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Category: Reporting & Analytics

Discuss the best ways to report on performance and communicate results to stakeholders.

  • Hi I don't know if the below can be done, and I can't seem to find an answer anywhere. Ideally I want to capture the event of registering for an account. Ultimately I want to know which products, pages etc drive customer registrations but which do not lead to a purchase (Registered Not Bought). Does anyone know if this is possible? Thanks Andy

    | Andy-Halliday

  • Hello Experts, In google analytic, in admin section i have set the 404 page goal without funnel since very long time. Now when i have shifted from old GTM to New version of GTM 3 days before and suddenly 404 figures started refelecting at below path in google analytic - In Conversion > Goals > Overview --404 ( Goal 6 completions ) 32 why it appears suddenly? how to optimize this 404? Thanks! Dev

    | devdan

  • My website traffic is growing by about 1% a week. It has a fairly stable page views/visitor of about 1.69. There's normally very little variability in this As we sell an industrial product. Today page views jumped by 50% and so did page views/visitor but visitor numbers stayed the same. I dont have a useful hypothesis to explain this. Analytics shows me that the traffic source, country of origin and pages viewed are pretty much the same as normal. There's been no substantive change to the site (today we changed the text in a widget to link to a new page - and no one visited it). It doesn't look like 1 person has gone through the whole site as that would skew the distribution of page views by country So why would user behavour suddenly change? I'll look at it for the rest of the week but in 7 years of looking after this website I haven't seen anything like this before.

    | Zippy-Bungle

  • I am not sure what the difference is between the different types of competitors exceed my site in certain types, and lag behind in other types...I'm trying to figure out which are more important maybe? Followed Linking Root Domains External "Followed" Links  vs External links Linking C-Blocks Just trying to understand the general differences...

    | sdwellers

  • Hello Experts, Compared to my google adwords account , transaction showing more in adwords for google analytic. May i know where i am going wrong? Thanks! Dev

    | devdan

  • Hello guys, Currently i am tracking conversion in google analytic via google tag manager by doing following configuration in tag manager :- "Page URL Contains thankyoupage.html" But now i am implementing Enhance Ecommerce with tag manager with following configuration : - Custom event - "Event equals Transaction" So i want to ask if i configure "Event equals Transaction" while implementing enhance ecommerce do i have to delete this configuration "Page URL Contains thankyoupage.html" which i am using currently? Thanks! Dev

    | devdan

  • Hello Guys, I am admin of google analytic, i am trying to exclude traffic in google analytic from admin, view section then filter but not there is no button of save? Can anyone please help me? PFA of image. zOkvX1n.jpg

    | devdan

  • Hi everyone I've got a website which gained a Panda penalty back in March 2012 which was because of the implementation of a range of spammy practices (keyword stuffing in titles, indexed category and tag pages, duplicate domains). I've fixed the titles and deindexed any pages that could be seen as thin or duplicate so I'm confident that any onsite Panda issues have been fixed. As mentioned above the client had also created over 40 alternative domains to the website and pointed them to their main website folders (hence duplicating the website and content 40 times over). These domains have now been redirected via 301 redirects to the main website to ensure that any links they have gained are captured. The reason for the redirection is that we initially took the domains down and saw a drop in traffic and this seemed to be the most likely reason. While Moz and Majestic are not showing any significant links to these domains (which is why they where originally taken down), past experience has told me that these tools don't always pick up all referring domains. Primary domain 5 Example Alternative Domains Question 1: At the same time we took down the alternative domains (and experienced the drop in traffic) we removed duplicate instances of Google Analytics code from the webpages. All the guidance that we could find stated that duplicate instances of code shouldn't affect your Analytics numbers, hence we assumed it was the taking down of the alternative domains, but maybe the guidance we found was wrong? Question 2: It is 3 months later and these alternative domains are still indexed by Google, and Panda hasn't run since October 2014 so we haven't experienced a recovery yet. Redirecting the domains will remove any issue of a Panda penalty, but now of course I am worried about Penguin - the last thing I want to do is trigger that can of worms! This whole saga has been pretty complicated and I think I need some fresh sets of eyes. What does everyone think? Could the initial drop have been due to the duplicate Analytics code being removed? Could the redirecting domains trigger Penguin? Should we take the alternative domains down and be done with them? Any other thoughts! Looking forward to hearing your opinions! Damon.

