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Category: Link Building

Chat through link building best practices and outreach techniques.

  • looking to launch a new site, how mnay links can we affectively create per month? is 80 links per month ok?

    | Direct_Ram

  • Hi, I'm trying to rank for a keyword. For the last year and 4 months the rank hasn't changed much. It stays on the 3th page. Within this period the rank has first gone down and then up. Three months ago I started doing linkbuilding for the url the keyword was linked to. This is a main category page. Lately, I don't know when exactly I've discovered that the keyword is ranking for a different url, a product category of these items for 1 brand. I'm wondering if it's wise to shift my focus and start using the 'new' url for linkbuilding? The 'old' url isn't in the top 100 for the keyword. However, if you search for the url in Google, it shows up. And, if I'm advised to shift my focus to the 'new' url, is it advisable to go back and change the backlinks to the 'new' url? A question related to the above one, is there another tool like Open Site Explorer which shows you an overview of the backlinks directing to a deeplink? Like MajestickSEO. I'm trying to get the most extensive overview possible. Thanks in advance.

    | anubis2

  • We are a UK company but we would like to get listed on some USA business directories. If say we enter our company name, the first and second line of our UK business address but put a USA state and a zip code would this help us for SEO or is this classed as black hat trying to deceive Google. Thank you in advance for any help.

    | Palmbourne

  • We want to work out if it is beneficial to use links pointing back to categories (higher up in the structure) on our website product pages. For example, our Aria Dress by Jadore is found through the path: Home > Bridesmaid > Full Length Bridesmaids Dresses > Aria Dress In the product description for the Aria Dress, is it beneficial to include internal links pointing back to higher branches in the website structure .e.g. the Full Length Bridesmaids Dresses category page, the Bridesmaid category page, as well as linking back to the 'Jadore' page? Will doing this for every dress (linking back to category page), improve the SEO of these category pages? How many internal links is too many to include on any given product description? Is it more important to ensure a direct link to every single webpage so that they can be reached by Google, or to include links in both directions .i.e. from Home > Product Category > Product, as well as from Product > Product Category? Thank you.

    | CostumeD

  • Hello guys, Recently we are experiencing good rankings for our targeted keywords in mobile but in desktop the rankings are not progressing. For example, in Mobile, our main targetted keyword ranks in 7th position but in Desktop we are stuck in 11th position. In desktop the website have been stuck in 11th position for quite some time now, any suggestion will help.

    | NkZagreus

  • I always send outreach under my own name. I use either my private e-mail address or an own e-mail address from the clients domain. I just send out 10 emails and I did get 6 replays which 4 of them started about my SEO background . The response rate was great, but my SEO background isn’t in this case. How do you guys handle this situation? I have always used my own name because it feels right. It’s also handy in case I pick up the phone or visit an link prospect in person. The disadvantage is that people directly doubt my sincerity or they want to sell me a paid placement. Love to hear your take on this.

    | Bob_van_Biezen

  • In our Costume Themes category on our website,, the links direct to search pages with URLs containing the term '?search'. For example, the 'Edward Scissorhands' link directs to Will the question mark and 'search' in our URL affect the page quality and rankings? Thank you.

    | CostumeD

  • Hi Friends, My company website is a Travel related website and it is 18 years old domain. We purchased this domain in the year 2010 from a 3rd party person. That person was using the domain as a software portal like That person generated so many backlinks from software related websites like forums, gaming websites and so on. So, do I need to clean all those backlinks now because all those backlinks are from high page rank websites. Not only the above concern I have. My website is very popular in Saudi and we get lot of backlinks naturally sometimes from the irrelevant niche. So, is it necessary to clean up those backlinks also. Pls advice me on this.

    | Prabhu.Sundar

  • My company have a website about car related business. I have found around 8-10 sites that is car related which can place links to me. I am wondering whats the best way to make this most effective. I have been writing 8 different texts with maybe 200-250 words each which i plan to use on the sites that is going to link to my site. Should i use exact anchors links or should i use different anchors on every site so it looks more natural? My site today does not have much quality links to it which i believe can make problem when you get 8-10 new sites linking that is very related and have a nice content? How long time should i wait when i put a link to each site to make it less unnatural? Happy for any answer! 🙂

    | Rob-

  • I have legit links from about a dozen .EDU sites. We do training for Universities. The links never show up in webmaster tools "Links to Your Site' and considering how many we have its amazing our rankings aren't better. It's almost as if google is ignoring them. Any thoughts?

