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  • Are there tools to embed on website to serve as initial lead gen opportunities? Like a site audit?

    API | | Cobblerocks

  • Greetings, I am utilizing link tracking list to keep a track of 301 redirect backlinks to my main site because these links do not as yet show up in my backlink profile on Moz. Will adding these to the tracking list with the redirected domain as the target / source url show up in my main site backlink profile eventually?

    Link Explorer | | AkiedoFung

  • Hi. I forgot to cancel the Moz Pro plan after using the free one and it automatically charged me $258.41. So I would like to request a refund. My email is

    Product Support | | haileytran

  • Hi! I have seen that many website not have good quality backlinks but still get high Domain authority and page authority score from but i my website is quit old and have high quality backlinks also. But still i did not get my expected score from moz. Kindly Moz Team help me and tell me that how can i make my website score more than 20 plus da and pa? Here is my website Link

    Link Building | | mianazeem418

  • Hi, Preamble:
    We are creating a website where people look for professionals for some home working. We want to create a homepage with a search bar where people write the profession/category (actually it is a custom taxonomy) that they need, like ‘plumbers’, and a dropdown/checkbox filter where they can choose the city where they need the plumber.
    The result page is a list of plumber agencies in the city chosen. Each agency is a Custom Post Type for us. Furthermore, we are hardly working to make our SEO ranking as high as possible.
    So, for example, we know that it is important to have a well-done Archive Page for each Taxonomy term, besides a well-done Results Page.
    Also, we know it is bad for SEO to have duplicated pages or (maybe) similar pages, ranking for the same (or maybe also similar) keywords. Proposed Structure:
    So, what we are thinking is to have this structure:
    A unique hierarchical taxonomy that INCLUDES the City AND the profession! That means that our taxonomy ‘taxonomy_unique’ has terms like: ‘Rome’, ‘Paris’, ‘Dublin’ as father and also terms like ‘Plumbers’, ‘Gardeners’, ‘Electricians’ which are sons of some City father! So we will have the term 'Plumbers' son of 'Rome' and we will have also the term 'Plumbers' son of 'Paris'. Each of these two taxonomy terms (Rome/Plumbers and Paris/Plumbers) will have an archive page that we want to make ranking for the keywords ‘Plumbers in Rome’ and ‘Plumbers in Paris’ respectively. It is easier to think of it imagining the breadcrumbs. They will be:
    Home > Rome > Plumbers
    Home > Paris > Plumbers Both will have: a static content (important for SEO), where we describe the plumber profession with a focus on the city, like ‘Find the best Plumbers in Rome’ vs ‘Find the best Plumbers in Paris' a 'dynamic' content - below - that is a list of Custom Post Types which have that taxonomy term associated. Furthermore, also 'Rome' and 'Paris' are taxonomy terms that have their own archive page. In those pages, we are thinking to show the Custom Post Types (agencies) associated with that taxonomy term as a father OR maybe just a list of the 'sons' of that father, so links to those archive pages 'sons').
    In both cases, there should be also a static content talking maybe about the city and the professionals it offers in general. Questions:
    So what we would like to understand is: Is it bad from an SEO perspective to have 2 URLs that look like this:
    where the static content is really similar and it is something like that:
    “Are you looking for the best plumbers in the city of Rome”
    “Are you looking for the best plumbers in the city of Naples”? Also, these kinds of pages will be much more than 2, one for each City.
    We are doing that because we want the two different pages to rank high in two different cities, but we are not sure if Google likes that. On the other hand, each City will have one page for each kind of job, so:
    So the same question, does Google like this or not? About 'Rome' and 'Paris' archive pages, does Google prefer a list of Custom Post Types that have that father term associated as taxonomy, or a list of the archive pages 'sons', with links to those pages? What do you think about this approach? 
Do you think this structure could be good from an SEO perspective, or maybe there could be something better alternatively? Hoping everything is clear, we really appreciate anyone dedicating its time and leaving feedback.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | danielecelsa

  • For example, Outside of Google Search Console, is there another way?

