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  • I don't know how technical I need to get here, but the mozbar has shown no data for PA and DA for over a week now. Also, the bar tells me to login within the search query version of the mozbar...  Even after I have logged in many times and the cach remembers me on the login page. I would love some assistance here from Moz directly.

    Link Explorer | | aaronmoskowitz

  • I have a custom made blog with boat loads of undesirable URLs in Google's index like this:
    .com/resources?start=170 I've identified this is a source of duplicate title tags and had my programmer put a no index tag to automatically go on all of these undesirable URLs like this: However doing a site: search in google shows the URLs to still be indexed even though I've put the tag up a few weeks ago. How do I get google to remove these URLs from the index? I'm aware that the Search Console has an answer here but it says that blocking with meta tags should work. Do I just get google to crawl the URL again so it sees the tag and then deindexes the URLs? Or is there another way I'm missing.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Rich_Coffman

  • We are using Google Search Console to monitor Crawl Errors. It seems Google is listing errors that are not actual errors. For instance, it shows this as "Not found": So the page does not exist, but we cannot find any pages linking to it. It has a tab that shows Linked From, but if I look at the source of those pages, the link is not there. In this case, it is showing the front page (listed twice, both for http and https). Also, one of the pages it shows as linking to the non-existant page above is a non-existant page. We marked all the errors as fixed last week and then this week they came up again. 2/3 are the same pages we marked as fixed last week. Is this an issue with Google Search Console? Are we getting penalized for a non existant issue?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | TapGoods

  • I have an ecommerce marketplace that has new items added daily. In search consoloe my pages have always gone up almost every week. It hasn't increased in 5 weeks. We haven't made any changes to the site and the sitemap looks good. Any ideas on what I should look for?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | EcommerceSite

  • We have three sites hosted on the same server with the same IP address. For SEO (to avoid duplicate content) reasons we need to redirect the IP address to the site - but there are three different sites. If we use the "rel canonical" code on the websites, these codes will be duplicates too, as the websites are mirrored versions of the sites with IP address, e.g. and What's the best ways to solve these duplicate content issues in this case? Many thanks!

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | Jade

  • I have followed some of the discussions about Yoast and the news plug-in, but have not found specific information about the use of meta properties. One of our competitors is successfully using about 15 meta properties to gain news ranking. They list the publisher as Facebook. Is this coding part of the Yoast package or hard coding? As an example:

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | jgodwin

  • Hello, I have two very similar pages. The first page is an apartment rental page with a map, rental listings and some neighborhood data below. The neighborhood data includes useful info about the area with photos, text about the area, crime rates, avg. rental rates, etc. The second page is a neighbourhood guide that includes virtually the same data as the rental page, but in longer form ie. more photos, more text, etc. I want the rental page to rank, while ranking the neighborhood page is not important as it would be used more for link bait. But since the information on the two pages is the same, I don't want them to compete with each other. I'm thinking of putting a cannonical tag on the neighborhood page pointing back to the rental page. Is that the correct thing to do in this instance? Thanks for your help. J

    On-Page Optimization | | torontojon

  • After having read this thread, the answer seems to be a tentative "Yes", but I am curious if I am doing this wrong, or causing myself problems, for a specific situation. We have a thread on the forums that has over 50,000 views for that thread alone.  No doubt many people have linked to it across the web, and it ranks very well with Google.   But we are dealing with a major problem in that the main portion of our site (home page and core content) which are the most important, aren't ranking in Google at all. A big part of this is because that part of the site hasn't been updated in years, whereas the forum is updated daily. By users. We've begun putting out quality content in our News Center lately, and hoping to start boosting its presence in Google.  We have an article on the exact same topic that the forum thread covers.  I was thinking of putting a canonical on that thread, pointing to the article, and hopefully pointing some very powerful link juice, popularity, and traffic into our news center articles.   People can comment there as well if they like. Are there any potential downsides to doing this?  My hope is that the forum thread loses rankings and the article takes on its rankings. Thank you.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | HLTalk