    | gundogs

  • While analyzing competition, I frequently see backlinks being the biggest factor at deciding rank for keywords, while content and keyword page grading can say great things, it always comes down to backlinks it seems. Even our DA is better or equal, Why would this be?

    | Deacyde

  • Hi mozzers, I've been doing some broken link building and it's been going quite well. I've made a high value page and asked webmasters to link to it to replace the 404s. My page was ranking on google, not well, you had to copy/paste a portion of the page for it showup. Sadly another webmaster has posted my exact post on their blog and now when you search for a portion of text, the copied page shows up on google instead of mine. He has give me the credit for it and linked to my page. Am I at risk of losing credit for my work and links as the copied page is ranking? Or will google figure it out as my page will have more links and the copied page links to me. Thanks

    | peterm2

  • where would we go identify the links that are bad is there a way to get a list of each individual link not just the site and number from the site

    | CostumeD

  • I'm new to moz and trying to go through some of the tools. I was looking at the link analysis and I had a couple questions I don't see any links from good sites that do show up in my webmaster tools - wordpress, yahoo, pinterest. Just a bunch of spammy sites that I've been trying to shake off for years now and even though we've completely redesigned the entire site they're still there. I have 21 links from my own domain. How do I fix that?

    | jamavan

  • Hello. My name is Palla Sridhar. from India. small time blogger. I have a SEO site which recently had 12 pv/day. I recently did 2 guest posts on 2 sites. On 1 site, I included link to my site's article in the content and author bio. In another I just did it in author bio. After that my traffic dropped to 4 pv/day. Is there any official guide from Moz, on how to do link-building? Is the above process of doing link-building correct? How to do it without getting our traffic affected in the long run and short run?

    | karri2025

  • A friend has been running a blog about mold (, of all things, and I'm trying to get it up to spec. There are hundreds of articles of dubious quality, potentially thousands of links to who knows where (comments haven't been monitored closely). Traffic is mostly Google organic, with less than 15% of visitors returning. Bounce rate is 80%+. As this is an ad supported website, the goal is to increase page views (more ad views). He has noticed that the more articles they post per month, the more overall views. Even though the new articles barely get traffic, it seems Google likes to see "new" content on the site, and bumps up the results for the top pages when there is a lot of activity. Given a limited budget, where do I start? What's going to be the best return on time invested?

    | MichaelGregory

  • There's 100 of blogs with posts that link to my competitors, but don't link to my site.They are mostly lists. Eg: "The best Sites to get blue widgets" I was thinking about getting in touch with these blogs, and asking them to take a look at my site, to see if perhaps they would add it to the list. In fact, I started doing it and I got some links already. Now I am starting to worry that Google could consider these links as unnatural, because, you know, the algos are not exactly perfect. Anyway, the links are important for the exposure anyway. I've two questions: 1. Is there any chance I'll be penalized? 2. May I get a SEO benefit from this links?

    | elefantes

  • I am doing some SEO work for a lawyer and I am wondering if there are good legal directories I should be using to help improve SERP's.

    | kevgrand

  • Hi Mozers, After investigating our no 1 competitor we have discovered their 87k back links comparing to ours 1k. After dipper investigations we discovered that all the back links are gained by the websites created by themselves. So what they did is - they had purchased 10+ domains and created 10+ new websites that are identical as their original .com version. EVERY SINGLE LINK on these 'new' websites link to their .com version. The 'New' websites are not indexed. Literally each of us can do the same and gain thousands of back links, but isn't it violating google's policy? What are your thought on it? (What is the best practice to report the violation of google's policy to Google?) Best regards, Lana

    | Chemometec

  • Hey guys, We currently have some blogs on one of our pages ( and we are launching a complete rebranding of our sites. We want to move the blogs from to the new parent page of (but still link it to, however I don't know what affect this will have on the ranking of the blogs. The biggest thing I'm worried about is that the domain will be completely different, and not a sub domain, but I'm not sure what impact this will have on the effectiveness of SEO on the blog. Thanks guys

    | Mysites

  • Hey, I bought my domain name not even thinking of the backlink profile advantages. However, now I have about 140 links back to my site delivering 404 errors. Some with DA only in the teens, but some more. What would you consider the right way to go about this? Should I redirect them to my homepage? Should I try to disavow them? Any thoughts are welcome.

    | Michael4g

  • I was wondering if it would it be a valid "link building' strategy to pay / work out a deal with youtube video owners, to link to our company website in the decription of a certain video they posted? ( For popular video's that are relevant to our business. ) Anyone have any thoughts on this? Thanks in advance! Steven

    | RockyMountainFlyboard

  • Hi Guy's, We have a website with no outgoing links (only Facebook). Is this a good way to score better in the SERPS? Or is it better to have some outgoing "relevant" links for a natural linkjuice? Thanks!

