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  • Hello, I am trying to use data highlighter but my webpage are not indexed yet and google says I can't highlight anything. However when I go on the structured Data Markup helper it let's me markup... Why is the and which one should I use. Thank you,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • My web site used for the past 18 months. We finally got to #3 position for our top keyword. We changed web servers and our wordpress admin section somehow got changed to As you can imaging I'm not too happy. We do have 301 redirects installed. Yesterday I noticed that our site was not ranking anymore. In fact, all our pages and our site URLs at have been de-indexed. I assume because that no longer exists. Using site: all the web pages under (which were identical to the old www) are now listed. All of them. However, none are showing in searches unless we search for the business name. They are not appearing under keyword searches. I would assume that the 301s (which are installed property) would make the site keep it's rank, as the pages are all identical. Will we ever get our rank back? Should we switch back to www? Or do the 301s just take time to hit? How long if that's the case?

    Keyword Research | | ThereNYC

  • Hope you can help me with a query on 'Keyword Explorer' Currently, I'm able to use only one URL per search. 
    Is there a way to search keywords for multiple URLs?

    API | | Alpine9

  • Hi all, I have a prospective client who currently has a Drupal 7 site and they are interested in converting it to Wordpress (or simply building it new in Wordpress) and changing CMS. They would like to update the look of their site to make it a little more modern, but they are very concerned about preserving their SEO and rank, etc so they plan to keep the structure and urls, etc. pretty identical to what they have now with only minor cosmetic changes for the moment. I want to find the best and most economical route for them to take for a change like this.  If an actual conversion/migration is the way to go, then I also want to help them find a professional developer they can trust to do the job correctly as I am not a Drupal person. I guess my question concerns what would be the safest and most economical route to preserve the SEO and rank, etc. that they have now? 1) Would that be an actual migration and conversion of their current site into a custom WP theme that's structured as closely as possible to the site currently? 2) Or, depending on the ultimate complexity of the site, would it be possible to leave out the step of migration altogether? Would there be huge cons or red flags to starting from scratch and manually building a custom WP theme while duplicating the architecture/links/urls, etc. as closely as possible to the current site? Anything else to be worried about if this is a possibility? 3) Or would you suggest some other way entirely? Thank you so much in advance for any guidance or suggestions on this! They are really nice people and I just want to make sure they do this safely because they get a lot of business from their site and they are justified to worry.

    Web Design | | Pixelwik

  • Hi, reading the Article Spam Score: Moz's New Metric to Measure Penalization Risk I became curious about the mentioned Spam Analysis tool: Right now, you can find Spam Score inside Open Site Explorer, both in the top metrics (just below domain/page authority) and in its own tab labeled "Spam Analysis." I could find the Spam score of my site within the link explorer but I could not find the Spam Analysis tool that checks the 17 key indications that a site might be a spam site. I am also a Free Trial subscriber right now. Where can I find the Spam Analysis tool?

    Getting Started | | j0rges

  • Hello, I have built a new website and the subpages web address are new. I haven't made a redirect yet but I am about to do it. How do I continue keeping track of my ranking evolution in moz. Do I need to indicate the new web address ? or once the redirect will be done will moz continue the tracking of my keywords showing the old web address but tracking the new address ? Thank you,

    Product Support | | seoanalytics

  • Today I have subscribed for 30 days free trial and some amount has been deducted from my credit card. Please tell me why it has been deducted?

    Product Support | | iamSILeadership

  • I use Pinterest, Twitter and Instagram to post images that are already featured on my website. I have been following a routine of uploading the images to these social media platforms only after I can see Google has indexed the image from my original site. My website is ecommerce and the product images drive sales more than any other factor. The thinking behind my method was that when these images are posted on Pinterest, Twitter and the various Instagram crawler sites (I realise Instagram images aren’t indexed directly), Google would recognise that the image was already attributed to my website. The ‘duplicate’ image would not therefore be indexed and the originally uploaded website image would remain in ‘Google Images’. After completing various searches and reviewing other Q&A’s on Moz, it seems as though this is in no way guaranteed and images reposted on social media platforms may still replace the already indexed image from the website. I am assuming this is because Google views these platforms as more authoritative than mine. I usually change the image by adding logos, text, backgrounds, borders etc before posting on Pinterest and this seems to have worked most of the time (both the original and ‘amended for Pinterest’ versions are often indexed) but images posted on other platforms are usually identical. Does it make sense to continue with my method or am I shooting myself in the foot by reposting these images on social media at all? I obviously want customers searching for products, who then click on an image, to be directed to my site rather than one of my social media pages or worse, an image reposting site. Additionally, If I post images on social media before they are uploaded to my website (for example to tease a product launch), would Google likely class these images as the ‘original’ and therefore be less likely to index the website version of the image once it is uploaded? Any thoughts are appreciated.