  • Hi, I hope you can help. And if this has been answered before, I apologise. Just spent two hours searching but couldnt find much at all. So I have this website, and it ranks in the top 10 for around 150 keywords. Its fairly niche market for targeting the UK market, but subject is for a local area, its got a good optimised site, no link issues, works well, good UI etc. Problem I have is this. It used to get a fair amount of organic traffic a few years ago to generate around 30 leads a day, and back then that was from just one keyword. Today, we may get one a lead a day from organic even though we rank for a lot more keywords and our exposure all round is good. However, we also pay for adwords to make up for the lost leads, the same keywords we are ranking for organically! So we bid on adwords and get our 30 leads with the same keywords and monthly search volume as we have organically, yet we dont get any leads for those keywords organically. So Adwords produces leads, organic doesn't, but they are the same keywords and rank next to each other. How does that work? So my question is, why do our organic keywords that rank just under the adwords that we bid for, with the same monthly searches, only give us 1 lead a day (when they used to give us 30) and adwords now give us 30 leads a day? Thanks James

    Paid Search Marketing | | jaimo693

  • Hello All! I have an issue. I have a local business with multiple addresses, In order to start doing some conversion optimization I need to know where are the leads coming from, my assumption is that part of the leads come from phone calls directly from the google my business listing that appears in the local pack and some come from the website itself. Here's where the problem lays, I cannot understand how many calls come from each platform, Google My Business analytics provides a very high number that doesn't fit with my reports (i have a CRM that can track calls), the numbers are inflated in hundreds of %. The solution i thought of was implementing a different phone number in my website to track the leads, the problem is the NAP, which will be different. Another solution I thought of was implementing an additional phone number in Google My Business, and adding that additional phone number to the local landing page, displaying the new phone number as the main number on the page and leaving the old number in the schema markup. Does this solution seems fit? do you have another suggestion?

    Local Listings | | OrendaLtd

  • Below are some images. Is anybody else having similar problems? VdbuVaA.png 8yamynB.png

    Moz Bar | | Edward_Sturm

  • I've read in many articles that pages can "pass" rank to other pages internally. Is anyone aware of any well done internal linking case studies which confirm this? If my homepage has the strongest Page Authority, would linking to another page deeper into my website from my homepage boost my rank for the deeper page in Google (more so than linking to the deep page from a page with lower page authority)?

    Technical SEO | | poke1

  • We've have been facing a strange issue with our Organic Image Search Traffic since July month, 10th July 2016 to be precise. There is a significant decline in our Organic Image Search Traffic that we can see in our Google Search Console Account, We have noticed a sudden drop (Almost 80%-90%) in our daily clicks through image search in Google Search Console, Does anyone here have any idea why this has happened suddenly though everything is same as it was before and we haven't done any changes in image names and images path. IWPbQ

    Algorithm Updates | | tigersohelll

  • here is my website  with fresh content and with proper on page seo but if i will do some off page seo then google will give penality to me because my one website got deindexed so how can i rank this?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | SEORAMAN

  • Hi. I signed up for your free trial and forgot to cancel. However, as you can see, I haven't used your service in any way within the trial. I love SEOMoz and would love using it once my site's set up but not today. I want to cancel my subscription and ask for a refund ($149).

    Product Support | | sgtheosia

  • In the comment discussion for Thursday's blog post, An Essential Training Task List for Junior SEOs, there's been mild debate around some of the items, such as having a Junior SEO build a website by hand. It's a fantastic comment discussion (the kind that makes a blog manager's heart sing), and it's got me thinking. We've all gone through the wringer when it comes to boosting our careers. Heck, I was a poetry major and found myself learning SQL last week. What hurdles have you jumped that have been painful and challenging, but have taken your career to the finish line? Maybe even gotten you the gold?* What would you recommend to newbies just starting out (or warn them about)? *Yeah, I got Olympic about it. I went there. 🙂

    Industry News | | FeliciaCrawford

  • My website has a login that has HTTPS pages. If the visitors doesn't log in they are given an HTTP page that is similar, but slightly different. Should I sure a Rel Canonical for these similar pages and how should that be set up? HTTP to HTTPS version or the other way around? Thank you, Joey

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | JoeyGedgaud

  • Is there a way to add versioning to an xml sitemap? Something like <version>x.x</version> outside of the <urlset>?</urlset> I've looked at a bunch of sitemaps for various sites and don't see anyone adding versioning information, but it seems like it would be a common issue - I can't believe someone hasn't come up with some way to do it.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ATT_SEO

  • I am working on SEO for a Shopify store.  Their products are very similar, hence the pages are so similar that Moz shows them as duplicate content.  The only difference in the product pages is the title and model number.  I am going to "go for the gold" and try re-writing all the product descriptions.  It's incredibly difficult due to the products being nearly identical with just a minor variation.  I know I could go down the road of just creating variants --- but the customer is not down for that. Here's my question:  what constitutes duplicate content?  80% of the content, 90%???? If I can going to re-write the descriptions, what should I aim for? Thank you!

