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  • Hello, here is our story. Our niche is mental health (psychology, psychotherapy e.t.c). Our portal has thousand of genuine articles, news section about mental health, researches, job findings for specialists, a specialized bookstore only with psychology books,  the best forum in country, we thousands of active members and selfhelp topics etc. In our country (non english), our portal has been established in 2003. Since then, for more than 15 years, we were no 1 in our country, meaning that we had the best brand name, hundreds of external authors writing unique content for our portal and hundreds of no1 keywords in google search results. Actually, we had according to webmaster tools, more than 1.000 keywords, in 1 and 2 position.  (we were ranking no1 in all the best keywords). Before  2 years, we purchased the best domain in our niche.  I ll use the below example (of course, domains are not the real ones):
    We had: and now we have:
    We did the appropriate redirects but from day one, we had around 20-30% drop in search engines. After 6 months -which is something that google officialy mentions, we lost all "credits from the old domain.. .and at that point, we had another 20-30% drop in search results. Further more, in any google core update, we were keep dropping. Especially in last May (coronovirus update), we had another huge drop. We do follow seo guides, we have a dedicated server, good load speed, well structured data, amp, a great presence in social media, with more than 130.000 followers, etc. According to our investigation, we came to one only conclusion: that our forum, kills our seo (of course, noone in our team can guarantee that this is the actual reason of the uge drop in may-in coronovirus google core update). We believe that the forum kills our seo, because it produces low quality posts by members. For example, psychopharmacology in a very active sections and we believe, google is very "sensitive" in these kind of posts and information. So here is the question: although the forum is very very active, with thousands of new topics and posts every month, we are thinking of moving it to a subdomain, from the subfolder that now is.
    This will help our domain authority to increase from 38 that is stuck 2 years now, to larger scales. We believe that althougth this forum gave a great boost to the portal, in the past 10-15 years, it somehow makes a negative impact now. If I could give more spesific details, I d say this: in all seo tools we run, the best kewwords bringing visitors to us, arent anymore, psychology and psychotherapy and mental health and this kind of top-keywords, but are mostly the ones from the forum, like: I want to proceed with a suicide, I m taking efexor or xanax and they have side effects, why i gain wieght with the antidepressants I get etc. 1. Moving our forum to subdomain, will be some kind of pain, since it is a large community, with thousands of backlinks that we somehow must handle in a proper way, also with a mobile application, things that will have to change and probably have some kind of negative impact. Would that be according to your knowledge a correct move and our E-A-T will benefit for google, or since  google will know that the subdomain is still part of the same website/portal, it will handle it somehow, the same way as it does now? I have read hundreds of articles about forum in subdomains or in subfolders, but none of them covers a case stydy like ours, since most articles are talking about new forums and what is the best way to handle them and where is the best place to create them (in subfolder of subdomain) when from scratch. Looking forward to your answers.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | dodoni

  • Hi, I have a problem or maybe it's usual that I'm creating quality backlinks for my site Best Travel Purse but its DA is not increasing, as usual, it does for other sites, what should I do that my site's DA would increase?

    Link Building | | gettravelpurse

  • hello I do white hat SEO on my site and I Don't do any spamy job on my site but my spam score is 1%. 
    please look at my site and tell me what can I do to decrease it to 0. this is my site.

    Technical SEO | | zacharrivers

  • Hi everyone, On our corporate website we have a blog where we publish articles which are directly related to our company (house heating systems and gas cylinders) and some articles which are completely irrelevant to our core business, but which might be of interest to our potential clients. Recently I've been told that it is not a good idea to include these not directly related posts to our core business, because Google might be somewhat confused at to what our core business is all about. I was advised to research this topic and think of completely removing blog posts that are irrelevant to our core business from our blog. By removing I mean completely removing pages and setting a 410 status to tell Google that it is not a 404 error but that these pages were intentionally removed. I would like to hear some independent advice from Moz community as to what I should do? Thank you very much in advance.

    Content Development | | Intergaz

  • Is it good to use disavow tool and get rid of old URLs i.e. links for pages and posts which we have deleted from our website and added 301 on them?

    On-Page Optimization | | Ravi_Rana

  • When trying to build backlinks, of course some sites are much harder to get links on than others. I am trying to figure out which sites my time and effort is best spent trying to get a link on. I may view a site as important and high quality but Google may not. Which tools and metrics within MOZ should I look at to determine if a site is worth the effort to get a backlink from? I'm sure "Domain Authority" is a factor. Which number makes it definitely worth pursuing?
    Does inbound links and spam score count for anything? Which metric is best to look at to figure out the most powerful backlink I can get?