    | Digitator

  • If you have a site that had an old analytics account and then implemented a new one is it possible to run tracking code that records to both accounts without causing your site or data issues? We are doing this so we don't loose data at any point - ideally it wouldn't have been split between the two but making one redundant isn't an option. Ideally we would have merged the data from both accounts and had one - however the research we have done points to this not being a possibility - unless one of you guys knows different? It would be great if anyone has experience on any this.. Thanks

    | ChrisAllbones

  • Hi guys, I always thought that when checking out search queries on Webmaster Tools that it measured change per week. However, I noticed that my impressions and clicks were actually up but WMT was reporting that they were down over a week so it can't be that. Does anyone know? Attached screenshot for clarity. Thanks in advance! XkWANTo_

    | Whittie

  • How do you get a site to have an organized site map under the main url when it is searched as in the example photo? SIte-map.png

    | marketingmediamanagement

  • I have configured Advance Filter to track the sub-domains traffic as follow : Filter
    Type: Custom filter > Advanced Field A: Hostname Extract A: (.*) Field B: Request URI Extract B: (.*) Output To: Request URI Constructor: $A1$B1 After that, I am able to see sub-domains record and View Full Page URL In Reports. But when I check reports in All page (e.g. Behavior >> All Pages) or selecting Landing Page as a Primary Dimension. Further I click on Icon given next to displayed Full URL to visit to same domain page, in browser the page
    opened but the double domain name comes so page not open successfully. For example : In landing page list following URL given : If I click on icon given next the displayed URL, in browser following URL will
    open Is this First Domain with HTTPs, coming from Google Analytic 'View' where this is taken ? How Can I remove double domains? Thanks, Rajiv

    | gamesecure

  • Hi, We recently redesigned our website, Since we launched we are seeing a huge spike in the e-commerce conversion rate. We went up 300% - from a 4% conversion rate to a 16% conversion rate!! The only thing that changed is our design. We think it's awesome and all but is it even possible? Is something wrong with our analytics code or are we incredibly lucky?

    | WSteven

  • I had a site with an ssl certificate on. It has now been taken off. We are getting 404 errors on the weekly report for pages that were indexed as https What is the best way to get rid of these? How can I take them off the map or do we need to put the ssl back on? Thanks

    | sharpster

  • Google analytics code was removed from a website and then it started tracking a couple of days later to only stop again? How can that happen? Has the developer not removed the old code properly? Can the code be injected remotely?

    | GardenBeet

  • Our website traffic dropped a little bit during the last month, but it's getting better now, almost the same with previous period. But our conversion rate dropped by 50% for the last three weeks. What could cause this huge drop in conversion rate? In Google Analytics, I compared the Organic Search Traffic with previous period, the result is similar. But the Search Engine Optimization ->Queries shows that the clicks for last month is almost zero. What could be the cause of this huge differnce? e9sJNwD.png k4M8Fa5.png

    | joony

  • Hello, I am using google tag assistant extension in chrome and it is giving me one error for google tag manager at my checkout step 1 and error is -

    | devdan

  • During today and yesterday we are getting a lot of visits (Over 400) from the visits are all at the same time and to different pages, the visits are very brief so much so that it pushes our bounce rate up to 69% in GA. Is there anything we can do to stop this? Thank you in advance?

    | Palmbourne

  • For some reason, we have some URLs on our site with parentheses in them such as will parenthesis do to the ranking of those pages?

    | CFSSEO

  • Hi I am trying to get event tracking working on some mailto links on a website using Universal Analytics. I've read various resources as nothing seems to mention mailto links. Does it not work on tracking outbound clicks on emails? Thanks in advance.