    On-Page Optimization | | steve_linn

  • Wondering if there are any webinars or websites available to help me better understand and break down the different categories and what they specifically mean when you run a website through the Compare Metrics in Moz?

    Link Explorer | | MainstreamMktg

  • Hi There, Wondering if anyone has any other tools they would recommend using for finding out keyword traffic on websites. Currently (and I'm sure like most), my website is connected to Google Analytics and Google Search Console. My biggest frustration becomes the "(not set)" variable that appears when I go to review the keywords section. It's always such a large number and I have no way of finding out what people might be typing in and coming across my website. Of course, I understand the privacy factor as to why Google must do this but it's certainly difficult to analyze what's working and what's not. Any tips, tricks or suggestions are greatly appreciated! Thanks, Lindsay

    Reporting & Analytics | | MainstreamMktg

  • Hi all, I have searched the web for a tool that can tell me if more than 1 landing page is ranking for a single keyword. I have noticed sometimes that a single keyword query can trigger up to 3 landing pages within the 1st SERP. I found an old bookmarklet from Lunametrics that might do the trick using Search Console data, but the link is no longer working. Any other pointers, or can Moz do this as well? Thanks!

    Moz Pro | | rodelmo4

  • Hi, a local non-profit recently re-branded their name from MacDonald Center to Maybelle Center. When they updated their business information their website link disappeared. They've updated from within and dashboard to no avail. We've requested edits/updates via Google Map maker but it says Denied. Here's a URL for the SERP result. Note the button for "website" would normally appear by the button for "directions" center portland&oq=maybelle center portland&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i59j69i61.4316j0j7 Can someone please explain why this is happening and how we can fix it? They are a great community organization who's about to receive some media coverage and we'd really appreciate it if users hearing about the group be able to easily access their new website. They are aware of their duplicate listings but, typical of non-profits, have limited time and funds so are prioritizing to address more urgent issues first. However, I don't believe duplicate listings would cause such an issue but please let me know if I'm wrong here

    Local Listings | | Flock.Media

  • For our law firm, we have a Google Local listing for the firm (Riddell Law LLC).  Google also created a local listing for one of the attorneys (Riddell) (we didn't create it, but are in the process of verifying it).  Both listings are at the same address.  Moz Local says these are "duplicates" - is that true?  Would Google penalize us for this?  I am not sure how to fix it - both the individual attorney and the business are in fact at the same address. If anyone has any advice I would greatly appreciate it!  Thank you!!

    Local Listings | | bpurdue

  • Hi, While looking for link opportunities for my client in the shoe business, I came across a page of a running club's website that hosts discounts for members of the running club. To actually view the content of the page you must be logged in. When not logged in all you can see is the sign-up page and a message asking you to log in. Would this link be at all useful in terms of SEO or would crawlers not be able to view the page content as well? Thanks!

    Link Building | | RickyShockley

  • the original article was created with: /posts/shippers-looking-for-freight-brokers/ How can I fix this so a new URL is not created every time I add a tag to a new posting?

    On-Page Optimization | | treetopgrowthstrategy

  • I was searching Walgreen and I noticed a link next to business link in the results. You click on it and it's a breakdown of the business - business bio. How does that appear? Is there something that can be done to have it display? Image attached. 1pPgD

    Branding | | Kdruckenbrod

  • I just ran a robots.txt file through "Google robots.txt Tester" as there was some unusual syntax in the file that didn't make any sense to me... e.g. /url/?*    
    /url/* and so on. I would use ? and not ? for example and what is ? for! - etc. Yet "Google robots.txt Tester" did not highlight the issues... I then fed the sitemap through and that tool actually picked up my concerns. Can anybody explain why Google didn't - or perhaps it isn't supposed to pick up such errors? Thanks, Luke

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | McTaggart

  • Hello Moz Community, A while back I noticed in Google Search Console that the volume of impressions and clicks dropped off a cliff. I also noticed that this was for primary head keywords that generally had a decent volume of impression share. The natural initial reaction was 'oh, I must have lost those rankings' but upon checking I realized these rankings are still in existence. Admittedly most are page 2 or 3, but still within the confines of being captured in GSC. Is there a logical reason why these keywords have just gone from search console? An example keyword would be something like 'online football management game' and the website is There is 0 queries in my search console data that includes the word 'football'. Thanks, Ben