    Local SEO | | SeobyKP

  • I noticed that Moz flags a lot of redirect chain issues on my site. I realized that this is mostly because the site automatically redirects http to https, and when I create a new URL (when a URL changes, for example) it is automatically flagged as a chain. Example: http://www.example-link Auto directs to: https://www.example-link Which is then redirected to: https://www.example-link-changed (when the address actually changes) I don't seem to have any control over changing where the initial http redirect goes. Any advice on fixing this problem?

    On-Page Optimization | | baystatemarketing

  • Hi, I have found out more errors related to schema tag when using this tag on this page. Please tell me which types of schema need to implement on this URL.

    Technical SEO | | Packersmove

  • My DA is only 22. I got a beautifully crafted dofollow backlink from a site with a DA of 94 and an AHrefs rank of 98 (the 98th most valuable domain in the world) 2 parter- 1. How much do you think one link like that will affect my DA and rankings? (i understand this is subjective - looking more for opinions) 2. How long before MOZ and Google Search Console see the link? It has been 10 days and the link is not showing up on either yet. I know the best thing to do is put my head down and keep building links rather than focusing on "when" and "how much" but I'm getting antsy and curious for the community's opinion. Thanks, Ryan

    Link Building | | RyanMeighan

  • We are a UK business and if we have links mostly from US based blogs and websites does this penalise us.  The links are from relevant websites and topics.  Should we be focusing on sites

    Link Building | | Caffeine_Marketing

  • A site fell off Page 1 organic listings but now regularly appears in the right-side “See results about“ SERP. How valuable are such results, especially compared to the 1-10 organic result listing? And, are “see results about” SERPs national?

    On-Page Optimization | | PKI_Niles

  • Hi! Our company is trying to come up  with a few pages with some manuals to teach our users how to use our products. However, these pages require username and password. My understanding is that user engagement will help a website's keyword rankings and Google will not be able to crawl or have access to pages requiring login as it doesn't have username and password. Based on that idea, does that mean all the content and user engagement on those pages requiring login won't help our overall SEO? Thanks in advance!

    Technical SEO | | EverettChen

  • hi guys. i wonder that are you able est the income, if you have edm domain for keywords. keyword research showing 70k monthly, 42 diff, 100 ctr , 84 priority all northern europe traffic

    Reviews and Ratings | | balthaar

  • Hello friends
    How can we increase the credibility of the site's domain to be legitimate?
    How useful do you think generating content can be for a site?
    You can see me at the address below.

    Content Development | | moziran104
  • This question is deleted!


  • I want to refund the subscription purchase process and return the money back

    Product Support | | ResearchTrainingAcademy

  • anyone with a wordpress blog knows what i am talking about. but why do they do this? my theory is that it is for backlinks, but aren't all wordpress comment links nofollow? i am just curious as to what these robots think they are gaining by flooding my blog comments section. Thanks, Ryan

    Link Building | | RyanMeighan

  • Hello there, I have a site that seems to have totally dropped out of the rankings i.e. it is now not even ranking for the name, at which it has been number 2 forever! In Moz Pro it is at 0% visibility and no keywords being ranked. No big changes in terms of the site, the pages appear to be being indexed and as far as I'm aware no dodgy backlinks. The only change lately is that we have linked it to Google Console, added 2 content pages and done a Google Adwords campaign. These pages have been used as the landing pages for this campaign - could that have had this effect? Could this be a RAG (Random Act of Google) or something else??? The site is The is also a - could this be causing a problem??? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Best wishes, Sarah.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Frog-Marketing

  • Hello, We have implemented AMP on our blog pages, but now some of the  Web pages are also being shown like AMP pages. ( no footer and no navigation ) What could have gone wrong ? Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Johnroger

  • hello guys recently i buy a expire domain rowlyrics  but i dont know the spam score of this domain. now its spam score is 46. how m reduce the spam score pls help me guys

    Content Development | | msingh9040

  • Heya  my domain Spothd  Has DA 5 as per moz how much time it will take to get high athority so that my keywords get ranked in google 1st page

    Link Building | | Spothd

  • I am looking to increase organic traffic to our Real Estate website, and am  looking for any suggestions and or feedback as to strategies to implement in this area or even the must-have SEO pages every real-estate business should build. Interested in attracting sellers & buyers, but obviously would love more to attract sellers... The issue with that being you have to outrank the massive sites like Zillow and Realtor. Some ideas I have so far. Building out Neighbourhood pages to rank for people searching for 'Neighbourhood name' Any feedback on this one greatly appreciate. What's {city name} like? {Neighbourhood name} houses for sale What are good areas of {city name} Is {city name} a good place to live? What's {city name} like? What __ are in {city name} restaraunts hospitals beaches colleges How is {city names} weather Thanks guys!

