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  • We have a very large Knowledge center that is indexed. Is there any reason I should not exclude this subdomain from indexing? Thank you

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | NikCall

  • No question - just happy to see the latest changes to Moz Pro - Nice job all around.

    Feature Requests | | 7thPowerInc

  • For business reasons, I migrated my domain with a DA score of 85 to a new domain.  After some time, the DA score on the new domain is only 45.  My migration plan and redirects went smooth and all redirected with best practices in mind.  I am still ranking well for almost all of the keywords where I've 301 redirected old URL to new. Any feedback welcome!

    Link Explorer | | KenSchaefer

  • Morning Everyone, I just had this thought and wondered what everyone's opinions were in terms of link value in monetary terms. We'll assume for the purposes of this that the links come from contextually relevant sites and that the sites in question have got the Moz DA from being high quality and have a good quality incoming link profile. Its a bit of a theoretical question, but i guess imagine if the only way you could get links was to pay for them, what would they be worth to you. This is link value for SEO purposes, they will have in addition value from traffic from good sites, that no doubt varies wildly depending on topic. I assume everyone also agrees on: The first link from a domain is the most valuable High DA sites are worth  more than low ones. So could anyone who has an opinion on the link value suggest a monetary value for links. Its really just using a monetary amount to see how best to target my time.  Here is my example of what might be expected, but I am hoping people with more knowledge will perhaps correct it. DA Rating    First Link  2nd-5th Link  5th-10th Link 10Plus Links 5               $5         $2            $1              $0 15               $7         $3            $2              $1 25              $25         $10            $5              $2 35               $45         $20            $7              $3 45               $65         $30            $11            $4 55               $95        $45            $19             $5 65               $200        $100            $45              $6 75               $350         $120            $65              $9 85               $700         $240            $95              $15 95               $1100         $450            $200              $30

    Link Building | | wellandpower

  • When I try and crawl our site through Moz it gives this message: Moz was unable to crawl your site on Aug 7, 2019. Our crawler was banned by a page on your site, either through your robots.txt, the X-Robots-Tag HTTP header, or the meta robots tag. Update these tags to allow your page and the rest of your site to be crawled. If this error is found on any page on your site, it prevents our crawler (and some search engines) from crawling the rest of your site. Typically errors like this should be investigated and fixed by the site webmaster. I have been through all the help and doesn't seem to be any issues. You can check the site and robots.txt here: Anyone got any advice on where I could go to get this sorted?

    Getting Started | | MyFamilClubLtd

  • Hi MOZ community! Need some help with some strange activity on the link profile of a website I manage... I have noticed since the 4th of August a mass of links pointing to one of our domains. It looks like some kind of attack from I am seeing 100s of different subdomains from this website in the Discovered and Lost area, with DA 1. They are linking to us from very low quality pages with no CSS, that includes just random text. Anybody seeing anything similar or from the same website?  Our links report example: Also, what is the correct process to deal with such instances? We have used Google's disavow in the past, but I have read that Google are quite proactive at recognizing spammy links, and webmasters don't really need to use that tool. Much appreciated! y7pAopJ

    Moz Pro | | dqmedia

  • Hi, I have a simple question. If I want to put an image with a link to another site like a banner ad on my page, but do not want it counted by Google. Can I simply load the link and banner using jQuery onload from a separate .js file? The ideal result would be for Google to index a script tag instead of a link.

    On-Page Optimization | |

  • I didn't recognise it before, and subscribed your service for two months already. Therefore, I unsubscribed immediately, but it already billed me for two month service. As you can check and see, I should have not use or even login for month, would you waive the latest bill and cut my service immediately? sorry for any inconvenience caused, thanks!

    Product Support | | CalvinC

  • Hello there, I have some low quality pages in my site, can I redirect 301 them to my homepage? My website is:

    Technical SEO | | dannybaldwin

  • A content issue that we're experiencing includes duplicate H1 issues within pages in a pagination series (i.e. blog). Does each separate page within the pagination need a unique H1 tag, or, since each page has unique content (different blog snippets on each page), is it safe to disregard this? Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks!

