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Category: Link Explorer

Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • I was under the impression that pagination resolved duplicate page title issues with Google, but Moz is flagging them up as duplicates. Is this just a case of Moz not being able to understand pagination or am I missing something? i.e. correctly formatted pagination:

    | moon-boots

  • Hi everyone. I am using Moz Link Explorer to find relevant links from competitors and when I narrow it down to Link Type: Follow Status: Active I get the list. All good here... BUT ... Inspecting the actual link on the page there is a no=follow attached to it. Is this feature still working properly on the new Link Explorer or is a bug? Thanks!

    | Sorin_T

  • Hi all, Just ran into this issue, when analysing this site. Just got this message when using MOZ "Page Optimisation Error". Anyone know why? It seems to be working fine on other SEO analyser tools. Website is: Thanks in advance! luXS8V5

    | Dushala

  • Moz has tons of great tools, so I was quite suprised there is nothing similar to Alexa's siteinfo tool, or SimilarWeb's site comparison tool. Am I missing something? Or does such a tool exists at Moz? Or is there a different way of estimating my competitor's traffic? It would be great if Moz would have something like that.

    | GrandRapids

  • Moz's new Link Explorer displaying the DA marginally less than Site Explorer. Old one is showing it 46 while new link explorer is showing the DA as 40.

    | dhananjay.kumar1

  • My Page Authority Has been decrease from 31 to 24 in a week while my DA has increased from 38 to 39.I have checked all my latest link but didn't found any spamy links.Please help me .Whether this is a update or something else

    | sapna1991

  • UPDATE: Yesterday's (June 4, 2018) adjustment to our DA/PA metrics turned out to have some unanticipated adverse effects. We're rolling back the adjustment, so by midday tomorrow you should see your scores return to what they were earlier this week. We're also implementing some new procedural checks on our end to help make sure it doesn't happen again. We sincerely apologize for any stress or burden this may have caused. We also want to emphasize that DA and PA are relative metrics. The scores will fluctuate slightly with the index, and for that reason, should be used to compare your site with others. We realize this isn't always easy to explain to clients and stakeholders, so we're working on ways to help you all report these metrics in ways that minimize the potential for confusion. ****** We are continuing to improve our Domain Authority and Page Authority algorithms and strengthen our link index. As of today, June 14, 2018, You may notice a slight variation in current and historic DA/PA scores in Link Explorer and tools that incorporate our new link data such as Campaigns, Keyword Explorer, and MozBar. This is due to a planned adjustment on our end that could be more noticeable than our standard updates. We made this adjustment in order to account for the rapid growth of our link index over the past 6 months and and stabilize distribution of scores over time. For customers who have been tracking DA scores over time, you may want to make note of this adjustment date in your reporting. Rest assured that our DA and PA scores are still far more stable and accurate than they were previously in Open Site Explorer. Our index is now 20 times larger (and growing) and updating daily rather than monthly, therefore standard fluctuations in the index are far less noticeable in your score than before. DA and PA will still always fluctuate slightly and naturally with the index. As the landscape of the internet changes, so should our index to reflect those changes. Whenever we make an update on our end that could be noticeable on your end, we will let you know. Also, please remember that DA and PA scores should always be understood as relative to other sites’ scores in the index, and reported to clients in relation to their competition and not as a standalone metric of individual performance. If you have more questions about DA or the difference between the new score in Link Explorer vs. the old score in OSE, please read this FAQ page, or post a question below and I or a Mozzer will reach out. Thank you! Ian

    | IanWatson

  • Hi Mozzers, Just a quickie, with the unlinked mentions being retired, I was wondering if Moz have any plans to bring this feature back through the new link explorer? Many thanks! 🙂

    | Corbec888

  • Moz Team, We are again seeing shifts on how we report on Domain Authority. When Moz moved from OSE to LE, domain authority scores changed (which is fine because our direct competitors in LE also saw similar changes). The problem is it looks like domain authority trends have re-calibrated to show a long term decline instead of a long term increase, which changes the narrative entirely. Please see IMGUR link. Is this a temporary issue, or has Moz again changed the scale in which DA is measured? Is anyone else seeing disparities in their data? Thanks All! NfnM4dk.jpg

