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Category: Image & Video Optimization

Explore how to optimize your website's images and videos for search.

  • I have a client who is a well known personality in a particular niche that I've done some general event and design work for, but he hasn't had interest in SEO or social help until this point. He is very displeased by the image that was chosen for his Google Knowledge Graph result when you search his name. The issue isn't due to a poor photo, but rather due to the site it links through to. Google has chosen to use a bio image for his Knowledge Graph result which links to an "anti-" site.  This site is opposed to the organization he leads. If you click on the image, it sends you to an image result page backed by an article which is full of misinformation and overall negativity about this individual.  The source is also listed under the image on the Knowledge Graph result, a source he doesn't believe deserves any publicity, especially in conjunction with his name. So, what best practices might you suggest should be employed to go about getting Google to choose a replacement image for his Knowledge Base bio?  Optimize his own bio page and bio image on his website?  Get an image on his Wikipedia page?  Create a G+ page with the bio image? Integrate the rel author syntax into his articles pointing back to his bio page? He doesn't want this to become a public matter, so he's against posting the issue to Google's Help Boards or reporting it in a public fashion. I'm not sure what should be the best first steps and top priorities for him and am hoping the SEOmoz team is starting to see some trends with Knowledge Graph.   Let me know your thoughts when you can.  Thanks so much! iLqNW iLqNW.png

    | windturbines

  • If I am running one business at one address and I start a new business what should I do to avoid triggering spam filters for having 2 businesses using the same address.  I've been told by an seo that I trust the best way to do this is create a suite #.  If I do this then I have to change all the addresses on the existing campaigns for the Primary business because if I create suite #'s it changes the primary's address by doing this.

    | NormanNewsome

  • Hi, What can i do to rank better in Google for local listings? im already ranking  number 1 for my keywords after local listings, but i really want to improve that, because im loosing a lot of traffic, I do have my business listed in, yelp etc.. and i constantly  build my link to google places plage. Thanks

    | vladraush99

  • Hi Look for a list for niche video directories for a non profit I am working for who have a good number of videos highlighting the good work that they do. No porn listing sites thanks... Cheers Tony

    | highwayfive

  • im working with gutter installation company, and we're ranking for all the top keywords in google. the only thing that we're not ranking for is for the map results, for the keyword "gutter ma" since we're located in Springfield ma, i thing Google considers certain areas from Boston, because its more center of Massachusetts, What can i do to improve my rankings in maps for this keyword, because i know it wont work with PO box since i need to confirm an address? Thanks

    | vladraush99

  • Hi everybody, we want to implement a cdn and I am not sure about, how to handle to old image-Urls. We move all our product-Images to one or more cdn hosts, while the old host (and the old image-urls, which are indexed very well) will stay alive, so I do worry about that dc-thing.... What would be the best way to handle this? Sending Canonicals  for the images? Redirects? Or nothing to worry about ? Thanx and all the best from here Hubert

    | wbseo

  • After searching through many local citation site I find that most only apply to the US. Are there any really good ones in Canada?

    | casper434

  • Hi Mozzers, I'm looking for recommendations for well known, reputable agencies, who have a strong background in Local SEO. I have a US based client I want to refer.

    | PerchDigital

  • Hello, A site in our industry is listing a bunch of cities on their home page and ranking for them. Like "Our dog training facility provides services to dogs in city1,city2,city3,city4,city5,city6 state" where the cities and states are relatively in their area. It's working organically, will this confuse google places? Thanks!

    | BobGW

  • Hi, I have been reading around but i still don't understand how we can rank better for local search listing from Google place. I have tried: Adding keywords to descriptions
    Adding the max of 10 photos And also get my customers to comment on my Google place listing leaving testimonials. Is there any tips? 🙂

    | chanel27

  • Hi, I wonder if a image can get indexed, included in google images if it is located on a html page with a no-follow tag? Thanks for your help.

    | wildnis

  • Hey guys, My client is having issues with his Google+ pages and I'm wondering if someone can shine some light on the issue for me... Basically the client has two businesses, both using the same residential address. The page was ranking well until a week ago, when it disappeared from search results and was listed in the dashboard as "Under Review." I've heard horror stories about this -- examples of Google taking months to review pages and make a decision, and I'm wondering if if might be better to just delete the under review pages and start over (hiding the address on the new listing to comply). Edward

    | edwardrj

  • I'm looking for a recommendation of a provider that can completely manage the submissions to Google, infoUSA, Localeze, and Axciom for a business with ~300 locations. Anyone have a good recommendation?