    Algorithm Updates | | BopDesign

  • I have a website which services various countries, specifically the United Kingdom and United States of America.  I am now expanding the target of my website to focus on Australian and South African customers. The structure of my website is for the American audience. This is also what appears on a Google search when browsing in the USA. For the United Kingdom we use just which works and shows in the UK. When I have created the new versions which are: I go onto google search my company and still shows (When browsing from the relevant location). When it should show the /au/ or /za/ versions. I have submitted the relevant sitemaps to Google Search Console. Yet still from Australia and South Africa the .com version of the website it what shows. Please offer any advice to how I can get the correct version of the website showing in the correct location?

    Local Website Optimization | | A95Bennett

  • I do not have a sku, global identifier, rating or offer for my product. Nonetheless it is my product. The price is variable (as it's insurance) so it would be inappropriate to provide a high or low price. Therefore, these items were not included in my product schema. SD Testing tool showed 2 warnings, for missing sku and global identifier. Google Search Console gave me an error today that said:  'offers, review, or aggregateRating should be specified' I don't want to be dishonest in supplying any of these, but I also don't want to have my page deprecated in the search results. BUT I DO want my item to show up as a product. Should I forget the product schema? Advice/suggestions? Thanks in advance.

    Technical SEO | | RoxBrock

  • Hi!  I have updated my meta description a few sites on my website and for some reason when I check it on MOZ, the old meta description keeps showing up.  We use a platform called Metropublisher and it is showing the updated meta description on their end, but through MOZ and Sreaming Frog, the old meta description still appears.  Any ideas why this is?  Thanks in advance!

    Link Explorer | | SociaClick_

  • Hello, I have create a new webpage and asked google in the webmaster tool to crawl it. Within minutes it is ranked at a certain spot. I did make changes to it to increase the ranking and right away I could see variations in ranking either up or down ? I have done the same same thing for a page that has been existing on my website for many years. I changed the content, asked the webmaster tool to re-crawl it. It got the new content within minutes but the ranking doesn't seem to change. Maybe my content isn't good enough but I doubt. Could it be that on old pages it takes a couple weeks to see ranking changes whereas on new page it is instantaneous. Has anyone experienced something similar ? Thank you,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • I'm working on a site that was hacked in March 2019 and in the process, nearly 900,000 spam links were generated and indexed. After remediation of the hack in April 2019, the spammy URLs began dropping out of the index until last week, when Search Console showed around 8,000 as "Indexed, not submitted in sitemap" but listed as "Valid" in the coverage report and many of them are still hack-related URLs that are listed as being indexed in March 2019, despite the fact that clicking on them leads to a 404. As of this Saturday, the number jumped up to 18,000, but I have no way of finding out using the search console reports why the jump happened or what are the new URLs that were added, the only sort mechanism is last crawled and they don't show up there. How long can I expect it to take for these remaining urls to also be removed from the index? Is there any way to expedite the process? I've submitted a 'new' sitemap several times, which (so far) has not helped. Is there any way to see inside the new GSC view why/how the number of valid URLs in the indexed doubled over one weekend?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | rickyporco

  • Hi all, Recently came across some authority blog (quicksprout to be precise) which stated that apart from main page, contact page, about us and some other generic pages, site name should be removed as it might produce duplicate content. example "How to blog | Example Site name" This mostly is the issue with tags and categories pages as it shows on Moz issues. Is that really a problem and site name should be taken off them? Thank you.

    On-Page Optimization | | Optimal_Strategies

  • Hi, I originally asked about pros (or lack of them) when it comes to using meta keywords tags here It was most likely related to Google, I guess. Is that the same if it comes to Bing as few sources are not sure how this SERP consider using meta keywords tags and people only speculating. Anyone has any kind of "confirmed" responses or experience? Thank you in advance.

    On-Page Optimization | | Optimal_Strategies

  • Hi there, I'm new to Moz: great tool so far! I just tried the page optimization feature and see that (for instance for this article) page titles are often too long. Now it's tempting to just shorten the title straight away, but I have a memory of someone once telling me changing the title will change the URL. And changing the URL is something not appreciated by Google. Could someone please explain if and why this is/isn't the case? And if there are any downsides/things to consider before changing the article's title? Thank you in advance!

