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Category: Reporting & Analytics

Discuss the best ways to report on performance and communicate results to stakeholders.

  • Is there a way to see Google Places traffic (traffic from users clicking through the 7 pack listings) segmented in Google analytics ? Normally is it just lumped together with the organic traffic ? Can you see the search phrases used to find your site, or do they also show up under 'not provided' when from Google Places. Im aware i can see some limited data in the Google Places analytics, but these seem to be 2 days behind when ever i view them.

    | Sam-P

  • I moved everything to https in November, but there are plenty of pages which are still indexed by google as http instead of https, and I am wondering why. Example: correctly redirect permanently to Nevertheless if you search for pneumatici barum: The third organic result listed is still http. Since we moved to https google crawler visited that page tens of time, last one two days ago. But doesn't seems to care to update the protocol in google index. Anyone knows why? My concern is when I use API like semrush and ahrefs I have to do it twice to try both http and https, for a total of around 65k urls I waste a lot of my quota.

    | max.favilli

  • So this morning our website started to go crazy with hits all coming from Facebook, and I am trying to figure out how I can see who was talking about us? All the traffic landed on one page specifically.  When I look in analytics it just shows social, and then I can drill down to see they are coming from facebook, but that's it.

    | DemiGR

  • Hi One of our clients has a hotel chain currently which currently uses an online booking system which is from a third party. We are keen to set up conversion tracking to track the number of bookings made however are we able to do this if the URL destination is not on the clients website? Or will it be a case of just tracking the number of people who click the link to go to the third party payment site? Kind Regards

    | TheZenAgency

  • Hi, Our jobs section has recently been moved on to a subdomain which is handled by a third party. Our analytics for the jobs section was lost as no code was added to the pages. Previously it was part of the main site. How do I track it as a subdomain so that it appears to be part of our main site? We have the old GA and universal GA code on the site Thanks

    | Houses

  • If we want to change the UX for different types of visitors (ex: direct, google PPC, google organic, bing organic, etc.) what is the best way to do it?  With Universal Analytics, where can we find the source and medium?

    | AMHC

  • Without Google Analytics, how would we be able to identify visitors who are from Google Organic? What's the cookie?

    | AMHC

  • I was under the impression that GA credits the source with a conversion if it is the source for the current session but it seems that if the user returns later that the source may still be credited. Is this the case? How long does GA credit a source?

    | bearpaw

  • Hi everybody. I've recently discovered that I have a problem with the ecommerce tracking on a client's website. The client sells concert tickets at an average price of $10 per ticket. The custom ecommerce platform they use is kind of unusual; the same product often has different SKUs, but not always. This isn't associated with different seats, etc. In fact, I don't yet know why they've set it up that way. The problem that I'm facing is this: the data in Analytics is calculating the "average price" of a SKU item as the total price. If, for example, the actual average price for a SKU item is $10 and four of those SKU items were sold, Analytics will tell me the average price is $40. This means that the total revenue for that SKU shows up as $40 x 4 = $160. Needless to say, this is enormously skewing the data. Here's a screenshot. Note, it's the same product: The total revenue for ticket sales is way off because of this, and I'm not sure if it's a problem with the ecommerce tracking code in Analytics, or something that the ecomm platform is doing. Have any of you experienced anything like this, and if so is it a fix in Analytics? Thank you!

    | newwhy

  • Hi all! Do you have any great resources on Google Tag Manager Version 2? I'm looking for some help and I keep seeing info on V1, which looks pretty different. I'm having quite a bit of trouble implementing it correctly. Thanks!

    | newwhy

  • Hi, I have a question regarding cross-domain tracking that I haven't seen answered completely elsewhere. A client has a main domain, we'll say and 4 or 5 sub-domains e.g.,, and The different sub-domains are managed by different third parties, with just and under our control. To add a further dimension, these sites all have multi-lingual versions as folders and in some cases multi-cultural versions e.g. for Germany and for German-speaking Swiss. Not every language/culture has an equivalent site in place for each of the sub-domains e.g. the UK support site serves Denmark and Swiss-German users will use the German site: links to for support-based content links to At present, they use different analytics tracking codes and accounts. Moving forward, they would like to consolidate the data together to be able to see the collective and separate performances. They would also like to be able to see goal completions from referrals when someone clicks from the main domain to the sub-domain or across sub-domains or potentially across language and culture too. I have several questions I would really appreciate some guidance on: What will be the best way to configure Google Analytics to achieve this? Will we need to decorate the HTML links in between each of the sites? Will we need to use a new Google Analytics property? It may not be easy to answer this based on the information above, so I'm happy to provide additional information if required. Thanks in advance for your help.