    | Karen_Dauncey

  • I would like to block Russian Federation, China and Ukraine spam as well as semalt and buttonsforwebsite. I have come up with the following code, what do you think? For the countries: BLOCK COUNTRY DOMAINS RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} .(ru|cn|ua)(/|$) [NC] 
    RewriteRule .* - [F] And for and BLOCK REFERERS RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} (semalt|buttons) [NC] 
    RewriteRule .* - [F] or should it be: BLOCK USER AGENTS RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} (semalt|buttons) [NC] 
    RewriteRule .* - [F] Could I add (semalt|buttons|o-o-6-o-o|bestwebsitesawards|humanorightswatch) or is that too many?

    | ijb

  • My statistics show that a large percentage of hits to my site are from Ukraine, China and the Russian Federation. Now I know for a fact that most of my demographic is from the US with a bit of Western Europe thrown in. So obviously these are spam bots. Also I have many linked pages with the .ru extension that are spammy. Should I block Ukraine, China and the Russian Federation  in my htaccess? I would think bounce rate is very high with spam bots so would that improve my SEO? Then of course there is the extremely annoying and!

    | ijb

  • Hello, I have one domain for my website ( where I receive all the new traffic and a subdomain ( for the billing system. Im tracking both in Analytics. I have a goal (new order) configured in the subdomain -billing system-. But when I want to track the source / medium of the goals (new orders) in, always appears my main website ( as the referral. Now I added in Analytics: Admin > Property > Referral Exclusion List, the and Do you think that now I can track the real referrer of the goals? Or should I do a more complex tracking setup with Tag Manager ( ) to pass the session cookies from a subdomain to another one, just to identify the real source / medium of the visitor? Thank you 🙂

    | estebanseo

  • Hi Guys, I want to set up a goal in Google analytics for this site and the contact us form is in php (so there is no thank you html page). I know there is a piece of code "onsubmit" or whatever it is, but I can't find it. I want to be able to track successful submissions. Kind Regards Neil

    | nezona

  • Good afternoon to all, I have this kind of dilemma regarding setting up tracking code on two different accounts, namely with GA Code UA-12345678-1 where all the product information has been listed and with GA Code UA-87654321-1 where the prices are located and transaction takes place. Both of them are connected since if you click the buy button on for a specific product, it will automatically redirect to where the prices and transactions comes into place. Dilemma: I want to check how many conversion took place from to I know they have different GA Code but is it possible for me to have a cross domain tracking for this?? What are the possible remedies if not? Thanks to all 🙂

    | TWSOM

  • I'm working with a client that is launching a new website. Google Webmaster Tools can just be disconnected, then reconnected to the new Google Analytics property, correct? Without any data loss in Webmaster Tools? Thanks! Becky

    | Becky_Converge

  • Suppose we have this product A, and we just have a single item for this. When the item is sold out we do not want to show it  on the website saying "out of stock". Instead we would like to remove the product from out store which will now result in a url that doesn't exist. And google webmaster tool and Moz analytic will  show them as page not found after they crawl over the site. Should i be generating a new sitemap.xml and update ? How do i handle those pages that don't exist anymore ? Thanks

    | MindlessWizard

  • We recently started with a client who has Google Analytics already installed on their current site, but they have no idea the account login for it? Is there anyway to transfer ownership of this just based on the code?

    | WillWatrous

  • Yesterday I have created Google analytics account for a new website but few goal conversions comes from payment gateway site (, and showing under referral. How to fix this issue so I can know the real source of Goal conversion. *Note - utm_nooverride=1 on thank you page applied, payment gateway URL is already placed in Referral Exclusion List. So please don't suggest either of them. Thanks

    | Alick300

  • I'm doing a year to year traffic audit for a client.  I would like to analyze Google Analytics source/medium traffic by percent change.   Is there a way to do this?  Do I have to create a custom variable? 9BH70RO

