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  • I unsure how my page got backlinked on this "passive DNS" website: This looks to be my only inbound link, so I am  worried this is negatively affecting my site ranking. Is this 56% spam score link negatively affecting my website? If so, any suggestions? Any feedback or insight would be greatly appreciated as I am very ignorant to what this person's webpage is about and why my page was linked.. Sincerely, Hayden My website:

    Industry News | | CashFlo_Trading

  • Hi, I have a series of websites that have been offline for seven years. Do you guys have any tips that might help restore them to their former SERPs glory? Nothing about the sites themselves has changes since they went offline. Same domains, same content, and only a different server. What has changed is the SERPs landscape. I've noticed competitive terms that these sites used to rank on the first page for with far more results now. I have also noticed some terms result in what seems like a thesaurus similar language results from traditionally more authoritative websites instead of the exact phrase searched for. This concerns me because I could see a less relevant page outranking me just because it is on a .gov domain with similar vocabulary even though the result is not what people searching for the term are most likely searching for. The sites have also lost numerous backlinks but still have some really good ones.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | |

  • Hi mozzers, We just learned that our standard GA hasn't been as reliable as we hoped so and we are trying to find other ways to track organic sessions. Which solution would you consider? Is Segment one of them? If so, is it more reliable than Google Analytics? Thanks

    Reporting & Analytics | | Ty1986

  • Hi, I work for an eCommerce. I want to create a FAQ section on category pages with the question relative to that particular category. For Example - This is a sample URL for which I want to create a FAQ section.
    What would be the best way to do research for FAQs?

    On-Page Optimization | | RaviM

  • Dear team Moz, I'm investigating SEO issues for the site that dropped rankings over a period of 4-6 months;  after conversion from old platform (xenForo) to new custom developed platform. The old version of the site was a simple xenForo based forum; with threads having standard url structure as like{thread_id}/. Notice the trailing slash. We chose to keep the URLs intact during conversion to new platform; however the site still lost rankings. I'm sure there could be multiple reasons for it - but I wish to know if I should adjust the URLs - 1. By 301 redirecting all the URLs with trailing / to the URLs without /. 2. Leave the URLs as they were. I must also mention that the new site has several new sections; and the old forum is just one part of it. The rest of the site follows URLs without trailing / - as it's the recommended URL structure by Google. I'd really appreciate your suggestions on this.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | KaustubhKatdare

  • A design service is using Figma to create modified form. Once the design is complete, Sigma will export CSS files. If we provide these CSS files to a coder, will this greatly reduce the required time to implement the. design on our website?  Our website is designed. with a modified real estate theme.  We are using exactly the same fields and functionality of the previous form. We are seeking to reduce coding time and subsequent costs. Thanks,

    Web Design | | Kingalan1

  • Hi all, We are checking to optimize a website that has four language versions in subfolders. When setting the self referencing canonicals and the hreflang tags, we came across a particular problem. Both the URL's and are being indexed and have the same content in the same language. For the other language versions, it is quite straightforward, but what to do with these two URL's? Currently, there is a canonical tag from to Is a simple 301 redirect to the URL with the language subfolder the best solution? Something to consider: if a backlink points to (without specifying the language subfolder), all the link juice will go to the /nl version and not to other versions (with a canonical as well as with a 301 of course). Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Mat_C

  • Hey everybody. I am working with a handful of medical news websites and some of these sites are rather large. I am noticing/suspecting there is some cannibalism going on here. How do news sites deal with this? Do they noindex the old stuff? Update the old stuff instead of writing a new piece all together? Curious what to do!

    On-Page Optimization | | HashtagHustler

  • We are building a new site that, on the blog landing page, uses JS to populate the individual blog article links on the page. The links are not viewable in the page source, but do appear once the page fully renders. After running an on-demand crawl of the site (in QA...not indexed yet), it appears that Moz isn't indexing these pages, and it also isn't reading other page elements that load later (like an H1 that is rendered in JS but not in page source). Are we going to be able to use Moz to track this site? Is there some setting to help?

