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  • Hi all, I am working in Drupal which isn't always SEO-friendly. I want to convert some of our articles that are currently in an old article type to our new shiny longform template without losing SEO value. The process we use right now is to: change the URL of the old article in the CMS from /article-title to /article-title-old and then make the longform template /article-title in the CMS. Then hit publish. That way we can avoid having to mess with redirects. My concerns are that this will be seen as a bait and switch by Google. They are, after all, two separate pages — node-1 and node-2 on the back end — that are being smushed into the same skin aka same URL. I don't know if updating to the new template wipes out some of the info Google may have deemed important. I guess you could argue it's a redesign by CMS but I'm still not sure. Thoughts?

    Technical SEO | | webbedfeet

  • I need to know how to keep my website structure well organised and ensure Google still recognises the key pages. I work for a travel company which needs to give customers various pieces of information on our website and this needs to be well organised in terms of structure.  For example, customers need information on airport pick-ups and drop-offs for each of our destinations but this isn't something that needs to rank on Google. Logically for site structure would be to create a parent page: Is creating parent pages for unimportant content a bad idea?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | nicolewretham

  • Hi All, I have the LuckyWP Table of Contents plugin installed. I recently noticed that you can tag your internal links with  and nofollow. I understand that it's always a good idea to link internally and to pass link juice to my own content.  But with detailed posts that have over 20 headings, I'm thinking that internal linking for headings may actually hurt me because it takes my links well above 100. Any ideas what the best practises are in this scenario? Thanks.

    Technical SEO | | nomad_blogger

  • Hello, I own a fitness and sports performance facility called BIM Fitness & Performance in Fort Myers, FL. We have a simple site structure with 3 key pages; however, I'm not exactly what type of keywords I should rank for on each page and I think that they're actually conflicting to one another. That said, I'd like some insight as far as what I should do with these pages and what you would recommend that I do with the keywords and the meta descriptions. Any help is greatly appreciated!

    Keyword Research | | scottgray0620

  • Hello, I'm in the process of updating my clients' websites with the SpecialAnnouncement Schema type, and I'm wondering if anyone has successfully done so yet, and whether or not they're seeing any kind of results /richsnippets directly in SERPs from it? Also, has anyone else run into issues checking their schema with Google's Structured Data Testing Tool? Sometimes I get an error saying "specialAnnouncement is not a type known to Google," and sometimes I get one saying that "the property datePosted is not recognized by Google for an object of type SpecialAnnouncement." I assume these errors are because the schema type is so new, but you know what happens when you assume... Thank you for any insights!

    Local Website Optimization | | LocalSEOLady

  • Hi in the rankings for my keywords, the monthly range is so much lower than other keyword tools I use, including google keyword planner, semrush and longtail pro (which all match and show a number much higher than Moz). Support said it's because those tools may group like keywords or singular/plural versions where Moz truly separates each term as a separate term, hence more specific and precise. My question is: If google does somewhat group plural/singular and close match keywords, then wouldn’t it not matter anyways - if someone types a close match keyword and my keyword ends up triggering/displaying as if they typed my targeted keyword - then wouldn’t it still fall under the larger number if in the end it works in displaying my website as a result? If google changes search "blue sky" to "sky that is blue", and you get the same ranking for either of those two keywords then in the end does it matter? I'm thrown for a loop as I spent time optimizing my website based on numbers I received from the other tools and now seeing a much lower number for said keywords and possibly a little higher for a different variation of it,  I don't know what to do.

    Moz Bar | |

  • title too long But we have two keywords Hip Thrust Machine and Glute Bridge Machine it 's ok?

    On-Page Optimization | | ahislop574

  • What are the best ways to keep old user generated content (UGC) pages from being falsely flagged by Google as soft 404s? I have tried HTML site maps to make sure no page is an orphaned but that has not solved the problem. Could crawled currently not indexed by explained by a shadow ban from Google? I have had problems with Google removing pages from SERPs without telling me about it. It looks like a lot of content is not ranking due to its age. How can one go about refreshing UGC without changing the work of the user?

