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Category: Reporting & Analytics

Discuss the best ways to report on performance and communicate results to stakeholders.

  • Hi Mozzers, I have never setup a universal google analytics e-commerce tracking code before and my concern is what exactly do I need to add on the cart thank you page? Can someone send me a sample of code I need to be adding? What kind of customization does it require? The more details you can provide the better! Thanks!

    | Ideas-Money-Art

  • Last weekend we had a significant rise in traffic to our site. Digging in to Google Analytics, most of it has come from the USA, with some from Canada, Australia and a few other countries. It has all gone to the same article on our website. I have also found that it has mostly come from Safari (in app), on an ipad and iphone. Google Analytics has put this down as Direct traffic. My feeling is that it is not. Could it be from a social media app - perhaps someone with many followers has pinned from our site, or something along these lines. Could it actually be organic search traffic and Google misattributing it as Direct? Bounce rate and time on site is fine, so I don't think it's a bot / spam.
    Any ideas / places I could go to help me find out would be appreciated, thank you. Joss

    | TheJewelleryEd

  • Hello, The situation is that someone is arriving on my main website and being redirected to When this happens my analytics says that the traffic is all direct coming to my mobile site. However, I know people clicking on my google cpc, and some google organic users are hitting the main website and being redirected. Before we didn't have as good of a redirect on our main website so I could tell organic and cpc traffic coming in, now my main website has a huge drop in these categories because they are redirecting to mobile but I can't tell on my mobile how much traffic from each is going to the mobile site. Is there a way to fix this? Is it because my main website is https:// and mobile is a http:// (as I know that sometimes makes traffic direct) or is it a bigger problem that can't be resolved? Thanks

    | oxfordseminars

  • Hi, In google listings the url appears like   With Moz tools the PA of this are 1.  But analizing  PA is 15.  What do you recommend to do?. Another point is in Link tools of MOZ said 301 and the redirection is with de root  but in codes neither .htaccess we have this redirection.  We are hosting in goddady is normal this? thanks

    | ramirez_salvador

  • I launched a new website at and have recovered my search engine rankings as well after penguin & panda devestation. I'm continuing to improve the site but moz analytics is saying I have 288 medium issues and i see the warning "45% of site pages served 302 redirects during the last crawl".  I'm not sure how to fix this. I'm on WP using Yoast SEO so all the 301's I did are 301's not 302's.  I do have SSL, could it be Http vs Https?

    | cheaptubes

  • HI all, I tend to do a big reporting powerpoint deck using screenshots from google analytics and tables I create year end and mid year. It's like an 80 page report for the 10 webisite swe have and then I go ahead and make annotations as I see from the data. That being said this can take a lot of time, up to a 40 hours of time to pull it all together or more which is challenging when you have daily meetings. Anyhow, I've looked into automating and tried a couple things: 1. Tableau- but it keeps crashing and seems tedious 2. Dashlane and supergrabber- seem a bit tedious to set up too. Anyone have ideas on how to better shar ereporting in the organization in this type of format for a website (websites)? Organic, paid, traffic, etc. Laura

    | lauramrobinson32

  • Hello, I did set up a several funnel steps in my analytics account to get the funnel visualization report. But it's look fishy, something's clearly wrong that it shows only 10 visitors at the first step but actually more than 5k visitors has visited first goal page and followed through the another all steps. Everyday we are receiving 5k to 10k goal conversions but it not showing in the entire funnel steps through first step to last step. Please see the attached screenshot URL for funnel setup (Admin) and funnel visualization report comparing last two months traffic. Total goal conversions received 3,605 in last two months but in funnel chart (report) it showing only 2% conversions in last step. Anybody can tell me what is the problem with that or analytics not tracking properly?si65Y

    | flightcentre20

  • Hi I have a doubt about Google Webmaster Tools or Central as it is call today. I remember that google recommended to have one profile of your website for each domain structure. Let me try to be more clear one profile for, an other for, an other for, etc. Then in each of them we uploaded our sitemaps and cross our fingers. Now from my experience always the complete url have better index status from the sitemap. Now my question is, today as Google requested all our websites run under https, so conserving the other profiles is affecting how google index our pages? shall we have to delete the old profiles or is better to maintain them? Thanks. Pablo

    | FWC_SEO

  • Hi, Someone know the exact differences between the following Google Analytics metrics: "New Users" "User" Hope to get your support. Thanks in advance.

