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  • I have a complex site and very large site that we are moving to html5 as quickly as possible given our resources (long overdue) but I was wondering if anyone knew of a menuing system that would work on mobile that is seo-friendly in terms of do-follow and does not use javascript that the spiders often cannot read. We need code/css that works for both the menu and for select boxes. I know few write such code anymore, and the idea is dated, but it is a temporary stopgap while we move to HTML5 when such tools are available. Does any such code, free or commercial, exist anymore? Thank you in advance as this is very important in terms of not usuing too much mobile real estate with side menus... Best regards

    Web Design | | gheh2013

  • Hello, We're a physical therapy practice and rank high for our physical therapy clinic and those type of keywords; however, how do I rank for keywords such as: back pain treatment? herniated disc treatment? We have pages specific to these keywords but aren't ranking. Thoughts?

    On-Page Optimization | | scottgray0620

  • Hi guys. So I recently created a new WordPress site and started developing the homepage. I completely forgot to disallow robots to prevent Google from indexing it and the homepage of my site got quickly indexed with all the Lorem ipsum and some plagiarized content from sites of my competitors. What do I do now? I’m afraid that this might spoil my SEO strategy and devalue my site in the eyes of Google from the very beginning. Should I ask Google to remove the homepage using the removal tool in Google Webmaster Tools and ask it to recrawl the page after adding the unique content? Thank you so much for your replies.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Ibis15

  • Hi, i am doing Schema and don't know what type of property i should use for treatments like liposuction or botox or stuff like that. Would you use MedicalProcedure Markup? Thanks for helping me.

    Algorithm Updates | | individualmarketing

  • Does anyone know the linking of hashtags on Wix sites does it negatively or positively impact SEO.  It is coming up as an error in site crawls 'Pages with 404 errors'  Anyone got any experience please? For example at the bottom of this blog post the hashtags are linked, but they don't go to a page, they go to search results of all other blogs using that hashtag.  Seems a bit of a strange approach to me.

    Technical SEO | | Mediaholix

  • No results, only just a few - All the search results can be visible through manual URL searching... No manual actions or any technical fault detected. I'm wondering what's wrong with my site and why It's not gelling on with the Google.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | stuffsurya

  • Hello, We're looking to internationalise our site so that US visitors will see the US branded version while everyone else will see the global version (currently at .com). This question specifically is about location-based auto-redirects. The literature I've read (including Google) recommends against auto-redirection: "Avoid automatic redirection based on the user’s perceived language. These redirections could prevent users (and search engines) from viewing all the versions of your site." Insofar as I understand it the theory goes as follows. Google crawls mainly from the US Auto-redirecting by US IP to the US domain will also redirect the Googlebot crawlers Because of this the crawlers will only see the US site / domain and not original .com website Crawlers can't index what they can't see Drop in rankings for the original site However, one of my colleagues has pointed out to me a company which does use auto-redirects. If a user is in the UK and type in their website they will be redirected to the UK version of the site, US will be US etc. I have checked their rankings and they are still ranking highly for relevant terms. I have been asked why they have been able to do this without impacting their visibility. Any ideas? Given their success have the risks of auto-redirecting have been overstated? How can we ensure US visitors land on the correct internationalised domain without auto-redirects in place? Looking forward to your thoughts on this as well as your experiences. Thanks in advance!

    International SEO | | SEOCT

  • We have a website with a high DA and we are considering sub-folder or sub-domain. One of the great benefits of a sub-folder is that we know we get to keep the high DA, is this also the case for sub-domains? Also if you could provide any sources of information that specify this, I can't see to find anything!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Saba.Elahi.M.

  • I recently read Rob Beirne's piece on how and why to set up an adjusted bounce rate in Google Analytics ( I am getting myself ready to talk to our site team about why we should set up an adjusted bounce rate and am anticipating some questions I'd like to be able to answer: 1. Will an adjusted bounce rate improve the accuracy of our avg time on page metrics? 2. Are we able to keep the unadjusted bounce rate in GA as well, so we can compare the two metrics if we ever need to? Does anyone know the answers to these questions? Any help would be much appreciated!

