep everything in mind. And now that, I have removed those spam links how would Moz or how should I tell Moz or Google that those have been removed so how soon can I get back to my previous DA score? I am very much confused with the link building strategy now. What steps should I follow after submitting a disavow list and would Moz stats will change after Google Disavowing those links? Can anyone answer my question?

    | nikh26

  • My travel/tourism site is on WP and using an Events plugin that ads a calendar of events to many pages. The MOZ crawler is indexing almost 46K links with a URL too long, but the site only has about 3.8K pages indexed in Google. I can tell MOZ is indexing the same pages over and over again but just adding a random calendar month and year.  Here are some examples.[0]=US&ajaxCalendar=1&mo=10&yr=2003 Any advice on how to prevent MOZ from indexing this way? I don't believe that Google is seeing this also, but maybe they are. I just know my site has over 63K issues and I'm sure at least 75% or more is because of the way they are picking up on the events calendar. Thanks!

    | CinivaAgency

  • I have a link which is showing tag as a follow but in Moz site explorer is showing no follow link here is the link - Could anyone here tell why this is happening

    | TvishaTechnologies

  • I have a site that I know was Domain Authority 35 but now Domain Authority 25 after someone sent a load of spam links to it, how can this be correct and how can I change it? Is it worth doing a disavow and will moz take that into account?

    | BobAnderson

  • I want to know why my site's DA got changed suddenly? Whereas the DA of other sites of my competitors remained the same. It happened just a few days ago and i noticed it today!

    | yousafsaeed1990sf

  • My domain authority was 47 on 4 March 2019 but suddenly it goes down 36 on 6 March 2019 and our competitor is increased suddenly so what is the reason behind it?

    | Richard_Syme

  • Hi guys, This is the first time I am posting a question here. I have a website and moz is continously showing 4xx and 5xx error. Now in the URL column it shows the version without www or and in referring section it shows full version of my website URL or My website is a listings website and listings gets expired on regular basis. We redirected the non www version a long time ago to the full version of URL that exists now. Can anyone please tell me if they had the same issue? If more details are needed I can provide snapshots if its allowed here? Thanks in advance!

    | DubaiRent

  • Our site is secure but when I ask moz to crawl it by giving the root domain including https moz insists on crawling the non secure version.  How do i force it to crawl the secure version?

    | media1234

  • Hi, Is there a way to check and export spam score of multiple sites at one go, like uploading links through an xl sheet and getting the spam scores checked for all the links at one shot? Thanks Amitabh

    | Ads4growth

  • Hi, I'm running a website since one year and a half, and I'm periodically watching with Moz OSE tools the number of backlinks it has. It still shows only 11 backlinks from 8 domains, even if my actual backlinks are much more and come from about 40 domains. I've already searched the forum and read that Moz scraper updates once per month, but all these backlinks are like 6 months old, and still no trace. Many other competitor tools, including the simple google search console can see all the backlinks, only Moz can't retrieve them. Do you have any idea? Somebody else in the same situation? Or is there a way to submit to Moz links to pages containing that backlinks?

    | fabio_m

  • Does someone have any ideas as to how Moz is treating capitalized keywords differently from the lower case?

    | Roman-Delcarmen

  • I want to know, Is there any detailed report or study done by someone on the Domain authority calculations between Google & Moz. Mainly, I would like to know 1. How Google calculates Domain Authority and How Moz does ? 2. Is there any correlation in majority of the cases or both differs vastly ?

    | sssnee2

  • The hosting server country is the UK but MozBar is showing 'Russian Federation', this is the same for all website hosted on the very same server. Why country value is 'Russian Federation'? How can that value be changed to something more accurate. Thanks.

    | gr8rizwan

  • Hi how are you my root domain according to open site explorer has 90% of total links, external + follow. whereas my competitors have 5 - 6% how do I get this down to look more natural. Also what does this metric mean and how do I work out the percentage? Also I only have around 100 pages on my website which is a Shopify store and I have a small amount of internal followed links is this important for an ecommerce website as it is small number in comparison to my competitors. Thank you regards Adam

    | hourspy

  • Has anyone noticed that the Domain Authority (DA) as reported in Moz Pro has changed only within the last 1-2 months? We have screen shots showing plots of DA vs competitors w/ line graph 2 months ago starting in NOV 2017 which today starting JAN 2018 and comparing shows DA up to 50% different!
    The change is seen both in the Links Overview and under the Spam Score sections still marked "NEW". Can Moz confirm that it's only recently within the last 2 months that in Moz Pro the NEW DA numbers have retroactively been updated even though the new Link Explorer has been publicly out since APR 30 from Look at the top green line starting ~12 months ago on both graphs, w/ old below 40 and new above 50. We've seen even greater differences for other tracked domains. Thanks! view

    | Amplitude_Digital

  • hello my website has some backlinks from high authority website that has been indexed by google but moz is not indexing my backlinks and also my pages so what should i do?