    Getting Started | | Rodrigo-DC

  • Hello, What is your latest link building techniques considering manual link building is basically dead, and you should really build good content to drive results. Link building has really become less important. It seems to be much more 10X content now. What would you recommend for basic link building considering this besides the 50 first Links video by Rand, which is excellent. Thanks, Bob

    Link Building | | BobGW

  • Hi, My company owns the domains www.NYSTATEMLS.COM and www.MYSTATEMLS.COM both of these sites are already on there way with a lot going on. I did just review video 5 on technical SEO and Rand was talking about how much harder it is to rank two websites. So i'm wondering what could be done in this area? Should something be done? The website is necessary because it's dedicated to the state of new york & has been around for a long time. came later because the business grew and we opened up to the national market. Looking for some insight. Thanks so much, Chris Farcher

    Whiteboard Friday | | Cfarcher

  • Hi guys, We just discovered that our website got a 16% Spam Score based on MOZ reports, while less than 1 year ago we had a good 1% if I'm not mistaken. Therefore we ran an audit of the external links to our website and discovered that about 60% of them are irrelevant such as: referral page not available anymore (or not found, or domain not accessible) irrelevant web directories for our business Impossible to contact the owner of these pages or remove the links towards our website.
    Is the Disavow tool an acceptable option in this case? Could this lower our Spam Score and make a better impression in "Google's eyes"? 60% seems quite a lot of backlinks, but they are also not relevant, and we want to focus on creating better quality referrals in the next months. I would really appreciate an opinion on this, and how would you proceed in this case.

    Link Explorer | | Andreea-M

  • Hi guys, Just want to confirm if we need some SEO actions on two of our sites. Example: Will the domain naming will fix the issue of possible duplication?
    Do we still need to implement hreflang markups?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | brandonegroup

  • I have a website which contains a lot of content behind a show hide, does Google crawl the "hidden" copy?

    Web Design | | jasongmcmahon

  • Now there is some conflicting beliefs here and I want to know what you think. If I got a high spam website to remove my backlink, is a disavow through search console still necessary ? Keep in mind if it helps even in the slightest to improve rankings im for it!

    Technical SEO | | Colemckeon

  • Hello! Curious on the community's thoughts on linking best practices for the following hypothetical scenario: I own a site called and want to rank for the term "landscapers houston". I have a link on the top title bar linking to with an interactive map with clickable links leading to different metro areas. What should be my link from that page to the Houston page? 1. 2. 3. 4. The main question is whether to include the parent page or not. i have 2 conflicting thoughts. 1. short URL's are better so dont include it 2. include it because that is the page that links out to it and it helps Google understand the site flow. Thanks, Ryan

    Local Listings | | RyanMeighan

  • Hello all, I've spent the past day scouring guides and walkthroughs and advice and Q&As regarding this (including on here), and while I'm pretty confident in my approach to this query, I wanted to crowd source some advice in case I might be way off base. I'll start by saying that Technical SEO is arguably my weakest area, so please bear with me. Anyhoozles, onto the question (and advance apologies for being vague): PROBLEM I'm working on a website that, in part, works with providers of a service to open their own programs/centers. Most programs tend to run their own events, which leads to an influx of Event pages, almost all of which are indexed. At my last count, there were approximately 800 indexed Event pages. The problem? Almost all of these have expired, leading to a little bit of index bloat. THINGS TO CONSIDER A spot check revealed that traffic for each Event occurs for about a two-to-four week period then disappears completely once the Event expires. About half of these indexed Event pages redirect to a new page. So the indexed URL will be /events/name-of-event but will redirect to /state/city/events/name-of-event. QUESTIONS I'M ASKING How do we address all these old events that provide no real value to the user? What should a future process look like to prevent this from happening? MY SOLUTION Step 1: Add a noindex to each of the currently-expired Event pages. Since some of these pages have link equity (one event had 8 unique links pointing to it), I don't want to just 404 all of them, and redirecting them doesn't seem like a good idea since one of the goals is to reduce the number of indexed pages that provide no value to users. Step 2: Remove all of the expired Event pages from the Sitemap and resubmit. This is an ongoing process due to a variety of factors, so we'd wrap this up into a complete sitemap overhaul for the client. We would also be removing the Events from the website so there are not internal links pointing to them. Step 3: Write a rule (well, have their developers write a rule) that automatically adds noindex to each Event page once it's expired. Step 4: Wait for Google to re-crawl the site and hopefully remove the expired Events from its index. Thoughts? I feel like this is the simplest way to get things done quickly while preventing future expired events from being indexed. All of this is part of a bigger project involving the overhaul of the way Events are linked to on the website (since we wouldn't be 404ing them, I would simply suggest that they be removed entirely from all navigation), but ultimately, automating the process once we get this concern cleaned up is the direction I want to go. Thanks. Eager to hear all your thoughts.