    Link Building | | Bperry129

  • I have a major, popular and well-established website in my niche (lil peep merch) ( in my country, known as the largest, or one of the largest. But even with 12 years and loads of quality content, my website ranks WAAY worse than unknown ones, most of the time not even showing up on the searches at all, or ranking like page 7 in Google, while my rival, who does the same thing I do (and sometimes worse than what I do, like just publishing news when I publish news, and information, in-depth articles) ranks page 1 in Goo. I use Yoast SEO, try to do everything I can (but I'm no developer and have no access to my site codes), but my only good result is for one specific keyword.

    Branding | | FitBoyAwesome

  • Working with a new client. They have what I would describe as two virtual websites.  Same domain but different coding, navigation and structure. Old virtual website pages fail mobile friendly, they were not designed to be responsive ( there really is no way to fix them) but they are ranking and getting traffic. New virtual website pages pass mobile friendly but are not SEO optimized yet and are not ranking and not getting organic traffic. My understanding is NOT mobile friendly is a "site" designation and although the offending pages are listed it is not a "page" designation.  Is this correct? If my understanding is true what would be the best way to hold onto the rankings and traffic generated by old virtual website pages and resolve the "NOT mobile friendly" problem until the new virtual website pages have surpassed the old pages in ranking and traffic? A proposal was made to redirect any mobile traffic on the old virtual website pages to mobile friendly pages.  What will happen to SEO if this is done? The pages would pass mobile friendly because they would go to mobile friendly pages, I assume, but what about link equity?  Would they see a drop in traffic ? Any thoughts? Thanks, Toni

    Technical SEO | | Toni7

  • We're translating our website in a few languages (FR / DE / JP) using subdirectories. So our website will have the following urls I would like to change the url structure of a few pages from to Is it a good idea to do this now since we're adding the subfolders and these are anyway new urls in google's eyes?

    On-Page Optimization | | dcalexandra

  • Can anyone please explain the real difference between backlinks, 301 links, and redirect links?which one is better to rank a website? i am looking for the help for one of my website  lottery

    Link Building | | murataft

  • Hi guys, So we're currently in the process of removing some of the less useful and more suspect links from our profile, and used the Google disavow tool to do so. We uploaded the .txt file to the search console on 7th July this year, 2 months ago now, and according to our most recent site crawl, the suspect links are still showing up on our link profile. Do we have any idea how long this is roughly supposed to take? The ideas I've found online are conflicting - anything from 3-4 weeks to 6-9 months. Which is it? Is there any way of fast-tracking this process? Thanks!

    Link Building | | rawdog

  • I have two stores ( and and over the past month the keyword rank for the US store had dropped by half, while the UK store is relatively the same. The content is mostly the same, except the US site uses US spelling. I assumed that this would not be flagged as duplicate content because it is the same site, just serving two locations. I'd be interested to hear some thoughts on the reason for this drop and how I might fix it.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | moon-boots

  • I'm reviewing my site crawl data and am seeing some very strange things such as: The homepage URL has a listed crawl depth of 2. Pages that are featured in the main site navigation (which is present on all pages, including homepage) are ranking at a crawl depth of 3. What am I missing here? Shouldn't my homepage have a crawl depth of 0 or 1? Why would pages linked directly from my homepage have a crawl depth other than 1? (Single click from homepage to that page)? Thank you!

    Link Explorer | | LianaLewis

  • Hello, We are a locally driven business with two locations. Currently, each location has its own local site and are linked to from our central domain (3 domains total). We are discussing whether we should integrate the local sites into location pages on our core domain. However, we would also prefer to keep the ‘local’ domains live. Is this a viable strategy and what would we need to do to ensure the local sites won’t cannibalize our efforts with the main domain? Also, should we remove the contact information on those local sites to avoid NAP issues? The other option would be to build out the local domains but that could raise concerns over budget and potentially expanding into the future. And we would like the main domain to take presendence. A few additional notes on this: Each location has its own brand name and contact information. Traffic across all 3 sites is about the same. We are also considering using silos with sub-folders to build out local service pages. We understand how to set up location pages but are asking more in terms of overall strategy and ideal way to position all 3 sites. Any help or insight would be very appreciated. Thank you in advance.

    Local Website Optimization | | Ben-R

  • I have images with text at the top of every page on my site. But no H1 or H tags at all.  I would like the text on the image to be my H1 text. But I don't want to be repetitive. What should I do?