    | Nobody1565908128979

  • Hi there, We see this huge spike in traffic to our home page for almost a week now. When I check the source I see a crazy spike in Facebook traffic (25,630% change!!), Twitter and organic. The spike in traffic is to our home page alone. The bounce rate is much higher than avg. and time on page is shorter. Also, no. of new visitors to the site is higher than average. The traffic is obviously low quality and is hurting our site's statistics. Any ideas as to why this is happening? Many thanks in advance, Gal

    | tomedess

  • Hi there, I have started to use Universal Analytics on my ecommerce site. I have implemented the code using Google Tag Manager. I don't see any ecommerce data on Universal Google Analytics under Conversions/Ecommerce. Can you please point me to the right direction? Also, can you please send me the best article on this topic? I want to know the bit of code that I have to add and all that UA can provide to get the most of my data for my ecommerce store. Thanks and regards

    | footd

  • Hi Mozzers This has more than likely been asked before but my searches have left me empty handed so I have asked on here ( sorry! ) Please see attached screenshot, do you have any idea why is showing in my top pages? I'm just curious more than anything as this isn't the first time I've noticed it. Anybody know? Happy Friday people, cheers Jamie CiTCA5b.png

    | SanjidaKazi

  • Hi, I help look after two websites and have been tracking traffic sources for a couple of years. I have noticed that both sites have seen a drop in direct traffic over 2 years. Has anyone else noticed this and do you have a hypothesis as to the reason? Overall, on both sites traffic has increased. Thanks, Amelia

    | CommT

  • Hi, I am in the process of disentangling myself from a dodgy SEO company. At some point they set up another GA account on my site without consulting me. I replaced the tracking code with my original account on my wordpress site, placing the tracking code on the dashboard. There is a box in the dashboard for you to do this. For some reason the account he created is still giving me analytics but from mostly one url It has marked it as a referral? When you click it it redirects to this site : There have been 218 visits from this "referral" in the last month and also 2 direct visits to a clients online gallery (i'm  a photographer). I am guessing the code for this new account is still on the site somewhere? Funnily enough in the first month I was getting targeted by spam using my contact form and I was a bit perplexed as to why. We had to put captchas on the contact forms which I was loathe to do as its another step for a client to have to go through causing resistance. Has this link got something to do with it? I have recently disavowed a lot of toxic links he created, so maybe they had something to do with it? Best wishes. David.

    | WallerD

  • I've tried to search this topic on Google and here but I'm flooded with old content from Google on how to use the diagnostic tool. Did they remove this from Google Webmaster Tools?

    | mr_w

  • I have put in a lot of improvements on my site both onsite and offsite, I was just wondering from a critical point of view, what 5 things would you suggest would require an improvement, that will consequently lead to both, a better user experience and better Rankings on Google? Open even to criticism 🙂 Thank You..... Find my site here:

    | ConnectMedia

  • I'm doing a content audit on my company website and want to identify pages with zero traffic. I can use GA for low traffic, but not zero traffic. I can do this manually, but it would take a long time. Are there any tools to help me determine these pages?

    | Ksink

  • Good Morning, So the company who redesigned our website forgot to take off any of the no-index stuff that was put onto the site once it went live. I removed everything in the robots.txt and the privacy settings in wordpress but I am still seeing Any suggestions on changing this or if its even necessary to change would be great! Thank you

    | HashtagHustler

  • We have a client using Google Analytics. They currently have 3 goals set up to track when website visitors fill out 3 forms: Form A, Form B, Form C. I can easily figure out what traffic sources have driven the highest number of conversions on each form (Search for Form A, for instance, or Referrals for Form B), but of course, when I try to drill down on search terms that have driven conversions to each form, I get stuck in "not provided" territory. I'd like to know what people are searching for when they ultimately fill out each form. This will answer questions like: are people familiar with us already when they convert, or did they randomly find our website when searching for something we sell? It seems like there must be a way, using Google Webmaster Tools, Analytics, or another third-party app, to answer the question: what keyword searches are responsible for the highest number of conversions? Especially on a website that has traffic of 10,000+/month and a healthy dose of search traffic. Right? Where am I missing this information?