    | Happy-SEO

  • Hi, I was wondering if blog commenting (no-follow links with names as anchor text) is a good way to counter possible overuse of exact match do-follow backlinks?

    | anubis2

  • I am looking for a lot of insight into my gaming site We have been growing a ton on our social networks, but the site is not growing as quickly as we would like. We have a pretty decent back link portolio from being the first to break news, some unique pieces, a scholarship, etc. But I would love another set of eyes on things.What could I do to drastically improve the site? To most improve its seo?

    | Atomicx

  • Now I know that in general footer links to your site from another site are bad...this is because they are very often spammy...however I like to think that Google is pretty smart and I am of the opinion that a web design company should be able to link back to their own site. Here's why: If a visitor comes across a site that they love the design of, and they want a new website built...why shouldn't they be able to click through to the web designers site? (as long as the client is happy to link to it of course) I also feel that if there are a whole bunch of high authority/pagerank websites have been designed by a web design company and they therefore have a footer link pointing to them, it's probably a pretty good sign that they're a good web designer. Is it not? In saying this I think that the link anchor text should be branded rather than keywords. For example I usually write "Web Design by Static Shift" I'm interested to hear people's thoughts. Am I being blinded by my bias? Thoughts aside, and onto the facts...what are people's experiences with footer links for a web design company. Do they help or hinder?

    | Static_Shift

  • i create 1000+ back links for my website but page authority and domain authority is 1. How To increase ??

    | Starelse

  • Hello, We're doing a product review series based on sales data. How much should we link out? Consumersearch is the number one position with full sources for "best X product" Consumersearch has flaws it looks like. The data reads correct but the products they are promoting are not the best based on our own customer service informal interviews. Was wondering if we should include all data in the field including competitors and display our sources, or if we should just list in-house data. Any other advice for this is appreciated too. Thanks.

    | BobGW

  • If a startup has a tech blog (say, and a startup journey blog (on — think, will garnering high PA/DA links to those pages help the root domain rank for keywords related to the startup's services? For example, continuing the Groove example, will quality links to their aforementioned startup blog help them rank the homepage for Online Help Desk Software? Even when those links are from non-helpdesk content on non-helpdesk sites? My theory is that links from high DA sites won't be a bad thing — as long as they're not from spammy pages and done naturally. In some niches, where it's hard to get organic product-related links, this might be a worthwhile strategy. Am I right? Or sadly misguided...? 🙂 EDIT: BTW. The niche I have in mind is fairly uncompetitive, and it'd be easier to garner links from the startup/tech community than the niche community itself.

    | brandrsn

  • I am on head of the SEO of a national real estate website that was impacted by the Google Penguin updates on October 2014\. ... we have made some changes on site, anchors text, new pages products / listings, setting up micro data ... nothing moves. (almost 60% of natural traffic and less, based on 25 000 / month) We have a basic aggregated content (real estate ads) and a base of rich content, a little soup admittedly ... Several portals are in line with the same code, and they have not been impacted. I identified a concern that can cause these issues ... the contents of the site have been indexed impacted (configuration simplicity) on other portals, running October 2014 (almost 1000 pages duplicates) .. . the concerned website has been fixed but nothing moves ... Non-impacted sites grew little (but does not drop), the site affected is falling ... I'm at an impasse. What do you advise me to do? Is this jump config which resulted indexing over 1000 pages on other sites alone can justify this loss and this non-recovery (confidence index)? Do soup contents must be moved, corrected, collect altogether? (I tend towards the latter solution, few rank pages and glad is really light) Should there be a complete overhaul. Links between all portals exist ... he may also be affected if nothing changes?

    | laboiteimmo

  • So almost everyone here has talked about the marvel (for a small business like me, at least) that is HARO.  Recently, I was quoted in a story that was written by the Associated Press, by responding to a HARO inquiry.  (story resides on their site here in case you want to look). So looking at it with a critical mindset, is this a glorified press release at this point (the thing shows up virtually everywhere since after all, it was written by the AP). Should I be expecting any SEO help from this?