    | MetaPaul

  • Hi all, Moz cannot crawl the domein 
    When I open the crawl report I only see one line: <colgroup><col width="229"><col width="287"><col width="420"><col width="370"><col width="141"></colgroup>
    | URL | Time Crawled | Title Tag | Meta Description | HTTP Status Code |
    | | 2015-10-05T12:20:48Z | 404 : Received 404 (Not Found) error response for page. | Error attempting to request page; see title for details. | 404 | Also when running OSE on this domain, Moz only can find 4 root domains while Majestic can find 91 domains. Google seems not to have any problems. What can be the problem for MOZ? Greetings!

    | Guapa_zwolle

  • Moz Page Optimizer - content suggestions offer national name brands as KW content to rank higher. I can easily write it into our copy but is it ethical, even with a statement like: "This is not a Fathead product" of "the same as the Fatheads seen on TV" I say no, but curious to get my Mozzers feedback KJr

    | KevnJr

  • Hello Moz Community, I am a bit confused with the new spam score of Moz Link explorer. My website has a spam score of 17%. How bad is it? How can i know which factors are contributing to the spam score? in the OSE there were flags, but i cannot find any flags in the new link explorer or any info about the contributing factors. i have 90% of my backlinks from sites that are having less than 30% of spam score, but still my website is having 17% spam score.. i have checked my competitor, they are having 78% of the backlinks from domains that are having less than 30%, their spam score is only is it possible? what are the other factors other than backlinks that affect the spam score of website? Thank you

    | sne7979

  • I'm trying to do an audit but I can't seem to figure out how to find .edu and .gov backlinks from the new link explorer. Can someone please help? I'm trying to learn how as open site explorer will be replaced by the link explorer. Thank you!

    | AFARiva

  • We have set up 301 redirects for some subdomains which we are planning to use, but then we changed our focus to main domain. Google has already crawled some of the subdomain pages. As it was duplicate content over subdomains and main domain, we have set up 301 redirects for all subdomains to redirect to the main domain. We have set up 301 redirects a month ago, but some of the search results still show old URLs. Do you need something extra for google search results to refresh with main domain and remove subdomain URLs from google searches? We need rankings to be passed new URLs.

    | swapnil12

  • After doing the link check on a domain, got 40 or so links. Clicked Request CSV The file that is downloaded contains no links. The column headings are there but no content Did this twice and got same blank file. OSE is showing the 40 links

    | cbpayne

  • I have a REACT site MOZ seems to only index the homepage but not all the internally linked pages, even the sitemap.xml is there. The reason I say that is the crawl result only shows the http and https version of the homepage, no other pages mentioned. I also noticed MOZ crawl results point out my content is very thin (<50 words). As a matter of fact, it has a lot more words if the JS runs correctly. Do we know if MOZ crawls REACT or JS based sites correctly?

    | NetTheory-Analysts

  • My site has been targeted by a spam farm with hundreds of different domains, all linking to images on our CDN with similar variations of anchor text, eg: get free high quality hd wallpapers wedding cake makers
    get free high quality hd wallpapers hairstyle makeover
    get free high quality hd wallpapers living room cafe
    etc Is it possible within Moz Pro to filter all incoming links with anchor text including "free high quality hd wallpapers" so that I can disavow all of the domains en masse? So far I've only been able to display/download the list of links exactly matching the full anchor text which is very time-consuming with 100+ variations. Regards,