    | yuewiioweiwjksa3832

  • Hey Moz Community, Link Explorer is now open to the public! Everyone can access it via a subscription or a free Moz ‘Community’ account. As you may know by now, the brand-new Link Explorer tool is primed to replace Open Site Explorer as Moz’s link building and analysis tool. The Link Explorer project is the result of an incredible amount of perseverance and hard work by the team, and we’re proud to be able to finally share it with you — we know it’s going to revolutionize how you approach link building and make your job easier. You can read more about the tool here in Sarah Bird’s announcement post. Because Link Explorer improves on almost every aspect of Open Site Explorer, the metrics have improved, too. That means you’re likely going to see some Domain Authority and Page Authority discrepancies between OSE’s index and Link Explorer’s index. We definitely suggest you use the new DA/PA from Link Explorer, as they’re more accurate and refresh daily rather than monthly, as was the case with OSE’s index. However, we also realize that many of you use these metrics to report to your clients and colleagues, and a sudden change or fluctuation could potentially make your job harder. Which DA is the real DA? The new DA is based on a much larger index that has many improvements, several of which are designed to make the index more like Google’s than ever before. You should consider moving towards the new DA (and the old DA won’t be updated after April 26th 2018, so the sooner the better). While there will be fluctuations as we improve the model and add features to the index, we expect it to remain largely stable and to be a far more accurate picture of a site’s authority according to how it’s seen by Google. Why is Link Explorer’s DA/PA considered better than OSE’s, and which should I trust? The larger link index with improved crawl selection allows us to produce a stronger model that includes a much larger proportion of the web. That being said, DA and PA should always be considered in the context of your competitors. A drop in PA or DA relative to the old OSE is of little concern if your competitors saw similar movement. Is Domain Authority/Page Authority an absolute score or a relative one? Both DA and PA are relative to the Internet as a whole. If Facebook acquired a billion new links, everyone’s PA and DA would drop relative to Facebook. Because of this, it’s always best to look at PA and DA in comparison to your competitors. What does a drop/raise in DA mean in Link Explorer vs OSE? How can I explain this to my clients when I’m reporting it? DA and PA should always be considered in the context of your competitors. A drop or raise in PA or DA relative to the old OSE is of little concern if your competitors saw similar movement. Reporting that your site has moved from a DA of 45 to a DA of 42 doesn’t tell the whole story, but reporting that your site has a DA of 42 while your main competitor moved from a 43 to a 37 shows that, relative to the sites you’re competing against in the SERPs, your site has significantly more authority and ranking power. What’s happening to MozTrust and MozRank and why, and what should I replace those with? The improvements to our DA/PA and Spam Score metrics now now account for more important nuances in helping you determine one site’s ability to rank higher than another. Because they no longer correlate with Google’s ranking model as well as they used to, MozRank and MozTrust are being deprecated for better metrics. Users should rely on Page Authority, Domain Authority, and Spam Score to determine the importance and quality of pages, domains, and links. I have historical data I use to help my clients benchmark their progress. What do I do now that DA is calculated differently? You should annotate any KPI changes referencing the change in DA and PA. However, most importantly, you should compare those changes to your competitors, as this will best show how strong your site’s authority is relative to the sites you’re competing against in the SERPs. We take updating our metrics very seriously, and our last major update to the model was 7 years ago. Users of Domain Authority and Page Authority can expect us to continue to produce steady, reliable metrics for the long haul, and only make changes to these metrics when we believe the benefits dramatically outweigh the stability of the metric. Do you have any questions about the new metrics? Anticipating a tough time reporting changes to clients or bosses? Metrics, features or functionality missing that you would want to see? Let us know in the thread, and we’ll work to find a good answer for you. Hope you enjoy the new Link Explorer product and the amazing new link index powering it. We are very excited to provide this valuable data to our community and customers.

    | IanWatson

  • Hi. I'm trying to figure out how to easily see, for a given keyword, the ranking domains, their domain authority, and their traffic. Is it possible to get this all on one screen?

    | scott.thomason.scott8035

  • When using open site explorer MOZ finds 0 internal links on while Google search console finds thousands of internal links. What could the issue be? Cr8Wk14 oGOf1gb

    | NathanPetralia

  • Greetings, I have got some references for my blog from an edu site which is of extremely high quality. Its been more than a month now, but it still doesn't show up in the link explorer, how much time does link explorer take to update the linking domains? Moreover, are these references going to help my blog? Thanks a lot in advance 🙂

    | Jamesdave

  • Hey experts I hope you are all doing great, please have a look at my blog, when I check it with link explorer there are 92% domains with spam score below 20 and only 2.1% of the domains with spam score more than 60. I have compared its backlinks to some other domains, those domains have more than 3 or 4% backlinks with spam scores greater than 60 but have much lower spam score as compared to mine, some even have 1% spam score? I have disavowed many backlinks but its not updated in Moz yet. I know there are 27+ factors which decide your spam score but how can I get the breakdown now as it was shown in the older versions of open site explorer like: No contact information, low domain trust, less internal links? Kind regards...

    | Jamesdave

  • Hello, Where can I find historical information on our domain authority? I would like to compare year over year. TIA!

    | jennifer-garcia

  • This problem is only showing up in Moz. It is not visible in Google search console.

    | beautythatwalks

  • Hi, I'm a bit confused with Keyword CTR provided in Moz Dashboard. Is its an average of search positions or top 3 positions of SERPs?

    | NishilP

  • My Links Explorer is not working, Does anybody has the same issue? Note Also, why do I have to open an account  to upload a screenshot to fix a problem of MOZ tool Help with Moz Products & Tools on the question categories does not show the option for Link Explorer

    | Roman-Delcarmen

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