    Reporting & Analytics | | seoisfun

  • I was using Moz's guidelines ( to reduce the file size of my pages to improve load speed, but I'm not sure it really makes much of a difference.  On this page, the file size is 710KB and it's Google Page Insight Score is 84 on desktop and 66 on mobile.   On this page, I got the image size to 227KB and its Google Page insight Score is virtually the same,  87 on desktop and 62 on mobile. Any ideas if it is really worth the time to get images down? (or maybe it doesn't matter if it is less than 1,000KB.

    Technical SEO | | EricVallee

  • Hey Mozzers, One of our biggest competitors closed down on January 1st, 2020 in several US cities. They did stay open in some areas just FYI. The competitor's website is This is a very large company that has a presence in almost all US major airports.  It's a private car service just like Uber but for wealthy individuals. For example. when you search " lax car service" they are  #3 on Google or "car service to lax" they're #2 still. What can we do to get more of their traffic and actual business?  Has anyone done something like this before or knows quick and easy tactics to get their clients?  We have a local landing page: that ranks 9 through 11 for those same keywords. Thanks for your thoughts and time. Davit

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Davit1985

  • Hello! I am continuing to have issues with the bulk upload option.Currently, there are 12 non-verified locations in a location group in my GMB account. I have approximately 6-8 more that need to be added to this group via bulk upload. When uploading the spreadsheet, I receive an error reading "You've exceeded the limit for the about of locations you can upload to Google My Business in a single day. Try again later." It seems to happen specifically to the locations that aren't in my GMB account already. The others, the ones already in the account, are fine and simply read "No updates" when the bulk upload sheet is read. Everything else is marked as an error. Why is it marking some listings as nonviable when they come in via the bulk verification spreadsheet, which has been downloaded directly from the links Google has provided, and filled in with the help of the sample and amenities list?How do we finish uploading all of the remaining locations?I have another group, separate group (same company, groups split into US and International) under my name that may also need a bulk upload - what can I do to avoid this error in the future? Can they still be bulk uploaded to my account after I upload the first location group's listings?If you could provide any guidance, I'd be very grateful.Thanks in advance!

    Technical SEO | | kmarsh

  • Hi all, I wondered if anyone had any suggestions for forecasting DA changes after merging two domains. The context is that we have two sites and there is argument to combine them into one. To cut a long story short, one of the considerations is how much DA might increase if we migrated one domain into the other. Domain 1 has a DA in the 30s. Domain 2 (which we'd redirect) has a DA in the late 20s. Around 90% of the LRDs are 'incremental'. Surely there is a way to forecast what the increase in DA would be if we decided to combine? I haven't found anything online...

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | rl_uk

  • I have a affiliate site that involves handmade boots (i.e. cowboy boots, hinking boots, etc...).  I currently put pics of them on my sites with a affiliate link.  After I do this, I use the Pinterest browser button in chrome and add them to my Pinterest account.  It adds these images to my Pinterest account with the affiliate link.  Should I be doing this or should I be adding them to my Pinterest with links to my website?

    Social Media | | Thomhee

  • Hello Team, I was analyzing my domain ( in link explored but there are many websites that are not showing there. Questions
    1. Is this reason website's DA is not increasing 2. Is there wrong steps taken by me for this website. Well, I know there are many factors work in increasing DA but what is should do if these kind on links are not indexing in MOZ. I things these are one of the factors my DA is not Increasing. Please save my job guys. The company has sent me an ultimatum mail of 2 months that they will take back the projects from me. Please save my job. Thanks & Regards Aashirvad Kumar moz.png Screenshot-2020-02-19-at-11.48.21-am.png