    Local SEO | | Dakota_G

  • Hi Moz fans, I face an issue with Google for Jobs, Dublin, Ireland market.
    My client, a local job agency lose rank, his posts appear mediated by other big job companies who have high DA, over 60, client has less than 30 DA.
    Any ideas?
    Thanks in advance. Mª Verónica

    Local SEO | | Mª Verónica B.

  • What is the deal with the search reports in the Google My Business app?  I downloaded this app so prospective customers could message my business, and when I look at the search reports on the app, the results seem nonsensical.  According to google analytics my business receives pretty steady traffic every day.  Why does the report say that I receive zero visitors one day and 400 the next? (See the screenshot below) 4yLRCHG

    Reporting & Analytics | | RandyHT

  • Hi. First of all,  I love MOZ and learned a lot about SEO by reading articles here. Thanks for all the knowledge that i received here. I read all the articles about "Subdomain vs Subdirectory"  in the MOZ community and I have no doubt that subdirectories are the best option for a blog. But, the company that I work now has a blog with more than 17.000 articles, 1.000 categories and tags, hosted on a subdomain structure. The website has a Domain Authority of 78 (I am working to improve these numbers)  and the blog subdomain has the same (78). We had 2.7 million hits per month in the blog and 4.5 million hits per month in the site. I am advising the company to change the blog structure to subfolders inside the domain, but I'm finding resistance to the idea, because the amount of work involved in this change is enormous and there is still the fear of losing traffic. My questions are: Is there any risk of losing traffic with the amount of articles we have? What do we probably get if we change the blog structure to subfolders? Could we have increased authority for the domain? More Traffic? How can I explain to my superiors that we would probably have increase traffic for our keywords? Is there any way to prove or test the gains from this change before we run it? Thanks in Advance.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Marcus.Coelho

  • For example, the entire content is in an Indian language called Gujarati and the script is also Gujarati. However, when I did a keyword research, I found that majority of the searches are in Gujarati langugage by roman script e.g. "gujarati sahitya" meaning Gujarati literature. Any ideas would be appreciated.

    Local SEO | | Tumul

  • Hi Mozers, I have a question about the news that Google Chrome will start blocking mixed content starting in December 2019.  That starting in December 2019, users that are presented insecure content will be presented a toggle allowing those Chrome users to unblock the insure resources that Chrome is blocking. And in January 2020, Google will remove that toggle option an will just start blocking mixed content or insecure web pages. Not sure what this means. What are the implications of this for a HTTPS page that has an HTTP link? Thanks, Yael

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | yaelslater

  • Hello, In the keyword explorer when I group keywords by lexical similarity should I only choose keywords that have a high relevancy to my seed keyword (the one I typed and want to rank on ? Let me give you an example. Let's say my seed keyword (the one I want to rank on) is "Alsace bike tours. With the keyword explorer I group the keywords and find the group " cycling in Alsace" (ok I take that one because it relevant to "Alsace bike tours" then I find "Strasbourg to Colmar by bike" I also take this one because it is also relevant to "alsace bike tours" but what about concepts like "Alsace wine region", Alsatian architecture, wines of Alsace, cuisine of Alsace or prettiest villages in Alsace... should I totally dismiss those from my content because they aren't relevant to my keyword "Alsace bike tours" or is it ok to use them but it won't help me at all ? Thank you,

    Moz Bar | | seoanalytics

  • Should you always go by the highest relevancy when your choose your keywords sor can you take some keywords with the lowest relevancy possible and will it still help your webpage ? Thank you,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • I bought a domain name  and it has a high MOZ spam score. Although it is because of the previous webmaster who used this domain as a URL shortening website. But now I am using it as a service delivery website. I wanted to know once a domain is deleted and ready to resell MOZ doesn't update its Spam score? Or it has periodic updates that are scheduled? How does the whole process work?