    | timfrick

  • Hello Everyone, Today, the real time feature in my google analytics stopped working. I am able to see that traffic is visiting my site, but not in real time. The real time count is usually at 0. But, there are some instances where real time will come back online, but there will be only 1 unique visitor.  At any given time, our website usually has 20 visitors or so..Has anyone encountered this issue? Where should i start looking for fixes? What are the possible problems? Thanks!

    | KarlMarxTheBear

  • Okay so I've moved a site I work on to https finally... wasn't easy, but I won't go into the whys and hows of that. Everything is working fine on the site and my rankings are holding steady but when I went into the GWT today I noticed that my main site ( has lost inquiry and traffic data almost entirely. So I quickly added and verified the URL (even though it doesn't ask for the protocol when adding a site) and saw the traffic.. kind of. Only 2 inquiries and a few pages indexed. Now I realize I need to submit a new sitemap and am currently working on that but don't know which account to upload it to. Do I really need two GWT sites separately and why is the other one still getting the impressions and clicks? Basically I'm looking for somebody to shed some light on how to handle this migration from a GWT standpoint. I've attached 3 screenshots to illustrate what I'm talking about. Should be obvious what's what to those who read this post. The Analytics shot is to show that I haven't actually lost traffic in this time and eliminate the fear of penalty or anything of the sort. Thanks! wbPpwVw.png YJifLiR.png cRVgqRN.png

    | jesse-landry

  • Does the index report reflect what will be displayed on Google results? Google seems to be indexing my site every Sunday...

    | 928shopper

  • I'm looking at Google Analytics -> Acquisition -> Search Engine Optimization -> Queries reports. I'm looking at keywords and the average position.  What Google reports and what I see in a Google incognito search is different (usually my search is much lower).  For example, for one search term, Google reports 5.8 average position and every time I search it is 8. My local result is 4. Anyone know why this is?  I'm wondering if Google is averaging the Local results into number?

    | CalicoKitty2000

  • I have several clients that have a regional or local presence and want to track their rankings for various keywords, but only in the areas they are located in. What are the best ways to track keyword rank in specific locations or regions of the US?

    | TheURLdr

  • Hi all Wondering if anyone could help me out here. I am seeing massive variations in WMT of google crawl stats on a site I run. Just wondering if this is normal (see attached image). The site is an eccommerce site and gets a handful of new products added every couple of weeks. The total no of products is about 220k so this is only a very small %. I notice in WMT I have an amber warning under Server connectivity. About 10 days back I had warnings under DNS, Server and Robots. This was due to bad server performance. I have since moved to a new server and the other two warnings have gone back to green. I expect the Server connectivity one to update any day now. Ive included the graph for this incase it is relevant here. Many thanks for assistance. Carl crawlstats.png connect.png

    | daedriccarl

  • Hello, I have to configure my analytics goals for my SEO estrategy. In Google Analytics I can choose between: destiny, duration, Pages/screens per session and event. But I don't have the best criteria for select each one. What are the best options for a content site and for a e - commerce? Otherwise, I wanna know which is a good bounce rate for a content site? And what is a good Avg. Page Load Time (sec)? Thanks in advance.

    | Arkix

  • Google index some kind of way some links that create duplicate content. We doesn't understand how these are created so we would like detect where Google robots find these links. We tried: Moz Crawl Diagnostics but it shows 0 as Internal Link Count for these kind of links. Find some information from Google Analytics, that maybe there is trace (site content - all content) from visitors side. There wan't. We tried to find some information in Webmaster Tools under Internal link and HTML Improvements but didn't find any trace. Tried some search commands. Is there maybe some good one to search. TO search URL's form code with

    | raido

  • Hello I have a question about my site account. On 2014, during a week, my ID tracking of Google Analytics was removed of the site, in this period the volume of users and sessions is lower than the other weeks.  But I don't understand why are the sessions and users still reporting during this period without ID Tracking

    | Arkix

  • A few days ago deployed a new site. A funny thing happened within one day. Google Analytics commenced reporting Organic traffic as lifting by 25%. At the same time Google Analytics commenced reporting that direct traffic dropped by 25%. All other traffic sources remained at the same level. This is all being reported through GA Universal. Has anyone experienced this before? Any advice is appreciated. Also noted that with Google Webmaster is reporting, since the day of the new site deployment, a 40% drop in impressions and click. Reported referrals on this deployment day also went through the roof. All of the Google tools I am depending on are not supporting my discovery of a solution to this. If anyone has been through this on universal analytics or traditional analytics please help! Offering lots of good karma points in return. Cheers.