    Technical SEO | | STDCarriers

  • I know there has been a lot of discussion lately about FAQs pages and I'm wondering when and if they are still warranted useful and what if they have positive or negative effects on page rankings. Regards, John Brown
    Essay Writer

    Content Development | | JohnBrown75

  • We’re in process to move WordPress blog URLs from subdomains to sub-directory. We aren’t moving blog physically, but using reverse proxy and 301 redirection to do this. Blog subdomain URL is and destination sub-directory URL is Our main website is e-commerce marketplace which is YMYL site. This is on Windows server. Due to technical reasons, we can’t physically move our WordPress blog to the main website. Following is our Technical Setup Setup a reverse proxy at pointing to Use a 301 redirection from to with an exception if a traffic is coming from main WWW domain then it won’t redirect. Thus, we can eliminate infinite loop. Change all absolute URLs to relative URLs on blog Change the sitemap URL from to and update all URLs mentioned within the sitemap. SEO Risk Evaluation We have individual GA Tracking ID and individual Google Search Console Properties for main website and blog. We will not merge them. Keep them separate as they are. Keeping this in mind, I am evaluating SEO Risks factors Right now when we receive traffic from main website to blog (or vice versa) then it is considered as referral traffic and new cookies are set for Google Analytics. What’s going to happen when its on the same domain? Which type of settings change should I do in Blog’s Google Search Console? (A). Do I need to request “Change of Address” in the Blog’s search console property? (B). Should I re-submit the sitemap? Do I need to re-submit the blog sitemap from the Google Search Console Property? Main website is e-commerce marketplace which is YMYL website, and blog is all about content. So does that impact SEO? Will this dilute SEO link juice or impact on the main website ranking because following are the key SEO Metrices. (A). Main website’s Avg Session Duration is about 10 minutes and bounce rate is around 30% (B). Blog’s Avg Session Duration is 33 seconds and bounce rate is over 92%

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | joshibhargav_20

  • Hey everyone, We have a website - a business directory. It is a large directory with lots of B2B listings.  So currently our URL structure for the categories look like this: **We want to rank for the KW  "dispensary professional services". ** Is it enough that we have the word dispensary in our brand name and in this way in the URL structure or is it better to make the slug: ****dispensary-professional-services/ Or even closer to the root of the website: ****dispensary-professional-services/ Thank you for your time and answers!

    Technical SEO | | Nobody1615497501423

  • Forget about this question. Please delete it.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • Hi there!
    My name's Rob and I'm the owner of Nimble Nerds in Sydney, Australia. We provide on-site visits to customers at their locations to provide IT Support. I would love some insight on my confusion please, as I can't get my head around it after months. I've made individual pages targetting individual suburbs, eg 'computer repairs putney'. I noticed that only suburbs without individual tailored pages were showing in google map pack. So to test it I deleted my Putney page so it would re-index to the home page. Not only did this not result in appearing in that suburb on Map pack I also lost my SERP ranking as well. Is it still good to make individual pages for suburbs please?
    Is this going to negatively affect my map pack rankings in suburbs where they're pointing to the homepage?
    Does map pack only point to homepages? Confused! Ahah

    Local Listings | | RobWilson

  • can you please remove my card details to my moz account

    Getting Started | | GlobalEyeTSS

  • We have short video posts on twitter.   Embedded twitter post is good for SEO?

    On-Page Optimization | | ahislop574

  • Hi everyone, I've been reading the 2017 report by Groupon and the 2017 article by Neil Patel r.e. dark traffic. Both of these articles work on the assumption that most long URLs are not direct traffic because people wouldn't type a long URL into their browser. However, what happens to me personally all the time is that I start typing a URL into the browser, and the browser brings up a list of pages I've visited recently, and I click on some super long URL that I didn't bookmark but have visited in the past. That is legitimate direct traffic, but it's a long URL. I'm just wondering if there's something flawed in my reasoning or in the reasoning of Patel and Groupon. Maybe most people aren't relying on browsers like I am, or maybe things have changed a lot in the past 3 years. What do you think? And are there any more recent resources/articles that you would recommend r.e. trying to parse out dark traffic? Thanks!

    Search Behavior | | LivDetrick

  • How to optimize pages in other languages, we have some pages in other languages, such as Italian Spanish French Portuguese. But our budget is limited, and we are not very good at so many languages. How can we achieve better results with only a few pages? Does a link in English work? []( []( []( []( []( []( []( []( [](

    Content Development | | ahislop574

  • Hey! Obviously things are crazy right now and in my company, we are having to temporarily close some locations. How is everything handling that with GMB? Obviously I will post but should I add special hours?

    Local Listings | | danieldaher

  • How to replace the keywords of our Google Site  's TITLE Our new google site  page title:  Gym Equipment for Sale - Buy Commercial Fitness The site name is Gym Equipment for Sale.  But we need the title like this Buy Commercial Fitness  - Gym Equipment for Sale How to fix it?