    Link Explorer | | amzonestep

  • Hi, I'm new here 🙂 I look after half a dozen sites on the one server. Early January three of those Wordpress sites were hacked and reported for phishing. All sites have been cleaned and the report(s) removed but they are all ranking much lower than previously. I also added IP block to the sites to limit the traffic to Australia and New Zealand as these are all local small businesses. I checked IP reputation for the server and it is neutral, with no blacklisting showing. I checked with the hosting company and they have no bans or warnings on the server either. These sites were ranking ok, usually first or second page but they have all dropped down to page 5 or worse now. Is there anything else I should check? I have resubmitted the sites to Google a few days ago. Any guidance greatly appreciated. I a web designer so I know a little about SEO but this is beyond me.

    Local Website Optimization | | MarkNWD

  • Bear with me, this is complicated (I REALLY hope one of you comes along and says, no it isn't!) Scenario A client has multiple english pages, as they have a unique product offering in AUS, US, UK, NZ and also have a global site in english. Obviously there is a lot of duplicate content and they have the relevant href lang tags set-up to help Google untangle what should be ranked where. They also have rel-canonical on each page. I've set-up search console for each of the folder structures, i.e. en-us, en-gb, en-au and so on. They have an optimised page for one of their primary keywords, which ranks nowhere for this exact keyword, but this page DOES rank for 40 similar keywords. For the exact keyword, they rank 52nd, and frustratingly, it's the homepage that ranks. We know the correct page is ranking and is indexed because search console tells us so and we see the exact page appear in SERPs for the other 40 keywords. When I look at the en-us site in Search Console, it tells me that the home page is not being indexed, because a rel canonical tag is prioritising an alternative page (probably the global site) - however, the en-us homepage is showing up in rankings for a lot of their important keywords. The site has been live for 6 months and the optimised page for about 3 months. Questions 1. If search console is saying the homepage is not ranking, how is it showing up in SERPs?
    2. Why is the homepage ranking for this important keyword, when there is virtually no mention of the keyword versus the page that is almost perfect according to Moz's on-page grader?
    3. Do you need href lang tags AND rel canonical on a page?
    4. How long before a new page that is optimised for a keyword take to replace (and hopefully surpass) the homepage?
    5. If the US is the most important market, should we guide Google to that fact using rel-canonical? Really appreciate your feedback, hivemind. Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Algorhythm_jT

  • Ran an SEO audit and I don't really understand country and language tags. For example, definitely has more than one language, but how do I seo check href lang ? Do I inspect the page? etc?

    Technical SEO | | Mindgruver

  • Hey Moz Community, I was checking out the Links on one of my client's sites, as they were hit with spammy external links about a year ago, and noticed a large influx of Total Links to the site. According to Moz, external links have actually dropped over the last few months, so I can only assume they are internal links. But, I don't see how my client could add so many internal links over the past 5 months, as they don't do much besides upload new products (they're an ecommerce clothing retailer) via Shopify. They haven't added much over the past half year either. Total links were about 130K in Oct 2019; today, the site has almost 1 million. I've attached some screenshots for reference via Moz to better illustrate the issue. Appreciate any insights into this. Thank you in advance! hhCCUsk lyGltZD

    Technical SEO | | EdenPrez

  • DA of my website online is no longer increasing. It seems like Moz is not indexing my backlinks. Multiple backlinks of my website online BasketballShoes are now not indexing in Moz that is why DA is not increasing.
    Backlinks of my site have indexed in both Ahref and semrush each now not showing in Moz. DR has elevated to 51 however DA is still 7. If all and sundry have the solution please let me know.

    Link Building | | fbowable

  • Hi there, I would like to download the current keyword rankings within a campaign without the historical data i.e. I need only ONE row for each keyword. I read an earlier post that suggested setting the data parameters within the last update period but I can't do this on my MOZ interface - whatever I set the dates to, I still get multiple rows for each keyword. I guess there must be a way to do what I need but I can't see it!  Please advise. Many thanks

    Moz Bar | | colinking

  • We want to combine existing products - e.g. 'hand lotion' and 'body lotion' will become 'hand & body lotion'. As such, we'll need to combine the two product pages into one. What would be the best route to take in terms of SEO to do this? My initial reaction is to create a new product page and then 301 or 302 redirect the old products to the new product page depending on if the change is permanent or temporary. Would you agree? Or am I missing something?