    Moz Bar | | vadir969

  • Hi, I'm seeing a huge rank fluctuation reported by GSC (all rank trackers reported stable rank) for one of our pages, one particular keyword, in one particular country (US), and only Desktop (not Mobile). Is anyone else encountering a similar case? More details: huge rank fluctuation reported by GSC in the US, stable in other countries (since Oct 7th) all rank tracking service reported stable top rank in US cities (as well as our own friend's testing across the country) only happen to 1 keyword and its close variation (other keywords that the page also ranks for are quite stable) only observed fluctuation for Desktop, while Mobile is stable in those low-ranked days, the average CTR is only slightly lower than normal days Does anyone have any idea what could this be?  Should I trust GSC's fluctuation or the rank tracking service's stable top rank? 0ee0a6cdd6cfc194e670ba5628d04e3d7c8253a35fdbf33291018aa4f528fd1e.png

    Getting Started | | sandiego-seo

  • I will summarise and then ty to explain : When I group keyword with the keyword explorer if concepts (grouping keywords) that I find are too similar to each other how do I go about it... Ldg me know explain. When google doesn't have enough data to rank a website with  content does it only use links ? Let me give you an example. If I take "title tag" as a keyword people have a lots of questions that can be answered which will create numerous concepts. However, let's take "hiking tours Italy" for example. If I go through the keyword explorer or all the other tools existing out there people don't have questions. All I find are variations or synonyms of my keyword and I group by low lexical similarity all the words are going to be very similar. I know that each variation can be grouped and considered a different concepts but writing about various concepts that mean exactly the same thing because of lack of data not very smart and useful... So in that case what does google do, does it rank a website only based on links or schema ?  see that it has no way to rank it based on good quality content because of a lack of data (questions that could be answers that would lead to concepts). Thank you,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • What is the meaning of "--" spam score?

    Moz Pro | | agalhom

  • Hello Moz Community, I have some questions I hope some of you can help with. We’re doing SEO work for a client that provides outsourced IT and managed IT services in Phoenix, AZ and cities in the Phoenix metro area (i.e. Glendale, Tempe, Scottsdale, etc.) They’re currently ranked for or targeting the following keywords: • consulting phoenix az (1)
    • outsourced it phoenix (2)
    • phoenix it support (3)
    • it services Scottsdale (5)
    • it consulting firm phoenix (targeting)
    • it solutions phoenix (targeting) We have recommended the following keywords based on monthly search totals, competitive level and difficulty ratings in Moz. • IT consulting phoenix
    • it consultant company
    • outsourced it
    • it support services
    • it consulting services
    • outsourcing it
    • outsourced tech support Questions
    1. While I know it’s a good idea to optimize for keywords that you're currently ranked for, there’s no search volume for any of these. So, I recommended non-geo versions since Google provides search results based on the user’s location. Will this preserve the company's current rankings?
    2. If not optimizing for their current keywords will hurt their rankings, will using the current keywords as secondary keywords suffice? If so, do we need to include them in the content for keyword density?
    3. Since search engine algorithms now focus so heavily on user intent, I assume we’re covered for all variations of a keyword (i.e. outsource it, outsourced it, outsourcing it, etc.) Is this correct?
    4. They want to rank for “cloud services” and “cloud solutions.”  Both are very competitive with high difficulty rankings. So, I recommended “cloud migration” and “cloud strategy” as alternatives since these are the main services they provide. Will including “cloud services” and “cloud solutions” as secondary keywords help them increase their rankings for both? If you’ve dealt with a similar situation, I'd appreciate your insight and advice. Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | marnipatterson

  • We are having some issues flag up through our MOZ software on multiple pages on website such as missing content, missing metatags, missing title, duplicate content, Missing/Invalid H1 but having checked and spoken to our website developer all the content is there. 1 page as an example is It says the below items are missing or invalid but you cna see they are all there in the below - are they not being picked up and read for any reason? Title: Description: H1: Canonical tag: Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!