    | James_NZ

  • Howdy Moz friends, Today, the Moz team is making a new tool -- Link Explorer -- available in private beta for Moz Pro subscribers (including those taking a free trial). The tool is still a little ways out from public launch, but we wanted to get your feedback to help make it the best product it can be. What's Link Explorer? In essence, it's a replacement for Open Site Explorer (Moz's tool for link discovery, competitive analysis, and link building) that addresses many of its most pernicious challenges, such as: Daily updates - no longer will you need to wait a month or two to see a new DA score or the links you built last week. Link Explorer updates every 24 hours with all the new links we've discovered that day, and gives a new DA score each night. A MUCH bigger index - OSE has always been known for having quality links, but quantity has been an issue. No longer. The new tool's link index is more than 20 times larger than Open Site Explorer's, covering trillions of links across hundreds of billions of pages, while maintaining a focus on high quality domains and pages. Additional functionality - new graphs (like link growth over time), new charts (like gained+lost links), new filters and sorts, and some new kinds of data coming soon. Improved metrics - Domain Authority and Page Authority have both been upgraded to have better correlations with Google's rankings (and they now update every 24 hours) Insanely fast - page load times on the new tool are almost as fast as Google's results 🙂 Less time waiting means more time to dig into results Link Tracking Lists - check a box next to any links of interest and you can build lists in the tool  to track them over time, see whether/when they link, prioritize your outreach efforts, and (in the future) get aggregated data and alerts about those links There's much more to come, but we'd love for you to check out Link Explorer, find bugs, report things you love (and don't), and help us make it the best possible product for you and your teams. You can leave feedback here in this Q+A thread, email, or send feedback through the feedback form in Link Explorer.

    | randfish

  • I get the following warning about our domain name in Link Explorer Moz tool You entered the URL which redirects to Click here to analyze instead. Please advice me. How I can fix it.

    | jeffreyjohnson

  • The only options I see in the tab is weekly and monthly. What if, for example, I wanted to compare stats over a 3 month period? Or compare stats from the same month last year? Is that possible? Or even the stats from the beginning of a campaign? Do you have to manually track them?

    | trypm

  • In the last week domain authority for our site ( has increased from 21 to 31. We have been working on local SEO and making other improvements in the last month. I have noticed that our spam score is now 28. I believe it was much lower in the past. Should we be concerned about incurring a Google penaltyY How likely is this with a spam score of 28? What actions should we take? Also, we will be migrating the site to a new domain early this week. Can we use the domain migration as an opportunity to remove links from pammy domains? Will the removal of link from spammy domains increase or decrease our domain authority? Thanks, Alan

    | Kingalan1

  • Hi all,
    I ran a crawl on my site   and received the following error  "612 : Page banned by error response for robots.txt." Before anyone mentions it, yes, I have been through all the other threads but they did not help me resolve this issue. I am able to view my robots.txt file in a browser 
    The permissions are set to 644 on the robots.txt file so it should be accessible
    My Google Search Console does not show any issues with my robots.txt file
    I am running my site through StackPath CDN but I'm not inclined to think that's the culprit One thing I did find odd is that even though I put in my website with https protocol (I double checked), on the Moz spreadsheet it listed my site with http protocol. I'd welcome any feedback you might have.  Thanks in advance for your help.
    Kind regards

    | ME5OTU

  • Can MOZ keyword explorer output sentences instead keywords? We need to optimize our website for the Knowledge Graph (OG). There was an old tool that does it, but I can't remember its name.

    | Elchanan

  • Hi everyone, I'm looking to find out if there are any tried and tested ways to raise DA. We have regular articles, a good backlink profile, we post regularly to social media, but we seem to be stuck at DA27. One of our competitors who has no real backlinks, only backlinks from citations and no social media posts has a DA of 31 which we find quite confusing. Thanks in advance!

    | rswhtn

  • Hi everyone! I have a website (, few years old. The PA and DA used to be around 25-35 but now it shows me 1 for both PA and DA. I just discovered it and I do not understand why. Take a look at the image I attached here. There was no spam on my website. Google still shows my website on the first page for many keywords. 3ojp7qt.png

    | adi2305

  • My website is .  When I check spam score of, moz show that its spam score is 9. And when i search spam score of, spam score is 0. Although both are same website. Why i am getting such issue. Is there any issue in my website's URL redirection. If yes then what's the issue?

