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  • Hi, Im trying to see the clicks onto my site using specific keywords each day over the course of a week / month in both organic and PPC to compare them to each other. Any help would be much appreciated, Thanks!

    Keyword Research | | AlistairD

  • I have a design portfolio website here which uses a .com but is currently configured through the Search Console to appear in results for I am going to be restructuring the website and optimisation and I want to bring in more traffic/enquiries/business from around Europe. As there's no, and as Google also serves results based on the searchers geographic location it would seem difficult to structure and optimise content so that results can be found across all of Europe. I assume simply switching to a .eu domain extension for my own website wouldn't solve the problem? I also assume that creating content in different languages would be a logical (if time consuming) option? Are there any other tried and trusted techniques that can be used to target traffic throughout Europe? I'd appreciate any advice.

    International SEO | | JCN-SBWD

  • Hey! Hopefully, everyone is fine here I tell you some step how you are index your all website pages on Google 2020. I'm already implementing these same steps for my site Boxes Maker. Now Below I'm giving you some steps for indexing your website pages. These are the most important ways to help Google find your pages: Add a sitemap. ... Make sure people know your site. ... Ensure full navigation on your site. ... Apply the indexing application to your homepage. ... Sites that use URL parameters other than URLs or page names may be more difficult to broadcast.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | fbowable

  • Hi everyone, I created a self-hosted custom PHP website the page is ( custom cosmetic boxes ), but it doesn't show up on Google. I tried to follow tutorials on the HubSpot, but even my site sucks. Please help me where I am wrong. Maybe the little thing is left unattended, which makes it void.
    Please help me.

    Web Design | | fbowable

  • Should I index resource submission forms, thank you, event pages, etc.? Doesn't Google consider this content too thin?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | amarieyoussef

  • How do you decide when to use a campaign versus a keyword list given that the number of campaigns is more limited?

    Product Support | | Caroline.Finnegan

  • All right, I've created a simple website ( and I have had a problem for personal reasons. When you execute the code below and see the whiteboard at the right-hand side labeled as the.newsLetter and change the screen size, it moves away unlike that I have just floated right above. But if I float this one right then it floats to the middle of the screen, so works as I want it. In order to do that, I am going to make this reactive, and need to have it like the one above. You got a fix...?? Help, please! Thank you. Thank you. <title></span></p> <p><span>Home </span></p> <p><span></title> <nav> Contact Products About Home </nav> Here is just a simple title This is just a little bit of dummy text. This is just a little bit of dummy text. This is just a little bit of dummy text. This is just a little bit of dummy text. Welcome to A dummy website!! Latest News March 28, 2015 New advanced update with double speed and a whole bunch of cool new st.. more>> March 28, 2015 New advanced update with double speed and a whole bunch of cool new st.. more>>

    Local Website Optimization | | fbowable

  • Hello, can we have the FAQ code on the homepage (staff time)? we have written some questions and answers in the drop-down list on the homepage, and also add the schema code script to one tag of the page, but it does not work!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | fbowable

  • What would be better for automatically generated accommodation enquiry pages for a travel company? NoIndex tag, canonical tag, automatically generated H1's or another solution? This is the homepage: You would enquire from a page like this: This is the enquiry form:®ion_name=Sunshine+Coast

    Technical SEO | | Kim_Lazaro

  • Hey there Moz community! This is the first time I've ever asked a question here so please forgive if I slip up on any etiquette. I manage a website for a small Orlando Florida family law and divorce law firm who are targeting search phrases that include those "Orlando divorce attorney" variants. The site is located at If you run a search for "Orlando divorce attorney" along with close variant search terms our law firm website for about the past two years has hovered at the top of the second page of google but has never actually penetrated page 1. When you examine metrics such as page authority, domain authority, trust, and other traditional metrics it tells you that our site should be on page 1 but alas it's not happening. We have, however been featured quite often in the three pack for the local listings for the target search terms. Though valuable, our goal has always been to be featured in the top three of the organic search results. To add to the confusion we have a practice area page located at dedicated to divorce and expected that page to rank for these divorce attorney search terms but it will not rank for the search terms and instead our homepage ranks for them every single time regardless of how we swap around the optimization on the page. Never had any manual actions. any help you guys can offer is greatly appreciated and I really appreciate your time!

