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Category: Reporting & Analytics

Discuss the best ways to report on performance and communicate results to stakeholders.

  • Hi everyone, I am doing a google analytics site audit for an e commerce site using shopify. I can see e commerce data on GA but I'd like to make sure that e commerce tracking code is present and correct. I have the shopify thank you page but cannot locate the client's e commerce tracking code I guess this is normal since we are on the shopify domain. Is this normal to not have the client e commerce tracking code present on shopify thank you page? Does shopify have a system in place that integrates and or generate this e commerce tracking code for the client? Finally, how can I verify if the ga e commerce tracking code on shopify is correct and in place? Thanks for letting me know!

    | Ideas-Money-Art

  • Hello, I'm dealing with spam in google analytics, applying filters (and using segments for historical data) Does applying a filter in GA affect Moz data, future or historical? Is there a way of doing this? Thank you!

    | wearehappymedia

  • Hi, can anyone explain what 'Safari (in-app)' refers to in my browser sources? Also, it has a very high bounce rate - any ideas why?

    | b4cab

  • Hi, I'm looking to confirm the best approach for retroactively stripping away referral spam (free buttons, SEMalt, etc.). Now to be clear, I already have filters in place to ignore them from current stats, so moving forward I'm fine. However, I'd love to go back and check untainted stats. I've setup segments using a regex to strip the root words away and it seems to be working. I have a regex setup to strip out things like: social-buttons|seoanalyses|copyrightclaims|classifiedads|jobsense|free-share-buttons|e-buyeasy|acrobats.hol|cheap-online|amezon|search-help|qut-smoking and so forth. I've been going through my referral data, noticing obvious spam, and adding their domains to my segment. Is this the optimal way for me to get a clear, untainted view of my past stats?

    | kirmeliux

  • 1. We recently ran a promotion on both FB and Reddit, which is https, linking to our non-https site. We utilized UTM links to our landing page. Our GA campaign data returned extremely low hits in comparison to what we actually received (and recorded via FB/Reddit dashboard). Obviously our Direct traffic spiked during these times, caused by a secure to nonsecure referral, I'm sure. I'm also noticing a spike in referral traffic from that correlates to the ad times. Does this mean Facebook's link shim is stripping away my UTM data? My question is why we receive SOME properly UTM-tagged referral traffic in our campaigns? What's allowing some of it to go through? 2. I've tagged our email signature links with UTM as well, hoping to clean up some of our Direct traffic. I understand that external clients like Outlook and Thunderbird likely won't pass referral data, but do hosted clients like Gmail, Yahoo, and such? And if so, would the https to http difference obstruct this again? I'd love some insight onto these questions, especially if I'm off the mark with a few of my assumptions there.

    | kirmeliux

  • Hi After adding some keywords to our new campaign for, the keyword "Vayamundo" ranked +51, which is strange. I then found this little marker in the universal results column which says: Universal Result: Local Contains: 3 results Vayamundo Ol Fosse d'Outh Vayamundo Zumba Oostende in Vayamundo Ravelingen View Ranking History for more details 
    Learn more about universal results I clicked the two links, but still do not understand how to interpret this universal result. Why was it labeled a universal result to begin with? Can somebody help me out? Thanks in advance. Greetings Jorien

    | SoftelBE

  • Hi Guys, Recently added GA internal site search to a sub-folder: Just want to confirm would the query parameter be: /search/ Or different because it's a sub-folder? Cheers.

    | jayoliverwright

  • Hi all,
    Google webmaster point me to duplicate meta descriptions problem between pages with difference URL but have the same canonical URL.
    What could be the reason?,tired/?a=s,Tiredness/?a=s,tired/?a=s,Tiredness/?a=s gKUSXsU

    | Roi_Bar

  • I just put in a piece of software to replace a really bad built in site search engine on my 3dcart website. Now I am trying to measure the change, but I am having some issues. When I check the ecom data in the conversions section of GA with the built in segment Performed Site Search, I get promising results. Approximately 5% revenue increase over LY. But if we jump to behavior, site search, usage, and then check the visits with site search, I get a decrease by 4%. And the actual revenue is off, by like double (150k compared to 80k) Anyone have any idea why I am getting these results? The site search function is set up. Tracking is enabled, query parameter is keyword and search url is /search.asp?keyword=

