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Category: Image & Video Optimization

Explore how to optimize your website's images and videos for search.

  • If you perform a search in Google maps for our company and you are not signed in, it returns our Google + page, with reviews, photos, directions and about tabs, which is fine but, when you click on any of the photos, there is a window that opens to the right where you can edit the location where the photo has been taken, a comment box, photo details and above all, right at the top, MY NAME! Why my name? This is the business page, I don't want people to see that. The snip is below. Thanks! g3OTPRp

    | echo1

  • Converted site  to wordpress and having a bit of trouble with re-directs not redirecting. Could somebody tell me whether redirects go before the `# BEGIN WordPress` or after the # END wordpress or immediately after this bit - <code># BEGIN WordPress <ifmodule mod_rewrite.c="">RewriteEngine On RewriteBase /</ifmodule></code> section of the code within my htacess file? Just wondered if this is the cause of my problems! Cheers Ted

    | Jon-C

  • I realize that since content marketing is (or can be) a part of SEO, then it would logically follow that it's up to whoever is doing the SEO to create the content*. And when it's 1 person or a small group of people that work for 1 company, doing its SEO, that makes perfect sense. But I'm having a little trouble wrapping my mind around how that's supposed to scale up for an outside agency responsible for the SEO of 5 or 10 or 50 other companies. One of the biggest factors in my misunderstanding of the system is the reasoning for creating content in the first place. I absolutely understand how a professional in some field (let's say dentistry for example) could write up some insightful, accurate blog post about why flossing is great. After all, a dentist does (or should, hopefully) have a level of expertise on the subject that most people don't have. That blog post is a tangible addition of value to the website for anyone curious about the subject. But why would anyone want to read a blog post about wisdom teeth written by just some random person at a marketing company? If that person has the time to do a lot of research and BECOME something of an authority on the subject of dental care, then that's fine. But what if they also need to create content for clients that do plumbing, car repairs, and cooking? I don't really see how someone can become enough of an expert on enough subjects and still have any time to do the other parts of their job. Maybe I'm just expecting too much, but I sort of feel that the internet is already full enough of advice and information from people that have no idea what they're talking about, so content from someone that's not an expert (but is a marketing person that the expert hired) seems... frivolous to me. So to get back to the actual question, should/can an SEO ask their clients to create at least some of their own content, or is it the SEO's responsibility to generate all the content, even if it's not always stellar? Or is it just one of those "Could God make a rock so big that he couldn't lift it? Yes, he could, and then he would lift it" (or however that saying went) sorts of deals? Thanks for the feedback, this can all be kind of overwhelming for me at times. *"Creating content" in this specific case meaning writing blog posts, making videos, etc.

    | BrianAlpert78

  • Hi Everyone, I have been listing our website on various directories . We have a total of 70 stores though out New Zealand and I was wondering if there are any additional  SEO benefits  from listing each of the 70 stores and including the web link. Or will Google not acknowledge the additional links from the same site? Thanks, Pete

    | Hardley1

  • I'm looking for  a little help, because I'm stuck. I was taught that when doing geo specific title tags you must include the city the business is located in. For example,Dentist North Springfield, even if there is nobody searching for dentists  north boulder because everyone is searching for dentists boulder. As in they are considered one in the same. Can I optimize for Springfield or will I be penalized. Thanks

    | kevinp3

  • Hi, I have 5 new domain names related to my main business website. How can I utilize these domains for SEO purpose? Forwarding these domains to my current website will be useless as these are fresh domains. So how can I setup these websites in turn strengthens main site. Thanks TheFreshSEO

    | FlavoursMedia

  • Does a mobile site need backlinks to rank? Or are onsite factors the one and only here? And what are the most important "onsite" factors for mobile seo?