    On-Page Optimization | | RaoulWB

  • Hello! My place of business, Widewail in Burlington, VT, is not being scanned by Moz Local, even though we have an active Facebook business page with our Name, Address, and Phone number listed (URL, too). Is there something I need to check on our end to make sure we are crawlable by yall? Thank you, Andrea,

    Moz Local | | olsonah82

  • Hi Everyone I wanted to see how people submit their urls to Google and ensure they are all being indexed.  I currently have an ecommerce site with 18,000 products.  I have sitemaps setup, but noticed that the various product pages haven't started ranking yet.  If I submit the individual url through the new Google Search Console I see the page ranking in a matter of minutes. Before the new Google Search Console you could just ask Google to Fetch/Render an XML sitemap and ask it to crawl all the links.  I don't see the same functionality working today on Google Search Console and was wondering if there are any new techniques people could share. Thanks,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | abiondo

  • Hello, i have a question. Recently i bought a domain from godaddy auction which is 23 years old and have DA 37 PA 34 Before bidding i check out the domain on google using this query to make sure if pages of this website are showing or not ( only home page was indexed on google. Further i check the domain on archive web the domain  was last active in 2015. And then it parked for long about 4 years. So now my question does google consider these type of domain as new or will sandboxed them if i try to rebuild them and rank for other niche keywords ? Because its been 4 weeks i have been building links to my domain send several profile and social signals to my domain. My post is indexed on google but not showing in any google serp result.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | Steven23

  • Hi guys, We have noticed trailing slash vs non-trailing slash duplication on one of our sites. Example:
    Preferred: So, SEO-wise, we suggested placing a canonical tag on all trailing slash pointing to non-trailing slash. However, devs have advised against removing the trailing slash from some URLs with a blanket rule, as this may break functionality in Magento that depends on the trailing slash. The full site would need to be tested after implementing a blanket rewrite rule. Is any other way to address this trailing slash duplication issue without breaking anything in Magento? Keen to hear from you guys. Cheers,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | brandonegroup

  • I've got an odd issue (that I've never encountered in 27 years in SEO). Our home page stopped ranking for our brand "BlowFish SEO" and is no place to be seen when searching our brand.  I do get the knowledge panel on the right-hand side of the page. and our about page now comes up number #1. Technically the on-page SEO is correct This page has ranked for many years for our Brand. If I  search blowfish SEO west palm beach I get the home page and all the nice site links.  And other various variations of branded search. Our company has lots of mentions across the web and branded backlinks. No manual penalty has been placed on us. Im starting to think some type of negative SEO attack but I can't find it. I do know someone is using my name and brand along with many other companies in cloaked doorway redirected pages to gain SEO leads.. Yeah I know  I've complained about it to Google they do nothing about it.. Other things I've checked: No one else seems to be using my brand Home page canonical tag points to itself Title tag contains brand name at the front (rest of site it's at the end) No manual penalty XML sitemap contains home page (and accurate for other pages) To make this even more confusing, if you search the brand name the physical location appears on the right rail with an accurate URL. Ive added an image of the  search result  when I search BlowFish SEO Please note the top result is PPC the about page is 1st organc Any other ideas that I may be missing? BT8F1fD.png

    Local Website Optimization | | BlowFish-SEO

  • I've been doing some research on a keyword with Page Optimization. I'm finding there's a lot of changes suggested. I'm wondering that because of the amount of changes required is it better to create a new page entirely from scratch that has all the suggestions implemented OR change the current page? Thanks, Chris

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Chris2918

  • Hi there, We are a Grocery co-operative retailer and have chain of stores owned by different people. We are building a new website, where we would geo-locate the closest store to the customer and direct them to a particular store (selected based on cookie and geo location). All our stores have a consistent range of products + Variation in 25% range. I have few questions How to build a site-map. Since it will be mandatory for a store to be selected and same flow for the bot and user, should have all products across all stores in the sitemap? we are allowing users to find any products across all stores if they search by product identifier. But, they will be able to see products available in a particular store if go through the hierarchical journey of the website. Will the bot crawl all pages across all the stores or since it will be geolocated to only one store, the content belonging to only one store will be indexed? We are also allowing customers to search for older products which they might have bought few years and that are not part of out catalogue any more. these products will not appear on the online hierarchical journey but, customers will be able to search and find the products . Will this affect our SEO ranking? Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks - Costa