    | ShockoeCommerce

  • Hi, i have a website that have, as many others, a mobile version. I want to know if there exist a way to track the mobile user experience, for example, how many times scroll down the page, where touch the screen, and actions that only have sense with mobile visitors. what do you think? Thanks, Juan Ignacio

    | NachoRetta

  • hallo, I moved from to, setting a 301 redirect. If I check google search console,  I still get impressions and looks like all old www pages are stille indexed. (see attached) why? how can I fix this? thank you

    | micvitale

  • The launch of the responsive design is the only event we can correlate to the beginning of the decline in overall visits to the website since July, however we're not sure if this is the issue. To give you some background, the website is a pest control site in a highly competitive industry where there are many black hat tactics going on with huge keyword competition on a small range of keywords, however historically the website traffic for the above site has been gaining momentum. We create/ update 2 or 3 pages every month with rich content and post 8 blogs every month on pest control related topics. We have done the initial keyword research and all the keywords we used are medium to high volume terms. We don't do any black hat tactics or dodgy link building, we have invested time submitting the site to legitimate business listings in the past. It just seems strange that all of a sudden we go responsive and start to lose searchengine traffic. Possible Issues What we've been able to find so far were some pages that were not redirected properly, probably about 5, and 2 pages that seemed to lead to a 404 error. These have only just been fixed recently, otherwise the mobile site has been functioning effectively. Could this be the reason we have been in decline over the past few months? We also seem to have lost a whole lot of external links somehow, the external link measurement in MOZ has gone from 1500, up to 6,000 then down to 300 or so in the space of a few months. Basically we're trying to figure out what we're doing wrong, or what we can do to try and stop the decline of visits. We've checked the algorithm updates and don't think that Panda or the shift to the Google AI would have penalised us, but then again we could be wrong. Any advice anyone could offer would be hugely appreciated. Happy to provide any data for anyone to have a look at.

    | Peter.Huxley59

  • Morning Moz! Is there such tool, to view if your site has Google Analytics script by page? (I mean page by page, so to crawl an entire site) It's a 500+ page website, so i'm trying to avoid viewing source of each individual page. Thank you!

    | Whittie

  • hallo everyone, I am posting this question to the MOZ community, because I could not find any useful information or proper advice so far, even after consulting a few local SEO experts. I noticed from the end of september a steady and consistent decrease in visits (please see attached pdf) for my website I lost so far almost 40%. Please consider that I have not changed my habits in blog posting lately, both in quantity and quality. I have not made any subtantial change on the website lately. I did a general audit of the site asking to an expert but apart from some generic suggestions (like: "work on increasing PR, add more quality backliks, use more no-follow links, fix broken links" - things I am currently going to fix anyway) I don't really understand the reason of the drop. Please also note the strange drop of 11/22/15 (see search console screenshot). Can you please help me? thank you. Selezione_018.jpg Selezione_019.jpg

    | micvitale

  • Hi I've just used Google Tag Manager chrome plugin to look at possible analytics issues on a clients site and it has reported that its Analytics ID is being tracked twice. 1 is Universal and the other is Universal Asynchronous And when i click the question mark next to the 'Where to Optimise' info in GTM this page is displayed with teh following info highlighted: ga.js is a legacy library. If you are starting a new implementation we recommend you use the latest version of this library, analytics.js. For exisiting implementations, learn how to migrate from ga.js to analytics.js. Since both versions seem to be on there surely i dont need to migrate but just delete the old non-asynchronous version ? Or do i need do anything else or additional ? All Best Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Hi All, I have already asked this question twice here but issue is not resolved yet. In Google analytics  most of the goal conversion in Google analytics showing under referral from payment gateway sites ( & I have applied all the possible solution that suggested by Moz community experts & Google Adwords support team but it is not resolved yet and it is really weird answer to give client that I have applied all possible solution and issue is still not solved. Lastly I am sharing Cross domain tracking code here that I have used on my site. Please check once and let me know if code is correct and If not correct please help me out to correct the code or suggest any other way to fix the issue Cross domain tracking code ======================= <script  type="text/javascript">(function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){
      (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),
    ga('require', 'linker');
    ga('linker:autoLink', ['', ''], false, true);
      ga('create', 'UA-xxxxxx', 'auto', { 'allowLinker': true});
     ga('require', 'displayfeatures');
      ga('send', 'pageview');</script > I have hide the UID in above code. Thanks

