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  • Hi: I manage nearly 50 locations. Basically all of the information other than contact information is the same across all locations. Is there a way to manage information across multiple listings? -- Chase

    Moz Local | | chasepattison

  • We would like to set up a website in English language only and promote this in various European countries. As said the website will only be available in English language, but we will keep translations (google translate) in backend. When a user in France then enters search query in French language in browser, a search can be done in French content, but we will present relevant content in English. Does anyone have any experience with that? Will it be allowed given the fact that the result (in English language) will probably not include any of the terms that was searched on (in French language).

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | hansdef

  • subdomains redirect

    I have a client site that is getting redesigned. Its a multi location service provider. Currently (for whatever reason) the location pages are sub domains. https://<location-name> In the new design the locations will be on the main domain.<location-name> We are considering using 301 redirects from the current sub domains to the new location pages on the main domain. The current sub domains are setup on a multi-site with A records for each one in our GoDaddy account. Would like to get feedback on any unforeseen SEO issues that anyone might have input on.

    Technical SEO | | ColeBField1221

  • One of our clients ran a crawl report via Moz. These are the results. Can you please help us make sense of this? (I am a SCORE volunteer and we are working with a company that is trying to decide on how to proceed with an SEO company but would like to understand the process somewhat so they can make a better decision on who to hire. ) Can someone breakdown the importance missing description- 934 total missing canonical tags- 574 total title too long - 199 total duplicate content 74 total url too long - 63 total missing or invalid h1- 55 total duplicate titles- 21 total redirect chain- 1 total

    Content Development | | ImeuOkou

  • I see that Moz recommends not to use UTM codes as some directories will not allow a listing with a UTM code. I like to use tracking codes for my Google My Business (GMB) links so I can differentiate traffic/conversions from organic/google. Does anyone have a solution to measure the two in Google Analytics?

    Local SEO | | RichardDantas

  • Hi All, Sorry for what's about to be a long-ish question, but tl;dr: Has anyone else had experience with a 301 redirect at the server level between HTTP and HTTPS versions of a site in order to maintain accurate social media share counts? This is new to me and I'm wondering how common it is. I'm having issues with this forced redirect between HTTP/HTTPS as outlined below and am struggling to find any information that will help me to troubleshoot this or better understand the situation. If anyone has any recommendations for things to try or sources to read up on, I'd appreciate it. I'm especially concerned about any issues that this may be causing at the SEO level and the known-unknowns. A magazine I work for recently relaunched after switching platforms from Atavist to Newspack (which is run via WordPress). Since then, we've been having some issues with 301s, but they relate to new stories that are native to our new platform/CMS and have had zero URL changes. We've always used HTTPS. Basically, the preview for any post we make linking to the new site, including these new (non-migrated pages) on Facebook previews as a 301 in the title and with no image. This also overrides the social media metadata we set through Yoast Premium. I ran some of the links through the Facebook debugger and it appears that Facebook is reading these links to our site (using https) as redirects to http that then redirect to https. I was told by our tech support person on Newspack's team that this is intentional, so that Facebook will maintain accurate share counts versus separate share counts for http/https, however this forced redirect seems to be failing if we can't post our links with any metadata. (The only way to reliably fix is by adding a query parameter to each URL which, obviously, still gives us inaccurate share counts.) This is the first time I've encountered this intentional redirect thing and I've asked a few times for more information about how it's set up just for my own edification, but all I can get is that it’s something managed at the server level and is designed to prevent separate share counts for HTTP and HTTPS. Has anyone encountered this method before, and can anyone either explain it to me or point me in the direction of a resource where I can learn more about how it's configured as well as the pros and cons? I'm especially concerned about our SEO with this and how this may impact the way search engines read our site. So far, nothing's come up on scans, but I'd like to stay one step ahead of this. Thanks in advance!