    | VanguardCommunications

  • Hi all, I'm having some trouble with regards to setting up goals tracking in Analytics across subdomains and was hoping that someone could help me out. Okay I work for an insurance company and we use a Quote & Buy portal for our insurance policies. Our website - sends the traffic to Both of these sites have the same Google Analytics tracking ID. The has no duplicate URLs which appear one our website, therefore I only set up the account to only include the hostname for each. Does this sound correct? The goals issue is if I now set up a goal in the account, someone comes to via Google and then clicks through to our journey and completes, will this count as a referral from or as a goal from Organic? I'm totally stuck so any help would be appreciated. Thanks Ben

    | Markerstudy

  • Morning, Has anyone else in the UK seen a massive ranking shift on Bing and Yahoo over the last week? One of our eccommerce client's  main keywords was ranking #3 and #11 on Bing and Yahoo respectively last week, but today they've dropped to #32 and #35. It seems rather strange as pretty much all of the main keywords have increased on Google. In fact, pretty much all of the Google rankings are the highest they've been since the SEO campaign commenced in October/November! Cheers, Lewis

    | PeaSoupDigital

  • This may seem like a silly question. Since we are having an issue with self-referrals, we checked all the pages and everything is tagged properly, I used the referral exclusion list to exclude our domains. Question is, since we had a large number of our revenue coming in from the self-referring traffic, what happens to that revenue data once I add our domains to the referral exclusion list?

    | K2_Sports

  • Hi guys There are two main issues we have with Google Analytics, and I'd really appreciate if anyone has the time to give an answer to that. We completely miss organic traffic data before 7/22/2013 although our account is active since 2005. Any thoughts on that? Is it the not provided move that swiped out all data or something else? Even for the data we do have there is lots of inaccuracies, and we are thinking on switching or at least adding a new analytics software, any recommendations? (FYI, it turns out we do not keep access logs on the server for more than 2 months, and we might fix that for future references, but now we are looking for external solution). Any help will be much appreciated Thanks Lily

    | wspwsp

  • Hi, I have a site and two separate sites on sub domains and What's the best way to go about with GA such that I can get all the data in the same place. Should I use the GA code for on sub domains as well? Or should I create separate profiles?

    | mayanksaxena

  • Hi!I was seeing on of my clients Analytics report and it shows that some of the main sites that send visits and get tagged as referral traffic are,,, among others. Do you know why is this happening? Shouldn't they get tagged by default as organic?

    | arielbortz

  • Hi Everyone I'm not sure if this can be done but thought i would ask anyway. One of our clients has a website which is a 3 tiered website, basically this means different access levels for different users depending on their ip address. The split is as follows (business 1, business 2 and the general public all see different things and areas within the website) Now what we are wanting to do is essentially split our analytics data for each of the 3 different users on the site, Can this be done through Google analytics? Thanks in advance. ps If im not clear enough let me know and ill try clear it up