    Social Media | | g3mmab

  • Hello Everyone, I would like to know if I need a separate Google Analytics ID for a subdomain on my website? I have a sub-domain within my website, and the software for the site on the subdomain is asking for a Google Analytics ID. Should I be using the same Google Analytics ID as the main domain or should I be creating a new Google Analytics profile or ID? Thanks. Ryan

    Reporting & Analytics | | RyanUK

  • Hi, I have new web addresses for my subpages. None if them have external links. Should I do redirects to the new pages or just leave the old pages in 404 and let google crawl and rank the new page. I am asking because my current pages don’t have a good ranking and I am thinking starting with a clean url is better. Thank you,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • Hi everyone.
    We are doing a CMS migration and site redesign with some structural changes. Our temporarily Beta site (one of the staging environments and the only one that is not behind firewall) started appearing in search. Site got indexed before we added robots.txt due to dev error (at that time all pages were index,follow due to nature of beta site, it is a final stage that mirrors live site) As an remedy,  we implemented robots.txt for beta version as : User-Agent: *
    Disallow: / Removed beta form search for 90 days. Also, changed all pages to no index/no follow . Those blockers will be changed once code for beta get pushed into production. However, We already have all links redirected (301) from old site to new one. this will go in effect once migration starts (we will go live with completely redesigned site that is now in beta, in few days). After that, beta will be deleted completely and become 404 or 410.  So the question is, should we delete beta site and simple make 404/410 without any redirects (site as is existed for only few days ). What is best thing to do, we don't want to hurt our SEO equity. Please let me know if you need more clarification. Thank you!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | bgvsiteadmin

  • Hello, I'm currently working on a campaign for a dentist office in Toronto and I don't seem to actually be getting any data for search visibility or keyword rankings. I only have a value for low domain authority. Could there be reasons why this data isn't coming in? Thanks.

    Moz Local | | nick23e2

  • Hello, I upload a new website with new web addresses and my current addresses don't work anymore. I don't want to do redirects. Should I just remove the old address from google index using their tool or let google do it on its own. Thank you,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • Hi, How do I "force" Google to change the Parent Organization in the Knowledge Graph box? I've gone about & suggested changes a few times by the Parent Organisation value is still being displayed.

    Local Listings | | nhhernandez

  • Fair warning, this is going to be long, but necessary to explain the situation and what has been done. I will take ANY suggestions, even if I have tried them already. We have a sister site in Australia, targeting Australian traffic. I have inherited what seems to be an incredible rat's nest. I've fixed over two dozen issues, but still haven't seemed to address the root cause. NOTE: Core landing pages have weak keyword targeting. I don't expect much here until I fix this. The main issues I'm trying to resolve first are with the unusual US-based targeting, and the inability of the homepage to rank for anything. The site is www[dot]castleford[dot]com[dot]au. Here's the rundown on what's going on: Problems: The site ranks for four times as many keywords in the US as it does in Australia. The site ranks for a grand total of 5 keywords on the first page for AU keywords. The homepage, while technically optimized on-page for "content marketing agency", and with content through MarketMuse, has historically ranked between 60-100, despite having a fairly strong DA with fairly weak competitors, based on AHREFs keyword difficulty, and Moz keyword difficulty. Oddly, the ranking has gone up to 5-7 for three day spurts over the past year. Infrequent indexing of homepage (used to be every 2-3 weeks, I've gotten that down to 1 week). Sequence of events: November 2017 - they made some changes to their URLs - some on the blog and some on the top nav LPs. Redirects seem okay. November 2017 - Substantial number of lost referring domains, not many seem to be quality. January 2018 - total number of AU ranking keywords more than halved. May/June 2018 - added a follow inbound link sitewide to an external site that they created. 20k inbound links with same anchor text to homepage. Site has a total of 24k inbound links. July-Sep 2018 - total number of US ranking keywords halved November 10 - I walked into this mess. What's been done: Reduced site load speed by over 150% (it was around 20 seconds). Create sitemap (100 entry batching) and submit to GSC. Improved MarketMuse score for the homepage. Changed language from "en-US" to "en-AU" Fetch and render - content is all crawlable and indexed properly. Changed site architecture for top nav core landing pages to establish clear hierarchy. All version of GSC created, non-www and www http, and non www https and www https Site crawl - normal amount of 404s, nothing stands out as substantial. http to https redirect okay. Robots.txt updated and okay. Checked GSC international targeting, confirmed AU. No manual links penalty I'm clearly stumped and could use some insights. Thanks to everyone in advance, if you can find time.