    Local Website Optimization | | Hanuman88

  • Some pages in Search Console have troubles in indexing. Although Google Index says url is on google and indexed , Live test shows something different( image is attached ). My performance has badly been affected(image attached). Anybody knows what the problem is? R5iCT20

    Technical SEO | | ehsanamel

  • If we cancel my free trial subscription on moz before 30 days use will have any charge pay

    Product Support | | abhitherock

  • Hello, I just found that one of my companies (iFix Appliances) doesn't show on the right in search results when I search for it. I found it accidentally, I just wanted to check if it shows Request a Quote button as recently I enabled messaging on GMB. Yet it's not there at all. Could you please help me figure out what happened and why it's not there? Is something wrong with its GMB listing? I have two locations so I created 2 GMB listings for one company. Is this something that might have caused the issue?

    Local Listings | | VELV

  • As a good practice of SEO is to have your keywords in the links. I am thinking of doing some optimization and change my urls to more effective keywords. I am using shopify and there is an option (a tick) that you can check while changing the url (ex. for a category, for a product, for a blog post). This will give a redirection to the old post to the new. Is it good practice? Is it risky for losing SEO or it will help to rank higher because I will have better keywords in my links?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | |
  • This question is deleted!


  • Hi, We have a sitemap on AWS that is retrievable via a url that looks like ours  We have notified Google it exists and it found our 700k urls (we are a database of ship citations with unique urls).  However, it will not index them.  It has been weeks and nothing.  The weird part is that it did do some of them before, it said so, about 26k.  Then it said 0.  Now that I have redone the sitemap, I can't get google to look at it and I have no idea why.  This is really important to us, as we want not just general keywords to find our front page, but we also want specific ship names to show links to us in results.  Does anyone have any clues as to how to get Google's attention and index our sitemap?  Or even just crawl more of our site?  It has done 35k pages crawling, but stopped.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | shipindex

  • Our real estate website ( now requires visitors to login in if they want to search our listing database. The result is that. 9 out of 10 visitors leave without searching; they simply refuse to set up an account. I have attached images of the search bar and login form. Is there a way to increase the percentage of visitors that login? We have tried to make it as simple as possible, allowing visitors to login by Facebook, Google or by providing their email address. We do not send any verification email. We are forced to. keep this login unfortunately. But is there anything we can do to reduce the visitor bounce rate? Thanks, 
    Alan TF0tlVe i79OEg5 i79OEg5

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | Kingalan1

  • Hello Moz community! I work for a nonprofit where users are able to create their own fundraising pages on the website for supporters to directly donate. Some of them are rarely used, others get updated frequently by the host. There are likely a ton of these on our site. Moz crawl says we have ~54K pages, and when I do a "site:[url]" search on Google, 90% of the first 100 results are fundraising pages. These are not controlled by our staff members, but I'm wondering if meta noindexing these pages could have a big effect on our SEO rankings. Has anyone tried anything similar or know if this strategy could have legs for our site? My only concern is whether users wouldn't be able to find their fundraising page in our Google CSE implemented on the website. Any insight you fine folks could provide would be greatly appreciated!

    Moz Pro | | Adam_Paris

  • Hi guys, We have this new online shop with over 1000 products (very technical products), synchronised with the SAP system of the company. So basically the page URLs are generated based on the following structure: Domain Name / Language / Product Category / Subcategory-1 / Subcategory-2 / Subcategory-3 / Product Name and Model Sometimes the URLs are over 130 characters length. Would this harm the shop's ranking, so should we really fix this, or it's something that can be ignored, having in mind the technical products in the shop? I would really appreciate your advice! Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | Andreea-M

  • Hi.
    I have been creating backlinks for my website since 2 months. The backlinks are from different linking domains. The issue is that moz is not showing me all the backlinks that i have created. It is displaying only 10% of all the backlinks of my domain homepage. Is there any way to tell moz about all the backlinks i'm building?

    Link Explorer | | rajas2019

  • When will Moz crawl a campaign to determine a sites DA?