    Technical SEO | | ogiovetti

  • I have noticed a popular trend in web design which involves sections of content being started with what looks to be smaller sub heading something like <h3>, <h4> or <h5> and then followed by a bigger heading <h2>. My question is, what is the best way to deal with this visual structure and will having a structure like this hurt your SEO? <h5>Contact Us</h5> <h2>Get started with your next project in minutes!<h2> <p>Some text here ...</p> Here are some examples where the header structure is similar to above (smaller before bigger): If that structure is bad for SEO, then it seems like a simple solution is to make it purely visual, mimicking a sub header with styling on a span or paragraph like these sites do: My only concern with that approach is because your section sub heading is no longer an actual header you will miss out on ranking important and relevant keyword information for that section. Is this correct something to be worried about? There is one last solution I stumbled upon that involves using headings for both but in reverse hierarchy so a <h3> is first but styled to be smaller, followed by a visually bigger <h4> which provides the addition context. Anyone have thoughts, expertise or resources on the matter?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | |

  • Is there any benefit or negative impact to including schema for both @type WebPage and NewsArticle on the same page? The websites I work on are editorial news sites. Our CMS automatically outputs WebPage schema to every article we publish. I want my dev to set up auto-generated NewsArticle schema. The are pretty much identical with a few different attributes. I just want to make sure I make the right choice about adding both or removing one.

    Technical SEO | | DJBKBU

  • I have a couple sites that were penalized by Google for hosting content that made Google look bad. After a major newspaper showcased what was going on they suddenly took a major hit as if someone at Google flipped a switch and told their system not to rank the content for anything other than their brand names. The article made Google look bad because the newspaper highlighted a lot of unverified user generated accusations the reporters assumed not to be true in the context of "these accusations are mostly false, but they still show up on the first page when people search Google." I was thinking one way to fight this would simply be to host the content at a different domain, but I am concerned about the new domain being penalized as well. I don't want to completely shut down all of the original sites because some of them have brand recognition. The oldest domain is 12 years old with backlinks from several news outlets which is why the content ranked so well, but after the penalty that is only the case on Bing. I've read various articles about this tactic. Some say that you will almost always pass the penalty to the new domain if you do a 301 redirect, but the penalties at issue in those articles were for things like buying links or other black hat tactics. This is somewhat different in that I wasn't doing anything black hat, they just decided not to let the site rank for political reasons. I was hoping that maybe that type of penalty wouldn't follow it, but right now I am leaning towards simply creating a second site to syndicate articles. It will need to attribute the articles to their sources though, so they will need either no followed links or possibly a redirection script that bots cannot follow. I would really like it if I could simply change the first site to its .net or .org equivalent and 301 everything though.

    Technical SEO | | PostAlmostAnything

  • Hi community, I have moved to a new address and I purchased my Moz Local for that address, but there are some listings still popping up with my old address, what can I do?

    Moz Local | | FBDOORS

  • Hi folks! Is it still necessary to add utms to GMB profiles to get clicks from GMB-informed results to register as organic in Google Analytics? I thought so, but I did a test recently and it looks like this isn't necessary anymore (adding utms)

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SimpleSearch

  • Hey Guys, Curious how people use the onpage grader for optimizing pages for local businesses specifically, I'm interested if people use keywords with or without a geo modifier since adding a geo modifier will prevent more natural writing to increase the score. If you don't use a geo modifier do you have some general rules of the city that needs to be in the H1 and first paragraph etc. Any tips for using the page grader for local businesses would be great Thanks!

    Local Website Optimization | | solidlocal

  • Open Site Explorer is reporting "0" value under "Total Internal Links" as well as "Internal Links" metrics for my website. I have a good interlinking of pages throughout the site.
    Is there an issue with OSE (Open Site Explorer) crawler ? OR There are some crawling problems with our Website's structure ?
    Can anybody please give an idea or recommendations on this ?

    Link Explorer | | anupjain

  • We speak Persian and all people search in Persian on Google. But I read in some sources that the url should be in English. Please tell me which language to use for url writing?
    For example, I brought down two models: 1fb0e134-10dc-4737-904f-bfdf07143a98-image.png

    Technical SEO | | ghesta

  • thanks to all case are solved now very glad to see the quick response from moz community

    Link Building | | dsfvy565

  • I sea tons of website build redirects backlink from google to them , and the have get a high ranking in moz , why moz don't pervent this methods?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | tailor109

  • Not a techie here...maybe this is to be expected, but ever since one of my client sites has switched to TLS 1.3, I've had a couple of crawl issues and other hiccups. First, I noticed that I can't use any renders an error message for URLs on the site in question. I wrote to their support desk and they said they haven't updated to 1.3 yet. Bummer, because I loved's functionality, esp. getting bulk reports. Also, my Moz campaign crawls were failing. We are setting up a robots.txt directive to allow rogerbot (and the other bot), and will see if that works. These fails are consistent with the date we switched to 1.3, and some testing confirmed it. Anyone else seeing these types of issues, and can suggest any workarounds, solves, hacks to make my life easier? (including an alternative to have and use screaming frog...not as slick, I'm afraid!) Do you think there was a configuration error with the client's TLS 1.3 upgrade, or maybe they're using a problematic/older version of 1.3?? Thanks -