    Technical SEO | | Brafton-Marketing

  • Hello Everyone, Does anyone know how I can block Google from indexing internal search results? Thanks. Ryan

    On-Page Optimization | | RyanUK

  • Hi, If we merge two sites say, one with DA 35 and another 20 what will be resulting DA of the merged site? Secondly, will the result vary based on which Domain is kept and which one is 301ed? ps :- all content is transferred from one to another using 301. Regards,

    Product Support | | Praveenshah1

  • I'm trying to nail down why a site would be consistently showing a search visibility of 1-2% whilst similar competitors are in 20-30s. There are no site errors reported. Sitemap, robot.txt, meta titles & descriptions, key word presence, alt attributes, load times, canonicals, etc all check out as fine. Backlinks profile is healthier than competitors'. Yet even searching for our main product the result links to an obscure blog page rather than our main site, despite the presence of identical and similar keywords on our homepage, in our title, h1 tags, web address... Site content and design seem subjectively good and at the very least matches better performing competitor site's. Does anyone know of any less visible reason as to why a site would be tanking so badly in search rankings? Have checked using other SEO tools and they all report the same as Moz.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SimonZM

  • I have a client with a robust Wordpress blog that ranks well for a number of high-volume terms. We are doing a site rebuild, and they are adamant they don't want to lose any SERP ranking. However, their permalink structure contains the date the post was published, i.e. The date inclusion is not ideal for obvious reasons, but also because it's creating 404 links when pre-scheduling with Hubspot. Option 1: Change the permalink structure for all posts, past and future, and implement 301 redirects The only reason I'm not outright doing this is because there will be some slippage in the rankings, given that redirects only pass on a percentage of juice.  The client doesn't want any slippage. Option 2: Create a new instance of Wordpress in a new subdirectory and continue the blog from there This will mandate a new structure for the blog posts; now posts will be children of /industry-blog/ instead of /blog/, but the old posts will remain as they are under /blog/ (and with dates intact). But I don't know if this will cause some hierarchical confusion that will negatively impact both the old blog and the new blog. Any advice given is appreciated. Please feel free to correct me if I've gotten anything wrong, I've only been practicing SEO for a few years now.

    On-Page Optimization | | Marce521

  • Hi, My client has some strange urls appearing in GA which lead to error pages. Please see the following image: e.g URLs like /h/6445738.html I've used screaming frog to see if these pages exist on the website and I can't find them, anywhere. Therefore how are they coming up in GA? If anyone could please help I'd really appreciate it.

    Reporting & Analytics | | SolveWebMedia

  • I'm trying to rank for the keywords "Chicago General Contractor" My landing page is However, in Google a variant page on my site (How to apply for a General Contractor's license - that is optimized for "General Contractor License Chicago" is coming up first and the target page does not even seem to appear.  I've forced a google crawl of my site and the page still does not appear. I've used the moz on-page grader and results of the target page are good. I'm perplexed and wonder if google is preventing the target page from appearing.  Any thought on how to fix this?

    On-Page Optimization | | Drew.Friestedt

  • Our CMS creates Call-To-Action buttons that use a meta refresh to redirect and MOZ stops it's crawl. The MOZ crawler hits these redirects and is unable to pass to the desired URL and so reports issues. So could this be happening to other crawlers or will most indexing be unaffected by this method? Essentially, is using meta refresh as a redirect method bad for our SEO?

    Local SEO | | BLUEvennMOZ

  • Hi All, I recently did a 301 redirect. Page to Page and the notified google via its console. Its been 6 days since. The home page and one other high traffic page swopped out with the new domain on google search index with 3-4 drops in ranking for each. The rest of the sites pages have been indexed but still reflect the old domain when searched. Recently today my home page dropped even further to the second page of google index for the specific keyword. Can you share similar experiences and how long it took you to recover rank fully? and how long for all pages to swop out on google search's index? Regards Mike

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | MikeBlue1

  • My website is being indexed with both https - https with www. and no leader at all.  example.  https// and https// and 3 different versions are being indexed.  How would I begin resolving this?  Hosting?

    Technical SEO | | DigitalRipples

  • Hi All, We have a client with a Bing Maps listing with old photos on it that we can't seem to remove. The photos are being populated from other sites like Yelp. The kicker is, we didn't upload the photos to Yelp, a user did. We've messaged the user to please remove the photos and they haven't responded. Now Yelp won't let us contact the user again and we've already flagged the photos on Yelp weeks ago but they haven't been removed. We don't see a spot to flag them on Bing. Do you have any recommendations for how to remove these?