    Local SEO | | Seanthewood123

  • An installed software application has a help section for users,  and that help content is housed on the software company website. Would the links from the software application to the company website benefit the websites SEO efforts? Or, would no referring URL mean no SEO value?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | sysprousa1

  • I have a metadata issue. My site crawl is coming back with missing descriptions, but all of the pages look like site tags (i.e. /blog/?_sft_tag=call-routing)

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | amarieyoussef

  • Hi All, I am looking for some community insight on how backlinks on the different versions of a canonical page are handled for ranking purposes. Suppose that I have two versions of the same page on two different domains: 1. <--Canonical Version 2. <--Non-Canonical Version that points to page #1 Also consider a third domain that is being linked to from the article. Since it is identical content, both pages contain the same outbound links to this page: 3. I am wondering how the backlink authority transfer is handled for page number two. Since it has the canonical tag pointing to page 1, only page 1 should be considered for indexing/ranking purposes as a whole page. However, my question relates to what happens  to backlink flow since both #1 and #2 above contain links to site #3. In the above example, would both and be passing a backlink to myclothing .com, or would it only be the first domain ( passing link authority since it is marked as the canonical for ranking purposes. Thanks for any thoughts!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Evan_Wright

  • My client creates apps. As well as the apps they create themselves, they have made some of their own that cover various different topics. Currently they have individual websites for each of these apps, and a website for their app making business. They are asking whether they should just have one website - their app building site, which also includes information about the two apps they've built themselves. My feeling is it's better to keep them separate. The app building site is trying to appeal to a B2B audience and gain business to build new apps. AppA is trying to help carehomes and carers to streamline their business, and AppB is trying to help workplace and employee welfare. Combining them all will mean lots of mixed messaging/keywords even if we have dedicated areas on the site. I also think it will limit how much content we can create on each without being completely overwhelming for the user. If we keep them all separate then we can have a very clear user journey. I would of course recommend having blog posts or some sort of landing page to link to AppA and AppB's websites. Thoughts? Thank you!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | WhitewallGlasgow

  • I'm curious to know Can having a keyword repeat in the URL cause any penalties ? For example My competitors with the highest rankings seem to be doing it without any trouble but I'm wondering if there is a better way. Also One of the problems I've noticed is that my /commercial-roofing page outranks my homepage for both residential and commercial search inquiries. How can this be straightened out?

    Local Website Optimization | | Lyontups

  • For example, let's say you want to A/B test a title tag change. You are hoping to identify whether a title tag change increases CTR. But, position is always fluctuating a bit and that affects CTR, too. So, I'm interested in how you could hold position constant in order to isolate the change in CTR that is due to the title tag change.  Does anyone know of resources/tools/tutorials for how to do this? It's been... a very long time since I took statistics (-:  I have access to Excel, MS Access, and R studio.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | LivDetrick

  • Hi, Hope you guys are doing well! I need help from experts, I have a query that "Does google allows SEO for websites related to crypto currency ?" If yes, what is best way to do SEO for crypto currency website ?

    Technical SEO | | JessicaThompson

  • Hi, can  we have FAQ schema code in Home page ? we wrote some question and answer in drop down box on home page, and also add the schema code script to the head tag of page, but it does not work !,( other pages of our site show the FAQ in the SERP correctly) I want to know this problem is because its on Home Page ? or because its in Drop down style ? its the url of our site:

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | allenwebmaster

  • Hi everyone Last month I bought a premium domain from an auction, right after I bought the domain, I added it into google webmaster tools. It showed me site traffic, and 893 backlinks. So until today, all those backlink count was there. And when I checked the console today, it shows only 13 new backlinks which I started building last week. what has happened to all those old 880 old backlinks?I checked from Moz, those backlinks are still there. Am i doing something wrong? Or is this another Google dance?  URL

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | gizmos12

  • When reviewing my campaign's SERP Features, I notice that one of my competitors is gaining a lot of Review Features that I'm missing. I'm ranking high for the keywords that are showing the review features, but not on my product page. I'm ranking for those keywords on blogs and other pages. Is there a way to show for those review features as I currently have it, or should I be trying to rank for those keywords on my product page? I appreciate any insight into this situation.

    Technical SEO | | LearningStuff

  • my site has some minor problem which about DA and PA that DA and PA do not show accurate some time my site is yts subtitle, please tell me something about it.

    Feature Requests | | darkwebvampire

  • I have an issue with the way Google is adding to a client’s Title Tag. Since we relaunched the website a few months ago, Google has been adding an indiscriminate “– London” to the end of title tags. That would be fine if the company was solely London based but we have stores outside London too, and it’s adding “– London” to the end of those individual store title tags there too. So, if you do a search for “location widget” our page title is:
    “location widget | Brand name”
    but then Google pops in:
    “location widget | Brand name - London”
    Which isn’t great if the location is in Scotland! We are adding structured data to the store pages to try and combat this, the store pages are all well optimised for the location (and ranking well), but I’m wondering if I’ve missed anything obvious? I thought it might lesson as the new site became more trusted in Google, but the rogue “London” seems to be increasing... Thanks for your help!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | DrewDaviesLondon

  • I have an important product page that I've fully optimised for a couple of specific key phrases. There are some other really good (related/similar) key phrases it's starting to rank on the first page for which I'd like to increase ranking on further. How can I optimise/improve ranking for these without compromising ranking for other keywords?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | nicolewretham

  • Hi, I've had a message from Google search console to say the sitemap for the http version of my site is tagged as no index. As the https version is indexed, do I need to change the http version to be indexed as well? Do I need to keep the http version of the site in search console alongside the https version, or should I remove it? Advice appreciated!