    On-Page Optimization | | SwankyApple

  • When we extract keywords of a website, moz shows us 300K results, they are enough but, why moz is not showing all keywords data

    Link Explorer | | nkodiou

  • How do I work with 'LongTails' in Moz? how do I get correct keyword and tails do I write 'keyword and tail' or could I write 'tail and keyword' - I think of order how many words could be used? Three: 'Keyword/Head' and 'modifier' and 'tail'? what do competition do? could I set longTail phrase/words as normal keywords to see ranking in  compartion to competition? etc.

    Keyword Research | | astridhelene

  • Moz Hivemind, I'm working with an ecom beauty brand and retailer who re-platformed their website at the end of August last year. Their CTR dropped from 70% plus for branded terms to 50% over night and has steadily declined ever since, down to the low 30s as an average the last few months. Their rankings for branded terms have remained in the number 1 position, despite a slight blip at launch, which is to be expected. They admit that some new distribution deals with major retailers have added some competition to the mix, but much later in the year. I could totally understand a rankings drop and an initial hit, but has anyone seen anything like this before, is there something on the new site that could impact CTR like this, either in the SERPs or perhaps a reporting issue? As the click itself is taking place in the SERP and their rankings are solid, other than the meta description, which they swear was unchanged the first few months after launch, any ideas what could be happening here? Thanks so much.

    Reporting & Analytics | | Algorhythm_jT

  • I'll try to keep this brief. The URLs of my posts keep snapping back to exactly match their post titles, no matter how often I try to change them. e.g. title: How to Tie Your Shoelaces desired URL: tie-shoelaces BUT actual URL: how-to-tie-your-shoelaces Anyone come across/ resolved this issue before?

    On-Page Optimization | | GerardAdlum

  • My site and Mobile version site Why my desktop and mobile version site linking domain and backlink are differing.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | moz12pro

  • Hi, I am working on a competitor who is obviously building up fake reviews using a 3rd party service. I need to build more evidence. A majority of his reviews on Google My Business, they are done by reviewers with very few reviews (no profile pic), and that seem to review 3-4 companies in the Chicagoland area the exact same day. This happens again and again. It started about 1.5 years ago. Before that everything looks normal. Any idea how much proof I need to actually get those reviews and/or his company removed? I am working on getting access to a private group on Facebook where he talks about it. Thanks in advance!

    Reviews and Ratings | | vetofunk

  • Hello, Can you explain me how you use keyword explorer for SEO because I watched many video  and after watching them everything is a little confusing... From my understanding, you have you main keyword let's say "Normandy bike tours". Based on that keyword you decide to cover TOPICS. Let's say I decide to cover D-Day landings, Omaha beach and and Caen on my page about" Normandy bike tours" ( I could cover more or others I imagine but now let's say those TOPICS are the ones I have decided to cover. From that point on what I understand is that I need to cover each of those TOPICS and the way to cover each of them is to type each of those words separately in the keyword explorer and look for words that the keyword explorer gives mes that it considers to be "semantically related" to each of those TOPICS. Then, if I choose the corrects one google will understand the different TOPIC and that should boost my ranking. Is it the whole idea ? PS : How many do you look at to find semantically related words ? 10, 20 or more ? Thank you,

    Moz Bar | | seoanalytics

  • Hi, We got billed twice in the month of Jan 2020. Billed on Jan 3rd and Jan 23rd. Can you please check why we got charged twice in the month of Jan 2020. Looking forward to hear from you ASAP.