    Local Listings | | ReunionMarketing

  • I'm wondering what people recommend for linking from press releases; specifically, what kind of tracking parameters people add to their links, if any. My first thought is to add UTM tracking parameters for Google Analytics, but I have a few concerns: bloggers that copy our link from the release include the tracking parameters in the links from their site, which would only identify the traffic as coming from the release and not the specific sites UTM parameters in the link may make it look less natural to Google Also, I've considered using shortened URL's without parameters in the release that get 301 redirected to the relevant pages, which I thought might have a few benefits: the links look more natural (no tracking parameters) UTM parameters could be added as part of the redirect after the fact if the release attracted links from spammy sources for some reason I could kill the redirect, which I'm hoping would effectively kill the link My company doesn't rely on press releases for link building, which we understand to have been ineffective for a long time, but we do send them out occasionally and want the most effective links for tracking and SEO. I'd love to hear if anyone has thoughts on these assumptions, or if anyone has different linking strategies that they have found strike the right balance of SEO and tracking considerations. Thanks!

    Social Media | | Kyle_M

  • We noticed a huge spike in traffic this past Sunday and after some digging in our Analytics account, we saw that it was coming from kazooisyee (under the Network tab). This traffic had almost a 100% bounce rate and they spent an average of less than a second on our site. Does anyone know what this might be associated to? Is this one of those SEO site analysis sites? Any information on this will help a ton as my employer is rather concerned about this at the moment. Thanks!

    Reporting & Analytics | | Justine.Hedge

  • Hello, For the keyword Normandy cycling, it seems according to the result that people are looking for the bike routes. My question : can i rank indicating my favorite bike routes (personal routes) or doIi need to stick to what is already considered as the best biking routes in Normandy, the tour de Manche, the veloscenic, the velo Francette and so forth ? Thank you,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • Hi Guys, for the past several months, I get high volume of searches on a non-existing page /h/9249823.html. These searches come from all over the world from different domains and have a zero session duration. They are automatically forwarded to my home page. The source re Google Analytics is The full referrer is Any idea what is provoking this activity? Any chance it's screwing with my legitimate search results or rankings?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | Lysarden

  • Hi, im a newbie and im getting a bit overwhelmed by the information regarding setting up the blog. im sure that
    when people start off they tend to have very few articles , and their designs would be much different from
    what they have started? do people start off with hefty number of articles at the start? or can they progress
    with few articles for SEO purpose? and the most important thing is that what would the layout be 
    at the start of the website design, im sure they wont be any homepage displaying articles from different
    categories as there are only few articles so do we keep the blog page as the front page? please explain guys! thanks

    Content Development | | Jal__Jaun

  • Interested to know if anybody has any experience of FireCheckout Magento 1.9? The built-in Magento checkout doesn't seem to be mobile friendly and is a bit clunky, hoping to achieve a responsive checkout and a more user-friendly interface.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoman10

  • We are a company that sells pipe and fittings. An example of a part that someone will search for is : 3/4" PVC Socket I am not sure how best to represent the fraction in the title of the page that has such a product. I am concerned that if I use the forward slash it will be misinterpreted by search engines (although it will be interpreted properly by users). A lot of folk search for the product by the fraction size and so it would be good to be able to represent it in the title, but I don't want to get "punished" by confusing search engines. I could replace the forward slash with a hyphen or pipe symbol, but then may look a bit weird to our users... Any recommendations? Bob

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BobBawden1

  • I have a question about the Spam Score for my website .
    I have run a Spam Score for
    It has come back with an 80% score because there are 4 links that are apparently from my domain each with a 69% spam score.
    This domain is parked and I have no idea why there are links from it. There are no pages there and there never have been, I've never used the domain only
    I don't understand why there are links there and why they are making my Spam Score so high.
    Will they affect my site's SEO? Do I need to worry about them? If so how do I get rid of them?
    Can you help?
    Thanks very much Poppy

    Moz Bar | | PoppyP

  • Hello Moz Community, A friend of mine who runs an SEO agency uses a few tools to email dozens of websites a day in a semi-automated fashion. We share knowledge a lot, but I still don't know what he uses for this. Can anyone recommend a tool that would help find industry-relevant websites that could accommodate a backlink? I'm looking for a tool that will generate emails to the contacts for each website. Any suggestions would be appreciated! ps. If anyone has any other recommendations for tools for finding good industry-specific citations, please let me know! Thanks, Anton Vasiliv
    Creative Director