    | DotCar

  • I currently have a couple of blogs and I want to put a post on one of them and then copy it onto my other blog, but give the credit and the link back to the original (lose you yet?) I want to write a blog and publish it on my site ( After it's on the blog on my main e-commerce site, i want to copy it onto my wordpress blog ( What is the best way to accomplish this without creating duplicate content?  Is there a way to state on the second wordpress blog that this post originated from the ecommerce site? I could really use some guidance... Thanks

    | Prime85

  • Hello Everyone, I have taken a few clients recently that i'm doing local SEO for; I'm curious of what the best tool is for keyword tracking with local intent? I have heard things about WhiteSpark and MicrositeMasters, but I have no idea what is the best, is SEOmoz's tracking good for local? Thanks Zach

    | Zachary_Russell

  • Hi, I have the following issue. I'm doing marketing for a restaurant. There used to be 2 restaurants under the same owner, but they ended up splitting. Now these two locations are completely different owners. The issue is that the google places listing is currently pointing to the same website. How can I change the website address of this listing without having access to the email that was used to create it? Thanks

    | vlad_mezoz

  • Hi I have a client who is service-based and goes out to his local customers' homes to conduct his business. He operates from home so does not want to show his home address, he also has a number of local telephone numbers that divert to his mobile. I was wondering which type of category to put his business into, my ideal would be local business but for that I need to add the address the question is can I still hide the address the way you used to in the old format or is there other recommendations to optimise his local placement?

    | AllieMc

  • I have created an infographic using I want to upload this to my blog but I'm just concerned whether Google will see it as an image or will it be able to read all the text that is on it. Any thoughts?

    | AAttias

  • Earlier this month I asked a private question on the use of schema for service area pages on a home improvement contractors website. The question led to Miriam Ellis giving me some great ideas about creating content for pages specific to the clients service area. The goal here would be to rank for [roofing contractor + city] using a URL similar to: A great idea Miriam gave me for creating content for these pages: Showcasing a previous project in that city/town with a well-written project description, photos, videos and client testimonials. Her advice is excellent and I wanted to share it with you. I also wanted to open up the discussion and see what others have had success with. If the company is relatively new, and doesn’t have the work history to create pages such as this, what would you do?

    | WilliamCarr

  • Hi There, I have a client who's runs three nuseries (pre schools)  A, B and C and has three differen googe+ pages all with different addresses so no problem there. However I noticed that if I clicked on on of them in the Google places account settings listing A would show the details of listing B and not it's own. Thinking this was a glitch I deleted listing A and was about to set up another one. I entered the phone number and it brought up the details to the listing B as sharing the same phone number. Is this is what's causing the issue? Can businesses share the same phone number in the same locality and have two different listings, despite having two different addresses? Kind Regards Neil

    | jmaycock

  • I am planning on placing some short how to videos on my site. My question is what is the best way to implement video. Youtube Vimeo Self Hosted Video How do I ensure that the video can be viewed by all devices if it is self hosted?

    | bronxpad

  • Ok- I have ten different you tube videos, i have done some article marketing, blog commenting, press releases, bookmarking, web 2.0. My videos are in highly competitive niches and i have some success with my videos for short time period. But it had been very difficult journey so far. Can someone give me the sound strategy for back links for youtube videos?

    | Sajiali

  • Hi I had a Google Places listed fully completed 100% and was ranking well in the local search results.  However since it has been converted to a Google+ Local page it is not ranking like it used to and the main problem I can see is that the address is now incorrect on theGoogle+ local listing However it wont let me change the address? yet when I click on manage this page and view the listing under Google Places the address is correct? Any ideas on how to resolve this?

    | ocelot

  • I want to use this SEO mOz for youtube videos.

    | Sajiali

  • Hi Friend, I have a question and hope you can help me answer. What is the best way to get rid of negative reviews or get the rating higher. Is it possible to get bad reviews removed from Google places? Quality Excellent: 3 Quality Good: 1 Quality Poor to fair: 4 Score Overall 10 out of 30: Poor to fair. Thanks in advance. KLLC

    | KLLC

  • Hello, I am wondering if the canonical warning should be seen as something wrong in terms of SEO and Google, and therefore the similar contentatr pages must be eliminated to only one page, or if the canonical could be mantained, Thx a lot Antonio

    | aalcocer2003

  • I am planning on launching a local SEO campaign in RU, DE, UK, AU, SW, FR and ES... is using UBL and/or localelize worthwhile for me or are those US focused services?

    | theLotter

  • It's been 18 days since I launched my new website, how should I wait be fore I start to worry. Is it natural for this kind of drop, should I go back to my original splash page?