    On-Page Optimization | | Robingoodlad

  • Hi Moz Community, I'm working on a website that has URL parameters. After crawling the site, I've implemented canonical tags to all these URLs to prevent them from getting indexed by Google. However, today I've found out that Google has indexed plenty of URL parameters.. 1-Some of these URLs has canonical tags yet they are still indexed and live. 2- Some can't be discovered through site crawling and they are result in 5xx server error. Is there anything else that I can do (other than adding canonical tags) + how can I discover URL parameters indexed but not visible through site crawling? Thanks in advance!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | bbop33

  • Why is my website at 60% and what does it mean? And more importantly, what needs to be done to fix (or not fix) this situation??? Please help... Image of chart attached kcd5r40

    Link Explorer | | SamCitron

  • I don't manage to rank my homepage I am trying to rank my homepage on the product name "Rubbee" in Switzerland, I have .ch domain and it the homepage appears nowhere in the 1 st 20 pages in Switzerland... whereas a website like this one with zero text  appears on the 13 th page. For your info when I put the website online over 2 years ago... my homepage was ranking on the 1 st page but since I created a blog page,  the blog page took over and it is now impossible to rank the homepage.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • Hi all, I'm trying to create a custom report using one of the templates, but I only want it to show keywords that have a specific label assigned to it. Is this possible? Thank you

    Moz Bar | | David_Mo

  • I have a weird issue that I just cant fathom so I thought I'd ask you guys. One of my clients sites: has social bookmarks as we all do but the Facebook link when clicked on mobile (I have ios) shows a broken link when the address is correct and works when opened in desktop. Anyone have any ideas?

    Social Media | | Libra_Photographic

  • We have a local business that has a showroom in one city, and serve other 5 different small cities (in total 6 small cities). Search volume for the targeted keyword is very low (around 100 each plus minus) with a variety of competition levels. The product is expensive so this justifies the low search volume with a serious user intent.
    My question is given the low search volume for each keyword, what would be the best local SEO tactic for this. The website has a DA of 20 with competitors who has similar and higher  DAs. Options I am considering: 1. Create unique pages for each location with unique content (no address available so I will have to use a city name postcode)
    2. Create pages with the same content (but changing the area of service on the URL, H1 and mention the postcode and the radius of coverage twice in the content) and using a canonical tag to solve the duplicate issue.
    In this scenario, I will create the main product pages with the address of the showroom, and mention the area of service covered for the other 5 cities.
    3. Given that the 6 cities are part of a greater area, use the greater area to target them all. The keyword of the greater area has a lower search volume than the city keyword.  This might work for keywords with low competition but not for ones with high competition levels.  Not sure how well search engines will rank the keywords that include the greater area and show the pages for searches in small cities. Any advice on which option to go with or any recommendations for other solutions?

    Local SEO | | Nadiamo44

  • How important is it to Google's algorithm for a site to have separate PP and TOU pages? Is it necessary for a Terms of Use page in the SEO perspective?

    Technical SEO | | agpz

  • Hi Mozers, Is there any benefit of having the date that the content was updated displayed at the very top of a content page rather than at the bottom? Would this impact our EAT? Thanks,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | yaelslater

  • Hi friends. What could be the best strategies for article publishing with links and anchor text. I did the next. I published original article in my website blog section and then next day published the same article in few news portals with links and anchor text to product landing pages.  But google indexed only article from my blog. News portal in my country is with highest DA. Is it ok to do this way or better is make uncial article for every news portal and do not publish in own blog so there is no duplicates? I am afraid that doing my way is waste of time and money. Thanks for help.