    | Alick300

  • Hello I'm looking to submit a sitemap for a post driven site with over 5000 pages. The site hasn't got a sitemap but it is indexed by google - will submitting a sitemap make a difference at this stage? Also, most free sitemap tools only go up to 5000 pages, and I'm thinking I would try a sitemap using a free version of the tool before I buy one - If my site is 5500 pages but I only submit a sitemap for 5000 (I have no control of which pages get included in the sitemap) would this have a negative effect for the pages that didn't get included? Thanks

    | wearehappymedia

  • I'm having a hard time filtering out both of the IP addresses at our office. One is easy with regular expressions, but the other one does not seem to be working. Here are the two IP addresses: 2606:a000:4e2b:d500:61d9:9d4e:c539:ea86 I set up these two custom filters and neither worked for the longer IP address. 2606:a000:4e2b:d500:61d9:9d4e:c539:ea86|
    2606:a000:4e2b:d500:61d9:9d4e:c539:ea86| Would you please help steer me in the right direction? Thanks as always MOZ friends!

    | ReunionMarketing

  • Hi I have just started working on Google Tag Manager and trying to implement all important tags through Tag Manager only. Can we also implement A/B Testing (Experiment in Analytics) through Google Tag manager.

    | RuchiPardal

  • Hi, I have noticed in Google analytics that direct traffic of one of my website is increased drastically. I didn't participate in Email Marketing or any other paid campaigns however direct traffic is continuously increasing. I checked all sources, locations, browsers, filters etc but didn't get any findings. Please help.

    | RuchiPardal

  • Hi, how are you?
    I have my website with Google Tag Manager implemented. Google Analytics is one of the tags I have configured. The problem is that Referral exclusions aren't working for me. I excluded 3 domains, and I keep seeing them in my Referral Traffic report.
    Any idea why this could be happening? Best wishes,
    Ariel g04tIqv IrzKXiY

    | arielbortz

  • Is there a way to insert Google API into Excel? I want to have a search volume column that would automatically fill out with query Another question is that I have a list of keywords in one column in Excel with another column that have search volume. I then go and do some research on keyword groups with a grouping tool but if this tool doesn't find a group for a keyword it removes it. So then when I want to copy and past keywords and match keyword columns in excel that already exist with search volume I have to do it manually because some rows are missing. Is there a way this could be done automatically so that when I paste it in the column with keywords it automatically finds that the current column exists and adds a group column ?

    | aliciaporrata1009

  • I am setting up a Chinese domain and I was wondering if anyone has experience with using Google Analytics for tracking in the country and if it really works or if Baidu is the better solution for the website.  The website will be hosted in the US so I don't know if that makes any difference with getting around "The Great Firewall". I would prefer to us GA if possible because I am extremely familiar with the platform but I am more concerned with getting accurate tracking data for the site. Thank you in advance and any help would be greatly appreciated. Brooke

    | Ryan_Henry

  • Hello, our domain authority dropped significantly overnight from 37 to 29. We have been building good links from high DA sites and producing regular, good quality content. Anyone able to offer any ideas why? Thanks

    | ProMOZ123

  • So, we are a long time user of GA and we're planning a domain change.
    Does anyone know if I can 'change the domain' in GA so we don't lose our past data?

    | jmueller0823

  • Hello everybody. Is there way in Google analytics to create report on what goals have been completed per each source? Example: Lets say I have 3 goals: Subscription, Purchase, Quote. How can I get report, saying something like this: google / organic - Subscription - 5 conversions
                                 Purchase     - 3 conversions
                                 Quote          - 10 conversions and so on. P.S. Basically, I want the reverse of standard Google Analytics goal completions report, where you can click on goal and see which sources/mediums completions came from. I'd like to do the opposite - "click" on source/medium and see which goals have been completed. Thanks

    | DmitriiK

  • If we can only choose one, we'll likely go with the Event, but I'm hoping we'll be able to do both and gather more data about when certain pages (even if they are virtual) are viewed in the path to conversion.