    | Kung_fu_Panda

  • Hi, On one of our sites (after the release of a new version, including redirections), we've seen a drop in referral trafic from (france). I know that this trafic usually comes from Google Images but it doesnt seem to be the case this time. The referal path is "/" and not "imgres" as it usually is when it comes from google images. The search trafic hasnt dropped tough... The site is a job listing site. We also saw a drop from, I guess their crawler got lost in our new site... Any idea on the possible google site it could come from? Thank you,

    | AdrienLargus

  • Hello, My website is a local job board. I de-indexed all of the job listing pages on my site (anything that starts with When I search, nothing shows up. So I think that means the pages are not being indexed. When I look in Google Analytics at Acquisition > Search Engine Optimization > Landing Pages, none of the job listing pages show up. But when I look at Acquisition > Channels > Organic and then click Landing Page as the primary dimension, the /job pages show up in there. Why am I seeing this discrepency in Organic Landing pages? And why would the /job pages be showing up as landing pages even though they aren't indexed?

    | mztobias

  • Hey folks, I've been working on a site recently where I took a bunch of old, outdated pages down. In the Google Search Console "Crawl Errors" section, I've started seeing a bunch of "Not Found" errors for those pages. That makes perfect sense. The thing that I'm confused about is that the "Linked From" list only shows a sitemap that I ALSO took down. Alternatively, some of them list other old, removed pages in the "Linked From" list. Is there a reason that Google is trying to inform me that pages/sitemaps that don't exist are somehow still linking to other pages that don't exist? And is this ultimately something I should be concerned about? Thanks!

    | BrianAlpert78

  • Hi There, I am about to implement analytics for a customer site and I am wondering if I should use Google Analytics or ? I am leaning towards Google since it's pretty mainstream but I would love some feedback on the AFS ! Thanks everyone! Gary

    | gdavey

  • Someone came in and set up Google Analytics code on one of our clients' sites before we got there and it is showing data from an outside website that the code is also on. Does anyone know the best way to find out what that other site is so we can remove this code from both sites? Thanks as always MOZ friends!

    | ReunionMarketing

  • My company made a branding decision to use lowercase for all of our title tags. This, of course, means that our titles on SERPs are all lower case. Overwhelmingly, it seems that websites use title case. This makes me wonder if we're shooting ourselves in the foot. Does using lower case titles negatively impact our rankings and/or click through rates? Is there any data out there suggesting that title case has a better click through rate than lower case? Thanks for reading!

    | Solid_Gold

  •  has been up for 5 months and the seo work is completed;  i do not have page ranking foir this site and i want to know a little about why;  is their any help figuring it out?

    | prostene1359

  • I found an example of the snippet to use: __gaq.push(['.setCustomVar,
    1, // first slot
    'user-type', // custom variable name
    'visitor', // custom variable value
    2 // custom variable scope - session-level
    ]); Once the visitor logs into your website, we change this code, accordingly: __gaq.push(['.setCustomVar,
    1, // first slot
    'user-type', // custom variable name
    'regular-user', // custom variable value
    2 // custom variable scope - session-level
    ]); How does the code know to change from 'visitor' to 'regular user' once a user logs in? Is the snippet only placed on the login page?

    | Evan34

  • Hi!I've added our gateway payment system to the Referral Exclusion List a few months ago. Nevertheless, it continues to appear as a referral, and obviously taking almost all of the revenue. Does it work for you? Do you know why could it be not working for my website?Thanks for your response!