    | jameda

  • I have a client that used to come up on Google Places consistently for some very competitive keywords - when they ranked quite low for them through their normal website - places would see them above all the organic results in normally number 2 position - whereas they would rank between 16 - 26 normally We have optimised the site and have 'A' grade keywords for the ones we are interested in google placing for and just recently we are out of it all together, even though we have improved their optimisation for that word with SEO Someone said that their phone number on the website had to match perfectly with google places and so does their address.  Is this true?  Is there anything else that will help them keep their position in places ?  ie. setting up a Google + page etc., Any advise would be appreciated thanks

    | intermingle

  • We are considering using Wistia as a more SEO-friendly video solution. In our preliminary tests, we like what we see with the exception of one thing. There is no way for video users to toggle the interactive transcripts on and off. From an aesthetic viewpoint, our team finds the scrolling text extremely visually distracting. For usability and SEO purposes, we know that having the transcript there is important. Unfortunately in the embed codes, you are limited to either including the interactive transcript, or leaving it out. There is no mechanism to allow users to view it if they want to, but leave it off if they don.t Has anyone here created a workaround for this problem or found another solution, like Wistia, that has a more aethetically pleasing and user-friendly presentation of trascripts/captions? Thanks! Dana

    | danatanseo

  • Hello there! I'm wondering if there is any legalities involved with transcribing a video on YouTube and posting the transcription on a site that does not have the rights to the video while sourcing the video and giving credit.

    | OnlineMarketingGuy

  • I’m using a plugin to upload images directly from Adobe Lightroom to WordPress and while the process is very convenient it adds “wpid-“ to the beginning of every image file name, so my “seo-friendly-image-title.jpg” becomes “wpid-seo-friendly-image-title.jpg”. The plugin author claims that it’s a WordPress thing and there isn’t anything he can do about it, yet it doesn’t happen when using the same plugin to upload to the NextGen Gallery Plugin instead of the built in WordPress media manager. I’m not really a fan of NextGen though so I’d rather use the built in WordPress media management.  This is obviously an SEO forum not a WordPress troubleshooting forum, but I wanted to give a bit of background. My question is whether that “wpid-” at the beginning of all my image file names is going to cause any sort of SEO issue. If not, I won’t worry about it, but if it does I’ll have to either find another plugin or just go back to exporting from Lightroom to the desktop and then uploading through WordPress. Thanks in advance for any input.

    | StephenWeigel

  • An example: This doctors place shows up with reviews from, and Our business has reviews from yelp, and couple of other places. What am I missing and how I can make sure those links show up? Thanks RYWwZZk

    | nashk

  • Hi, I'm new to SEO and was wondering if I could get some pointers on how to earn back links for a relatively new site. Any suggestions will be appreciated.

    | greenfoxone

  • Hi All, I'm speaking to a local SEO meetup at the end of this month. If you were attending (hypothetically), what would you be most interested in hearing about for local search? The audience is a mix of SEO professionals, web developers, internet marketers, and business owners. I suspect that there will be a number of people who understand the foundations of SEO, though not all of them will be practiced at implementing it. I believe the number of people who get really indepth with Local is quite small. At the moment, I'm thinking about covering things such as: The local search universe in general--which data sources are doing what these days, where it's heading. Google Local+ recent changes Migration to Local+, data cleanup, merging (or not merging!), and other Local+ nuances Current ranking factors, and where I think they're going. I'd love to hear, and greatly appreciate, any ideas you might have. Cheers, Bede

    | BedeFahey

  • I have been using Facebook  for my website for some of my client, Previously it use to get ranked fast and I have one of my client of the very top for one of my clinets main keyword. I took another the same Nitch but in a different location, but they don't seem to be getting ranked.

    | joeuglyhat

  • Here’s an interesting one for you guys: We show up on page 1 for “Edmonton web design,” (our website is, however when you search for just “web design” in our city, we don’t seem to show up at all. I know Google is now placing a higher percentage or local companies in a search. So my question is: how can we show up better for a local search that is just “web design”? Does this just come down to domain authority & content or are there other key local factors at play?

    | Web3Marketing87

  • Hi Mozzers, Just recently came up with a situation where a business has a service area, but no address that would be displayed. Can you do citation building for a service area business like this, and if so, how? Would you just use the (otherwise hidden in Places) address? Thanks!