    | Oxfordcomma

  • Hi There, We're looking for someone to help us setup: Blocking internal traffic using a custom dimension/query URL as described here: Integrate Google Analytics ecommerce tracking with the Snipcart API as described here: Discuss Kiss Metrics and possibly integrate with Snipcart We're a small, 2 person startup so are ideally looking for a freelancer or small firm to help - Any recommendations or pointers in the right direction would be much appreciated. Cheers Ben

    | cmscss

  • Hello Experts, I have added given below code (A) on my website and given below (B) setting in GTM. Now whenever i visit the site then two tags fired that is google analytic and enchance ecommerce. GA tag fired that is fine but why enhance ecommerce tag fired even if i visit any page? I think enhane ecommerce tag should be fired when i click on addtocart right?A)```
    dataLayer.push({ 'event':'addToCart', 'ecommerce':{ 'currencyCode':'EUR', 'add':{ // 'add' actionFieldObject measures. 'products':[{ //  adding a product to a shopping cart. 'name':'Triblend Android T-Shirt', 'id':'12345', 'price':'15.25', 'brand':'Google', 'category':'Apparel', 'variant':'Gray', 'quantity':1 }] } } }); Track type : Event Event Category: `Ecommerce` Event Action: `Add to Cart` Enable Enhanced Ecommerce Features: `true` Use Data Layer: `true` Basic Settings - Document Path: `{{url path}}` Firing Rule: `{{event}}` equals `addToCart``Thanks!`

    | bkmitesh

  • Hello, Our current site is fully html with no cms. We're moving to a newer version today with a typo 3 cms. My one worry is as follows; On some pages an internal link opens a jquery lightbox, inside the lightbox will be a video or download link. I cannot simply add a standard event url like I wanted to (utm_ link) as the pages are linked via the cms pointing to different pages, not the url's. We really need the following appearing in Analytics, whether its an event or landing page; The click of the light-box link The click of the video OR download link inside the lightbox. I would really, really appreciate any help on this as the new website is going live today, regardless whether this has been resolved. Thank you very much in advance of any replies. twY8s8B.jpg

    | Whittie

  • Hi Guys, Been having a problem recently with a custom report I have set up... I want to find out number of sessions, bounce rate, session duration etc for different dimensions on my site - store area, store name, product type etc but I cannot seem to get the data to filter through to the report I have set up when 'Session' scope is selected. If I set it to 'hit' then I do get the data but this will only record the first instance of a dimension being triggered (from what I can gather) rather than all dimensions that might be triggered during a complete session. Has anyone experienced similar problems? Thanks, Dan

    | SEOBirmingham81

  • Hello, As i've ended up confusing myself, I thought I would ask the moz community whether i'm on the correct track! I'm wanting full GA tracking on individual videos from our destination URL. In short I need the name of each video to have specific tracking. Example;
    Video 1 (Apples)
    Video 2 (Oranges)
    Video 3  (Pears) We need to be able to see the amount of plays per session, per video. As well as any extras if possible, such as; 
    Watched 25%, watched 50%, watched 75%, video complete, video paused. If the following script is used; As well as using the Google URL builder ( , what would be the best way to set each video to see the statistics within Google Analytics, so I can see how many plays  the 'Apples' video has had. I think it is the ordering of the 'event, campaign, label etc' which has confused me. Many Thanks for any replies in advance, I appreciate it.