    | arielbortz

  • Our website consists of a primary domain (marketing focused) and subdomain (ecommerce platform). The two sites look and function as one site even though they are using different technology. I would like to track the primary domain ( and the subdomain ( as a single site in Google Analytics. The subdomain will be set up with GA ecommerce tracking as well. Can someone provide an example of the GA snippet that each would need?

    | Evan34

  • Hi there, Got a question on cross domain tracking: We have a couple of TLD's to serve localized content to our visitors, next to our main .com TLD where our app is running as well in a subdomain. Situation is this: Local sites: Main site: Conversion gets triggered when somebody ends up in for example. People can sign up at the local site filling in their email but they end up in Reading this article on cross domain tracking I'm getting a bit confused on the setup of the tracking code itself. The sample code provided shows these two lines: ga('require', 'linker'); ga('linker:autoLink', ['','']); Now the question  🙂 Is it correct when I think that maindomain should be replaced with our local TLD's on every one of those, and that targetdomain is where the conversion happens? In this case the .com site?

    | jorisbrabants

  • Hey, I've been trying to grow my sites organic traffic but its like I've hit an organic cap on impressions. The site is about 4 months old and this period that I hit its limit I did not do any social shares or upload any new content. But is this normal? The site did get a Facebook like on the 26th of August. 3tzF2Cp

    | onlinegusto

  • Hello, everyone. I am a stay-at-home mom of two. In 2011 i made a website (veeeeery competitive niche) and started a business. Everything was going great in the beginning. I was learning everything online and it looked like it was enough info at that time. Now i feel like the website has been "stuck" for a very long time. We have a very steady traffic and the website brings quite a bit of income, but i have no idea how to make it any better/improve it. I hired a local SEO company thinking they can make it happen. Very bad experience... (now they are no longer in business). I would love to do SEO myself.  I have time and i love doing it, but i wish someone could just tell me what to do. Is there anyone willing to take a look and give me an advice? I understand that not everyone would be willing to spend their time on helping me free of charge, but...i'll give it a try.

    | neelH

  • Hi All, I know how to set alert from google analytic but i want alerts for real time visitors so i think it is possible via Google Analytic API, so can anyone share with me the process or relevant blog post? Regards, Mit

    | mit

  • Dear all, I am auditing a site in Google Seach Console (GSC, formerly Google Webmaster Tools) and find the Position data in the new Search Analytics report very, very improbable. I suspect that even if you filter by "SearchType = web", the Position data does count the ranking of images in the Image search widget as a search position. Has anybody observed this as well? Here is the case: the site targets a quite broad search query in the bath room domain. I have made a number of searches with private browser sessions, different browsers, alternative IP address via a VPN, etc, and the look of the search result in the relevant geographical market is consistently the following. Three Adwords ads #1 organic result Images universal results widget #2-10 organic results The site’s first page ranks consistently around #15 of the organic results, hence on the second SERP. But it also consistently has an image in the Images universal results widget (usually #2 or #3). This is consistent with the data I have in Moz Analytics. Yet, the GSC Search Analytics report shows 2.2 as average position with the default SearchType=Web setting. I have done the search over and over, and never has a PAGE of the site ranked that high. Is there any public information how exactly the position is calculated? I mean, something more precise than the very general information on Is there any way to get the correct position/ranking? Thanks for sharing your experience!

    | QRN

  • Hi, I would like to do an automated sitemap for my site but it has more than a million pages. It would need to be a sitemap index with a separation on different parts of the site (i.e. news, video) and I'll want a news sitemap and video sitemap as well (of course). Does anyone have any recommended way of making this and how much would you recommend it getting updated? For news and , I would like it to be pretty immediate if possible but the static pages don't need to be updated as much. Thanks!