    On-Page Optimization | | ahislop574

  • First, this is not a question about whether 301 redirects pass page rank. My question is that if your hreflang alternative page URL is a 301 redirect*, are there any downsides.  In all cases with our situation, the 301 redirect is single-hop and working. Tools, such as SEMRush seem to flag this as a non-canonical hreflang error, but I'm not able to find any cases where Google has suggested a redirecting hreflang is a problem. I'd appreciate any information on this issue before we invest extra time on a large international site. *In Drupal, there are scenarios where it's all but impossible to avoid having a 301 redirect in your hreflang alternate URL without significant custom work.

    International SEO | | scottclark

  • Hello Experts, Is it good idea to add special characters while writing meta title and descriptions? Characters such as $ # Check Marks % If yes, will it help increase the CTR of page? Thanks in advance!

    On-Page Optimization | | jhakasseo

  • Our article about Hip Thrust We have sex tips about how to hip thrust. that use h2. but Final Words use h3 or h2?

    On-Page Optimization | | ahislop574

  • Hi
    A few days ago I detected spam links on ( کود )using the Spam Score tool and then deleted it in Google Disavow section. When will Google and moz make changes? ana i need a few good backlink for In order to decrease Spam Score. Thank you all, Regards, hami cvzmTSz#HSY9O24

    Moz Local | | haman_i985

  • How to find the most relevant internal link pages? site this page, find and Is there any other better way

    On-Page Optimization | | ahislop574

  • Google allows you to choose up to 20 locations as service areas, and you can choose based on cities, counties, or zip codes. I'm trying to determine if zip codes, cities, or counties are better to select for our GMB profiles. We are located in the US. I am thinking it's best to use all 20 areas allowed on a profile as long as they are relevant, generally giving Google all the info they will let you provide is best. I also am leaning toward using zip codes because it also includes the city when you choose by zip code. For example: Entered the zip code 21009 and the service area selection provided was: Abingdon, MD 21009, USA Entering the city/state returns a selection of Abingdon, MD, USA I also think it may have to do with how people search and find your business as well? Does anyone have experience with this? Best practices? My google searching has not turned up any reliable info.

    Local Listings | | WadeBayMgmt

  • If our website is I am wanting to create a subdomain or subdirectory for each major city for SEO targeting purposes. But I want each domain to go to our see the same content from the main website What's the best way to accomplish this? Duplicating our main page over and over sounds terrible , especially when trying to make changes down the road. Should we create an alias for each location? example..,, etc...? If we go that route how does google acknowledge that? Would that mess up our SEO or help? Thanks!

    Link Building | | michaelfisk

  • I am helping out a client with updating their website. 
    The theme they currently have hasn't been updated in ages (I am going to guess years). Would there be a difference in updating to the most recent version of their theme and changing them to a completely different theme? Or because they update in the current theme is so large anyway, it won't make a difference in terms of SEO.  The reason I ask is that they don't know their Themeforest details to log in and download the most recent version of the theme, so they would have to re-purchase it, and with the hosting, they have access to a range of themes includes in their package. Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | cangelmarketer

  • My map pack presence has fallen off the face of the earth over the last 24 hours. My location The Escape Game Chicago was top 3 yesterday for 'escape room chicago' and now they only show up when searching for the exact brand name. What's weirder is I still rank #1 organically for that keyword.I have looked through the account, nothing seems to be totally amiss. Google has not notified me of any issues or penalties. I have no clue what happened.Can anyone point me in the right direction or provide some insight as to how I can recover my ranking?

    Local Listings | | danieldaher

  • Hi 64% of our links come from a .com website and only 30% from   We only do business in the UK should I continue with the .com links as they are easier to source.  Does this hurt my SEO efforts?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Caffeine_Marketing

  • Hi All, I have an issue on Google Search Console. It seems all my affiliate links are being crawled. Is this a bad thing? The reason I found out is that all but one link was flagged with a warming. It goes on to say that it was blocked by robots.txt. The strange thing is that I've not set any links to be blocked in robots.txt. Also, should affiliate links be nofollow?  I'm asking because I was recently sent this article by Yoast on how to properly cloak my affiliate links without using a plugin.  In the method, they apply the nofollow and noindex rules to the links. I'm just a little confused on how to go about affiliate links the SEO friendly way.

    Affiliate Marketing | | nomad_blogger

  • I work for a large healthcare system in Utah. Google Maps is showing one of our non-urgent care clinics on searches for our branded urgent care locations ("InstaCare" is the branded term). From what I can tell, the only reason this is happening is because of a global footer on the clinic's website that links back to the urgent hub (see Imgur link for what I mean). Here's the clinic's site: Is there any way to get Google to stop doing this? Short of deleting the link in the global footer, of course. That's a no go. Thanks in advance! 5S4Jalw.png?1

    Local Listings | | Marty_at_IHC

  • My client has a coworking space in London, but shares its name with a recruitment company also in London. When searching for my client's brand name, they don't appear anywhere on the first page as this recruitment company dominates. How can I rank prominently for my brand term if there is someone else in these top spots who isn't a direct competitor (in the typical sense)? Thank you!