    Technical SEO | | Alces

  • Hello, We have received permission from a consultant we partner with to publish one of his articles on our site (listing him as the author, of course). However, he currently has the article published on his site, so if I put it on my site will I get penalized for stealing content? Is there some sort of tagging that will provide him/his site credit? Maybe a canonical tag?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | AliMac26

  • I'm having confusion about where I would add the the Enhanced Ecommerce line of code: ga(‘require’, ‘ec’); if I have Analytics implemented through Google Tag Manager? I have read through several articles and still am not entirely sure.

    Reporting & Analytics | | SearchStan

  • I have fixed the issue found in strctured data testing tool. Even I removed entire schema. Till now I have submitted reconsideration request 5 times and it rejected every time. Don't know how to lift this penalty. Any advise?? Need help guys my websites are going through very critical situations in terms of traffic from getting this manual action from Google. This is related to Pharma Industry.

    International SEO | | rashmibhardwaj86

  • I work on a news site and we updated our Schema set up last week. Since then, valid Logo items are dropping like flies in Search Console. Both URL inspector & Rich Results test cannot seem to be able to detect Logo on articles. Is this a bug or can Googlebot really not see schema nested within other schema?Previously, we had both Organization and Article schema, separately, on all article pages (with Organization repeated inside publisher attribute). We removed the separate Organization, and now just have Article with Organization inside the publisher attribute. Code is valid in Structured Data testing tool but URL inspection etc. cannot detect it. Example: Here is this page in URL inspector: By comparison, we also have Organization schema (un-nested) on our homepage. Interestingly enough, the tools can detect that no problem. That's leading me to believe that either nested schema is unreadable by Googlebot OR that this is not an accurate representation of Googlebot and it's only unreadable by the testing tools. Here is the homepage in URL inspector: In pseudo-code, our OLD schema looked like this: ​The NEW schema set up has the same Article schema set up, but the separate script for Organization has been removed. We made the change to embed our schema for a couple reasons: first, because Google's best practices say that if multiple schemas are used, Google will choose the best one so it's better to just have one script; second, Google's codelabs tutorial for schema uses a nested structure to indicate hierarchy of relevancy to the page. My question is, does nesting schemas like this make it impossible for Googlebot to detect a schema type that's 2 or more levels deep? Or is this just a bug with the testing tools?

    Technical SEO | | ValnetInc

  • Hi Everyone, A client of us has a Belgian website in 2 different languages, in French and in Dutch.
    We make use of hreflang tags, so each user gets to see the website in their preferred language. The landingspage on the website however, let's say, has a 302 redirect to the French version of the website ( And Dutch users get to see the Dutch version ( of the website when they browse to . Now, I want to get rid of the 302 redirect. Should I replace it to a 301 redirect, without sending every user automatically to one of the 2 versions? Should I just remove the redirect? Or should I just leave it this way? I would love to hear your thoughts on this. Jens

    Technical SEO | | WeAreDigital_BE

  • Hi there I'd really appreciate any help you can give me. I want to redirect our old domain ( to ( They are both hosted separately. The old domain has a domain authority of 20 and never ranked well. We can't be sure Google simply doesn't like the old domain. I'll explore the links again to check. Another question is: do we even want to pass the old authority to the new website? Thank you.

    Technical SEO | | kettlebellswing

  • Hello, first we had this structure Categorie: Subcategory: Oft i see this But i have heard it has something to do with layers so google can index it better, is that true ? "Badewelt" is an extra layer ? So i thought maybe we can better change this to: and after seeing that i thought we can do it also like this so the keyword is on the left, and make instead "badewelt" just a "c" and put it on the back I dont understand it anymomre which is the best one, to me its seems to be the last one The reason was about this: this looks to me keyword stuffing: Attached picture Google indexed not the same time the same url, so i thougt with this we can solve it Also we can use only the word "whirlpools" in de main category and the subs only the type without "whirlpools" in text thanks Regards, Marcel SC9vi60

    Technical SEO | | HolgerL

  • Hi, can anyone help me to understand if having category folder in URL  matters or not?  how to google treat a URL?  for example, I have the  URL but not sure google will treat it a whole or in separate parts?  if in separate parts, is it safe to use pcb/pcb-certification?  or it will be considered as keyword stuffing? Thank you in anticipation,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SierraPCB