    Product Support | | iNurtureGalileo

  • Hi MOZs, A few months ago we were updating our website and used a staging site to do so. Soon after we realized that it was indexed by G and shown in Search so we removed it to be indexed. The staging site has since not been visible in search except for 2 links that I just found out about today. My question is how to remove the staging site URLs being shown in MOZ as crawl issues or remove completely? I want to do this because the digital reports are connected to MOZ and it shows there are currently more than 400x 4xx errors which are all because of the staging URLs. I already marked to ignore the issues but they are still showing in. Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks

    Product Support | | Strausberg

  • Can anyone please share some guidelines regarding how to write the H1 subject of the post which can generate the maximum CTR.?. I noticed even when i able to rank on the featured snippet with good enough search volume the CTR is too low. Anyone share some expert advice please?

    On-Page Optimization | | Asifseo596862

  • How do I work with 'longTails' in Moz? how do I get correct keyword and tails do I write 'keyword and tail' or could I write 'tail and keyword' - I think of order how many words could be used? Three: 'Keyword/Head' and 'modifier' and 'tail'? what do competition do? could I set longTail phrase/words as normal keywords to see ranking in  compartion to competition? etc.

    Moz Bar | | astridhelene

  • We have noticed that we're getting over 25,000 impressions from India over the last 3 months for our brand term.  We are seeing similar results from other countries too but not as much.  Having used FatRank I can see that our brand name is ranking in position 1 and 2 in multiple countries, this wouldn't be a problem if 1. we sold cars there and 2. they weren't producing leads for our sales guys to follow up which is causing problems. How can we exclude other countries? In Search Console we are already just targeting the UK. Thanks 🙂

    Technical SEO | | clickdealerseo
  • Solved

    I read the recommended title length is 50-60 characters depending on alphabets, etc,.
    Anyways, my question is, is there any harm of having longer title?
    If all my important keywords are within the 50-60 characters that will show up on search results, I can still make the title longer, it's just that those keywords outside won't have any effect on search results?

    On-Page Optimization | | Mike555

  • I am wondering how people set up their Google My Business listings to appear in the search results similar to this business, Hulme Orthodontics. I attached an image below that'll give more details. I am working with a client that has two locations similar in distance to Hulme Orthodontics, and I have tried everything and have come up with no answers as to how I can properly get Google to format the search results in this way. I assume that there is no actual way to manage this and that Google decides this on their own. However, if anyone has any insight regarding this manner, that would be much appreciated! Thank you for your help! UsEr3rK

    Local Listings | | DylMar

  • Hi everyone, I've been working hard on my on-page SEO lately so I can gain visibility for my website. The results have been great and I am now on top of the SERP for the services I propose. I think that my content is almost fully optimize and** I've respected all the best practices (both on-page and technical SEO)**. However, there is one problem I just can't deal with for I don't have the knowledge, hence this post. I'm pretty sure that this issue is quite common for SEO experts. Here the thing: I offer dental emergency services, which is my core business. I'm ranked 4th for that request in my area, which is good, but I'd like to rank 1st as** I have a better DA and content than the 3 websites outranking me**. Also, I'm the first result for any other related services such as "dental services" or "dentist". However, when it comes to the theme "dental emergency", I'm constantly outranked by the same 3 websites. I ran an audit on their website but **my content and technical SEO is way better **than theirs. I suppose that the only reason I'm behind them is because they used "dental emergency" in their **Brand name **and, therefore, in the Home page URL. Every time someone is looking up online for "dental emergency", these websites will be on top of the SERP as I think that Google is unable to know whether the users are specifically looking for their websites (aka Brand) or for "dental emergency" services. Here is an example of a competitor: (urgence meaning emergency in French). His whole Brand name and URL have been built after the "dental emergency." service. On the contrary, **my Brand name does not mention "urgence". ** I see that as a trick that is confusing Google. The fact that my competitors named their Brand after a specific service I also offer is real pain for my SEO.  I also think it's really unfair as I've put a lot of effort in designing a nice website with great UX and content. This is the kind of practice that should be penalized in my opinion. Please, does anyone know any way to resolve this issue?