    | TheZenAgency

  • I have some tough decisions to make about a web site I run. The site has seen around for 20 years (September 1995, to be precise, is the date listed against the domain). Over the years, the effort I've expanded on the site has come and gone, but I am about to throw a lot of time and effort back into it. The majority of the content on the site is pretty dated, isn't tremendously useful to the audience (since it's pretty old) and the site design and URL architecture isn't particularly SEO-friendly. In addition, I have a database of thousands vendors (for the specific industry this site serves). I don't know if it's a factor any more but 100% of the links there have been populated by the vendors themselves specifically requesting inclusion (through a form we expose on the site). When the request is approved, the vendor link shows up on the appropriate pages for location (state) and segment of the industry. Though the links are all "opt-in" from vendors (we've never one added or imported any ourselves), I am sure this all looks like a terrible link farm to Google! And some vendors have asked us to remove their link for that reason 🙂 One final (very important) point. We have a relationship with a nationwide brand and have four very specific pages related to that brand on our site. Those pages are essential - they are by far the most visited pages and drive virtually all our revenue. The pages were put together with SEO in mind and the look and feel is very different to the rest of the site. The result is, effectively, a site-within-a-site. I need to carefully protect the performance of these pages. To put some rough numbers on this, the site had 475,000 page views over the last year, with about 320,000 of those being to these four pages (by the way, for the rest of the content "something happened" around May 20th of last year - traffic almost doubled overnight - even though there were no changes to our site). We have a Facebook presence and have put a little effort into that recently (increasing fans from about 10,000 last August to nearly 24,000 today, with a net gain of about 2,500 per month currently). I don't have any sense of whether that is a meaningful resource in the big picture. So, that's the background. I want to totally revamp the broader site - much improved design, intentional SEO decisions, far better, current and active content, active social media presence and so on. I am also moving from one CMS to another (the target CMS / Blog platform being WordPress). Part of me wants to do the following: Come up with a better plan for SEO and basically just throw out the old stuff and start again, with the exception of the four vendor pages I mentioned Implement redirection of the old URLs to new content (301s) Just stop exposing the vendor pages (on the basis that many of the links are old/broken and I'm really not getting any benefit from them) Leave the four important pages exactly as they are (URL and content-wise) I am happy to rebuild the content afresh because I have a new plan around that for which I have some confidence. But I have some important questions. If I go with the approach above, is there any  value from the old content / URLs that is worth retaining? How sure can I be there is no indirect negative effect on the four important pages? I really need to protect those pages Is throwing away the vendor links simply all good - or could there be some hidden negative I need to know about (given many of the links are broken and go to crappy/small web sites, I'm hoping this is just a simple decision to make) And one more uber-question. I want to take a performance baseline so that I can see where I started as I start making changes and measure performance over time. Beyond the obvious metrics like number of visitors, time per page, page views per visit, etc what metrics would be important to collect from the outset? I am just at the start of this project and it is very important to me. Given the longevity of the site, I don't know if there is much worth retaining for that reason, even if the content changes radically. At a high level I'm trying to decide what questions I need to answer before I set off on this path. Any suggestions would be very much appreciated. Thanks.

    | MarkWill

  • After doing some research on internal campaign link tagging, I have seen conflicting viewpoints from analytics and SEO professionals regarding the most effective and SEO-friendly way to tag internal links for a large ecommerce site. It seems there are several common methods of tagging internal links, which can alter how Google interprets these links and indexes the URLs these links point to. Query Parameter - Using ? or & to separate a parameter like cid that will be appended to all internal-pointing links. Since Google will crawl and index these, I believe this method has the potential of causing duplicate content. Hash - Using # to separate a parameter like cid that will be appended to all internal-pointing links. Javascript - Using an onclick event to pass tracking data to your analytics platform Not Tagging Internal Links - While this method will provide the cleanest possible internal link paths for Google and users navigating the site and prevent duplicate content issues, analytics will be less effective. For those of you that manage SEO or analytics for large (1 million+ visits per month) ecommerce sites, what method do you employ and why? Edit* - For this discussion, I am only concerned with tagging links within the site that point to other pages within the same site - not links that come from outside the site or lead offsite. Thank you

    | RobbieFoglia

  • Backstory: We have always had an issue with self-referring traffic but in waiting for the UA upgrade we put it on the backburner for getting fixed. We have now upgraded to UA and I was under the impression that GA would automatically exclude the domain associated with a property as a referral source. However this is not what I am seeing under my referral traffic source. With 10 websites having issues with this I need some help. Should I use the referral exclusion list? Also on a handful of our sites we have region specific URLs, I am also seeing these come in as self-referring traffic. I should also mention that about 85% of our sales are being attributed to the self-referring traffic. Here are two sites for example sake: and

    | K2_Sports

  • I just went through this huge process to shorten my URL structure and remove all dynamic strings.  Now my analytics team wants to add query strings to track clicks from the homepage.  Is this going to destroy my clean url structure by appending a query string to the end of the URL structure.