  • I have two questions: I have bought a domain that is a misspelled version of my domain. I have created an A record with DNS provider to point to my main domain's IP and on my main site I modified .htaccess file to make a 301 redirect if referrer is that misspelled domain. I also bought an expired domain with some relevant backlinks. I intend to create a simple page for that domain and add a link to my main site. Which of those two approaches are best from SEO point of view? Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | usabiliTEST_ux

  • Hi in last few days I checked my website in moz link explorer and ahrefs and it showed lots of my backlink as removed! But when I checked this on the browser its OK is there any problem with these tools? Anyone has this problem? Thanks

    Link Explorer | | namibiagonzo

  • I am frustrated to see a lot tag clouds in Google even though I programmed my tagged pages to display a canonical link to the linking article if the is only one result for the tag cloud. The goal to to make sure that the article, which is of better quality than the tag page, ends up in Google without a bunch of thin tag pages getting in there. For instance this article should be in Google and this tag should not be because that tag has a canonical URL for that article. I do not have a lot of experience with tag cloud SEO because I prefer to limit such pages to categories, but I have found tag clouds to be important for aggregating information for specific issues, people, or places that are not already a site category. Some tags I have used to power social media pages that update automatically from RSS feeds for their related tag archives. That is quite useful for pages like that. Should I start using Meta noindex for those instead of rel canonical? I have already done that for author profiles because author profiles get a lot of on site links compared to individual articles because my gridviews use javascript for paging. The same is true for the tags, so if a tag is tagged in 30 articles it will have links from 30 articles but if those articles are not in the latest 20 for that tag only the latest 20 will have links back from the tag archive. I also suspect having a lot of tag pages with little content to negatively impact my indexing rate. I will see a number of recent tag pages added before new articles.

    On-Page Optimization | |

  • So it does not appear that moz let's you upload your disavow file.  So when moz calculates your DA how do spammy links factor in? After digging through our GA it appears our site was hit with the 2016 penguin update and never recovered.  Our weekly visitors were 2k, then dropped to 500 and have stayed close to that level for a while. We've used the disavow tool, without success over the past 3 years.  During that time we have done link out reach and built around 10 legit good quality DA links since.  But we have not recovered.  At this point i'm thinking I should just remove the disavow file. Moz says our spam score for our domain is 5%.

    Link Explorer | | jessicapremier

  • I am working on building an area guide page for a local hotel website. The hotel itself has a lot to offer in forms of on-site entertainment and they are concerned about sending people away from their website (and their business). However, it's also important to write about the area and local attractions in close proximity to their hotel for many reasons, including building local authority. Is there any benefit to adding links to the Google My Business/map listing of the local attractions? Or can we just simply not include external links?

    Local SEO | | triveraseo

  • Some of our clients sites have a top level domain for Mexico, but in the Mozbar they doesn't show any country, is this related to a known bug? de pantalla 2019-08-15 12.41.10.png?dl=0 de pantalla 2019-08-15 12.41.10.png?dl=0 In the search console:  "International Targeting report" the target is Ok to Mexico.

    Moz Bar | | Andrea_Ugalde

  • Hi Mozzers, Under Mobile Usability, in Google Search Console, I am seeing very few website pages getting analysed - 10 out of 40 static pages, on the website in question. Is this to be expected or does this indicated an indexing problem on mobile?

    Reporting & Analytics | | McTaggart

  • is a marketplace for alternative fashion. We have hundreds of sellers who have listed thousands of products. Over 90% of the items do not generate any sales;  and about 40% of the products have been on the website for over 3+ years. We want to cleanup the catalog and remove all the old listings  that older than 2years that do not generate any sales.  What is the best practice for removing thousands of listings  an Ecommerce site? do we 404 these products and show similar items? Your help and thoughts is much appreciated.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | JimJ

  • Hi , i bought my website this month , i built it myself now i want it to grow seo on google pages and stuff tried google ads but they always block my account don't know why so somebody help me please any company? individual willing to work it for me ? even if paid company no problem