    | TechWyse

  • I changed the permalinks on our about page from to However somewhere on my site I have the old link on a page with the old url. How do find which pages have my old dead 404 link? Thanks

    | greenhornet77

  • Hi! I am having an issue with our business's Google+/Local/Places/whatever-the-heck-you-call-it-these-days page not showing up in search results. I work for a company called Nexxtep Technology Services. We are located in Valdosta, GA. We have a Google+ page that's filled out nicely and I would love it if it would show up next to the search results when you search "nexxtep technology services" or "nexxtep valdosta" in Google. For some reason, it does not. I have a feeling what might be a source of the issue...we have developed and hosted websites for clients, and we used to put a link to our site in the footer. Now, I know that's not a good thing to do. We don't do that anymore, and I have since removed those links from existing sites. I removed them almost 6 weeks ago now. Should I give Google a little more time to crawl these sites again? Any guidance would be tremendously appreciated. Thank you for your help!

    | nexxtep

  • I'm considering asking some of our clients to leave a Google review on places page. Currently we've focused more on LinkedIn recommendations but this has not impact on local search results. So my questions is what do our clients require to leave a Google review? Do they need a Google + profile? Do they need a Google + business page? Or would a personal gmail account suffice? Appreciate any feedback you have!

    | Nick_Johansson

  • Wondering how best to utilize the tags for images in Wordpress. I have these fields: Title Alternate Text Caption Description Is it important that I fill all of these fields in?  And for these fields - is it best to use hyphens or underscores for SEO? Thanks.

    | bigeyecreative

  • I hear there is a merging between Google Places and Google + but I still see a sign up page for Google Places is live? Could anyone tell me if I should be submitting to both Google + Local and Places please?

    | Clicksjim

  • I wondered if any UK based SEO's and link builders would be interested in creating a group to share best practice, trade link building tips and stuff that works well in the UK SERPS as opposed to the .com SERPS. PM me if interested Thanks

    | highwayfive

  • Hello, How can my client use the local listing backlinks like those in this article, but make sure no one stops by the office? Thanks.

    | BobGW

  • Hey there, Is it best to create an individual page for each store location? Or is it best to create one page and plot different locations? Thanks, Dan

    | Sparkstone

  • One of our websites had dropped dramatically in all of his major keywords over the past several days. He was ranked in the maps section in google (the old pages not the google plus pages) in the top 3 in his most important keywords and all of a sudden they dropped off the first page completely - not just down one or 2 places. Not sure what happened and how to fix it.. help please!!!

    | levylevy

  • Hi, Here is a quite simple question... that comes from a real life example. When a local business, with one phone number and one business location, has been promoting itself with up to 4 different names over the years. How do you handle local SEO? Do you try to update all pages (and directories) on the Web to the new name? Do you keep the existing records as they are and find some ways to show Google - and people - that those are all the same business? Thanks, Adrien O'Leary

    | AdrienOLeary

  • Hi, 3 weeks ago I uploaded a video to my page using wistia. Does anyone know how long google needs to get the video _snippet _in SERP? Thanks!!! video-snippet.jpg

    | petrospan

  • I used to enjoy the first place position for google places/local, and 30 reviews in the old pre-google local. I am a painting contractor in Seattle. Then in April 2012 I moved my shop six miles to a new location. My reviews were dropped and places moved to "pending" when I changed my address. I am now in my 8th month pending approval for my google places page: Seattle House painting local page I have drilled down and exhausted every resource; including verification, having all my citations exactly in a row. All my review sites like Yelp and angie's list are address/info accurate. I used Yext to check all my local citations. I am set to do not show my address as Google indicates is best practice. There is nothing I have missed...but I am still "pending". Do I need to hire a David Mihm? I am very frustrated seeing one competitor using multiple addresses and having two listings. Any help or insight greatly appreciated. shearer_painting_places_.png

    | johnshearer

  • Hey guys. When targeting a specific keyword that mentions a city (eg. Dover Used Cars) would it be a good practice to include that city in the URL when creating additional pages (eg. Thanks!