    | KristopherWho

  • Is it Possible to submit multiple sites on Google places with single phone number? If you then please tell me how? Because i have multiple site but i have one phone number and i want to add all of my sites in google places. But i don't know how it is possible. Please help me to sort it out this problem. Thanks

    | KLLC

  • Hi Folks, How to compete against the big SEO-powered pages like Yellowpages in the SERPs? I mean, they have thousands of Rd -> Rd Links as well as super Page and Domain Authority. How has a let's say Dentist or Electrician a decent chance to compete against those? Does Google give credit to them because of the Content they have on their page? These yellowpages totally take the fun out of it for my clients. Answeres would really much appreciated. Thank you. For me it feels like Don Quijote.

    | gooddy

  • Hello All, I have trawled the internet, but can seem to find the answer to this question: "How will Google integrate multiple Google+ Local pages with one Google+ Page?" A bit of background to this. I work for a company that started online, but has since moved into retail stores. We currently have 14 stores around the UK. Now each of these stores has a Google+ Local page which were automatically converted over from the old style Google Places pages. I have read that these pages should be integrated with our regular Google+ account. All of the examples I have read about seem to relate to offline businesses that have moved into online, rather than online business that have moved into physical retails stores. And these examples are just one store, one Googe+ Local listing & one Google+ business page. That seems simple enough... but what about multiple locations?! Do I just need to sit on my hands and see what happens? Or are there things I can be doing now? Cheers for any help! Rich

    | JBGlobalSEO

  • Hello mozzers, I would like to encourage visitors that come to my site's client to review their google places listings. In order to do so, I need the Google places badge or seal (if it exists) to place it on their website. Does anyone know if it is available or not? If it sn't available what should i do to encourage Google places reviews? Thanks

    | Ideas-Money-Art

  • I'm having a dilemma about targeting different cities and services. My client has offices in different cities but the services offered are the same. Let's say for divorce, the current url structure is website/city1/divorce website/city2/divorce website/city3/divorce 6 different locations so that makes 6 different divorce pages. They offer 13 services so there are 7 different pages of each of the 13 services targeting different cities. I hope I said that clearly but I guess you know what I mean. My problem is the pages are kinda competing with each other since all of them are about the same topic. It also messes up the internal linking since sometimes you link to one city using the anchor text "divorce" and then link to a different city later on using the same keyword. Any advice on how to target different cities and services better? I was thinking of subdomains in order to target the different locations without having competing pages but I'm not sure if it's a good idea. That way each site is stand alone. What do you think? Thanks!

    | spersily

  • hello, i have 21 sites , if my keyword have Keyword Difficulty Score 50 to 60 , then what kind of link build for get rank?

    | Brayvez

  • I rank first for my brand "example" on But my product pages simply don't rank. Frankly, I don't know where they rank, but it's not top 40. They are indexed, as searching "" returns all my site's pages. My product pages are outranked even by some of my shorter blog posts about the product. My product pages are the only ones on the site that use a folder/directory in the url.**/products/**product-one is nowhere but this is the main product page. Is the fact that the product pages are with the slashes a red herring and I should be looking for anther cause? Or is google saying, well these product pages are the only ones in these sort of path and therefore we'll treat them as secondary sources? Thanks

    | Brocberry

  • I recently watched a webinar on seomoz that said that panoramio was great for local search and that you should upload photos into google places from panoramio. I have tried it several times and on several different computers and have got the same response: We are unable to store your image at this time. Does anyone know why this is? Thanks. David

    | dmweinberg2

  • We have made a seriers of videos, shouled we link them together in the description or in the video itself on youtube for favorable results? What else cn we do to help other that writing a good quality description, use the customize options in youtube and then place the embed for the video on a content rich page about the subject. Ofcourse the keyword is in the first part of the title, and we use keywords as anchor text back to the video page. Also make sure it is in a good video sitemap? Other than that, what do you suggest? p-3VepAtpvk

    | jdcline

  • Recently I have been working to solve an issue where we rank number 2 for "Web Design Memphis" yet we do not appear on the first few pages for the keyword "web design." Several of our local competitors appear on the first page without the geo keyword. What can be done to solve this issue? I am not searching incognito and Google is recognizing my locality. Why is the competition able to rank on the first page without the geo keyword and we are not? Thanks for your feedback!

    | speakcreative

  • all keywords are down all of a sudden. Any input will be appreciated. Everything was just working fine. Was that a result of Panda or Penguin update? Under webmaster there is no yellow question mark. Everyhting looks good in "Onpage" optimization. SOS.

    | tanveer1

  • Hi Mozzers, I need a judgement. I've been approached by a deck building company whose business is local. They do have an existing web site, but almost no content or indexed content. Their visibility online is very close to zero. They are also a seasonal business, with people getting interested in decks from April through June by which time they would be expecting a result. There is one very large competitor and many smaller ones. This gives me 6 months, starting from very close to scratch. Would you take it on? Discussion and debate welcome.