    Technical SEO | | planetdocs

  • I have numerous clients who were at the top of page in the top 3 spots. They all dropped to page 3 or 4 or 2 and now they are number 1 in maps or in the top 3. Content is great on all these sites. backlinks are high quality and we do not build high quantity, we always focus on quality. the sites have authorship information. trust . we have excellent content written by professionals in the industry for each of the websites. The sites load super fast. they are very mobile friendly. we have CDN installed. content is organized per topic. all of our citations are setup properly and no duplicates, or missing citations. code is good on the websites. we do not have anchor text links pointing to the site from gust posts or whatever. we have plenty of content. our DA/PA is great. Audits of the website are great. I've been doing this a long time and ive never been so dumb founded as to what google has done this time. Or better yet what exactly is wrong with our clients websites today that was working perfectly for the last 5 years. I really am getting frustrated. im comparing my sites to competitors and everything's better. Please someone guide me here and tell me what im missing or tell me what you have done to recover from this nonsense.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | waqid

  • If I search for my client's phone number on Google, without gaps, ie 02036315541,  another company comes up at the top of the list. This company has a similar name to ours, but it is in a different town and it does different things. My company name is Energy Contract Renewals and their company is As far as I can see, the other company does not mention our phone number anywhere on their site or on their GMB page so I don't know why they are coming up.  We do not come up at all for this search. However,  if I put our phone number in like this: 020 3631 5541, our company does come up and the other company does not. Anyone know how I can correct this or if it is even possible to do something about it?

    Technical SEO | | mfrgolfgti

  • Back in June, we had seen a sharp drop in traffic on our website. We initially assumed that it was due to the Core Update that was rolled out in early June. We had switched from http to https in May, but thought that should have helped rather than cause a problem. Until early June the traffic was trending upwards. While investigating the issue, I noticed that only a fraction  (25%) of the AMP pages have been indexed. The pages don't seem to be getting indexed even though they are valid. Accordingly to Google Analytics too, the percentage of AMP traffic has dropped from 67-70% to 40-45%. I wonder if it is due to the indexing issue. In terms of implementation it seems fine. We are pointing canonical to the AMP page from the desktop version and to the desktop version from the AMP page. Any tips on how to fix the AMP indexing issue.  Should I be concerned that only a fraction of the AMP pages are indexed. I really hope you can help in resolving this issue.

    Technical SEO | | Gautam
  • This question is deleted!


  • Is there a report or a place in Moz that I can see Hreflang errors for my site?

    Moz Bar | | av-seo

  • I have three Google analytics accounts linked. I can see all properties from these accounts. I want to unlink two Google analytics accounts so that they dont reflect in the Moz account. How can this be done ?

    Product Support | | vernon123

  • Hey folks, have searched around and haven't been able to find an answer to this question. I've got a client who has very different search results when including his middle initial. His bio page on his company's website has the slug /people/john-smith; I'm wondering if we set up a duplicate bio page with his middle initial (e.g. /people/john-b-smith) and then 301 redirect it to the existent bio page, whether the latter page would get indexed by google and show in search results for queries that use the middle initial (e.g. "john b smith"). I've already got the metadata based on the middle initial version but I know the slug is a ranking signal and since it's a direct match to one of his higher volume branded queries I thought it might help to get his bio page ranking more highly. Would that work or does the 301'd page effectively cease to exist in Google's eyes?

    Technical SEO | | Greentarget

  • I'm trying to set up a custom report that will track my e-commerce website's authority. I've already added the Domain Authority module, but I can't find a Page Authority module. (There are options to track the page score or grade, but this appears to be very different from Page Authority--whereas Page Authority is a holistic score, page score/grade seems to focus only on page content.) Is it possible to track Page Authority on a custom report? If possible, I'd like to track the following pages: Page Authority of my homepage, compared to my competitors' homepages Page Authority of each of my 4 product pages, compared to my competitors' product pages

    Feature Requests | | Jessica_Pettit

  • Hi guys, I need an opinion on the optimization of meta descriptions for a website available in 6 languages that faces the following situation: Main pages are translated in 6 languages, English being primary >> all clear here. BUT The News section includes articles only in English, that are displayed as such on all other language versions of the website. Example: 1 1 1
    etc. Because we don't have the budget right now to translate all content, I was wondering if I could add only the Meta Titles and Meta Descriptions in the specific languages (using Google Translate), while the content to remain in English. Would this be accepted as reasonable enough for Google, or would it affect the website ranking?
    I'd like to avoid major mistakes, so I'm hoping someone here on this forum has a better idea of how to proceed in this case.

    Local Website Optimization | | Andreea-M

  • Hi, I was wondering if anyone knows how often Google review Featured Snippets and if there is a way to find out? Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | Chris2918

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