    | mattdinbrooklyn

  • We have Google Tag Manager set up to track our website Although we have a blog - I'm just wondering if it's better to track the sites separately? If so, how do I add the blog to tag manager? Does it need setting up as a filter to match the regular expression* We just need to figure out the best way to measure both the website and blog traffic and if users are coming from the blog to the site, and what interactions they are making. Thanks

    | Jseddon92

  • Hi all, For one of my clients it seems that we're not seeing conversions for one particular source (an online banner). I've been recommending that they do away with that paid advertising since it hasn't been converting. However, my client recently made a purchase from the ad to test it, and it's not showing up in conversion data. All other conversion data seems right on, so I have no idea what could be going on with this one referral source. It's showing accurate page views, accurate time on site, but no e-commerce data. Any ideas what would cause this source to not show up in conversions? The campaign info is also showing accurately in Analytics. I've attached what the redirect looks like, from the banner to the actual URL. Thank you! N6eUjT1GJv

    | newwhy

  • Hi, Imagine a site "mediapalooza dot com" where the only thing you do there is view free media. Yet Google Analytics is showing the average view of a media page is about a minute; where the average length of media is 20 - 90 minutes. And imagine that most of this media is "classic" and that it is generally not available elsewhere. Note also that the site ranks terribly in Google, despite having decent Domain Authority (in the high 30's), Page Authority in the mid 40's and a great site and otherwise quite active international user base with page views in the tens of thousands per month. Is it possible that GA is not tracking engagement (time on site) correctly? Even accounting for the imperfect method of GA that measures "next key pressed" as a way to terminate the page as a way to measure time on page, our stats are truly abysmal, in the tenths of a percentage point of time measured when compared with actual time we think the pages are being used. If so, will getting engagement tracking to more accurately measure time on specif pages and site signal Google that this site is actually more important than current ranking indicates? There's lots of discussion about "dwell time" as this relates to ranking, and I'm postulating that if we can show Google that we have extremely good engagement instead of the super low stats that we are reporting now, then we might get a boost in ranking. Am I crazy?   Has anyone got any data that proves or disproves this theory? as I write this out, I detect many issues - let's have a discussion on what else might be happening here. We already know that low engagement = low ranking. Will fixing GA to show true engagement have any noticeable impact on ranking? Can't wait to see what the MOZZERS think of this!

    | seo_plus

  • Our website has in its sitemap over 3000 pages of information, and this is all unique content written by our team. Now Google Webmaster central shows only 100 urls indexed from 3500 submitted. Can you help me understand why and how I can fix this issue? The website has 4 years old, is a Joomla 3.3 up to date. It has part of the content in the Joomla core content systems and part in K2. Thank you. Pablo

    | FWC_SEO

  • Hello All, I want to implement google analytic api can any one show me the whole process? Regards, Mit

    | mit

  • Dear Moz Community, I hope you can give me a hand with the following questions. Im in charge of SEO of an ecommerce site in LATAM. It´s service is available in several countries, therefore each country has it subdirectory Eg. /ar /pe /co /bo /cl /br,etc... (in the future we will move to differente ccTLDs). I have been recomended to split or create different Search Console or Webmaster Tools properties (one for each subdirectory) but when Im creating a new property with a subdirectory, lets say, Webmaster tools starts creating a property for (NOTICE THE LAST SLASH) and it returns since that page doesn´t exist, what do you recomend me to do? Best wishes, Pablo Lòpez C

    | pablo_carrara

  • I am trying to make some sense of the data in the "Landing Pages" report under "Search Engine Optimization" in GA versus the data under the "Landing Pages" report in "Behavior | Site Content". For example, the SEO report says my page received 22,000 search impressions in the past 30 days and 900 "clicks" (12.42%). What are these "clicks" when the Content "Landing Pages" report says the same page only got 382 "sessions" in the same period??? What are these "clicks" if not clicks on the search results link that should be reflected in landing page sessions on the corresponding page?