    | Web3Marketing87

  • My client is a personal injury lawyer with one office in a highly competitive major metropolitan area and another office in a very small town.  They are changing offices in the major metropolitan area in June and will have a new address. They are already doing well in serps related to the small town but are nowhere to be found in the metropolitan area serps. Currently I can find unclaimed listings in Google+ Local for both offices.  I cannot find any Google+ business page and they don't know of one. Given this information and the current state of Google+ how would you proceed to list this client? Specific questions include: *Would there be any straight SEO benefit of making a Google+ Business Page for them? *Would you claim the Google+ Local listing for the Metro office that is going to be moved in 5 months?  or would you wait until the office is moved then create a new Google+ Local listing?

    | JesseCWalker

  • A doctor of mine recently complained that his patient went on to his Google+ Local listing and submitted a review, but it never showed up. The patient can see it on his own page, but it's not viewable publicly. Any ideas or posts you've seen about this? Thanks! Tom

    | TomBristol

  • Perhaps a silly question but could someone please clarify if displaying a mobile number in the main site or Google places etc would hurt local SEO? Is having a regional landline/fixed telephone number a ranking factor? EDIT: This is for a UK site, does anyone have experience of this is UK please?

    | Clicksjim

  • If a small franchise with 15 locations implemented location pages for each location including address and phone then made them crawlable by the search engines and also accessible through a store locator, would this be counted as a citation for the location?

    | JoshuaRich6

  • Hey Everyone, I'm trying to get a video marked up on my (test) website and it is not working. I was hoping someone around here could lend a hand. the post is This is my first ever markup attempt. I assume I just put the markup that applies in the appropriate place in the wordpress post. I thought I had it setup right, and the google rich snippet testing tool told me it extracted some video data. I chose to rank for something without competition so I targeted "how to buy a car on jupiter, mars". The post shows up #1 for that term and some other related ones, but no video. I thought I had covered all my bases, can someone please take a peek and let me know if I'm screwing up somewhere? FYI, I don't have a video sitemap operating. Of the articles I read, it seemed a video sitemap was not mandatory. But regardless my brain has turned to mush on the subject so if I should/shouldn't use one pleas tell! Thanks

    | 3plains

  • Yahoo Directory and Best of the Web both come with a yearly price tag. Are they worth it for SEO purposes? What other paid Directories are still worth taking a look at to help in the search rankings?

    | bronxpad

  • So here is the problem that I am facing. The physical location of our business is located in a suburb of a large metro area market (which consists of 3 different cities). Our company services all of the cities located in the metropolitan area market. I have seen over the past year with Google+ and Google places that Google gives preference to businesses in local search based on their location (specifically to businesses that are located near the center of the city). My suspicions were confirmed by the following: In the past we went out and played the game where we purchased UPS boxes in our service cities so that we can compete in Google local search local (recommendation from a SEO company that we were using at the time). I did not really want to do that, but at the time it seemed as though we had no other option with how Google was ranking businesses in those markets. Now Google has caught on to this strategy and has killed those local listings. It is frustrating that Google assumes that a listing should have higher rank based largely on physical location. We never had the intent of violating Google policy, but what are we to do? Not trying to play victim but it is true. My question is how can we rank extremely well in local search for the different cities of the metro area considering that we are physically located in a suburb? Has anyone else successfully overcame this obstacle? Any ideas on how we can rank well in Google+/Google Places in these cities? Frustrated Business Owner.

    | dshelton

  • Most of my WordPress sites contain content that is supplemented with galleries. I've been using NextGen Gallery for a majority of them. I now want to switch to another plugin - which would involve recreating the galleries by re-uploading the images and they would be using an improved url structure. The pages receive a lot of traffic from Image Search but the images would have moved. Should I 301 every one of the old image links to the corresponding urls? The move to the new plugin is part of a content freshness and improvement strategy on some of the older pages but it also gives a massive UX boost to the pages which is very welcome. What do you think is the best course of action in this content removal/replacement situation?