    | HuptechWebseo

  • I am looking at "Internal Equity-Passing Links" for my website in the competitor link metrics tab of OSE, and it says that my website only has 7 internal links on the site. I know that I have more internal links that this, so I am wondering why this number is so low. Does anyone know where the discrepancy is coming from? Is the Moz crawler unable to access these? I appreciate any insights you can provide.

    | aperez

  • I want to know everything about compare links metrics.  Like how Moz work and calculate this value of Internal Equity-Passing Links External Equity-Passing Links Total Equity-Passing Links Total Internal Links Total External Links Total Links  in each metrics ( Page Specific Metrics: Subdomain Metrics: Root Domain Metrics: ) Each metrics Show different value for same metrics.

    | HuptechWebseo

  • Hi I monitor and track few Top sites that are Industry leaders. I got -1 to -3 in DA across this month. Has anyone else experienced this and the matter of fact is there has been rare or no change in the sites but the moz backlink data experienced a major drop "more then 100K backlinks were dropped for them in yesterday's report as compared to a 20 day old report". Has anyone at Moz or anyone in the community experienced the same

    | mr.ankit.manocha

  • Newbie, so please forgive!! OK, so I'm doing my 1st site optimization. It is reporting errors from pages that were deleted a couple of days ago. And I JUST signed up today. Where is this info coming from? Thanks, Billy

    | NewSEOguy

  • Hi all, Wondering the difference between the Inbound Links stats for versus only using When I type in the https:// version, I see 3 Spam Flags - for the version, there are none. There are also spammy links pointing to the https version as opposed to the non-https version when I use this tool: Anyone know the difference and which should be regarded when fixing spam issues?

    | netamorphosis

  • Any clear answer for this result? Google get penalty from Google for it's own website? Please refer to the attached picture below. vsgKw

    | BBT-Digital

  • I've got a web design business with a site that's been out there for 17 years -  I've got links to my clients' sites in my portfolio page.  The backlinks list for my clients, when I check them in Moz, don't show the links from this site.  They always showed in the list until a few months ago.  The site has a DA of 59 & PA (for home page) of 50.  The spam score is 0/17.  I'm having a tough time telling my clients that the Moz backlinks list is accurate when that site doesn't show in the list.  The same is true for - this is one I created years ago to generate backlinks.  It's got a spam score of 4/17, so I'm a little more understanding of that one. Thanks for any guidance!

    | wcksmith1

  • Hello! When I'm looking at a SERP analysis for a keyword, I'm able to see the social metric, showing the amount of social shares - Would this include social shares in general for posts from that domain or is it just the specific URL? Thank You

    | wearehappymedia

  • I have been a MOZ subscriber for a few years now. I don't think MOZ works for .dating and .chat domain extensions. I have 2 sites that have authority 1 despite back links. Here are the details: > DA = 1 > DA = 1 oooo has 221 links (Google search console) talk has 1317 links (Google search console) May be a MOZ staff member can look into this. If you are customer and use some of the newer domain extensions please share your details if you have the same problem.

    | dmcubed

  • Why is there a difference in the backlinks of my website when checked in and

    | mzakaria

  • Hi I monitor and track 20-25 sites. I got a -1 in DA across the board this month. Has anyone else experienced this. It's possible my server/cms guys have made a global change. Has anyone at Moz or anyone in the community experienced this?

    | Andrew-SEO

  • Hi All, Just trying to crawl one of my clients sites, but it shows the "It looks like we haven't discovered link data for this site or URL" page, so I looked through the TLD's supported and .London doesn't seem to be there - have these changed as i'm sure I crawled it before? Thanks in advance

    | SamFanatic

  • Hey, can anyone help with this? I am receiving extremely different results running spam score tests with and without www in moz. 
    No www - is getting a spam score 8
    And with www. is 1. Should I be worried here, and how should I move to handle this? Thanks in advance guys

    | DarkoA

  • Does moz pro standard give access to open site explorer & keyword explorer?