    Technical SEO | | TimDickey

  • Hi, I recently encountered a very strange problem.
    One of the pages I published in my website ranked very well for a couple of days on top 5, then after a couple of days, the page completely vanished, no matter how direct I search for it, does not appear on the results, I check GSC, everything seems to be normal, but when checking Google analytics, I find it strange that there is no data on the page since it disappeared and it also does not show up on the 'active pages' section no matter how many different computers i keep it open. I have checked to page 9, and used a couple of keyword tools and it appears nowhere! It didn't have any back links, but it was unique and high quality. I have checked on the page does still exist and it is still readable. Has this ´happened to anyone before? Any thoughts would be gratefully received.

    Technical SEO | | JoelssonMedia

  • Recently there have been a a couple of pages form my website that ranked well, in top 5 for a couple of days then they disappear suddenly, they are not at all seen in google search results no matter how narrow I search for them. I checked my search console, there seems to be no issues with the page, but when I check google analytics, I do not get any data from that page since the day it disappeared, and it does not even show up on the 'active pages' section no matter I keep the url open in multiple computers.
    Has anyone else faced this issue? is there a solution to it?

    Technical SEO | | JoelssonMedia

  • I've added some AggregateOffer schema for some products with properties such as lowPrice
    priceValidUntil we change our sale price quite often and I am relying on the priceValidUntil to stop showing the prices once a date has lapsed. However, I am still seeing the prices on SERPPs once the date has passed. Is there anyway to get around this? note: I have tried updating the schema 2 days before the sale ends just to make sure Google has crawled the page in time. However Google is still a bit slow in crawling the pages even after requesting index. Any suggestion is welcome.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Vuly

  • Please I have a domain name I redirected (301 redirect) it to one of my domain names and I am having issues with the website so I decided to redirect to to my new site but moz is still showing redirecty to the previous websites
    Even when I change the redirect on search console it still showing redirecting to the previous site.

    Technical SEO | | UniversalBlog

  • In our Moz Pro account we have one campaign set up to track our main domain. This week Moz threw up around 400 new crawl errors, 99% of which were meta noindex issues. What happened was that somehow Moz found the development/staging site and decided to crawl that. I have no idea how it was able to do this - the robots.txt is set to disallow all and there is password protection on the site. It looks like Moz ignored the robots.txt, but I still don't have any idea how it was able to do a crawl - it should have received a 401 Forbidden and not gone any further. How do I a) clean this up without going through and manually ignoring each issue, and b) stop this from happening again? Thanks!

    Moz Pro | | MultiTimeMachine

  • I have a question as competitor made backlinks on longtail keywords and just for one specific post, If I wanna rank in Google SERP, then should I have to do the same strategy as my competitor did. or can I use just my own keywords to get rank?

    Link Building | | aamirmurtaza67

  • This one is stumping me - a site I'm working on has decided to nofollow all of their outbound links to LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter and Facebook. I can't find a reason for doing that...I think it's from the old and mistaken suspicion that this would deliver link equity away from the site. Everything I've read says that there's no downside to dofollow outbound links as long as they are to legit sites and on the up-and-up (e.g., not overly link-trading with another site, for instance). Thoughts?

    Link Building | | TimDickey

  • I have run lighthouse reports multiple times today, and they have bounced up and down 20 points within hours of each other. A coworker ran hist test that returned a 90 while I scored a 68, my next test was an 88? Is this a common issue. I can understand a few points, but this is insanity!

    On-Page Optimization | |

  • I have run lighthouse reports multiple times today, and they have bounced up and down 20 points within hours of each other. A coworker ran hist test that returned a 90 while I scored a 68, my next test was an 88? Is this a common issue. I can understand a few points, but this is insanity!

    On-Page Optimization | |

  • I have several multilingual websites all with English asset names for images, do i need a set of images per language or use JASON to change the language image name for me? I know I need to provide alt tags / captions in all languages.

    International SEO | | joemeza23
  • Solved

    bill charged moz pro

    Hi Moz Please cancel my account. I was charged for $149. It was charged automatically. I am please respond to my email and take an action towards this.

    Product Support | | Wenalyn
  • This question is deleted!


  • I have a ton of old backlinks for products that I no longer carry but I have redirected them to other pages within the site. I was told by an SEO expert that these links are hurting me rather than helping because people click on the links and then leave. These backlinks are from reputable blogs, news sources etc and my spam score is only 1%. Are these links really hurting me?