    On-Page Optimization | | Calligraphy

  • UPDATE: We’ve made the tough decision to delay the launch of Page Authority 2.0 as our team investigates an unforeseen issue. **To learn more about the rigorous testing process and updates to the timeline, **check out this blog post. Hey there Moz family, We’re stoked to let you know about an upcoming change to a beloved metric — similar to our refresh of the Domain Authority algorithm last year, we’ve been working on developing an improvement to its sibling metric, Page Authority (also known as “PA”). Page Authority (PA) identifies the strength of a particular page (on a 1-100 scale) and its ability to rank in search results in comparison to other pages. PA is a Moz metric, and while it can be used as a good gauge of page strength and ranking potential, it is not used by search engines to determine ranking outcome. On September 30, 2020, we will release the new and improved Page Authority algorithm that will be updated in a similar fashion to last year’s update to DA. The updated algorithm will take into account more modern ranking factors to make the score even more accurate and predictive. We recognize that the update to the DA algorithm took time to communicate to clients and stakeholders, and we wanted to be sure to give you advance notice again this time around. We’ve created a number of resources to help you understand the what, the why, and the how of this update to PA. Let’s start with a few FAQs that you might be curious about! Why didn’t PA update when DA updated? Although many folks associate DA and PA with one another, the two metrics are calculated independently. We chose to update the two metrics separately in order to take the care that each metric deserved, and to provide the highest quality algorithm updates for the SEO community. Why is Moz changing the PA algorithm? As with our update to the DA algorithm, we want to ensure that you have confidence in our metrics and the predictions that they provide. Data integrity is an integral part of our tools and something that we hold in the highest regard. To be sure that PA can best reflect the potential for a page to rank on the SERP, we’re making the necessary improvements. What can I expect to see from the PA algorithm update? Many pages will see changes to their PA scores as a result of this algorithm update. While the changes to scores may be somewhat minimal, there is a possibility that some pages will see material change to their scores. The new PA algorithm takes into consideration Spam Score and link patterns, in addition to dozens of other factors, so your PA scores may see noticeable change if your pages have spammy or unnatural link patterns. How can I prepare for the update? As with any change to a metric that you know and love, we recommend getting in touch with your stakeholders to let them know of the upcoming update. For those who are used to seeing this metric in your SEO reports, giving them a heads-up will help them to prepare for any fluctuations they might see to PA scores once the new PA algorithm rolls out. We also recommend using this update as an opportunity to educate them on the use of Page Authority and how you might use this refreshed metric for future link building projects. Our resource center has a few helpful pieces of collateral that can support these conversations with stakeholders and clients. Is Page Authority an absolute score or a relative one? Page Authority should always be used as a relative metric, to compare the score of your pages to the scores of other sites’ pages. Link Explorer looks at over 7 trillion pages and 40 trillion links to inform the Page Authority metric that you see. As such, it is always a wise idea to use PA as a comparative score to understand where your page stacks up in comparison to the other pages that are present on the SERPs you care about. Will Domain Authority (DA) be impacted by this update? No, DA will not be affected by this update. This particular algorithm update is specific to Page Authority only. Will API users be affected at the same time? Yes, API users will see the update to Page Authority at the same time as users of Moz Pro. We’d love for you to check out our resource page for links to a slide deck, a whitepaper, and other helpful information. The full announcement blog post from Russ Jones can be found here. Happy to chat with you here in the Q&A thread, or feel free to send an email to with any questions. Best, Igor

    API | | IgorJesovnik

  • This is my site which im welling ti increase Moz rank give some recommendations?

    Algorithm Updates | | TopGames101

  • Hey Moz Team I'm facing issues while using the Moz account. I have a premium account but not working when I analyze the website its show error.

    Product Support | | achkhasa

  • "Suggest an edit" on Google Maps works occasionally and so does Google's Redressal Form. Sending a DM to @GoogleMyBiz on Twitter does too. But it seems like the vast majority of spammy businesses that I report, go unnoticed by Google. I'd really appreciate hearing from some other SEOs on how they remove crap from the map, with better results. Thanks.

    Local Listings | | Jason_Taylor

  • hello hope all of you are fine the da of my affiliate gaming website is got increase very quickly i mean 2 week ago it was only 1 da but now suddenly it reached 10 DA is it safe or not also there is 0% spam score that mean i am safe?