    Reporting & Analytics | | melaniedsg

  • Hi, awhile back I decided to make separate website contact pages by location and Google Business listings(some being just a service location with no address displaying) for Greenshield Pest Control Inc to help better target per city key term searches. Please refer to screenshot A and B A) Searching "pest control belleville" brings up the Belleville Greenshield business listing in the top 3 as desired. B) Searching "pest control brockville" brings up the Kingston Greenshield listing in the top 3. While they do provide service for the Brockville location we don't have a dedicated Brockville service location and listing setup. I'm happy the Greenshield listing shows up in the search for case B but my question is does anyone know why Google decided for two out of the top 3 listings(Greenshield and Enviro Guard Plus Inc) to use a non-Brockville business listing? Kingston is 45mins away from Brockville and Harrowsmith about 1 hour away. Is there a certain distance range a Google business listing has to be for it to have a chance to be included in the search besides the actual city I'm searching for?

    Local Listings | | FPK

  • Hello big-brained Moz folks, We recently used Open Site Explorer to compile a list of inbound linking domains to one of our clients, alongside domains linking to a major competitor. This competitor,, is dominating the search results with many #1 rankings for highly competitive phrases, even though their onsite SEO is downright weak. This competitor also has exponentially more links(602k vs. 2.4k) and way more content(indexed pages) reported than any of their competitors, which seems physically impossible to me. Linking root domains are shown as 667 compared to 170 for our client, who has been in business for 10+ years. Taking matters a step further, linking domains for this competitor include such authoritative domains as: Sure, I can see getting a few high profile linking domains but the above seems HIGHLY suspicious to me. Upon further review, I searched CNN, The Guardian and PBS for all variations of this competitors name and domain name and found no immediate mentions of their name. I smell a rat and I suspect APB is using some sort behind-the-scenes programming to make these "links" happen, but I have no idea how. If this isn't the case, they must have a dedicated PR person with EXTREMELY strong connections to secure this links, but even this seems like a stretch. It's conceivable that APB is posting comments on all of the above sites, along with links, however, I was under the impression that all such posts were NoFollow and carried no link juice. Also, paid advertisements on the above sites should be NoFollow as well, right? Anyway, we're trying to get to the bottom of this issue and determine what's going on. If you have any thoughts or words of wisdom to help us compete with these seemingly Black Hat SEO tactics, I'd sure love to hear from you. Thanks for your help. I appreciate it very much. Eric

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | EricFish

  • Let's say you have a page on your website which displays the current discounts available for iPhones. The page is a list of deals with buttons to reveal a promo code. Would adding contextual content to these pages improve rankings? If the main keywords are already on the page, such as "Save 20% on iPhone 5 with this great iPhone coupon code" where iPhone coupon code is the target keyword. Does it still make sense to put 500+ words of contextual content on that page, even when the content isn't really something the viewer cares about? I've noticed websites doing this, and ranking well. I wanted to know if this is a significant ranking factor or just a coincidence.

    Technical SEO | | poke1

  • Greeting Mozzers. I have a question for the community, which I would appreciate your input on. If you have a single gTLD that services multiple countires, what do you think is the best homepage UX for the root homepage and why? So the example would be you own website and target content to Germany, Japan and Australia with content through the folder structure eg. If someone comes to the from a region, would you: Redirect them based on location IP – so if from Germany they land on Let them land on the homepage which offers location selection Let them land on a page with content and offer location selection eg. pop-up or obvious selection box Something I’ve not thought of… I'd appreciate your input. Thanks

    International SEO | | RobertChapman

  • Just read this: "The location of a Sitemap file determines the set of URLs that can be included in that Sitemap. A Sitemap file located at can include any URLs starting with but can not include URLs starting with" here: Yet surely it's better to put the sitemaps at the root so you have:
    and so on... OR this kind of approach - 
    (b) http://example/com/sitemap.xml and I would tend towards (a) rather than (b) - which is the best option? Also, can I keep the structure the same for sitemaps that are subcategories of other sitemaps - for example - for a subcategory of I might create - or should I add a sub folder to turn it into Look forward to reading your comments - Luke