    | waynekolenchuk

  • My company sells very geographically specific products online.  We have local offices in cities connected to the product and they are labeled with terms such as "florida widget". Could I use local SEO and add my website link to Google maps, etc... with the local address or is that not allowed since the products are not sold in the physical local office but rather online?

    | theLotter

  • i am searching a tool which shows me the price ranking of my products in google shopping. that means when i type in a product which i sell in google shopping on which place is my ranking for this product. google has a free api to read this out but i just cant find a service that shows my ranking.

    | droelfzwuenf

  • We're in process of moving to We're upgrading all the software packages, adding features, etc. One of the things we're going to do is gradually add a lot of video reviews to our site (400+). All the videos are going to be hookah/shisha related of course. Should we host the videos on YouTube and put them on related pages in our website? (We have a hookah wiki section with a different page for every shisha flavors, hookah, etc). or Should we host it on another platform or our own server? SEO. I don't know how where we host the videos affects the ranking of those Wiki pages that the videos would be posted. View count. I think YouTube has a large number of viewers which would mean a lot more people will see our videos. That being said will that be mainly good for brand building? Or will I actually be able to put links on those pages and drive traffic to our site too? Thanks

    | Heydarian

  • I just posted a question as a comment on this blog post ( and realized I probably should have asked the question here because it is really SEO-related. We are in the process of transcribing all of our videos. Can you someone recommend how best to post the transcript file on our product pages? For example, here's a product page that has a video review on it:  Would it be best to  post a link to the transcript file or insert the iframe transcript file from (in that case wouldn't be getting credit for our original content?) or, should we just let our captions on the YouTube stream from there (which is what's happening right now)? Will Google still crawl the transcript if the only place it's available is on YouTube? If so, doesn't YouTube get credited for that content, and not our site?  Even if we do post a trascript on the page, if it appeared at YouTube first, wouldn't YouTube get credit for the original version? We want credit for that content...just not sure how to get it? I understand that moving to would probably solve most of these issues. What I'm trying to figure out is how best to handle new transcripts for existing videos over at YouTube?

    | danatanseo

  • Hi Mozzers, I have a client that have multiple franchises nationwide. All of them have their google places accounts serving their area. I have an issue regarding one of them that used to   rank in position 2(places ranking). After 2 months ranking so high, it suddenly disappeared. I tried to be patient and hoped it would come back again but nothing happened. Since this account was under a master account (with many other places account), I thought it would be a good idea to suspend the one in the master account and create a new one under a unique gmail account. Guess what, it s still not showing up!! I don't know what to do! I have reviewed the Guideline and the listing seems to follow the guideline. I may be not aware of a major google update on places though. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks Ty

    | Ideas-Money-Art

  • Hi guys, We're trying to get Rich Snippets for videos on our pages. I feel comfortable-ish with getting this set up, but I have a few questions. I was wondering whether anyone had any experience with this? Is there any additional markup to the <video>tag to get rich snippets</video> How do you handle multiple qualities - i.e. HD? Does the ogg and mp4 file need to be included? Any help/links to articles would be really helpful. Thanks!

    | tomcraig86

  • Hello, I am wondering how you would suggest handling a company name change as it relates to a Google Plus page that is already setup and getting listed. Our company went through a name change this year and we want to update that info on our G+ page. Of importance to us, is that we have several excellent reviews that we don't want to lose. So, is the best way to handle this for us to go in an simply adjust the info on our G+ page or will we have to kill our current page and start over - losing our reviews? I would especially love to hear if you have experience with this scenario or a similar one. Thanks in advance.

    | kbates

  • We get very little search traffic from the images on our site & I can't necessarily figure out why? We post a ton & tag them correctly, we've got to be missing something? We are a Wordpress blog, can anyone provide some quality articles on Image search or have suggestions that should help to get more traffic? Our site does fairly well, as we get over 100k/visits a month, so we'd really like to get more traffic from our images.

    | seointern

  • How to use web 2.0 properties for SEO.IF we are posting articles to Web 2.0 do we need publish one article to all web 2 sites or unique articles to each web 2 site ?

    | innofidelity

  • HI All, For some reason Google is not displaying the suite # for a client of mine in Google+ / Places.  I've entered the suite # in the back-end of Google+ / Places and it shows there when I log in, but the public version of the listing omits it. So the question is, should the NAP in other directories omit it as well?  Google knows it exists, but is choosing not to publish it... Thanks! Zack

    | HammerandHand

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