    Link Building | | okseo42

  • algorithm update local seo

    Hi there - I was wondering if anyone else has noticed a big shift in the Google Local 'snack pack' in the past 48 hours? We have noticed a big change in clients results - specifically today. Has anyone else noticed any changes or perhaps data on possible changes? I am aware of this update: but perhaps there maybe another update since. Any input would be much appreciated! Phil.

    Algorithm Updates | | Globalgraphics

  • Hi, I would like to add 1st party reviews to a website that promotes a software application using schema code to display ratings in search results. I have not been able to find any examples of software app schema being on a single page. Wondering how others have applied this and displayed on the website.  Thanks.

    Reviews and Ratings | | SaddleOak

  • Starting yesterday, Aug 26, 2020, I noticed a new bot crawling our site with user agent whatstuffwherebot. Google Analytics is counting these hits as human traffic, completely throwing off my numbers - yesterday, Analytics reported nearly triple my typical number of visitors. As of now, Search Console only shows data through Aug 25 so I don't know if Search Console is also affected. Is anybody else seeing something similar? Does anybody know what the whatstuffwherebot bot is? I don't get any results when I search on Google or Bing. For what it's worth, the traffic is coming from Columbus, OH, running over Amazon AWS via 278 different IP addresses so far. Also, WordFence (my WordPress security plugin) correctly identifies these hits as bot traffic.

    Reporting & Analytics | | ahirai

  • Dear experts, We have suddenly lost all our positions on our keywords, I’m talking for example from position 2 to 35 in one huge drop ☹ . Even when you search for our name and domain name namely “KV16”, the main page does NOT come up. (We do however still get the local business / map result on the right side!) I have looked in google search console, but nothing to see here – no penalty. However, I need to mention, that we just now, after the issue, setup the google search console – so maybe that is why there is no information about a penalty!? (If the problem is a penalty, btw we have not been doing any link building!) One year ago, we made a permanent redirect from our old site,, because we moved our coworking office, to a new location, and needed a new name – (because the old name is referring to a location, hence no longer made sense.) This worked flawlessly, and we got all the link juice, and the new site ranked just as good as the old one. Aprox four months ago, we made some changes to the site, where we amongst other things, changed the title description on the frontpage, focusing more on another keyword – and doing this we unknowingly change the permalink to the frontpage (in WordPress). I have read that this can do some real damage, however its so long ago, that it seems unlikely to be the cause!? Please help!? Thanks a million, in advance. Cheers, Christian pJp4Uyx

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Christian_T

  • hi reader, 3 weeks ago i changed international targeting setting in search console to USA and 3 weeks. ago i was ranking pretty fine in the US. now i am out of top 100. is it search console or other reason?

    International SEO | | maria-cooper9

  • Our website is We rank relatively well for our main keywords but I am always looking to rank better. The 100 links question has been discussed to no end but I believe our website provides a great example of why a small business might have more than 100 links and IF  we need to drop below that. User Experience vs Rules I think it is fair to say that if customers cannot find what they are looking for, it does not matter how well you rank. Our menu is designed to get people to the page they want to be on in a single click. So What Now? Do we remove items from the menu and only link to categories adding an extra click or two to the customers UI or do we leave well enough alone

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | GFLLCCO

  • According to the MOZ API documentation, I am able to update multiple Locations in a batch in order to create or update their location data, currently 130 locations. I have successfully created a batch and the API returned the $id, as I expected. Yet, it doesn't make clear how the multiple locations I want to update are supposed to be sent back to the API. I was expecting an upload of a CSV file or JSON data, and not Query Parameter as noted in the docs. When including a JSON file, properly formatted, as a binary upload, the response is still expecting a locations parameter. See error here: {     "status":"MISSING_PARAMETER",     "message":"locations missing. ",     "response": {          "locations":"MISSING_PARAMETER"                                }     }

    API | |

  • I am analyzing the keywords of a competitors, but only a bunch will be relevant for me, how can I manually select those I want to export?

    Link Explorer | | Anagg

  • Recently I have interacted with Google's new Feature Snippet Functionality. Please refer to the link shared. I'am looking for the way to optimize  my website for the same? If anyone has any clue then please help me with this. search?q=family+health+insurance&rlz=1C1CHBD_enIN893IN893&oq=family+health+insurance&aqs=chrome.0.35i39l2j0l3j69i60l3.4692j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

    On-Page Optimization | | adlift

  • hi, On ahrefs it's showing me that my web Fit Food has 1.2k backlinks and 140 referring domain. while on Moz it's totally different stats which making me confuse to understand. So is Domain rating is different than Domain Authority?