    | KNect365

  • Hello, I'm hoping one of you search geniuses can help me. We have a successful client who started seeing a HUGE spike in direct visits as reported by Google Analytics. This traffic now represents approximately 70% of all website traffic. These "direct visits" have a bounce rate of 96%+ and only 1-2 pages/visit. This is skewing our analytics in a big way and rendering them pretty much useless. I suspect this is some sort of crawler activity but we have no access to the server log files to verify this or identify the culprit. The client's site is on a GoDaddy Managed WordPress hosting account. The way I see it, there are a couple of possibilities.
    1.) Our client's competitors are scraping the site on a regular basis to stay on top of site modifications, keyword emphasis, etc. It seems like whenever we make meaningful changes to the site, one of their competitors does a knock-off a few days later. Hmmm. 2.) Our client's competitors have this crawler hitting the site thousands of times a day to raise bounce rates and decrease the average time on site, which could like have an negative impact on SEO. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't believe Google is going to reward sites with 90% bounce rates, 1-2 pages/visit and an 18 second average time on site. The bottom line is that we need to identify these bogus "direct visits" and find a way to block them. I've seen several WordPress plugins that claim to help with this but I certainly don't want to block valid crawlers, especially Google, from accessing the site. If someone out there could please weigh in on this and help us resolve the issue, I'd really appreciate it. Heck, I'll even name my third-born after you. Thanks for your help. Eric

    | EricFish

  • Hi Each month I export my data from WMT and go through analytics. I also export our non brand queries from analytics and not WMT - I haven't had an issue before, but this month the impression data is quite different. In the hundreds of thousands different for keywords, everything seems to have taken a big jump and it seems strange. However, not everything is different, I've spot checked some and its; consistent in both, I'm not sure what's going on? One example would be: <colgroup><col width="281"> <col width="72"></colgroup>
    | industrial shelving | 1016 |
    | industrial racking | 999 | These appear as impressions from Query data in analytics, but they appear nowhere in my WMT query data. Analytics query data shows: | industrial equipment | 670 | WMT Data: | industrial equipment | 143 | Anyone have any idea? Perhaps some kind of tracking issue? Also I've triple checked dates etc...

    | BeckyKey

  • Good Morning Everyone, Looking for some feedback as to why all of my Backlink metrics might be way down (as well as rankings)... Please see the details below that show some of the metrics from MOZ reports from August and from October. Does anyone know why these metrics are all so down?  We have not done any link removal exercises or anything that would cause this drop --- please let me know if there is any insight any of you have as to what is the reason for this drop. Thanks Linking C Blocks August 3: 124 October 14: 23 External Followed Links August 3: 4486 October 14: 1558 Total External Links August 3: 4795 October 14: 1680 Total Links August 3: 21338 October 14: 17809 Followed Linking Root Domains August 3: 323 October 14: 116 Total Linking Root Domains August 3: 442 October 14: 143

    | Prime85

  • Hi! Is it possible to have your UA code in a GTM and your e-commerce code in the code? Will it track the e-commerce data in the profile? Thanks,

    | WeAreDigital_BE

  • Last week I got a great answer here on how to implement GTM and cross domain tracking, now that we have that in place I'm looking for some more advice 😉 I'm wondering that if we push variabels into the data-layer of GTM, can we actually use those variables in reports as well? Do they get recorded in Google Analytics? I'd like to use some data that we push to the data layer for segmentation purposes. Anybody an idea how to achieve this?

    | jorisbrabants

  • I have some goals in GA which is linked to different event triggers. However I've found out that the goal is only showing the unique event triggers and not the total. I need it to show the total in order to be accurate. Is there any way to switch that option? I can't find any options like that in GA or guides to do so.

    | WebGain

  • Hi, If the company gives me access to Google Analytics for two days, will I still be able to see the data after day three? I am interested in past data not the future or current.

    | aliciaporrata1009

  • Hi I know Google has many different variations of what they consider to be thin content. I wondered if anyone has an idea of the best metric to determine what content you need to improve on your site? I work on a large e-commerce site so there are a thousands of product pages - all with product descriptions similar [but not duplicate] to competitors. I guess in terms of quantity, these pages don't have huge amounts of written content, so I'm wondering what Google classes as 'thin' on a product page: 1. Does Google just expect a conversion to deem that product page useful? And if not, what's the best metric to identify what works vs. what doesn't on product pages in Google's eyes. 2. If adding lots of product pages on mass is bad and will decrease overall authority? The content isn't duplicate, but may be fairly similar to other sites selling the same thing. I'm trying to get our reviews added directly to product pages rather than in a pop up to improve the unique content and I'm starting to write guides, FAQ's and I'll work towards getting video started - however, I'm the only SEO & we don't have much resource so this all takes time. If anyone else has any advice on steps to take that would be great 🙂

    | BeckyKey

  • Hello Guys, I want to track traffic / conversions from different domains (basically same brand - but a lot of different TLD's). The "problem" is that the main conversion which I want to track always happens on the .com TLD and all other TLD's link to there. The problem is, that now the traffic always counts as Referral Traffic, even after setting up cross domain tracking over the google tag manager... So example: Sessions begins on after User searched on it on google. He decides to buy the product and therefore moves to for the checkout process. No I will have the conversion in my google analytics under referral with --> but I want to have it under organic, and not under referral. How I can manage this? Thanks for you Help!