    Feature Requests | | jasongmcmahon

  • Hi mozzers, Prior to my arrival, in order to support and better serve the international locations and offering multiple language versions of the same content the company decided to restructure its URLs focused on locale urls. We went from to (US) (CAN) (CAN) (Ger) (Ger) This had implications on redirecting old URLs to new ones. All important URLs such as were
    302 redirected to and then 301 redirected to the final URL. According to the devs:  If you change the translation to the page or locale, then a 302 needs to happen so you see the same version of the page in German or French, then a 301 redirect happens from the legacy URL to the new version. If the 302 redirect was skipped, then you would only be able to one version/language of that page. 
    For instance: --> 301 redirect to  {LEGACY URL] --> 302 redirect to  --> 301 redirect to       [NEW URL] I am wondering if these 302s are hurting our link juice distribution or that is completely fine since they all end up as a 301 redirect? Thanks.

    International SEO | | Ty1986

  • If a website doesn't have a true folder structure, how much does have the page path structured like 
    /shoes/rain-boots/ actually help establish hierarchy and flow of equity?
    Since /rain-boots/ doesn't actually live in the /shoes/ folder? Will you simply have to use internal linking to get the same effect for the search engine?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SearchStan

  • I am cataloguing the pages on our website in terms of which focus keyword has been used with the page. I've noticed that some pages repeated the same keyword / term. I've heard that it's not really good practice, as it's like telling google conflicting information, as the pages with the same keywords will be competing against each other. Is this correct information? If so, is the alternative to use various long-winded keywords instead? If not, meaning it's ok to repeat the keyword on different pages, is there a maximum recommended number of times that we want to repeat the word? Still new-ish to SEO, so any help is much appreciated! V.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Vitzz

  • Hi all, I have a client that has a unique search setup. So they have Region pages (/state/city). We want these indexed and are using self-referential canonicals. They also have a search function that emulates the look of the Region pages. When you search for, say, Los Angeles, the URL changes to _/search/los+angeles  _and looks exactly like /ca/los-angeles. These search URLs can also have parameters (/search/los+angeles?age=over-2&time[]=part-time), which we obviously don't want indexed. Right now my concern is how best to ensure the /search pages don't get indexed and we don't get hit with duplicate content penalties. The options are this: Self-referential canonicals for the Region pages, and disallow everything after the second slash in /search/ (so the main search page is indexed) Self-referential canonicals for the Region pages, and write a rule that automatically canonicalizes all other search pages to /search. Potential Concern: /search/ URLs are created even with misspellings. Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | Alces

  • Hello can anyone tell me how I can implement the same tactic that RetailMeNot is using to populate coupon information in the search results? They have below there meta description 4 fields labeled:Coupon Codes‎: ‎38, Free Shipping Deals‎: ‎6, Best Discount‎: ‎20% off, & Total Offers‎: ‎49  Is there some schema markup here? Or is this only allowed for RMN I have not seen it elsewhere but want my website coupons page to compete with them in the SERPs. Appreciate your help! dQNkHrb

    Technical SEO | | Serenawong

  • How to configure correctly the Robots.txt File of the website. Need proper process to follow.Because a lot of my website URLs are excluded by google with the issues in the Robots.txt file.

    International SEO | | seobac

  • I want to know that how we are going to check that the Robots.txt File of the website is working properly. Kindly elaborate the mechanism for it please.

    International SEO | | seobac

  • I'm facing an issue with my website. Due to little to no knowledge about link building and backlink, i created backlinks without checking the quality and spam score of the sites. Now there are many sites linking to my website but the overall spam score is very high of my website and my domain is that i'm talking about. I have created a list and disavowed all he poor linking domains but still no improvement shown. Can anyone have the idea how much time moz will take to show the updated spam score as i have disavowed all the low quality spammed linking site?

    Moz Bar | | rajas2019

  • hey moz community i want to ask something i have blog on guitars.this blog is 7 months old and i created backlink on it.but today i am checking DA of my website its 7 how can i increase it

    Link Explorer | | waqazolqa

  • Hi, we have a slight issue with our website. We have been proactively doing SEO for the past year, but we have run into a slight issue. Our website is ranking for search terms everywhere except Our local area (UK) We have tried creating separate sections of our site targeted just at the UK In search console. As well as targeting the whole site as UK preferred and setting the hreflang tags to en-GB. Nothing seems to be working, any ideas? Thanks in advance!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SEODale

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