    | Whittie

  • Hi, I'm on the free trial and finding it very useful I've fixed all my 301's. but now I have a load of 608's. I don't no what this is! I feel like I've cured herpes only to get gonorrhea! can any one help. I have 41 608's which is more than the 301's I had. I hope they are non-related! I won't bore you with the whole list but some of the url's are: Error Code 608: Page not Decodable as Specified Content Encoding Error Code 608: Page not Decodable as Specified Content Encoding Error Code 608: Page not Decodable as Specified Content Encoding

    | SussexChef83

  • Does any have the same issue. We are tracking e-commerce data in GA universal. We are finding that sales are being recorded on the day of the sale and again a few days later. It does only seem to be 1 or 2 sales that do this not all. Does anyone have any suggestions? Much appreciated. David

    | Archers

  • Hi For two weeks we had an artifical low bouncerate & high pageviews/visit in our Analytics reporting. The day we corrected the bug in Analytics - our bouncerate & pageviews/visit returned to normal levels - however we saw our search traffic go down massively(-50% in sessions). The bug in the Analytics was caused by a second Analytics tag which was included in an external script which interfered with our own tag.  The drop in traffic occurred just after the removal of the second script (which was only on our site for two weeks). We didn't touch our own tagging - and there were no technical changes on the site during this period, and there is no seasonal trend which could explain the sudden drop of traffic. We double checked our tagging - and the analytics tag is present & working on all the pages of our site. On the organic traffic report from analytics you can clearly see the when the troubles with analytics started & ended (artificial low bounce rate) - and that the traffic drop starts right after the reporting issue ended. Webmastertools also indicated a lower number of views/clicks, but not to the massive 50% drop. Is it possible that Google uses the measurements from Analytics for it's SERP's? Or should there be another reason, and where should we start looking? Appreciate your help! e5GmoMM

    | DirkC

  • Hello guys, Difference between Enhance Ecommerce & Event Tracking ? If i implement Enhance Ecommerce then no need to configure event tracking? Thanks!

    | bkmitesh

  • Hi, I've been asked by a client to track time spent or number of pages visited on a specific section of their website using Google Analytics but can't see how to do this. For example, they have a "golf" section within their site and want to measure how many people either visit 5 page or more within the golf section or spend at least 6 minutes browsing the various golf section pages. Can anyone advise how if this can be done, and if so, how I go about it. Thanks

    | geckonm

  • Hello Expert, I am using new version of tag manager for enhance ecommerce. Now i have post related to enhance ecommerce for old version of tag manager this one - In this post, below is the configuration of "Measuring Views of Product Details" for old version of tag manager, can you please tell me what will be configuration for new version of tag manager? ( mainly basic setting and firing rule ) Tag type : Universal Analytics
    Track type : Pageview
    Enable Enhanced Ecommerce Features: true
    Use Data Layer: true
    Basic Settings - Document Path: {{url path}}
    Firing Rule: {{event}} equals gtm.js Thanks! BK Mitesh

    | bkmitesh

  • Hello, So with trying to figure out what I can do to better my website, I noticed a post on here that mentioned bounce rates. So I went to my Google analytics pages and listed my bounce rates. My average is 44% But I have a picture page that is 100% and a contact page that is 80% Can pages like this cause an algo penalty that could hurt a whole site? Thank you for your valuable insights

    | Berner

  • Hello Everybody, Can you please tell me how to use remarketing using GTM? I have read lots of post but confused with Google Analytic, adwords, merchant, tag manager, codes...etc. So can any one explain me properly? Regards, BK Mitesh

    | bkmitesh

  • Hey, I am reading this post - this there is function like given below - function(productObj) {  dataLayer.push({    'event': 'productClick',    'ecommerce': {.....................................................................................................................Now my developer asking how to create object? or how to pass product object? Like on page we have  more than 50 products listed, so if any one clicks on any product from list then how will we know which product has been clicked?Hope you understand what i want to say? Regards,Mitesh

    | bkmitesh

  • Recently we did a serious effort on SEO with SEO Yoast (Wordpress). And after a few months of tweaking old articles we get this impact on crawl search.. Is this graph normal? s1TQgv9.png

    | noodweerbenelux

  • Hi can any one tell me why traffic drops at the same time each day, at around midnight until 8.30 am website traffic drops off. We target the UK and the USA, we have geo target set for the UK in webmaster. Thanks for your help

    | Taiger

  • Hi Im trying to find out unique visitors per annum in GA, is this possible, is it simply users ? i know they changed definitions recently cheers dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Hello Experts, How to Track Button Clicks as Events in Universal Analytic using New Interface of GTM?  Also is there anything code we have to do on website also to track buttons? Sorry to say request please don't just share any post, please give specific answer or share very relevant post. Your input is really very valuable to me. Regards, Mitesh

    | bkmitesh

  • Hello Experts, What does Measuring Views of Product Details means? Here is the code for this - Thanks!

    | bkmitesh

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