    | Gavin.Atkinson

  • Hi Moz Community, I have about 10 sites, static HTML sites and WordPress sites, which ALL stopped tracking Google Analytics on August 2nd. They go to a flat-line! Dead! No data! Has anyone else experienced this either currently or before? I have confirmed all code is correct as it's been tracking these sites for years. One site gets 5,000+ visits a month and they are sitting at only 1,500 now and will be a fun conversation to have with the client. If all code is correct, what should I do? How do I overcome this without having to re-create another account/tracking ID? Never dealt with something like this before and there is not much on the web or in other forums. Would appreciate any help or advice or tips! - Patrick

    | WhiteboardCreations

  • Hi all I am trying to see how many people visit the 'report a repair' pages of our website. It is on a separate domain to our main site. I have looked in our Google account for stats on it and now got confused. In our Google Analytics account, there is a property set up that says it is for spectrum-online (the domain I am after). However, it isn't collecting any data. It's admin info is: Tracking ID UA-7828548-8
    Property name There is another one there set up under the name 'Western Challenge' that does have data and mentions it is for spectrum-online: When I go into the Western Challenge property, the info is: Tracking ID
    Property name Western Challenge shouldn't exist now though. It was one of our old brand names and the site should be 301'd to the main site. I looked in this property at the top pages where people appeared to be landing. There are 9 of them, all with stats against them.Usually you can click the icon next to the URL and be taken to the live page. I however get taken to the Spectrum home page each time. All very odd. UA-7828548-3 is not the GA code used on our main site. I then tried clicking on a live spectrum-online page to see which Google UA number tracking code is being used but I can't see any GA code and it is a frame. Queries are:
    Why is the Western Challenge property collecting any info?
    Why is the spectrum-online property not collecting any info?
    Is there any Analytics code on the Spectrum-online site and if so where? Apologies if I'm missing something obvious but your help would be appreciated. Thanks

    | Houses

  • This one has me stumped, so I really hope someone can help. I am assisting a company who are having 404 errors on certain japanese pages of their site. I have checked in web master tools and analytics, can see the 404, but have no idea where it is coming from. I am starting to think it may be a encoding issue of some sort. Just wondered if anyone has come across this before? Site uses site finity. What is happening is reader is going to page then coming to this page /404?aspxerrorpath=/Sitefinity/WebsiteTemplates/App_themes/"website"/fonts/open sans regular Really odd - as we cannot re-create this 404 I don't know how they are getting to it? Also in Analytics some of the pages that are written in japanese that are giving 404's look like this C3%A3%E2%80%9A%C2%BD%C3%A3%C6%92%C2%AA%C3%A3%C6%92%C2%A5%C3%A3%C6%92%C2%BC%C3%A3%E2%80%9A%C2%B7%C3%A3%C6%92%C2%A7%C3%A3%C6%92%C2%B394.8%C3%A3%C2%81%C2%AE%C3%A5%C2%AF%C2%BE%C3%A8%C2%B1%C2%A1/%C3%A9%C2%A1%C2%A7%C3%A5%C2%AE%C2%A2%C3%A3%E2%80%9A%C2%B0%C3%A3%C6%92%C2%AB%C3%A3%C6%92%C2%BC%C3%A3%C6%92%E2%80%94%C3%A6%C2%AF%C5%BD%C3%A3%C2%81%C2%AE94.8 Any help much appreciated

    | Kelly3330

  • Hi Moz Community, I've been trying to figure out how traffic from Google Maps (and G+) shows up in Google Analytics and am struggling to find a good answer online. If someone finds a business through Google Maps and then clicks on the website in the Maps listing, does that show up as a referral from Google Maps? Our site shows virtually zero traffic from Google Maps even though we have a number of listing. Two related questions: if someone clicks through to a G+ page from a Maps result and then visits our website from the G+ page, does that show up in Analytics as a referral from G+? Is traffic from Google Maps or G+ ALSO counted as organic traffic? (Would it be possible to accidentally double-count a visit as both organic and a referral from Maps/G+? Thanks everybody!

    | JohnGroves

  • Hello All, In Google analytic & moz reports our homepage is being tracked as Have checked every where this url does not exist, very confused and worried where this url is coming from. when i accessed this url from address bar it lands on 404 but still in google analytic and moz i can see traffic coming on this url . i spoke with google analytic support they informed me its the home page of the site. To what i know , home page should show as / Any help highly appreciated.