    On-Page Optimization | | AlexTL

  • Can someone explain me what it is and what is it used for. From my understanding it is something used by computers to understand language. In other words it is what you can say about an entity. For example a person works, is born somewhere but if I write Mr X flies to as human we do understand but as a computer the computer doesn't understand. Is that what schema is for ? telling me what I can say about an entity using specific verbs so that computers can understand. Thank you,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • Hi, Unfortunately I have updated my personal credit card and the payment got debited.How to get refund my money and I need to update my corporate credit card. Please help to get this issue sort.

    Product Support | | ltts05

  • Hi everyone, Recently Moz discovered a lot of old backlinks to my url. Some of them don't even exist anymore. I don't understand how Moz has found these links, even if they don't exist? And why did Moz find them suddenly all at once? Can anyone help me with this question? Thanks!

    Link Explorer | | Online_Marketing_Monkey

  • Is there a tool that can alert me whenever the first page of search results change for a certain search term in a specific region?

    Keyword Research | | Amanda_Palmary

  • DA of my site is not increasing. It seems like Moz is not indexing my backlinks. Multiple backlinks of my site [ Tech Spotty ] is not indexing in Moz that is why DA is not increasing. Backlinks of my site have indexed in both Ahref and Semrush both not showing in Moz. DR has increased to 51 but DA is still 7. If anyone has the solution please let me know.

    Link Explorer | | fbowable

  • I have a client who is using a structure like this for site wide title tags: Page specific keyword | Brand Name | Industry specific keyword + locations So in an example it'd look like: Drupal Development | BrandName | Web Services for Los Angeles, San Fransisco, New York I've researched this structure pretty thoroughly to be able to make a case for or against doing this site wide.
    However, I've received many mixed signals on many things. My questions are as follows: Should brand name be last in this structure? Does it matter? The length of this is obviously causing truncated Title in search results, so which is more useful? Is using a keyword intended for site ranking like "Web Services", "Digital Agency", "SEO Specialist" useful for every page to have or damaging? Is this cannibalizing that keyword? Is having multiple locations on every page title helping, hurting, or neutral It seems like all these things could go either way to me, but I don't want to tell them one way or another without having some more detailed explanations to give them. Thanks for your help!

    Local SEO | | culturefoundry

  • Here is my question for SEO. We are a mug printing company and we have a website specifically for bulk orders hosted at our main link ( For the purposes of this example we will assume that we only print mugs for bands. Eg. orders for 100 mugs at a time for a band. We have had a need to create stores for bands so that they can then pass a link to their fans to purchase mugs. Our main website deals specifically with bulk orders only with customer provided logos, so extending this workflow to our main domain takes quite a bit of development time. Because of this, we purchased a service that allows us to create stores under the new domain The root domain is the same as our main domain but there is “stores” in front of the domain. A band’s website that we would create  would then look something like : These links are going to be spread by the band all over the web, and it is in my hope to be able to take advantage of this. Ideally being spread around will also give us a boost to My question is how can we benefit the most from bands sharing the subdomain link such that our main website will be able to see an SEO benefit.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | masonwong

  • Hi, 
    I'll keep this one short and sweet! We've noticed just recently that a number of competitors are bidding on our company name, clearly with the intention of being listed above our organic result. I'm certain that Google used to allow us to bid on our own company name for a negligible amount but now it looks like we're going to have to chase £1 odd per click to  obtain customers who are actively searching for us. Can anything be done about this or is it now nature of the beast that we're going to have to have a price war on bidding on our own company name? Thanks for your help! Chris

    Paid Search Marketing | | ChrisHolgate

  • How do you find co occurring phrases to include in your content when you as a human has access or looks at the top 10 to 30 results on google when google has access to 30 million results in its database ? Is there a trick to that or is the only available solution that google left is called luck 🙂

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

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