    | MarkAselstine

  • Hi Moz Members, We are heading to PubCon next month. We are a marketing agency looking to connect with providers that can help us service our clients with website development and seo. Please drop me a line at with your contact information and blurb about your company/services. Thanks! K

    | kjseo

  • Hi guys, Just wondering, what’s you take on doing international linkbuilding for an national company? In Holland there are very few websites / blogs / information platforms about certain niches. Let’s take SEO for example. There are a few marketing websites, a few SEO related websites but at an certain point my attention goes to what’s happening in America (on Moz for example). I think writing an YouMoz post is a great way to add something to the community. If that would reward an backlink, I’m all motivated to start writing! But does this help our rankings for Dutch query’s? I can see a lot of examples in which “the place to be” isn’t a Dutch website, but some big ass international forum / website etc. I would love to hear all of your opinions!

    | Bob_van_Biezen

  • Hello, We are looking for tools to be able to track new links to one of our pages. I've explored OSE, Google Search Console, ahrefs, and Majestic. I've noticed that there is a delay in which new links are found; that not all the links are reported; and that many of these tools do not provide info on which links are new (vs. old). Are there certain tools you recommend over others to track new links as they come in? Any insights or best practices on link building tracking would also be much appreciated. Many thanks!

    | CuriosityMedia

  • I have been searching for the answer to this question and to my surprise have yet to find anything on the web. This is my situation: I have a form at the bottom of one of my pages and have another website that wants to link to this page, more specifically this form.  I have an anchor link on the page to this form already.  I was planning on sending the anchor name URL to the Webmaster to link to my page so their users will go straight to my form. My question is: do I lose link juice to my URL from this link because it is an anchor name URL? Does Google see this link that goes to a specific portion of my page to be less valuable than if I just linked to the plain URL? Cheers Sean

    | Tyler123

  • Hi guys,
    As far as I can see a lot of people still are sharing links from A <-> B, my question is: is it better not to use this? Can it possibly cause a penalty? My compeditors are using it and are ranking better.


  • We have two websites that align with it each other: Site #1 - Industry editorial website that provide high quality, original and current content. This site is mature and has high authority relatively speaking. Site #2 - Industry resource website that educates general public and insiders about the industry. Content is professionally written with fantastic art and basically breaks down different manufacturing processes/materials and walks people through the benefits. Would it be a sound approach to add anchor text/link within articles on site #1 to site #2? Below are a few scenarios: Article on site #1 is talking about using [manufacturing process] to make something and site #2has a page that describes [manufacturing process] in great detail. Article on site #1 is talking about using [material] and site #2 has a page that describes **[material]**in great detail. Article on site #1 is talking why its beneficial to use a particular [material] or [manufacturing process] and site #2 has a page that describes all benefits of [material] or [manufacturing process] in great detail. Obviously, this will only be sprinkled in here and there and not in every article. It should provide users with more insight but will SE's see it that way?

    | dasickle

  • Okay - we have around 200 natural links pointing to our domain, some good, some not so good; today I've spent some time removing any bad, spammy links pointing to our business domain and we're just about there. Now I'd like to start a link building strategy. To be fair, I've assumed for the past year or so that link building is dead, unless you can get natural, really good links - which in the mobility and elderly products industry can be quite difficult. I have recently created a blog on our website - could RSS feeds be a benefit too?

    | LiamMcArthur

  • Everyone on this website says the proper way to build links is with great content. I don't get that because I am trying to build links for a classified ads website and there is no "great content" for any of the classified ads websites. None of them have blogs or any content other than the stuff people are selling. When I look at my competitors inbound links using open site explorer, they are all junk. Most of the links listed in open site explorer are dead /broken links and the ones that are not dead links are spammy, low quality links including many link exchanges. So, I don't get the "great content to build links" route because in my vertical it's not being done. Suggestions on how to build links in this situation?

    | Noob15

  • Hi There, We have recently put together a really good guide for our client as our buying persona research proved it needed one. I am stuck though in two minds at the best way to promote it for maximum visiblity and possiblly influencer linkage. Would you recommend using the pdf as lead gen where people need to enter their email address and name to download it or should I be on it's own page as a possible power page. If I do it as a lead gen how do I outreach to it. Could I send influencers a link to view it privately for review or what method have people found useful. Just after general guidance really. Cheers as always.