    Link Building | | netcomsia

  • Hi all, Last Update was good for us; we got a quick %300 boost to one of our pages We have been waiting for the page to rank higher at the short tail keyword this month. However last Saturday, Our traffic dropped %78 instantly compared to previous day last week. Search Console Report says; Click: 1050    Impression: 2500      Pos: #1   Date: 26 Jan, 2020 Click: 1250    Impression: 2760      Pos: #1   Date: 28 Jan, 2020 Click: 1268   Impression: 2808       Pos: #1 .1   Date: 30 Jan, 2020 *****Click: 183    Impression: 707      Pos: #1 . 5  Date: 01 Feb, 2020 .   !! ** What you'll realize, the impression and clicks dropped drastically but the avg. position nearly stay the same. Have anyone faced a situation like this. There are no Featured Snippets or Advertisement for this query "gebelik hesaplama 2020". NOTE: There's no server response time problem There's no technical issue for that page Pagespeed has been increased more than %50 at 26 January 2020 Avg. Page Visit time 3 mins+ Bounce is %85 however, this is a tool for pregnant; they just calculate and go back to search engine. Waiting for your responses, Regards, Have a nice week all Fatih Dilekci

    Technical SEO | | fdilekcimoz2

  • Hey guys i need know whether targeting homepage for local SEO is good or creating separate page for locatin

    On-Page Optimization | | moz12pro

  • Hi all, I just went over some post that my page can get penalized for over optimizing. I realized my page has quite a lot of h1 (6 it had 30) and a lot of "bold" keywords, does the bolding affect the page seo/penalizing the page? the page im talking about it Thanks

    Technical SEO | | i3arty

  • Hi, I am somewhat confounded about the right set of channels to join All facebook referrals into one. In the wake of experiencing various renditions, not certain which one is right and will work A few adaptations state that Search string ought to be - ^.*$ furthermore, Replace string ought to be - While as per other Search string ought to be > .*facebook also, Replace string ought to be - facebook Kindly guide which one of this is right and will work? Much obliged

    Technical SEO | | Aashish2020

  • So, we run seo tests via moz, gtmetrix and other sites. On many keywords (NSFW) we appear around 3-7 on the first page.  Our biggest issue is that we are following all the rules moz etc say and we don't move but, but the teo tops sites fail on almost everything we are told to do..... Why?  It confuses us. What are we doing wrong?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | 5TW

  • please share your experience. I don't know much about them and they approached me for our ecommerce site.

    SERP Trends | | bizuhodge

  • Moz bot is unable to crawl and discover my links on the high authority websites like microsoft, linkedin, pinterest, etc. Where is the problem?

    Link Building | | TechG

  • We are rebranding our store with a new name. We have purchased a NewDomainName.  Can I just make the "Old Domain Name" an alias for the "NewDomainName"? The site will not change in any other way than having a new logo.  This is an e-commerce site with over 100 categories of artisan made products.  So once we move the site, the old domain will be empty. Thank you Stephen

    Branding | | stephenfishman

  • At the end of 2018 we rolled out our agency website as a PWA. At the time, Google used Chrome (41) headless to render our website. Although all sources announced at the time that it 'should work', we experienced the opposite. As a solution we implement the option for server side rendering, so that we did not experience any negative effects. We are over a year later. Does anyone have 'evidence' that Google can actually render and correctly interpret client side PWA's?

    Web Design | | Erwin00

  • Hi All I have have been kind of out of the seo scene for a while,  does &pws=0 still work?   I only ask as the search console says our brand name has droped to an average postion 3 ( instead of 1), but every time I check I we are 1st ( and I can see anything behind it that could possiabley get in front of it. Thanks Edit:  Actually  I also tried testing incognito, via a proxy and &pws=0,  we are always 1st

    Keyword Research | | PaddyDisplays

  • Hey everyone, 
    We have a tonne of old domains we have done nothing with. All of them are keyword-rich domains.
    Things like "[City]SEOPro" or "[City]DigitalMarketing" where [city] is a city that we are already targeting services in.   So all of these domains will be targeted for local cities as keywords. We have been having an internal debate about whether or not we should just host sales funnel pages on these domains, that are rich in keywords and content......... ... Or ... ... Should we point these domains to landing pages on our existing domain that are basically the same as what we would do with the sales funnel pages, but are on our primary site? (keyword rich, with good and plentiful content) Then, as a follow-up question... Should these be set as just 301 redirects on these domains to our actual primary domain so the browser sees the landing page domain instead of the actual keyword-rich domain? ( [city] ) Thanks guys. I know for some, the response will be an obvious one. However; we have probably way over thought this and have arguments for almost every scenario. We think we have an answer but wanted to send this out to the community first. I won't post what we are thinking yet, so that the answers can remain unbiased for now and we can have a conversation without it being swayed any one way. We understand that 301 redirects would be seen as a doorway page. 
    We are also only discussing in the context of organic search only. 
    If we ran the domains as their own sites, they would be about 3 pages of content only. Pretty static, but good content. Think of a PAS style sales funnel. Problem -> Acknowledgement -> Solution.

    Local SEO | | Transpera

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