    | rpaiva

  • Hi Moz Community, Is there any recommended Plugin for implementing an adjusted bounce rate on WordPress with customtizable features for time on page to not be counted as a bounce? Thank you, Kristin

    | Red_Spot_Interactive

  • Hi All We have an existing Google analytics account which was customised relatively heavily a few years back, with custom variables, e-commerce tracking and the a large number of filters. We have determined that the custom variables and e-commerce tracking, at least for now, are no longer required and actually complicating our lives. We want to simplify the account and add a fresh set of goals and events. Our initial train of thought was to create an entire new property with the usual views, raw, test, main etc. We are proposing to retain both properties (6 months) so we can still do some comparative stuff. We're now wondering if we should retain the existing property and just create new views, the downside being that whilst we can compare data with previous periods it's meaningless to some degree as the filters etc are different. The plus of more views is that we're not firing the tag twice retaining two properties. Views and opinions welcome. Thanks

    | mde911

  • Noticed something interesting, a high temporary redirect report from Moz. Reviewing the pages they are caused by the user having to login and getting redirected. I can see the returnto query in the URL too. My thoughts: Since a login is required and the user is being redirected, these should remain 302 and not 301. I tested my Google Analytics account to **Exclude URL Query Parameter **returnto, just to see if it affected traffic. It didn't, I  mean I don't see urls duplicated with the parameter anymore, just grouped together, so traffic is still being counted. I'm going to wait 1 more day and see what impact the GA traffic is before applying the exclusion to my true Google Analytics profile. This got me thinking, I should probably exclude this parameter from Google and Bing Webmaster Tools, that way Google/bing won't read those urls. Now does Moz's crawler follow that? Do you think that would change my moz crawl diagnostic report because I told Google/Bing crawlers to exclude that parameter. What do you think of my approach to reduce these high temporary redirects reported by Moz? Will it work? Has it plagued you?

    | Bio-RadAbs

  • Hi all! I have a new client that I did a website for. After a month, looking at the analytics, it shows that while the site visits from reach local is more than the organic google,  the reachlocal traffic is bouncing, causing the overall website bounce rate to skyrocket. Organic bounce rate is 47.62% and the reachlocal is at 84.25% driving the overall bounce rate to 68!   Duration of the reachlocal traffic is at :56 vs 3:41 for organic. (SEE ATTACHED IMAGE) I'm guessing this all means that the reachlocal traffic is obviously not quality, so does that mean they are targeting non-relevant keywords? I don't have any experience dealing with reachlocal. Should I recommend my client to drop it? And if so, how to stop that traffic from coming to the site? I'm sure this is an easy one for you pros! Thanks! ~BB MUW959h.jpg

    | BBuck

  • Hi , When I look at my google analytics for my UK Website, I can see alot of visits come from outside the UK , i.e Brazil and USA. Both of which give me almost 100% bounce rates from people visiting from there. I am wondering, if google looks at bounce rates with regards to ranking factors and should I therefore block access to my site from visitors outside the UK ?... Would this help increase my rankings ? Given that we only serve uk customers, I cant see any benefit of allowing non uk customers the ability to see the site . what does people think ? thanks pete

    | PeteC12

  • Hello there, I've experienced a huge website traffic drop and I can't find a reason. I redesigned and updated the SEO strategy in early December and the traffic was increasing, that's why I have no idea why that is happening. I have a video on home page and the views/day dropped a lot as well, but not as much as website visits! Any inputs? Best regards, NIB6rwF.png

    | jancpc

  • The latest crawl stats are attached. My site has just over 300 pages? Wondering what I have done wrong? RRv3fR0

    | Billboard2012

  • In GWT we have two options to mimic googlebot visits, "fetch" and "fetch and render", but when the real googlebot visit a page, is he behaving like the former or the latter? I can see fetch does fetch only the html, while fetch and render does fetch .js and .css as well. But what does the real googlebot does? I have checked the web server logs, and I can see the real googlebot sometimes request the .js files too, but not every time it visit a page, sometimes it does, sometimes it does not. Has anyone figured out when googlebot actually request javascript files?

    | max.favilli

  • Hey Moz, For some reason on my father's website,,  the top 2 keywords from organic are complete urls from his site. This doesn't makeugh sense to me. Any ideas?

    | MarloSchneider

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