    Moz Pro | | RachelMiller

  • Just interested to hear everyone's thoughts. Personally I think that, even though voice search is already pretty big - it's about to get much, much larger and this may even entirely change the infrastructure of the web. What are your thoughts for changes in search 2020?

    Algorithm Updates | | effectdigital

  • I'm currently developing a Keyword Matrix for my site, and i'm just wondering how many keywords I should be putting into each individual cell? From what I learned in MOZ academy, each cell of the matrix will be turned into a keyword list. This means that if I only have one keyword per cell, I'd only have one keyword list that corresponds to each cell in the Matrix. Would it be wrong to include multiple keywords for each cell and thus, multiple keyword lists corresponding to each individual cell? Thanks!

    Link Explorer | | jessica.extension

  • Hi All, I have this problem, that has been a pain in the ****. I get tons of crawl errors from "Googlebot" saying a specific Javascript method does not exist in my logs. I then go to the affected page and test in a web browser and the page works without any Javascript errors. Can some help with resolving this issue? Thanks in advance.

    Technical SEO | | FreddyKgapza

  • Our company just did a complete rebrand with a new name and logo. Instagram allows us to change our name, username, logo, and information, unlike Facebook, but there isn't a lot of online content about whether or not that's the best route.  Any thoughts?

    Branding | | RyanHeffernon

  • Hello, I am not sure if i made an error. Can someone please point out. On our sales form, when a user submits the form, the URL displayed is - I created a Goal like this - 1 ) Under Goal set up, i choose Template option 2 ) Under Goal description, i choose Type > Destination 3 ) and finally, in Goal details field, destination   equals to    /thank-you-2/ But, no Goal is being tracked. In the first step, should i have selected  'Custom'  instead of 'Template' Thanks

    Reporting & Analytics | | Johnroger

  • I've noticed that on sites with decent social presence and regular content posts that Moz isn't showing/recording any inbound links from Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn. Posts are regularly shared via these three channels but no inbound links ever seem to show up. Does Moz not record such inbound links, or are they all disguised using JavaScript or some other trick?

    Link Explorer | | JCN-SBWD

  • Hello, I am the exclusive reseller of a product in Switzerland. However, when I type the name of the product the maker of the product appears 1 st on google with its website instead of my website that ends in .ch ? I appear nowhere when I type the product name and my website has been online for more than 6 months. How can I make sure I appear 1 st above the maker of that product ? The only place I appear is in the right side with the adresse and phone number but I would like to appear in the search results (blue links). Thank you,

    Local Website Optimization | | seoanalytics

  • Hello, I want to add LocalBusiness mark up to our store pages. I recently read this article One piece of advice I wanted to confirm is this section: It might seem counter-intuitive, but organization and LocalBusiness markup should only be used on the pages which are actually about your business (e.g. homepage, about page, and/or contact page). I am working on an e-commerce site that has multiple stores and a store page for each. Currently there is Organization Mark Up (with the head office contact information) on every single page. Am I right in saying that we should remove the Organization Mark Up from every page except the homepage, then add LocalBusiness mark up to each store page with the relevant contact information for each store? Many thanks in advance.

    On-Page Optimization | | kbm3

  • Hey Mozzers, After a redesign of our site we have a huge problem with 1 particular URL. We can't understand what is wrong with it. Our site was redesigned about 3 weeks ago everything was done to make sure the process was smooth. Content on the new url was exactly the same as before, title tags and meta descriptions were copy pasted, 301 redirects were set up. Our site has 47 pages and all other pages are still ranking the same way as they used to before the update but this one url has just dropped from serps or once a while is appearing on 2nd, 3rd pages. URL in question is: We are a MOZ pro client and have the data on where this url was ranking prior to the update. Keywords it ranked for #1position on page one- some examples ( car service to dulles, car service to iad, dulles airport limo service) and many more. The only thing that has changed was the url the old url was After the new design we got rid of the ".html" on all our urls, the funny thing is that all our 46 urls were updated the same way but only this url is experiencing this problem. Google search console shows that url is indexed and on Google but sometimes it does not show up on serps. Can anyone please help? 20% of our business comes from this url and we are loosing real money everyday and I can't figure out was is wrong with it. Thanks all, Davit

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Davit1985

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