    | SearchOpt

  • Please fix again, its bug or fake analytic, only 1 root domain make 10 spam score, its crazy. but in google webmaster doesn't look spam in manual action (no violation) Can I fix it? or you can fix it? GVm7dKx.png GVm7dKx.png

    | darylfarahi

  • Hi Moz team, I have noticed that one of our old domain has high spam score of 9. This has been redirected to our domain around 2 years back. I can see that old domain doesn't have any back links. Then how come the spam score have been calculated for this? If there is any metric for this, we just wanna remove redirecting this spammy old domain to our domain. Please clarify. Thanks

    | vtmoz

  • Hi Moz Community, I am having issues getting a full list of my internal links when I go to the Open Site Explorer. When I export the internal links into excel, I am getting half of my URLs and 80% of what I am getting is absolutely crazy URLs that are super super old. Plus, these old URLs are not even showing in my campaign crawls. So the crawls themselves are different. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated, since I am trying to get a full picture on the internal link structure of my site. Thanks!

    | RyanRhodesGW

  • So i asked Moz Pro site crawl to crawl my page, and a lot of issues came up - but for password protected sites. Does the Moz Pro site crawl do this? A lot of the issues, are not relevant for a site that is password protected.


  • Website: Issue: Domain Authority & Page Authority 1/100 I am using Prerender to cache/render static pages to crawl agents but MOZ is not able to crawl through my website ( Hence I think it has a domain authority of 1/100. I have been in touch with Prerender support to find a fix for the same and have also added dotbot to the list of crawler agents in addition to Prerender default list which includes rogerbot. Do you have any suggestions to fix this? List: Adding dotbot to Express Server:

    | gparashar

  • Hi we have recently migrated our website and while I expected some drop in visibility I didnt expect a huge drop and definitely not a big drop in MozRank and MozTrust. But we went from 4.34 to 3.69 on Domain Rank and 4.42 to 3.85 in MozTrust. That to me looks like a lot. Particularly since I have been building links and it should be going up not down. We dont buy links and really dont employ any black hat link building. Now at the same time our total link profile looks massive. Apparently  we have 18k of links. there is no way this is correct. Our competitors all have below 5k. The total links have grown from 13k to 18k in a month as well. Where is this coming from? Is there any way of seeing what these links are? Our visibility went up actually after the launch. Main keyword campaign went from 1.59% to 6.13% then to 7.53% at first. Which made sense since the new site has much better on page optimisation. But now this dropped again to 2.37%. Our competitors visibility is much more stable then that. I know some fluctuations is normal but these fluctuations seem a bit drastic. Are they? We still have a few 404s to sort out and quite a bit of re-directs on the page. But other then having impact on speed this should not influence the rankings so severely. Should it? Before we migrated the site I followed the instruction given by Moz and yet there are all these issues that are popping up. It's disappointing that I made all this effort prior to migrating plus made sure our new page is much better in terms of SEO (I mean I even developed a pagination strategy to get rid of the duplicates!) and it doesnt seem like its paying of. Any help is much appreciated. Id say my SEO understanding is mid range but Im really interested in it and keen on building my skills. And this is really discouraging if Im honest.  Please help

    | ACEmina

  • I can't find any reference on time frame covered..

    | kagorges

  • Hi, New to Moz, so sorry if this is a n00b question. I can see on the 'Top Pages' page, that the HTTP status of all my Top Pages is 301, which means they have been permanently redirected.  I am trying to find out what they have been redirected from / to so that I can clean them up and make then nice 200s, but I can't see the info anywhere?  😕

    | plainsailing

  • Hi, I have a MOZ PRO account which is brilliant for me. I am about to move my site from HTTP to HTTPS and was looking for a smooth way to list every page and its details so I can make sure I do the correct redirects etc.. before the switch to SSL. Do I need to get Screaming Frog, or can the tools with MOZ Pro ease my path just as well? Thanks

    | SeoSheikh

  • Internal Equity-Passing Links not getting crawled in Moz Open Site Explorer.  What is the cause of this? We've checked the robots.txt and htaccess file, but so far we can't find anything that would be blocking Moz from crawling the internal links.  We manage loads of other clients on this platform and this is the first time we've run into this issue.  What else can I check?

    | OozleMedia

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