    Link Explorer | | SophiaRPereira

  • Hello, my welding helmets website Helmet Adviser is about reviews and is causing me confusion. When I check my site keywords in Moz it shows lesser keywords and when I check in ahrefs it shows more.  Same is for backlinks. But Moz keywords research is very authentic and i want to rely on it for keywords and backlinks too. Please elaborate for me why is there diff between Moz and ahref, so I can better utilize Moz by understanding what is going on in the background.

    Link Explorer | | ericcampbell1

  • Hi, We know that social signals are usually referred to as a webpage's collective likes, comments or shares. But what about the Facebook messages generated from the messenger plugin on a web page? Especially on a business page, if one business page receives hundreds of Facebook messages through a landing page or blog page, does that count as social shares? And how effective is social signals are for a website in 2020? Although social engagement is always good for any website, my question is, how logical is it to purchase "social signal gigs" from konker or Fiverr or other gig markets? We run a social media marketing company in Australia, our website: and we get a lot of messages every day through the messenger add on from our home page. Will that make any difference whatsoever? Looking forward to hearing from you. I appreciate any help you can provide.

    Social Media | | DV4sd455

  • can irrelevant nofollow links hurt site rankings? our website is about selling perfumes ...

    Link Building | | hiseo77

  • hi reader, i have decided to add new pages to my site. if i add new urls, i feel like i have to submit the sitemap again. my  question is, does submitting sitemap again with new slugs or urls affects visibility is serps, if yes, how do i minimize the impact?

    Web Design | | SIMON-CULL

  • I am trying to run a site crawl for my website and MOZ is only resulting in 1 page crawled with the home page URL Status Code of 301. However when I run it in it is giving me a 403 status error. Im curious as to why MOZ is saying its a 301 and is saying 403.    Is there anything I can do in MOZ first to get the site crawled before asking my developers to look into the 403 error?

    Moz Bar | | JohnConover
  • Solved

    Hi I forgot to cancellation my  subscription before the trail expired. We are currently at a very nascent stage and do not require the product and can't afford it as well. During such trying times ( COVID, when the business is not doing well at all) we would really appreciate if you can refund the money and help us. Kindly consider.  We missed the date by one day. We will be really grateful. Regards, Prachi Joshi

    Product Support | | Prachijo
  • This question is deleted!


  • As per Google webmaster my LCP score is low. Please suggest how to improve it. My website URL is

    Technical SEO | | wstodayservices

  • We recently found our site had 65,000 tags (yes 65K). In an effort to consolidate these we've started deleting them. MOZ is now reporting a heap of 404 errors for tag pages. These tag pages should not have links to them so not sure how come they're being crawled. Any suggestions from experience in this area would be useful.

    Technical SEO | | wearehappymedia

  • Hi, I have tons of incoming links to target pages on my website that do not exist. If you follow the link you get a 404 error. The anchor text is always a "spammy" non related text. Does anyone know what is happening and how to get rid or block these links? Thanks, Dirk

    Link Explorer | | FoodJEt

  • Hello, after reading various articles and watching several videos I'm still not sure how to handle faceted navigation (sorting/filtering) and pagination on my ecommerce site. Current indexation status: The number of "real" pages (from my sitemap) - 2.000 pages Google Search Console (Valid) - 8.000 pages Google Search Console (Excluded) - 44.000 pages Additional info: Vast majority of those 50k additional pages (44 + 8 - 2) are pages created by sorting, filtering and pagination. Example of how the URL changes while applying filters/sorting: --> Every additional page is canonicalized properly, yet as you can see 6k is still indexed. When I enter in Google it returns at least several results (in most of the cases the main page is on the 1st position). In Google Analytics I can see than ~1.5% of Google traffic comes to the sorted/filtered pages. The number of pages indexed daily (from GSC stats) - 3.000 And so I have a few questions: Is it ok to have those additional pages indexed or will the "real" pages rank higher if those additional would not be indexed? If it's better not to have them indexed should I add "noindex" to sorting/filtering links or add eg. Disallow: /default/ in robots.txt? Or perhaps add "noindex, nofollow" to the links? Google would have then 50k pages less to crawl but perhaps it'd somehow impact my rankings in a negative way? As sorting/filtering is not based on URL parameters I can't add it in GSC. Is there another way of doing that for this filtering/sorting url structure? Thanks in advance, Andrew

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | thpchlk

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