    Link Building | | CatBoxer
  • This question is deleted!


  • Hi friends. I noticed that does not see some important incoming links. I added them to link tracking list but no result? for example from domain we receive two types of links One no follow and moz seas it. and other do follow and moz does not counts it and do not see it. and there is few more like this but important and strong. kravu pārvadājumi Could you explain why is this happening. This link comes from bigest newsportal in my country, And it is indexed by google and serchable.

    Link Building | | netcomsia

  • Hello I want to know and Little help to deduce ss of my one of the website Can anyone give help to deduce Spam Score of my Website?

    On-Page Optimization | | studio45ca

  • So we are planning redirect all these to this If we do this, will it have an negative impact on our SEO, is there any downside to this? or get penalised from Google etc?

    Technical SEO | | RodrigoR777

  • spam

    I start blogging a few months ago and start SEO by watching some tutorials and start making backlinks now I realize that I made backlinks on some spammy site which increase my spam score from 1 to 7 now I remove my links from that spammy site but my spam score is still 7.
    can someone assist me to decrease my spam score site URL

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | lorosing

  • A keyword Olehana private label cosmetic company that also my competitor have 4k ref domain for this keyword. So Do I need more than 4k ref domain with anchortext "olehana" Please help me. Thanks.

    Link Building | | arainbadami

  • Hi guys, what is the best practice to find the long tail keywords, like Google Instant Suggestion, people also search, or moz keyword explorer I have experienced a lot in MOZ pro Keyword Planner, but now I want to know easiest way to find long tail keywords for my website olehana Makeup, still I'm using just 3 keyword that I already ranked in Google SERP top 3 positions now I also want that some long tail keywords also gets ranked.

    Keyword Research | | daimon67

  • Hi,
    I started a website related to E-Scotties. I want to ask that how can I increase the PA of my webpage Aaron lal? What technique I should use for this purpose?

    Moz Pro | | RankvizTeam

  • content

    Hi friends, I have a question. I want to know how Google detects the author of a content.

    Content Development | | Alopii

  • what is the best approach to beat my competitor in ranking, suppose my competitor got a backlink from a website like OEM Skin Care that has low DA but related to the same niche, but If i will get a backlink from a site that has 90+ DA like CNN, then which backlink has great impact on SERP Ranking, A- Backlink with LOW DA but same Niche,
    B- Backlink with 90+ DA but different Niche, I need your suggestion before buying a guest post..
    Thanks in advance.

    Moz Pro | | akhter8761

  • moz stopped indexing the links due to some updates? can some one confirm me thanks

    Moz Pro | | 4240930012532370

  • We have a primary domain We have used subdomains for offering the same site in different languages, like, etc. There are certain language subdomains that have low traffic and are expensive to get translated. We have decided to sunset 3 subdomains that match that criteria. What is the best way of going about removing those subdomains? Should we just redirect from those subdomains to Would that have any negative impact on our primary domain in Google's eye etc.? Anything other than a redirect that we should be considering?

    Technical SEO | | 250mils

  • I understand a lot of people in the SEO world think that everything should be under one site, but if a European school wants to expand its presence in the USA, the current domain authority is 30/100 for the European website. The school is thinking of opening another school in the USA, should they just create a subdomain on the same European site or have a new site for the USA because it's better for the branding?
    Any SEO experts can chime in here?

    On-Page Optimization | | marketingextra

  • MOZ Local Q&A Forum shows incorrect info for my company

    Moz Local | | frankgazzolo 0

  • Hello, Mozzers!
    I noticed something peculiar in the robots.txt used by one of my clients: Allow: /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php What would be the purpose of allowing a search engine to crawl this file?
    Is it OK? Should I do something about it?
    Everything else on /wp-admin/ is disallowed.
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    Technical SEO | | AndyKubrin

  • Re: Are long URLs bad for SEO? Does a long domain name included on the count of characters bad for SEO as well?Here is an example : "". This over 35 characters, however, does it begin after or before the domain name?

    Technical SEO | | cesaromar1973

  • Hey everyone,
    I have started a new blog and I am not finding the ways to find the best and rankable keywords for it.
    Can anybody tell me how to find it?

    Keyword Research | | ionatr
  • Solved

    how to find own topic related keywords like my topic is bbq related stuff... so how i find low difficult keywords.?

    Keyword Research | | BBQVILLA

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