    | _Heiko_

  • I've been working on creating content and optimizing my website for the past 18 months, and have seen decent gains in organic traffic. Recently my keyword ranking increases have slowed dramatically, despite adding additional content. I'm hoping a fresh set of eyes can spot something that may be holding me back. I appreciate any feedback the MOZ community is able to provide. One area of concern/confusion is the number of pages indexed according to GSC. The number tends to go up and down, and I can't figure out why. Of the roughly 8,000 pages that are submitted through the sitemap, it says only around 1,100 are indexed (sitemap page). The index status page says I've got 7,500 pages indexed. Kind of confused on that one. Anyway, my website is MetroAtlantaHome dot com. Thanks everyone!

    | Kyle Eaves

  • Anybody experience with setting up Google Tag Manager to contain the Analytics script including cross domain tracking? We have a marketingwebsite .com / and an application running in a subdomain, but have always had some difficulties in getting the cross domain tracking working. Would be great to be able to exchange some experience with fellow Mozzers.

    | jorisbrabants

  • Hi Guys. When we compare our actual sales to Google analytics conversions it can be way out.  Sometimes as much as 50%. Is this the same for the data on traffic?  And if so, does the data tend to be out by a similar amount over time? i.e) If we compare this year and last year it give us a good indicator of differences in traffic volume? (albeit not 100% accurate?) Thanks. Isaac.

    | isaac663

  • Hello Dear Community Yesterday I had a sudden drop in visits - screenshot attached. It shows how yesterday Friday 17/10 has had a dip in visits vs Friday 10/10 (1 week ago). I have an authority blog in Italy with over 90k monthly visits. I do now black-hat SEO stuff, and my content is rich. Organic traffic grew 85% y-o-y and I was actually on a nice, slow growth trend, but now, 20% dip. The things I did before all this happened, and which could have had an impact (but I'm not sure about) are: Configured Max CDN and W3 Total Cache (before I was just using SiteGround's Super Cacher plugin and that's it). So now my site is faster by a lot although I'm having issues like I mention in point 2. I had to clear the cache at least a hundred times as I was configuring Optin Monster for lead generation I changed my Google Analytics code from the old version to the new version (universal) Besides this I check my best keywords in RankTracker and it looks like nothing happened to my rankings. Yet a few of my most popular posts which gets roughly the same amount of visits everyday for the past few months, had a dip of 30% more or less. I also added a screenshot of my Webmaster tool dashboard. Everything is ok and there are no messages. Also yesterday was not a national holiday in my country (Italy) so everything should have been normal. Please share with me your thoughts about this. What else should I check to get an idea? What do you think it could be? Thank you! Andrea 2vII81q yXn6zBD

    | Andrew_IT

  • HI I've got a clients site set which targets 3 language/countries: English via the main site on the Turkish via a Turkish language site on a subfolder And German via The devs have set up .com and .de in GSC and is reporting data in both However there's no data in the domain/com/tr GSC profile ! Is that because its on a subfolder so data pertaining to it is being reported in the main GSC account ? Or does something more need to be done to set up the Turkish subfolder in GSC ? If so what ? All Best Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • I took a screen shot of the keywords from Google Analytics Real Time Keywords for Google / Organic. Then I waited a week and filtered Google Webmaster Tools' Search Analytics for queries with those keywords. None of them showed up. Why not? What I missing? Why do some keywords show up in Google Analytics RT for Google / Organic while most others are in Not Provided? I see WMT's Search Analytics says that it doesn't always show queries that "are made a very small number of times or those that contain personal or sensitive information." But most of my queries are like that. Anybody know any patterns / criteria that leads WMT to show some but not others? Thanks

    | GilReich

  • Hi All, There's loads of info around on general retail conversion rates, but does anyone have any experience with online lighting shops and typical conversion rates? This is a highly price driven shopper, and from my experience so far they bounce around looking for the best price... We've recently taken ownership of this new site, and I'm not sure I can relate general metrics to this site... although there is lots of work to do on here! Cheers in advance.