    | williampatton

  • So I started at my company around six months ago.  I claimed the company's Google+ page, and have been actively updating it.  I also took the step of claiming the company's location in Google Places as well (yes, I know Google is shutting down Google Places in favor of Google+, but I figured it was a logical step to take anyway). Here's my dilemma: the company moved locations 2-3 years ago.  That old location is still appearing in Google Places, and it also has its own Google+ page.  Is there a recommended way to redirect that old location to our new office in Google Places and Google+?

    | ufmedia

  • So, You Tube allows plenty of room from descriptions.  I think 5,000 characters.  Google does a poor Closed Caption of our audio.  Should I also be adding accurate transcriptions to the description field in YouTube to help my Video SEO. What are the pro's cons and is it worth doing?

    | BlairKuhnen

  • I'd like to see if I can get some channels of ecommerce companies that are doing great videos about their product and service. I found this one from 2012 mozcon: Can we get some examples of ecommerce companies that are doing video right?

    | tylerfraser

  • Hello everyone, My name is Zachary Russell, and I run a Philadelphia based WordPress Development and SEO firm, ProTech Internet Group. I have been doing work lately, and have been neglecting the fact that my own site needs work, I have now changed that. I have done a complete redesign and started repurposting content to have a well-rounded content strategy that can appeal the the widest possible audience. My issue I'm having now is this: I have both a Google Places page and a Google +Local page for my business , Obviously duplicate listings are a problem, but I don't know which one to get rid of. They both have 0 reviews and limited +1s, I just don't know which one I should delete, and which one I should push to get more reviews moving forward. Also, moving forward, would it make sense for me to have a Google +Business and a Google +Local page?I don't know if this would cause any conflicts either. Thanks for your help and have a happy new year! Zach Russell President, ProTech Internet Group

    | Zachary_Russell

  • A client mistakenly put her business name in one of the directories with "In" after the name for" incorporated". She wants to remove the "In" because it just looks weird, but we cannot figure out how, its showing up in google local too now. She did update her infousa listing but that didn't help.

    | handsun

  • Hey there, One of our client contacted as stating that their Google ranking dropped. It was originally listed No.2 on the organic search result, but now it shows up only as Google Place instead, and the ranking is lower than before. Apparently it happens in Japan quite often nowadays, does it happen in your country too? Especially on Is it becoming a trend?

    | YukiTokuda

  • None of my images are being indexed by google. Here is a link to one of my site images : Its been uploaded for more then 5 days

    | spidersite

  • I know that adding one's city name in the business name and category tags for Google+ Local is a no-no.  And Google says so in its quality guidelines.  But what about in the business description?  I don't see that in Google's guidelines.  Can anyone clarify?

    | HammerandHand

  • Curious, we have a competitor on one of our sites and they have the following code. Can't figure out how they are beating us, thought this might be it. Or perhaps its because they have an older copyright on their site?

    | greenhornet77

  • I'm looking at integrating a better search engine solution on our site and looking for some input on what other people use. I'm aware of SLI Search and Lucene by Apache, do you have any other suggestions for us to look at? Thanks

    | JDatSB

  • Hey, I've read the art of seo (great book!) as well as numerous publications and blogs, forums, etc., but i cannot quite figure that. We are trying to improve the ranking for a website. Now, our partners don't want to tarnish their image, so we cannot use certain keywords, that we need to rank for (i.e. the users are looking for). With meta keywords being dead, what are the ways we can optimize for these keywords not being conspicuous? All onpage efforts seem vain. To be more concrete, let's say your site is selling widgets from brands A, B and C, and users will look for "widgets" in search engines, but A, B, and C don't want that you advertise/display "widgets" on your site, as it might hurt their brand image. Hos do you do that?!

    | Philoups

  • Hi i am starting to make some videos for my company like a tutorials for our products and i have some questions! What low budget service to choose for video hosting to have the best results for seo? I start with youtube because is google friendly but the ads are  very big problem for me! Then i had start to thing about Vimeo but I am worried if my videos gone lost from search results! What you thing about it?

    | petrospan

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