    Local SEO | | WhitewallGlasgow

  • Hello We rebranded 5 months ago, and set up a new domain for the new brand name which sits on different hosting to the old. We still have the old hosting running with the old site still on it. We have set up redirects to the new domain and wondered when/if we can turn off the old site hosting?

    On-Page Optimization | | Scivisum

  • My website is and we are doing multilingual. There are three options 1. TLD eg (French) (German) 2. Subdomain eg: (French) (German) 3. Folders (French) (German) We have tried the 3rd option but need to know whether its better or not for the long term health from SEO. Does the MOZ DA carry better in Subdomain or TLD or Folders? What does MOZ recommend to maintain DA? Thanks

    Technical SEO | | amitdipsite15022020

  • Hey all, Per Search Console our branded keyword CTR is 37.8%.  But when that keyword is searched our GMB listing shows up on top of the #1 result. For the same 90 day period GMB shows another 35% visits to our GMB (based on the number of impressions and visits to our GMB page) listing when the same keyword is searched. My question is this. Does Search console data include clicks that came from our GMB listing or not? My thinking is like this: If GMB traffic is not calculated in search console then it means that 72.8% of people looking for our brand will end up on our site on way or another 9organic #1 result plus GMB listing visits) We are also doing PPC for this very keyword that has gets almost 20% of the remaining traffic.  So after adding all up we are loosing about 8% of our branded traffic to people who are doing adwords. When you search our brand you normally see 2, 3 competitor's adwords ads. Does anyone know how this works exactly? And if you don't mind sharing your branded keyword CTR's,  so I can compare to ours please. I would love to compare to a site that actually has a GMB listing ranking for the same keyword Thanks in advance, Davit

    Reporting & Analytics | | Davit1985

  • Should the keywords they already rank well for make good topics for them to exploring in the future?

    Keyword Research | | RonkeIR

  • We set up a website on google sites.  but google sites page title not good for SEO.  How to fix it?

    Technical SEO | | ahislop574

  • I have blog with lots of articles & it also has lots of categories. These categories are currently indexed in the google and moz showing missing title and description for these categories. Should I place no-index tag in all the categories or leave it as it is?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | jhakasseo

  • I have about 15 products in my store. Should I noindex shop and blog page for SEO? The reason I ask this question is because I see someone suggesting noindex archives pages.  And the shop page is product archive and blog page is archive too, so should I choose index or noindex? Thanks!

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | Helloiamgood

  • I am STUNNED and frustrated that a great tool like Moz Local has the great feature like Review Management/Customer Feedback and have ALMOST ZERO content, tutorials, FAQs, or easily found content that quickly explains some important details. You don't have ANYTHING findable to help me explain to employers or fellow new SEOs how to implement YOUR OWN TOOL. Why? WHY??? • I have multiple locations signed up for complete features - want to share individual location with individual property managers - how? • Exports show "recommendation" as "true" or "false" which I understand - but where in your dashboard is this explained? • I want to customize my property review report/export - I don't need a lot of those columns which are duplicate info or unknown to the property managers. Possible? Seriously - should not be this difficult to track down info/direction/shareable info for YOUR OWN TOOL!

    Moz Local | | Worcester-PI

  • We have a page on our website with a higher than average number of pageviews, 85% of which came from Google organic search. When I research this page by entering the URL into the "exact page" keyword research tool, Moz says it has no ranking keywords. How can a page be earning organic traffic without ranking for any keywords?

    Moz Bar | | baystatemarketing

  • Hey! I just added products to my Google My Business page. The company I work for does experiential entertainment so you cant actually buy the products but you can buy tickets to them on the website so I added them as a product with a Learn More button. Is there a way for me to see how many people clicked "Learn More"??

    Local Listings | | danieldaher

  • I work for a travel company and I have a 'tour page' targeted for pre-booking and a 'booking pack page' post-booking page, with some similar content but with details such as hostel locations, meeting places and times etc. I want to make sure the tour page keeps the authority as this is what I want to rank on SEO.  I've got a couple of similar problems to this across site, there are a few pages on site that are post-sale and don't really need to rank on Google but it would be great if they could contribute to other pages' rankings. Thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | nicolewretham

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