    Other SEO Tools | | Web3

  • Hello, We redirected our website about 3 months ago to https from http and noticed a drop in rankings after about 2 weeks. Unfortunately, our rankings have not yet recovered. Can anyone recommend a solutions? The website is Do we have to build a lot of new links to https if we currently have links that are pointing to http, for the most part? Also, could the switch effect anchor text links? For example, if we have a link to web design, but the links is pointing to http, instead of https, would that link have less value now? Thanks, Anton Vasiliv
    Creative Director

    Local Website Optimization | | Web3

  • Hello Everyone, I have just launched a new education website for the UK market. Its been a very long time since I did any link building or SEO. I dabbled in it for my own business almost 10 years ago and although I was (and I am) an amateur it was nevertheless very successful and effective. It felt like you could get some links and rank without throwing a huge amount of money at it. However, it seems a minefield now. It also feels like if you don't have deep pockets you don't have a hope in getting ranking. And my budgets are very limited. I am looking for advice in terms of what I should do to get this website to rank and get a decent amount of traffic. I am hoping Moz members can help me with this. I have a website which I published less than a week ago. It has now been indexed by Google. On a positive note, I believe its a very powerful exact match domain. And as its education, it has a lot of content or pages, which will only grow. I am happy to post the domain here, I don't know if I should? On the negative side of things, it obviously has no history or links. So if you were trying to rank a new website, what would you start with? What would you do first and second etc? Do people still get directory and forum links? Are they useful? It seems like its mainly blog articles now. Please educate me a little. I am trying to read up as much as I can. But there is a lot to take in. Thanks. Ryan

    Link Building | | RyanUK

  • My website is only a week old or so but I have no pages showing on the serps or at least in the first few hundred results! I have many other hobby websites that had pages in the top 100 results instantly and the niche of this new website is tiny and not saturated so it should be up there already! All pages are indexed but non showing in the results. it feels like I have been penalised or something but I don’t see how or why? my website is of anyone can see anything obvious that I am missing regards Andy

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Onlytopheadsets

  • Our annual hosting plan expires soon. Our website is hosted on a shared server. Is there an SEO benefit to hosting our site on a dedicated server. Could this result in faster download times which is a ranking factor? Our traffic is currently low (only about 20 visits per day). Thanks!!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Kingalan1

  • Hello, Does anyone know if creating a Google My Business website for a business using the GMB builder creates competition for that business's main, non-GMB website? Thanks.

    Local Website Optimization | | lawfather

  • Hello, I have a broken plugin creating hundreds of WP-Content directory pages being indexed by Google. I can not access the source code of these pages to add a noindex to them. The page URL's all have the plugin name within them.  In order to resolve the issue, I wrote a solution with javascript to dynamically add in a noindex tag to any URL containing the plugin name. Would this noindex be respected by Google and is there a way to immediately check that it is respected? Currently, I can not delete the plugin due to issues with it's php. If you would like to view the code: Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | Tom3_15

  • Hi! What resources do you guys use for App Store Optimization ? Specifically, where can I find information about keyword search volumes and how competitive the keywords are. Looking for something similar to SEOMoz but for the app store. Thank you!

    Other SEO Tools | | mlmoz

  • Hey there, I seem to have heard mixed results on this. We have a LOT of pages that we are trying to tell google are important. Does it make that big of a difference if those pages are linked in the homepage/header menu? Or mega menu for example? We are essentially a review site, so we potentially have thousands of links that could be implemented into the menu. Thoughts are greatly appreciated!

    On-Page Optimization | | HashtagHustler

  • News articles on are being indexed by Google, but not showing up for any search queries. In Google Search, I can copy and paste the entire first paragraph of the article, and the listing still won't show up in search results. For example, doesn't rank AT ALL for "DTCC Moves Closer to Blockchain-Powered Trades", the title of the article. We've tried the following so far: re-submitted sitemap to search console checked manual actions in search console checked for any no-index/no-follow tags Please help us solve this SEO mystery!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BTC_Inc

  • Advise needed please We have rankings coming along nicely with a website that uses page content but we now need to start online shopping with woo commerce The url structure has always been a bit of a mess, but its quite in depth We are looking to move small paragraphs about each product cat (formerly put on Pages) information into the Product Category and then the Product information into the product page and redirect the old urls to the new urls. It would mean updating the permalinks also - My concern if there is less leverage with product categories - do these rank just as well as pages, are we going to see our rankings change dramatically in doing so? Added to that - is it best doing this change gradually or all at once (like staging site to get the set up ready) and then pushing live

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | KellyDSD86

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