    | b4cab

  • Hi folks. We've seen a precipitous change in the referral data that we're able to gather from cookies. Specifically: On August 24 or 25, traffic to our site that was cookied as coming from organic search dropped by ~25%, and traffic coming in with no referrer data at all (i.e., it appears to be "direct") rose by roughly the same amount. As far as we can see, we haven't changed anything in our systems that would have caused this (we're not just mis-reading the cookie info), so I'm looking for external reasons. Has anyone else seen this? Or have any ideas why it would happen?

    | RobM416

  • I have a few questions about funnel flow and how my goals are tracked. 1. My goal is a user completing a contact form, form.html. Upon completion, user is redirected to thanks.html, ending the flow. Every page header contains a direct link to form.html. Does this mean every page on my site is considered a "step" leading the user to the contact form? If so, do I list each page containing the form link in the steps, or only form.html? 2. If the above isn't correct, how do I track how the user wound up completing my form. I'd love to know which pages are performing better and leading to more sign-ups (goal completions). Currently I think I'd only be setup to know when a user is on the form.html page and whether they complete it or leave, not how they got to form.html in the first place. 3. My .html pages are actually embedded via iFrame on WordPress pages. My form.html page is hosted on .com/quote and upon completion, form.html redirects to thanks.html within the iFrame (.com/quote remains the actual page). I'd assume this is going to throw off my stats since the physical .html pages don't have Analytics code embedded? 4. How would I track different CTAs on the same page which lead to the same goal? For example, header vs. footer CTA's to the same sign-up sheet. Let me know if you need anything clarified. Thanks a lot for the help.

    | kirmeliux

  • We've got quite a lot (I'd say 75%) of our blog posts which I'd consider as low quality. Short content (500 words or less) with few shares, no backlinks & comments; most of which gets 0-2 unique views a day (however combined this adds up). Will removing these pages provide an SEO benefit greater than the reduction in traffic from the removal of these pages? I've heard the likes of Neil Patel/Brian Dean suggest so, however I'm scared it will provide the opposite as less content is indexed and I'll actually see traffic fall. Sam


  • Hi Mozzers, I was just wondering if there's a way we can map our on-page SEO changes with the increase/decrease in organic traffic. For instance, I introduced brand pages' link the product page breadcrumbs and suddenly organic traffic for my brand pages increase from X to 2X in 1 couple of weeks. Now, this can be because of this breadcrumb change purely or because of some algorithm update or may be, bots started finding the content interesting and hence, started ranking them up (in case the brand pages were launched recently). So, you can't say which change should be mapped to what increase/decrease in organic traffic. Or, is there a way to map this?

    | _nitman

  • Using the same GA property, I would like to set up three filtered views: 1. Tracking across one subdomain and one primary domain (example: & 2. Track only primary domain ( 3. Track only subdomain ( Can this be achieved by using view filters? If so, how do they need to be set? Also, according to this article:, with cross domain tracking, I need to ignore self-referrals, which can only be done at the property level. If set up to ignore referrals, will this cause problems with filter 2 and 3?

    | Evan34

  • A site I'm working on has canonical tags which I find to be accurate, regardless of tracking parameters or anything else added to the url. The tag looks like: And we have alot of parameters in Google Search Console that look like Parameter                                Crawl page                                         Let Googlebot Decide destination                                Let Googlebot Decide filters                                        Let Googlebot Decide Since all of our parameters follow a question mark, like and all of our pages have canonical tags showing the representative url without the additional parameters, why wouldn't we just have the one parameter in GWT as Parameter                                Crawl ?                                               Representative URL I ask because I find that Google analytics shows pages with parameters as landing pages in search, which has me concerned about Google seeing it as duplicate content. Thanks! Best... Darcy

    | 94501

  • Hi Mozzers, I have been noticing for one of my clients that there are thousands of events generating which I never added a code snippet for ga('send', 'event', 'button', 'click', 'nav buttons', 4);. The code I am seeing instead is following the syntax **PDF FILE NAME.**I don't even use Tag Manager. So are these auto generated? Label names of files aren't great though so I still believe that adding that piece of snippet _ga('send', 'event', 'button', 'click', 'nav buttons', 4);_can still bring some added value. Do you think it still does? Thanks!

    | Ideas-Money-Art

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