    | nezona

  • If I understood correctly MozTrust measure the trust of a website, so getting a backlink from a website with a high MozTrust is generally better than getting a backlink from a website with a lower MozTrust, correct? I also saw a loose correlation between MozTrust and Majestic TrustFlow; in general if I take a list of websites and I order them by MozTrust or TrustFlow I get a somehow similar list, even if there's jumps here and there and the positions are not always the same. This reinforce my belief is better to have backlinks from website with high MozTrust (and high TrustFlow). I also understood Domain Authority is, instead, a measure of the potential ranking of a website. So, the two are measuring things which are different, MozTrust is telling you how good it is to get a link from a certain website, DA is telling you how much probable it is to rank well for that website. While hunting for backlinks and trying to figure out what is the best place to get one, I also use a third metric, the number of TOP20 positions for the website. I am doing this on a pure empirical basis, because in my little experience I saw much better results with backlinks when the the linking domain had a lot of positions in TOP20. If I got everything correctly, I would expect a correlation between all these factors. If a website has a high DA I would expect it to rank well and have a lot of TOP20 positions, also backlinks from that website should be worth something. But then... I have found a bunch of websites with a high DA, like 40/50/60, with incredibly small amount of TOP20 positions, like 5 or 10 or 50, and with a respectable MozTrust. And also I saw excellent results with backlinks from websites with 50k TOP20 position and a low DA and a low MozTrust and negligible results with backlinks from websites with a high DA/MozTrust but little or none TOP20 positions. What is your experience? As anyone an explanation of why DA/MozTrust/TrustFlow doesn't match with the count of SERP top postions? Am I getting too geeky?

    | max.favilli

  • Hi, Please can someone remind me how links in display ads are perceived by G ? A client of mine has purchased a display campaign with an industry related on-line publication that has lead to a massive spike in reported back links in Google Search Console (the new GWT).  Does Google automatically identify these as ads (due to tracker codes etc) rather than paid backlinks or should they, like links in press releases, be no-followed or other advice ? Cheers Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Sorry for the newb question. If you get a back-link from a blogger on wordpress will you get any of the 'link juice' from the platform. i.e) from the Wordpress site.  I'm talking about bloggers whose URL's would be I imagine not, but it would be good to know for sure. Isaac.

    | isaac663

  • When executed correctly, earning links from high authority sites that are relevant to my website's industry are still valuable correct?  So I want to know what is more valuable to my site and influencing the ranking of my site?  Is it better to gain links that have a high page authority or domain authority?  What is more valuable to my site and influencing its ranking?

    | PartyStore

  • Our yearly renewal for the Yahoo Directory is coming up. Has anyone cancelled their renewal, and if so, did you see a drop in SEO? Not sure whether to renew this or not. Thank you for any insight.

    | christopherinc

  • Hi all! What do you advise us to do to gain DA naturaly for  The new shop is build on while the old shop was the second one has DA of 20 while our new shop is on 13 at the moment. All help is very welcome! Thanx in advance!

    | Tymen

  • Hello, I have a two larger established websites that achieve over 1000 unique views a day.  The sites have done well but we have always had problem with SEO.  The vast majority of traffic is from our social media accounts -- we rank low on the SERP - below competitive pages that have less updates and much lower traffic. When I set the sites up I misunderstood a number of key issues but with over 4500 posts and 600 pages it has takes a huge amount of time to change things. I have now realised another issue -- we did not use Anchor Text to link to provide internal links to our keywords on our site.   We are now adding them. My question is two fold: How many internal links should we add?  From what I read on Moz - 5 to 6 internal links should be the right number.  Comments? 2)  We have numerous posts ie over 4000 that go back over 4 years. Should I change them all at once or will this flag a spam issue with Google?  Believe me after years of problems I do not want another set back. Suggestions and advice would be welcome. Thanks

    | Romana

  • I made the horrible mistake of using GoDaddy website builder and just found out that I have 3 homepages with a 302 temporary redirect on one of them.  GoDaddy says I have only one homepage and no redirects which is not true as far as both Google Webmaster and Mozpro are concerned.  I am not able to change anything structurally on the Godaddy site.  Is there an economical alternative to having a website built that I can work with myself (with little knowledge) and that I can do some link building that will be effective. Thank you, I will refrain from commenting on GoDaddy Scott

    | ScottR.

  • Hi, As link wheels, link pyramids and paid links are penalized by google and the only chance to get back links is to earn them. My Question is that with a new website / blog, how a newbie with no relationships with established bloggers, can earn links? Because writing quality contents and detailed posts (e.g. more than 3000 words posts twice a month) still would benefits for those blogs having already traffic to share these contents and in case of new blog, due to very low traffic, it would take months or years to enter in the game. Please propose step by step strategy / plan / footprint for newly born website and marketers. Thanks

    | Kashif-Amin

  • Hi I'm new to SEO and trying to optimize one of my pages. However this page that I'm trying to optimize is not the homepage. Does it mean that since I have collected links from other pages to my homepage that the specific page I'm trying to SEO doesn't get any "link juice"? And how could this situation be corrected? Is the only way to get direct links to the page I'm trying to optimize?

    | agentti

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