    | tigersohelll

  • Hello Everyone, I'm trying to track how many times a Vimeo video is played on my site via GA. Does any of you have any knowledge of how can this be achieved? I've read the documentation and came up with this: After the iframe embed i insert this: Of course the GA is loaded in the header. Does not work, at least i cant see anything in analytics. I have set up the segment as per the attached image. Thanks in advance! Alex E6XnO.png

    | pwpaneuro

  • We have 7 international domains set up along with our main .com site. All of the ccTLds are showing their main referral traffic as coming from the .com site in GA, and most of those being from mobile. Each site is set up correctly with geo-targeting and hreflang tags. Has anyone experienced this before?

    | ggpaul562

  • We do not get referral traffic from Google, only organic. Why do we get both organic and referral traffic from Bing?

    | Mike.Bean

  • Hi Just trying to get some clarity on Google Analytics Average Positions in "Aquistions/Search Engine Optimisation". For a very competitive keyword Google Analytics is saying i am on average position of 6.  Is this Page 6?  I am assuming position six would be 1.6?

    | Cocoonfxmedia

  • Hello Mozzers My client's previous SEO company went ahead and blindly blocked a number of parameters using the GSC URL blocking tool. This has now caused Google to stop crawling many pages on my client's website and I am not sure how to remove these blocked parameters so that they can be crawled and reindexed by Google. The crawl setting is set to "Let Google bot decide" but still there has been a drop in the number of pages being crawled. Can someone please share their experience and help me delete these blocked parameters from GSC's URL blocking tool. Thank you Mozzers!

    | Vsood

  • I work at a .jsp site where we have vanity urls that 301 to the www, Now when I do a change of address in GWT it tells me that it can't fulfill the change of address cause the redirect goes to instead of I could create a GWT account for but that is a 404 (it needs the c_id). How would I do my change of address?

    | mattdinbrooklyn

  • Ok, I'm looking into how to set up conversion tracking for our website, and frankly, I'm totally confused. In looking at Google documentation, I'm not sure if I need to use Tag manager, throw some code into the site with jQuery, or sacrifice a goat. I'd like to implement a variety of tracking goals / events / things on several websites, so I'm really looking for a comprehensive guide. I couldn't find any in depth stuff on google. Help?

    | MichaelGregory

  • I'm looking to set up a dashboard widget in Google Analytics that does the following but can't : Shows traffic sources in a table as the dimension, and wanting to show goal completions to a specific product page and then only show what the average time spent (by source) on just those product pages. It looks like it's showing the whole session duration for the entire source, but I want to create a secondary filter that is only showing the time spent on those specific pages. Can anyone help - or is this possible? Thanks all!

    | ReunionMarketing

  • We are seeing a tremendous amount of traffic coming to our site from this traffic source. Does anyone know what this is and if it's spam how to remove it? Thanks all!

    | ReunionMarketing

  • Hi Moz Community! I've been working with a client’s website and found it has 2 analytics code with same ID. I need to understand which one is correct before removing anyone of them, below are the both scripts. First one Second one Any help would be appreciated! Regards, S

    | ShaunPhilips

  • I inherited a website that has a host of issues. I set up Goal Conversions for lead generation and am getting this URL listed as a Goal Completion Location /l/24672/2014-07-31/b4dg5 I can tell it is a date but have no other insight into what or where this page is. Does anyone have experience with this and can offer a fix? A related question is how can I find the URL that triggers the Goal Conversion. I tried editing the goal but it doesn't show the URL anywhere. And the Goal Completion Location is sort of a misnomer because it lists the URL prior to the completion. Thanks!

    | Nobody1596916721222

  • Hi Team, Please help us in implementing  Enhanced  E commerce feature on our website. How do we start?  Any steps

    | Obbserv

  • Do you have any dashboard or suggestion to measure Seo Roi with GA? I want to create a report that makes visible these fields: Monthly increase in visits from Google Time spend on site Number of conversions Other things that can i add?

    | markovald

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