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | McTaggart

  • I've got a client that only shows pricing if a user is logged in - they're B2B and only sell at a wholesale level. The site is massive, has been around for about a decade, and has had an active SEO campaign for years. They've been losing ground on top ranked keywords, primarily in the 1-2 spots, rest of the first page remains strong and actually improves regularly.My hunch is that Google recognizes the inability for anyone to make a purchase on the site. As a result, they're realizing that the searcher intent doesn't match the actions that can be taken on the site and are bumping them down. Has anyone seen a similar situation or have any evidence to suggest my hunch is correct?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | LoganRay

  • My website (a large professional one) uses a interesting menu system.  When a user hovers over text (which is not clickable), then a larger sub-menu appears on the screen, when they hover over something else, then this sub-menu changes or disappears.   This menu is driven by a hash(#), which makes me wonder.  I this giving my sub-pages an SEO kick? Or... is there another way that we should be doing this in order to get that SEO kick?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | adamorn

  • Hi, I am banging my head against the wall regarding the website of a costumer: In "duplicate title tags" in GSC I can see that Google is indexing a whole bunch parametres of many of the url's on the page. When I check the rel=canonical tag, everything seems correct. My costumer is the biggest sports retailer in Norway. Their webshop has approximately 20 000 products. Yet they have more than 400 000 pages indexed by Google. So why is Google indexing pages like this? What is missing in this canonical? isn't Google just cutting off the ?type-bukser-334=regnbukser&order=price&dir=desc part of the url?Can it be the canonical-tag itself, or could the problem be somewhere in the CMS? Looking forward to your answers Sigurd

    Technical SEO | | Inevo

  • Does it do any good to use hreflang on links without rel="alternative" ? We have on each page a possibility to go to another language, but the languages root page and not an alternative version of that specific article.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Preen

  • I am getting duplicate content issue because of the following product URL in my Magento store. Please can someone guide me on how to solve it. Thanks Guys

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | webteamBlackburn

  • Hello Moz Community, Need your help guys. What a Brand should do first for their Blog? Keyword Research or Topic Research? Like for the Brand Product page/ eCom Pages, it's quite easy > 1. Buy "Product" Online
    2. Buy "Product" "Geo."
    3. Product Reviews [for Guest Posting or Reviews]
    4. Best "Product" Online and so But, for the blog, it's tough for searching out the keywords that will work if the SEO team or the keyword research team is not aware or don't have the detailed knowledge about the niche they are working on. Please verify: Is it a correct method that an editor should provide a "topic" to the SEO team to find relevant keywords by using a Keyword Research tool that there are enough searches for it which can provide benefits to the blog via the search engine.

    Competitive Research | | Max_

  • We recently re-launched our website on a new platform, PrestaShop.  Up until that launch,our website, based on the DNN platform, received several thousand clicks per month from what Google Analytics classified as 'Google/referral', and several thousand more clicks collectively from international Google/referrals, i.e. Canada, Germany, UK and France.  When the re-launched site went live, these clicks all went to zero on Google Analytics. My question is:  Did we actually lose this Referral traffic through an improper setting on our new platform, or is this Referral simply being re-categorized in some other Source category like Organic Search?

    Paid Search Marketing | | bmayer09

  • We recently launched a new version of our website on the PrestaShop platform.  On our old DNN platform, we would typically see several thousand clicks a month from Google Referral (domestic) and several thousand more collectively from Google Referral international traffic (i.e. UK, Canada, Germany, France). This was the data being reported in Google Analytics. Once the new site went live however, Google Referral traffic, both domestic and international, all dropped to 0.   My question is:  Did we lose this traffic due to some improper setting on our new platform, or is this Google Referral traffic simply being re-categorized into another category, i.e. Organic Search?

    Paid Search Marketing | | bmayer09

  • One of my competitors is ranking very well for many different competitive keywords (1k+ searches per month). I'm trying to figure out how in the world he is ranking so well. I've signed up for MozPro and looked at his back-links. He has 1 branded site-wide back-link from a decent blog. He also has 1 contextual back-link from a decent blog. Other than these 2 back-links, the rest are garbage links unlikely to even count for anything (he has maybe 12 of these low quality back-links). My website on the other hand has more than 15 back-links from different (high quality) websites and does not rank anywhere near this competitor. This leads me to believe that either MozPro back-link reporting is inadequate or there is foul-play on the part of my competitor. As far as on-page SEO is considered, his website is far inferior. Therefore, I highly doubt this would play a role. What are some reasonable approaches I can take to better understand the cause of this discrepancy. Clearly the back-link reporting has not revealed any answers.

    Competitive Research | | poke1

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